HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-19, Page 4Qxeter Abuortttt, Sardera ct Creech, Props. THURSDAY, Nov. 19, 1908 A"O1'N AND COMMENT Two more beats in British Columbia have gone Conservative-Yele-Carihoo electing Martin Burrell, and Kootenay electing lir. Goodeve, each obtaining over 700 majority. Were all the Engbsh emigrants such excellent people as the three young men. William Berry, Walter Maguire a. , 1... t'.. ,v.t• t•. ,:et•1,. I l.nr a wiraer'a sojourn in the old land, there weeld be no occasion for all this Englis.r anti Canadian newspaper talk about undesirable emigrants. School Trustees should take warning that beginning with 1900 a new kind of third class certificate is to be issued. It is intended only for weak districts and not. for Counties like Huron. It is eon:eer•y to the regulations for a teacher holding such a certificate to apply for a school in this country or for ti ustees to engage such a teacher, except through the inspector who may obtain permission from the minister of education. First or second class teach- ers el le •h' tild be employed. Crediton Hev. Deckle of Cleveland, Ohio, oc- cupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church Lest Sunday morning. He is visiting the different churches of this denomination in the Canada Confer- ence and making collections in behalf of the Mi,sion work of the church. The reverend gentleman is an excel - ler rc: r and his dkcourst•, being pr.nc.pa-1y of a missionary nature, was listened to with great attention. The sum of $170 was raised at the ser- vice. -We er•vice.-We are pleased to state that Mrs. (De.) McCue, who was quite ill last week, '9 receverir-g. -Nicholson At Mit.leholt i, onr popular butchers, have Lad an up-to-date hen stable eref'e.' ' '►•p': let nee' intend going in the poultry business as a side line. - Henry Sillier, M.P.P., and Samuel Sweitzer of Shipka, returned home on Monday, after a very successful hunt- ing trip in Parry Sound. They bre:u�at tomo some fine specimens of deter.- Ciss Hannah '!.wicker of Lon- don visited her brother Charles last Friday. -Henry Sweitzer, our miller, is the p „ • i .tier Bouncing baby girl.-. ti and Thomas Lawson have just completed digging a well for Eli Kin:;. They secured a good flow of water. -Since the cold weather has set In, our citizens have commenced their annual pig killing. Metzersups are now the order of the day. -On Mon- day night, the children and grand• chiidrt• 1 of Mr, and Mrs. Matbet' ..);• Leiner. met at their home for the pur- pose or celebrating their :Nth wedding anniversary. All did justice to a roast goose and a very pleasant time was spent. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Fink- beiner many more years of happy tnar- riec! life.- The Pest Office Inspector wily in teen) on Tuesday and 'wide an inspection of the local office. Post- unteter Brown had everything in tip- top order. Aunttr:04 AND PRSsKxTATION-Last Wednesday night, the friends and neighbors of James Cockwell 'net at his residence and gave theta a surprise patty, prior to their 11.utsfe1* of resid• encs le this town. Mr. And Mrs. Jas. Cock well have lived en their farm, south of this village, for se-veral years and were the oldest settlers living en the•.1•nncession line. The following address was read, after which the pre- sent :tion was ntnde: ti . : d Sirs. cot keen, Dettr a Itcteds :-it in with feeling, o' tt'gret that we, our friends and rotten - bora, have heard of your approacuto a- perture from our midst. During the years Bete have lived amongst us we have found you always ready to Join with us, w.eether to share in our glad - 'Wale. sympathize In our sadness. or as. Shia us tet our hour of n ed. \Ve felt Pet we could nut Ict you leave un w;t.tout Mime small token of our regard far yau. so we beg !!tat you will ttrc' pt nits :amt) and star(. not for Utelr Intrinsic• value, but in the hope that you will not forget 'host. wlw sn.ee :hennas they ','ill most assuredly hold you :•t remembrance And believe that with you into your new home w111 go our best wishes tor your future prosperity and happiness. Tee N:Ignbors." Horse Blankets, Men's Mitts, Harness, Etc. The whiter Is near and you will he in nod of horsy blameets. reinter or probably something else ice ow - line. We have everything that ie kept to a well -regulated Harness Shop. Call and See Our iteit.kets. \litte and Glovea.t't-' beat value you have ever seen. A tine ot Harness and Supp): i that cannot he beaten. Don't be Deceived Hy (tt••plc w;.o telt you that you an do as well elsewhere. We have the gouts and It will repay you t o in - 'peel them. P. W. Clark Sarum Mskerr, Both Mr. and Mee. Cockwell were! taken completely by surprise and each made a suitable telly. A splendid supper was then eervtd by the ladies to which all did justice. A most en- joyable evening was spent by all and the happy assembly dispersed in the early hours of the morning, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Cockwell every happi- ness in their new home in erediton. On Monday evening the younger peo- ple called anti gave Mr. and Mrs. Cock - well another pleasant surprise. Every- body had a goer' time. PRETTY WE1lIn (..-The home of Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson, west of the village, was the scene of a very pretty event last Wednesday (yester- day) when their daughter, Lillie, was united in the ho:t' bonds Ofntatrit'tony with Mr. Thome, J. Wilson, a promi- nent merchant of Ext•: t r. The knot was tied at'high noon by Rev. It. Hicks, in the presence of the itntnediate rel- atives of the contracting parties. The bride was beautifully attired in white point -de -esprit over white silk and wore a white veil embroidered in white daisies. She entered the draw- ing room while the strains of Mendel- sohn's Wedding March were played by Mrs. Jos. Woodall. Miss Sadie Willis acted as bridesmaid, while Wil- son Lawson,brotherof the bride, assist- ed the groom. Little Miss Lena Reed- er, a niece of the bride, acted as flower girl and looked very pretty carrying a basket of loses. The wedding cere- mony took place under an arch of evergreens, trimmed with white car- nations, and the room was tastefully decorated in white. After the cere- mony. had taken place, the wedding breakfast was served in the dining room, which was beautifully decorat- ed for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. \Vilson left on the erenirg traiu for Buffalo and other point, east on their honeymoon, after whish they will take up their residence in Exeter. 'rhe bride's travelling gown was of black silk. The presents were numer• nus and costly and were a splendid token of the popularity of both the bride and gra ,m. We extend our best wishes to the happy couple and wish thea' every success ande.happi- ness in their married life. -- — Clandebc ye, Rev Kerr of this place and Rev. \Nelle of Gr:,rtto:: csch,atbetl pulpits o,, Sut.- day.—Mrs. Atkinson of Detroit sp. '•r part of Lear week with friends here. - Garnet and Elgttt Antsy spent Sundae fn town..-Iligh Constable McLeod was the guest of Mr. ifennessey over Surt Lt y.--1•r,utklit Neil had Circe strep killed at:d several torn by dogs on Sat- a:day night. -Mr. bioses Hodgins is autfering front an attack of bitlam:story rheurnatlam..-.t scaring of the r.t•e- pay'ers of the school section will br ttcld Friday afternoon, Nov. 20th, Sn tate school house• to consider the site for- a new school which they purpose t re t- l:Ig .alt tstr:tnter. Dealt of ?it. Cunningeant.-We nave frequently referred to the illness of Nt-• \t 1ttt..ut Curtuhtyham. but this week 1t la our sad duty to announce his death, which took place on Thuraday last, and Oil. remains were laid to rest in St.Jarn- ts tentettt'y on Saturday. Ile had been suffeling for some years from art after - Gut) of the heart, ,ltd for the past year or more had been confined to the house most of the time and during that pen - :0 I ert:01 had suCCeretl a grtat deal, but the -losing hours of his existence brou ht with them peace and calm testi as lie slept away. Mr. Cunningham was a na- ie,e of Ireland, costing to Canada when yulte a young man and settilus in this section !tats made It his home ever elm'e. tor many years he followed the Ire ue ot•fon of farming and later hotel-ke p - For a number of years he 1 1' ted hotel in the hou se In which he died, also the hotel at Khiva ;nd the Royal at Crediton. Ile was a ratan of sterling principle, kind-hearted and true, and numbered his frlends asIna ty. fie was a member of St. James church, nlddulph, and when in health 'was reg- i! tr In btu dcvotloes at teat glare of Worship. In polities he was a grant -11 C'o st•Ivative. Ile was aged 71. fears. Beatles his aged partner hr is survived by a seven-up family of ale Hone and three dauehte ra-Wilson of Chicago, Ber- nard of Khiva. Darla' of N. Dakota/ U-1 th o: Cantrosc, Alt.t,. William or fate ley, Albert of Crediton, Mts. Vagtr of Exeter, Mrs. Parliament of Iiemilton. and Miss J,ttte at home; there are also two H1 -fors, Mrs. Piggott, of Cheelani. and Mies Jane. Mr0I1l1vraY. The many frlcndi sympathize with the family. T.. funeral took place to the tit. Jamas conn - tery on Saturday and was largely at- tended. Among Muse present from a dig 1 Ince were Mrs. Wm. Holt, Sarnia : Miss Tillie Yager or Dutton. Mr. acid Maes. Juan Balt and Mt ears. Alone► and Al- bert Hall, London. Ore.'Ilwlty Coes. Stew.irdson. ',who has been In the Weal for 11' PAC two months. r(R turned home: T.ursday.-Wm. Woodhute has moved bane eon) Ccritt.eil.t and is Beteg won 1,14 !taunter. Mrs. E. \Vood- hure.-allss Star Wilson Is visiting In 1.erkhtll.--Sties Mattie Strwardso:t In Pal kill!' wit i Mrs. G. (Trawto.d.- tl1ss Mae McLean visited at W. J. 'Vit- , ,\Vs dnrsday evening. -Thr sat . en 'tell In tee M'ctteedist ,a o Wednesday evening watt a de - 1 It:: i t. t Ong. Eurllult music w.ee Cur. :Ciel by t 'e Uiosto: Male '.luartett.'. The readings by Miss Gertrude Wirt o: Ilensall were heartily applauded and t e wed by all. ata act•' equ el to .toy ro'o.,lo or Lul:dot. talent. The solos by the pastor. Rev. T. A. Steadman. and • The Iloly City" by Mr. Pert -y Nichols +vete highly appreciated. Add'cenes alto .reie given by Revs. Carrlcre and New - toe. The chair was occupied by Mr. ay, J. 'blas l wh . gave an excellent ed- it -twee -A. M. Wilson. record-ket..- Uit oa Tent N.'. 4th. K. 0 T. M.. hand- ed Mrs. Catharine Steeper. widow of the late llenty f(te-.pc1. A rht,1Ut' fo. two thoust d (toilet, endowment tut,d. The 11,i•hf•lors and Re•nedieta Chit) of Tort n 'till hold nnethet 1•:,l1 in Mo. t)ttnell'- H ill here on Finlay nitrht, when the Leyden Harper. ,'ill fat ni-h the tau=it,. ADVOCATE TO JAN. 1n1il 1.,i $1 is) CL'T Ti(IS OUT AND SAVE IT. Tiicre is eu 10001. itncurmitiatn acre 1n our neighboruood r:ow that the fol- lowing advice will be niguly apprerlat- ed by those wi.o suffer Get front any good pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Extract Datedello:. ono ounce Compound Kargoo, three ounces Compound syrup Sarsaparilla. S:i ke well In a bottle and take In teaspoon- ful doses ;.iter cac';t steal and at bole tune , also drink plenty of good water. It Is clalntod that there are few vier tints of this dread and torturous die• CAW' 'Otto will fall to find ready relief in this simple Lo:ne-trade mixture, and in most cases a permanent cure is the result. This simple receipt Is said to sue:egtS:- 1n 1104 rlelnee the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys HO that they ran filter and strait' from the blood and eystein the poisons, acids anti waste matter, .vldri. rause not only Rheuntatisnt, but numerous other distaecs. Every man or woman here who feel that their Kidneys are trot healthy and active, or who suf- fer from any urinary t rouble whatevst. shoald not hesitate to stake up this ntliturc as it is terra:,t to do elute) good, and may save you from much mis- ery and 'suffering :trete while. Cur home druggists say they will either 'supply the Ingredients or mix the preset 'piton ready to lake if our r ,d - ere ask then'. Dashwood L' it. IIROKENSIIiRE, DASiIWOOD, CONVEl" ENCEK. Deeds, Wills, Mortgages and all Legal Docunlests carefully and promptly prepared. Charges moderate. Issuer of Marriage Ltcensea Its easily Been that the end of the year is drawing on, the time when the officers are again elected to their sev- eral oftices. Our town father's having got busy managed to find a man to at- tend to the street lights which is cer- tainly appreciated by the citizens those dark nights. It being terribly inconvenient to wander home on an inky night without the assistance of the beautiful light or the kindness of the village "Cob." We will just relate a bit of our experience in this respect. On just such a night as we have de- scribed we started front the business portion of our burg, home being our destination. The night was inky black we first ran amuck a tie -post then we took a summer-sault aver a cow that was reposing on the walk and finally we were wallowing in a mud hole. When we renrhed horse we were cer- tainly the picture of dispel'', But thanks to the approach of the new year the lights are being lit. -Joseph Wambold made a business trip to Lon- don on Monday. -The Flax Co. have succeeded in getting all their season's crop safely stored away in their barns. -Henry Willett was in Toronto on Thursday with a load of lambs. -John Snell bad a very successful sale on Tuesday. -Henry Callfas hating about completed his season's threshing has again commenced working in the fac- tory. -Rev, L. K. Eidt and family vis- ited friends at Zurich on Friday last. -- Little Thilda Mcisaac of whom we made mention last week as being ill was taken to the Hospital at London on Friday with the hope of being bene- fitted there. -Rev, F. U. Meckel occu- pied the pulpit in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening. He spoke in the interest of the general mission- ary society of the association and also took subscriptions fot• the same. -Rev. L. K. Eidt assisted Rev. Gischler with the Evangelistic services at the lith Concession church on Thursday even- ing of last week. -Sinton Millet has purchased the farm in Stephen Tp. formerly' owned by Peter Schroeder. -- The Evangelical Sunday Schon) will be held next Sunday in the morning and in the afternoon. Rev. A. Y. Heist will conduct the quarterly meeting service and also administer the Lord's Supper. He will also preach here on Friday night. --Wedding hells this week, the contracting parties being Edmund %Ve)per and Miss Melinda Rader. Particulars next week. H ra pley - Tnr tit era snow flurry has caused a stir among the farmers. getting their aloe k gathered In off their pasture farms and housed in more comfortable quarters. -Fred Kading brought his volts home from Frrd Vautt's ranch n•,. Monday.-ltolfctt i'ollote•e little bah': Foy is quite III. Indigestion le supposed to he Cite cause et Inc trouble. -Mrs, Christens Love has returned morns after a month's visit w'j,. Ler daughter on the Lake 'load. -Miss Minnie Sherrltt\ Is re-engaged o:, .t. 0. Ltt.1. sct.uul for 1909 at a salary of $315. -Mrs. lash. }lodging. Jr., o1 Granton, who has been visiting her parr:its, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hayter, returned hume ort Monday, tak- ing her fletce, Mss Itottallickey, with her to spend a short time among friends at Granton. -John Brown was rust.lag the 5(450:1 011 Monday -out driving with a double team on a cutter. -Robert and Larren Stone purchased a Perrin delv- ing plow each front l'ttinegan Sc Laugh- lin of -Parkhill on Saturday. Pity the SCOW came so suo:t Itob. Usborne Alexander Turnbull, whose very sud- den death from heart failure occurred last week on the 10th inst., was born iu Usborne fifty years ago, his father and mother being David and Isabella Turnbull. About tweut -•four years ago be was married to Eiic:tbelb, the only daughter of the late James Hack- ney. Their marriage was blessed with seven sons and two daughters, all of whom survive their father. Mr. Turn- bull was a staunch Liberal without be- ing narrow in his political affiliations. He has been for many years a member of the Thames Road Presbyterian church, a faithful member of the Roy- al Templers of Farquhar, and also a member of the Independent Order of Foresters. He was a man of a quiet, unostentatious disposition, never in- truding his views or opinions upon others. But, when ditty demanded or be was asked to give his advice, his views were recognized as character- ized by level-headedness, through hon- esty, candor and disinterestedness. He was so exceedingly careful to fulfil all his obligations, that those who knew hint well placed implicit confid- ence in hie word. He never failed his friends, nor took advantage of his neighbors in his business dealings with theta, but was ever willing to lend a helping hand, and considered honesty to be the best policy. The high es- teem in which he was held was mani- fested by the very large concourse of sorrowing friends and neighbors on Friday at the funeral which was con - j lucted by his pastor the Rev, C. Flet- cher, assisted by Revs. W. M. Martin and Mr. McKay. The pall bearers I were his hrothere, Rev, Dr. Turnbull of Toronto, W. A. Turnbull, Usborne, and his brother's -in-law. John Hack- ney. Detroit; Rev. Geo. Hackney, Bristol, Que.; Chas. Hackney, Exeter, and Robt. Gardiner, Usborne. THE OVEN DOOR It's inrul:ttt'tl in :t S(11' - \F N 11{ Range—'milt tile. n refrigerator flour. The oven (Moor has double walls, with 1Y4 inches :tic space between. NO OVe11 heat Ili wasted. Results—less fuel, eyes teln- pera t u re. That's the SOUVENIR RANGE THE GURNEY, TILOEN CO LIMITED HAMILTON, ONT BRANCHES AT MONTREAL. WINNIPEG. VANCOUVER. FOR MALE BY W. J. Heaman, Exeter or Stock oi New Fall Goods — - IS COMPLETE • New Dress Goods inall the lead- i Millinery Opening ing cloths and ehetdee, at close pri• CPA. Ile ante and see our New :Mantles for wedhesday for 1' sure i And Children. N New Furs in ruffs, 'tnler, matte,' rnl1nit 11 e t They art• Reantiee Septa 29th 30th. and at 11s'U, . to suit New FI timelier tee, eVe4ppsfe•tee, 1 Wool 111.unkets, Flannelette Blank- OCir Millinery Department is an - et s. at cissa prices, oder the ntunngeutent of MISS New llosir'rv, Cap.. Mitts. Gloves UCNN, OF L(NiDON, . Indy of and Underwear --all kinds and sire wide experience in the millinery es. I business. Men's anti H•1ys' lteady•to-wear Snits at 11trgein .'rices. Ordered It iswith pleasure that Pe tend t hie invitation te fill thee ladies Muir• a Specialty. Rt' sure and see interested in artistic headgear. our New Tweeds and Worsteds in the New Shades. Our prices are ; Oar millinery department is full right. of nil the latest arid newest styles A fall line of Hard were at close 'feel designs in this line. Thr ahole pIttelatlia of Fall FNyhlon9 are it• prices. 'sated in our Millinery Section. A large stock of ('rockery and ('ante to our Opening cunt enj.,y Fancy China just to hand. the tn•poett to of 1hie sea.on's dit. Our(ir•nrery [bleu ttnetit is full elty,,f n10-1 h,.+ntifit and Cnun- nf NeW :1(111 Fresh Geod... 111.1,' .•hott•ing of Fell Millinery. SHOESA huge and well assort e,) s1',,k ••f :til the lending styles and in ,ke•-. :It pores lower than ever, if t•nu want it pair of g0•141 U ..,tt of Shoes. give tis n A Mt of n11.1s .and ends will be cleared regardless of cost. ... COME EARLY AND (114.T THE BARGAINS 1' ! BOOTS cid). ). Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce. TIEMAN & EDIGHOFFER, Corner Store, I )ASIIWVOOD THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ULD OEVICIi. TORONTO ESTABLISHED 1607 B. E. WALKER, President ALEX LAIRD, General Manager Paid-up Capital, ;10,000 Reserve Fund, - 1000, 1 1,1 11'I Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards are received and interest allowed at current rates. Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more persons, withdrawals to be made by any one of the number or by the survivor. 114 Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton Grand Bend Mr. and Sirs. Itre:neer who have been visiting in Satidwica and otter places retutned home teat .Stdtcaday.-MarJory the little daughter of James DisJardine la on the sick Ila'. --Arthur Il.tk2r has rented Mrs. \\"ade'le farm on the ri Line. -11. Gill of Port Frank spent Sunday here. -Mt 8. Leavitt, who has tt^e:1 visit ing in Lucan, returned Itonte Friday.- Jeltr,trt,. Gravcllc of Thcdford visited his patents Sunday. (Too late for last week.) Mt'. and Sirs. Smith spent Saturday and Su::d.y at Clinton. -Mies Mills spent :t few days at her S:,ratterc(. -Mr. and Sirs. A. Gravelle spe:tt a few days 1:. Thedford last week. -Silas 11. rollick and C. Coulter of Exeter spent Saturday at Sirs. M. Gilt's of this place. -11 I3oaset:berry gave a dance Thanks- giving night. -Mrs. Thomas of London to visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Page for a few days. -Mr. Williams has moved into the house vacated by Mr. TtnkeIpaul.-11. \Valper is l>;tnte from the Wean -Walter and Charles • rage are spending a few days at Port Frank. -Thomas Sweet and II. Glanville spent Sunday there, the former from Exeter and the latter from London. -Thr Easters who have been here from .'salsa Craig have gone home well satisfied with their sport. 1 Exeter got a little bit of sleighing this week. Wood's Phoftphodi e; The Greif EnoliaA Rented* Tones and !• • eorateethes bele nervous . e, stakes neW loodin .:d t•'cin-t. Cares Nerv- ous Debility, Mental art.( Brain worry, Du- t+oncfcney, Stsacrt Weakntsa E'ni(eiota. Bper- InatorrAma. and R.fect8 of Abuse or FerCCNed. .eice St per box, six for $5. One will pletee tris will cure. Sold br all druggists or rushed In Plain pkg. on receipt_ of price. New pas) ma(ledfree. Th•Wood Medicine Qts. • (formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont. The Molsons Bank Incorporated 1855 Capital Rest Fund $3,3 74,000 $3,374,000 Has (15 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. A OENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current tate. — EXETER BRANCH Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manage riv of always easy to know just what to buy in the line of Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware. Yon very often need a hint as to what is most suitable to buy for your friends or yourself. -+-- Our Stock Furnishes the Hints --Nab- It —+ It reveals in a minute more appropriate presents than any one could sit at hone and recall in a whole day. SO WE INVITE BUYERS e'e an -1 we promise to make their choosing easy and their choice satisfactory. A. MARCHAND, Exeter, Ont. ,,. Groceries and Confectionery .,. ALWAYS REMI:Mi1ER TIiAT THE ')0` New Grocery and Confectionery Store, Opv,sile t ht' ('t'nt/al Hotel. is the BEST PLACE IN TOWN to buy such Goode! "' We aim to keep the -e lines right op the mark all the tithe! Fresh Groceries Always. New and Choice Confectionery. Cigars and Tobaccos. AND \\'E: -I ('t'1':EI► IN OUR Ai\i ".. OYSTER PARLOR ( ter ()ystet I'stlor 1`i ALWAYS OPEN and we cal guarantee satisfaction to our r ,.,t mere. Wilson Bros., - Exeter One door north 't1 1'ar►k of'Commelrt'.