HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-26, Page 11
I to JAN. '10
subscribe for the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
aa above stated; or else
take telvantnge of our
Low Club Rates
t t
theet le.
Iii Nowest Typca
On Best Paper).
The Finest Work
And Riteht Pri. •••t
The Advocate Office,Exeter
The Old Reliable
Price vs.
Price of Merchandise
is Nothing !!!
Cost Price, plus Serviceibility,
—Which Do You Want—
Low Price or Lots Cost
,., Extravagance or Economy
If you . - ut Low Cost our goods will interest you,
othe: wi r they will not. Now i, the time to buy your Winter Stock.
We never carried a better or more complete stock
than we do at the present.
Highest Price Paid for POULTRY, dead or alive.
Highest price paid for produce—Butter 21c. Eggs 21c.
Highest Prices Paid for Dried Apples, present quotation 5c Ib
"I—PHONE 22-+
Big Discount Sa1efl1
Big Discount on All Mantles
u u Fur -Lined Coats
Fur Coats
Boots and Shoes
We carry a largo stock. Come and secure some of the
while they last.
Highest Prices Paid for All Kinds of Produce.
One Door North of Post-011ice.
We Sell Good Rubbers—the Dainty Mode.
rrofesaloaal Cards.
DLO. !. ROVi8TON, 1. D. 8., D. D. 8 -
Kelabar of the It. ('. 1) 8. of Ontario and HOBO,
t tidtlate of Tcr oto Cni%er.ity.
OFFICE: Over Dickson & Carling'. Law 0Mce, In
DI. Aad,r.on's former Dental Parlors.
ibDR. A. It. KINSMAN. I. D. 8„ D. D. 8,•
Honor graduate of Toronto Univertatr.
tell extracted without any pain, or any bat effects
oyer Oladman a Stanbury. office, M•In street
DR, T. P. McLAI'011I.1N
11xa resumed practice after spending a year (Col.
lege) at British and Continental Hospitals. General
practice with special attention to Eye, (with refrac-
tion) Ear, Nae and Throat.
Office: Dashwood, Ont.
�] R BRIGHT, M. D., M. C. P. a 8., HONOR
Li• Graduate of Toronto University, two years
residenthysician Royal Ale andra Hospital, etc.
Office a ands Residence, Dr. Amos' Old Stand, Andrew
Street, EXETER.
ten, Notaries. conveyancers, Commissioners
Solicitors for Motions Bank, etc.
Mosey to Loss at lowest rates of interest.
O1B.-ea, Main street, Eseter,
1. R. oaata•, R.A., L. n. Dtcssos
We hay large amount of private rami, to loan
n fanwel illage properties at low rates c f Inter
Barristers. Solfcitore.Main et . F.1eter On
B. 8. PHiF.LFI'y, i:x1:rr.u.
Laces+cd auctioneer.
Oda attended in all parts. Satisfaction suaran.
lied Mae pay.Terms reasonable. All order. left
[+1 Advocate Aice mitt be promptly attended tn.
William Brown
Met. Diploma of Royal Incorporate., Society of
Is4clans, England; Organist of Truitt Memorial
pateh.Raeter. Piano, (Organ, harmony and Theory
Of Made, Terms on application. Rseter, Ont,
Agent Confederation Fife Assurance
Company, also Fire Insurance in lead-
ing(`anndian end British Companies.
Mein -St.. Exeter.
The Coon. it of the County of 11ur.-n will meet in
the Council a hamter, in the town a?Gale►i, h. at 3 rnY
o clock p. m. on Tuesday, the 1st M'y of December. x r i
All ae-Onnts to me before the Conned must be t e t
placed with the clerk pees tans to the above date. i•, . , ., .
W. 1.ANE, Clerk. ' ti a
Dated at Oodsrich. Nov. 16th, 111r4, ! f�i ,
Successor t0 Da. RAMSAY.
m pedal Attention to Dentistry.
Night calla left at the home of Mr. Peter Rawden
Main street, (opp. Trlrttt Memorial Church), will be
promptly attended to.
Office Dr. ltamsay's old stand,corner of Main and
North streets, (opp. Pym's Blacksmith Shop).
Your patronage solicited.
There strayed from the premises of the undersign-
ed Lot 2, ('nn. 2, Stephen, a two-year-old heifer,
color red, weight about .p, small horns. Any per -
eon gh ing information leafing to her recovery will
be liberally rewarded.– IBYRON E. 111CK8, Centra-
lia P, o,
Teacher Wanted.
For S. 8. No. 4, Stephen, state salary. qualification
and experience. Duties to commence the beginning
of new year 1004.
JOHN G. WEIN. Crediton 1'.o.
House and Lot for Sale
There has been placed in the undersigned's hands
for sale, a Krick house, nearly new, 1'4 storeys high,
containing 8 rooms besides Hummer kitchen and
woodshed, a good cellar underneath the house, •
good well of water near door. also good drive house
and stable on the lot. The lot contains 3-5 aeras of
land in good state of culthaUon on which are •
good number of first class fruit bearing trees. The
property it well fenced and everything in first class
shape. This U a very desirable property, nicely sit•
Wes!, suitable for a retired farmer, or any person
wanting a nice tidy Amor. Satisfactory reason Rle
en for selling and will he sold for far leas than cost.
Fo►terms and particulars apppply to
B. b. 1'I11i.f.I'8, Auctioneer,
Exeter, Ont.
Tax Notice
i will to at the TOWN BALI. each Friday and
Oh Ike. 12, 14 and 15, from 9 a.m. to 5 p m., for the
collection of taxes.
W. J. BISSBTT. Collector
Representative Wanted !
We immediately require the sen ices of a man
of good address and ability for Exeter and adjotnine
district. A permanent posit ion for the right man.
Write for particulars.- STONE .t WELI.INI,TON,
Toronto, Ont.
60 Acre Farm for Sale
The unit.. reigned is offering that desirable 6r1 acre
arm, being part of Lot 9. ('on. 1, Stephen. There
1s on the premise's goal brick house, 2 t.arne, (1
Lank) driving shed and other buildings, orchard, 2
good wells. about 5 acres maple bush, 9 acres fall
wheat sown and fall plonghing done. Possession
Riven January 1st. Will be sold very ebeap and on
ea.)t•rm. F. r part:cuter. ip .le to
P, It C.(i;i:8, Crediton East.
TUN M1:ANs Y017- Printing
/IND • mjr•
Exeter Council
Regular meeting of the Council held
in the Town Mall, Friday, Nov. :10th,
present Reeve Bobier,Councillors Hea-
man, Fuke and Knight. Minutes of
meetings held on Nov. 5th,eth and 10th
were read and approved.
The following accounts were read
and orders drawn on Treasurer for
same: The Goldie & McCulloch Co.,
labor and supplies, $33.15; Bell Tele-
phone Co., message, 30c.; Queen City
Oil Co., gasoline, $10.30; P. Bawden &
Son, balance on cement walk, contract.
1907, $32.91; Connor Bros., repairs and
supplies, $11.15; E. A. Follick, meals
for tramps, 80c.; J. N. Howard, cedar,
$2.50; lid. Quance. labor, $3.38; Wm.
Welsh, $1.12; W. Westcott, $4.12; E.
Coombes, 75e.; S. West, $1.25; A. G.
Dyer, A. Q. 13obier, Jos. Senior, selec:-
ing jurors, $1 each. S. Fltnson, clean-
ing Town Hall chimney, 75c.; passed
on motion of J. J. Knight, seconded
by A. E. Fuke, amounting in all to
Adjournment by A. E. Fuke,
J. Senior, Clerk-
Mr. John \Van islet' visited in Lon-
don this week.
Miss Mater. of Lucite, is visiting her
sister. M re. Cole.
Mr. Geo. i'osvell, of Thedford, spent
a few days in town this week.
Mr. Robt. Sanders is in Turnberry
Tp. this week, shooting rabbits.
Mr. and Mrs. D. McInnis are visiting
relatives in Syracuse, New York.
Mr. Fred It. Knight returned to his
horse at Arcadia, Sask., last week.
Mr. L. H. Dickson was in Goderich
on business Saturday and Tuesday.
Mrs. G. Anderson returned Tuesday
from a visit. in London and elsewhere.
Miss Lizzie Finkbeiner, of London,
is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Mal -
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Statham, of Ac-
ton, are visiting friends and ielatives
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Case. of Clan-
deboye, visited in town over Sunday
with the former's father, Mr. Thos.
Mies Bertha Snell, of the Advocate
staff, is orf duty this week. owing to
Mrs. Stuith, Exeter North, returned
Monday froth a visit with friends in
Mr. A. Rennie of London was shak-
ing hands with old friends in town
this week.
Mrs. Stubbs and little son. of Inger-
soll, were the guests of Mrs. John H.
Scott last week.
Miss Lizzie Dow, of Mitchell, was
the guest of her cousins, the Misses
Dow, last week,
Miss Irene Grey, of London, was the
guest of Mrs. George Hawkins the lat-
ter part of last week.
Mrs, D. Johns and Miss Amy re-
turned Monday from a visit in Sarnia
with Mrs. Goodison,
Mrs. W. D. Clarke, who has been
visiting with her parents in London,
returned home Saturday.
Mrs. Livingstone and child of Mil-
verton are visiting with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Ilawkshaw.
Mrs. W. A. Mace, of ilellmuth Ave.
nue, London, spent the week end with
her friend, Miss Florence Bissett.
Mies Elliott and Miss Eva Hobbs and
Mr. Hobbs, of Bier, were visitors at
the Rectory a few days last week.
The Misses McArthur, of Hensall,
spent a few days here during the
week. the guests of Miss D. Dickson.
Jars. Thompson, who WAS nursing
at the bedside of Mrs. Sidney Sanders,
left Saturday for her home in London.
Mise Effie Treble returned Saturday
from London, accompanied by Mrs. A.
Evans, who will visit here for it time.
Messrs. John Triebner, Fred Kerr
and i)an. Ilartleib were in Parkhill
this week attending a shooting thatch.
Mr. Geo. E. Case, wbo has been in
Toronto for several months, has re.
turned home and will spend the win•
ter here.
Mts. Jus. Snell and daughter, Miss
Florence, leave today for Boston,
where they will visit with Mr. and
Mis. Oscar Snell.
Mrs. Jos. Kitchen, of Lovering, who
has been visiting here, is spending a
few days with her sister, Mrs. Geo.
Knight, at ilderton.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fanson and
fancily. who for many years have re-
sided in Exeter, lc ft this week for Lon-
don, where they intend making their
future home.
M's. McDonald, who has been visit-
ing her parent', Mr. and Mrs. John
Snell, returned to her house in Chica-
go Thursday, her norther Accompany -
her as far as London.
Mrs. (leo. ('olwill and little (laugh-
ter returned to Cargill, Ont., last week,
accompanied by Mrs. Wm. Wilson
and Mrs. Wm. Statham, who will vie -
it there for at imp.
Mr.israel Smith of Hamilton isshak-
ing hands with many of his old friends
in town this week. Being handy with
the gun Mr. Smith will eejoy consider-
able of the time here in the woods.
Mr. Milton McTaggart, of Wind-
thorst, Mask., who went West pomp
time ago, is spending a few weeks with
old friends in and around Exeter, after
which be will return. Milt. thinks the
Rest is all right.
Mr. Bert Rendle, who recently took
unto himself the Netter halthas
bought the 150 acre farm of Mr. Ab-
ner Fuller. of rsborne, for a good
consideration. Bert has always been
A very industrious and capable young
men, and we look for gond things
from hint and hi• wife. He takes bF-
eession the first of .lnnuary. Mr. Ful-
ler holds an auction sale of hi. effect,
the beginning of December, after
xx hich he intends removing to the
Apple Suite
The tong -standing apple case between
It. S. Lang of St. Marys et al and tylt-
itmix et al 1s being tried in Toronto tats
week. In November of 1908 the L. and
I1.wllllams and Company. Limited,
ti eft dealers of Claagow, contracted with
„t. S. Lang & Co., of Toronto, commis-
sion agents, for their entire pack' of
11107, between 30,000 and 35,000 bar-
rels. They were to pay for the apples
and the packing, anti tae commission
agenta were to ship to no 011er first in
the UI.lted Kingdom. The Glasgow first
were to provide funds upon which the
Lang Company could draw, to meet the
bills of lading and other expenses. one
point of dipute Is rho paying of rho pack-
et's. The defendants claimed that this
was not chargeable to theta under t he
agreement. His Lordship, Sir. Justice
It(ddell, after having heard part of the
evidence, ruled that the defendants were
liable for this amount. Ills Lordship
after investigating :he whole question,
decided that a number of the points
would be Bent to master -in -Chambers,
because the documents were not at hand
This brings the case down to u much
smaller compass.
Mr Wm. Morlock had the niisfor-
tune of losing two of his cattle the
past week. The disease is uncertain.—
Jos. S. Amy has disposed of a team of
colts to Wm. H. Kestle for a hand-
some sum. ---Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cox -
worth intend moving to Hensel' in the
near future.—Miss Armstrong, of Exe-
ter, has been engaged as school teach-
er for the following year.—Mr. Garnet
Atny left Monday morning for Lon-
don, where ho intends taking a busi-
ness course. His ..any friends wish
him success. —Mr. 'loses Kestle, who
has been ill ror so.i.•• time, is not im-
Robt. Mcllveen and wife of Watford
are visiting the latter's brother, Rev.
W. H. Butt. Mr. Mcllveen was form-
erly a resident of Stanley find was for
it number of years Reeve of that town-
ship. He and his wife h.tve been re-
newing old time friendships in and
around Clinton, Varna and Bayfield,
having spent a month or more touring
the country around.—Mrs. William
Spencer of Stratford is spending a few
days with her mother Mrs. Anderson.
Andrew Hepburn, who has been in the
Northwest for more than eight years,
dropped in on his parents Mr. and Mrs.
John Hepburn and took them by sur-
prise on Saturday. His stay will be a
short one as hueiness calls him back
again.—Mr. Kershaw of Detroit is vis-
iting her sisters Mrs. Satnuel Davis
and Mrs. Wm. Parsons.—Nelson Hicks
is in Detroit, having secured a lucre -
tis a position in that city. He will be
greatly rnissed frons the choir of which
he was the able lender for nearly two
years. Our pianist Miss Sarah Neil is.
however, a boat in herself and will do
her best to keep up the high standard
of the choir. She deserve well at the
hands of the church.—The services at
the Methodist church were largely at-
tended on Sunday Inst, the pastor who
has been absent for a couple of weeks,
filled the pulpit with his usual ability.
—A social evening was held on Tues-
day evening by the Epworth League.
Although the thunderstorm) interfered
somewhat with the attendance a good-
ly number were present and a most
enjoyable time was spent. Miss Swan,
the President, occupied the chair. A
short but varied program was render-
ed. --Mrs, (Dr.) Orme, who has been
visiting triends ut Detroit during the
past three wecks,basreturned horne.—
F. Irwin, wife and fancily of St. John,
N.I3„ etre visiting at Richard Hicks'.
Mr. Irwin, as representative of the Mc -
Clary Manilla :Wring Co in the East,
has spent a couple of years near the
sea shore, but as the climate did not
agree with his health he hats been
transferred to the head office in Lon-
don. ---Wedding bells will soon be ring-
ing in this neighborhood but the gain
will be on our side. i'articulars later.
Fran AnIther Sour -e.
Tho new Louse being built by Rev.
Butt is nearing completion and will
soon be ready for occupancy. When
finished Mr. Colwill will move into it.
—1Vm. Uallfas has returned from the
«'est where he was in quest of land.
Ile has purchased a faro) property
near Rosthern, Sask.. and will stove
with his family thereto in March next.
—A number from this vicinity attend-
ed the play Uncle Tom's ('akin at Exe-
ter Friday evening.-- James Oke's new
dwelling south of here is fast nearing
completion. Mr. Oke has now a splen-
did home and one he can justly feel
proud of.—Milton Mitchell and bride
returned last week from their honey-
moon trip in Michigan state and are
now settled down to the more import-
ant things of life.—The taxes of our
burg have made a noticeable jump up-
wards this year. the reason of which
everybody knows.—Miss Kestle, who
has been teaching in Fairfield School,
has tendeted her resignation to the
Trustees, to take effect at end of pres-
ent term.
Mrs. W. 11. Conklin, who has been
visiting her parent., Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis L'tther, of Hutchinson, her
brother at Brewster and sister at
Grand Bend, returned to her home in
Detroit last week.—Mrs. Phos. Stew-
ardson and Misses Laura and Cora
are visiting relatives in Exeter.—Miss
Mabel Mord end Miss F. Neil spent
Sunday evening at WV..l. 1Vilson's.—
The W. M. S. met at Mrs. C. Ii. Wit -
son's last week.—Picking fowl is the
order of the day. --Mr. Jas. I3to (Thy
went to Hillsboro Monday. ---Mips Min•
hen Foster spent Sunday evening with
het friend, Miss Esther Mci'hersole
Mr. Ed. English, who has been in
Michigan for some time, is visiting
fl ionds in this vicinity. - - Mrs. Robert
English is visiting her sister, Mrs. A.
Smither's.—Mrs. Geo. Luther and babe
visited at Mr. A. Wickert'. on Mon-
day afternoon.—Mr. Henry Purdy was
called to Port Huron on Friday to see
his father, who was daogerously 111.—
New English Church will beopened on
Sunday. Dec. eth. Service at 11 is. tn.
and 7 p. m.—Window blinds that don't
work very good cause considerable
12. s ENCER. Deeds, Wills, Mortgages and all
Legal Documents carefully and promptly prepared
Chargee moderate. Issuer of Marriage licensee
The Misses Henoeffer, wbo have po-
sitions at Exeter,spentSunday at their
home here.—Rev. A. Y. Heist preach-
ed in the Evangelical church on Friday
night and also Sunday afternoon and
evening. In the afternoon he admin-
istered the Sacraruent of the Lord's
Supper to the adherents of the church.
Peter Schroeder was in the village sev-
eral days last week.—Mise Laura Sims
of Crediton East spent several days
last week in this place.—Henry Kohn
of North Dakota came home Saturday
evening to visit his father, who is in a
critical condition with but small hope
of his recovery.—Samuel Brown and
wife of Crediton and Louis Ravelleand
wife of Grand Bend spent Sunday with
friends here.—Mrs. Pfeffer and daugh-
ter Minnie of Milverton are this week
visiting relatives in and around Dash-
wood.—Mrs. Lingey of Elkton, Mich•
igen, is at present visiting relatives
here.— Wedding bells are again heand
in this community, particulars will be
more fully given in next issue.—What
seems to be the matter? Ye old editor
and likewise your humble scribe, both
good fellows and yet going etupty
handed. Come on old chum lets get
out and hustle.
WRDDRD.—On Wednesday evening
of last week Rev. Thun pronounced
the mystic words which made Mr. Ed-
mund-Walper and Miss Malinda Itader
man and wife. The ceremony took
place at 5 o'clock at the home of the
bride, two miles west of this place, in
the presence of about one hundred
guests. They will rnake their future
home on the groom's farm about two
miles north of this village. The best
wishes of all go with them for their fu-
ture happiness and prosperity through
life and that the matt ittiortial sea may
prove to be one of pleasantness to
SUDDEN DRATIL—Great was the sue -
prize to the residents of this village
and community on Wednesday morn-
ing of last week when it was learned
that the brittle thread in the life of
Mrs. Kraft bad been snapped asunder
during the silent watches of the night,
she having passed away at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. George Merner,
with whom she bas been in the habit.
of staying nights for some time. Not
getting up on Wednesday morning at
her usual time her daughter went to
call ber and was awe-struck to find
she had departed this life apparently
without a struggle. She had attained
the age of seventy-three years and
some months. She leaves behind her
the fragrance of a kindly life and her
kind acts and deeds will long be re-
membered by those who knew her
best. She leaves to mourn her detnise
three sons and eight daughters, one
daughter and her aged partner prede-
ceasing her. The funeral on Saturday
was largely attended and was conduct-
ed by Rev. Thun of the Lutherian
church of which the departed was a
life-long and consistent member. We
commend the mourning ones to Him
whose ways are past finding out but
who is too wise to err and too good to
be unkind and who will some day
gather together all the loved ones of
his flock.
Some farmers are under the impres-
sion that they must have a purely
agricultural paper to sultry aj;rtcul-
tural information, but they t.. erlook
the fact that there is a Canadian pub-
lication that not. only fun nishes the
most reliable information pertaining
to the farm, but at the same time fur-
nishes them with a newspaper viv!ng
the news of the world and a teagsztne
every week as goad as anv ..; t h•• Eng-
lish or American sere-az'ne• , itsit•y
and quantity of good whole: oute faint-
ly reading. The paper ali,iued to is
The Family Herald and Weekly Star
of Montreal. which costs but ono dol-
lar a year and is the greatest value to
be had. It is a weekly newspaper,
family magazine and agricultural pap-
er combined—all three in one—and
if any farmer after giving it a trial
does not think it the best value on the
market he can have his money back.
No farm house in Canada can afford
to be without Canada's greatest paper
—The Family Herald and 1VrcklyStar
of Montreal.
Mr. John Esset'y and wife vkited
Mr's. Mut,roe, of latter,..�.—
Mr. Percy 1lfu'uier, of Ealiton, New
Ontario, is renewing acquaintances
around here. He is touch takrt► n
with that part of Ontarto.—Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Laxton visited friends at
Crediton on Friday '.set.- -M! Rota
Essery has returned after a week's
visit with relatives in London. --"Ir.
Sherwood Hunter and wife visited at
P. Coates' on Sunday last.
Physical Culture Class.
Young teen and boys wishing to
join Sergt.•3lajor Hector's Physical
Culture Class for three months, will
leave their names at the Advocate Off-
ice. Terms:—Young sten, 82.00 for
course; boys, $LOO. Course to Com-
mence Monday, Dec. 7th.
O sN—In Usborne. on Nov. 15th, to
Mr. and Mis. John Cann, it son.
JoRY—In Stephen, on Nov. l'_'th, to
Mr. and Mrs. S. Joey, it daughter.
ENOLANO—In Sarnia, on Nov. 15th, to
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. England, it son.
VALE—In Exeter, 011 Nov. 17th, to
Mr. and Mrs. W. Vale, a daughter
FULTON—In Usborne, on Nov. 13th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fulton. a
BRIOIiT.—In Exeter, en Nov. 21st. to
Dr. and Mrs. Bright, it t=an.
CREECII—SANDEIts.--At the residence
of the bride's mother, Main Street,
on Thursday, Nov. 1t th, by the Rev.
E. A. Fear, Mr. Richard N. Creech.
to Miss Edith Sanders, oldest daugh-
ter of the late George Sanders.
CURRmE.--At Nairn, on Saturday evg.,
Nov. 14tb, Mrs. Jane Currie, relict
of the late Win. Currie, aged 78 yrs.
and 8 months,
CARLING —PATTON—At the home of A
Patton, Clandeboye, by Rev. Kerr,
on Nov. 23, Mise Lizzie Patios, to
Mr. Carling of Cleveland, Ohio.
St]is—COCKwiLL—At the Methodist
parsonage, Crediton, Nov.18,by itev.
Hicks, Miss Norab Sims to Garnet
Cockwill both of Ctediton.
HORTON.--In Exeter, 01Nov. 19tb,
William Horton, aged 18 year's.
Edison Phonographs, $16.50 up
Edison Records, 40c
Amberol Records, 65c
To hear theta is a pleasure. To own oae
is a joy. 1Ve would be glad to sell you one for
Xmas. Drop in end talk it over.
While in, look over our FANCY SOAi'S, PERFI'MES, COSMET-
Can. Exp. Bldg.
THE PURITY J. Willis Powell
The World's Best !!!
Art Garlands & Ari Souvenirs/No-
Every feature of Utility. Economy and Convenience•
will be found successfully combined in these Heaters.
Double Heaters—
$34 to S46 - - With Ovens
The Art Huron, large base -burner,
The Ideal Jewel, large base -burner.
Oak Heaters, all size...
$10 to $22
Stove Boards. Stove Mate, I'ipes And Ell. ,a