HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-19, Page 5Supplement to The Exeter Advocate EXETER, NOVEMBER 19, 1908 THE REV. IRL R. IIICKS ALMANAC For 1U09, ready Nov. 15, llluy,boat ever sent out.beautiful covers In colors. fine portrait of Prof. Hicks in colors, all the old features and several new ones in the book. The best astronomical year book and the only ane containing the original "Hicks Weather Forecasts." 13y mall 85c.; on Newel stands :lac One copy tree with Word and Works, the beat $1 monthly in America. Discounts on Almanacs in quantities. Agents wanted. Nord and Works Pub. Co., 2201 Locust Street. St. Louts, Mo. Every cit- izen owes it to himself, to his fellows and to Prof Hicks to posttests the "Hicks forecasts,—the only reliable While sitting back ti. your comfortable arm chair beside the cheerful stove or grate, roasting your shins these even- ings, what a feeling of contentment Is Yours. flow different Is the lot of many In the large cities, and even in our own neighborhood where poverty 1s no stranger. where what we call necessities are luxurle'• and the piteous cry for food is a common form of speech. In our own neighborhood we have children, lit- tle tote, who are not having the bast of care. although the parents are endeav- ouring 10 the beat of their ability to pro vide. Something should be done by our philahthropie people to place them in dif- ferent surroundings. Missionary work sheuld begin at home. The criminal code ;uat laeue:i contains a new clause, No. 4050, which tn)oat- ens to make the police courts work over- time. it provides that anyone is (table to one year's lntprisohment who Incurs KEEP THE BEEF EXTRACT IN THE ROAST Keep in the meat all the wholesome juit'es—the real nutriment of the roast. Use the SOL'VENIR flange with its Aerated (f(lr('ed-air) Oven. it provide r for pure air (•urrents all round the roast, and prevents the burping out er the frying out of the whole ;twat sire ngth. !'Hat's the SOUVENIR RANGE THE GU' NEY-TtLO' N Co., k•M• 1 ED, HAMILTON. ONT, n•"NCH[9 AT NONTPIAL, WINNIPCO, VANCOuvtp. FOR SALE BY W. J. Heaman, Exeter a debt or liability or who obtains cr.:•tlt under false pretences or fraud. if en- forced to any extent this law s nouid place some in a very unconlfortaole po- sition. Woodham Woodham's memorable day is Nov- ember 5th. The L. 0. L. tor many years have held a grand social event on Guy Fawkes' night. The oyster supper and concert this year was a good one. The oyt•tet a were served in all styles and the ladies know how to do it. The concert in the church was thoroughly enjoyed. Tony Vita's Lon- don Harpers furnished the music. Fred McTavish of St. Marys sang. Miss Rena Robinson of Kirkton gave readings, Rev. Bat tlett of Woodburn and Rev. Collins of Exeter gave excel- lent addresses. Zurich It is rumored that a party here is about ready to erect a skating c ink. The project might he safely encourag• ed by oto' citizens. -Elmore Kruger, one of Mr. Merrier's clerks, accidently put a few grains of shot into his leg while out shooting, On Thanksgiving Day. -Mrs. Klopp left 1Ved- n •sday for her houre in Stratford. - W. O'Brien and W. 0. Hess, acting for the Hay council. recently removed the fence which barred the way to the new road to the hike at St. Joseph, which the council expropriated a short ago. The fence was no than laid aside when a gang (•f men were hired and soon had it in place again. A lively b►weuit will likely be the re- sult. -Reeve Lenient, attended the tax sale at God,'rich on Tuesday. it good part of St. Joseph was sold for unpaid taxes, nod Pete Nought the "whole shooting nittrrh." He will now rank as uIayor of the city. and will likely change its name ft 0111 St.' Joseph to St. Peter. ((clIMil11 11', Whiteside took two sitoking spells on Thursday caused by heart tumble. but has le•cuvered sornett•het. -Richard %Vrhsler and wife of Luck- now are here visiting. He forutetly resided here lend worked in the end - ploy of the late W. J. Miller.- Oar zens and the tunny friends of George Petty, sr.. will be pleased to learn that be has 50 far recovered es to be able to sit up and go at .d. -A. S''hlecl- der. who has been running the phot., gallery here for the past few unhth-, left on Thursday evening for H. -ilius where his fancily resides. Ile did not fled the business here eati4aetoly.- Mr. Sterling, who has te'r n iii the bleat for ,.tune the+. has returned home.-Mr..1lorrison, head miller et the Hernial! Flour Mil's, has moved into Mrs. Dick's house on King St. 11'est. t1A11141KD-Oa 1Vednesdfy, N ,t•. ). a happy event took place att. the resid• r•nre of Mr. Sheppard. 11eatm.ville, when his d•tightet• Nellie. was married to Hugh N.Martin, of the Him o1 Johnston & 11c3Lerlin, Hensnll. The event took place at a p.m. in the ores• elle.. of 11411 iultr►edilI1.' 1e141Ives of the (•1'nit•actitlg parties. Scall b(lrjr (Too late for last week) The members of 1.. 0. I. No. lief. held their aminal fowl dinner in their hell on Nov. 5. and had a Urge attend• ance. After all p,lrlaking of the good things the Inert hada genie of font hall. The choir was ably tilled by F. A. Ryan of Lush, Ilev. Arthur Carlisle and Rev. Keltr of Luca!), and Rev. O. 1l', Itscey of Kirkton devivele(1 grand ael- dres-Ps. Songs trete given by }tee. Car lisle mud F. A. Ryan. -1V..1. Car- ter of Detroit ywit. d around here en Thanksgiving Day. -Miss Sadie lianas spent a few days here thio week. --A jolly time wits spent :it the honer of F. A. Dobbs, the firstdsneeof the season. %lpsrrs. Whalen and Mcf.anghin barn- ! tatted the music. "Ids&IPeninsular/ Has the Advantages of a Steel Range with the durability of a Cast -Iron Range `zIggspti_T•r' „ ' "Ileal Peninsular" is the ideal range for a small kitchen. It gives the conveniences of the best steel ranges with the added advantage of being cast-iron and therefore more durable. The "Ideal" burns either wno(I or coal and the grate liars may be changed in half a minute. Step in and 1-t us show yon the Drop Oven rloor-1.ow Warming i lose(—Adjustable Camper—iraylight Uvea and other improve- ments. Always clad to explain the superiority of these :Inc ran,;,-,. 70 HUGH SPACKMAN, - EXETER AIMEMMEIMSEI VARICOCELE CURED Cite- NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "Iieavy work. severe straining and evil hauila In youth brought nn a double varicocele. When I worked hand the aching would become severe and I was often Intl up for a week at a time. Uy fatuity phyaecian fol 1 rho an operation was any only lope—hut I dreaded It I tried aure.al speciali..ts. but soon found out all they wanted was buy money. 1 COMM aced (0 l.wk upon a 1 doctors as littio better tter flan rogues. On t day my 1.oss asked mo why 1 was off work so much and I told him my aal.tion. lie advised n1 f t0 con-ult firs. Kennedy .i- Kennedy, sulfa heat taken treatment froth theist himself and knew they wero square and skillful. I wrote them and got THE New kterime TREATMENT. My pr -gets was somewhat slow and during the first Melnik's treatment. 1 tray somewhat dIseoll. aged. However, 1 ron- tinu^d tnearrnett for three months longer and was rewarded with A e-anplete cure. 1 could only earn $12a week In a machine shop 1,' - fore treatment. now i am earning Sel and never Tose a day. 1 wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. HENRY C. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? BLOOD POISONS are the most prevaLeit An.1 most seriottadiaemea. They sap the very life blo.xl of the victim and unless entirely eradicated 11..m 1150 sy stern) w111 4Au+e ea•ri(1ua complications. IA•ware of Jtercury. It ugly suppresses the symptoms— our 11x1' ) F:'rtnn1curoeall 1•10''•1 uls.•ases YOUNG fin s1IIIULF: .Witt► MFN.-imprudent arts or later excesses have broken down your st•stetn. You (seri the symptoms stealing over you. Mentally, not physi- cally. an I vitally you are ot the roan you used be or should be. \x111 you heed the danger signals! READER Are you a victim? Piave you loci hope? Are you Intending to marl) ? bias your blood been dletased ,lave yon nay weakness! Our Nrw ylr;n• u 'I rtr.t rs i .r will cure you. tt hat I. has done for others It 1.111 do for yon Consultation Free. No mutter 1a!Io has trea'ed you. write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Boots Free --The Golden Monitor,- (III mit rated on i Iaeas,•sof )fen. NO NAMES' LVD WITHOUT WZTTTFN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No names on boxes or ensdor-a. Er.-rytt.ins cont.dentlal. tluostion list and cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. DRs.KEPINEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. The Farmers Bank of Canada CAPITA I. $1,1100.0110 'TOTAI. ASSETS $1.5(n.yon :18 iireeche•s Ihronwhunt ('a• ad •. Special Attuning) (liven to F..rmlvs' Sale Note*. f)iacrlunh•d, nr Collected at Lowest Cur it Hate,. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT 1)r•IHsw1151 of Ell 1)'i end IIpWNI(1) rt e •Ilett, interest fetid rte added 10 pritlripsl 4 Ii111es s 1 ear. Your !money is fou t•alelal•Ip 14) I44111. in the bows, "bele binglar», thi.-t.-A or lite Ivey teke it (tutu tau, ne to intent on ri kt sips^nlatirins or with door., fol 1nslilu1hole float so offer,, 111 the past have robbed men of their hard calhrd t ,alt h. DRAFTS ANi) ,11ONE1' ORDERS ISSUED. When sending (m'as't to any port of ('anads nr the world, r• u,.•nehrr aur drafts gid n,ol.ey orders arc voila Me het e, and so111 at the ion ed i/gs,.i1.1 vales. 011r1111••hr'y(1d•111 are pas aIle• at par at env point in ('made 1u•d ptiueipt i poicmts in 1h•- United Mist..,. and (teal Itritxirl. Ot'It Mlrrro-Conrtpoua Tree' no•nt. No (ted Tape. DASHWOOD & BRUCEFIELD Branches It. 'i'. DUNLOP. NI:innerr.