HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-03, Page 3i
Splendid Record Being Made By the
Railways This Year.
A de-tch from Winnipeg says : rather than lower. Taking the av-
Up to date there has passed inspec- craw) of wheat passed inspection
tion at Winnipeg 40,400,000 bush -fat 85 cents to the farmer, therm has
els of wheat of the crop of 1903, or• boon paid to theta on the wheat
nearly 9,000,000 bushels rrore than' crop of 11.0-, $31.310,030. It is in -
bad been inspected up to the and toresting to note the record of the
of December last year. Putting the various roads, in the movement of
exportable surplus of crop at 80,-; the crop. Of tho 43,973 cars inspoo-
000,000 bushels, more than !salt of ted the C. P. R. handled 27,8.15, the
that surplus has already been in -i C. N. R. I2,821, and the now O. 1'.
.petted, and before navigation dos- l P. me.do the splendid record of 921,
I1.tl'1'}:\1\4, '4 1'1!011 .11.I. O1'Fat
1111: t, LORE.
Telegraphic Briefs 1 runt Our Own
and Other (•onn:ries of
Recent Events.
("ambling is said to bo almost a
mania at 14'innipe..
The tax rate for Niagara Falls
will be 21 or 23 mills.
Mr. James It. .McNeil of Ottawa
has left $20,000 to charities in that
Immigration to Canada from
April to October decreased 48 per
es on the 5th of December the. and 2,283 went over the Great cent.
amount will have run over 45,000,- i Northern to Duluth.
(100 bushels. In spite of the kicks The Canadian Pacific holds the
that continue to come from the palm for the largest number of ears
country as to car shortage, the west mover on such long hauls in the
Las already got out more wheat,
c:,nsiderieg the distance it has to
travel, than any country has ever
moved in the same period before.
Up to the end of September the
aw';rage price to the farmer had
run just about 8.5 cents per bushel
for all grades. Tho average has
t Leen trade up since that time,
it has certainly been higher,
The smelter at Chippewa is work-
ing day and night on Cobalt ores.
(.'apt. Maitland wuvs killed at
Kingston by a fall from his vessel,
].criod of two and a half months, on Thursday.
and evidence of the advantage cif The St. Catharines Board of
oouble tracking is fairly thrust in Trade is agitating to stop the ex -
the face of every dealer of wheat. port of natural gas.
Tho record of the G. T. P, for a The C. P. It. is preparing to erect
new road is megnittcent, for it must a mammoth coal handling plant at
bo remembered that not a car mov-
ed on that road in September. The
record of nearly a thousand cars
it, for October and November alone.
Prof. Parker, of Manitoba University, Says
It Is Worse Than Dynamite.
A despatch from \Vinnipog says: boon suggested. I tried it for spe-
"That oil, poured on a living fire, I eific gravity, for flash point, and
would be more dangerous than dy- y. I believe
tthat itled it contain'dtaltheavy percent-
namite or nitro-glycerine used st- age of naphtha, of low grade per -
milady." haps. Gasoline would distill off be-
tide' was the startling statement low 90 degrees, or even 70 degrees,
of Professor Parker of Manitoba and only 2 or 3 per cont. of this oil
University, on Thursday, on the distilled off below 90 degrees. The
complotion of tests of samples of portion of 47 per cont. distilled at
oil obtained from tho same source d
as that which resulted in fifteen
deaths within a fortnight in tho
"This oil," said Prcfessor Park-
er, "is extraordinary in some re-
spects. I do not think that it was saleing this oil has been importing
adulterated with gasoline, as has naphtha largely."
Fort William.
Hindus at Vancouver have enter.
cd a strong protest against being
sent to British Honduras.
For the nine ironths ending Sep-
tember 30 Ontario's mines produc-
ed mineral worth $12,205,795.
Alberta is to build her own rail-
ways, and Premier Rutherford will
preskdo over the new department.
A four-year-old boy named An-
derson fell and struck his head on
a table at Calgary, and was fatally
Madame St. Andre was sentenc-
ed at Montreal to throe months in
jail for utteinpting to poison the
horse of a saloon -keeper.
Canada has been divided into in-
spection districts by Lite Railway
Commission and the work ap?or-
tioned among a staff.
Kingston Board of Education has
heeu ordered by Chancellor Boyd to
admit children who aro not, vaccin-
ated to the schools.
A number of vessel -owners have
between £0 an 130 degrees. There- raised the rate for carrying grain
fore I think it contained, not gaso- front the head of the lakes to Geor-
line, but naphtha. The flash point gian Bay ports from two to three
was below what my inach=no will cents a bushel.
register. Investigation shows that Four thousand nun and large
the company charged with whole- quantities of material for tho Na-
tional Transcontinental will bo sent
in over the new Lake Superior
1ranch from Fort William.
A bull driven by II. Flaata at
Midale. Sask., suddenly attacked
hien. The ai1i111111 had him down Eggs -Case lots of storage, 23 to
and was attempting to gore him, 2-1c per dozen, while new laid are
when a collie dug attacked the bull quoted at 30 to 32c per dozen.
Cheese --Large cheese, 13%e per
pound, and twins, 13!;e.
Pork -Short cut, $22.50 to $23
per barrel; mess, $19 to $19.50.
Lard -Tierces, 12%c; tubs, 12%c;
pails, 13e.
Smoked and Dry Salted Mcats-
.ong clear bacon, 11%e to 11%e,
W. II. NORTON STABBED. i was $51,093. The not profit for the
eight years was $9,977.
Italian Laborer Thrusts Knife Iuto
Ills Breast.
A despatch from Niagara Falls
says: Following a dispute over Rapid Progress i.; Being Made With
wages, Joe Fread, an Italian la- the Survey.
- ► .rer, comms d a murderous as -
Fault on W. 1J Morton at Stain- A despatch from Ottawa says:
ford on Thursday afternoon. Mor- Reports received by the Railway
ton is foreman of a gang of labor- Department are that rapid progress
erg who work on the roads in Stain- it being made with the survey of
ford township, and was paying the the proposed route of the Hudson
men off on the conclusion of the job. Bay Railway. There are at present
Fread demanded more than had four parties in the field, consisting
been agreed upon, and Morton. re- in all of from seventy to ono blot -
fumed to pay hint. Fread walked dred men engaged in surveying al -
away, but in a few minutes came
back, and, without warning, stab-
bed Morton twice in the breast near
the heart with a dirk knife, and ran
, off into the woods. The poli 1t, af-
t` ter a long chase, captured him.
Morton is in a very critical condi-
Brockville's Light and Power
I'Iant Shows a Profit.
A despatch from Brockville says:
The report on the operation of the
Brockville municipal -owned light
and power plant for the past year,
made public on Thursday, shows a
net profit of $1.:,25. Besides the
working expenses, which amounted
to *32.267, there was paid out of
the revenue, interest to the sum of
$5.0en and the debenture debt re.
diced $7,O1•1. The total revenue
REPORTS 1801] 1.1i1: LEADING
Attempt on the Lives of Englishmen
1'_inlost of Daily Occurrence.
Prices of Cattle, Grain, ('flees; and
Other Dalry Produce at
1Ionto and Abroad
A despatch from Calcutta rays: Agurpara. There were three other
B1tE:\llSTUFFS, Ttte situation in India has not Eurupeaus iu the carriage at tiro
shown such a menace of serious u,- same time. None ttas injured Last
Toronto, I)ee. 1. --Ontario Wheat rising:; as it does to -day for many Monday night I)istrie t Supt. of Po-
- No. 3 white or rod, outside, tote dears poet. Attacks and attempts lice Clough was murdered by a Ha-
to 94e; No. 2 mixed, 93e to 93' e. on the lives of Englishmen, officials Live at Lyallpur. The native ap-
Manitoba Wheat -No. 1 northern, And civilians aro of almost daily oc- preached the superintendent while
$1.07% to $1.03; No. 2 northern, currenco. Lord ,\tint,, the Vico- ho was sleep and cat open his
$1.04% to $1.05 lake ports. roy of India, returned here on Wed- head with a spade.
Oats --Ontario No. 2 waite, 39c nosday from tho north, euttiag Tho ttatite, named Chownhury,
to 404c outside; No. 2 mixed, 37c snort his excursion in this territory who on November 7 made an at -
to 38c, outside, 43�jc on track, lake for the purpose of considering mea- tempt here upon the life of 1Sir An -
; extra No. 1 feed, 41%e; No. sures to cope with the native dia. drew Houdersou Fraser, tho Lieut. -
i feed, 41e, on treat, lake ports. affection, w'tieh the authorities have Governor of Bengal, on Wednesday
Barley -No. 2, 55'/,e to 56c ; No. been forced to recognize .•ta alarm- pleaded guilty and was sentenced
3 extra, 54c to 55c; No. 3, 53c to ingly on the increase. to imprisonment for life.
51e. On Wednesday night. a Bengali The police are taking remark -
Corn -Old, 74;c to 75e, Toronto made an unsuccessful attempt to able precautions to safeguard Lord
freights, for No. 2 or 3 ye:low; new kill Public Prosecutor Hunte with Minto, and this is regarded as most
No. 3 yellow, 71e to 71%e, Toronto a bomb in a railroad carriage, near significant.
Rye -No. 2, 75c to 76c, outside.
Peas -No. 2, 85c to 8Gc outside.
Buckwheat ---No. 2, 55c to SCe, out-
Flour- Manitoba, first patents,
85.80; seconds, $5.30; strong bak-
ers', $;1.10; Ontario winter wheat
pateuts, for export, $3.70 to 83.75,
c utsido.
Millfeed-Bran, $20 to 821 per
ton in bags, outside ; shorts, 822 to
$23, ;n bags, outside.
1 Northern, $1.07% to $1.07%; No.
2 Northern, $1.05''% to $1.05%; No.
4 Northern, 81.01% to $1.01. Bran
-813.25 to $18.50. Flour - First
patents, $5.40 to 85.65; second pa-
tents, $5.25 to $5.50; first clears.
$•1.00 to $1.30; second clears, $3.00
to $3.30.
Buffalo, Dec. 1. -Wheat -Spring,
steady ; No. 1 Northern, carloads,
Ptoro, 81.09%; Winter, higher; No.
2 red, $1.03%; No. 3 extra red,
7?1.07%; No. 2 white„ $1.04; No.
Apples -Winter, $3 to ?1per bar- 2 mixed, $1.07. Corn --Easier; No.
rel forgood 82 3 yellow, 67e; No. 4 yellow, 66%e;
qualities, arid at No. 4 corn, 65'/,c to Gt?c; No. 3
to $2.50 for cooking apples. ,white, 67c. Oats -Steady; h'u. 2
Beans -Prime, $I.M to .'1.83, and white, 53 i to &3,'c; No. 2 rye,
hand-picked, 81.90 to $1.95 per track, 81c.
bushel. Honey -Combs, $12 $2 to $2.75 per b1ICIIIG. AN QI'
dozen, and strained, 10 to llc per
Hay -No. 1 timothy quoted at 811
to $11.50 a ton on track hero, and
No. 2 at $7 to $9.
Straw --$6.50 to *8 on track.
Potatoes -Delawares, 73 to 80c
per bag on track.
Poultry -Chickens, dressed, 9 to
10c per pound; fowl, 7 to 8c; ducks,
9 to 10c; geese, 8 to 9c per pound;
turkeys, 12 to 12'/.,c per pound.
Butter -Pound prints, 24 to 2Ce;
tubs, 23 to 24c; inferior, 20 to 21c.
Creamery rolls, 27% to 28c, and
aol'ds, 25% to 26c.
and kept at it until Mr. Flaata was
able to make his escape.
Judge Monet has granted tho ap-
plication for a change of venue, and
Hon. P. II. Rey will bo tried at
Montreal on a charge of making
false returns to the Governlnent in
connection with the St. John's
Thirty Scrvians were slain is a
fight with Austrians on the frontier
ternate routes. It is anticipated 01 Herzegovina.
that the engineers will bo in a pc,- Twenty men were killed in a fight
sition to make a report, on which between Austrians and Servians on
a practically definite conclusion the Bosnian frontier.
may be based, by the end of Febru- _---
ary, for proseutation to Parliament. 1'N ITF.i> STATES.
SMALLPDX NF:.1R 11P.0('h\ 11.1.F;
Five ('hildren Strleken - 'thought
it Wax ('harken -pox.
A despatch from Brockville says:
In the tillage of Lyn, five miles
from Brockville, five cases of small-
pox were diagnosed on Wednesday
by Brockville's Medical Health Of.
ficer. The patient ; mere children
in four different houses. some of
whom bad nlnloet rec••'wared, while
ethers were in the worst stages. It
was generally belieted that the
children were suffering from chick-
en -pox, therefore no precautionary
measuree were taken.
Tho Trouble Is Nov Believed to Have
Come to a Head.
A despatch from Lonc:on says:
Friday has been a day of uneasi-
ness r*l even alarm. Various re•
ports, all seeming to harmonize
with rich other, created a belief
that the Balkan trouble had come
to a head, and that war was very
near. The general interpretation
of the withdrawal of Marquis Pal-
lsvicinni, the Austrian Ambassador
at Constantinople, am a disguised
ultimatum to Turkey, Russia's un-
favorable reply to the Austrian note
concerning a conference, the re-
ported definite conclusion of an al-
lianc r between Turkey, Montene-
gro and Servin, the alleged clash
of an :Austrian column with a Ser- really wormy t: to it has been for
'Ian gnerilla band, the rumored in- the last few d ty s Neverth''tee: the
crease e'1 troops in Bosnia, and a Uneasiness is general, awl '!o•• •'let
fresh concernation at Semin, (ppn- look is very obscure 1• . - -tet it
site Belgrade. where it was assert• in diplomatic qua, •••• , tee.
td a plot to murder an Austrian Prates diffi:.ulties !:r
Minister had been discovered, were tion of en .\tertrien l:
the principal causes et the excite- agreement. a}'d til • t '
ment. These, added to the univer- an alliance h''twe•• , 1
sal exesprr.ition caused by t'1; Tar t •negro and Ser ,t
Canada Ta:ces Further Action in
Cattle Disease.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Tho outbreak of the foot and mouth
disease in the State of Michigan
led the at:thorities of the Depart-
ment on Wednesday to add that
State to the list of those under
quarantine, snaking four up to the
present, namely ; Now York,
Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Mi-
chigan. Tho transit of animals
across tho boundary from these
States into Canada is absolutely
barred. The regulations have put
a stop not only to the passage of
stock trans through Canada from
points in the United States, but
will also prohibit vehicles crossing
from the States into the Dominion.
Lord Strathcoaa has cabled the ap-
preciation of the British Board of
Trade at Canada's action.
TLe, fine .t Product of Canadian
T I A despatch from Collingw•ood
tons and eases; hams, largo 123e says: Shcrtly after 2 o'clock on
to 13e, small 14c to 140e bads, Thursday afternoon the ropes hold -
17c to 1734c; shoulders, lOc to 10%c• ing the splendid steel steamer Ha-
rvlls, 1Ic to 11%c; breakfast bacon, music were severed simultaneous-
ly and the tremendous tonnage of
steel slid gracefully down the way3
into the water and another addi-
tion was made to the fleet of the
Northern Navigation Company. The
initial dip of the Hamonic was
15c to 16c ; green meats out of pickle
lc le. s than smoked.
.1 Now Jersey girl was frightened11.'u1rerl, Dee. 1. -Grain -Cana-.
to death by a manse uhich ran titan Western No. 2 white oats are greeted by the tumultuous cheering
across the floor in her h' air.
'wiling at 46%c ; No. 3, 45%e : extra of fully 10,090 people, while the
Four persona were drowned when No. 1 feed oats at 46%e; No. 1 feed t'hietles of the several dtcamers in
the steamer Finance was sunk off at 4oc; CJnlario No. 2 white, 45 to' the harbor added their welcome to
Sandy Book in collision with the 45%c; No. 3, 4•t to 44%c; No. 4,! the new recruit. The customary
White Star steamer Geor ie on 43% to 44c per bushel ex eters. 1 bottle of wine was broken upon the
Thursday. g bloat-lttattitoba Spring wheat patprow of the boat by Mrs. IT. H.
Ilay Lamphere, accused of the ents, firsts, $6; seconds, $5.50;1 Oildei'aleove,� wife, of the general
murder of Mrs. thinness, the owner Winter wheat patents, $3 to *5.25; manager of the contpany, who per-
otthe murder farm at Laporte, Ind., straight rollers , $4.60 to $1.70; do., formed her task just ns the steamer
has been found guilty of arson and Cu hags, $2.13 to *2.25; extra, $1.- started o
given an indeterminate terni in the 75 to $1.85. Feed -Ontario bran, meraion.n the way for her first sub -
State prison. 821.50 to C22; middlings, $25 to -tt .--
826 ; shorts, 624.50 to $25 per ton, R 1 \ It ll'1 '. BY Tit 1 I \
GREAT BRITAIN. including bags; pure grain motille, - - B \ 1' h 11) INDIA.
$30 to 832; milled grades, $25 to firs. (.owdy and I�IandJ:ioghtrr
Ontario. British Columbia and $29 per ton. Chremo-12% to iii c, �criou51) Injured.1.ntcrnureat 11.0 Report Hindus
Nova Scotia were awarded gold Ane and easterns at 11% to Ile. Butter ,� dcsp:ach from Welland says: \1811 i•t !hili -h Columbia.
dais at the colonial Fruit how in -27c in round lots, and 27; to 2Ac On Thursday afternoon Mrs. 1Vi1•
L�ndull' in a jobbingway. Eggs -New laid y p A Jes,1[trh from Ottltoa sacs:
Mr. Birrell has introducer) a bill it lino (Inwd of Buffalo, accnm ani 1m there dory not stern to he nu
Y9 l0 30c ;selected stock, 25 to 25%c; ed by her grnndaclulrhter, Meriun y
into the British House of Commons No. 1 stock, 22 to 23e, and N'e. 2 Hatt. six years old, were run rhea
likelihood of the Hindus in t'ritish
to facilitate the purchase of land stock, 17jic per dozen. by a Grand Trunk (Height train Celli lhia accepting the proposal
for the tenants in Ireland. , • to be tr:.nstened t., British Honda -
on thrill at tee depot here.
Birth received serious injuries. Two ram, it is said that the interior Do -
1.1: 1 i'1:11 INTO ('.tN.11,. doctors are in attendance. It is i:artmcut nsay lake the extreme step
hoped the injuries may net prove of deporting there to India. The
fatal. The cr'.ming is ver} danger- climate of British Columbia is held
ons, and many narrow escapes have to be alt"gether unsuitable fur
teetered. Hindus.
241 Employes Victims of Accidents
During October.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Industrial accidents occurring to
241 individual work people in Ca-
nada during the month of October,
1908, worn reported to the Depart-
ment of Labor. Of these, 79 were
fatal and 169 resulted in serious
injuries. In addition, two fatal ac-
c•idnuts were reported as having
taken place prior to the beginning
of the month, information not hav-
ing been received by the depart-
ment before October. 1903. The
cumber of fatal accidents reported
in October, 1909, was 23 less than
in the previous month and 61 less
than in October, 1907. The num-
ber of non-fatal accidents reported
in October, 1909, was eight more
than in the preceding month and
144 less than in October, 1907.
F:.AS'i' 11t'F'F:A1.0 YARDS.
To be Re -opened for Reception of
Stock to Slaughter.
A despatch from Buffalo, N. Y.,
says : The East Buffalo Stockyards
ro-oponed on Monday for the recep-
tion of live stock for local consump-
tion. This was decided at a meet-
ing of the Live Stock Association
with State and Fed.ral quarantine
officers on Wednesday. Cattle and
sheep for slaughter only will be re-
ceived. No 'shippers" or "feeders"
will bo allowed to come into the
yards. It was also stipulated that
the live stock must corse in disin-
fected care, and must be unloaded
at di'•infected pens. This means a
resumption of the bulk of the stock
earils business, for transactions in
stock for slaughter usually forms
about two-thirds of the cattle busi-
ness there.
31r. J. E. ('yr 11,11.es Fourth ('aca-
lli,cn ,Agent in That Country.
A despatch from Ottawa says:
Mr. J. E. Cyr, ex-M.P. for fro -
wencher, Iran been appointed an im-
migration agent for Canada in
France. Mr. ('yr will seek to pro-
mote, especially, the emigration of
French agriculturists to the Prairie
Provinces. The immigration de-
partment is also encouraging emi-
pratiun from the rural districts of
France and Belgium by a compaign
of advertising the resources of ('ae
nada through moving picture exhi-
bitions. M r. ('yr's appointment iu•
creases the number of Canadian int•
migration agents in Franco to four.
Br:t1(n ll Man ('aught by Train on
Bridge 'i'onk Chancre.
.\ despatch from Brantford mays:
Toronto, Dec. 1.-A scarcity of
choice cattle was reported. A
buyer said that he was willing to
pay $5 for n load of extra choice
butchers' cattle, but he could not
' kish boycott caused declines at the George Hanacutnbe, in crossing the find them. The best prices ruled
bourse. of Vienna and Budapest, trestle bridge over the canal en around $4.10 per cwt. Straight
which were partly checked by a Thursday morning, was caught by loads of good cattle vete :old at
hasty official announcement deny. the T., H. and 11 gravel train. Ila- *4 to $1.25 percwt. The price
ing some of the rumors, especially tiler than be re, down he plunged of medium catt.i e varied from 83'
the fight between .lusttians and int,. the canal, frein which he ea. to 81 per cwt. ('belie cows were
Sert•'ans. later roweled ., ith ut injury. rc•{cl up to $3.75 per cwt. ('c'rotr''n
The position was in nn wile het- - _--, and medium cows brought. *2 to i►:i
tered when it was learned that the, ply. cwt. Few briny feeders "f georl
! .11 i►1,1; h 11 t 11.I.1'�1 D1:.111. quality were offered. A demand
ViGoenna mew had cuned tone from the country persisted for them
Vienna newspapers Incor reverting itin•,ecd .11t•i) et Gare 11.h), Mani• at current prices. Sheep and lumbo
the movements of troops particular•
ly at Semlin. tonne Island. were in better demand. Select hogs
It is impossible to say haw far .\ despatch tram (lore Bev, Mani- continued to sell et $11.25 per cwt.,
the day's alarmwas justified. but toulin, says: ,fudge .3,r••hibeld Mac- ted And watered, Toronto.
nothing can bo definitely sse.'rtain• t'ailntn, formerly n l'er:'nto news-'
ed to show that the ei1'iatt•'u i.+ piper n:nn and n prnmiu•r't rnliti• UNITED STATES MARK1:TS.
. al w orker, die.' in.,,, n 'I'hessclay . Milwaukee, Dec. I---Wheet -No. 1
' f pneomor.ia. Jrdn" \I:►. Callum Nert'tern. 8!.0;'; ; Ne. 2 Northern,
;evr'-. n wid'.w :1 • i a family r.f !1.01 `t.', 8! el:,. May, MI.os asked.
'.'tire: ihedrea 'l:;e --\.1 1, 73e. C'rm-May. t2•,e
t• 1 i•;.I Bade. Stanfield, n'.c ; fAm•
Tailor Instructor Has Been ► i sl,ended
Pending Investigation.
A dc:•!'ntch heal Kii:g••' • .,, - in-itcrial t1.' ' on.il:g from. Tao
1'he tailor instructor of ''• 1"•,:: pri'"ne re under the instructor were
tertiary is under suspicion j• • - • ,• _ :se drug, and one of them is
all inte!tigation into the fluff':1•_ :1' I• ••. '1. the pr,-' i hospital. How
one ,,f his roams in the institute h the doff got into the storeroom no
lo getAntity of Opium. tubs' c.., ee • .111 tell. Some ye.rrs ago a
no•nev and two watehee par: hawed r,[e 'tnarrttI w ' f !••tc'len goods were
at Faton's in Toronto. The •u•- •',tied under the floor of the aret i-
kisd nfliaal cicn:"m mil kll•,wIerlge i tr is morn at the prison, but he
t.l as to h•'w these ,raicrinls found k iew n.•rhintt *bout the matter.
,. ` :fir•
Vel. I,.:,, V i r • :. •, '. ,. 7:1.1•• !.•`. .�� t.' t lc ; ' e. :t, ;,7 ; r ; their WAY int., his els '.i rtir,e.1t. The gone ' let � tt
r' t•> 41 ( prlfe ! ere suspected of
' I 't'•• so. 71.41': ?'1.• I hit,," ' \.•••., ...... rile overt. wet nla.ie Ly t1 ' 1•' i:o-1 !riding t;lc stuff. and there is no
. f •1' - d:l it . , Il:+ tier . a... ", It; t [, ap•aim. May.
1. \Vbe:tt - auth'.rt►i•'a that ('piton and tob:,een ,i.enlbt the pr+•s-it rase is a piece
..•a ... i. y .. • 11 • .1:•1 he 1., l" 1 i.... xl .'►t'-, Nay. Ai.e1:1' ; (` .! o . hl•: 1 .r'1, a 1 '
IJ a e '1 _' uyt , ita ] r►••on'•r , of r.,a' :, t •�'r►ttht of hand work iu-
' \'.. • 1 '.'... 1:..,. 1 :Ile. t?Ipew,'- a, e1 •h'''„ ... gi, .f•u,r.a:i •n 114 ti.1 hi: re 11• •t' .'or Nye ..t: ' :'; investi31.9.