Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-03, Page 8e TI.os. G. Creech la confined to tt,c Mise Vera Campbell >1r. it. N. Rowe to learn cletk:'ts. Douglas Stewart is again utile to be out and is spending a week wit!. Mr. and Mrs. Shtrray near Hensel), to re- v upet ate. ltev D. W. Collins goes to Lucknow w t•n'at•It anniversary services Su.tlay. His l.ulilt will be occupied by Hai. C. W. Sat.dcrs of Luckttow. Mr. Sidney Sanders. who had nearly recovered t:otn his recent Illness. has. unfortunately, suffered a relapse. and is agate confined t• his room. The government hag forbidden the im- portation of 1 IVC stock from Michigan owing to an outbreak of the foot and mouth disease there. Not even a poodle dog to allowed to pass the frontier. The regular meeting of the Woman's Institute will be held on Friday, Dee. 4t1, at 3 o'clock In Senior's Hall. The nx•;ntxte ate requested tobring Christ- mas suggestions and Christmas presents —Mrs. Cobbledick, President. Mr, W. G. Paterson of Seaforth, or- ganizer for the A. O. U. W., is in town tells week In the interests of the Work- men. The D. D. G. M. Harry Morris of \Vingttam will pay his official visit to the Exeter Lodge on Friday evening. The Lattice' Guild will (told their Bazar In the Town Hall, Friday, Dec. 4th, afternoon and evening. A good pro grant provided. Mrs. Weidenhammer will recite and Rev. Carlisle of Lucan will sing : also other- good local talent. Al - mission 10 cents. Niro. Russell. wife ot Rey. Walter nue- sell. the Presbyterian evangelist who assisted at the London Conference meet- ings held here in June last, preached In the Presbyterian church Sunday morning and 1,1 James street Methodist church Sunday and Monday evenings, thus com- mencing the revival services to be con- ducted here during the next few weeks. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter were un- able to get here for Sunday, but Mr. Crossley arrived Tuesday and Mr. Hun ter Wednesday. much interest is being manifested In the meetings. Donald Taylor head.—'The death of Mr. Donald Taylor, an old and respected re- sident of London, formerly of Exeter, took place Friday, Nov. 23, at his ,late residence, 285 Clatencc street, atter an illness extending over a year. Ile was 80 years of age and was born in Scot- land, coining to thla country when qul'e young. Ile is survived by his wlte,t daughters and one son : airs. A. Nichol- son of Godc►•icit : Mrs. W. Campbell, 213 Bathurst street, London; Misa Loutae and Wellington at home. The funeral took place Friday morning at 5 o'clo^k to the Grand Trunk Depot la Ciowhr[ce tho remains were shipped h for interment. New Winterl LOOK +++1 1 1; t: 1 +-F4•+++++++++++++ Suitings Over Coatings Pantings+ and Vestings in all the latest shades & patterns at reasonable prices SEE the New Fashion Plates for the present season W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario STEWART Is pad EXETER MARKETS. house owing to Illness STEWART paging for has engaged wit., CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY Choice Turkeds 14C, Choice Geese WOC, Choice Ducks ftc, Butter, prints or rolls, 24C, Eggs 23c, Dried Apples Q /-2C Go to Stewart's!!! Business Locals -- Read Them CHOICE CANDIES, FRUITS AND CONFECTIONERY at a Selling Price —DEAltlNO'H BAZAR. Watch the Window of The Purity! Hair Brushes make useful Xmas gifts 25c. to $3.00—Cole's Drug Store— see them. WOOLS of various kinds for Fancy Work at Dearing's Bazar. Greatest Assortment of Xmas Cards now in town, are now on sale at The Purity. The Big Bankrupt Stock Sale at the Exeter Bargain Store will continue another week. and to -day (Thursday) another lot of Dry Goods will be placed on the bargain tables. All the stock will be offered at rattling big bargains. ALL MCST Cil). All the shop furniture will also be offered at half price. The Store for sale or rent. J. BRODERICK. Return At Once. The person who took a pair of light harness tugs from the stable of Mr. John Iiawkshaw on the night of Nov. 27th, is requested to return same at once, as their identity is known, and so avoid prosecution. Toys—We have a full and complete Stewart's for Clean, Fresh Groceries for X,nas. Try their 30c Tea-31i.red, Black or Japan. 1ltarriago Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. Stewart's jor Bargains ! $40.50 buys a Lovely Fur -lined Coat for a Lady. The Advocate will be mailed to any address in Canada until January 1st, 1910, for one dollar. Tell your neigh- bors about it. Stewart's for Xmas China -25C to $2.50 for Jardineres, $2 to $9 for Toilet Sets and $12.50 to $30 for China Tea Sets. "You are it" if you don't arm your- self with liowey's "Cure•a-Cold Cap- sules" for the first cold that comes is sure to catch you. Stetrart's for Rare Value in Dinuet Sets. 108 piece sets, $7, $8, $10, up to $16. Imported direct from makers -- swell for Xmas Gifts. line of NEW TOYS—Dolls, Horses, Chairs, etc.—MARINO'S BAZAR. "The early bird gets the worm" this old saying is trite in regard to Xmas buying, Come early while our stock is complete. Howey's Drug Store. Mrs. Toms, widow of the late Judge Toms, of Huron County. died recently in New York, of cancer. Oil drillers who have been prospect- ing in the northern part of Huron have abandoned the work owing to the difficulties to overcome in the way of water, bard rock, etc. Major-General Sir Percy H, N. Lake. chief of the general staff, Canadian militia, has been appointed quarter- master•general of the Indian army, in succession to Major -Gen. H. C. Sclater. Mr. and Mrs. A. Marchand received the sad news last week of the death of their sister-in-law. Mrs. Pevuegnat. of Stratford, who died on Wednesday. They left Thursday to attend the fun- eral, which took place to Berlin. Now Barber Shop. Call at the New Barber Shop, north of the Metropolitan Hotel, for a clean shave and a good hair cut. Also Clothes cleaned and repaired and press- ed, at reasonable rates.—MacK VIN- CENT. Proprietor. $5.50, $6.50 up to $16 for sontt Astounding ratites in Fur Ruffs ae Stewart's. Pars Repaired or Remodelled. M. BALKWILL, Andrew St., Exeter. The Advocate will be sent. to any address in Canada to Jan. 1st, 1910, for 81.00. $3.75 for a Lovely Neu Style in Net Waists, silk -lined and trimmed with fan- cy fillet trimming. Stewart's. "Miss Vera Rowe, of the Grand Trunk office staff, is confined to her home with an attack of blood pois- oning."—London Advertiser of Satur- day. Her mother, Mrs. R. N. Rowe, went to London Monday, when it was found that Miss Itowe was improving nicely. The trouble was caused by the paring of a toe nail. Although the weather has been sum- merlike it is none the leas a fact that Christmas will soon be here. Exeter merchants are exhibiting Christmas goods and it should not be necessary for us to warn the people to do their shopping early while stocks are hull and salesmen are not rushed. Itead the advertisements in the Advocate for lists of goods for sale. According to the new election law 40 days are allowed in which protests may he tiled. December 5th is the last day for filing these documents in con- nection with the recent Dominion election. and 15 additional days are al- lowed for filing counter protests. Thus is the heart failure period for crooked election workers prolonged on this occasion till almost the very eye of Christmas. Wheat Barley Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per ow Matter Effge Dried apples Livehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton 1122 38 37 73 60 7 50 1 40 ire 52 38 82 W 8 00 2 75 1 45 23 23 675 23 00 20 00 lure on a visit to relativos.--Mr. and Mrs J. 1D. Atkinson of Exeter were guests of the tatter's stater on Sunday.—Dr. Mair and Hugh Norris Jr. ot Staffa were on the Boundary last week canvassing for subscrlberst o the Stella Telephone Company. They got ti:e promise of five we would Like to hear of llensall becoming ltitereated in a rural telephone east of their town.—Jiro. Martin McTag- gart 1s under the doctor's care. Iter daughter, airs. Wilson ot London le here waiting on her ; also her daughter, Miss Emma ot Detroit la in attendance upon her mother. We hope to soon hear of her recovery.—afro. Grant Itychntan spent Sunday with her parents at Hlllegre^n.— Mr. Itoas and sister of aft. Pleasant were guests of Mr. and afro. David Glbt) on Sunday. See artificial flowers at Howey's Drug Store for Xmas decorating. Do Your Christmas Shopping at Stewart's. Big Stock. Big ratites. See our beautiful pieces of Fancy China for Christmas—French Limo- ges..1apanese, Koyal Bayreuth—in all sorts of dishett, etc.—.DK. ItiNli B BA- ZAR. Rare Vitale in Parlor, Table and Hanging Lamps at Stewart's. Physical Culture Class. Peeing men and boys wishing to join S : k t.. \l ajar ]lector's Physical ultu,.• C e.• for three months. will lease 1).,-;i. +• ,nes at the Advocate Off- ice. •t'.•r.n•: -Young men, $2.00 for ca„t _.: 1,,..-. $1.00. Course to com- ma., .• Ni .nil .v, Dec. 7th. Tto.'V.,,,, •,,'- (Wild of the Trivitt Me- al 13.1r. , 1 tiwill l own hold their Exeter,ttton h.azt„ ,,, ,. ) 1: h. Afternoon from 3 to 61.• . .,: 1 - .le of work. Program in the • t,• ., „i. Adnti:sion lite. An Edison Phonograph keeps the child 'al t '1' v and keeps them home. Sold it The Purity. f.e 1 •••! (hn• mirrors make choice t „•u • s for sten or women, 25c.t - 1 (' •las Drug Store. Up -to -Date Bye Glasses Revs. Fear and Going exchanged pul- pits on Sunday morning. Miss Nellie Ilatter has arri-sed home from Virginia to remain for toe winter. Mr. Itichard Hemmer ieturnod from the West last week atter several months' stay. bir. and Mrs. D. A. Simpson of Glen• coo were visitors at the rectory over Sunday. Niles Mabel Taylor entertained a num- ber of her most Intimate friends Tues- day evening. bir. Israel Smith who has been spend- ing a week with friends here returned to Hamilton Monday. lutes Annie Trout, who has been at Dr. Might's for two weeks, has returned to her home in lianttlton. Miss 11. Follick is visiting her broth- er, Dr. Follick. St. Marys. Mr. Win. Bagshaw has returned from the West, where he spent the summer. Mr. W. W. Moncur, of Guelph. spent Saturday and Sunday at hie home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sussman, of Minne- apolis. Minn., are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Baker, Fairfield. Mr. James Northeott, who has been ill of fever in the Wert, has returned to his home here, and is recovering. Jones -Atdsworth. A very pretty wedding took place at the residence of the ',ride's uncle, Mr. A. J. Iliowes, Mitchell, at high -noon, Nov. 231b. The contracting parties were Mr. Lloyd Price Jones, of Inger- soll, and Miss Emma Adeline Aids - worth, of Mitchell. The ceremony was performed, in the presence of the immediate relatives, b7 Rev. C. O. i'urten, rector of Trinity Church. Mr. anti Mrs. Jones left on the 3.13 train for Ingersoll, where they will in future reside. The groom has recently been appointed organist of the Presby- terian Church in ingersoll, where no doubt an excellent future is in store for him. it will he remembered that Mr. Jones was for years the organist in the Trivitt Memorial Church, Exe- ter. Congratulations. Death of Mr. Horton. There passed away after an illness of one week one of the old pioneers of our countryp, in the person of the late William Horton. The deceased was horn near 13rockvilli', in the County of Leeds, in the year 1830. When quite it t- 1.1 i -1•.1.•4.4.4•++4+14.44444444? iii!old Weather "4"1"--NOW Winter is now open its and CHRISTMAS will soon be Fere. . . . ARE YOU READY GGIs '.1'11 'an ntercost ,*,.thing 777 1f not, better come ,,, an.1 let us clothe you W. a •. a)$ keep • 10..st line ,• r t ..• r.al and our make 4. sodro 1. guaranteed. W. JOHNS ercha11 •4141+4-444.4.1444•+++44 -H-14+4 "tained. ro't r - {;trier �- Greatly Improve One's Appearance, Let us show you some of our new -sty le ” Mounts." You'll find that we can fit you so that your glasses are com- fortable as well as neat in ap- pearance. Great improvements havebeen introduced in this line of late— and we are ready to show you all of them. It will soon be time to think about Xmas Gifts Remember that this is Headquarters for Xmas Presents. W. S. OYIEY, PQiu.8. T. RAWKINS 81 SON. Jobbers and Dealers in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc. We make a Specialty of Eave- troughing, Roofing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be con- vinced that it is the cheapest spot in town. Chemist and Optician EXETER Phone 50 SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY The annual Sunday School Anniver- sary service bit connection with St. Paul's church, Kirkton, will he held on Sunday, Dec. 13th at 7 p. m., when the Rev. Arthur Carlisle, 13.A., Rector of Lucan, will officiate and preach. Mr. Carlisle will also officiate and preach in St. Patrick's church, Saints - terry at 11 a.m. Steeds! collections will be taken up at the close of each service in aid of the funds of the Sun- day Schools. voting ratan he took tip a forest farm fn the Township of lltbbert. County of Pet th, where he hewed out it comfort- able home. Ile was widely known for his charitable, genial disposition; his home was alw ays open to the stranger, who never was turned away empty- handed or hungry. In word and deed he was it father to the fatherless. and in business matters his judgment and counsel wits often sought, being up. right and honorable in all his dealings. Ile never sought public office of any kind. hot was particularly fond of his home attachments, was twice married, his first wife being a daughter of the late John Glenn. of the Township of t'sborne, by whom he was left two (baughters, Mrs. Robert Cole of the Township of Hay. Mrs. Jiro. Beatty of Varna. His second wife was Mrs. Sarah Stone, of near Ingersoll. who left Lint also two daughters, Mrs. Hugh Mr Dougall, who resides on the Horton Homestead in the Township of liil,het•t. and Mrs. J. D. Atkinson. of town, at whose home he passed away. In religion he was of the Church of England, the funeral service being impressively conducted by the Rev. 1). 'V. Collins. hector of Trivitt Memor- ial. The remains were interred in Me- Taggatt'a Cemetery. whence they were borne by his four sons-in-law, his stepson and 'step•son•in-law, repre- senting the three families, and were iollowed by a long cnnconrse of Igor• rowing relatives and friends. The be- retvrd h ive the sympathy of their ninny friends in the loss they have ilm' EYES TESTED FREE Rarare tock is Complete Popular!, Aro you aware that 75 per cent. of the flour used in Toronto is blended flour. No wonder that t STAR FLOUR SI nffa On Saturday last Mrs. Alt. Choppers tittle girls woe up Malta playing when nee of them, a lisle girl of about 13 years, slipped and tell down stairs, the result being a btJly broken armand several other bad bt uises. The doctor was quickly on the scene and up to the time of writing she is doing as well as can be expected. Lumley Gordon Hotton Is having the interior of his comfortable borne nicely painted and papered.—Richard llorton of Mtn - lane. after an absence of forty years, 1s Holiday Goods THE XMAS (1iFTS that will always be rcnu'tnhcred utany (111,09 a day (or tun- ny years, can he found COLE'S DRUG STORE is in demand as it is made from the best Western wheat and the best Ontario, mixed half and half. It is second to none for bread making. If you are not using it, give it a trial and be convinced. HARVEY BROS. EXETE1I ONTARIO tJIle ikALA&afk ,&& FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING Pecltrcrek imm'>tDtm,lD',D;p',LDt►tpm� 1111111111611'W' keep con EasyChairs Odd Chairs II st��ntly in Parlor Suites Parlor Tables Music Cabinets Couches stock a full Sideboards Kitchen Cabinets Hall Racks v line of furniture, and it pays too Buffets furnish your Dining Room Tables home from our Dining Chairs $ stock • • 9q and all Bedroom Furniture N.3ti244114J32/131>;J{M•0Jr ;5 ttY�' 'rQ}eC is VAIN CCO�"eltCQt@ CIVINE OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT iS COMPLETE, tit 00*-2�9:::, Z,V:o-ma ,v eCeet-CC`47041Cr£C-tiCCC-CCC tC 4 111 ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors, Scrap Iron, w��}�� Brass, Copper Rubber, E1c., We are prepared to pay CASH 40c ahundred and upwards, according to quality, for Scrap Iron. Old Rubber Boots and Shoes, 5c per Ib Horse Hair, 20c. Copper and Brass 8c Raga, 50e per hundred. We Have for Sale a Lugo• quantity of IRON PiPE suitable. foe Fence Posts M. Jackson & Son A (lift shn•tld always possess Iligh Quality. Our stock of Xmas Gifts combine all the essentials of elegance. and at prices that make them desirable. look over out stock NOW. Make your choice EARLY. We can SAVE YOU MON EY. We S. Cole, PhmBl. i'resCI il,ti,111 lie I1kp(ist EX ETl'H. ON•F. It 11'. MAIN S7'., EXETER. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Most modern and popular flux• nese *Iwo! In Western Ontario. Widely eaperleneed, broadly e.hwated.,ympathetIe. attentive ,tar. The synonym o1 snreesl. eir•.fi,ate$ eminently se erersful. The very e,seer-e modern, thing business $Y,ten.s. Stenography, Telegraphy and Commercial Courses. Preparatory enure! for those above edu'vtion has been ne`- 'toted. Malt rooms, In any subjects, for those who stele to study et home. Individual (nalrortion. Ellet any day. write for hand,ome catalogue. (1f:O. 5POTTON • i'ntsciI'.t1. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 82 Christmas Good Things Calore!11, The 4th week has passed away and now -- CCHRISTMAS only 3 weeks away ' time for us all to et busy ! It is g —shop early and often • • We can wait on you Xmas Week but can do much better now when the crowds are not so large. THIS 1S CHRISTMAS MONTII—THIS GLAD TIME OF THE YEAR!!! —IT snakes us think of our. FRIENDS and wonder what we can buy them for a XMAS or NEW YEARS' I'RP:SENT. Make this store YOUR. and you will fled us) HEADQUARTERS prepared to supplg your our any ShoppingY ntand Dainty New Collars The most beautiful lot we have ever shown. All the newest creations in Ladies' Neckwear are shntvn here in all the New Dainty Colors. From 25e up to $1 each Christmas Handkerchiefs Ovt•c• too dozen of the nicest range we have ever shown. From 5e op to 503 each Silk Scarfs and Fascinators We are showing some very nice Scat fs and Fas- cinators for Xmas. Noth- ing prettier for a present. C� E T R E A D Y N 0 111W Swell New Belts in Leather, Elastic. Me- tallic and Brocllede. These belts have all just arrived and are the very newest thing nut for Xmas. From 21c lip to 7iic each New White Waists A nice let of New White Wniate for the Xmas trade—to see them is to take them—all prices. Ladies' Gloves Always in demand for this time of the year. Kid, Ceshutere, Suede & Wool in long or short lengths. Big Millinery Clearance iT WILT. SURPRISE YOU TIiF 810 DISCOUNTS we are giving on all our Millinery. Everything in the Millinery Line MUST i3E CLEARED OUT and if Cutting the Pri- ces will do it you will certainly GEE SOME IIAitGAINS I!! It all must go at some price !!! So you will get the bene- s fits of our losses!!! We are not counting how touch we lose as long as we clear it out. • Not Forget the BoysDo for Xmas We have a SWELL LOT OF NEW TIES, sorne in nice, separate boxes. NEW MUFFLERS, from 21ic to $(. NEW SUSi'ENDERS in separate Loxes. NEW KiD or MOC- iEA GLOVES, from 81 to $3. NICE, FANCY 130X, SHiR{TS, ('Ai'S and EVERYTHING they ,nay need. FURS FURS FURS ad - Don't Dont forget that we are ileatlgtnsrters for Furs and there is nothing better or more useful for A XMAS i'11ESENT. We have it big stock of ht'lt UNE!) CLATS, RUFFS. MI'FFH & CAPS. Come and see THE 111(3 DISCOUNTS we ere giving on out Fur -Lined Coats —They are I1•'%11 13,':•oti* s et the Priem JONES & CLARK R L•lsvttrter4 for rhe eelehrttted W. E. Sanfilyd ('lothing