HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-19, Page 9etr,�'���ilirWri See artificial flowers at Howey's New Winter jr LOCAL DOINGS. , ++++++1. +++++++14.414-1+++4-14 Suitings Over Coatings Pantings' and Vestings in all the latest shades & patterns at reasonable prices SEE the New Fashion Plates for the present season W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them Jlcn's rine unshr'iit able (twit rtv(ae. Big stuck, little pries—quality a►tiaratt- teed. Stewart's. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. $6.50 buys (t dandy new 50 inch loth! Tweed ('„at l ,r bid ,tit is and women. Dr. Ovens Coming. Dr. Ovens, London, Eye Ear Surgeon, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, Nov. 21st. Glasses properly fitted and diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose treated. Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (i1•:.\ -1'S, you'll be delighted with the styl and value of ready-to-wear suits and orereeuats at .' tetr,,rt s. Fors Repaired or Remodelled. M. Bauswiee, Andrew St., Exeter. FINEST of chinaware we hare seen is at Stewart's. Their f)i►in,r and Toilet Sets are dandy value, The Advocate will be sent to any address in Canada to Jan. 1st, 1910, for 81.00. SPECIAL -10 per cent. of all fur - lined coats at Stewart's, this offer good for 30 days only, btu/ quick. K ey Found On Main street a steel key. Owner can have saute by calling at this office and paying for this notice. B oarders wanted. A couple boarders wanted, apply to Mrs. Harness, Main street. "The early bird gets the worth” this old saying is true in regard to Xmas buying, Conte early while our stock is complete. Howey's Drug Store. P. McTaggart's sale on Friday last proved a successful one, cows going as high as $57 and $00, yearlings 03 and spring calves $18. B. S. Phillipa weild- ed the hammer satisfactorily. The local Y. M. C. A. has engaged Mr. Jos. Senior's Hall for their work, and will meet each Monday night. The hall will be open every other night as well for the use of members. Mr. Wm. Horton is very ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. D. At- kinson. His condition is such that it is feared to be a general breaking up of the system. We hope it may prove otherwise. Something rare—a weekly news- paper that publishes seventy columns of good, reliable news, comments on current events. markets, and genera! farm news each week is rare in these days of cheap weeklies. Credit is due The Weekly Sun for keeping its columns clean and filled with fresh and up-to-date matter of vital interest to every farmer. Give it a trial; you will find it the best. The Advocate and The Weekly Sun costs you but $1.80, The Sun free for balance of 1908, and they are extra good value at that price. Those who attended the perform- ance, "The Real Widow Brown," in the Opera House on Wednesday night were highly pleased with entertain- ment afforded, the play being a good ono and the characters well taken. Only a small crowd was present. It is au unfortunate thing that a good company should not be well patroniz- ed. as we get only too few of them in Exeter. It is no fault of the people. and no fault of the company, but is the result of the people being bitten by poor companies on the road. A little plain newspaper talk should be of use in enabling people to discrimin- ate. and The Advocate will be mailed to any address in Canada until January 1st, 19111, for one dollar. 'tell your neigh- bors about it. The al in street \lethodist church anniversary will be held next Sunday, Rev. 11el,unus of St. Vary- will preach. facie Tom'. Cabin. The survival of "Uncle Tout':,t'abin'• at the (1 11 of the 20th ccutnry is something t,' marvel over, but it ii nn Restive(' ft't. The elaborate renova• tient of tin• ell play by manager Mc- t'hee, if the Downie Company. in a new pian: i:d dress with nlrt..rdat,. 'net ted+ p1,•ntifully displayed t!t•,etvh• out its ti f a dozen acts judging from tile hos , tlhee receipts wherever this comet .y Ways, fun nishes ample proof that '•t•m• i,• Tout's Cabin" is still po- tent, ap• .•iatl scenery for every scene Beit „ea, ,surged choruses of genuine Drug Store for Xmas decorating. A Thanksgiviug dinner of new pota- toes was the unique experience of An- drew Taylor of Clinton, they being the second growth, which goes to show that Andrew did not pick up his little ones when Jigging the tubers. D. Cameron McCallum who stole $18,000 from the Farmer's Bank, Tor- onto, got four years in penitentiary. This should be a lesson to all bank clerks and others who have the hand- ling of large sums of money. Stocks and horses caused the trouble. Mr. Daniel Sanders eustained a pain- ful wound in the palm of his right hand Monday by his hand striking the prong of a fork when trying to save himself from a fall. He wee engaged is making alterations in W. D. San- der's barn. The hand was quite pain- ful for a time but is getting better. Mrs, Jas. Kitchen, of Lovering, who has been visiting here and who recent- ly received word tbat her son, Regin- ald. had been stricken down with a severe attack of typhoid fever, has re- ceived wc:3 that be :n uuw doing nice- ly with good chances of recovery. He was taken to Orillia hospital for treat- ment. Mr. Alfred Sheere suffered a stroke of partial paralysis of the right side on Friday last, and in order that he night receive proper attention was on Monday taken to the House of Refuge at Clinton. Although he is not ren- dered unable to move by the stroke, he gets around with the gr.;atest diffi- culty. It is hoped that he may soon recover. Last week a young man named Rus- sell Bloomfield of Centralia came be- fore Magistrate Kay on the charge of stealing the sum of 857 from William Gilmore of Mooresville some weeks ago. It would appear that the two had been driving and both becoming somewhat "tanglefoot" the money got transferred from the pocket of one to that of the other, both claiming no knowledge of the transfer. Next morning Gilmore missed the wad and on approaching the other about it he was handed hack the money less some seven dollars. Information was laid and evidence taken. when an adjourn- ment was made to submit the evidence to the crown attorney who asked that the evidence in full be retaken. Such was done on Thursday last with the result that the young man was sent up to (loderich for trial. There arrived too late for last week an account of the recent Epworth Lea- gue and Sunday School Convention at. Elituwille, considerable of which had been previously published. The fol- lowing were the officers elected:—Ilon. Pres., ltev. A. It. doing, Exeter; Pres., Pr. Itoulston, Exeter; 1st Vice. Mr. \V. Johns, Elitnville; 2nd Vice, Rev. R. Hicks, Crediton; 3rd Vice. Miss Ethel Switzer, Hemlock; tth Vice, Miss Sara Dottie., Kirkton; 5th Vice, Mrs. J. C. Stoneman, Itensall; Treas., Miss M. Brook, Exeter; Sec'y., Miss Mae Wilson, Greenway; Conference Representative, Rev. S, I.. Toll, Hen - sell: Representative to Normal Train- ing Board, Rev. C. I'. Wells. meg, or • It ...it the cotton belt, modern np t,. (1 el.-pecialties, two male and fent de qct.•:'ettee. as bind of Alaisuna fins•anieeiee at gorgeous cakewalk in a pr et t a -.. r ing entitled -The Palace oi S iv. r ar,' improved light effects Aad w elielacel illusions, will be seen in the I) •ee hie production of this fa. mess i,Lev. The presenting company in sane. ,n-tences is at (betide one and rootailia tit • names of nuttier/toe foot. light f tem i•es. The street parade is Saeid •a• tt.- •fpr longest, richest and best ever g ver, I.y a theattieal company. i1. - , ao.'1 see it at noon. Will ap- O,'i're House, Friday night. Nee _tit. h. { ARE YOU READY GOT t•,r+++++++++++++H-+++f*; The following refers to the mother of Mrs. R. G. Seldon of Exeter:—The death of Margaret Ellen Mann, belov- ed wife of Assessor W..1. Berry, re- curred Nov. 11, after an extended ill- ness. She had been confined to her bed for the past two Months, and while it was known that her condition was serious, the announcement of her death neve' theles, conte as a shock to many friends by whom she was highly esteemed for her many admirable qualities. The late Mrs. Berry was born in the Township of Derehaul, and WAS the dauighter of the tette John \tans. When seven years of age she moved with her parents to Strathroy, where she resided for thirteen years. In lti7,1 she came to Ingersoll, and two years latter was married to Mr. Berry. Deceased had been a member of the Charles street Methodist church for over ;lit years, and for a long period took a very active part in the work of the 1 tdit'+' aid. Besides the husband she is survived by two sone and three daughters. \1r. and Mrs, C. 11. Horsey celebrat- ed the :30th amnia.' n ia.'sat y Of theit t ed - EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY • Wheat Barley Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton Flour. per cwt.. family Flour, low grade per cw Butter Eggs Dried apples Livehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton 48 34 80 05 7 50 1 40 00 62 36 80 75 800 122 22 6 005 2300 20 00 Mr. Fred Walters is home from the Went. CLEVER STORIES In the Family Herald and Weekly Star this week, there begins a series of short stories entitled "The Old Home House" which are very clever. A complete story appears in each week's paper. There are eleven in all. Every paragraph means roars oi laughter and enjoyment. The Family Herald and Weekly Star certainly gives big value for one dollar in a whole year's readiug of that great paper. It is said the Family Herald and Weekly Star rarely loses a subscriber. and old sub- scribers this season are renewing months ahead so as not to miss a single paper. The Family Ilerald and Week- ly Star becomes more valuable every year and it should find a place in every Canadian home. An editor died and slowly wended his way to where he thought a warm reception awaited him. The devil saw him and said: "For many years thou hast borne the blame for errors the printers have made in the paper has gone, alas, for 41 and the 81 h,ts often failed to come in. The printers have deviled thee on Saturday night when thou hadst not a cent to thy name. Men have taken the paper without paying for it and then cursed thee for not getting out a better one Thou has been called a dead beat by all pass- enger conductors when thou has shown thy annual pass to envious gaze. All these thou bast borne itt silence. Thou canst not come in. Heaven is thy hone. And besides if we would let you come in here you would continu- ally dun delinquent subscribers,—for —is full of them,—and thus create dis- cord in my kingdom." Tho Mock Trial. This unusual entertainment given by the ulem'lers of the James street League in the church on Friday even- ing last proved to he a very enjoyable affair as well as a financial success. A large crowd of interested spectators was present, and those who took part showed considerable skill in play-act- ing, presenting their parts well; so uni- formly gond were they that it would be impossible to specialize in corpulent on the work. The trial became necess- ary owing to Mr. indifferent Outlook, chairman of the Outlook Committee, becoming negligent in his work, with the result that it had not progressed, members had drifted away, and young men had gone astray. Witnesses were called for the prosecution and defence; they were examined and cross•exawined by counsel, and finally the prisoner was left in the hands of the jury, who found him guilty, but recommended that he be let off on suspended sentence to see if he might improve. Such, accordingly, was the sentence unposed by the judge, and it is not doubted that after hie narrow escape he will improve considerably. He's going to quit the old way. The Old Way to Cure a Cold— The old— The New Way— Take Howey's Cure -a -Cold Capsules —Manufactured only by -- w. S. aOJET, rums. Chemist and Optician EXETER Phone 50 The Misses Horsey have returned from a trip to the Northwest. 11t•, Albert Pe•Itipt•8Se is hone for the winter, staying with Mrs. ('lark, Al- bert et. Mrs. Flintuff of Stratford is visitine her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Snell of ['s- hame. Mr, Frank Stacey of ('al 'Weft, Sask., is visiting relatives and friends in and around Exeter. Messrs. Samuel and Frank Sweet who have been working in Kincardine, returned home last week. Mr. 11. 1:. Piekaud returned last week from the West where he has been looking after Lis farming inter - este. \1r. Daniel Mulled) arrived home this week after several months spent in the Canadian West and United States. Miss Cora Fowell returned from Tor- onto and Listowel Iasi week. Mrs. Fowell also vete:tied from at visit in Listowel. Miss Minnie Wynn returned Wed- nesday after a ninth's pleasant visit among fi iends in London, Aylmer and ding (lay at their home on Simcoe st., Lambeth. on Nov. 1►th. The pride and groom Mr. Win, Ileit of Chicago visited re - were dressed in their wedding clothes lit ives here doting the last few days. that they wore 30 years ago. Those Mr. Bell has been on the police force present were:—Mr. and Mrs. \Villiants in that city for' 2 yearn, and has not (groom's mother). Mr. Tho Cann and been here• for thirty years. II(' 'later - Miss Campbell. t'shorne: Mr. Ed. i1•tls_ ally- finds many changes in this vicin- den. Melhnrne; Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoff- its. mann and daughter Verde. Mr. and --- Mre. Wes. 1.3tupot1 aid fatinily, Cred- iton; Mrs. Evans. Mitiel and Mildred Evans. Ailsa Craig; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 0I eather ('ue. (ho'.(' aid faunily, Ilan Mar , \yrs, (:eo. ('oltt•ill an,l 11ter Mary, K ' NOW Winter is eaty , Ipon us and (IiItIs•I•\1As will • .mn be here. • 4. 3 9t IT an memo/It nything iii If not. better come n 1•a s and let us clothe you W•s Bray. Peep a oat line of .material and an► make a,,d fit is attritive!. W. JOHNS chatrt T.t',ur l icter ++4t t+I+++i ('ar ill:'1r. attxl airs. Menson Williams, Elinnville; Mr. and Mrs. C. i'yn and family. ['shortie; Mr. and Mrs. T ('oll- ingwood and daughter, Ernie Colling- wood, Mr. and Mts. \V. Wilson and daughter, Mrs. (Zuanre and Mrs. Fess guson. The house wase decorated in red. white and blue. Thegronm's pre- sented the bride with a beautiful wed• ding ring. Ricks' Poreca.ts For November. A llrgtilar Storm i'eriod extends from the Zird to 1 he 2"O It. having its a center on the :lkMoon h. New .1a n f rile MI the'. 3rd, within two days of ex - (10111e smith declination on the 20th. Abnormal wart tach, rapid fell of the htronaeter and (-buds of 1hientening t',tent will mark the entrance to this period. From athont \Verinesdey the Lith to Saturday the :'`tth. autumnal storms of wide extent and unusual en- ergy wilt make their traneit across the country from we't to east. Rain. wind and thunder will detninete in southern parts of the (sem,9v, while sleet, snow and an early cold wet.• may he expect. ed not thwar(1. The Montt !ring rpt ex- treme south declination in the etisis of this period, will facilitate the flow of 1•,reel current. from the northwest, bringing :t teal dish of winter to most pots et this. 811(1 01h 1 conntties in he not thorn hemisphere. HotWaterBottles IN HEALTH-- & comfort It Int luxury, N SICKNESS— a necessity. O['11 new best hot water bottles with cloth insertton seams and perfect fitting stoppers insure sati'fertion that you cannot get from the ordinal y. Every One Guaranteed suNOW is the time to how --our pply is the bit gest in town-- and the asset Wept complete. THELOW PRICES will surprise yo)-- money back if not all right - all our rubber goods are sold the game way. See North Window W. S. Cole, Phm,B. Preset iption ih nggist 1leadq,tartets rot Sick Room Supplies. EXETER. ONTARIO. Popular! Are you aware that 75 per 41 bcent. of the flour used in Toronto is blended flour. that FLOUR HARVEY BROS. ONTARIO 11) No wonder t STAR tEXETER is in demand as it is made from the best Western wheat and the t:• -t Ontario, mixed half and hell. it is second to none for bread staking. if you are not using it, give it a trial and be convinced. T. HAWKINS 81 SON. Jobbers and Dealers in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc. We make a Specialty of Eave- troughing, Roofing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be con- vinced that it is the cheapest spot in town. Hanlon gut is Jek Ala ilk ilk Afts zha sek Ala ilk ark Alt FURNITURE 6411441141111 P gig E keep con- stantly in stock a full line of furniture, and it pays to furnish your home from our Istock • • • and UNDERTAKING Cyr *'S"tA 00CI O$3.2 9{DioiMrJ Parlor Suites Parlor Tables Easy Chairs Odd Chairs Music Cabinets Couches Sideboards Hall Racks Buffets Kitchen Cabinets Dining Room Tables Dining Chairs and all Bedroom Furniture t♦stgir{aalrIKI tS90S0t'{ia11) -+. Ql't 4110- CIEl coacceceOCCACC-CrelnenC}c OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. 420124KIKIKIMI?aC9tS3D CHIRIKVIIai3•4)it 0041erraleCCC—COCFiQrtrO ItPIHHIC lIIIC Scrap Iron, litT�� Brass, Copper IAI Rubber, Etc., �� ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. ..._. \Nr ate prepared (o pity CASH 40c a hundred and upwards, according to quality, for Scrap iron. Old Rubber Boots and Shoes, 5c per lb Horse }lair, 20c. Copper and Brass Se Rags, 50e per hundred. We Have for Sale a large quantity of IRON PiPE suitable for Fence Posts M. Jackson & Son MAIN ST., EXETER. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE most modern and pother itusl nese ee•hool in w•t+tern Ontario. trldely experienced, broadly alnrated,sltnlathetIe,attentitt' .tab. The .ynonp m of s iorves. (tradoates eminently mrs•eeaful. The .etc essence of modern, litinyt husineas.cstems. Stenography, Telegraphy and Commercial Courses. Pretarttnry emir.. for those w11,19. e1'iration has been neg- lected. Mail -o irses. in any .nbfeets, ter thaw who wish to .ted)• at home. IntlieiAnai instro'tinn. Enter any Ass. Write for handsome atalnnu. GEO. Si'OTTON - I'BI!tt•IPAt. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 82 CHRISTMAS only 5 weeks away It is time for us all to gbusy ! CHRISTMAS will soon be upon us. A few weeks are not long in passing away. So we can- not start too soon to make our preparations. PRESENTS to think of — PRESENTS to buy— and a GOOD many more STORE THINGS to think about:" THIS will be found THE BUSY STORE from new till the 'fetidly Season is over. \\•'e• are filled up with the GOOD TiiiNGS TO MA KE YOU ANI) YOUR FRIENDS HAPPY FOIL THE ('iHRISTMAS SEASON--ANi) LONG AFTERWARDS!!! -.Come Right In. -moos - „„(11,,‘,, show you all our good things. it will do you good and do us gond to see you. Nice Fur Ruffs very suitable for a present. aVe have a nice assort- ment in Alaska Sable, isit. hello. Sable, Isabella FOX, Mark Litik. Stunt Martin. and Bear. le'r(;m 87 tip to 825 Warm Neck Ruffs The most romfoitable present you can Loy. Alaska Sable. Isabella Sa- ble, Isabella Fox. Black Link, Stone Mei tin, Beau and Persia') Lutlb. From 53.50 up to $ 3t1 Fur -Lined Coats For a gond. warm, cntn • fortable garment the Fur - Lined Coat BEATS TIi is\i •11.1.!'! We have the, BEST IN THE LAND and at the very lowest pri- ces. Call and get prices. G E T R E A D Y N 0 w 111 Fancy Handkerchiefs I,NI dozen of the BES'r ASSORTJM EN f we ever 118(1. They arc certainly it nice int and are sure to please VOP. Plain and Fancy, White and Colored -all the Ray from 5e up to 40c each. Fancy Silk Wraps Nice Feeney- Silk Scarfs, Wz.tp. end Fascinators tot evening wear. They are VERY SWELL GOODS anal would make LOVELY GIFT. From $ 1 to $3 Ladies' Fancy Collars Just Arrived — 'i'1i1: NEW COLLARS !!: They are swell --all col- ors and shapes. WyL have the low renes and tl'!if Ligh ones- right up to yuor ears t you wish. Cents' Furnishings Christmas Ties We are fol testate in Inas. ing OUR NEW TIES in early this year. We can show you the NEW, NAT- TY STUFF. NOTHING BETTER has ever been shown in Exeter. Gents' Scarfs THE (BEST we have ey- rr shown. In ALL the New Patterns of Mixed Greens, Blues, Browns and Greys; also Plain, Illeeks and \Vhit e. Prices -- 50c. 75c, SI, $1.25, $2 Boys, do not fail to see both these lines. POULTRY i Ci11('KEN-- 7c per lb. alive: 1)0 per 11,. dressed. 111- NS -Sc per Ib. alive. 7r per Ib. dres.ed. ' GEESE -Sc per Its dressed. Ti'il1<EYS-10c per lb. alive, 12c per 11.. dre•s"ed. 111'('KS-- tt.• per 11., dressed. Cash price le per Ile. leas than move. All poultry roust be dry picked and picked clean. No thin poultry taken at any price. JONES & CLARK H•'.1 !quarters for the ('e'ehrated \V.1 S,tnf'(erd ('Iothin,r 1