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Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-03, Page 6
``'RR`:N TiIb NILE OF THF FALTIIEI(' eANl�1 Ili 0APPI.:: '1'ItEES. DA Q. the Water-lruilks sprouts and ashlooiunldbranchca, kept .ouoc>.00000uoa«e00000« r Q Doing an Alarming .tnruunt of 1 ecause, as said above, the Bilge, OU NO Damage to Orchard+. disease often runs doer one of these and starts the canker below. FOLKS Many Ontario apple growers have A few minutes will usually suffice complained that an unusually large to remove all the water -sprouts 60,04,0004><>4.0,.)c 043.004:60 number of branches are dying on from any ordinary tree. the Pages of Eternity their older fipple trees and not a' 3. The trees mast bo carefully UN,'LI: KED's ,11 WIC. few of the younger trees haus becu ,prayed with Bordeaux mixture, "Thy lulled outright. The trouble has and special pains taken to see that will be done on earth as it • on tables of stone, nor can it he set usually been attributed to Hun-, the trunks and main branches are ie in heaven. '-Matt. vi., 10. ( down in books, nor compassed in Scald and Oyster -Shell Scale. In thoroughly covered with Bordeaux. Is that the praeer of craven sub- prescription and regulations. Tho vestigations this autumn, however, The first sprue ing tehould be done by Many thousands of people in all mission 1 It might be, but for the infinite, divine will is not subject have shown that the greater part just before tho leaf buds burst, the ate of rho world because he etas first sentence of the petition. Ile to the interpretation of every pass- ef such damage can be traced to second a few days before the blos- 11'` who talks to his Father and knows ing regulator of the conduct of Cankers, caused either by a fungus items open, qualities that amuse and delight the affection of that infinite father -1 others. It is the mighty intent disease known as Black Rot or a week after most thofe tltho blossoms and stir the hearts of teen. The heod will know that there can be which runs through the ages of all! bacterial disease known as fear have (alienhalt pound of Paris There, has been an immense amount of writing about Dickens of late years that adds to the uucon- scious humor of the superior critic who once asked with a somewhat contemptuous pity for the neglected author : "Who reads Dickens now 1" Dickens was read then, is road to- r:ay and will continuo to be read It Is the Handwriting of the Infinite on 1 atter, patter, drip, drip, sang !no rain on the roof. Tearfully 1'•-dtty glanced from the windA, 'Oh dear!" ho sighed. "l, dear !" echoed Frank and Bet ty. "Guess daddy couldn't make .[ fire on the reeks to -day," said Frankie, with pictures of the in- srperior critic who dwells on his nothing higher or better for bun the universe. 1 Blight, Fire Blight, or Twig Blight. (been should bo added to each bar- tended corn roast vividly before faults is simply a plater judge. \\ a than that Father's will •, that this It is a dreary and irksome husl-' The Black Rot attacks also the rt'l of Bordeaux and 1110 whole kept him. This is \'('r}' evident 1)}' the person will may bo perfectly dole Will bo rens trying to do the divine will be leaves and fruit, causing the latter well agitated while spraying. The sudden downpour whish followed ehuuld advise any young J more than a petition, it will become discovering directions for the speci- to rot. On the surface of the rot-! spraying will then not only do a his remarks. Niven sight of the lake who is affected by the pretense of the supreme passion in life. fie duties and problems of leer • ten fruit little blackpustules orwas shut out fruu hiin. superiority to tutu to some of the P 5 Frost dual to keep off cankers, but This is not the cry of one who day. It is a childish way of liciu(a. pimples almost ono -fiord the size will also kill most of the Codling It, isn't such an easy thing to }pasragos in Dickens' novels that says : "Lot God's will bo done he- it creates prigs and bigots. We et a pin -head appear after a tinted moths (which cause the wormy ap- amuse two eager little boys and a ,' 41 are referred to by George Barlow cause it ac is inevitable; he is alinigh- • ed to catch some broad principles These pimples contain spores which plea), the Cigar Casti•boarers, I'is- little girl on a rainy day. Sailing / it, au article on the genius of the ty, I am impotent before him," but of living; we need, most of all, some when ROL free aro curried by the tot Case -hearers, Canker Worms, boats in the bathtub w•a+ fast ho-` tho cry of one who says : "Let his ' high, impelling vision that shall, wind from tree to tree and help Bud Moyjs and Many other insects; cornier, tiresome. A sudden gust i author which appears in The Con- will be done because it is best." . lead the life on, direct. unfaltering spread the disease in the summer. and in addition will keep the apples of wind rattled the windows, anti temporary Review. They are an Not in submission but in aspire- :through every difficulty, doubt and (•either kind of canker may cause free from scab, so that o, ehardista the children did not know thati answer that makes tho critic slim- tion does one thus pray who has , fear, to a worthy, heavenly goal. diseased areas on the trunk and should thus get a return for the. somobody had opened the door +tied el to his true proportions. caught the spirit of this prayer. I THE WILL OF THE FATHER largo branches or at the n►ain time and money spent in the form was sta-iding right behind tem, There seemed something noble crutch. It is not easy to tell in every 1 of healthier trees and more and and they di.{ not know, eithsfr, that Mr. Barlow speaks particularly of and admirable in rebellion against is not this or that or the other de- case to which disease a canker is better fruit. Caro should be taken that somebody We., Uncle cel. the t-agic side of the emus ,f the will u( the Deity su long as we tail. We do his will not by the. duo. ii: every case to 800 that the spray- The children had not so(n Uncle g thought of him as a person who, in scrupulous observance of any round A Blight Canker, however, often ing is thoroughly dune at the times Ned fu^along time, so ,tit course Dickens. Ho suggests a resemb- , .cr routgino of ritual or duties. lie Legius by attacking a water -sprout; mentioned. Orchards that are they were very glad to see him, and arbitrary fashion, decided what we lunch to the old Elizabethan tragic must do, as one who use his om- is doing the will of Cod who is mak- and runningdown it into the trunk, . kept properly pruned and sprayed just at the right tune, too. Flem- ing Besides the laughter r.ipotonce for our subjugation, while !lig the dust the servant of the di- crutch or main branch and forming have been found to be very much how uncles always happen to corns that rings through Dickona' stories he seemed to bo a coward who bow - vine, who is setting the soul above a large dead arca there. This time. less affected with canker than those at lust the right time, so it was + ed his neck in tame submission to the sod, who is bringing the king- of year such areas caused by that aro °oglorted. not any wonder that he was besieg- thoo is an understanding of the dem and rule of the spiritual to !!light are usually distinctly !nark- L. CAESAR. ed with kisses, and coaxed to tell intensest agonies of life, a power decrease and obligations imposed, this world. Here is the determine- ed off from the healthy bark by a n story. Trutlifelly Uncle Ned upon him by one who sat in foreign tivo, dominating rind to that crack between the two, and bythe Agricultural College, Guelph. )h. , to penetrate into the abysmal dark- splendor in another world. I g P p g I gazed at the Tubs in the fireplace. ness that sometimes encompasses Even beacon appeared dull and ever the life shall live toward rho diseased bark being darker brown ----.t. "I'll telt you, chums," he said, things higher, holiest. in color than the healthy bark and NEVER CO INTO DEIIT FOR A pI'0lII;ted by a sudden idea, "let's human souls, a chonsiun not eninteresting as long as it was pie- The will of the divine is that, slightly shrunken. As a rule the have another magic trick, and this only of the heights which human tured as the place where people i since we are his children. we shall surface of Blight Cankers is fairlyPLEASURE. shall be called the `Russian Moen - neither may attain, but of the depths °Dither would nor could do any, all conte more and more to the fam- smooth, not rough, checked or - tains.' And now I'll get the things other than ily likeness and to the freedom and blackened and is free from iin )les Elle() Toter Limitations and Then necessar " to which they may sink, which P ) Y• brings Dickens more within the THE DIVINE DECREES. fullness of the divine life; it is the except in old cankers where other Oct the Beat Out of Things. While the e;hildren were gathering Law-abidingcommunities are at- , spiritualizing, malting heavenly and diseases have got in and caused roun'i the table uncle returned with ago of Ford or Webster than with- The price that we pay for plea - pato tractive, but there would seem to divine all our Ile. We who pray these.a s•nall kerosene lamp, a strip of in the regions traversed by other lee little morality or merit where that prayer must pay its price, we The Black Rot Canker, on the soros should have something more paper about four inches wide and English writers." Scenes given to the laws were mechanically obeyed must set character, the heavenly other hand is, as a rule, not (tis- than a few moments' thought do r.bou/. three feet long. a glass of likeness before anyother stibject or tinct! marked off by a crack be- voted to it, for it has serious re- nate» a teaspoon and a small plate. illustrate Mr. Barluw's moaning without the possibility of infraction. • 7 5' P aro those leading to the death of But if we think of the will of this desire. ( tweon it and the healthy bark. Tho sults. Without question the more select - These ho placed on the table, while James Cnrkrr, the flight of Lady Father as being infinite law that Such a prayer subdues our indi- central part, especially if more simple the pleasure, the healthier from the long bookcase he select - g 5 runs through all the universe, as'vidial desires to its high purposes. than a year old, is usually some- its fljt)$mni► and thehe foftener happier it may ed four books, decreasing in size J)edlock, the murder of Nancy that which the !oast atom and the it teaches us to see in pain the per-; what swollen and the bark is rough,indulgedPP Froin a very large to a tiny book. Sikes. Many others might bo ad- vast planets obey, as that law of fecting of the life for the purposes black and checked. On part of the willearly be ue thRtthe ei.sd makesuree re - us over He lighted the lamp and held the dad as proof ef a dramatic inten- benut n owhich f lif© thenar! ellness and ef divine consta t the cutting affection away it ofees in losses' thnt which' nlways1Cr bes found ce there umerousrlllttic anew -in all parts of ourn being, enough so that it soon aper over became near Lily that goes far beyond dramatic hope of every heart and endeavor might load tho life down and pec -!black pin►ples or pustules about and when we indulge in a } ered with thick, greasy lampblack. ti irks and that is clearly distingu- of every right life is to do that will I vent its moving in harmony with: ot.e-third the size of the head of a' degrade and do nut elevate us; Then en the backs of the hooks, fished front cleverness in the con- to be in tune with that universal! all developing life into the heaven-' pin. These aro the places where, whoa they leave us unfitted tot rho which he had aloud upright and I I work et dot to vvhi• h life has as- four inches struetion of exciting plots. This harmony. iy glory of character. spores aro produced that spread the. 5' nhoue apart, he pinned tremendous power has been equaled The will of heaven is not written! HENRY F. COPi:. disease in the spring of the year.1 signed us; when they make us con- the paper, the greasy side toward Both kinds of cankers may live) form to a habit At variance with hien, allowing the end nearest the ti. few authors, and it is pretty ------------- over from year to year and con- our conscioncos; when lhcy wound tint hook to rest, in the p! its. arcilro against the competition of Y Great eo la -Literal, "h�aty,";time to increase in size. This is another or influence a life weaker a i�cw, then," said Uncle Ned, the future. P 1 H� SUNDAY 50110011 referring, not to greatness in our especially true of Black Rot Can- than our own, causing it to stl,Itlble "we are ready," and taking a little sense, but to immensity involving Can- ker, though often this as well as in the path of right doing, the} are Rater in the teaspoon, he et It fall But Mr. Harlow's judgment en a correspondingly heavy burden of the other may die out at the end the forbidden fruits or us and (stop by drop upon the paper. the relative merits of Dickens' I\TF.R�ATIO�Ai. LESSON, responsibility.of the first year. The diseased have Attached to thorn a price too 'Guidons! said Frankie. "Just books is curious. The "colossal"10. The speech pleased the Lord area may bo shall in either kind or, heavy for us to pay, and which the see haw w it rolls !" and sure enough roductiuns are "Dumb(+ and DEC.DF. Cli. -The element in pleasing en's choice again it ,nay include the whole of remorse of a whole lifetime could one r.fter Another the tiny drops pY which makes itto Cosi is the trunk and part of the branch•' not liquidate. rolled down the imclined plane of Son," "Bleak House" and "David -' his perception othe, preme {m- es, or may run for several feet Never bo \villingfi to go into debt •fie book, gaining ape 1 enough -7� Copperfield." The two works last Lesson S. Solomon Chooses Wise portance of wisdom and discretion along a single branch. In old trees fur a pleasure. It's only the :shadow each time to mount th next, an,) named have n high rank undoubted- dem. I:uldrn Text, 1° governinent as contrasted with only ilia branches aro attacked. of a good time -n foolish diesel so on into the Plato. ly, hat "Dumbe "hag been external greatness or military Remedies -Where a tree is ton, with a dread.neakeniug back of it. The children each in turn drop- s Prov. 9, 1(I. glory. In later scars, however, th3 badly attacked to giro any hope It's often hard to go without, but ped sonic water on the paper, and pounced with extraordinary bitter- king lost his simplicity of purpose of its recovery it should bo cut the sweetest joy that comes to us, watched with delight the tiny drops ness in spite of the fact that it con- Verse 4. Cihcnn-identified by and purity of aspiration, becoming delve and burned as soon as pas- that t,uilds and re-creates us every striving to see which could gain the tains some of the author's most scholars with the modern village of enamored with the glory of outward bible, for otherwise the diseaso will minute of the day, is the joy of a plate in tho quickest time. It was widely !mown characters. The el -Jib, which lies five or six miles display. spread from it even though the peaceful heart and wind "content near supper -time when they thought same m:.v ho Maid of "Little Dor- northwest of Jerusalem. In ear-, 12. )1 •i understanding 1►^nrt -Per- tree itself be dead. In the Ramo Way' with small means, and unwilling to look out of the window -and tit," which Mr. Barlow is tempted lier times it was one of the princi- haps better, "a discerning mind." dead or dying branches should be to destroy its serenity fur aPhan- what a surprise greeted them! Tho t• call the care beat of Dickens' Pal Hivito cities, and one of a _ cult off and burned either this fall tum of pleasure. Talo up your fi rain had .eased, the dark, threat- to from the artistic point of group which through deception had „TI13. There shat been,"ll not baslinrthu or early next spring, taking par.' uaneial limitations joyous!}, and ening cloudy had gone, and the sun tiow. Ent, however much opinions effected a league with Joshua (Josh.lionise paint to sen that lho cut is giako them give you back some in - nit., shining bright and clear. The may differ on this question of cam- 3-17), thereby escaping the fate Preceding verse. The sense of tho made several inches below any truer' nor Sweetness for the deprivations ypic- J of Ai and Jericho. It was after - not thus becomes, "There has of lho diseased arca. All cult thea, the} torco u )on you. next Jud the could have their parative merit, the significant fact not teen anyamen the kings as 1 nic, :tad a much better Bine be- roniains that every ono of the books ward allotted to Benjamin and ,res emus athou xlialt be [tgr all made alts'uld ho disinfected in the Study your cnvlroumont and eco cause they would have Ilnele Ne -el i contains something that is worth made a Levitical town. For a time 1 P manner described below and then where your limitations lie and then with thorn. --Youth's £'umpanion. q the tabernacle had rested here, and thy days." !minted. 1f this is done the frost do not eo afraid to (Are. them. Say knowing and !lasing. The evidence of genius is in them all. from Jer. 41. 16, it seems that af- 11. Walk in to ways. to keep my will not injure them. Wherever a to yourself, "I canallow so� much _ ,.-- --_--- ter the destruction of Jerusalem by statutes and my commandments -•-- healthy stub is left after cutting off; for this, so Much for that, and Nebuchadnezzar Gibson again be- Compare the similar charge in 1 the cankered part of n branch it; then adjust your needs and your I.i A%'INCI THE ULD t'OLKS came the seat of the government. Kings 2. >t 4. can be cut afresh in the spring and; wants to these restrictions. There Thegreat high place -One of tho As thy father did David's Tito grafted. (is no ono 50 bravo, so truly noble, Yes, wife, 1 goose we'ee gettin' old, g I Where the cankered arena aro as the woman facing the world up - principal centres of worship for the had not been faultless, but the gen- eral attitude of his heart and mind not too largo, especially on the on a small income, courageously, toward the commrtndments of .le• trunk and crotches, they should bo cheerfully, and with the deterinin- hovnh had been right, d t! "LILY cut out with a knife or sonic; ation of getting the best, tho right 1 1 hill don't you take on so. Con:o, dry your eyes an' try to ten tribes. Only gradually was the think 'teas right that she should worship of Israel centralized at Of course the house ie go ; Jerusalem. Burnt offerings -The burnt offer- ing was one in which the entire vic- tim consumed upon the altar. It symholizcd the entire surrender to God of the individual or the con- gregation, for whom it was offered. ho animals prescribed for this sacrifice were n young bullock, a lamb, or goat (always A male), or in eases of poverty, turtle doves cr young pigeons (Lev. 1. 3, 10, 14). The ritual of this sacrifice is described in part in Lev. 1. 11-17, and 7. 8. 0. As he walked before thee in truth and in righteousness -Solo- mon did not fail to trace the pros- perity ef hie father, David, to the fact that the latter had been a faithful servant of .Jehovah. A sen to sit on his throne -Tho perpetuation of the Davidic dynas- ty was accounted the greatest. of An' I -i'11 miss her, ton, because a:1 blessings. n hen my day's work is through 7. But a little child ---Young and 1'111ik t her an' still, but if you blind Your mother suffered jos' the Satre ellen you left her behind ; Iler mother must have felt it, too, for since the world was known, Young folks have married off an' left th' old folks all alone. Come! come! don't sob as though all joy had vanished from your life, 'Twas right that she should do it; God meant her for a wife ; Of course we'll miss her smiling face an'miss her words of cheer, And oft when supper time is done, we'll wish that she was hero To sing those simple songs again, th' way she did before Ile came into her life an' led her smilin' from the dour. inexperienced in statecraft, Solo - whole, he had t soughtncontc'ienti I sharp instrument until the healthy kind of "the holt," out of the con- ously to obey the statutes and corn- bark is reached. The wounds thus ditions that surround her. -- Now mandrnonts of his Cod. made must be disinfected and paint- Idea \t'oman'3 tliagazitto. 15. Behold• it was a dream --The ed with white lead (free froni tur- 4,-..._ dream in this case, however, had e t�cpcated next springtomake csure LONDON I'.11'1Oftl' GIRLS. maids of all utak, with the various the same influence over Solomon n+ that fie, disease gets into the attendant restraints and hardships, an nr•tual experience of the aamel wounds The best disinfectant to .tre Sleet Intereethi! Ts pe of Work- to the average middle or lower-class import would have had. use is corrosive sublimate of the lag Women In England. Jnpnnese family of leas than n nlod- slrength of one part of thin sub- crate income. The rural distrie•ts stance by weight to one hundred The most interestutg type of work- of Japan alw•nes have been the parts of water. Any druggists will 1ng women in England are the fac-great source of supply from which supply the substance and explain tory girls. Rome of the largest fine- The !domestics ha.e been recruited, but t -ow to make it up. The material tones, in London are in the cast and j eine° industi nil enterprise, of one will cost only n few cents. .1 wood -.west central districts in the heart 'kind and another have been •,torted n or glass vessel n.uat be used in of the Loudon •!urns. These girls throughout the country, the voting stead of iron or tin as the substance Renerally are recognized by their girls who would have drifted to v. ill corrode these. C'orrnsive sub- cockney swagger and their large, the cities and !Dens in quest of limate is deadly poison when taken black bats trimmed eith squally plates Ae+ domeattca now go to tend internally, so care roust be taken feathers. They are leen and gaunt spindle and lo(m. not to allow anything to drink the looking a most common exprestcion The reason fe r t'iei re:olntion is liquid, and to wash thoroughly the; is exhaustion and despair. The twofold. in the first piece. the fro• milieu occupied by the .-ervallt in the household under t.:,• reveal seitem i+ rapi(11% bee. .1,:.,., a eM eg of the past. In the ,....,;,tl place-, young Women and girls ee t. o Once went into service for puri, e, el /social etlticttiotl and r• e.e-•rm•ntl now choose to Vain n n'.,tt u;) ft, - date culture it, the !cheek where branches of kneeled'o are taught or in the) trading of we•1elil hoe.kn rather than to require old-faahion- ed ideate in homes where they might still be imbibed by those wilt- ing to enter them in the iaforior t aenuit:; of maids. J.tl' GIRLS iN SHOPS, (:iris Don't Like Drudgery of Household Seri ice. In Japan to day, as in this reen- try, girls prefer the independence offered by situation, in spinning and wearing mills, in shop and fac- tory, to the drudgery and depend- ence of household r•ertice, espec• rally to hiring themselves out as The ark of the covenant -This had been brought by David to Jerusa- lem end had found n per:nancnt resting place on Mount Zion. Offered up burnt offerings - As at Cibeon, so at Jerusalem. the king offer• lip snerifices indicat:e of the conseeration of himself to the high offlee of ruler over the people. Peace offerings --These differed from the burnt offerings in that only certain portions of the animal sacrificed were horned upon the al-, sessel before using it for any other; average wages paid these girls is tar. A portion of the tnent wash purneeea. The best way to disin• $2.50 a week. Their home life is given to the officiating priest. while; feel the wound with corrosive 811b -.no better than the factories t hey the other portion wee returned to !:mate is simply to tie a little sponge work in. Their homes aro cheap ► e u see come to me, the , tr a %mall pad of cloth on the end. and coarse, rind though not proud say elle used to do, mon appeared to himself as a mere the preen bringing the offering,; and, after di yin it 'n-� r • e dutiful to the liquid, hash over the surface &master.. They do their share to c•, the wooany, help support the large families and kind of worm whatever.usually put !Dart of their ravings To ware( off can..ers for the fu-' into club.. which exist in many of tore it is necessary (1) to prevent the large ft tories They have such as far as possible injury to trees' ;,,,� �� Feather ('1ub. I:oot ('tub, morns as 1)r. Club, and th•eugh the Tringing my Flippers to the fire an' +hild in view of the varied great, and was used by him in the seeri-, fir a stick. fir Pi g i of their parent', they ar c uluful kneolin' by my chair teeponsibilities which his new posi- i ficial feast which tisnally acenm- r 1 fid Thi will kill To put 'em on. the while i stroke tion as a ruler placed mein him. 1 panied the ceremony. So in con - her f 1 i her wreath of Belden hair. I Go out or come in --The Hebrew ner•tion with the peace offering here An' then VII think her hush,s,d get3 way of referring to the general mentioned the king made a feast to the favors that were nine, o omportrnent or Lobe% ior of a per- ell his servants. An' those Are perquisite% fit love eon. it's hardest to resign.9. A great penple that cannot be --� i.ark�hy� whilTletrees er•other iinple�• Viand 1 1 numbered --No accurate or reliable A gentleman who w•As no lonrer meats, er by boots in climbing. if I money 1.1 rlepoiiter{ ouch weel• r•v• But wife. d,n't sigh an' take nn census of the Jewish nation at this young. and who never wee hand wounds are made in this wr,y, thcyIcry dollar is spent before the boli• so, it's m'ghty plain to Inc time is available. Solomons state•! some, said to a child in presence of should be disinfected and painted' day'' You're thinkin' of the days gone by ment, however, was that of en in -cher parents; "Well. my dent, chat at Huta; etherwisc they let in the! "' '► when she placed about your knee ; experienced ruler who would, na- do you think of me ?" 'The little germs of the disease. Cankers use- ' 141..h e- -• •Tle.•a• .A..1- -. ,les' ris'nllee•t she's grown up Low, turally exaggerate the extent of one made no reply, and the Fontls, ally _tart from weands of genie ,tea:lgn Affinity heti..• • . We right that she ehuuld go, 1 duties and cares which he had not • man continued : ''Well, yeiu d..n't kind, thongh sometimes these may • in le and a ••hiAcn " '11•'' All' th•e igh it'+ hard on us at times; yet encountered. tell :fie \Yhv won't. von," Two l -t' very small. Sun -Scald inj'erios '.►ra',1y. (lee ' oar grief we ahnetleln't shots; ( 0 Understanding Hebrew, little fat hands twice() 111e coiner', also allow C'nr.ker germ,' ei enter., limp and •'ti:••: Au' while we're sittin' here tonight - ' Ilearing " The sense of the claim ,,f a pinafore into her me;,th. as hence y-eeung trees should b. pro - - iny only ei'h is elle ' is. "A readiness to hear complaints she said. archly. in A timiei whit- tact,"J .tttainst Sun -Scald! by semon' M,ts�r • \f 1 - Wiii le at pje,e.d a wife t') Lim ce,r.nd wisd.etn to judge the people.her+'('lose 1 don't Fart t•, be enc ef the well known d•vicct fret 1 t. lima •• 1'r' e jou !late been to me I aghtly ' `whipped.". tbi• ;purp.ese. Ise: a t.,,,,, 1• ..4 . '*•:' 1.• . .I ., .t '... 1 t.•' ;,'.•- .,.t in ire- + ' . . • i• len; ►.. ; ,eall,t• 1 - 1 • , '•••!1 •,n. torr • e • •(. .:1 l.,+ late nif••• ( !,..r ,le%etion + !•- reel '•a.•l, to 1 • • i e l