Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-26, Page 5Thio Week
We Are Showing
2 six -octave and 1 flve-
octave second-hand or•
gans, cheap for
In Ne* Pianos
we have some very fine instruments.
Sewing Machines
in all the leading waked and styles.
Our Prices and Terms
are of the most liberal kind.
in all the newest styles at
away down prices.
We will be pleased to show
you our goods.
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium.
They are notedfor the quality of their goods.
ezeter meats
•Loo If paid In &drones,
S.S0 • you U sot so paid.
Te Units& States Sabscribers$I.IO
s Year Strictly is *geese*.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound,
The g,rat Uterine Tonic, and
only bate effectual Monthly
Regulator on which women can
depend. Sold in three defrees
of strength—No. 1, ftli NO. 2.
10 dogmas stronger e3; No. 3,
for special casesper box.
Bold by all d to, or sant,
prepaid on rope pt of prion.
Fres pi nlyyhlet. Addreso Tu
COSI MtD101111C0"TOROI(TO.OsT. (Forwards lVr�6sor/
Our put record and our present grade of work
,tamps us u the groat practical training school
of Western Ontario.
We hay a three departments --
&Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphic
Our graduates are in demand as Business Co!.
lege teachers as well as otflee assistants indi-
vidualinetruction. Enter NOW Largecala•
Logue free. Write for it.
Mr. Lorne Moffitt, sort of Mr. John
Moffat, the Kippen grain buyer, and
Miss Gertie Caldwell, sister of Mrs.
Lea. McConnell of our village. were
united in marriage on the 18th inst.,
the ceremony being perform:•d in Sea -
forth by Rev. Mr. Larkin. The happy
couple, who have the hearty good
wishes of the whole community, will,
we believe, take up house -keeping on
the John Aikenheed farm. which Mr.
Moffat has rented.—The Presbyterian
Church is nearing completion and on
Saturday a bee was held to scrub it
out and the seating will at one,• he
gone on with. The opening will, it is
expected. take place about Dec. 13tb,
and the Choir is already busy getting
the program ready.—S. Steiner of Reit
Portage is suffering from an attack of
typhoid fever.
Blanshard: A quiet wedding took
place at the parsonage of Wellington
street Methodist church, London,
Wednesday, when Mies Lena C. Pearn
of St. Meryl, was married to James H.
Robinson, a well-known resident of
Blanshard Tp. The ceremony was
perforated by Rey. H. A. Graham.
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson will live in St.
Nairn: There passed away at her
home in N tirn on Saturday, Nov. 14,
Mrs. Wet. Currie. after a lingering ill-
ness. Se% t•ral years ago she, with her
husband, 1 i.ided in Ailsa Craig, but
since het husband's death she has
made her hurtle with her sister, Miss
Dewar. here. She is survived by four
sisters, Miss Dewar andiMrs. Malcolm
McIntyre. of Nairn; Mrs. McLean, of
East Williams; and Mrs. Clark, of
Strathroy; and one brother. Mr. Jno.
Dewar, of Lobo.
Manufacturer and Retailer
.1 Fur
We are the only etcelueive Fur House In
Western Ontario. devoting all our energies,
combined with pia. tical experience, to the
manufacturing of Fur Garments, and hare
confidence that we ran save our patrons
money and supply the best goals In the
Send your address sad receive
breturn Mail ouAnnual
Cstsloare and Pricer List. For
All inf.rmattnn regarding prices , heer-
ht11y t;i+en. )fail dtnleri pnmtptly attend-
ed to.
Ross, 196 Dundas St., London, Ont.
A Perfect Substitute
Can be prt'par•d instantly by 'inlr)ly stirring contents
of one package inti) a pint of bt>iling water.
flavoring or fussing.
No so:il:'r;, sweetening,
Everything in the package.
The Dainty Dessert
a trial and you will never use gelatine again.
7 flavors. Sold by all good grocers.
Illustrated Recipe Book, Free.
1ii181Iest Award, Gold Medals al Si. Louis, Portland and
Jamestown Expositions.
0 you value your health avold cheap imitations.
JELL-O costs a little more, but
Proof is inozhatstible that
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound cures feuuale ills and
carries women safely through the
Change of Life.
Mrs. Letitia Blair Cannifton,Out.,
writes to Mrs. I'inkhtam :
" I %vas sick fur rive years. One doe•
tvr told the it was ulceration, and re -
other told the it was a fibroid tumor,
and advised an operation. No one
knows what I suffered, and the bear-
ing down pains were terrible.
" I wrote to my sister about !t and she
advised me to take Lydia E Pinkltatn's
Vegetable Compound.
' It has cured rue of all my trouble,
and I did not have to have the opera-
tion after all. The Compound
helped me to pass safely throug'.t
Change of Life."
For thirty years Lydia E. Piiik-
tiain's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herb.,, has been the
standard remedy for female i1Ls
and has positively cured thousands of
'wotnon who have been troubled with
tti.placeluentzi, il,ft:llllnlation,uloera-
tion, fibroid tuinori, irregularities,
periodic paire:, Irtekaclfe, that bear -
ii dowit fee liIlet ulency,indiges-
Uddrt,ril7.?ltlt'ss it nervousprOstrat1On.
Why don't you try it ?
i'iti11tani invites All sick
ti-nVV.eel ti) write her for advice
bait guided tIi iis.a.nds to
health. .tiletress, Lyon, ]Hass.
Lucan: John Buchanan, charged
with stealing $104 at Lucan, was
brought up for sentence on Saturday.
The family of the prisoner made good
the money, however, and the Judge
decided to let him go on suspended
sentence on furnishing securities for
his reappearance when required.
How's ThisP
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any c&ee
of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Bail's Catarrh
F. J. CIIENEY as Co., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for
the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and financially able to
.airy out any obligations made by Matins.
WALDI>ro, KINNAN k llaarra,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting di'
rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the
ay stein. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bot-
tle. Sold by all Druggists,
Take Halle Family Pi11s for constipation.
Clinton: Death claimed another
aged resident of Clinton on Sunday, in
the person of Mrs. Eliza Farquhar,
who passed away at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Albert Morrell, with
whom she made her horse for several
years. She had been in declining
health for some months.
Logan: While Mr. and Mrs. Main
Eisler were in the barn Sunday morn-
ing, milking and doing up the chores.
their little five-year-old daughter's
dress became ignited from the fire in
the stove. Seeing her danger, the
child ran to her parents, who smother-
ed the fire, but nut before she was con-
siderably burned on the arm and head.
She had a close call.
A (3001) STO\1ACIf.
Means Good health, Cheerfulness, Am-
bition, Petlsteicy and Su,'ese.
'.il-o-no will cute your dyspcpela or
illy other stetnseh trouble by building
up the flabby waive and 1111.1G:4 tite
stomach so etret.g twit it will digest
food without pepsin or other artificial
In other words, MI-o-ua cures dyapd p-
.rl6t ry removing the cause.
\V. S. Cole is the agent for \tl-o-na In
Harem and he says to every reader of
the Advocate auuae stomach is weak.
who has Imiigcat ion or dyspepsia. v,,it
;.1:-u-na le guaranteed to cure or lit d y
Th;• prtre Is only 50 rents a 1.trge
nos. and one box is all you need to
,Trove that you are on the right road,
0 health and happlhcee.
Mr. Cleo. Llndrr of corner Mill suet
Parte Streets. Elmira, Ont., says; ' For
itrout ten years 1 have been severely
!roubled with ♦:omischt rouble and in-
digestion so bad that I could not rtR-
tate my food alter eating. i could not
eat meat. or Scar, cls anything and ha t
nc.ndarhes and ronitipatlon. I Recur. d
.1 par kege of .fi o -:da with the result
that now after having taken two loxes
1 ant entirely cured and ran eat any.
•+,ing. digest wife, try and ani fell',(
fine. always overcame any ron-
Ntlpatlon. 1 ant rn.ly too glad to pub-
t:ciy endutse and recommend Mf-o•tta."
! have arranged with
Perrin to place Santa
Claus Biscuits on sale
with all first-class dealers.
Get some from your grocer;
they are delicious.
Yours truly,
12 Varieties.
On Sunday evening a special sermon
was preached by the pastor. Rev.
Veale in aid of the League. The ser-
mon was eloquent, well -directed and
leasing to all. To -night Thursday the
ague purpose holding a tea in cou•
nection with which they have secured
the Rev. James Livingstone of Mitch.
ell to give a lecture. Subject. "The
Human Voice." Mr. Livingstone is
well spoken of as a lecturer. st good
time is expected.—It is with feelings of
deep regret that we announce the ser-
ious illness of Mrs. Itobt. Fletcher, who
is lying in the London hospital where
she recently underwent an operation.
It was thought at first that her condi-
tion was such that recovery was'im-
possible but up to the time of writing
we learn that she is doing nicely and
every hope is entertained for a full re -
recovery. —We have recently heard
that James Beatty is soon to sever his
connection with our little burg and re-
move to the coast. Ile has always
been a good citizen; alert to all kinds
of business, charitable in his ways and
we will very much miss such good
fellows.—Williain Moore, our popular
hardware merchant, returned to town
Tuesday, after spending ten days on
a hunting expedition withthis brother,
who lives near Wiarton. He reports
having had a good time and bagged
considerable game but his main sport
was hunting wild cats as they are
numerous in that region. --Our two
elderly and much respected ladies Mrs.
Robt. Beatty and Mrs. Urquhart, who
met with the misfortune a short time
ago of each having a leg broken, we
very much regret to say are not gain-
ing strength very fast and very grave
doubts are entertained as to whether
they will ever walk again.—We are
indeed sorry to learn that the wife of
Wm. Pridhaw, ex-M.P., of Fullerton,
is seriously ill and under the care of
two nurses. Her many friends in this
vicinity wish her a speedy recovery.—
Mrs. Henry Doupe is very ill and un-
able to attend to her household duties,
owing to an attack of rheumatism.
DISATH.—By the death of William
Hanson, Fullerton has lost one of its
most highly respected residents. The
sad event occurred early Sunday morn-
ing after an illness of two years dura-
tion. Deceased was in his iOth year.
Beside his wife he is survived by a
grown up family. The remains were
interred in the Mitchell cemetery.
\WAIt%1 AND 1)1(Y
Now is the time when the doctor gets
busy. and Ile tnatwfac-
twers reap the harvest, unless great
care la taken to dress warmly and keep
the feet dry. Tills Is tite advice of an
old eminent authurl:y, who says that
itheuntatism and Kidney trouble weath-
er is here, a::d also tells what t.) du 1n
case of an attar k.
Get ftuii any good prescription phar-
macy one -halt ounce Fluid Extract Dan-
delion, one ounce Compound Kargon.
three cruises Compound Syrup Sarsapar-
illa. Mix by shaking ;n a bottle and
take a teaspoonful after meals and at
lash line.
Just try this simple none -trade mix-
ture at the first sign of Iti,euntatlsnh or
ft your back attics or you feel that the
kidneys are not at ling just right. This
is said to Le a splendid kld,nty regul-
ator. hind almost ccrtii:t remedy for all
forms' of Itheu,natisnt, w'hteh la caused
by uric acid In Inc blood. which the kids
Ys fail to filter out. Any one can ran-
ily prepare this at home and at small'
Druggists to thla town and vicinity,
when show!. the Ines(rlptlott, slated that
they either supply these Ingredients. or
if our readers prefer they will compound
the mixture for them.
Rev. E. Medd. of Forest, had charge
of the C. O. F. service in the Metho-
diet Church last Sunday fnorning.—
Nelse Blatchford is expected home
from North Dakota about the end of
the month. He has been very ill sine
going West.—Mr. Hemphill, of Wrox-
eter, who about a month agt> purch-
ased the residence of 0. House, moved
his household effects here last week
and is now a resident of Hensall.—The
ladies of Carmel Church are preparing
to give it St. Andrew's Stepper, con-
sisting of fowl and haggis, together
with short bread and alley Scotch
dishes. A concert will also be held.
—Robert Dalrymple, one of our re-
spected residents, is, and has been,
quite seriously ill for the past week or
so.—The Ladies of Carmel Presbyter-
ian church intend holding a Scotch
supper and concert on St. Andrew's
evening, Monday, Nov. 30th, in the
Woonest Wgnntxo.—After a five
years' dash over the union course in
double harness and on the occasion of
moving into a beautiful new home,
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Thompson, of
town, on Friday last celebrated the
event of their fifth wedding anni ert►-
ary in a most fitting and becoming
manner. About 8.5 guests were pres-
ent from the town and surrounding
country and all enjoyed themselves to
the full. The souvenirs presented to
the happy couple were many and ap-
propriate. May Mr. and Mrs. Thomp-
son's life of usefulness maintain the
vigor to at least fotar-score years and
ten, is the wish of the many friends.
Lain To ltRtrr.—Death removed an-
other of our lest known residents Sun-
day, Nov. 15th, in the person of Will-
iam J. Whiteside, who was well known
to everybody in ileroeill and surround•
leg country. His eteezy, blunt, Irish
11at,Ire was altv:tye in evidence and
made hint many friends. Born in Bel-
fast. irel:and. neatly i`l years ago, he
grew up amid exciting surroundings'.
and hots often told of the Belfast riote
when the orange and the green were
blended in the form of figte, paving
stones and title balls. in these con-
tests he was no idle spectator. Ile
Was married in ilelfast and nine of his
i In childi en were born there. Minot
I:3 vr'are Ago he moved with his fancily
i to S.•af it th. and at:oat It years ago
moved to Itenatll. While working in
' the salt block some years ago he fell
off a platform to the flea,- belo v and
was so badly shaken tip that he never
regained his full rotrength. He was a
feather of the Methd'di't Church, also
i of the Royal Templar Order. His wife
I predeceased hits some years ago. lie
1 leaves two daughte'i4 and two sons to
' mourn his lose. The tonere] took
place on Wednesday, Nov. 18th.
THEN Decide ea the Business Collar
We ask the privilege of sending you
our intensely -interesting. handsomely
lilustrated FREE CATALOGUE. In
fact, you really owe It to purself to get
copy and read it therougMy before yov
*elect the Business College to attend.
Tlti. Catalogue ex all about our
Tells . our faculty, our • l t oourstr.
Tells why we honestl • • • e our Col•
After reading the • . • . ws will leave
Sending for a copy places you under no
name and address on a postcard.
Specl.l openings September and January.
nese and Shorthand College
•1 c. wESTERVELT. Jr.. C.A... Vlc..Pdnetpet
to be the best for xou.
you to judge for yourselh
obligation. Just mail your
%Aeries admitted any time.
The !I: u. est City Busi
!; WI' 'ETFRV'LT. Pn,<:pt!
r 1';ti y...•,.�.c-..::�7n777'�•!'`�f•.'nOy�"4r7+f
That N
is caused by just
And there is just one
ag4_ng; in the Back
our lt.t:; -weak t!. t• tined, irritated kidneys.
way .o stud it
Gin P111?
strcnrt hen
>a t 1., .I t
kidnoys--ncutr; 1ro U c u'
those scaklutr •. ••i.1%
relieve the :•a::~•1lnih..
Gin Pills aro r:1,., i' + re •o: +:zr:,i c tare
for ltheutmati,:,u and rei:st..• :. : -.•
box 6 for S.'.:df. A. all
sent on r.dce et cot •,rid +•,
Sam elle fire DOT. r yy^, ,t •,•e. n (THY!. CO.11 F'n rc, r:y
t ? !i.t, ..,.:.:. .v , . (: . f. LJ41iTED n,mtr y
> Dr,
m,:nti.a, tl,;+ lr,,tr, Tl� 104 lriwny,• r.
•11 ~:
If you want your stoves to look as if they hit
been cleaned every hour, rub them occasiona:ly
"Black Knight" Stove Polish.
It the shine that lasts, no quitter how hot the fire. It shines
est a few rubs. You get such a big can for the money
is easily the cheapest yon can buy.
Geed 1641r dealer's ease and Irk for full aimed des.
eyed east get "Stack Knight" nearby.
Ibis I. P. lain Ce. Illffl i
• 14IIQ.TON. ant
"Peerless Peninsulars"
Are Cast -Iron Ranges Built Like Steel
"Peerless Peninsular" Ranges have the
Drop Oven and Low Closet which have
heretofore been exclusive features of the
tnost expensive steel ranges.
They are also the only ranges made with
Fire -Box on right or left side, as may
better fit the kitchen in which the range
is to be placed.
"Peerless Peninsular" Ranges arc splendid
cookers, are very economical in regard to fuel, are
strongly built, and will give a lifetime of service.
Let us show you their many features of
superiority. 71
LJ• �,1
hat a "Pandora" Hot -Water
Attachment Means to Me
"BELOW—You see how 1 just turn on the tap
and instantly get hot water for my dishes,wash-
ing, scrubbing, preserving, etc.
"ABOVE—you see how the
pipes are connected to the
bath and basin—no waiting
for a bath—no carrying
hot water upstairs."
"Pandora" Ranges can be
supplied with a hot-water
attachment if you
haven't already got
one, and the attach-
ment docs not either
take extra fuel or in-
terfere with balking.
McClary's ,.
tendon. Toronto. iartentreal, Winnipeg. Venoouver. St. John. N.S , ttarnilten. Calgary,
T. Hawkins &, Son, Agents.