HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-03, Page 4hand Sh NI YL btiVrate',satin—a dlrectolru model—with n marriage. wore s gown ot trimmings ot duchesre and risme point lice. icer veil of Drummer late war (-Aught with a cluster ot valley Miles. Lid Ler bouquet consisted of bridal vomer :and Mlles flies of the valley in shuwcv effect. The white chiffon gown of the bl idesntaid. Mies Mildred De Muth, the slater of the bride, was modelled dirtrt- olre. with lriete lace trimmings, and she carried an armful ot yellow chrysan- themums. Tne little tlow.r girl. Mims ltelen De Muth, was attired in a white frock and carried yellow and white flowers. Mrs. De Muth received In a handsouto white lace evening robe. Mr. Matthew S. Lang was the best mat,. N'hlte roses and valley lIlIIes with sa- tin ribbon adorned the bride's table. where covers were tail for twelve. The other guests were served itt the dining room where the decorations were yel- yellow. Mr Finkbelucr and his bride: lett on an extended wedding tour to Southern parte, and upon their return win reside in tVilkeneburg, Pa. Sanders t Creecyl, Props. THURSDAY, Dee. 3, 1908 Urediton Albert Cunningham. who has been confined to his house from an attack of quinsy, is able to attend his work at the Central Hoteldg+tin. —Mr. Brophey of the firm of Brophey, Cain & Co., Montreal, Que.. (:pant East Sunday in the village the guest of Samuel Brown. —Harry Fowler of the lhtnk of Com- merce spent last Sunday iu Seatorth with his parents.—Mrs. henry Smith returned to Detroit ou Monday. She was accompanied by her father, Ernest Bcrnhoft, who will rnttke his future bonne in the city with members of his family.—Geo. Eilbet, Harry Beaver, Milton Harris and 8.011. Kuhn are busy chopping wood in Fahner's and Finkbeiner's bush on the 0th Con. The fire, which want through there this fall, has done a lot of damage to the valuable timber and the owners are now obliged to cut up the timber into cord-wood.—Lost Sunday, special Temperance services were held in the Evangelical church. In the afternoon the scholars of the Sunday School gave a short program, which was very Interesting.—Israel Smith of Hamilton visited his relatives in the tillage last Sunday.—The old flax -mill has been nearly torn down. All that remains of the building is the frame work, which will require a gang of ,nen to remove and separate.—Mrs. Rosina Finkbeiner is at present ill from an at- tack of the Grippe. \Ve trust she will soon recover her health.—Frank Northcott, who bas been working as tinsmith with Young Bros. the past season. bas quit work. Frank is a good head and his friends wish him success where ever he may locate. — Are we going to have an open-air skat- ing rink this coming winter? If so, now is the time to get ready and pre- pare the foundation. Jack Frost ap- pears to be coming in earnest and our young people are beginning to hunt up their skates and hockey sticks. Too bad we haven't some liberal mind- ed citiz?n, who would build an up-to- date rink. It would be a paying in- vestment. Better than cement, sugar - beets or oil stock.—Last Friday even- ing, Lorne Brown entertained several of his friends at his home. He wits re- cently presented with a magic Lantern and some splendid views. Ali had a very enjoyable time.—Tont Lawson. who has been working here the past summer, has returned to Detroit, whete he has secured a good situation. John Nein, who has worked for Mathew Finkbeiner the past six years. has decided to make a change the com- ing year. Last Friday evening the young people of the concession line gathered at the home of Mr. Finkbein- er and taking John cnmpletel .: ' sur- prise, presented him with a handsome gold watch fob as a murk of their re- gard for their mutual friend. The pre- sentation was made by Henry Shenk. John made a splendid reply and thank- ed his friends for their kindness. After the presentation, the ladies of the assembly brought forth the lunch and all made short work of the innum- erable "sweet things" on band. We are pleased to learn that Mr. Wein is not I.' -lying our tuidat. Ile is a fine fellow and has won many friends through his honesty and good nature. ACCIDENT—Our popular carriage maker. William H. Wenzel. niet with n painful accident on Monday after- noon. He was in the act of sawing a small board with the circular saw when in sone,• manner his hand cant. in contact with the saw and cut off the little finger of the right hand. The Doctor dressed the wound and Mr. Wetzel is resting as easily as can be expected. it is unfortunate that he ah id meet with this misfortune just 1t4 the busy season of the year is at h imi. We trust. however. that he will soon be able to attend his clinks in the shop as formerly. Mat i lige.—The beautiful tto:n or M. and Mrs. Charles Dc Muth, 293 I Mon- ongahela Ave, Swlsseale, Pa., +vas the scene Tuesday evening. Nov. 2It!t, of tee •..cdding ot their daughter. Daze) May to Wesley A. Finktxtner, which was eoicnmlzed at 7 p. m. Tho Rev. .3. Cea%. [orate. o[ the Methodist church, Swiss- vale, performed the ceremony in the prrs r.'re of a large number of relatives and invited guests. Qauntltles of yellow chrysanthemums and white rosea made up the artistic decorations of each room. Charles De Muth .gave his dauehtcr's Horse Blankets, Men's Mitts, Harness, Etc. Tete winter is near and you will Ise In need of horse blansets. mitts or probably something else in our line. We have everything that Is kept in a well -regulated Harness Strop. Call and See Our ltlankets, Mltte and Giove..the best value you lite* ever seen. A line of Ilarness an l Supplica that cannot be beaten. Don't be Deceived my people who tell you that you 'an do an will a{acw!.• • . We have the goods and it will • ; ev you t o ir•.- ppect them. F. W. Clark same to Meeker, ('i1E1)I1•i tat Dashwood f' B. nitOKENSnIItt. DASIIWOOD, CONVEY ENCKit. Leeds, Walls, Mortgages and all Legal 1)ocuwe(ts carefully and promptly prepared. Charges moderate. Issuer of Marriage Licensee The new Lutherian Church of this place is fast nearing completion and will be opened and dedicated on Sun- day, Dec. 13th. There will be several clergymen from other appointments. The services ou dedication Sunday, as we understand it, will be at 10 o'clock, German. at 3 o'clock, English and Ger- man. at 7 o'clock. German. The edi- fice in itself is a most beautiful struct- ure and will reflect great credit on the congregation.—Revs. Gischler of 'Zur- ich and Eidt of this place exchanged pulpits on Sunday last, Rev. Eidt ad- ministering the Sacrament to the Zur- ich congregation.—On Friday night the Evangelical Choir re -organized with the following officers: President. Miss Lizzie Finkbeiner; Vice -Pres., Miss Frogs Miller; Sec. & Treas., Wes- ley Miller; Organist, Miss Minnie Eh- lers; Chorister, Rev. L. K. Eidt: Assist- ant, sir. Godfreid Oestreicher.—Mr. and Mrs. C. tlartlieb of Zurich spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Jonas Hartleib.—Tho officers of the Execut- ive Committee in connection with the Xmas Entertainment were appointed last Sunday as follows: George Edig- boSer, Wesley Miller, George Keller- man. Reuben Goetz and Adam Birk. We have not as yet learned the date when the entertainment is to be held, Inst will make it known as soon as we Lind out.—One good way to kill a town is to do your business at outside points. Did it ever occur to you that the dol lar you spend at home to -day may find its way back into your pocket tomor- row, while if yon spend it away from home the chanes are all against you of ever seeing it again. Do your Christ- mas shopping at horne.—The annual election of Y. P. A. cftcers took place Monday night as follows: President. Miss Mat tha Oestreicber; let Vice - Pres., Miss Cat rie Milligan; 2nd Vice - Pres„ Miss Emma Tiernan. 3rd Vice - Pres., Miss Martha Carling; 4th Vice - Pres.. Miss Ethel Kellerman; Secre- tary, Mr. Oliver Graybeil; Treasurer. Mr. Wesley Miller; Organist, Miss Ida Goetz; Ass't Organist. Miss Nora Sie- bert. This Society is now in a pros- perous condition, having more mem- bers now on its Christmas Work Com- mittee than it could muster together a few years ago, when it went most sadly into decline.—And so, old comrade, your partner bas joined the Bene - Dicta. Well, it serves ye right. I'm list gine to sind him my congratulash- Ious. Bravo 1!! Dicky, me boy 1 (RICHAHI) ME MAN, oy inane.) (iud luck tew ye & taw y er hetter half. Slay yew both have a rale guid toiwe over loife's troublesome sae, is the wish of your cuuhtry cousin. Mike. Chiselliorst Dante rumor says wcddh,g belie will :mg In our midst at the holiday season. —Miss flicks of Centralia stent Su.iday 'Oath Miss Enema Ktnamati.—Tho Metl:- oiist Sunday Schoch will hold a Xmas. tree on the evc1111,4 of t a 32nd Inst. :.n^p ,tine ptotuted the services of Miss of :Iennsall as entertainer. The echol:,rs of the school will also tako part in too program.—The Ladles' Ald p .ep.rlring n bale of clothing for the i)e.'eonces 110 no Li Toronto. to Is. at destination by tines —Tho lett ring came to a (lotto last week, and on Fri- day evening settled up the business for the past season, everyone being well sat- isfied. Wiuellelsea Peed.—The Lome of Mr. and Mrs. (Ito. W. Delbridge, Lot 9, Con. 7, Uabreele, wee saddened on Monday- evening, Nov. 311th. by tee death of their tittle son, Austin Kenneth, aged :, woks and 4 days. The immediate cause of death wits convulsions. although ever since his birth the little fellow had been far trent il. being troubled with a weakness.; in the back ; and wt.ile 1t le sad to lose d little child under any circumstances, it le undoubtedly a happy release to the litre fellow. The moat sincere sym- pathy is extended to the parents in the .our of bereavement. The funeral took place to the Kirkto: cemetery un Wed- nesday at one o'clock. i.1lC811 Mies Norris ot Toro.tto who haft been visiting Mrs. Foreman for the past three weeks has returned to her home.—We re - 'Oct to say that Mrs. ilutler (nee Mise ''atllsle) is seriously 111 at her home in London.—Owing to the 111 health of new. Mr. Stevenson the Presbyterian congre- gt.tion ,,ave decided to discontinue 1 hear evuJn$ services hcrc for a Cline In :rate to nn.,ke the work lighter for him.—ltty. t'. P. 'Velis of Uranton exchanged pul- pits with Rev. Kerr of the M. E. church herr and delivered a very eloquent and instructive sermon at each service.—Mr. and Mrs. Da:t. O'Neil. who have been spending it few days to Granton. re- turned home Monday.—Mr. iluchana:n. a u,r:ns man who nae been working at the Cen:ttal Hotel here for ant few •,yank(► • le.ded guilty on a charge of stealing s I 12.110 front Mr. Hall. one of the young -ton who hast been enraged In drill:ng eas near hcrc, a,id w'io was board- : et the hotel, l.uch.onan admitted the titIt. after l'avL,g Neel locked up for a •ol;.le of days and the money was (;;.ted over to tee owner.—Mr. UprNAtl v .o ham been assisting oe th• High '0 11 staff for (0t Net two weeks lett :o- Toronto Su.•'ay. Mr. Stoddart of Ki ,,s'.o,t Is new acting as prim ipal and ee believe and hope ris .appointment 1s o be permanent.—Mira 14,11 Murray is t tri ted to t.er txd uta: tone lit13. AN AERATED FORCED AIR OVEN A roast in an ordinary oven sizzles and burns out most of its juice and nutriment. In the SOUVENIR. RANGE with its Aerated (Forced -air) Oven it is done to a turn without loss or waste—it is roasted not baked. That's exclusively the SOUVENIR RANGE THE GURNEY. TILDEN CO., UNITCD. HAMILTON, ONT. •RANCNr$ AT MONTCAL, WINNIPEG. walcouVLR. 107 FOR SALE BY W. J. Heaman, Exeter. 1 1 McGillivray An exceptionally pretty wedding was solemnized on Tuesday. Novem- ber 2itb, when Birdie K, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thur:. Jennings, Brooke Farm, McGillivray, was united in Marring( with Mr. '11'tu. Lawrie, a pro.peruus hardware urerchent of Forest. The cerenemy was perforated by ltev. Newton. of Parkhill. The bride was gowned in white silk. She was assisted by her sister, Miss Blanche, and the (;moist was supported by Don- ald Johnston, of Forest. They will reside in Forest. (Maple Grove) Death has ended another of the ofd pioneers in the person of Mr. Wm. L. O'Neil, who for the past sixty years has been one of \1cGillivray's most re- spected and esteemed residents, at the good old age of R11 years. A couple of years ago Mr. O'Neil had a paralytic stroke. trout which ne never fully re- covered, and a few days before his death, he had another. Ile was born in Ireland, coming to this country when quite a young lad with his par- ents. Mr. O'Neil was married to Miss Beemer and one son, Silas, and three daughters, Mrs. Jas. Mothers, of Mc- Gillivray, Mrs. Robe. Hardy, of Brine - ley. and Mrs. Wellington Smith. of the Northwest, still survive. Iiihbert: Died, nt his home, Con. 0, Hibbert, on Friday, Nov. 20th, Wm. Hosting. aged 81 years. Deceased was born in Limerick, Ireland, and came to Canada in the year 1817. Ho was a resident of this township for about 60 years, and leaves it wife, two sons and two daughters to mourn his loss. The late Mrs. Frank McConnell, Dub- lin, was also a daughter of bis. The Advocate TO JAN. 1910, for $1.0) Woc -'N Phosphodiao, The G',.. ,'.011.4 Remedy. 'Pon(v;me, erate.thowhole nano-;• rrceked new Blood ir, . . pita Curve !e'en,- Debility. eraDebilityy. 31ental r:,:.. Urrrrn Worry, Des- ..nn.(eney, Sacha, lVealavaa Emisxnons. Spee • •rlorrhaa, and Effects 0/ 4ii Abuse or I•:re<aeea. wo it per box, six for $5. One will please, six curo. Bold by all druggists or mailed in ,lain pkg. on receipt of FFprice. New parnpMet mailed free. The Wood Modlelne Co. (formerly Windsor) Toronto. Ont. CHRISTfTZAS WILL SOON BE HERE TTI] We are ready to supylp your wants. Our store is filled up with all the good things to make you happy for the Holiday Season and long after- wards. We invite you to call and let us show you the good things we have to offer. DRESS GOODS — All the latest cloths and ebades. at prices to suit ev- erybody. LADIES' COATS AND JACKETS— We have the BEST and at the very lowest prices. Special Bargains will be offered in Ladies' Fur Coats and Cloth Jackets to clear. FUR RUFFS—We have a large assortment in Alaska Sable. Isabella Sable. Atnerican Sable, Igahella Opos- sum, &c.. &c., at Special Prices. MILLINERY—Bargains will he of- fered for the balance of the season as we do not intend to carry over any thing in this line if a price will sell it. Come early and get some of the Bar - Raine. FANCY XMAS (HANDKERCHIEFS —A Loge assortment of thein -- plain and fancy, white and colored. tittd fancy embroidered --from iia up. They will certainly please you. BARGAINS IN CLOTIIiNG—Men's( Youths end Boys' Ready -to -Wear Suits at Bat gain Prices. A big cut to clear. Our stock of Main's, Youths' and Bose OVERCOATS was nveer better. liter Heww:tins will be given in Men'., Tttn•ed Ulstees. BOYS' UI.STEIIS AND BOYS' REEFERS '10 CLEAR. MADE -TO. ORDER CLOTHING —1f you are looking for it Swell Snit, made to older, nt to te,tsonable price, be sure you el. our goods before making yuttt pntrhl,.P. We have the right guilds at tight price. HOLIDAY SEASON GOODS—A large assortment of New Ties, Scarfs, Caps and Gloves for the Christmas and New Year time. All the latest. FUR COATS—A large assortment in Coon Coats, Calf -Skin, Black Tak, Bishop, Horse. &c., &e. Also a fine line of FUR -LINED COATS. These coats will be sold at Bargain Prices. ROBES AND BLANKETS—A full stock of Grey Goat, Brown Bear. Bish- op and Saskatchewan Robes; also Wool Horse Blankets and Jute -Lined Blankets. Get our prices before mak- ing your purchase. BOOT AND SHOE DEPT.—Our shoe store is full of all the needs foe winter comfort. Rabbets, Overshoes, Cardigans, Rubber Boots, Felt Shoes, Fancy Felt Slippers and Shoes. Also all kinds and makes of Bootee and Shoes in leather for Ladies and Men. Our priers yeti will find as low as the owert. Satisfaction guaranteed. CHRISTMAS CHINA — Just re- ceived n consignment of the finest Fit it h China. These make lovely Xmas ('resents. A large assortment of Fan ty Jai•dineres, Base Lampe, 11l:anging Lamps. Fancy Plates and I Cups and Saucers; also Dinner Setts, j Toilet Sett*, &c., &e XMAS GROCERIES—Our stock is ALL FRESH AND NEV. New Raisins. Nes? Currants, New Peels. New Figs, New Dates, New Shelled Almondr, New Shelled Walnuts and F,veryl ping New that you will require to uutke your \teat Cttke. All sold nt close prices. Everybody is invited to call and take a look through our lame and well assorted stock. It will do you good and do us good to see you. All kinds of Farm Produce taken at Market Prices. GIVE US A CALL HI TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER, THE BUSY STORE - • DASHWOOD Debentures 1f yott are looLiog for an ABSOLUTELY SAFE invest- ment you will find it in our Debentures. Our Assets of over $l1,000,000 provide ample security for your money. The 1)ebentutes are issued for sums of $10J and upwards, and for periods of front cne to five years. They are a profitable invest - Meat, earning 4 n interest. Ranking and Debenture Rook. 1st mailed free co :stillest. Loan and Savings Co. LONDON, CANADA ina•rporated 1 t 6 c Assets over $l1,000 000 THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE REAR OFFICE. TONONTO F.STADL SUED 1007 8. Z. WALKER, President ALES- LAIRD, General Manager IPaid-up Capital, $10,000, Reserve Fund, - 5,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States laid England BANK MONEY ORDERS ISSUED AT TIC FOU 0vnNO RATES $5 and under 3 cents Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents " $10 " " $30 10 cents « $30 " " $50 iS cents These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in Csrl,t4 (Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the United States. il�liie_y are negotiable at $4.90 to the £ sterling in Great Britain and Ireland. They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety AW at small cost, and may be obtained without delay. 11 Exeter Branch—G. %V. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton The i Farmers Bank of Canada CAPITAL $1,000,000 TOTAL ASSETS $1,600,000 38 Branches throughout Canada. Special Attention Given to Farmers' Business. Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates. SAVtINCS DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received. Your money is too valuable to leave in the house where burglars, thieves or fire may take it from you, or to invest in risky speculations or with doubtful institutions that so often in the past have robbed men of their bard earned wealth. DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS ISSUED. When sending money to any part of Canada or the world, remember our drafts and money orders are available here, and sold at the lowest possible rates. Our money orders are payable at par at any point in Canada and principal points in the United States and Great Britain. Ouft Morro—Courteous Treatment. No Red Tape. DASHWOOD & BRUCEFIELD Branches R. T. DUNLOP, Manager. ... Groceries and Confectionery .,. ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT THE New Grocery and Confectionery Store, Opposite the Central Hotel, is the BEST PLACE IN TOWN to buy such Goods"' We aim to keep these lines right up the mark all the time! Fresh Groceries Always. New and Choice Confectionery. Cigars and Tobaccos. AND WE SUCCEED IN OUR AIM 1!! OYSTER PARLOR Our Oyster Parlor IS ALWAYS OPEN and we can guarantee satisfaction to our customers. Wilson Bros., - kxetel' One door north of Bank of Commerce. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital Rest Fund $3,374,000 $3,3 74,000 Has 65 Branches in ('.+nada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal (cities in the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. 1ntereet allowed at highest current tate. EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Di,tuinion Government, DICKsoN & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. IIURI)ON, Manager, of always easy to know just what to buy in the line of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware. You very often need a hint as to what is most suitable to buy for your friends or yourself. -+1—� Our Stock Furnishes the Hints --Nib- It reveals in a minute more appropriate presents than any one could sit at home and recall in a whole day. SO WE INVITE BUYERS .'. an 1 we p1t'inise t0 make tht•lr chop).ing easy and their choice s'ttishNCt01'y. A. MflCHAND, Exeter, Ont.