HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-12-16, Page 504/: 44, , December 16th, r 915 THE \\ INGHAM TIMES lleelbilvitAiite. .r a v+a • e►1". AV* vvtio,e, ..wwiwr I IOLDAY GOODS The largest variety we have ever shown ready for Christmas buyers. We have many differ- ent imported lines to show you in popular priced goods. We want the pleasure of having you call and see our fancy novelties. Call and get one of our i q i 6 Calendars. CO. Mail Orders Promptly Filled Phone 70 Delineator and Butterick Patteras For Sale • feel esealesYAte es. eleIti eiet Curia ti.^ ieetvi .-T ..,1, et./el telif v► WtAb.• Capital Authorized $5,000,000 Capital Paid up • $3,000.000 Surplus $3,780,000 .,� `jr'ir'I�wn`t�`r�'?;?,� a ��•FI:�M J;j1'�i'` �. P U T y 8 N G AWAY ' SMALL SUMS in our Savings Deportment you can put away small sums, and while , waiting your cal they will draw intere.,. WING:sl-IAM BRANCH C. '1• SMITH. Manager. NOTICE The ,Annual meeting of the share- holders and patrons of the Bluevale Cheese and Butter Company, Limited, will be held in the Foresters Hall, Bluevale, on Thursday, December'2:3rd, 1915, at 1.30 o'clock, p,m. for the elec- tion of a 13oard of Directors and the transaction of any other business that may come before the meeting. By order 842 S. PAUL, Secretary SHORTHORN CATTLE FOR SALE 1 have for sale at my premises, lot 26, con. 10. West Wawanosh, a number of prize-winning Shorthorn Cows, in calf and with calves at foot, dlso a number of Shorthorn Heifers, under one year, one year old and two year old. Let me hear from you if you want some good stock. JOHN WEBSTER J. W. DODD Successor to J. G. Stewart Fire, Life, Accident and Health INSURANCE P. 0, Box 306 'Phone 198 WINGHAM ONTARIO i ve "MADE IN CANADA„ '"•r d`1 i. o rhngg •s...•ar Price itceM' e If you Atay in Lloors all winiv - flit mi,y:,t not need your ! or'. 'till "neva :grass" time. But in the wide "c4... ; t -floors tllt• Ford serves s :is v elf fit , snitat'.• as in j u:..•. It'., t i. •:11-yr.:;•-ro.'nd Car wit ;`',.,1. i ,nr .'e .-.. Li01..•11v t11a. ISin't e..,C.-ic:' .• .1 The Runabout is how •4'.a; i,,,. • a 87,0 ' b. Ford, Ontario All ri7•'•. • i''' el ' , ci'ii p •ii in • id''g electric headlights Eq ip r e• not il.tlude speedometer. Get., it i{: 1., d1'ti , ,. IL ... ,i'. ! rid. (irk', Dealer, Nit :i:,:, Oar . 11ei. Apple Blltter for Sale We have always on hand a good supply of apple butter which we sell at 6 cents per Ib. Shipped in 15, 30 and 60 lb. tubs, at a low rate of freight, to any part of the Dominion. Guaranteed first-class in every respect. Orders promptly at- tended to. E1Merklev 86 Son 'Phone 84 Box 62 wnilaa'I Uisbits(I The annual Christmas tree and enter- tainment of S. S. No. 10 vigil be held in the school house on Wednesday evening, December 22nd, commencing at 8 o'clock. Proceeds in aid of patriotic funds. Admission 25c, children 5c. Everybody help. MOKIcin. Mies Margaret Stevenson, of Grey, has spent the past, two weeks the guest of her friend Miss Mary Casemore, of Morris. A box social and Christmas tree is to be held at the stone school, S. S. No. 7, Morris, December 20th, at eight o'clock, Proceeds in aid of Red Cross work. liEl.GdtAVel The Annual Christmas tree and en- tertainment of Knox Church Sabbath School, Belgrave, will be held in the Foresters' Hall on Wednesday, Decem- ber, 22nd. A programme, consisting of choruses, solos, recitations, drills, dialogues, etc., will be rendered The programme will commence at 8 o'clock. Admission 25e, children 10c. Wpb ' WAWANOSE. The death of James Nivins occurred on Friday, Dec. 3rd at his home in West Wawanosh, after an illness of some duration. The deceased was in ....his sixty-ninth year and had been for many years a resident of the township. He leaves a widow, four sons and one daughter. The funeral took place to Dungannon cemetery on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 4th and was largely attended. Rev. I1. R. Williams was the officiating clergyman. MORK) Sunday, and Monday, January 23rd and 24th, are the dates chosen for Union church anniversary. Rev. D. Wren, Brussels, will preach on the Sabbath and a first-class program will follow the Fowl Supper Monday even- ing. Harvey Knox, formerly of the 5th line, who went with the first contingent to France, \while in active service re- ceived a bad wound from a German shrapnel in one of his limbs that it was found necessary to amputate it. Har - very has recovered and expects to eat his Christmas dinner with his mother at Tuxford, Sask. I;LYTB. Chas. Bell, C.P.R. section foreman, met with a painful accident Saturday. He went into the writer tank building, and in some manner got caught in part of the gasoline engine. He was whirled round and thrown to the floor, but no bones were broken. He was all alone, and the latch had fallen and made him a prisoner until the assistant at the station happened to be passing and '• •a`ds,•d�m'�`..P":hv r•�i•� ✓ 0:d :..�:•r.• w•. ou.• topThat ragfp t ig .... pia f.e Have your windows and doors permanently f '` PA equipped with e Qi ALL -METAL WEATHER STRIP iii S fffi 1$t OSA e1q �Of1 101 ►eQ� 11.. C. J. FURBER & Co. d0 Manufacturers Durham, Ont. Local Installing Agent Wanted '`4'�.0.•.IA.CGo •.m.IA RI'••pro .•".'.•"h• a `f �' V••\•,q•. �•...y1 ..'*....0"e.•v.,. ed. . •a►. Run ®.•.r.,.•� •el.:..�..n.-.,x1u .®.n .a, . -�{ :�...ao .� .>n, .�, .� ..3...�..�,...�..� . d•w.•�•w•�.•...•a.•m.•'�,"..'••r'-�.'.d°"„d•,.0'a,R.,u'.r„°'r•+'•'p''.r's"'� Cheaper and far superior to storn sash. Once installed it is always in place •'• c effectually ex- cludes all draught, snow, ect, rain or dust. Does not limit ventilat'.n. Ensures an even temperature and SAVES 20 TO 40 PER CENT. FUEL 111.1111111011111111111111.14.,..........141 Igor further particulars address :- Prize - Pn e 5 . . ,sairaifrv3)a*.„,. � ,t,� %l A Mem .ristmas To All sit IsARDs "Ladies` Wear' .-ind "Men's Wear" Stores are crowdedwith a great variety of usef d Christmas Presents, "One Day Nearer Christmas" and the ru•rt of shoppers totthis store increases. It is some hard to sekcc what you want so we make the following Gift Suggestions. Ladies' Wear Store Silk Waists, Kimonas, Lace Collars, Dressing Sacques, Ladies' Silk Umbrellas, Handkerchiefs, Back Combs, Side Combs, Burettes, Motor Scarfs, Hoods, Kid Gloves, Satins or Silk Underskirts, Hancl Bags, Collars, Sweater Coats, Purses, Mufflers, Kozy Felt Slippers, Silk Vests, Silk Sweater Coats, Draw Linens of all kinds, Furs, Fur -lined Coats, Fur -collared Coats, Rat Fur Coats, all at cut prices for Christmas Bargains. Vacuum CLEANERS --A very useful Xmas present. We handle the "Cadillac", a very reliable make, it does the work thoroughly. Special price for gift $10.00. Regular $12.00 machine. Bargains in the Carpet Department in all sizes and 'kinds of Rugs Men's Wear Store Store full of Useful Presents for Men and Boys. Watch our windows every day from now till Xmas. You'll be sure tib see something that will be just what you want and at the right price. Christmas Gift Suggestions Fur Caps, Silk Ties, Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Mitts, Silk Mufflers, Silk Handkerchiefs,. Fancy Slippers, Hockey Shoes, Fancy Socks, Silk Braces in fancy boxes, Dressing Gowns, Leather .Collar Boxes, Sweater Coats, Cuff Links, Tie Pins, Fur -lined Coats, Fur Coats, Fur - lined Gloves, Belts, Neck Scarfs, Fancy Soft Shirts. H. E. ISARD Two Stores "Shop Early and Often" Store Open Every Night Co. Wir.ghaln heard a hammering on the door. He responded, and assisted Mr, Bell to his home. • The exhibitors from here did well at the Guelph fair, all of them getting in the money, John Barr, L. Charlesworth and Grey Bros. getting awards. E. Watson purchased three head 13 months old calves from Messrs. John Brigham & Son, and shipped the same to Toronto, their combined weight was 2,900 lbs., ai?d one of the weighed 1,100. Eft ••I Toronto, Dec. 13, Union Stock Yards chi ' —Receipts for to -day, 108 cars; 2030` 1,0 I cattle, 98 calves, 1023 hogs, and 1070 fp. ! sheep and lambs Op ; The cattle trade was comparatively 9�trAa ; quiet to -day, following the big week end • : Christmas beef cattle market last week. Prices to day were not so high an aver - CAT age as paid for some of the loads of show OM ' cattle on Saturday , but a few small p' 11 ' lots of prime beef cattle sold to -day at i i i from $S til $8.50. Choice loads of butcher cattle sold from $7.2_5 to $7.70.. Fair to v - I medium butcher were perhaps a little /r' :easier . fill Good fat cows were scarce and firm. 1,1, Choice bulls firm. Sheep and lambs very strong (end high- er t:L7:1cA.NN AN The scholars of the school here will hold a Christmas tree and entertain- ment on the evening of Wednesday, Decembeo 22nd. There will be a good program and the public is invited to attend. Admission 25 cents. BL• JEVALE. The Bluevale Women's Institute in- tend holding a patriotic concert on the evening of December 31st, 'New Year's eve. A good program is being prepared and a pleasant evening is promised to all who come. Proceeds in aid, of the Red Cross Society. Chas. Weldrick, of Windsor, brake- man, fell under a Webash train at Simcoe and one leg was mangled, re- quiring amputation, the shock of which proved fatal. 1.76E STOCa MAI?,c�.i•r!•Z BRUSSMLS Lieut. Stewart Scott, a well known Bcusselite, has been delegated to look after the recruits offering for the new Huron Co Battalion. He is now in town and will be able to give all desired information on the subject. A good start has been made in our overseas re- presentatives but there is room for many more. A most interesting ceremony took place on Wednesday, Dec. 1st, at St. John's church, Brussels, when Miss Lillian Maud Payne, of Finsbury Park, London. England, was united in holy matrimony to Charles Albert Cross- field, son of Samuel and Kate Cross- field, of Abbotsford, Que.. by Rev. R. E. Page, Rector of the Church. The groom arrived at the church et 10.30, accompanied by his best man. Dr. F. Bryens, of Brussels. Bride arrived shortly after accompanied by fen wa:d, Miss Marie Crump, formerly of London, Eng. The wedding was private•only a` few personal friends being present. The newly married couple left the church to the ringing of the church bell and an adjournment was made to the home of Mrs. D. C. Ross; where a sutnptuous repast was served. After dinner congratulatory speeches were made by Rev. R. E. Page and Dr. Bry- acs to which the groom responded. Many nice gifts from friends in Eng- lane n,lane and Canada had been made to - Mrs. Crossfield which were en exhibi- tion and one interesting fact was brought to the notice of the guest that the wedding cake was cut by a knife,. the present of Mrs. Crossfielcl's brother who is in the trenches. Mr. and Mrs, Crossfield left on the 3.19 train from Walton for Montreal and Abbotsford, Que., where Mr. Crossfiel.l's parent's reside. T TURKEYS AND GEESE .SRI, =awn= til. NAVIES Ltd. 7 ( Hogs weaker at $8.75 fed and watered Export ... 5 g 1'Buteher cattle choice ... 7 000n ; 78 505n do medium........ ., .. 11 �,; (i 50 Buteher cows choice (1 !'0 fi 50 do medium.... .... 5 rut 5 75 do common 4 :,r l r,ideboils 11it75Feeders . • (1 1ii50Stockers 'i Il '-'%1 do medium5 � 5 0 00 i do light.... 5 0') i, S',t Canners and cutters , :) 7 ( •r 50 • Milkers, choice 00 On DO 01) Springers . . ... 00 un 53 110 Common and medium-.., 41 i11 til (s; Lambs .... .... 7 111 7 '25 Light ewes . • ... (1 25 7 50 do bucks 5 (, , %)•i Hogs fed and watered .. , . do f.o.b.... . s Calves e le 01 ( WI"O,`1 lit it R1'e.l 51' e44• 1•44.K 1`• , tl i Wi Igha:r(, P.,e. 71.•1:115 1 Flour ler 10;]1)3 ... ...' t1, 1 30 i ; Fall wheat . .... (.1 t,... , oli Oats . ... ..,, " to ;D .,n Barley .. .0 "(( lt, •l 53' !Peas. ...1 C_O t., 1 05 Butter dairy .0.o 0 28 Eggs per doz ... ....... (3 :is to 0 41 i Wood per cord ... .... .:u ;_'; t•1 !Hay per ton. 14 uJ t•. 1i. 1;:t I Hogs 15 to ;t l %i 1 Dried Apples, per lb ... w..a..i ' Beans, per bushel.. ........, ,,•• 1,3 .; %l)IMO + 1 i 1 Vasoisasessaerlsoessioeseasseeesetheiseserteeseestesile 1 t mazamqfa1 awns F ) L Rdulta N [,.ai WILL_BE IIERE •'E= FORE You REALIZE IT 1v APET iES 1 s3 Novels Store t (Made in Canada) \' c have a comp'ete range of fancy boxes ilf Stationery. Filled with highest grades (,f <tcci: .and .rt :••ticaliy boxed. Prices from 25C up. !Wig aid Bokks See our i;ti c '41,:'ck at reasonable prices. • Private gr(:c'ti:14 l:.n.1', ..; $1.00 }l 'r llCz('lt and up. h,tvt Illi t'. t'. .,t 1;1 ri .ld'a I',d:;t t -7,:r11,, Ia,;;, i ,iii . ., .i. n 3.6 (lal � 1.L.18 £ Il t 3 a ff w; i iS jl tll:'it'a l:• ',t i!1 11 sat(;, 1 ,. '•r ,•'k ,1r :1.111100S S. & 5. NOV•k. 111 i;,,. 1 111;ir li: ,.: i ii: and 15C. les • OP:Sr�wll�� ' eseieeksatesieese CR,+11,1 \ t. i W1331AM, ONT. :Y'yy,,.�•t., y,�Soy°-'4•�R"•�'11�:11rc��