Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-19, Page 6This Week We Are Showing 2 six -octave and 1 five - octave second-hand or. gans, cheap for CASH OR TIME. In 'dew Pianos we have some very fine instruments. Sewing Machines iu all the leading [flakes and styles. Our Prices and Terms are of the most liberal kind, - Stationery in all the newest styles at away down prices. We will be pleased to show you our goods. S. MARTIN &SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are noted for the quality of their goods. Oxetex abvacate j EXETER — -- ONTARIO SI .00 U pald to .Series, ✓bI•SO a year If not so paid. !o Ualted States 5 .crib.ri$1.DO Ifi�e s Ywr Strictly Ia advsaco. SANDERS a CREE+CH. Publishers. Cook's Cotton Root Compound The great Uterine Tooke and only sato effectual Monthly Regulator on which women osa depend. :cold in three detereee of strength—No. 1, $1; ha Y. 10 degrees stronger ,3; No. 9. for special cases, per box. Bold by all Lt, or sent prepaid on rope ppt of price. Free pamphlet. Address • T$ COOK MIDt01iI CO..Tosorro.ONT. Vormerli, Windsor THE GREAT SCHOOL! 444. ("2 Tz 1411 SICK WOMEN GTBATrO*D. ONT. Our past record and our present grad. of work stamps us as the great practical training school of Western Ontario. We have three departments -- Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphic, Our graduates are in demand as Business Col. legs tesohers as well as office a.si+tants in41. vidual instruction. Enter NOW! Largerata• logue free. Write for it. ELLIOTT & McLAOHLAN, Principals. BETTER than Cake, Pudding or Pastry JeII-O THE DAINTY DESSERT. One package Serves Six All grocers Lucas WEDDING—At the residence of Mrs. Wm. Keith, on Nov. llth, Miss Annie L. Keith and Arthur M. Elliott were united in warriage. Hey. Stevenson performed the ceremony, under a beautiful arch of evergreens, chrysan- thewuut, and smilax. The bride was tastefully attired in a gown of white organdy, trimmed witif lace. and duch. ess satin ribbon, and carried a beauti. ful bogttr't of chrysanthemums and maidenhair fern. The popularity of the bride was amply demonstrated by the magnificent array of beautiful gifts. The bride's travelling gown was of navy blue lady's cloth, and hat to match. Ross' Furs Manufacturer and Retailer Exclusive ��Fur House We are the only ezcfusise Fur house in Western Ontario, devoting all our energies, combined ttlth prv,tkal experience. to the manufre trint rt Fur Garments, and have con5dence that of an rate our patrons money and supply the hest goods In the market. Send your addre'es and receive by return Mail oar Anneal Far Catalogue and Price Lilt. All information regarding prices cheer• fully given. Mail [)niers promptly attend• ed to. Ross, 196 Dundas St., London, Ont. Whatever amount of money one puts by in an investment whether it is $10,000 or $100 the first consideration is the security of the investment. If added to the security there is a profitable dividend, the invest- ment becomes an ideal one -- exactly the kind that the saving people of Ontario most desire. The Debentures of this Company are such an investment, safe beyond question. Assets totalling over $10,000,000 are pledged to their redemption. Thus their security is absolutely safeguarded. They pay 4 per cent. per annum. Put your savings into this safe and profitable form of investment. Write asking for full particulars. 0 Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont. The children's delight is your enjoyment. Perrin's Toy Biscuits bring both. Try them. 12 Varieties. LYDIA E. PINKHAM No other medicine has been so successful iu relieving the suffering of women or received so many gen- uine testimonials as has Lydia E. Pinkham't! Vegetable Compound. In every community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound. Almost every one you meet has either been bene- fited by it, or1as friends who have. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn,Mass., any woman any day may see the files containing over one mil- lion one hundred thousand letters f:'om women seeking health, and !lore are the letters m which they openly state over their own signa- tures that they were cared by Lydia E. i'inkhallb's Ve&table Compound Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made from roots and herbs, without drugs, and is 'whole- some and harmless. The reason why Lydia E Ph k- Ii.'im's Vegetable Compound is so successful is because it con in- gredients nts which act die ectly upon tota e healthy monism, restoring it Women who afire conditsuffeion. Women from those distressing ills peculiarto sex should not lose sight of facts or doubt the abihty of E..Pinkhanl'e Vegetable a0 to restore their health. Tuckersmith: In Port Huron, ;on Oct. 7th, the marriage took place of Robert Stewart of this township and Miss Jean McCullogh of Seaforth. Clinton: At noon, on Nov. 10th, in Toronto, the marriage took place of Miss Nettie Beacom, daughter of T. Beacom, to Jaynes Dunsford. They will reside in Clinton. How's ThisP We offer One Hundred Dollars Ite•rard for any case of Catarrh that cannot 1•e cured by hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CIIENEY S Co., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned here known F. J. Cheney foe the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to tarry out any obligations made by his firnr- Wabntao, Krsv.es & M.1RVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di- rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 76c. per bot- tle. sold by all Druggists, Take Ball's Family Pills for constipation. SaiutMbury II. W. Hodgins is rejoicing over the arrival of a young daughter.—W. J. Davis is suffering from the effects of Flood poisoning in one arm.—Austin Callender of Ohio called at Frank Davis' for a short visit Friday.—Mrs. Wm. Pym, who hasust returned from the %Vest with her grandson Wes. Wright, visited at Frank Davis' this week.—F. A. Dobbs, from no ap- parent cause, suffered intensely from a sore foot last week for some hours. An injection of morphine gave relief and he is now alright. Bethesda .Anniversary and Tea Meeting.—The Anniversary service in connection with the Bethesda Methodist cloaca was held on Sunday last and was conducted by the Rev. W. i1. Butt of Centralia. Every thing was favorable to the occasion and the church was well filled. The Rev. Mr. Butt preached an appropriate ser- mon characterized with a deep spirit- ual meaning and his large congregation were highly pleased with his dlscourec. Monday evening thc annual tea misting was held and an immense crowd—princi- pally from Exeter—turned out to partake of the good things provided by tt.c ladles It was a tea meeting at which everyboiy seemed to enjoy themselves. There was an abundance of good things while the social element was not forgotten and was cultivated as well as the physical. all cnjoying themselves to the full. At bice appointed hour the people passed front t'.c basement to toe auditorium where the pastor, Rev. Fear, who acted as chairman. had in store a cnoice pro- gram. The addresses given by Rev. Bur- gess of Ellntville, itevels. Collins and Martin of Exeter proved exceedingly In- teresting. while the solos by Misses llusto:r. Folltek and Howard and Mr. Senior of Exetet were admirably render- ed and proved highly pleasing. On tit^ whole the affair was a complete su: - eese. Vie amount really .d was $66. Dan Mc(iillieudd}, of the Calgai7 News, was found guilty of libelling %, M. Edwards, editor of the Eye•Opener, and fined $106. The Liberal in aj•)r its in the House { Commons is now 15, n decrease of 111. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. W. N. Cole desires to announce to the readers of the Advocate that he has se- cured the agency for Parisian Sage. the nutrtelous dandruff r ure and delightful hair dteesing- W. S. Cole 1e glad to state that P,ir- Islan Sage la a rigidly guaranteed hale restorer. it cures dandruff in two weeks by kill- ing the dandruff nttcrotx•e ; It ataps fall- ing hair; It cures all scalp diseases, or stoney back. It Is a most pleasant hair dressing, especially for ladies. as it makes the hair soft and lustrous. The prig la only 50 cents a large bottle at W. S. Cole's, or by express, all charges pre. paid !torn Giroux Mfg. Co.. tort Eri••, Ont. St. Marys.—Tnc death occurred unex- pectedly on Nov. 9th of Alan Thomp- son. for many years a resident of Ste Marys, but latterly of Welibur'n. Leak- age of the heart was the cause of h1s demise. He was 53 years of age. Clinton.—On Nov. 10th fire was dis- covered in the basement of the store of Linder and Watson, and soon all the building was filled with smoke, Firemen extinguished the blaze before it got out of the basement. Ktppen.—The widow of the late Alex. Monteith died 11. Cltnton recently after a brief illness. She was a daughter of the late Rebel Mcelordie of Tuckersntith and was a native of Ireland. Her hus- band preceded net- seven years. Parkh111.—One of the earliest settlers ',s tate part of MlddleseF, Robert Burns, died at Ills daughter's home on John St. on Nov. Nth, to lila 90th year. Ire 1 8 1 0 he was born near Glasgow. Scot- land. and caste with his parents to the county of Lanark, Ont., in 1621. When 17 years old he moved to Sarnia Town- ship and the next year took part in the Mackenzie Rebellion on behalf of tie crown. Ile later moved to Parkhill. A PROGRESSIVE PUBLICATION. The Special Thanksgiving Number of the • Canadian Pictorial," recently re- ceived, shows In additional to its weal- th of beautiful harvest pictures and other tine photogravures, several new and interesting features which are to be continued with other attractions in the enlarged and Improved Christmas Number, in course of preparation. One of these is a complete story ; a second Is a series of ' Old Favorite Sonde words and trust_ complete, which will appear in each issue. Remarkable a has been the popularity of this eplond- tdpublicatlo,,, t• a public are assured that the best is yet to come. Every ls- sur of this Monthly ' Art portfolio" would forst a capital Souvenir to send to friends abroad. None better. (10c. a ( op, ;1.o0 a year ; The Pictorial t'uu- lisl,;ng Co., 142 St. Peter St., Montreal) Chas King, 'he Montreal canoeist and :crag distance walker, who wagered that Ire would walk from Montreal t0 Vancou- ver in 155 days, neither beg or steal, and east $150 while on 1,is way, arriv- ed at his destination Just within five minutes of t1 e expiration oft 1 ' liner limit. Ile was presented with a tLcquc for the amount Cf the wager. $17,11.. -- ALMOST SENSATBANAL Thcce is (ienero1 Surprise at tt.e Great Nunibe: of l'cruw,s in Exeter t h1. Praise Booth's Kidney fills. It's but a short time since. the first hoe of Booth's Kidney Pills carne to Exeter. What a work this stranger has accom- plished. Dozens of residents benefited and Cured of lame, weak and aching' backs, urinary and kidney troubles. It is remarkable ; the reason for it is Booth's Kidney Pills are a new blend of vegetable ingredients, having a peculi- ar action on the kidney tissue that brings quick help. F. A. Wright ,of King Street, Exeter Ont.. says ; "Mrs Wright had been a constant sufferer with many adnoying and painful symptoms of )frig:rte dis- ease. Her back was tender and palnlul and she could at times scarcely get up from a chair without assisting herself with both hands. There was a dropsi- cal swelling that would come around the ankles arid under the eyes and the urine had shown many signs of this dread disease at different analysis and con- tained much brick dust sediment of high color. Different prcec riptlons had fail- ed in giving relief and we had begun to think nothing would be of any benefit. 1 learned of Booth's Kidney Pills through an advertisement and procur- curing a box at Mr. Cole's Pharmacy she commenced treatment. The resul's were surprisingly good from the !1.,41. The dropsical swellings began to de- crease, the utine gradually cleared of the sediment and resumed Its natural color. The backache noon had gone and it was a comparatively short time be- fore Mrs. Wright had begun to look and feel like a new person. Booth's Kid- ney Pills gave a very speedy cure when all else had failed even t0 relieve and I cannot hesitate to recommend them as an Ideal remedy, and one t3 h� relied upon always. Sold by Dealers Price 5i) rents. The It. T. Booth Co., L't'd. Fort Erle, Ont.. Sole Canadian Agents. 1'iiES13YTEitfAL MEETING The annual meeting et the Huron Pres - byte rlal Society of tee V. ontan's For- eign Missionary Society was held at Egmondville Presbyterian Church on Nov. pith. The reports of the auxillar les and mission bands were Interesting and encouraging, and showed that ex- cellent work was being done for the cause of missions. There are 20 auxil- iaries and 'J mission brands. wain a membership of 733. The: total value of lothing sent to thc Northwest mission fields was something over $500, while the total contributions from auxiliaries was #1.789.1il, and from mission bands Itene.62. making a total of !2,0911.91. All Increase over lest year. Tho foliow- Ing are contributions from the individ- ual auxiliartee.—i'ayfleld $47.54). Blake $2.1, Blyth ;121,10. Brucetleld 0180.36. Cilnton $15'). Egmondville $229. Exe'cr $31.50. Godertrh ;lou. Ooderich Tp. $29. Herten!! 160.87. lltllsgreen $'17.- 67. Klrkton $7.7.5o, Sealotth $210.49, Thames Road $125, Varna $24. Miselon Rands gave.—Bayfield $10.73. Myth ;'.2.:,,t. !Irac(lit id $27.27, Goderleo $46.15. ilcnsall ;:.:.53. Klppen $40.:31 Svatorth. Rune:,tne ;13.9:, Thames lid. ;1:..50. The officers were all re-elected. (LONDON) India Pale Ale Prejudiced and unscrupulous vendors may suggest others. bat coapare 11.., way you will—purity. freedom from acidity, palatableness—Labatt's Ale is surpass- ed by none. equalled by few—at about halt the price of best imported brands Bruceficld.—Margaret Jamieson, of Hannah, N. Dakota. formerly of our village, was married in October to Dr. Corey of New Mexico. Clinton.—Thursday last while in the operation of his cement mixing ntachlne Archie Cousins got two fingers deadly crushed. Portions of eat h were amput- ated afterward. Mitchell.—On Nov. 143t0 Richard Itua. sell, engine driver at the flax m111, lost one of his fingers off t le righ4 hand. He was oiling the tnaculnery when his hand w.ts caught in the belting and It wan so mangled that Dr. At kinson found it necessary to amputate it at the knuckle joint. Liniments can't cure Rheumatism " Ltn::n, Lt.; ar en: , Li..is:cnts c.ui't :each the muscles, nerves, Pints. Limit,^its can't J': t t•) the siv: kidneys, which cause Rheuuratistu, Sciatica and Lumba; ,. GIST PILLS cur, 1.. Ll:.atisrr b.;causo they euro the ;. kldrt -.-.t, it vtrtt tiro a sufferer, don't ,A4-)!•`,10., '.s w i.;.0 tuon••_; . '1 tt;. •rsa remedies. Cure 77'%�,r••t - -- V' r:;eltiv :r t:iu 1':..,. Sec. a box ;6for ...______,..,.,,s.7- �..,v - r`� 'z', .... '" •.J. :.5 .:1 :.came: r sent on receipt of "'7 . r -t 'e ! .:::::::.-,or.. :e -Au ;le free is you mention this y, • . • V i ' . k A11At DRUG 1 EA3i;,Al CO. <7, 7,......-si,.-;1.-/ 1!M!i!DT R IT1 109 xy5 / .'• Y,1• - : 1,...-; ityLThs Lula Drug o.. rinrs pry The Shine that Won't Come Obi "Black Knight Stove Polish ff Is an inspiration to the housewife—so willing to do its work and does it so well. Easy to put on, and just a few rubs brings a brilliant polish. Von should see for yourself how good "Black Knight" really is. If your dealer does not handle it, send us his name and rix. for full sited can TIM F. P. DALLEY CO. LUMRED. IlAraT011. Oat. OA i .•• *. • .•••••••.1,..•T•••••••;444•••••4••••:. rN- • ••• ••'••�'- • :.a.:• dee • ef -�- •.' t te?�� •..� :�e.e,:•a�i.leb•,��e..•e: a•!!••��e=.a•a• �a- S �••1e air.:• i-•. '•:�'. l. : _•At t ,e rtisee DON'T GO TO BUSINESS COLLEGE UNTiL YOU'VE READ TN'S CATAL sCU� r�j stiassaPer'st Chi L*edea Collor �H�aa • atatie FREE BOOS It it immensely important .:.at you ,hcuid get all the Inforra•,on about a co::ege before you er .ull III a student. Your suocess de• pends upon your thole*. Our rr.• C.•e'c`u. tale Sit ebeet est M.t!.od. c, Teaching -shy .. lura oat gr•duau..h. .r•.1..ra tndsvnd. 1l ue.l.in, tr. Curnm•rN.l and Short- hand enuraaa :n data,!. Shc.ett• e.:u• Ohl* Burn.., Glacster'a A.aoe:aWa a Diploma. And Os lues. h•ndsnn..lj rl:.svat.d loci •1:1 t. sot to y• u FREE by Mara of ,cul If• •11.1Just sad We your name and address. Stade-to act stated any 0,1.111. Sp.cal Or•ring Se-t•rnt.r .nd Jamar, Tb. r•ve.t Cit, Busies, sad 3b.rtkaad Celle;e LOND(JN, ONTARIO W. wesMrnh, W w.st.rr.it. Jr C.*. Mocipat Wks Prise/pa ISO RANGE Train up a girl In the way she should bake, and when she Is married she will not depart from It. " My mother taught me how to bake, and told me why she always used a McCIary Range. "Now 1 have a 'Pandora', and, as wits mother, my troubles are few. After fire is started, 1 simply bring thermometer to desired heat and leave the oven in charge of the baking. it's built for faithful service. " While housewives with other ranges are poking fire and changing dampers, i sit and read the ' joy of Living' ' McClary's 22• London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vanceuxer, it. lchn, !t.9., Hee'tton, Calgary. T. Hawkins & Son, Agents.