HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-26, Page 8New WiFour weeks from to -morrow will be Most pleasant was the sur rise to
++++i •1 , +-144+•1
G ver Coatings
and Vestings
in all the latest
shades & patterns
at reasonable prices
the New Fashion Plates
for the present season
Merchant Tailor,
Business Locals -- Read Them
Stewart's for Clean, Fresh Groceries
for Xmas. Try their 30c Tea—Mired,
Mack ur Japan.
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate office.
Stewart's jvr Bargains .' 840.5U buys
a Lord!, 1•'ur-lined Coat for a Lady.
The Advocate will be mailed to any
address in Canada until January 1st,
1019, for one dollar. Tell your neigh-
bors about it.
Stewart's for .Xmas China -25c to
2.50 «r Jard:nerrs, 82 to $3 for 1'oiltt
Sets and $12.50 to 830 for China TeaSets.
Got t?ru hint 1
At the Exeter Bargrin Store. A
stock from Leamington this time.
The good: b tee arrived at Exeter and
this Cra^ki,;g Bargain Sale will begin
on Saturday, the 28th of November.This Rattling Cheap Sale will com-
mence Saturday [Horning at nine
o'clock. This Splendid Stock roust be
Store is For Sale or To Rent.
J. W. BRopeitice.
Stewart's fur flare i'alue in Dinner
Sets. 105 piece' sits, 87, $8, 810, up to
1.15. Imported direct jron, makers—
swell Jr.Xmas (alts.
New Barber Shop.
Call at he New Barber Shop, not th
of the Metropolitan Hotel, for a clean
shave And a good hair cut. Also
clothes cleaned and repaired and press-
ed, at reitsonehle rates.—Mart: VIN-
CENT. Proprietor.
$5.50, $0.50 up
Astounding 1'al'os
Fars Repaired or Remodelled.
M. B.vt.K v11.t.,
Andrew St.,
The Advocate will be sent to any
addr,•== in Canada to Jan. 1st, 1910,
for $I.IM).
$3.75 far a Loteli/ New Style in Net
Waists, silk -lined and trimmed trim fan-
cy fillet trimming. Stewart's.
At th:• annual meeting of the Iltiron
Old li•iy s' Association held Stolidity
at Toron'o, the following ()Meets were
elected: - !Ion. Presidents, J. S. Willi-
son, W. E. Groves, E. 3. 11. Duncan;
Presi,lent, 'rhos. G. Soole; Vice -Pres.,
Dr. i{. 11 ti•anlairy: Sec')•, E. Moody:
Tr..,.nt•:. Major Beck; Committee,
W. l). NI. Taggart, E. H. Davis, John
NI•tt l-. 11 Locae, R. A. 1Valker, F.
Hick. J. t':. Robertson, J. A. McLar-
en. I !'. \S'h'oo. 1 S McKinnon,
•r•, W. W. Sloan. \V. 1t.
Ssit s. h '; •Meod, \V. F. ('antelun.
S.••• .,tt.licial flowery at Howey's
Dr,i,• for Xmas decorating.
/1 I. •,• C7hristeo, Sh"ppim, at
Sten r, ;'. II, Stark. Ili! 1 al r,,'.A.
seri • . ', hint gets the worm"' this
old P.' er . true in regard to Xmas.a
buyir.• •' one .rty while our stock
Is somal +• . Howey's Drug Store.
/laps Para( in i'arlor, Talde and
I/an'fin' /..ops at Stewart's.
to $15 for .some
in 1•'ur Rubs at
+-; i i.4.41. -11.4•11441-14.1.44i4.44+
+ Cold Weather
Winter is now ,ipon to
and Ci RISTMAS will
soon b^ here. .
a 51 IT
an (tverce.t
if nor, better COMP
rl. and
Id us clothe you
._e;, a ,••,i line
% 't c•ir make
W. •i t> i•# N S
�1cf.lt put :tor - 1 ', ter
(iii -----i.l+f1F•$+tf'4 14.41
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Elston on onday
evening last when the members of the
Main Street Methodist choir (of which
Mr. and Mrs. Elston have long been
members) announced their presence at
the door to spend a social hour with
theta in their cosy home on Gidley
street in honor of the recent event of
their entering into married bliss. Dur-
ing the evening the hostess was pre-
sented with a "shower"
many useful and
hold articles. The
pleasant one to all.
Uncle Tort's Cabin.
Uncle Tom's Cabin was put on in the
Opera House on Friday night and was
greeted with a bumper house. The
contrast in the play of Friday night
and that which visited town souse
weeks is considerably in favor of the
latter, but neither plays (?) were wor-
thy the time it took to put them on.
"Little Eva" played a rather winsome
role, and "Topsy" was also very good.
The choruses are composed of South-
ern natives and while not being bad in
some of the parts there was nothing
noteworthy about then( save that they
were black. Probably the best part
of the play was the juggling which
was indeed interesting.
Male Street Anniversary.
The Thirteenth Anniversary of the
Main Street Methodist Church was
held on Sunday last. Rev. David N.
McCamus, of St. Marys, preached two
excellent gospel sermons, and his dis-
courses were listened to with deep in-
terest by large congregations. In the
evening a large number were unable
to gain admittance, the church being
filled to the doors. The President of
the Conference, Rev. A. II. Goin,
B.A., presented the Robert Raikes' Di-
Slomas to those of the Main Street
unday School whose names were
found on the Golden Roll of Honor.
Mr. E. Moule, rf London, t.atitone,
assisted the Choir. The thank -offer-
ing was in excess of the amount asked
for, being $375,
Creech- Sanders.
A quiet house wedding was solem-
nized at the home of Mrs. Sanders.
Main street, on Thursday afternoon
last, when her eldest daughter, Miss
Edith, was united in marriage to Mr.
Richard N. Creech. The ceremony
which took place about three o'clock
was perforated by Rey. E. A. Fear, in
the presence of only the immediate
families of the contracting parties.
The bride was attired in it beautiful
light blue travelling gown, with hat to
match. Both bride and grootn were
unattended. The ceremony over and
the wedding supper served the young
couple were driven to the depot where
they took the evening train for a short
trip to Detroit. The newspaper has
accustomed R. N. to say "we" and he
will now use it in a broader sense than
ever before.
Bloomfield Dismissed.
A Goderich correspondent writes:—
••A somewhat peculiar occurrence was
one that resulted in a trial Friday
morning on a charge of theft by His
Honor Judge Doyle. The prisoner
was a young roan named Russell
Bloomfield, who was employed with a
livery in Centralia, and who on Octo-
ber'2lst was driver for a man named
1Vut, Gilmore. Gilmore treated hint
at the bar before they left, and on the
road a bottle of liquor was consutued
between the two. Gilmore had $58 on
his person, which found its way into
the possession of Bloomfield, but ac-
cording to the statement of the prison-
er's counsel at the trial no one seems
to know just how, both Bloomfield and
Gilmore being too much under the in-
fluence of the intoxicant to know
what took place. Bloomfield pleaded
guilty to the charge and restored the
„ ,
money, and was let o b � '
). K Y the fudge
after a good deal of good advice on
promising to abstain from liquor and
fur nishing two sureties for his good
bo h:t'.ior,•'
Blcks' Forecasts For November.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the
27th, 28th and 29th, will tell the story
in sleet and snow and cold November
rains. The month will merge into
December in the midst of soled, mer-
curial cloudiness, with wintery aspects
prevailing over all northern to central
parts of the country. Ile ready for it!
A pre -word of caution about Decent -
her will not be amiss. A 1eactiomtry
storm period is central on the 2nd, 3rd
and 4th, This period is at the crisis of
the Mercury period, and near the cen-
tre of the Venus disturbance. The
Moon is on the celestial equator on the
3rd. By the 2nd rising temperature,
falling barometer and cloudiness will
appear in western sections. Winter
rains, with probable lightning and
thender southWilf(1, 11111)' he expected
by the 3r d, turning into general and
destructive sleet storms northward.
An early December blizzard, in all
probability. will follow from the north-
west, as the front of these storm areas
is advancing across the centre of the
Missis,ippi Valley. The chances are
many that winter storms of wind,
snow and sleet will he prolonged at
this tirue, filling the days up to the
next storm pet Mil.
Miss Georgina Knight of !Merton
was here Monday bidding gond-bye to
friends and relatives prior to leaving
for Battle Creek, Mich., where she will
enter an it roue a of nurse training in
the Sanitarium.
•ear preac n•
Marys Sunday.
Mr. Sam'l Baskerville is improving
daily from his illness.
Sir 1\'iltred Laurier celebrated his
07th birthday on Friday Last.
Miss May Wood entertained a num-
ber of her friends Monday evening.
Mise Ida Link, of the Commercial
House, is confined to her bed through
The December session of Il:uron
County Council will open Dec. let at
3 o'lock.
Miss Gertie Sheers very pleasantly
entertained a number of her friends
on Thursday evening.
Mr. M. Vincent has opened up: a
barber shop In the building north of
he Metropolitan Hotel.
Owing to illness Mies Gregory has
been unable to teach her department
at the school this week.
The members of the Y.M.C.A. met
for the first time in their new quarters,
Mr. Senior's hall, Monday night.
Rev. Yelland has purchased the
tuwu property owned by Mrs. Stan -
combo on William street. The price
paid was $1700.
Master Douglas Stewart, who had a
sudden attack of appendicitis, is im-
proving and an operation was not
deemed necessary.
No service was held in the Presby-
terian church Sunday evening owing
to the anniversary service being held
in Main street Methodist church.
It is an old saying that "as soon as
the creeks are full the winter sets in."
If this is to be relied upon, there is ev-
ery indication of winter being yet afar
At a meeting of the Exeter High
School Literary Society, held Noy, 20,
it was decided to hold an "At Home"
on Dec. 18th, at which a choice and
lengthy program will be rendered.
Mr. Gillis, who is starting the saw
and stave mill here, moved his family
to Exeter last week, occupying the
house owned by Mr. Mack and recent-
ly vacated by Mr. Weidenhammer.
The Rev. D. W. Collins will preach
anniversary services in the English
church, Lucknow. on Sunday, Dec. 0,
while Rev. C. W. Sanders, rector at
Lucknow will fill the vacancy here.
Mr. Ed. Kestle has purchased the
old grain storehouse on the east side
of the track at the depot from Mr. R.
Seldon. Mr. Kestle intends tearing it
down and erecting a barn on his farm
in Usborne.
The Town Council of Goderich Sat-
urday night decided to submit a local
option by-law at the coming municipal
election. A petition with about 450
natnes was presented, asking for the
submission of the by-law.
The Women's Guild of the Trivitt Me-
morial church will hold their annual
bazaar in the Town Hall, Exeter, on
Friday, Dec. 4th. Afternoon from 3
to tl tea and sale of work. Program in
the evening. Admission 10e.
If you have a visitor at your house
rush the news to us. If any of your
family is going away on a visit tell us
or drop a card in the poet office and
simply address it to The Advocate.
If you do this we'll do the rest.
Mr. Thos. Gregory, who has been in
very poor health for several months,
but who for the past few weeks bas
improved considerably, was taken
worse on Saturday and has since been
in a low state. We hope to hear of
bis recovery.
On Monday, in a congenial company
at their comfortable home, Mr. and
Mrs. S. J. Hogarth celebrated the
twenty•fifth anniversary of their
marriage. Among their guests were
friends frein the surrounding tillages,
Clandcboyeand London.
The Dashwood stage team became
frightened at some unknown object at
the depot on Tuesday morning and
started on a orad run towards town
but luckily were captured before going
far. The glass in front of the stage
was the only damage done.
Mr. Fred ]frown of Mitchell packed
and shipped 2500 barrels of apples this
season in that neighborhood. The
wonder is when he got the apples, be-
cause in this section with but a few
miles intervening there were scarcely
enough good apples to supply the local
The farmer who tries to run his farm
without it farm paper is not doing him-
self of his farm justice. Take The Ad-
vocate for the local news, and in midi
tion be sure and add The Weekly Sun
to your list of reading for the coming
year. 1I.Ip4(11- that is what you will
say it is, and you will never want to be
without it. Only $1.8) for both papers.
"Three n(`w' inmates %vete admitted
to the House of Refuge last week --
Miss Hahn, Dash wood, aged 38; Mrs.
Shields, Colborne, 73; John Dowson,
('olborne,80. This week Alfred Sheere
entered, which brings the, number of
instates up to ninety-three, high-wat-
er mark. To get into the Huron H.
of 1{. seems to lengthen out the lives
of elan)) nt the old people."- -Clinton
News Hernial.
Poultry Show at Clinton.
The kith Annual Show of the Huron
Poultry and i'et Stock Association
will be held itt Clinton. ,irtn. 19th, 20th
and 21s1. There are a large number of
prize winning birds around our burg.
and as Clinton is sn convenient, our
local breeders should soy to it that
they capture their share of the offer-
Shaw nets Three Years.
Maurice Shitty. who was arrested by
Constable Nortbgraves in London on
November 9, charged with being a real
live horse thief, was found guilty and
sentenced to three years' imprison•
ne.et S itntday morning at the London
('port House. Shaw was arrested on
information 1 elephoned by William
:\ndersnn. Shaw elitinte(l that he
owned the horse, and sold it to Ander•
soil for $I1s1. It was proven at the
trial that he stole the animal, which
eras a heavy draught horse, from the
barn of William ('olwill, in McGilli-
vray Township. Shaw claimed to
have bought it from a stranger, and
said he had paid one dollar down on a
h mit ell dollar purchase price. It WAS
f,•nn,l Ih:tt Shaw was not telling the
troth, and the charge being proven
(gainsi hire. he was sentenced to three
ornamental house -
visit very
A Good
Business Man
insures his stock against fire.
The prudent head of a family has
his life insured. The thoughtful
traveller carries necident insur-
Cure is insurance against Coughs,
('.,Ids, Bronchitis. ('roup, ►,a
Grippe and all kinds of Throat and
Lung Ailments. It is the cheap-
est inynranreany hods- can carry.
Keep 25 cents' worth of this insnr•
Mire in 1h.• house. ft pays BIO
25c a Bottle
.S .Cole, Phm.B.
to tis in prison. Shaw Was well Prescription Druggist
known here, he having lived here for C,)'e's•Cure• ,•('oid Tablets core it cold
..eyes! moot an.l eta. 'ti his way
;o a .lay.
'o L. odor) ft,gni hi 1.• thell he.tolethe
Potatoes, per bag
Hay, per ton
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cw 1 40
Dried apples
Livehogs, per owt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
7 60
1 45
0 05
23 00
20 00
Miss Francis Davie, of Wingham,
returned to her home here •u Friday,
and intends remaining until after
Rale Needed.
If winter sets in without a lot of
rain first coming, it will leave the
farmers of this district, at least, in a
bad way. Water is very scarce in
parts of this country. Most of the
small streams and ponds upon which
the farmers depended for water, to-
gether with the wells and cisterns,
dried up during the great drought in
August and September, and the few
rains since have been inadequate to set
them going again. A farmer said
yesterday that tha stock needs more
water now than ordinarily because of
the dry feed, their being no pasture,
and he added that it will be a colossal
task for farmers to draw water in the
winter time, and perhaps an impossib-
ility if the weather becomes severely
cold, when streams freeze almost to
the bottom.
He's going to
quit the
old way.
The Old
Way to
Cure a
The New
Way -
Cure -a -Cold
--- Capsules
—Manufactured only by --
W. S. NOWEY, P111111
Chemist and Optician EXETER
Phone 50
1 Popular !
Are you aware that. 75 per
cent. of the flour used in Toronto
is blended flour.
No wonder that
is in demand as it is made from
the best «'.stern wheat and the
best Ontario, (nixed half and
half. it is second to none for
bread slaking. If you are not
using it, give it it trial and be
allk Ilk*AAtalh Jai
Scrap Iron, }an1ed
Brass, Copper 1�
Rubber, Etc.,
1Ve ate prepared to pay
40c a hundred and upwards,
according to quality, for Scrap it'ntl,
Old Rubber Boots and Shoes, Se per Ili
Horse (lair, 29e. Copper and Brass Sc
Bags, 50c per hundred.
We Have for Sale
a large quantity of
suitable for
Fence Posts
M. Jackson & Son
MAIN ST., EX 1;1'1•:1{.
MHN modern and popular ihul•
nen N. hoot in western Ontario.
Widely experienced, ',madly
ed mated. eympsthet ir, at ten t i v e
,tag The synnn) m of ne.•eol
ora.Aiatt eminently succesmnl
The , ery e+ucm a of mal,rn,
1,1 in¢ hndneas i- ,(ems.
Stenography, Telegraphy
and Commercial
erepsrat.•ri , •woe inr those
shn5(o(,.alinn ham been nett-
Mail cnorara. In any *object',
for th..e who u IA to esu. y at
Individual instrncll,m. Enter
any day. Write t,1 /11. 1.. •r=:
(ipfl 11'4,r71i\ 1'r. , n .. is
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc.
We make a Specialty of Eave-
troughing, Roo$n and 41
Plumbin in all
its branches.
Call and
be con-
that it is the cheapest spot in town.
Ilion stock Coollek
VIE keep con-
stantly in
stock a full
line of furniture,
and it pays to
furnish your
home from our
stock ' ' '
IMMO 1,84113
Parlor Suites Parlor Tables
Easy Chairs Odd Chairs
Music Cabinets Couches
Sideboards Hall Racks
Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining Room Tables
Dining Chairs
and all Bedroom Furniture
ii(I cmm ate4
NM 2332M131230003034330f1 36 4We:110 COVIDOIMMOID4H1101104HIN
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
Co.oA..o n
HRISTMAS only 5 weeks away,
It is time for us all to get busy !
CiIRiSTMAS will soon be upon 119. A few weeks are not long
in passing away. So we cannot start too soon to make our prepara-
PRESENTS to think of—Presents to buy --and a GOOD
rnany other STORE THINGS to think about !!!
THIS will be found THE BUSY STORE
from now till the Holiday Season ie over. We are filled up with the
A. i 1 �[ It FRHPI Y
-.6se.... Come Right I
;ua1 let us show you all our good things. it will do you good
and do us good to see you.
Nice Fur Ruffs
very suitable for a present.
1Ve. have t1 nice assort.
latent in Alaska Sable, Isa-
bella Sable, Isabella Fox,
Black Link, Slone Martin,
and heat•.
Fi'01I1 87 up to $,25
Warm Neck Ruffs
The most comfortable
present yon can buy.
Alaska Sable. f=abella Sa-
ble, Isabella Fox, 111 ick
Link. Stone Martin, Bear
and Persian 1.1mb.
From $3.50 up to $30
Fur -Lined Coats
For n gond. warm, com-
fortable gitrrnent the Fur•
Lined ('oat BEATS THEM
ALL \1'e have the
and at the eery lowest pri-
Call and get prices.
I,10 dozen of the BEST
had. They are certainly a
nice lot and are sure to
pjpleitse you. Plain and
I'tulry, White and Colored
-- all the way from
5c up to 40c each.
Silk Wraps
Nice Fancy Silk Scarfs,
Wraps taut Fascinator's for
evening wear. They are
ani Would (make LOVELY"
F1'Om $ 1 to $3
Fancy Collars
.[tilt Arrived — TI! I
They are swell—ell col-
ors and shapes. We have
the low ones and the high
ones --right up to your ears
!f you wish.
25 Per Cent Discount Sale
Millinery --- of all millinery — Millinery
This means a RiO CUT in our Millinery Department, as the sea-
son is not tench noire than half over. ilut we don't believe in waiting
till the let week to make OUR D18('O['NT SALE.
All our Trimmed or Cot irnmed Hats at the sante discount..
Plenty of time to wear therm before Spring. A nice lot to show
yntl, so come along EARLY and get a GOOD CHOICE --as they
Christmas Ties
We are fort Iolate in hav-
ing O['1t NEW TiES in
early this year. 1V.. can
show v.o i the NEW. NAT -
BETTER h.t- ever been
chowo in Exeter.
Ings •
Gents' Scarfs
THE BEST we have ev-
er shown. In AL1, the
New Patterns of Mixed
(ireons, Blues, Browns and
Greys: also Plain, Black.
and White. Prices -
50c, 7.5c, 531, 81.25, 82
Boys, do not fail to see both these line..
i s i(n' ell(• t•elcin•.tt((1 «' 1•; ';tlifO►'d ('inthinv