Exeter Advocate, 1908-12-03, Page 5Porter Undoubtedly the best latewed on the continent. Proved to be so by Analysis of four chemists, and by awards of the world's great Exhi- bitions, especially CHICAGO 1893, where it received ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other I'orter in the United States or Canada. This Week We Are Showing 2 six -octave and 1 five - octave second-hand or. gans, cheap for CASH oil TIME. In New Pianos we have some very fine instruments. Sewing Machines tax etetr abuotate EXETER - - ONTARIO $1.00 1f paid to advance, •1.•Oayear ifnot wpaid. Te Usited States Sabscribers$I.110 a Yesr Strictly is Advance. SANDERS & CREECII, Puhltahers. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three dcgreeu of strength -No. 1,1 ; o. 2. 10 degrees stronger 3 1\ ; No. 3, for st)eeial cases, per box. Sold byall dru ts, or sent F,:paid on rete pt of price. ree pamphlet. Address: TMf! in all the leading makes and styles. Coosf7Z31:114CO_TOIONTO.ONT. (formerlyile Our Prices and Terms are of the most liberal kind. Stationery in all the newest styles at away down prices. We will he pleased to show you our goods. S. MARTIN&SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are noted for the quality of their goods. Winter Term Opens Jana 4th OL Thi, school Is ose of the largest in the pro- vince. It is noted for the thoroughness of its work and tht success of its students. 3 departments - Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphy, Our graduates are in demand as Business Col- lege teachers a weil as office assistants Get our magnificent catalogue, it is free. ELLIOTT sit McLACHLAN, Principals. Ross' Furs Manufacturer and Retailer NaturalCanadiaiMink For a styli -41 and serviceable FUR there is nothing to com- pare with MINK, and it is well named the Queen of Canadian Furs Our selection of dressed skins, made up Stoles, Scarfs, Neck Pieces and Muffs in this fur is the largest in Ontario. In other furs -such as Royal Ermine, Persian iamb, White Fox, I.ynx, Droadtail Isabella Fox or Alaska Sable -we carry • splendid variety in all the latest designs. Cataloaao Mailed Oa Application. Ross, 196 Dundas St., London, Ont. S Our Latest Novelty. Will please the children, as each Biscuit actually looks like "Santa rr Claus. 12 smiles and 72 delights in i ti�s�z` e_.� -;? every pound. ' :. M a es Broiling Easy It is much more convenient to too your lmrling by lifting this Key Plate, titan to lift the cover or use the broiler door. Von have more room and get the meat directly over the coals. Notice the Low Warming Closet, a special feature of this year's "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges. Daylight Oven, Adjustable Damper, Removable Grate Mars, Thermometer in oven— are only n few of the con- veniences you should ask al iota. Step in at any time and go Over the "Peerless Peninsular" Barges. Glad to explain their Improvements to you. 72 fq;.f Ai.:,77 -ii - HUGH , .:i es_t; HUGH SPACHMAN, - EXETER 9 MTN How many American women in lonely homes to -day long for this blessing to come into their lives, and to be able to utter these words, but because of some organic derange- ment this happiness is denied them. Every woman interested in this subject should know that prepara- tion for healthy maternity is accomplished by the use of LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Maggio Gilmer, of West Union, S. C.,writes to Mrs. Pilikhain : "I was greatly run-down in health from s weakness peculiar to my sex, when Lydia E. Pinkham' a Vegetable Compound was recommended to me. It not only restored we to perfect health, but to my delight I am a mother." Mrs.Josephine Ilall,of Bardstown, writes: " I was a very great sufferer from female troubles, and•my physician failed to help Inc. Lydia E. Pinkhsm'e Vego- t: file Compound not only restored me t• t perfect health, but I am now a proud mother." FACTS FOR SICK WOMFN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands of women who -have been troubled with displacements, iriflarnmatio ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irre ties, periodic pains, backache, bear- ing -down feeling, flatulency, Indies- tioIl,dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Plnkham invites all sick women to guided thousands itte her for advice. ha Las dda, Lyan, health. Address, Zurich Rev. A. D. Gladder occupied the pulpit In the Evangelical church. Dashwood,on Sunday. -Mr. C. Bechier aged 81 years. fen out of an apple tree recently. fract- uring lila hip, The old gentleman was unconscious and had to be carried to the house, where his Injuries were attended to. Owing to hie great ago his recovery is uncertain. -Mies Edith Duret ot Col- borne is visiting at the home of Itev and Mrs. Oischler.-Rev. S. M. Hauch of the city of Stratford occupied the pulplt In the Evangelical church on Sunday week. Flay. -Mies L. Young. teacher In S. 8. No. 1, Hay, has tendered her resignation to take effect at the close of the present year, She will teach near home in the Township of Colborne. DOES NO }EARS! BUT M1.CII GOOD Mix the following by abetting well In .► bottle, and take in teaspoonful doses atter steals and t'edttnte ; Fluid Extract Dandelion, one half ounce ; Compound Kurgon, one ounce Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. three ounces. A local druggist 1s the auth- ority that these simple. harmless Ingred- ients can be obtained at nominal cost from our home druggist. The mixture is said to cleanse and strengthened tae clogged and Inactive Kidneys, overcoming backache, Blad- der weakness and Uti:tary trouble of all kinds, It taken bcfoio ono stage of 'night's disease. Those who have tried this say it pos- itively overcomes path In the back, clears the urine of sediment and regulates ur- lhation, especially at night, curing even the worst forma of bi tdder weakness. Ercry man or woman here who feels that the kidneys are not strong or act - Ing In a healthy manner should ntix this prescription at Itcnte and give It a trial .18 it Is said to do wonders for many per sone. IWe aro having lovely wt ether for De- ccntber,-SIr, and Mrs. W. Fisher visited at It. Coate.' Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. F. Coates Suedayed with Exeter friends. -Will Dickens and wife of Salntabury visited Min Clara Luxton on Sut:day.- Alwyn Dayman who has been working In these parts the past uwnnter, returned to his ironic near Exeter on Thursday last. -lira. Richard hell and family vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Ilunter a couple of days last week. -Mrs. Thee Coates is suffu-1 g trout a severe at- tack otsere eyes. -We wish her a speedy recovery. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luxton spent part of last week visiting relatives in Ilibbert.-Master Will Esscry ot Luc an vaulted under the parental roof from Friday tq1 Monday. -Mr. Wnt. Coates has had the water basins placed In hie stables. The work was done oy Mr. S. Purdon of Exeter. Mr. Coatca has now one of the most up-to-date barns In the township. -The cliolr !tae started having weekly- choir practice. This Is certainlY a atop In the right direction. Eden SOME GOOD ADVICE. Clinton. -The little nine-year old son of Josh Cook met wit!, a bad accident \tcdneeday. Ile was running up and down a step ladder, and had Just reach- ed the second step when 1t fell over back wards with iiit.The result was a dis- located and broken arm. Ansa Cratg.-The body ot tate late Mr. Dzniti Mc% Icer was brought here 0'e Sunday of last week from West Fort for burial. lie was a nephew of Mrs. \tatcolm McLean of this place and had been out trona Scotland about a year. ile met his death by tailing from tine top of a bridge while assisting in the cor.sltuction of the Grand Trunk Pie,iflc itatlw•ty on the Lake Superior Divisio t Ile was ' years of age . The House of Refuge now has 11I in• states. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the discs, - ed portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, ami that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamer condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you hese a humbling sound or im• perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, peat. newels the result. and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restated to its normal condi. tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine eases nut of ten are eauw.1 by Catarrh, which 19 nothing Mut an inflamed eondition of the mueoos surfaces We will e1ve One Hundred i ollar• for any ase of Deafness (canard by catarrh) that cannot he mired by Hail's C•ter,h Care. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY ik CO., Toledo, or. Sold by Druggists. 75r. Take Hall's Family Pills forconstiartion. IIeinsall Hugh Buchanan left last week for Toronto. -Miss Flo Cudinore of Detroit has been here visiting her parents. -Mrs. R. Bonthron has re- turned from Barrie, where she has been visiting for several weekb.-Rev. W. Doherty received a present of a nice deer from a friend who had been shooting up north, -Robert Stewart has moved oft his farm to Ilensall and taken up residence in Miss McIntyre's cottage on Oxford Street. -Miss C. Smith is having a neat balcony erected over the front of her store. -Bernard Thompson and wife entertained about 40 couples on Friday night to a fowl supper and house warrning.-Jos. Ellis has arrived home from the Son, bring- ing a very fine doe with hits. He had a fine outing, sleeping in a tent at night, and stalkingdeer during the day. MAKE A CIIANQE. A New lbtck for an Old One. stow It la Done In liensall. The back aches at tines with a dull feeling making you worry and restless. sharp pains shoot across tate region of the kidneys, It Is agony to bend, stoop or lift. The rubbing o•- liniments or ap- pllcatlon of plasters does no good In these cases, they do not reach tate cause To get rid of these symptoms and ex- change the bad back for a nem and sttorger cite follow the example of this Ilensall citizen, Mrs. Robt. Higgins, ot Queen street, lteneall, Ont., says ;'Mr. Higgins had euffetedfronl a most annoying backache for a number of years. He would take cold easily and severe pains would shoot through his back 1h the region of the kidneys. Very often he would be both- ered with them when lifting or stooping as ire could scarcely straighten himself up. Hte Bleep would be broken very of- ten at night with these pains and ten. demean in his back and In the many dif- ferent remedies he had tried he found little or no relief. Booth's Kidney pills were recommended and procuring a box at Mr. llempill's Pharmacy he commenc- ed treatment. The pain soon had gone from tits back and it strengthened. He speaks very hlghiy of Booth's Kidney Pills and would not be without a box in the house. Sold by Dealers. Price 50 cents. The R. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont.. Sole Canadian Agents. Kippen Urn Kilpatrick, who has been on a few Months trip to the West, returned acre Friday. Ile spent part of the time at K llur,tcy where he worked at vis trade as carpenter. -Mrs. 'twit. Aude:eon,who hats been tonftned to the house_ for the past few weeks, 1s, we are pleased to learn, recovering. as Is also Sire. Jernes McClyrnont,-Gilbert Sinclair of Calgary le home on an extended visit to his mo: - her, Mrs. John Sinclair. -Mise Grace An- derson has gone to Brucetleld where she Intends rentah:lug for a Misc.-Mime Mary Menlo has gone to Detroit, when. she and her slater, Niles Clarissa, will open up a dreeshtakfng department. We wish tete young ladles every success. -Miss Beatrice Grant was in Seaforth last week on a visit. -Miss Clara And- o Hon spent Sunday In Ilensall.-A nwn- ber front here attended the fowl supper at Carmel Church, Bengali, Monday ev'g. -Miss May Mustard of Drucefteld la here on a %Init, The woods in this vic- inity have been alive with hunters the past few weeks, but Inc Station for the seulrtels closed Monday: Ilarve? Mc- Lean makes weekly visits to Chiselhuent now. What's the atiractlon, Harvey. - Preparations arc being made by Presby- terians for the entertainment which will be held in the near future. Among th, r,utnbers on the program will be a doll drill and the Rech of Fame. -Mrs. Dr. Nmlille, who has been attending Inc fru, eral of her brother, Mrs. Monteith, has returned to her home in Palmer, Iowa. D. Ilay 1s having tee front of his store repainted. Shipkit J. D. Mannan has been in Cleveland on business. -Ross McKenzie has gone Chatham to take a business course in the College. -J. M. Robertson has been re engegt'd to teach one school for 1000. -Mrs. Henry Harman and child- ren, id Battle ('reek, are visiting with her parente, Mr. and Mrs. Baumgart- en. --Our local storekeepers are doing a hustling business at present. buying fowl and disposing of a large quantity of Roods. -The teachers in the Sunday School have started training the child- ren for the nnnnal Xmas entertain• [Dent, to take place on Dec. Z3. At the parsonage. Corbett, recently a very quiet wedding took place of the youngest daughter of Mr. Samuel Sw'lt- zcr, Shipaa, to Dared Lippert, a pros- petous you•eg farmer of Kh!va. !tee. Steadman performed the cereurohy Tn^ bride was gowned Itt a beautiful suit of blue with brown hat. After the cerc- monty the you.tg couple left o❑ a :eo'.e y- tnonn trtp to Chtcago, Benton Harbor. :lets( y. Lansing, Detroit. and otter i!erscy. Lanah.g. Delrott. and other points. and on their return will reside at lKhiva. Tee heartiest congratula- tions are extended to Mr. and Mrs, Lip- pert for a happy wedded lite. -- Bayfield: ('n Nov. 25 the marriage took place of Wm. Reid, of this place, to Mites Adelaide Elizabeth Davidson, of the Hayfield Road. Alias Ctalg.-The deaf!, occurred here eceetttly of Mrs. Ann Aldttdge, algid Te years. A stroke of paralysis was rho. It you have dandruff, get rid of It by cause. killing the germs. If )'our hair Is falling out atop lt. There is one sure remedy that will cure these misfortunes and alit you t3 re- nuln young. Parisian Sage,t he great hal: restorer, to guaranteed to permanently remove dsndtutt In two weeks, W. S Cole will give you your stoney back. Pei Detail Sage stops falling hair-tt pre.u.te the hair from fading. It le inc beet beautifier for ladies' hair as 11 makes Farah, luttterless hair fluf- f)'. soft and beautiful. Pal !elan Sage is sold and rigidly guar- anteed by W. S, Cole. Price, 50 cents a bottle. It can alto be procured at i9 cents a large bottle, trona he Canad! t:e lett ll char es pre !d. A.Hress s, a ma pa Giroux Mfg• Co, ['ort Erle. Ont. A Child Can Prepare Jell- 0 THE DAINTY DESSERT Simply Add Boiling Water, Cool and Serve All grocers sell it WE WANT TO BAND YOU OUR INTERESTING FREE BOOK About Qualifying Yourself for s Successful Career. To learn Ilio ,folly el awrta W.t.?Imbues hos Fre.tWsCa&cg aDr.0!bs.IntroalloaVt— O./teff la Lad ;t:f Ciat Openiutt• J.a. The Forest City Beakless & Shorthnn 1 Loalloa, Osi.rin. J. W. W,t.r..lt, J. W. W..,.•..'e Jr. C.A. Prtncip.i Vto. , , .. p.l NERVOUS DEBILITY OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT will cure you and make a man of you. Under Its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that all pimples, blotches and ulcers heal up; the nerves Leconte strong as steel. se that nervousness, bashfulness and despondency disappear; the eyes become 1 right. tate tape full sad clear, energy returns W the 'Jody, and the moral, physical and ►utntnl systems are invigorated; all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system 'I tie various organs become natural and manly. You feel yourself a man and know tnar- Nage cannot be a failure. We Invite ell the afflicted to cossult us confidentially and free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakir rob you of your hard earned dollars. or- NO N.eM}S USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS. Peter K Summers, of Kalamazoo, Mich., relates his experience: I was troubled with Nervous Debility for many years. I lay it to indiscretion and excesses in earlyouth. 1 became very despondent and didn't care whether 1 worked or not. d imagined everybaly who looked at nto guessed my secret. Imaginative dreams at night weakened me -my back ached, had pair's in the back of my head. hands and feet were cold, tired in the morning. poor appetite, fingers were shaky, eyes blurred, hair loose. memory poor, etc. Numbness in the fingers set in and the doctor told me he feared paralysis I took all kinds of medicines and tried many fiest class physicians, wore an electric belt ter OMNI TR[ATYMT three months. went to !It. Clemens for Arm, WENT baths, but received little benefit. While at:Me. Clemens I was induced to consult Drs. Kennedy .t Kennedy, though 1 heel lost all faith in doctors. like adrowning man l commenced the New Method Treatment and it saved my lite. The improvement was like:net:ice I tonlet feel the vigor '<tang through the starves. I was cured mentally and physically. 1 have sent them marry patients and wily continue to do see' CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY Wilk boat •adcurs VARICOCF'LE, STRICTURE. NERVOUS DEBILITY. B'_000 AND URINARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNEY AND BLADDER DISEASES and all pts.asssvocalise to Moe. CONSULTATION FREE. BOOKS FREE. If unable to call write for a Que,tioa Bleak tae Hsi. Trastaaat. DR5.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Sea The Recipe -Ladies, here's my recipe for Apple Custard Pie: - `Two eggs, four or five apples, grated, a little nutmeg; sweetened to taste; one-half pint of new milk or cream; pour into pastry'—then 'PANDORA' OF COU RSE." 4 • yt; " 1 The Result "Four— pies— that—don't—last—long." four pies and pans of bread can be Naked In a "Pandora" oven at one time. 20 1.,51400. Toronto. M. -rued. tt;r.n'ncg, Vancouver, St. Jahn, Y R . Ffar,niton, Calgary. T. Hawkins & Son, Agents. 4 / 4 4 4 4 4 1