Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-10, Page 1SI to JAN. '10
subscribe for the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or else
take advantage of our
Low Club Rates
In Newest Type s
On Best t l'eper's
The Finet•t Work
And Right ('rices
The Advocate Office, Exeter
The Old Reliable
We are offering big inducements for the next two weeks !
Vei v Special Line of Flannellette
in stripe, light and dark colors, full
yard wide. 11 yards for $1.00
Extra English Flannellette-
0 yards for $1.00
Stripe Cottondea (Al Quality)-
Z3c per yard
Apron Gingham, regular price 15c
-now 121c per yd.
Flannel, in fancy check, suitable
for Me�pl.i Shirts and Children's Un-
derwtllkr, regular 35c and 45c -
Clearing for 20c
Odd Ends of Flannellette and Flan-
nel Sheeting -240 yards at your own
19 Men's Suits in Tweed patterns,
regular $10.00, $8.50, $7.00 -
To Clear $5.00
11 Men's Suite, Black and Blue
Worsteds Serge, regular $12.50,
$11.00 and $10.00 - To Clear $8.25
13 Men's Black Suits, regular $8.50
and $7.50. - To Clear $5.00
I8 Youths' Suits, in Tweed Pat-
terns, regular price $1.00 to $7.00 -
To Clear $3.00
11 Boys Do, regular $3.00 to $6.00
-To Clear $1.50
17 Boys' Suits, 3 -piece, suitable for
boys from 3 to 7 years, regular price
$2.50-$3.75 - To Clear $1.50
These ,... •es ate real and goods you need every day -
and Bargains you don't get every Day
ber of Men's Heavy Freize
Overcoats, regular price $0.00 to
To Clear 53.00
— Outside of this sale —
We Have A Splendid Assortment of Xmas Goods!
We pay as high as any of our Neighbors for Produce.
'''''PHONE zap.
We have a large
assorted stock of
Nice Xmas Gifts
For Ladies and Girls, in
Nice Fancy Silk 11'k's, from 5c to 50c
Lovely Back Combs, from IOc to $3.00
Fancy Belts, Swell Collars, from 25c to $1.00
Neck Laces. Beads, Lace Ties, Cushion Covers.
Table Drapes, Band Bags, Gloves in all colors,
Nice Fur Ruiners, frotn $2.00 to $:3.00,
Muffs, frotn $11.00 to $18.00
Nice Boxes of Frilling, only 25c
Fancy Slippers, at Low Price.
Two Fur -Lined Coats Left, $50 and $65—Beauties.
And lots of other nice things for Xmas.
For Men and Boys
Fancy Braces, Fancy Ties, Mufflers, Gloves. ('aps in Fur and Clotn, Cuff
Links, Han'k's, Slippers, Boots and Some Nice Suits at Bargain Prices.
Conic in and seo what we have to show you.
Our Cr oceries are the best we can buy 111
rrefrNl.rael Carts.
Da. 0. i. ROUTATON, L D. 8., D. D. il.
Wmber of the R. O. D. 8. of Ontario and donor
Graduate of Toronto University.
07710R: Over Dickson a Cutting's Law Oftke, to i
De. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
ahDR. A. R. KINSMAN, 1. D. 8., D. 0. 8.•
Ifonor graduate of Toronto Unlverlsty.
teeth extracted without any pain, or any had effects
Once over (ilaitnan R Stanhur)'. once, Main street
Iles resumed practice after spending a year (Col.
legs) Rritteh and Continental Hospitals. Oeneral
pract� with special attention to Rye, (with ram.
tan) Nose and Throat.
Otlire: Dashwood, Ont.
1�]] R BRIGHT, M. D., M. C. P. & S.. HONOR
Elf; Orsduste of Toronto University, two jean
resident physician Royal Alexandra Hospital, etc.
office and Residence, Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew
Street, EXETER.
cors, Notaries, l'ontryaw-erg, Commissioner,
Solicitor, for Holton. Itar.k, et...
Holley to Lose at lows.( rate! of Interest.
Odl.-es, Blain street, Exeter,
1. R. Oriente, R.A., L fl. Dtcteo1
We have • large amount of private funds to 1010
• farm and village properties at kw rates of inter
Barristers, Bolkiton•Main at.. Enter Oa
B. S. iljllff.l.ii'9, Exirrin.
Llceatt•d Auctlose•r.
Sale. attended In all parts. astl.ts •tics guaran•
WW1 Of no pay. Term. reseena'•IP. All orders jell
at Advocate splice wilt to promptly attended to.
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Royal Ineerp.ersted Melety of
Ifordetans, Rnsiand; Orrranlst of Trivia Memorial
Ghorch,Exeter. Piano. Orgtn. harmony and Theory
of 11cud,. Terms on sppltcatron Exeter. Ont.
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Oontp:tlty. nlso Fir.• lnsinanre in lead-
ing ('anadian and British ('ompenres.
Main St., i•:xe.ter.
11011SE FOlt SALE
A baY driving mare tor sale -In teal.
Apply at this office.
Suoce•sor to Da. R
Special Attention to Dentistry.
Night calls left at the home of Mr. Peter Bas den
Main street, (opp. Truitt Memorial Church), will be
promptly attender to.
Or11ee- Dr. Itamsac's old stand, corner of Main and
North streets, (opp. 1'ym's Blacksmith "hop).
Tour patronage solicited.
House and Lot for Sale
There has been pieced in the undersignedb hands
for sale, a brick house, nearly new, lt. storeys high
containing y rooms besides summer kftehen en.i
woodshed, a goo.( cellar underneath the house, a
go.x1 well of water near door, also good drive house
and stable on the lot. The lot contains 3-6 a•ras of
land in goril state nl outticatton en which are a
gond number of fin( • las fruit hearing trees. The
property 1a well fenced and eserything in fleet claw
shape. This le a very desirable property, nieely aft•
listed, imitable for retired farmer, or any person
wanting s nice tidy home. Sat Oda. tory reawn giv
en for selling and will be sold for far lea than cost.
For terms and particulars apph to
It. a. P7717,1.IPS. Auctioneer,
Exeter, Ont.
Tax Notice
111111.e at the 'TOWN BALI, ea. h F►ldav and
on Dee. 1?. 11 sn•l 1'. from '• a n fel p m , for the
collectlon of taxes.
W. J. RISSETT, Collector
Representative Wanted 1
We immediately require the services of • man
of geo,1 addre.s sod ahilit) for F.ceter and adjoining
district. A permanent position for the right man.
Write for rrrtirulare.-8TONE ,t WEi.I.INGTON,
Toronto. Ont.
60 Acre Farm for Sale
The undeeittnM 1s otterinr (hit desiralde N, erre
faro,, being part of Lot :•, eon. I. Stephen. There
is on the premises s good brick house, 2 tarns, ( I
tsnh)driting.ha1 and other tuildings. orchard, 2
good wells, shout 5 acres maple bush, 9 acre* fall
wheat sown and fall ploughing done. Pevwaslon
elven Jannarj 1st. Will be sold very che.p and nn
easy terms. for particulars apply to
F, W. BAKER, Crediton Eat.
Good general •crvar,t wanted to go to
Sarnia. Appy to Mrs. D. Johns. Exeter.
Mr. and Mr.. Jahez Short of West -
minister visited at theIntter's brother.
J. V. Milleon en Friday.-- The Misses
Andrews of Granton me visiting their
mint, Nr.. John Ilodgeon.- Rev. Nur.
gess will yreaeh here (text Sunday.
11. Miff -on and L. Hodgsnn will sing.
The %V. Nt. S. will held their month•
Iv- meeting on Thu:relay :aftrrnn„n at
�lr.. ,1r•hn (torte,--Sortd:ec School an.
nu.11 n:, . ing will be held Fti.i:ty even-
Exeter School Report.
For the mot.1 of November
11. S. Lt4arlutent
Forst 111. -honors. -Katie Collins 82
Eddie Willis 7A, Lulu Martin 78, Tont
Sanders 76. Paas -Alva Mahoti 78.
Beattie Martin 71, John Oesti-etch-r 70
Katheen Stewart 7.). LUlian Snell 69.
Loney Heywood 69 Alma McPherson 65
Ida Rowe 03, Ida Marchand 65. Lilian
Ilodgert 04, Eddie Jones 62, Anna Dow
61. Willie 01, B, .,c ',landlord 01. Earl
Copeland 6u, No. on roll 29 ; average 27
\Vin. P. \Veidenteent her, Principal
F'otnt It.-llonura.-Willie Mo;iteith 84
Torn Peuhale 76. Pans. -Gladys Kestle
71, Ethel Caae 7u, Coarloy Dunsford 68,
Loftus lion 68, Arthur Coleman 67,
1Iatry Trlebner 67, Victor Sweet 66.
Harry Carling 6(1, Hubert Jones 63, Ros-
well Dougall 62, Jean Grassick 62,
Gladys Ford 62. No. on roll 21 ; dally
average 20.
S. L. Gregory, Teacher.
Forth I and Commercial. -Commercial
1. -honors -G. Bissett 81, O. Wood 76,
Paas. -F. Deaver 73, E. Wood 08. Com-
mercial II. -Honors -1I rope 83, le iiurt-
ter 83, Paso, -L. Handford 7•). Com -
mete lot 111.-Paes.-13. Doyle 72, F.
Handford 63. Norm 1 -honors.- G.
Hooper 81, C. Copeland 80, W. Sillery
80. W. Welantiller 79, C.' Wood 76.
Paas. -W. Stewart 74, A. Bt'aeett 74,
I. Elaton '4, 1I. tiwcet 72, It. Dearing
72, 11, Fuke 71, L. :Matt) 49, L. M.
7' rayr:•c eG, 1kn El,g ra 0. 6y, llarbett
hat,lon 60. No. on roll 14; Csmn,er-
c iat '2, 1'otr.a 1., 38 ; dale avenge 12.
.\ M. Johnston, L -5du r
P. S. Department
Itocnt 4. -Sr. 4t11. -Honore. -Reginald
(Monett 80. Clarence Heywood 84, Ethel
Brtckwood PO. Paas. -Preston Dearing
n,. David Hall, 66, Macbeil Barrows
a.-,, Mary Davis 63, May Jewell 63. .1r.
41h.-Honors.-Ituby \v trod 94, Madel-
eine Carling 88, Lulu Snell 83, Jean
Seidon 83, Stella Southeott 80, Imre
Rivera 79, Willie Heideman 78, Irene
Hardy 13. Pass. -Ariel Beverley 72, Le-
on Treblc 72, Flory binney 70, Greta
Bissett 69. Mary Acheson 69, ltus,ell
13alkwill 68, Nellie Jones 67, Frcd Mc-
Pherson 00, Viola Rowe, James \Valk• r
60, Velma Easterbrook 130. No. on roll
31; average 31.
C. Vosper, Teacher.
Itocm 5. -Sr. 111.-I lono: s. -Linden
Harvey 99, Muriel Jones 91, Harry Snell
89, Lola Taylor 87, Blanche Quince 87,
Irno Sweet 87, Ernest Harvey 83, Ol-
iver Ilodgert 83, Rete Rowe 79, Oscar
Anderson 78, Druce Walker 76, Pass
-Thornton Fear 13. Marion Dlatehford
62. Jr. I1. -honors.: -Maggie Case 89,
Beatrice Ilodgert 68, Lulu Redden 86,
Vlore -rice Rowe 86, harper ltivtr s 85,
Joe I' ollick 84. \t tine Manson 83, Et-
hel Day 81. Anna Bell 70. Pass. -Wil
trld Mack 73, Lillie Marchand 70, Rus-
sell Flynn 69, Maurice Senior 60, Al-
berta Knight 69, Lea Belle Handford
.18, Edgar Ilorney 68, Annie Day 67, Ed,
die Anderson 62, Ettle Howey 61, Olive
Th -Donald 60. No. on roll 49.
E. A. McCallum, Teacher.
Room 6.—Porn 11, Sr.-IIonore.-Al-
ma Mack 86, Florence Wood 83, Maud
links 83, Pearl Jackson 81, Marjorie
Huston 80, Edith Davis 79, )lorry
['arsons 77. Paee.-Jennie Russell 74,
Lulu ilastii,;s 69, Joe. Ferguson 69,
Jos. Craig 67, Earl Cookaoo 60, Silas
Reed 66, Norman hockey 65, Thomas
Clarke 62. Form ll., .D. -honors. -Lila
Zuefle 89, Marlon Vincent 83, Amy
Johne 77, Gerald Fitton 76, Dora Houl-
der( 75, ('ase. -Dorothy White 73, Geo.
°Hach' 69, (Modon Ford 69, Gorden
Wells 08, Allen Carter 68, Bertha
tlorney 68, Karl Wetdenhammcr 09, Mel
vlllo Uladman 67, Stanley McFall, 61.
No. cit toll 38, average 34.
If. N. Kinsman, Teacher.
Room 7. -Jr. I1.-Margu''rlte 1'ickaid
71, Maty Day 67, Edaa Johns, 55, Rum-
mell Marshall 30, Jack 1Iurdon 47. Jr.
I't. 11. -Milton Kydd, May Patterson,
ttarold noels, (lrare Carling, \Vlfrl'I
(tendle, Joy Noteworthy, Veto Marshall
Priscilla Coiling wood. No. on roil 45;
average 85.
F. W. Howard, Teacher.
Room 8. -Jr. Sccund.-Alice Taylor 1)2
Rhoda Cornish 89, Violet Welsh 73,
Drew Knight :2Mervin Ruston/1.
Herbert Ilex -tor 71, Mildred hardy 63,
Sr. Pt. II., Millie Walker 82, Lillie \Valk
er 81, Willie Jacobi 77, Irene Easter -
brook 74. Waiter harness 72. Jr. Pt.
11., Clifford Marital. 90, (Seotge Kelly 87,
Alvin Cornish 65, Czar (farness 79, Vera
Sweet 73, Milton Redford 72. Leon
Dearing Ott. C;0rcntc Morley 6N. No. on
(toll 38 ; average attendance 31.
Mildred Martin. teacher
School Reports
The folloui o. is the correct report of
the pupils of S. 8. No. 3. Step "en. for
the month of November;-\'., G. Sand-
ers, A. %Vllltn. 1 . Ti:ebner. Sr. 1V„ N'
Shapton, E. Shapton. Jr. IV., E. Welsh,
C. Parsons, J. Willis, J. ifogarth.
A. W1111s, O. Preazeator, E .I3ox.
\l. \\ 1111s. R. Parsons. Sr. 11.. L.
Sanders , T. Willis, C. Parsons, C.
Dearing. Sr. Pt. I: , M. Trlebner, V. Pox
L. iftil, V. Pres:cator. Jr. l't. I1.. P.
Sanders, C. ifantllton, O. iian:Iltnn, C.
Sanders. Pt. 7., A. Shapton, It, Par-
sons, E. Prescator. E. Starlake. No. on
Roll 3:r ; average 33.
\\'m. L. Trlebner. teacher
The following is the correct report of
the standing of the pupils of S. 8. No. 4.
Stephen. for Novcrntx r. The names are
In order of merit. IV.-Herbte Kraft,
!tarry Schwartz, Willie St it aorta. Alvin
Cornish, Clarence Silber. Arra Broken -
stare, Lorne Matlock. Otto ltrown, Gor-
don Cornish, Mabel Coxwortr, Clinton
Blown. Jr. 111. -Emerson ltoeszier, Ed-
na Amy. fla Either, Latina Smith. Sr.
11. -Eddie Corrisl,, Clinton Morloek and
Joseph s -„waltz tvcn. Joey Brokcttshlre
Vrrrlt: Co:worth, T'mernon Wein, Annie
Aubtn. Jr. IL -Carrie Schroeder, Clara
Morlock. Olive Cornish. \dcline Wsin.
Pt. 1t. -hazel Preszcator and Mary W,1!
even. Pt. I.-Strila Cornish, Melvin W•1
Earl', Either.
Vali) C Jc.t: leo •, Tea, r
The following la the report of S. 8.
No. 14, Stephen, tor the past moot
November, based un examination in all
except first book classes.- \'•-dlatylian-
lon, Iva Beeery, dlaxwell Ilnyuhant, Ad
Hun Coughlin. Sr. 1V. -Fred Easc ry.
Luther Butt, Beagle Andersen, Elva
Diooka, ties, Frcd Fair hail. Jr. 1V. -
Stella Nell, Alarguaile Hanlon. Jr. Ill.
NL.,hcl fleawort, Rude Hanlon. Jr. 11.-
11.0 ry Elston, Leonard A bbott, Dolls
Brooks, Lloyd Baynhaii, Gerald 11:10ton,
Eddie Alc:ander, Ethel Culbert, Pot I. -
Hazel Eaecry, Lorne hicks, Veva L)avid,
Rea Mii.e. 1 toga lluetabie, Ruth Cough-
lin, Gotdou Culbert, Irene .\lexaucicr, Al-
bert Hackney. Sr. 1't. I. -Wilfrid Boit-
able, Atettle lilcas, Ida Taylor, Clarence
Cultx17. Parente al.,1 (rte::Ja are cordi-
ally Invited to ou probram Oil December
23rd at two o'clu-.c. No. on roll 30.
Ave rage 32.
A. Swann, Teacher.
The following Is the report of 8. 8.
No. 4, [laborite, for Novci .ber.-Sr. IV.
-11, May, 11. Davis, T. Coates, A. Skin-
ner, C• May, W. \Volker. Sr. 111.-L.
Coates, A. Ifu:dcr, L. Harding, V.Coatea.
Jr. 111.-T. Skinner, M. May, F .Web-
ber. Jr. 11.-V. I'lt:contbc, U, Hunter, I1
110:0c1•, 11. Thomann, C. TnoutsOn, 1t.
Webber, V. :Bess. 1'L 11. -IL. Coates,
C. Davis, W. Taoaiuon, Sr. pt. L -M.
Skt►:utr, V. incise, A. Harding. Jr. Pt.
I.-13. M. Carl, E. Thomson. Honor roll
-D. Davis, A. hunter, 1I. May.
Harold Swann, Teacher.
hollow'::; 1 ,•= correct report of the
standing of the pupils In S. S. No. 18,
Hay. fo, Nu:umber.-Nantes are in or-
der of orad(. -Jr. IV., Horace Pfaff.
Sr. 111., Atua:c Green, Grant Hooper.
Sr. 11., Elm t :,tate;, Jessie Cart L:k. Jr.
I1., Clarei'' rion'.1-, ‘c 'OW Hooper. Sr.
1't. 11., No:tnan Carrick, Alice Pfaff. Jr.
Pt. 11., Cora F'otJ. Le. I't .1, Maud Mc-
Donald, Aur,-, De •:n3. '',el Carrick.
1. i1. A: matt u Teacher.
The follow:ni: 1
5, Uat:orne, for 1
V., 1:c,r.ors Myri)
sett 75. Sr. V:.
Montle 62, W31
Blanch. Ford 65.
Moo Ile 75. 1't. 1
herel . Fo:.. 61.
Perk' ,a 60 ; Chas
're report of S. S. No.
• o,onta u: November ;
\fooly E2, hazel Dir.-
iS; urd 73, Vera
K i nick 60. Jr IV.,
11., (honors, Maggie
I.. Orly Kestle 72,
L. honors, Gordon
Prou 70.
REV. Cttosat.ltY, The Evangelist
Exeter Council
Regular meeting of the Council of
the Villege or Exeter held in the Reed-
ing Itoour • •f 111w ra ii 11i111 nu Friday,
Dec, itis, 1908. A'•-ent Reeve l7obier.
Councillor Johns •. IS moved as Chair-
man, Ly Fake old 11 •annul. -Carried,
The Minute. of .1,e meeting held on
Nov. 20th .. t'=,• 1'e .d ...el approved.
Petitions few -u. er lights were read
as follows; -Eton. ltd. (iidley, C. F.
Iloe,per rind rrlhers asking for a light
to be ttbo eel et the corner of Gidley
and WatenIe.. els. Also from Abra.
ham Ibeitinpr, F. N..11ot and others
asking for ;t light at the corner of Al-
bert and Sio,v.ests. knight-Fuke-
'fhat ('o.tiroll,118 ,('lint and Heitman
be a ('uuunittee and r epos t at the next
tneeting of Council. ('artist,
The followii'g ,,. counts were read
and order+ dr:tvvn it' pw►y nx'ttt:-W.A.
Balkwill, lal'oi at Town Hall, $2.50;
Jas. 1)ign.en & v„n, 1,1 erkstnithing rind
supplies, $3 tki; Messrs. Creech &
ilnndfntd, gravelling, $113.14; Thos.
White, Lal. due on street watering,
$12.30: Hug!, Sp..ckin en, nee. supplies.
$5,25: The l4,1e..0 City Oil Co'y. gaso-
line,. $7 111; Ex. ter E. L. & P, Co'y, et.
lighting. $111 75, Town Hall lighting.
$.3.00: 1% . 11. Levet t, coal for N. E.
Fire Hall, $1'2.00; Bell Telephone Co'y,
message. 'Lie, h:etf year rent Cemetery
phone, $12 fits; El. Treble. sec. stip-
plies. $l.'ul; Tine' Printing Co'y, acc.,
$1.0a; T. ll:ea kine & Son, [Wee supplies,
$3,511; Rd. Q,t.,nce, labor, $1,50; W.
Gillespie, do. $2 2.,i; Thos. Holden, do,
$3.37): Mea. White. errubbing Town
Nall, $1 50; F.,'.t He •tor, night watch,
$1.50: Ja-. A' h - 'r, dn, $1.50; Jerry
Knott. do. $1 :41: Thos. Cornish, labor,
75c; Messrs. Creech fi Handford, gra-
vel Inc ('e metery, $13.12; Fred )tulle,
lata,. at ('e'ta..'terv, tet (1); John Gook -
son, do, $7 50; A. W. Sanders, do,
$17.25; Th.... Pt:Indere. do, $16.00; Alf.
Taylor. do. ;t27 tet; Fred Well.. do,
$:33.23; Sidney Sanders, d.•. $3.00; Pet-
er Whitt.'• k. cement Norio; for Vette
etery. $22 10; Fred Green, gravel do,
$3),81; 11. (f. Selden, cement and same
do, $.''s) 80, cement do, $1.tee F. W,
(Mel ntar, mess,. go and postage .lo,
$1 (WI, Sec'v Cemetety 1h,4r4, Are. re
iron fence. port r„ottact. paynt.le Iyer,
15:1, 1HMIS, $468.01': Fred Kerr, brick.
Coruetery. $21.80; Ed. McGuire, Sec'y
Fire Co'y No. I. $110.00; Geo. E. Ander-
son, Sec'y Fire Co'y No. 2. $18&1.(4); W.
J. Bissett, pt. salary, $33.00; C. W.
Cross, pt. rant y. Cemetery, $227.00;
J08. Senior, (0. salary, $31.(N); amount-
ing in all to $1,301.33. Passel on Mo-
tion of Heitman -Knight. -Carried.
Bv•Law No. it, I(N)S, calling for a
meeting of the Citizens for the
purpose of nominating a Reeve, Coun-
cillors and School Trustees for 1000,
was read and on motion of Fuke-
Heatnan--that the by-law be now read
a' 2nd and 3111 time, and on motion of
Knight -Puke -the stone was finally
passed, the Reeve and (31erk signing
the same.
All accounts against the Municipali-
ty should be handed in before the next
meeting, Tuesday, lath inst.
Adj. by Iiearnan.
J. Seniar,;C'lerk
When a splinter has been driven titep
Into the Land, it can be extracted with-
out pairs by steam. Nearly till a wide
mouthed bottle with hot water, place
the injured part over the mouta of the
bottle and preas tightly. The suction
will draw the flesh down, and in a min-
ute or two the steam will extricate the
splinter and the lutlamniation will dis-
Deaver. -In Stephen, on Nov. 23th, to
Mr. and Mra. Sam Beaver, a eon.
Vrooman,--In Harrisburg. on Dec. 37d,
to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Vrooman, (nee
Genie Anderson) .t Hull.
DURHAM- At Saintshut'y, on Nov. 21,
to Mr. and Mrs;. Lorne W. Durham,
a son.
Bedard -.\t Zurich, on Nov. 29th, to Mr.
Dud Mrs. Dt•uitia ltcdar'J, a won.
Rade(.-On Goahrtr Linc, Hay, Dec. 1, l0
Mr. and Mts. E. Bader, a son.
Sararas.-On Goshen Lina, ilay, Dee. 2.
to Mr. and Mrs. S. Sararas, daughter
don Road South. en Dec. 2114, H.
(i7undy, to Geetrutae, daughter of
Mr. H. Statham.
STE1'IIENS- DUDLEY --Iu London, on
Dec. 8th, Capt. Henry J. Stephens,
formerly of Dashwood, to Mia
Isabel Dudley of London.
Scott.-C.i t,r.-At Saltttst.ury, on Dee.
2, William Scott to Mrs. Gilbert E.
Carter, Rev. c7arlisie officiating.
Elliott-Poore--cn Towniine .MrGitl)v-
ray, on Nov. 25t1t, lilies Mabel Poore,
daughter of Coos. Poore, to Captain
Tom Elliott of \Neat Williams.
Pascoe -Wilson -On Townl(ne, McGtilty
ray, on Dcc. 2nd, kilos Bessie, daugh-
ter of Isaac Wilson, to Ebner Pascoe
of west Williams.
Moffatt -Caldwell -At the manse, Eg-
niondville. on Nov. (4th, John Law-
rence Moffitt to Miss Gertrude Cald-
well, all of Tu_ket•em(th.
Kestle.-111 Stephen, on Dec. 4th, Moses
Kestle, aged 46 years, 4 months and
8 days.
Ilrenner,-In Dashwood, on Dec. 3rd,
Peter premier, aged 26 years and 3
Icahn,-ln Daahwood. :rn Dec. 5, Louis
Mahn. aged 76 year's.
Et.l.i i -In St. Mat ss, on Dc c. 1st, Mar-
garet C., wife of Atch. A. Ellis, aged
50 years.
Holiday Ooods--OoIe's Drug Store
to offer many valuable suggestions
in solving the perplexing questions
What to buy for a Christmas Gift at a moderate cost
that will combine all the essentials of
Elegance, Practibility and Appropriateness
Hair Brushes
Without question
our line is large and
complete. : Prices
that mrtke theta de-
sirable theta.
Inspect Them
Save Your
Ebony Goods
Everything in Eb-
ony, including
Toilet and Manicure
These make beau-
tiful presents for 11
Choose Early
Choice Gifts
Leather Goods,
fost ('rtrd Albums,
Xmas Stationery,
Xmas and New Year
Calendars and Book-
Shaving Outfits,
Glove and Handker-
chief Boxes.
Buy Now
Money by Buying
W. S. Cole, Phm.B., Exeter, Ontario
('an. Exp. Bldg.
Santa Claus
ays r..- :That there is
no gift for a
Roy or Girl like an EI)ISON
You will agree with him, too,
when you hear the latest machines and
records. Our stock is complete.
Leave your order early.
mE also have in great. variety Last -
II !ng Perfumes, Toilet Soaps, Cos-
metics, Stationery Air (funs and
Toy Stearn Engines.
J. Willis Powell
Baseburners and
Art Garland Ilaseburners with oven $:3.1.00, $45.00
Art Souvenir ” ” $20.00, $46.00
Art Huron " without oven $32.50
Ideal Jewell " " $35.00
Coal and Wood Heaters, $6,00, $22.00
Ranges and Coal and Wood Cooks from $.',1 to $4s,
Carpet Sweepers
A big shipment to hand for Xmas. from 45c to $4.00.
Alt empty Cement Sack:~ must be returned At Once!