Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-19, Page 81
He Is Wanted for Robbing a Bank at
St. Raphael, Quebec,
A des j ch from New York says: "Portland Fatty," was in a
When revere' Central Office detec- awaiting the call of Canadian
lives at once were strolling through cials, who wish to take him across
Chinatown the other night looking the border to tell what ho knows
for suspicioue characters, they took ,f the rubbery of a bank in Quebec.
into custoiiy a party of four men In the pockets of the prisoner the
because they had recognized two police found a number of certiti-
cif them as safe-blowers. One of Cates marked "La Banque Previn-
the strangers, who described him- cial, Et. Raphael, Quebec, Can -
self as t;eergo W. Monroe of (,'urn- ada." Inquiry showed that the
Berland, Maine, made a plea for hank was robbed on October 23.
freedom, saying he knew nothing The Canadian authorities were no-
c•f the men in whose company ho tifiod of the arrest of "Portland
had been fuund.
On Wednesday Monroe, or as the
police is better known as
Telegraphic Briefs from Our Own
and Other Countries of
Recent Events.
e$i- CANADA.
Assessment Corniniesioner For-
man places Toronto's population at
1)r. Fernow saws that Canada's
timber wealth is not nearly so great
us 13 generally supposed. track, Toronto, second patents, $5.- Canada.x
this pot c the leu China-
mulatto named Robert Collins SU, and strong bakers', $5.10 to men, six of whour were drowned
was arrested at St. Catharines for $5.20• andd four rescued at the Govern -
passing forged chocks. Wheat -Manitoba wheat $1.08% trent breakwall baro early on
A rich find of iron in Rainy River kr No. 1 Northern and at $1.0.5 Thursday morning. So far roue of
country is reported by Messrs. G. fur No. 2 Northern, Georgian Bay the suspects arrested has been idea
Fatty," and two officers are here
Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white is u° Francis and D. Matheson of Mont- Porta. lifted by the four survivors. ('Lief
to attempt to bring about his extra- real
ditiun to Canada. Ten charges of violating the li- quoted at 92c outside; No. 2 red did Police Taylor of Buffalo said he
not Believe any white moa lost
Prices of Cattle, Grata, Cheese and
Other Dairy Produce at
Ileumo and Abroad.
Toronto, Nov. 17. -Flour - On-
tario wheat 90 per cent. patents
ouoted at $3.60 to $3.65 in buyers'
sacks outside for export. Manito-
ba Hour, first patents, $5.80 on
Six Orientals Lost Their Lives on the
Buffalo Sea Wall.
A despatch from Buffalo says:
Several suspects have been arrest-
ed here in connection with the in-
vestigation being made by tho Buf-
falo police with a view to finding
eut what white men smuggled from
Large Quantity of Pine to be Re-
covered From Rideau Lakes.
A despatch from Kingston says:
A great quantity of sunken pine
in the Rideau Lake section has heen
entre(' by the Ogdensburg, N. Y.,
Soda Pulp Company, and will be
raised by means of dredges and
taken to Ogdensburg fur use in the
mills. The pine, though under
water for some eighty years, is
sound, and it is thought some 500,-
000 cords can be recovered. The
timber was loft while lumbering
operations were undertaken in the
Rideau region.
Yardman Blamed for Fatal Wreck
at Brantford.
A despatch from Brantford says:
Joseph Maguire, late Grand Trunk
yardman, who was held by the com-
pany as partially responsible for
the recent wreck in which ono
L'rantfordite and two Londoners
were killed, was, on Wednesday,
committed for trial at the next High
Court Assizes on a charge of man-
y slaughter. His counsel made an ef-
fort to have the charge reduced toneglect, but the Crown refused,
and will press the case against
Apple-I'ickera not of Sufficient High
A despatch from Toronto says:
A t a meeting of the Fruit Growers'
Association, held last week, a de-
bate on packing and packages pro-
voked an interesting discussion.
Mr. Elmer Lick, of Oshawa, af-
firmed that a pian roust have botn
skill and character to bo a good ap-
ple packer. An apple should be
handled like an egg, and not as if
it were a stone or a turnip, as was
tho custom with the average pack-
et. With regard to character, he
knew that young men would not go
with the average apple gang or bo
associated with it, and in many
cases the men could not get board
because they were such a rough
crow. Aud if packing was to be
good a grower must employ men
whom he could implicitly trust. The
result was, as in a ease he had in
mind, where a man brought in 126
barrels of apples and got less than
$25 for them.
- ---.g--_----
Rill Undertake the Government of
A despatch from Melbourne says:
Mr. Fisher, one of the radical La-
bor leaders of Australia, will form
the now Australian Cabinet. The
House defeated the Premier, Alfred
Deakin, on the division. The La -
War Office Has Extended His 'Term borites withdrew their support bo -
cause the Government has not
for Several Years. pushed labor measures radical
A despatch from Ottawa says: enough to suit, thorn. This will bo
It is understood that, in conse- the second time the Labor party
quenee of a request sent to London 1 has been in power in the Austra-
l•y the Canadian Government, the lian Federal Parliament. J. C.
Office has consented to allow- Watson, another of the Labor lea-
ing Major-Generrt Sir Percy Lake rfers, was Premier for a short time
to remain in Ca da, as Inspector- is 1904.
General of the forces fur another ----- �'- ---
two or three years, the Imperial JAPAN CUTS DOWN EXPENSES.
Covernment promising to safeguard
Lis rights cif promotion and seni-
ority in the army while he is serv-
ing in Canada. �^
Restrictions on Oriental Immigra-
tion May be Increased.
A despatch from Nelson, B. C.,
irkays : Speaking on Tuesday night,
Ilan. Frank Oliver declared that if
the live hundred dollar head tax
would not exclude the Chinese, the
Government would raise it as fast
04 the ('hinamen's wages had late-
ly been raised. Similarly, Hinduos,
although they were British subjects,
were not to he admitted unless they
had two hundred dollars. This
%as meant to bo prohibitive, and
if the amount was not sufficient to
be prohibitive it would bo made so.
1111x11 1'.11\'1 INt;s lll'1ttiI;il.
l'onoril ('ha,::ber of Dublin ('ily
Hall Was Damaged.
.1 despatch from Dublin says:
T (•han►ber of the Dublin City
11 ,ca. gutted by fire on 1Wed-
et•„ley and the City Hall itself had
a narrow escape from destruction.
A11 the paintings in the rooms of the
C+•until Chamber, ninny of which
ere of historic interest, including
the well-known picture of Daniel
O'Connell, were destroyed in the
The Budget Shows a «'ceding Out
of $18,000,000.
A despatch from Tokio says : The
budget for the year 1909-10 which
has been nearly completed, shows
receipts of 545,050,000 yen, that fig-
ure including a surplus of 5.2,:,'10,-
000 yen; expenditure, 51:3,630,000
yen, including disbursements made
on the special war account of 11,-
P10,000 yen. Expenditures post-
poned from the previous year
amount to 14,600,000 yen. Premier
Katsura states that the larger per-
centage of postponements belongs
to the army and navy. Particular
stress is laid upon the amount of
the decrease in expenditures,
amounting to 37,000,000 yen ($113,-
000, 000).
D WI 01' DR. 1/'ITfl R0W.
Prominent Methodist Editor and
author Passey .1nay,
A despatch from Toronto says:
'Following an attack of paralysis
sustained on Thursday the 15th in-
stant, Her. Dr. 1Wiliiain 11. With-
row of the Methodist Publishing
}rouse, author, editor and travel-
ler, passed away shortly before 12
o'clock on Thursday night at his
home, 2.14 Jarvis street. As a man
high in the councils of the Metho-
dist Church ard ono whose kindli-
ness endeared him to many hearts
Iia unexpected demise comes a9 a
Men Aro Being Trained for the Inevitable
War Between the Two Nations.
otter act by sellingon election da Winter, 92c, and No. 2 mixed, 91% their lives in connection with the
have been laid aainst ouo hotel to 020 outside. case. The bodies of the last two
at Winnipeg. Oats --Ontario No. 2 white quoted of the six Chinese victims were re -
Frank Arkles of Owen Sound has at. 39 to 40c outside, and at 42c on covered on Thursday afternoon. It
been sentenced to ail for three track, Toronto; No. 2 Western Ca• is said that in the pockets of ono of
months for selling liquor to a rail- nada oats quoted at 42c, Goder- the drowned men were found the
name and address of Marks Co.,
687 Yonge street, Toronto. The
name of this victim is not known.
Two boats in which the ten
Chinamen had crossed from the Ca-
nadian shore were wrecked against
the breakwall, half a mile east of
Michigan avenue, at an early hour
c•n Thursday morning, probably
shout 1.30. The sea was running
MO and the men were thrown in-
to the water and dashed again and
again against tho rocks. How the
survivors camp through tho terrible
hours that followed is a mystery,
for it was not till quite 3.30 that
Ralph White, a watchman on the
way employee.
A true bill has been returned
against the corporation of Guelph
Ryo-No 2 77c outside.
Barley -No. 2, 56 to 570, and No.
for maintaining a nuisance at the 3 extra at 55 to 58%c outside.
sewage disposal plant. Buckwheat -51 to 54%c outside.
The Grand Trunk Railway hasPoas-No. 2 8b/ to 8640 out -
been indicted by the Grand Jury side
rt Guelph for maintaining a pub-
lic nuisauce, referring to the sta-
Both the Dominion and Provin-
cial Governments have instituted
an inquiry into the quality of coal
oil being sold in Manitoba, in view
u'' recent accidents.
The Grand Trunk took over the
electric system at the St. Clair
tunnel from the contractors on
Thursday, and the inauguration of
the now system was duly celebrat-
It is reported that eight thou-
sand employees of the Intercolonial and hand-picked, $1.90 to $1.95 per
Railway have seceded from the In-
ternational Union and formed an
independent organization at Hali-
Corn -No. 2 American yellow
nominal at 80e on track, Turontc
New No3 yellow quoted at
Bran -Cars aro quoted at $18 to
$19 in bulk outside. Shorts quoted
at $22 in bulk outside.
Apples -Winter stock, $2.50 to
$3.50 per barrel for good qualities,
and at $1.50 to $2 for cooking ap-
Beans -Prime, $1.80 to $1.85,
Mr. John Henniker Heaton,
speaking in London, urged cheap
cable and telegraph rates as the
surest method of maintaining the
world's peace.
The United States has a postal
deficit of 816,010,279 for the fiscal
year ending June 30th last.
In the year ending June 30th last
3,764 persons were killed in rail-
road accidents in the United
Honey -Combs, $2.25 to $2.75 per
dozen, and strained, 10 to ,11c per
Hay -No. 1 timothy quoted at
$11 to $11.50 a ton on track here,
and No. 2 at $7 to $3.
Straw -80.50 to 88 on track..
Potatoes -60 to 62c per bag. Dela-
wares, 75 to 80c per bag on track.
Poultry -Chickens, dressed, 8 to
9c per pound; fowl, 0 to 7c; ducks,
9 to l0c ; peso, 8c per pound; tur-
keys, 11 to 12%e per pound.
Butter --Pound prints, 23 to 24o;
tubs, 22 to 23c ; inferior, 19 to 20c.
Cr amery rolls, 27 to 28e, and sol -
States. ids, 25% to 26c.
lots of storage, 22
Eggs -Case l t
A ten -year-old negro boy has beeng23c per dozen, while new laid aro
and hassob of murder in Georgia, quoted at 23 to 30c per dozen.
been sentenced to Tito im- Cheese -Largo choose, 13'/,e per
p The strike of the men in the em- pound, and twins, 13%c.
ploy of the Innternational Paper
Company, which has been on since
August 1. has been settled.
C. W. Morse, the ice trust pro-
moter recently sentenced, has
sworn that ho has not enough of
his great fortune left to pay his
honest debts.
E. H. 13. Mackey, an insane steno-
grapher, attempted on Monday to
assassinate the Postmaster of New
York city, arid then committed sui-
A violent earthquake shock caus-
ed a panic on Thursday at Spa,
It is reported in Calcutta that
rifles and revolvers are Leing im-
Bacon -Long clear, 12 to 12'/.e
her pound in case lots; mess pork,
$19 to $19.50; short cut, $23.50.
Hams -Light to medium, 14 to
14%c; do., heavy, 12 to 13c; rolls,
11 to 11%c; shoulders, 10 to 10%c;
backs, 16% to 17c; breakfast bacon,
Ib to 16%e.
Lard-Tiorcos, 13c; tubs, 13%c;
pails, 13%o.
stone boat Atlas, which was work-
ing on the break wall, heard a cry
iu the darkness. Ho landed to in-
vestigate and met a bruised and
bedraggled Chinaman crawling to-
aard the boat. White helped the
chattering roan aboard and thea
roused the crew to help hint look
for others. In a short time throe
more Chinamen had boon pulled
ever the rocks and set down to dry
and toast beside the engine. The
four teen said they had coma from
Toronto, and gave their names as
Mock Quong, aged 42; Pon$ Sing,
25; Ching Jing, 22, and Chin Jou,
Tho crow of the Atlas could find
ne more survivors, and though they
sent repeated signals to the Life-
saving station, n,, boat was sent
sett till daybreak, by which tune
the gasoline launch and rowboat
in which tho Chinamen had crossed
from the Canadian shorn had been
dashed to splinters. The life-sav-
ers could do nothing when they ar-
rived, but attempted to extricate
the six bodies, which had been bea-
ten in among the rocks of the
breakwall, and wore showing here
a bare stiff arra, with clenched fish
thrust up; there a frozen yellow
leg, and again a bundle of sodden
rags and flesh tightly wedged in
r: rock crevice. Four of the bodies
were recovered, the others remain-
ing tightly fastened iu the rocks.
store, $1.10%; Winter firm. Corn-
Iiasier ;No. 3 yellow, 66c; No. 3
corn, 64 to 65c. Oats -Higher; No.
`l white, 53% to 54c ; No. 3 white,
E2 to 53c; No. 4 white, 51 to 52e.
Its o -N o. 2 on track, 80c.
Toronto, Nov. 17 -Choice hutch-
ers' cattle brought $1.85 per cwt..
while a straight load of choice cat-
tle changed hands at 84.65 per cwt.
Good cattle were worth $1 to $•1.40,
according to weight and finish and
medium were quoted at $3.50 to
$4. Few good butchers' cows were
en the market. Their sales ranged
et from $3 to $4 per cwt.
Heavy continue in demand at
high figures for good steers. These
sold at $3.80 to $4 per cwt. Buiia
were sold at $2.b5 to $3.10. The
prices of good stockers were quot-
ed frown $3 to $3.80 per cwt.
1 s report
D° r p
of springers and milch cows. Calves
were slow of sale. Tho bulk of the
offerings worn not of extra good
Hogs eoiltinued steady at $6 per
cwt. fed and watered, for selects.
Harriman Railways In West Want
Temperate Employes.
A despatch from Portland, Ore-
gon, says : Ralph Blaisdell, auditor
of the Harriman system of the rail•
roads in the northwest. has "for
the good of the service," issued an
BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. order forbidding employes in his
Montreal, Nov. 17 - Canadian 41e,partnient visiting saloons or 1i -
Western No. 2 white oats are set- quor houses for any purpose what -
ling at 45 to 45%c, No. 3 at 44;;c, ever. Tho order affects about 500
extra No. 1 feed oats at 44%e, and employes. Several months ago
No. 1 feed at 43% to 44c, Ontario Blaisdell discharged all the women
No. 2 white at 44i%e, No. 3 at 43!;,c, clerks and stenographers in his de-
ported into Bengal in cases
No. 4 at 43c per bushel, ex pertinent and replaced them with
led "sowing machines" or "cut stores Flour -Manitoba Spring men on the ground that men are
ton." wheat patents, firsts at $0, seconds snore efficient._
As componsation for the annexa- a( $550; Winter wheat patents,
tion by Austria of Bosnia and Her -
$5 to $5.23; straight rollers, $1.50
/egosina, Scrvia demands a grant to $4.00; do., in bags, $2.10 to $2. -
of territory and an outlet to the 20; extras, $1.75 to $1.85. Feed-. 3Ir. Asquith Tells the Commons
:ldriatic. Manitoba bran, $21; shorts, $21, What He Means by It.
-� Ontario bran, $21.50 to $22; n,id-
ELI:W1;N WERE KILi,ED. (flings, $25 to $26; shorts, $21.50
to $25 per ton, including bags; pure Premier Asquith set forth in the
Rear -End Collision at Littlewoods, grain mouille, $30 to $32; millet House of Commons on Thursday
Near New Orleans. ltradee, $25 to $28 per ton. l'ro- w)iat was meant by the two -power
etch from New Orleans
visions -Barrels short cut mess, standard of naval strength of Great
A des
P L,l3.50; half -barrels, $11.50; clear Britain, and his announcement
says: Eleven persons are dead and fat backs, 823; dry salt long clear hroug;tt out hearty cheers from all
a score or ricin injured as rho re hacks, 1lc; barrels plate beef, s;des. ('p to the present time Mr.
suit of a wreck on Wednesday on
i81i.50; half barrels do., $!,; Asquith has been u:on-c•u
the New Oilcans & Northeastern. compound lard, tile' to 9'/.c; pure
Railroad at Littlewoods, twelvelard, 12'4 to 133; kettle rendered,
H lies fr , New Orleans Between131 ) 1214 t 14
A despatch from London says:
r u . 13 t.� e; rams, • o e;
Slidell and New Orleans the tracks breakfast Leon, 1-1 to 15cf 1 1 1
the New Orleans & Northeastern for bacon, 15 to 16c; fresh killed,
Railroad are used by the Great abattoir dressed hogs, $9.25 to $9.-'
Northern Railroad, and it was a L0, alive, $6.25 to 86.50 per cwt.
suburban train of this road from Cheese -Western, 12/, to 12';.e.
Covington that crashed into tho Butter --27 to 27%c in round lots; of
rear of a local N,�rtheastern train 28e in jobbing lots. Eggs --Sales of Greatest !cline Disaster
from Hattiesburg, Miss., tclescop- now laid were made at 29c, select- 1
ing the four rear coaches. ed at 28c, No. 1 at 22e, and No. 2 111 Ger many,
concerning a radical definition of
this standard which the Govern-
ment is pledged to maintain. The
Premier informed Arthur Leo, a
Conservative member of the House,
that the Government accepted the
two -power standard as meaning a
l:reponderance of ten per cent.
over the combined strength in capi-
tal ships of the two next strongest
naval powers. This statement is
taken to confirm the belief hold in
naval circles that at least six ad-
ditional warships of the Dread-
nought typo will be provided for is
the next naval estimates.
Alfred W. Harvey Dson ned at
Saskatoon, Sask.
A despatch from Saskatoon,
Sask., says • While skating with a
party of friends on Wednesday
night on the Hudson's Bay slough
Alfred W. Harvey fell heavily on
Iris head near an air bole, break-
ing through the ice and skidding
fur some distance beneath. Not
knowing the depth of the water,
which eubsoquently proved to be
only two feet, his friends formed
a chain, and after some ten min-
utes' distressing work succeeded in
getting the unfortunate man to the
bank, by which time, however, it
was too late. The deceased was
about twonty•feur ,,ears of ag_•.
hem.and eame here some years ago un.
I.ondon, England.
Manitoba Government invcstigatia •
Price and Quality.
A despatch from Winnipeg says;
An investigation by provincial an..
Dominion authorities into the qua•
lity, price of oil and the genorn
oil industry of the West began o-.
\Wednesday. OMeer% went to Swan
(liver, where a family of Dight pas -
iihed last week through the explo-
sion of inferior oil. Oil is selling
in Winnipeg at 40 cents a gaiter.
whereas it is on sale 50 miles ront�t
of the border at 12 cents. The
Standard Oil officer at Winnipeg
swears the price is maintained byn•
the local guild and that his co-
pany sells to them at 12 ccnte. Th.
great feature, however, is the
charge being pressed that the oil
is net up to the legal standard it
40 points and that (hie has canted
many deaths in Manitoba reeentl' .
Burial of Earl t'randell and .1hna
A t!e pat, h ir,,iii Philadelphia, present (is ria its., %Odell ii hated for Miles at Sandy (rem -k.
Pa, s•►ys: Declaring that the youth 11t conservatism sod feared for its A despatch from Ottawa says:
t power. During the past year there Lying side h side in their caskets,
f Chita, the younger and nein
have been three abortive attempts, the double funeral of Earl ('ran-
prierrt'sive element in the nation, each time before the movement was dell, aged 25, and Miss Alma Miles,
ripe. The unrest is being fuetered' his affianced bride, aged Is. took
t•v the student element. , place at Sandy ('reek, near Brock -
"China is not afraid of Japan t ille, on Wednesday. Lovers
The (iosernnnent is working night through life, they were riot parted
w odd in a great revolution over-
throw the present dynasty, Rev.
1t illinm Christie, a missionary at
Cie ('hristien and Mission Alliance,
stated that great dieturhances were and day in the training of men for in death, and the last rites were
•Lut slue in the Celestial Empire. the u ar with the Japanese that maid over the altar banked with
and also that a war with Japan eveotualt.: will come. .111 thi. talk (lowers where the two white e&s-
waa in contemplation► Mr. ('Eris- of eoneili•rtion between Japen and heti re.ted. Driving together and clears, 8.1 to at :;f); second clears, (xp1•,si•,n destroyed one ,•f the the accident was tl,e result of an
/i paid : China in the event of another war ; discussing their coming marriage, !)3 to $3.30. •hafts, which had to be partly r••• e aplosion el cent (lust. Ent the
The ()Neel of the revolntinvory s itu the v ^.'ern nations, it ridi• ; their carriage was struck by a train Buffalo, No. 11 - -Wheat Spring f aired before the rescue work we. � �lat �-nents of the injured men ren•
4novo:neat is the e,verthrew of thec:iluus." hind both were instantly killed. j$rrnor; No. 1 Northern, carloads begun. 'd::r this impossible.
at 17',c per dozen.
Many Years
A despatch from Hamm, West- heartrending scenes were enect-
I.NiTED STATES MARKETS. phalia, Germany, says: The great ed at the mina when the dead and
!)ninths Nov. 17--Wheat.-No. 1wounded were brought to the sur-
est m ne disaster in many years in face, and there were similer stnees
81.08 - ; rthernNorthern,
o tO5,e►;�i%e. Cierinany occurred on Thnr•day :n the town when the injured uera
81.Ot'„ ; Nay, $1.083<; Nov. $1.00% morning at the Redbod mine, (1ansportetl through the etroets to
Minneapolis, Nov. 17. -Wheat - three miles from here. There was the hospitals.
Dec., $1.04! to $1.04%; May. .1.- n very heavy exl,l�+'ion in the nsine finally the fire h,ul meds such
08% to 111.09', ; cash wheat. No. 1 about # a.m , and almo't irnmedi• great headway that it vets &.•„1,•d
hard, $1.08%; No. 1 Northern, 8l.• ately the mine took fire. Of 38) that any f•,rther attempts t., t -'s-
07%; No. 2 Northern, 111.05%; No. miners only sic escaped without in- cite the i"itombed men were '.ain,
3 Spring wheat, $1.03% to $1.04. jury. Thirty-five were taken out owing to the intpeesihiiity of e►,ter-
Bran- $17.50 to $37.75. Flour -._ badly injured, and 37 bodies were ing the gallerie.. At the seine Wee
F'rst patents, AA In to $5.50; see- brought out. The remaining ^.,'►4 air order we issued t., fee (1 the
(nd patents, $5.15 to $5.40; first have been given up for lost The mise. first reports indicated that