HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-12-03, Page 1SI to JAN. '10 NOW 18 THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates TWENTY-FIRST YEAR. bat le. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3. 1908. Wedding Invitations In Newest Types On Beet I'ei peri The Finset `York And Right Pricer. The Advocate Oflice,'Exeter SANDERS lit CIREECH The Old Reliable Price vs. Cost Price of Merchandise is Nothing !!! Cost Price, plus Serviceibility, IS EVERYTHING !!! -Which Do Yon Want - Low Price or Low Cost ??? Extravagance or Economy If you wart Low Cost our goods will interest you, otherwise they will not. Now is the time to buy your Winter Stock. We never carried a better or more complete, stock than we do at the present. Highest Price Paid for POULTRY, dead or alive. Highest price paid for produce -Butter 21c. Eggs 21c. Highest Prices Paid for Dried Apples, present quotation 5c lb, CARLING BROS. big `PHONE 22-46.--, Discount Salettt I3ig Discount on All Mantles 0 " li ' 1 - -11 LinedOatS Coats Fur Coats u ° Furs a u Boots and Shoes We carry a large stock. Come and secure some of the BARGAINS while they last. Highest Prices Paid for All Kinds of Produce. SNELL & ROWE One Door North of Post-011ice. We Sell Good Rubbers -the Dainty Mode. rro[eeeloraal Cards. DIL O. /. ROUL8TON, L D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST UMdsate of Toronto CD.1,8.r.oft Ontario and Honor iffIt 01TICB; Over Di ksou R carliiK s Taw Office, In De. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. 1).8. P. D. 9,, Donor graduate of Toronto Cul eristy. DENTIST. teeth entrv"ted without an) pain. or any bid effects Once ores Madman & Staebur)', office, Main street M*NM. Medical DR, 2. P. Mcl`ACOHI.IN Hu resumed practice atter spending a year (Col. lege) at Britt.h and Continental Hospitals. General p Ice with ape. fan attention to Eye, (with Tefrse• 61 ) 6ar, dose and Thromce: Dashwood, Ont. R DRiOHT, M. 0., M. C. P. A 9., HONOR Ila Graduate of Toronto University two years teeldent physician Royal Alexandra lospital, etc. Office and Residence, Dr. Amos' Old Stand Andrew Street, EXETER, Legal . DIOB9t? & CARi.ISO. BARRISTERS, SOLICi• ton, Not mire, t'otoeyancer,, Commissioners lollcltors for klolsons Rank. etc. Messy to Loos at lowest rates of Interest Otfl es, Main street, Exeter. 1. L Caatt e, 8.A., L. H. Matson iffoligir TO v. rile have a lergeeJlamount of private funds to loan IMMO and village properties at low rates of Inter 0f.ADMAN t STAN BURT, Barristers. Solkitnrs.Main et.. Cute, On 8. S. PHILLiPS, Excncrt. Llcessed Auctioneer. Bale attended In all parte. 8atisf.-''on gnaren• Ned or no pay. Terme reasonable. All criers lett st Advocate Office will be promptly attended to. William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal Incorporated Society of Mutt tans, England; Organist of Tei. at Memorial tsar h.F.veter. Piano, Organ. Harmony and Theory of Most,. Terme on arp ticatlon. Bettie, Ont, J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Comp etiy. also Fire 1n'nrance in lead- ing Canadian and British ('epmpantee. Mgin-St., Exeter. Sale Registers. Wednesday. Cee. i).-t'arni Ste k and implements, at 1 o'cloek. on N 1-2 I.ot 10. Con. 9. Laborite, at \Vinciteise.r. Thos Uurdte. Prop.. Jos. R bite. Auct. l,' CAIRNS, VETERINARY sUltel.VN. Successor t0 1)a. Reme.iT, go pedal Attention to Dentistry. Night calls left at the home of Mr. Peter haw len Main strut, (opp. Truitt Memorial church), will be promptly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Office -Dr. Ranmsay's 014 stand, corner of Main and North streets, (opp. Pym's Blacksmith Shop). Your patronage solicited. STRAYED HEIFER. There strayed from the premises of the undersign- ed Lot 2, Con. 2. Stephen, a two-year•old heifer, color red, weight about SW. email horns. Any per- son siting information leading to her recovery will be literally rewarded.-IIYRON E. 11100. Ceutra- ha P. O. Teacher Wanted. For S. 8. No. t, Stephen, state mesa),.tsalifiration and experience. Duties to commence the beginning of new )car IikA. JOGS 0. WEIN. Ctedlton P,o. House and Lot for Sale There has leen placed in the undersigned's hands for sale, a brick house, nearly new, 11i storeys high containing 4 rooms besides summer kitchen and woodshed, a good cellar underneath the house, a good well of water near door, also good drive house and stable on the tot. The lot contains 3.5 aeras of land In good state of cultivation on which are a good numter of first class fruit bearing trees. The property is well fenced and e.erylhing in first class shape. ?Mate a very desirable property. nicely sit• tutted, suitable for a retired farmer, or any person wantinga nice tidyhcnie. Setl.fe tory reason giv en for gibing and will he sold for far Ica than cost. Portions and partinllars apply to IL S. l'llll.t.IPS. Auctioneer, Eyelet, Ont. Tax Notice 1 will to at the TOWN 1L\Ll. each Friday and on Dee. 12, 14 and 15, from 9 a.m. to 5 1•.10., for the collection of taxes. W. J. 81SS18TT, Collector Representative Wanted ! We immediately require the services of a man of Bond address and ab01ty for fleeter and adJointng district. A permanent pceition for the right man. Write for particulate -STONE .0 WELLINGTON, Toronto, (int. 60 Acre Farm for Sale Sckool Hosed Mimeses - Meeting held In the Town Hall, Nov. 2uth at b p. m. Abect,t It. N. Rowe. The following is the order of busticss duly gut netted acd approved. Per Chair minutes of previous mecttug. Reports of Corns.; Wood -the.' 4n to eo rorda t.ad been contracted for at $4.ou per coat. Supplies -That the teachers' desks had been procured and placed and were found very satisfactory. Principal -II. S. attendance row 95. with work pro- greseing well; alas that monthly re- ports were being iseded and tearhrrs' nto:.th;) co:,fcre,ot-i nc1d. The Care- taker's work was found well done. Per S. Martin :out t'. Wood that Miss Mc- Callunt's resignation be accepted to take effect with the close of the year also that the board phut: on te:ord their satlefactiotr with the record of leer wotk. I'cr F. \V. Gladrnan that Mlea Kins- ei tit's application be held over. Per 1•'. W. Gtadmau and Ti. Ruston that the Principal be asked to bring the matter of honework before the teachers' mon- thly conference with a view to its lim- itation to review anal new wo:k, the principles of which weto thoroughly un- derstood by the p pile. Fer F. Wood and S. Martin that the Inspector's re - roil be accepted, the claire grading sug- gested referred to the I'rinclpai, the lib - eery suggested purchased forthwith and the minor repairs named effected by the Repairs Com. Per S. Martin and h. 11u- stoG that the following payments be ap- proved. -Dominion 'look Store 60c. 5, Fortson labor $1, Times Punting Co., paper and ad. $3 o5, It. Gould, labor $52.15. J.' Grigg. library $39.22, S. Boakervllle labor 97c.. Roes & Taylsr shingles $64.88, W. J. Heaman. oil and sundries $17, Conunetrlal Text Book Co, books $3, Miss Johnson exer- cluo books v l.du. Per S. Martin and P' Wood that the desk required for Miss Johneton's room be secured by the sup- pliee committee. Per S. Martin and Ie. Wood that the report of the financial cotutnittee be accepted and the matter held over for further coneldetation. Per E. Martin adjournment. t u the oe 21st t held 1 Special neet1 i r p r g d office of the thaltntan at 7.8e) p. nt. Absent F. Wood and R. N. Rowe. Per S. Martin and II. Huston that tike Sea- fotth Expositor account be paid $3.90. Per 11. Huston and S. Martin that the supplies required for the Library and Laboratory he secured by the Supplies committee. Nov. 27, 1908. -Absent F. Wood and le. W. Gladtnan. Per I1. Huston and R. N. Rowe that the salary of Mies linty and and Mies elartui be at the rate 02 three hut,dred and fifty dollars per an- nunt front January tat, 10(0, that Niles Kinsman's salary be at the rate of $375 per annum front the same date and that Mies Martha Carling be offered the pceition resigned by Miss Mct.allutn at an annual salary of $375. Adjourn- ment then followed. J. Grigg, Sec. The unit. rooted Is offering that desirat le re sere farm, teeing part of Lot 0, Con. 1. Stephen. There W on the premises a good brick house, 2 barns, 11 Lank)dri.ing shed and ether buildings. orchatI, 2 good wells, about siert.: maple bush, y acres fall wheat sown and fall ploughing done. Pos.seasien given Januar, 1st. Will be sold rely neap and on easy terms her particulars applyto F, W RAKR. Crediton Bast. IRIS MEANS TOO-- Printing ere.<- .. i rnov 104r r•'• tea clue~ ITV, AT1..' P. b.I-•.,, I ...! ,.•-incl e,` 1' School Reports The following is Gee report of the re- sults of the examinations of S. S. No. 6, Stephen, for the month of November. Nantes are In order of merit :-Sr. IV. Chas. Gower, Cnas. Itegler, Jacob Qucr- ht. Jr. IV., Thos. Yearley, John Wil- helm, Jas. Mawhhuney, Ella Wilhelm, Leona a inkbeulcr, Emma Cunningham, Flossie Hartman. Sr. 111.,Lewie Johns, Roy Johns. Jos. ltegier, Roy Ratz. Jr. 111.,John Cunningham, Francis l lynn. Sr. 11., Veronica Hanover, Wilbert Hat -i- mam Arthur Hanover. Jr. II., Peter Reg ler, Irene Mawhinney, Agnes McDonald. Sr. Part Il.. Fred Cunningham, Edith Flynn. Jr. fart 11., John Ilanover. P1. I., Bertha Ilarttnan, Edgar Slawhlnney. Average attendance 30. E. 11. Keys, teacher Following is the correct report of the stendtnd of pup Ila In 3. S. No. 1, Us - borne, bailed '.ipou general proficiency for month of November. Names in order of merit, with ptcse,ttagen for the m0:1- 10 ;-V.. Ella Down 92; Nellie Iteweliffe 80; Jennie Strang 04. 1v., John 5tt,.ng 9t): Laura Harvey 89; George Match - ford 83; Cecil Down 82. Gordon Oke 80 Atchlc Rowe liffc 74 ; Itoseha Down 72; Tena tioug:all GO; Jcanle. Dougall 59; (Alvh' Molt 21 , Ira Moir 15 -absent some exam.) Sr. W. gall Dell 01r: LIiib Moir 68; Roy White 44. Jr. 111.. Miz- e! Down 73 ; Elva Harvey 73 ; \\'illle Strang 69; Wilfred Dougall 64 : Olive Bowe llffe 7.e ; Fat test Nell 49. Sr. Ile Harvey Nctl. Flossie 1&''. It as Dick, Cecil liarris, Gladys Mule, George Meir. Jr. 11.. Elgin llowelittc, f'raek Jat'ott, John Dougall M.tggle Strang. 1't. iL, hatlid Moir, Silra Dew, Vera Bell. P1. I., Alice !)ick, Katy Sanders, Laura Oke, iia. Mitchell. Clifford Melte Aggregate attendance 11: average 36. J. A. Brintnetl, tes'•her The following is tee report of S. 3. No. 2, Stephen, for Lie month of November ; Sr. IV., L. Stahls. Jr. IV.. l.. England, T. Coughile. Itn 1i1.. M. England. V. Comte!). G. King. 1 Stahl8. Jr. 111., St. Sims, C. Coughlin, C. Jones. A. Flan- agan. L. Sines. Jr. IT., 3. Jones. Sr. 1't. iI.,C. Stahl. M. Lawson. Jr. Pt. 11., Il. Coughlin, 1. ltrandau. Jr. Pt. i., T. Cornish. G. Sires. Mattie Chapman. teethe'. Good solid winter weather set Int on t)ecctntcr 1st. Orville Southcott was til part of last week. but le out agate. SERVANT GiRL \V.tterm Whalen hector Mrllao o nod Thant:AO L:ngard who have b.rc, iu the \\'est f or the past three months, returned home last weex, and are very much atIa1I ed to tnai part of Canada. -Misses Tetra and Nora Mor - kin of Edntontott, wt.o left here with children, were visit - leg when chi d u their occurs I p I: g friends and rclativca her, dur- h.g tate laat few days.- Fk. S,Iuirea and sister. Mrs. herb Langford, are visiting their ulster, Mrs. Bake:, of Lion's head. -Mr. and erre, J. \\ right visited friends .et Salntsbury and Centralia on Su);.l•ty. -Jos. McCarty and son, Christopher, stunt Sunday with ftieads in St. Marys. Barry Squires Inas been auffu7lg ft011 the etlects of a rusty nail penetrating hie leg bat to doing ntcelY now. We hope he will soon be out agate. Wm Sforlcy and gluier Minnie spent Sunday the guests of their uncle, David Lung. of L. -e don Tp. -Patrick McGee has er- ected a brick kitchen which adds much to the appearance of thelr dwelling. -Mrs Frank Gunning Is improving front a se- vere attack of qutnay. 'There are sever- al t aaea of throat trouble In the neigh- borhood. Happily Wedded. -A quiet but very pretty marriage took place at the home of Mr. fuel Mrg. John Dann, London 'rp., yesterday (Wednesday), when their eld- est daughter. Mies Cora, was united I» ,moulage to Mr. Frank W. Morley of this place. The ceremony was performed at high noon by the Rev. Millyard, in the presence of only the Irnnu'dlatc relatives. The happy couple took the evening train for Detroit where they will spend a short honeymoon, atter weich they will return to Usborne and take up their res- idence on the taint opposite the groom's father. The young couple will have the very beat wishes for their future tiappi- nese and prosperity. Good general servant wanted to go to Sarnia. Apply to Mre. D. Johns, Meter. 110:1SF FOR SALE .A bay driving mire for sale -in foal. triply at this ofOce. DOG LOST On or about Novetnaer 24th. a white tad black hou. 1. teaad o -i left '-.igh, cis••eers to the name of "hrannfgan" Pinder suitably rewarded on returning • dog to Fd. Willis. hitt:ter. G1•(1)n:r 7'I y Mr, Joe. Spec:e and wife were guests of Mr. W. Neil, London (toad, on Sun- day fast. -Bort. Buttner and sister Jen- nie were guests of tee Misses Shutes. Kirkton,- arc who SundaSamuel S recently returned from the wilds of eivakoka on a deer- hunting expedition. proved himself equal to tee occasion by bagging two fine. specimens of deer and bringing them to Cromarty ; and we do say Sam'sa old-tlnt. bI - eaticdne a still prevailed as he shared them to the late pound with his friends. Ile is an all- tound jolly fellow and an up-to-date sport, but the only thing I am sorry for is that you, Mr. Editor, and also the writer were not friends of Sam's so that we could have soared in a pot roast. t 'e-tl' r'ts 1131 Mrs. Pym and daughter Mary Ann have returned from Manitoba where they spent the past year, and are now re- ceiving acquaintances. -Mr. Wtn. Abbott and family removed to Clandeboye. Mr. Ahhott Is going extensively Into bee culture, and we wish hint succcee.-Mre. Will. Abbott of London visited her nts- ters-ln-law, Mrs. Wm. Parsons and Mrs. S. Davls.-Largo congregations attended the Methodist church on Sunday tact. -Mies Kettle Elliott of London spent Sunday under the parental root. -Silas Swann has been re-engaged to teach In our public school with an advance of $5t) in salary. She is quite popular with old and young. Khiva !'lowing Is all nearly dorso fur Bile fall The cry is now for water. -W. Wltacl had the misfor'ut;e to lose three cslvrs by his straw stack falling On them. - T. Collins and slater Nora were visiting In Dublin for a few days !hie week. - Miss Susie Quertin has returned hone after spending the summer months win, Mr. W. Jlawhluney.-Jacob Querrin has built a new wile fence in the treat of his tarn thereby improving the appear- ance. -They say John flat intends to cut 2000 cordo of wood thla winter. It will give some employment to the men. -Thele are rumors of another wtd- ding before iotas. Nothing like gcttin:; some slat's daughter for a Ci,rtstn, u. box. remain thee ever since under the Dr's. rare. 1t wilt be a considerable time be - tore she wilt be able to return to her home. How often it 1a s41d and really appears that met le born leto t rouble as the sparks fly upward, for Just after Mre. Seives' affilctlo.t Mr. Se:vin met with a very 'icicle and painful accident In the breaking of his arta from which ?le was lzld up swat of (t e busy season. We are pleased to state that 1.e 1e now able to attend to lets daily dut:ea. _ Mooresville Mr. Robt. Clarke was taken suddenly III of patalysle on Su.id..y.-ItvM Nell !ion 02 Jan. Ncil, is very ilt u: ty viroid fever. We a.1 hope for a speed) recov- cr y. -Einer Merely has purchased a handsome diivcr front Ed. Slnlpsort.- \Vm. Simpson and wife are Visiting friends In Itiplc•y and Kincardine.- \tabel Lightfoot event Sunday watt: Ida Simpson. -Pearl Simpson returned home after a month's visit with her uncle. Sir. E. blmpsott of Midland. -Ml'. and Mre. S. Lamport spent Sunday with Mr. and Nice. Mose Sinrpeon.-Joete Whiteford agent Saturday and Sunday with her cousin, Edith Simpson of Clandeboye.- Geo. Hodgins and wile of London vis- ited with J. Atkcns and wile. -John Don- ley of London spent a couple of days with hie daughter, Mrs. W. J. Ho•Jghts. -C. Bloomfield of London visited hie b:other Jolin.-John Gilmore Is building t carpenter shop and has It near cont- pteted.-John Bloomfield agent Sunday with friends in London. -John T. Simp- son had a successful plowing bee on Friday last. -Wilbert Revington ship- ped a car cattle to Toronto Saturdsy.- The dance at the Maceabee hall on Wed- :caday last was well attended. Kirkton The Anderson appointment on t,' Kirkton circuit Intends holding tech anniversary servtccs on Sunday next. and have been very fortunate In sccur- ing the services of ltt.v. Vim. McDonage of Stlattord to preach both morning and evening. Ile has always been rated 'es an able rnan and largo crowds aro cz- pectcd.-On Saturday last the Kirkton mil! closed down for week to umd;rgo repairs. The engine was takca t o Strat- ford Monday morning. The farmers In this vicinity feel disappointed that the still shou:d be closed at this season. - It will be remembered that about one and a halt years ago Mrs. Thos. Elliot had her leg amputated for gangrene, but ore ate pleas:t1 to say that tee 1114)9 Is nicely healed. The only way she had of getting around t.le, house was by means of a chair, but thinking (his a rather cumbersome way they pro_urcd an artificial limb from Toronto of the most Improved style and Mrs. Elliott thinks with a little practice it will not be long beto:e she will be out again., which we will be pleased to see. -Mr. Walker. our popular school teacher, w1 are sorry to say, is going to leave LI 4. While living 0 Kirkton he Lair proved himself to be a worthy cltlzet and an Al teacher. iie is got:.g West and has been offered $1,outi. Taking everything into e•onstdcratlot we (htuk he 1e mak- Ing a very wise move and we wish nim Western success. -'%c hear that Mr. T. Roadhouse is soon to sell ou, I;is blarkemlth bushues and embark In the line of fanning. Ile has been re smith in Kirkton for a great number of years, a hard worker. and rias given general aattefart'on. We have not the least doubt that wet)) he puts his hand to the plow i.e will not look behind, and will make a sort ens of the cam^. -in July last Ric pard Selves and wife drove to visit the 11 Itt'e father. Tien. heavers who lives: a little wcet of \Vooloem and while there Mrs. Selves became affil t- ed with ,torte trouble. and has had to Farquhar. Eddie Peck left last week for Eng- land. -Wm. Stewart attended at Tor- onto as a witness in Mr. Lang's inter- est in the recent suitwith the apple firm of Glasgow. We understand sev- eral froth the neighborhood were also there to give evidence as regards the method of packing and also the quality of fruit put up. The result of the suit will not be known for some three weeks. -Thos. Biggs is visiting at J. 'rocker's. -bit's. Allen of Stratford vis- ited iced at T. Allen's last week. -The en- gineer was over the Stewat t drain last week and we understand the covered portion was satisfactory but some of the open ditch was not, but has since been completed. Greenway Mrs. John Gill and children of Grand Bend spent a few days the past week at her father's, Jos. Foster, Sr. -Miss Emma Baker visited Mrs. D. M. Ed- wards on Friday afternoon. -Miss Esther McPherson called on her friend Miss Zillah English on Monday even- ing. -\V. J. Wilson was in London to couple of days this week. -Miss Della and Addison Baird of .Parkhill visited at. W. J. Wilson's on Sunday,• -Mrs. Bullock, Sr., of Sylvan is visiting her son, Thos. Bullock.-MissMrtry Hutch- inson spent Sunday evening with Mise M. Stinson. Grand Bend ('. Fritz and Ii. Rau of Zurich were in our burg last week. -James Rush is on the sick list. -Mr. Dewey and son Wilber returned home from Ilillsburg Saturday. -A. Tiedetitan, who has been in the West, has arrived home. - Wm. Devine and Joe Ravelle were at Port Franks last week. --Mrs. Hannon. who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. ilrenner, left for her house in Shipka.--Frank (iermette spent Thursday in Seaforth. The reeves and deputies of the various coun( 115 are at'cnding the County coun- cil meet 0 g at Godcrich. GRAND BEND FIRE A fire occurred early Sunday m0ri1. i•n 6• at GrandPend, the well-known u r - sort on Lake Huron, 12 miles west of Exeter, wizen toe store and stables of Mr. Louis Itavclle were completely de- stroyed by fire. Fortunately there was no wind blowing at the tune and so Mr. it.evcllc's (Inc new residence was saved, but only after the greatest exerttotts on the part of tete small band of faithful fisc-flghtcl•u who were hampered by having to bring all the water to buckets up the h111 (roll the river. The loss le estimated at between eight and ten thousand dollars. of which only a small part was covered Ly insurance. The cause of the fir is du far unknown. BIRTHS BENCE.-On Nov. 24l, at. Buffalo, '.G) Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bence (nee Flor- ence Jeckell), a daughter. 'queen. -In Exeter oo Nov. :.. tv Mr, and Mre. W. J. Wileon,a d.eughrcr MARRIAORS. Llppert.-Sweltzer.-At the parsonage, Corbett, on Wednesday, Nov. let0, by Rev. Steadman, the youngest daugh., ter of Mr. Samuel Sweltzer, Sttlpka, 10 Nit. David Lippert of Khiva. Gclinas-Denontcy-At St. Peter's church at Drysdale, on Nov. 24th, Leo Gellnas of Stanley, to Miss Sarah Denomey of Tray. Jcd(re)-tlaaoc-At St. Peter'a churclt,at Drysdale, on Nov. 25th, Remi Jeffrey to Sarah Masse, both of St. Joseph. Wil son. -Masse -At St. Peter's church, at Drysdale, on Nov. 26, Robt. Wilson ot Chatham, to Miss Josephine Masse, of St. Joseph. Finkbehner-Dc Muth -At Swissvale, Pa. on Nov. 24111, Wesley A. Finkbeiner, formerly or Crediton, to T�.c1 May, , daughter of Charles De Muth. JONES-A1.DsWOIITII,-Irl Mitchell, on the 25th inst., Mr. Lolyd Price Jones of Ingersoll, formerly of Exeter, to Miss Emma Aldswot•th. of Mitchell. ELLiter-Poottr:-in \lr(illivrav, ou Nov. 25th, Mils Mal,t-1 J. Poore, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mre. Chas. Poore. to Capt. T. N. Elliot, of West Williams. MOIILEY-DAMN.-At Maple Grove, McGillivray, on December 2nd, Mr. William Motley, sun of Mr. Francis Morley of Whalen, to Miss Cora F.,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Dann, of Maple Grote. LAW1t1E-JENa1Neir-At the Sth Con.' McGillivray, on NOV. 21th, Miss Bird- ie Jennings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jennings, to Mr. Wm. Lawrie, of Forest. D1AT1iS T)rlbridge,-At Winchelsea, on Nov. 30, Austin Kenneth, son ot Mr. and Mre. Geo W. Delbrldge, aged 5 weeks and 4 days. Taylor. -In I.ondore, on Nov. 25th, Don- ald Taylor. formerly of Exeter. aged 90 years. O'Nsii.-In McGillivray, on Nov. 17th, Wm. L. O'Neil. aged SI years, 1 month. Ai.ntttn(te..-At Ailsa Craig. 00 Nov. 21st, Urs. Ann Aldridge, aged 711 years. C.\1tR-In Clinton, Nov. 21st, Harry Carr, of Winghrun, aged 63 years. IIASTISG-In Ilibliert, on Friday, the 24)th tilt., Will. 'lasting. aged SI years. • ATTENTION!!! XMAS IS NEAR ! Edison Phonographs, $16.60 up Edison Records, 40c Amberol Records, 66c To henr there is a pie:wore. To own one iv a joy. We would be glad to sell you one for Xmas. drop in rind talk it over. While in, Look over our FAN('' SOAPS, 1'i:RFh'MES, COSMET- ICS, and LOVELY POST ('ARDS. OUR XMAS 0001)8 are arriving. Can, Exp. Bldg. THE PURITY J. Willis Powell YoilSBIC Malley oll These Goods TLe Profit ie Youre! Owen Sound Portland Cetnent, special prices in (quantities. A few Iron Gates to close out AT COST. Minnehaha Washers reg, $1O.... special $8 New Century Washer.... 8.... " 7 Voll mar Washers 7 , , .. " 6 Ash Sifters from `.'' ie to 50c Lantt'rns 65c " R1 Savory Roast fans Special RI Stewart's Horse Clipper Power, 1 only rear, c1(1, sl ecitll $ 7.50 Nickel Plated Kettles from 90o to $2 " Tea and Coffee Pots from 90c to 01.50 Coal Oil (Fans from 30c to $2.50 Razors " 75e 1,50 Shears " 25e '. 125 HEAMAWS HARDWARE b STOVE STORE All empty Cement Sacks must be returned :1t Once'