HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-26, Page 3A. J. PATTISON & CO
33-35, SCOTT ST., TOk )ti1TO,
Steck Brokers and Financial Agents
and other stocks bought and sold on
commission. Correspondence invit-
ed. Orders may be wired at our expense.
Bloodhounds Will be Introduced in
Eag%iah t'uu-:ty.
The police authorities in England
have at last decided to follow in
stvne degree the customs of the
"Well, parson, is your flock lib'-
ral in their 'nevulences1"
"Liberal1 Well, I should say
dey is not that. Why, when I asted
them to sing 'Ole Hundred' dey
done sung 'The Ninety and Niue.' "
C'illiroirts and Rubbing Will Not Continent anti recognize blood-
Cure It --Tile DIa:a:e Mast be hound, as a permanent daunt in this PILES CURED A
detc tion of crime.
t sated Zhraunb the Blood. Major Richardson, who has for
years been breeding—wholly with
The trouble with mon and wo- a view to perfection of scent--cross-
mea who have rheumatism is that ',red bloodhounds, the other day
they waste valuabla time in trying �c'corved a fortual notice that his If you softer from bleed.
t • rub the co.r.ptaint away, If theydogs are to be retained by the Hert.. Iniles,ttse idR,mel atror ad(plress,ttalu(gl
rub Lard enough the friction causes f rdsluro police..Major Iliebard
warmth in the affected part, which on wit keep the dogs and train pelf 11 at tell
ne by how
the absorption
temporarily relieves the pain, but thein, but they will be sent for by' treatment ; and will also send some
in a short time the aches ar.d the Hertfordshire authorities on the of this home treatment free for
pains aro as bad as ever. All the occurrence of any crime in the Jo trial, with references from your
rubbing, and all the liniments and t('ction of which they maybe use own locality if requested. Lnmedi-
ou n't e e rheutnatism,�utitls in the world f nA great number of the other! ate relief and permanent cure as-
isvt•on't cure be:auso It � sated. bend no money, tell
rooted in the blood. Rubbi:ug county authorities are discussing &therm of this offer.. Writebuttell
won't remove the poisonous acid in the employment of (lugs, and the t : .urs. M. Summers. lion to-day103
the blood that causes the pain.. idea has jarti%ularly appealed to . ,.
those in Scotland. It is probable Utiliser, Out.
Lilt Dr. Williams Pink I ills stili, --- —
because they are a blood rneciici::e that in a short time this special Dobbins—"I
By Nate Abl;orption Method.
acting un the b!-,od. That is why l iced of d,ga whose heredity is
t'le aches and pains and stiff swot yet a secret—will be generally re -
len pointe of rheumatism disappear . cognized as an arm of the detec-
wuen these pills are used. 'Dint's. tive service, as in Benin, where a
why se iible people waste no tirne motor car, specially built for carry-
..,ln rubbing, but take Dr. Williams' , ing a dozen or more bloodhounds,
Pink Pills when the first twinges I is kept always ty Major Iles:. lson s
of rheumatism come on, and these' S j
speedily drive the trouble out of hounds have already done service in
their system. Mr. John Evans, 12; Turkey, on behalf of the Sultan,
Kempf Road, Halifax, N. S., says: I acid the Paris authorities, who have
"About three years ago I had an i just imported some pups, find the
attack of rheumatism which settled l dogs much more faithful to a scent
in my right leg and ankle, which 1 than any variety yet produced.
became very much swollen and was
exceedingly painful. I wasted a
good deal of time trying to get rid
et the trouble by rubbing with lini-
ments, but it did not do me a bit of
good. My daughter was using Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills at the time
and finally persuaded me to try old baby boy who has never yet
them. Inside of a week the pills been kissed:
began to help Inc, and after tak-Hanging in a conspicuous place
ing them a few weeks longer the lust inside the entrance to the house
trouble completely disappeared aim l it a set of rules addressed to visi-
has not wasbothered also me since. My • tors and signed by the father and
daughter o weaknessaking ande pills mother. The following are extracts
at the time for arae-.
iiia, was also cured by thein, and
I am now a firm friend of this medi-
Most of the troubles that afllict
mankind are due to poor, watery
— -4'—
Rules Signed by Father and Mo-
ther Makes Visitors Think.
Living with his parents at Brad-
ford, England, is a nine -mouths -
from the rules :
Don't kiss the baby. y'
Don't handle baby unless 'tr
hands are very, very c:eau.
Don't bring baby's face close to
blood. n �
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ac• your own or to your hair.
Wally make new red blood. That Don't allow baby to touch your
is v by they cure anaemia with its face or hair.
headaches and backaches, and diz- Don't talk, breathe, whist(,,
einess and fainting spells; the blow, cough or sneeze into the
pangs of rheumatism, and the sharp baby's face. We want him to h.:« .
stabbing pains of neuralgia; also Don't use your handkerchief to
indigestion, St. Vitus' dance, para- baby's hands, face or mouth.
At the foot of the rules is writ
lysis and the ailments of young
girls and women of mature age. ten . "To some these rules will ap-
Good blood is the secret of health pear comical or stupid, but th v
and the secret of good blood is Dr. are not written as a joke or wi;.,
out thought. Therefore, any per
Williams'Pink Pills. Sold by mo- son infringing these rules after
{ ,.� ddicinge dealers or by mail at having read them will incur our
ams' Me jca ieo Co., Brockville, displeasure extremely."
O 4-Browne—"Did you over see a
m The Dr. Willi
It is a wise policy to keep your
troubles to yourself. Don't spread
the Lilo of them broadcast among
yi or acquaintances. The f.wci
people who know of the things that
h:i, a haudicapped you *he nutter
Then, from ;your ow -i point of view,
speaking of them is harmful. Every
time you recite your tale of woe you
engrave it more deeply on your own
mind. You implant more firmly in
your brain that which is best for-
gotten. The best thing to do with
a bad piece of work or a mistake is
to endeavor to forget it. Erase it,
wipe it off the tablets of memory
for ever. Never let its dark sha-
oow come again to mar your happt- .
ness or sap your strength. Remeut-'
her the good old saying, "Lot the
dead past bury its dead." Com-
pare your mind to a store -room,
and reirove from it the useless lum-
I.er of bitter mem-ries, which mere-
ly act as a clog un you. They .0
copy valuable space to no purpose.
Endeavor to spring clean your
mind as you do your house, only at
more frequent intervals. Li'co your
home, your heart and brain will
Le all the better for it.
In some countries, notably in the
Russian provinces north of the Cau-
bloated till I was clumsy. The pain casus, the sunflower serves other
1 auffered was awful. It would go purposes besides ornamenting gar-
tt, my feet and then to my head. dens with its huge golden bosses.
Many doctors attended mo, and 1 The seeds are used to make oil,
tried many medicines, but nothing which is employed both in the man -
Ct'Iti:D iit:R.
Pleasant Point Matron Tells Her
Suffering Sbtcrs How to be Free
Front the Terrible Pains that
Make Life a Burden.
Pleasant Point, Ont., Nov. 16—
(Special).—That most of the ills
that the suffering women of Canada
have to bear are due to disordered
Kidneys, and that the natural cure
for them is Dodd's Kidney Pills, is
once more shown in the case of Mrs.
Merril C. Clarke, a well-known re-
sident of this place and a prom-
inent member ot the Salvation
Army. Mrs. Clarke is always ready
to give her experience for the 1ps-
say, old fell° v, you
refit of her suffering sisters.
aro getting thin since you retired' "My sickness commenced twenty
from business." Tubbins (excoal years ago with the change of life,"
dealer)—"That's right. You see, I says Mrs. Clarke. "My health was
don't weigh as much as I did." in a bad state. Water would run
from my head which would make me
A cough is often the forerunner faint. When I came out of the
cf serious pulmonary afflictions, fainting spells 1 took fits. I was
yet there is a simple euro within
the roach of all in l3ickle's Anti -
Consumptive Syrup, an old-time
and widely recognized remedy,
which, if resorted to at the incep-
tion of a cold, will invariably give
r('lief, and by overcoming the trou-
t.te, guard the system from any seri-
ous consequences. Price 25 cents,
at all dealers. +_
Ladv—"Tho last tish I had from
you didn't seem very fresh." Fish-
monger—"Well, mum, how can you
expect fresh fish from salt water 1"
"A little Csld. You Kaaw," will become artreat
Asn-er it it be allowed to roach down the throat
t • the longs. Nip the peril In the bud with
Allen's Lung Salaam. a sure remedy contaiaisg
no opiates.
man who really wanted the earth t.'
Towne—"Oh, yes." Browne—"Who
u as het" Towne—"A first -trip
passenger on an ocean liner."
gave me relief till I used Dodd's
Kidney Pills. The first box stopped
the fits and seven boxes cured me
Every suffering woman should use
Dodd's Kidney Pills. They make
strong, healthy kidneys, and the
woman who has good Kidneys is
safeguarded against those terrible
pains that rake miserable the lives
of so many women.
"Sufficient for the day is the evil
thereof," and vice versa. It is
false economy to endeavor to crows;
too much into ono day. The day's
work should be faced with the re-
solve that each job will bo done
in turn, and that while it is in hand
it will receive all your energy.
Not a NauseatingPill.—The es- Don't !Tread the thoughts over
w hat is to come or has gone. "One
cipient of a pill is the substance thing at a time" and "What is
which enfol(.'s the ingredients and worth doing is worth doing well"
are good mottoes. Endeavor at the
outset to apportion to each task its
fair share of your time. Then sail
makes up the pill mass. Volt of
Parmelee's Vegetable Pills is so
compounded as to preserve their
moisture, and they can be carried straight ahead. The saving in nervi
into any latitude without impairing Vis energy is enormous. Avoid un-
derstrength. Many pills, in or- dertaking too much, and try not to
der to keep them from adhering, worryover the fear of failure. Do
are rolled in powders, which prove yourbest ; no pian can do better
nauseating to the taste. Partnelee'i than his best. The roan alio stops
Vegetable Pills are so prepared to ponder over the chances of nuc -
that they aro agreeable to the most cesis seldom the man who suc-
ceeds. The successful man is he who
Ont. --'r' does his duty to the best of his
ELEEPLESS BABIES The gipsies of Europe number, ability, in the full knowledge that
roughly, about 550,000. While there Ile cannot do more to guard against
NEW GOLDFIELDS FOUND. AbE SICKLY BIBILS ere only 5,000 in England, Austro- failure.
Hungary claims 300,000, and Spain
Uganda Believed to be Rich in the Wien babies aro restless and and Portugal 200,.)00.
Precious Metal. sleepless it is the surest possibly -- -
A report by Mr. Coates, the Gov. sign of illness. Well babies steep The saps old 1t. They iupppflea the Menthol
soundly and wake up brightly. I- ami In "'rite n B 1." Menthol flatter. which
crimeret geologist, published in theeepessnessis g" y Vend iInstantly(a a- m,h•adacha, uoaralaia,
Uganda Official Gazette, states that 51.1110 lderangement of the st l�o•tdto rheumatism and sciatica.
or bowels or to teething troubles.
A few doses of Bauy's Own Tal'lets
will put the little one right, an'l
make it sleep naturally and Ao•uvi-
ly. Mothers need not be afrai 1 of
this medicine as it is guarat'eel
by a government analyst to cera
Iain no opiate or narcotic. Mr;
Louis Reville, Gowan, Ont.., says:
-"I am never without Baby's Own fact that it has now been on the
Tablets in the house. I haus used market for over thirty-one years,
this medicine for mw childr 0 as its prosperity is ns great as ever,
occasion required. for the last five and the demand for it in that peri-
od has very greatly increased. It
is beneficial in all countries, and
wherever introduced fresh supplies
are constantly asked or.
King Edward and Queen Alexan-
dra have been married longer than
any other pair of crowned heads
Sister Ann—Did yer get any in Europe.
marks at school ter -day, Bill 1 _
Bill—Yus, but they're where they Tomtit' e„!" SIAnel• d'•e not d.1.r storms.
opium .a.len • m• tcitues •• may cheat cough ng,
don't show. , but th•c.1t.taye Iso not trifle; when you bells
l., e'.Rb laky Aliens I.uutt Itatsaa, free from
— - ---., 'pima. full of b•alisg p,w•r.
In the territory west of Lake Albert
Nyanza gold has been found in
Kakoi River gravels up to a point
crossing the boundary of the Lado
In the Adiz Valley gold has also
been found in conspicuous quanti-
ties in gravels at point below a
large dyke crossing the stream. On
the lower course of the M'hago and
Adzi (livers the gravels show a con-
siderable amount of fine gold in the
upper layers, and indications of the
r robable existence of payable auri-
ferous strata. The country is eas-
ily accessible and close to Lake Al-
The country is in ilritish terri-
tory, in proximit;y to the rich Con-
go gold fields. Tho new discoveries
`rote the existence of gold over a
vast area --and probably in the dis-
puted territory lately surveyed by
the Anglo -Congolese Boundary
Commission. This territory tjreat
3jtitain should refuse to relinquish.
%Vhere can 1 get some of Hollo-
way's Corn Cure 1 1 was entirely
stored of my corns by this remedy
and I with some more of it for my
friends. So writes Mr. J. W.
Brown, Chicago_i
Tho Parson—"I intend to pray
that you may forgive Casey fur
thing that brick at you."
TIM Patient--"Ilebbe yer riv-
ycnce 'lid be saving tonne if ye'd
just wait till Oi git well, and then
pray for Casey.
In connection with electrical ap-
pliances, more inventions aro being
made than in all other industries
A Wide Sphere of Usefulness.—
Tho consumption of I)r. Thomas'
l?clectric Oil has grown to great
proportions. Notwithstanding the
years, and have found it superior to
all other medicines in curing the
ills of childhood." Sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents
a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
+ •
I.nndladv—"You will either have
Would you like to have a sam- to pay what you own or leave."
Ile copy of The Farmer'r; Ad- Slowpay--"Thanks. The last place
Tocate and dome Magazine! 1 was at they made me do both."
How to Cleanse the System. —
Pnrmelee's Vegetable Pills aro as
result of scientific study of the ef-
fects of extracts of certain roots
and herbs upon the digestive or-
gans. Their UFO has dcrnonstarted
in many instances that they regu- ,
late the action of the liver and the 1
kidneys, purify the blood, and car-`
ry off all morbid accumulations;
from the system. They are easy to'
take, and their action is mild and
Mrs. Dobson—"Bridget told me
she saw Mr. and Mrs. Hobson go-
ing to church this morning. 1 won-
der what's the matter I" Mr. Dob-
son --"Why, either Mr. Hobson has
had another attack of heart trou
ble or Mrs. Hobson has a new hat."
Aft•r • Oeld Den don't f:.Ii to tate a teaspoon•
fel ret Painkiller mired with a 01a4, of 5,4 water
aril sugar. 1t surelyr•r•ots chills A,nld sub•
stitntes, there Is but one " Palaktller --Parry
parte'-tic. and 400.
"Then you really don't believe
Thin a man is ever too old to
learn 1" "Certainly not! I've
known `nen to get married at th3
age of sotcnty-five or more?"
Parents buy Mother Craves'
Worm Exterminator because they
know it is a safe medicine for their
children and an effectual expeller
of worms.
THE BEST AGRICULTURAL The cheapest tea to use is not
the lowest priced. You can buy tea A RETIRING MAID.
HOME PAPER a few cents a pound cheaper that "And do you have to be caller)
on the American Continent. will make a drink, but if you want in the morning 1•' asked the lady
progressive farmer can afn» absolutely pure, healthful. Nun cleanly j repared tea use "Salads.'' w'hn was about to engage a new
it is infinitely more delicious and gi -1 don't have to be, mono." re.
decidedly inure economical than ,p lied the applicant, "unless you
other teas, because it goes farther. }lappen to want me!"
ford to be without it. Publish-
ed 'vicekly. Only $1.50 per year.
1)r.•p postcardfor free sample
copy. agents Wanted. Address:
People don't talk much of your I "F.%RM!R'S A07O :ATE "
opinion unless you happen to think :Mention this paper. London Ont.
as they Jo. tib`
Cbcw'ing Tobacco
The big black plus;.
Woman conceals only what sho
does not know.
Women are wise impromptu,
TH1. ONLY WAY. fools on reflection.
Silence and blushing are the olo-
Young Popperton--"Wife has quenco of women.
gone shopping and left me in charge If a fox is cunning, a woman in
of the baby, and 1 am regularly put love is still more so.
to it to know how to keep the little A woman laughs when she can,
fellow quiet." and weeps when she will.
orimshaw (after regarding the Who hath n fair wife hath need
howling and contorting juvenile of more than two eyes,
ctitically)--"I should think you Ono should choose a wife with
could easily kep him quiet, both the oars rather than with the eyes.
in a vocal and physic al way. by gag- The castle that parleys and the
ging him carefully, tying his hands woman who listens are ready to
behind hie back, binding his feet surrender.
together, nailing his attics to the A woman is like yonr thnrlow•—
flont, and then administering chlo- renew her, she flies ; fly from her,
roform to him."
she follows. T N U
ISSI E N0. 1;- 09.
ufacture of soap and in cooking.
The stems and leaves aro burned
and the ashes used to make potash.
Last year the sunflower factories
ot the Caucasus produced 15,000
tons of potash.
Of any fish, a herring lives the
shortest time out of water ; carp
and eels the greatest length.
for agents selling our toilet smarm
Lots making S5 0) a day. Well• at
i once foe full part tcu'art t, ttai
SOAP $UPPLV CO,. Box 332. Toronto
I's (olt°s° RIW FURS P;AYEE0
i1:, 4a,t price. paid. write f•,rprice 1i4t- .hilt...
O utman N.e.haw, deep droak. Ann 353111 Co, U.S.
A.k for particulars
.Ib •111 ill) natural
t elnediso sure cure in °very ,.r.e- 5,. ye tri• la-
Jerieure in (;e:m.111y, 5nplan.l awl Can.. 14 '151
$real+i'r t'heulical w•ulks, i.S 11oat.,u 1.1.1••t,
boffin.. 0ut4ria
L11 r ri a, /� tear ^ Irl aye„ :21.
4y A IJ t E D ' aa.wa and
,l.a -•or:•,. 1. t a. ac u4
c..sais la alt .00!p . 1:001 ptalta ani
el„tiTut* aroait a:., :.a.. ( nide•. r. la-m.1%MM. n .r 11141
coca and eayew a la pet day k r.Ay •.rlt
a ro,,nd :.t iatiy net /..* ; no tayetit..• rtgtutd,
\, ort
MAL R. NASALS MED. CO., Lenten, Ost., Camas.
Try tir1 lag only ltl'a ale.a..r• .,
11te01 tltu toads Art a tbW.
Picture Post Cords
cis sur Inc. fur ell.
AEN AI 50 Oi.NEfr Ju•t Yeas
n.,,.• a+ d &Wm .. Ws mad cads
la..r paid. 50 tiara at 1lc a Flq
avd ter:d .. • ur SIN and r•.0 •1d
• `tet by teturet wailr-ut cbo re
•"11,-,e Wir,ar•t•d 111 in -lid ...•14
dd aleft ae b•e..r .rel .40107
t• auli l t,t.e d n.••rda.
Prantuma to . .ase h.•ra
h.• ten Arley- w-rtt.tt•iay and fol
,n rd.rr en..l.g hwm (•.o. a•a
.•.,o.N•1 Prtnl.ula 11..us.. I dl...
Colonial A:t Co.. Dept. 53. Toronto
Only tholto who suffer from
piles can ktaow the t.gony, the
burning, throbbing, ehcotirlg,
subbing l ainew l.i: hthiaatlmeut eau• -e
and the way it wrecks the rt.Curer's idc
Zero-B:1k is bleese.l by thousands
who u,e4 to , offer from piles, but whom
it. h►e cura,t. t`ne , lch grateful Jerson
is Airs. E•irt`.,eth 'Pallor of Grt•cowd.•d
Avenue, Toronto. $i:e says: "Fur
four long years 1 auffered acute'y from
bl•sding piles. Inuring th.a time Iepent
so immense amount of munom en
'remxli•. anil doctor's rreectit(tione
but I got no mare. 7-am-Bt:k wan flitfer-
ent to everything el o l It•ul tried and
it cured me. I sin grateful fur theme,
and as i bavo not er bol p lea once slue.
I know the curl is permanent."
Another thankful woman j• Mrs. A.
E. Gardiner, of t'atelinr, TrinityTay.
She says: "In my ::Ase %am-iluepec•
ted a wor.derful cure. for 12 3 cars 1
bei born troub:e.1 with blind, bleeding
sed protruding piles, 1 had Lcen using
%swim.' kinds of ointments, eto., but
never came across anything to do mo
goo 1 ur I I tried Zam•Ruk which maul
mol That this may 1. the meats of
hslptue ousel cuff from piles to try
Zam L'ak s ill, wish of one who Las
tonna great r.! -L"
I4vt-11••k 14 a rl,taly herbal balm and
ahould be In every bonen ('nye' volt,
burns, buil/tee, 'cecina. nlceui, blond•
poisoning Itch, cod-*nr•e.rhart cd bands
and all disease' acd t• juries or the ,kin.
(0o, All drwcinl.te and s,nrea at fee tor,
or trout Lain•bna t r,,., Toronto, sur p, ice.
send for our Free
Catalogue No. 75.
RC Btil PIrno b Oiaai Co., mi.. Cu oli, 0::1
makers of e•11 Pi: roe. Bell r, gang and
Autonola Rayer Plano..
(lives Perfect
Large Manufacturing
67-;1 r ilo:aidSt. West
About 40x200, lighted Ly
thirty-five windows. the en-
tire length of three sides, alFe
from ten large skylights, most
up-to-date manufacturing flat
in central part of Toronto;
rental includes power, steam
heat, wafer, electric light. at
10 per cent. less elan ci+•v
rates; lowest it-stirnnce rate 1
ilntuediate possession ; low
rental to high-class tenant.
o,) NKR
73 Adelaide Street West
T1017101 3EL1 i -v -c X VT=ON
43x56 inch bed, cost $2,500,
Will be Sold for $400 Cash
In order to make room for larger and faster machines. it is in goodi
running order, as it has just been thoroughly overhauled by a competent,
The Wilson Publishing Co., Limited
43 Adelaide St. West, Toronto`,