HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-19, Page 1EI to JAN. '10 NOW I8 THE TIME to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates TWENTY FIRST YEAR. tier killot Ie. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, NOV EMBER 19. 1908. Wedding Invitations In Newest Types On Best Paler. The And Mehl Price The Advocate Office,'Exeter SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable You Should See Our New Underwear The Stanfield Make -washable-no finer for Ladies, Children and (lents-ranging in price frorn- Ladies,` 25c, 50c, 75e, $1.00, $1.25, and $1.75 Children's, Beautiful Goods and Prices that Suit. Gents,' 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 41 4-1.4.4++++++++++++++++++++ FURS FURS FURS In t .00ds we carry • , ndtd range. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WE wish to call your at- tention to our New Lines of Dress Goods, Clothing, Millinery, Footwear, &e. The duality of these goods speak for themselves. The prices talk econ- omy. Give us an opportunity to show them. Highest Price Paid for POULTRY, dead or alive. Highest price paid for produce -Butter 21e. Eggs 21c. Highest Prices Paid for Dried Apples, present quotation 5c lb. CARLING BROS. Heatherbloom Skirts for wear and comfort beat all others!!! We sell them. i Also a swell line of Satin Skirts in the latest style from $1.00 up. SNELL & ROWE Phone No. 22 Professional Cards. DB. 0. P. ROL'ISTON, I. D. 8., 1). D. 8. DENTIST Member of the It. C. D. 8. of Ontario and honor Graduate of Toronto University. orrlcE. O. er Dickson & Carling's Law Office, to Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, 4 D. 8., D. 0.11.e $honor graduate of Toronto Univerlatr. 1)E\TIST, Teeth extracted a ithout any pain, or any bad effects ORce oyer Madman k 8tanbury's office, Main street Raster. Medical DR. T. P. McLAt'OIiLIN 1111 resumed practice after spending a year (Col• lege) at British and Continental hospitals General pra. ti.e with special attention to Eye, (a ith refrac- tion) Ear, Nose and Throat. Office: Dashwood, Ont. Legal. D10KSON R CARLING, BARRISTERS, 80LiCI. tors. Notaries, Conveyancers, Commlesiooen Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Mosey to Loan at lowest rates of Interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, 1. 111. Caatue, 6A., 1, II. Drcasoa MONEY TO LOAN. We have a taro, amount of private funds to loan • farm and .il:a;e properties at low rate, of inter Set. rat. tl'MAN & STANBURY, Barri•:er., Sollcitor.,Main at., Exeter On 134. PHiLLIPS, Ex1•:TEtt. Licee•ed Auctioneer. Eales ettende.t in sil parts. Satiefar(ion roam - teed or no pat. Term, reasonable. All orlers left at Advocate brtt•e will to promptly attended to. William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal In rporated Society of Mus tans, England; O sniet of Truitt Memorial Church,F.xeter. Piano, Organ, harmony and Theory of Music, Terms on application. Exeter. Oat, J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company, also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Compentes. Main -St., Exeter.- HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of the County of Huron will meet In the Council Chamber, in the town of Goderich, at 3 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, the 1st day of December. All accounts to come before the t'ouncil must be placed with the clerk prevtaus to LANE, shove date Dated at Coder, h, Nor loth. I. P. Roosters for Sale. t ha)e s f.. • - ('ockril Plymouth Ro k. f•r ale. Speak pure k. T. B. CARLING. F• CAIRNS, VETERINARY SURGEON. • Succeaor to Da. Ruin; Special Attention to Dentistry. Night calls left at the home of Mr. Peter itaadcn Main street, (opp. Trltitt Memorial Church), ail! be promptly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Omce-Dr. Ramay's old stand ,corner of Main and North itreeu, (opp. I'ym's Blacksmith Shop). Your patronage solicited. STRAYED HEIFER. Them .tragi ed from. the prc rii.es of the undersl n• ed Lot 2, Con. 2, Stephen, a two-year-old heifer, color red, aeight about 850. small horns. Any per. eon 'thing information leading to her re••orery will be liberally rewarded.-ItYltoN E. iIICKS, ('entre. 11a P. 0. Teacher Wanted. For 8. S. No. 1, Stiphtn, state .alar, gnahflration and experience. Duties to oommenre the beginning of new .ear i919. JOiiN G. WEIN, Crediton P.O. House and Lot for Sale There has been placed In the undersigned's hands for sale, a brick house, nearly new, 1,i storeys high containing8 looms besides summer kitchen and woodshed, a good cellar underneath the home, a good well of water near door, also good drive house and stable on the lot. The lot contains 3-5 acus of land in good state of cultivation on which are a good number of first class fruit tearing trees • The property is well fenced and eerything in first class shape. This 1. a very desirable property, nicely alt. mated, suitable for a retired farmer, or any person wanting a nice tidy home. Satisfactory reason giv en for selling and will Ire sold for far less than cost. Forlorn, and particulars apply tr R. 8. PHILLIPS. Auctioneer, Exeter, Ont. Tax Notice t u ill to at the TOWN iiALl. each Friday and on Dec. 12, it and 15, from A a.m. to 5 p m . for the olicrtion of taxes. W. J. RISSETT. Collector Clearing Auction Sale VALI'ABLE FARM STOCK. The •mder.igned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at the MKTROPOLiTAN HOTEL, EXETER oN SATURDAY. NOV. 21. 1008, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following valuable property, viz hones -1 four., ear -old drk ing m are, by Rarola 1 three•year•old colt, by Rontus: 1 two-rear•old Pereheron colt. Cattle -5 cows, supposed to be in calf; 1 yearling heifer: 5 yearling steers; 5 two-year-old steers; 1 three-}earold steer; 1 two•year-oId thoroughbred bull. Poeltivel, •1l the atone •tock will be sold as the Proprietor ha• rested hi• pa•taro 1•rm•. TERNS- 12 months' credit zi.en on furnishing appro. el Joint notes. 5 per rent off for . ash. Il. S. PHiLLIPS, JOHN FORD, to tt»neer. Proprietor. Exeter Council new road be gravelled to the north side of the Gillis utill property. An amendment by Councillor Fuke that roaonly to the A meeting of the Council was held soutth side of thebe � llislled property. No in the Town hall on Thursday, Nov. seconder. Chairman Iieawa n would 6th. Members present were Reeve - not put the motion until he had visited 1 the property seeing the road and sit- uation, asking the Council to meet with him at the new road at 8 a. m. Wednesday. The tenders as asked for by the Reeve for gravel for the new street were opreed as follows: Wee '1'. Gilles pie, Thos. White and Messrs. Thos. Creech and Silas Handford. Heaman -Knight-that the tender of Messrs. Creech and Handford for $3.30 per cord, being the lowest tender, be at - Bolder, Council ors Johns, Heaman and Knight. Mr. D. Wynn presented a petition signed by himself and others asking l for an electricg light at the corner of Carling and Mill streets. -Granted. Also that a light be placed at the cor- ner of Victoria and Mltlberry streets. Mr. It. Gillis interviewed the Coun- cil regards the opening of Canning factory Avenue to connect with his property. Knight-Heaman-That the Corpor- ce pied ation putebase the land and conduit..Ad,journmeut W. Johns. the street to the north side of Mr. Gil- lis' property. -Carried. Heaman-Knight--That the Reeve and Councillor Johns be a committee to procure the property necessary. - Carried. Johns -Knight -That the Council ipay $16 for nurse in attendance of Mr. S. Baskerville. -Carried. Order to be trade payable to W. J. Bissett. Adjournment \V. J. Heaman. W. J. IIeaman acting clerk. Regular meeting of t•he Coi,nnii was held on Friday, Nov. Oth. All mem- bers present. Rev. D. W. Collins addressed the Council in reference to the illness of Mr. Baskerville stating that he was in bad circumstances and asked that the Council help him as they see fit. Per A. E. Enke, that in the matter of buying the roadway for the Gillis Company as passed at it special meets ing of the Council held on the 5th inst., be reconsidered and the action as tak- en at that meeting be cancelled and again reconsidered at this meeting. Motion seconded by Councillor Johns and Carried. Knight - Heaman - That Council purchase the land and continue the street to the north side of the proper- ty as purchased by the Gillis Company. r%ii amendment. Per Fuke, that thisCouncil purchase the land and continue the street to the south side of the Gillis Company's property. The motion declared car- ried. The following accounts were read and ordered to be paid: -Thos. White, street watering $53.90. labor 50c,; for labor. Thed. Jones $4.87, Geo. Cud - more $2.50. Sidney Sanders $0,75, Alf. Bedford $1.50, Geo. Atkinson $3, Rd. Davis $2.75; \V. J. Bissett, pt. salary $33; Exeter Canning and Preserving Co., gasoline $8.45; C. %V. Cross, pt. salary cemetery $20; \Vm. Vale, labor at cemetery $4.50; Electric Light and Power Co., street lighting $100.08, Town Hall lighting $3.00; the motion for $16 as passed at the last meeting per nurse in attendance on S. Basker- ville was rescinded and made payable as 815; amounting in all to $278.40. Passed on motion of Fuke-Johns.- Carried. Adjournment by Councillor Knight. A. E. Fuke acting clerk. The Council met in the once of the Clerk on Tuesday, Nov. 10th, at 8 p.tn. per call of the Reeve. All the ncenc- bers present. The minutes of the meeting held Oct. 22nd were read and approved. By-law No. 8 of 1908 authorizing the levying and collecting of the Munici- pal Tax for the year was read and on motion of Johns-Heaman that the same be now read a second and third time and was finally passed on motion of Knight-Fuke, the Reese and Clerk signing the sante. The committee re purchase of the necessary land for roadway in the ap- proach to the Gillis Co. Mills report having secured the land from Mr. Hawkshaw at $00 per acre and the lot or property from Mr. Knight for $25. By request of the Iteeve, Councillor Heaman was moved to the Chair, and on motion of Reeve Bobier--%V. Johns -that the report of the committee as submitted be at -reseed.- Carried. Reeve Kibler ---J. Knight -1 bat the Representative Wanted ! We immediately require the sen i es of a man of good address and ability for Exeter and adjoining district. A permanent position for the right man. Write for particulars. -STONE .f WEI.1.INt.TON, Toronto, Ont. 60 Acre Farm for Sale The undersigned Is offering that desirable Ga acre farm. being part of Lot 9, Con. 1, Stephen. There is on the premises a good brick hoax, 2 tarns, (1 bank)driving shed and other buildings, orchard, good wells, about 5 acres maple bush, 8 acres fall wheat sown and fall ploughing done. Possession given January 1st. Will be sol very cheap and on ea.. terms. For perucnLrs app dy• to F, W. BAKER, Crediton East. Executors' Sale OF VALUABLE FARM The Executors of the Estate of the late JOHN SIIARP, deceased, sill offer for sale by Pub- lic Auction -On- \VEDNESDAY, NOV. 25th, 1908 At 2 o'clock sharp, on the premises That valuable term, containing 100 acres more or leen, being Lot 4, Con. 17, Stephen Township. t'pon the premises there is a dwelling house, large tarn s a; . upon stone foundation, small orchard. At the same time and place there sill be offered for sale 1 mare,1 cow, etc, etc. TERMS AND PARTICr1.ARS mute known on day of sale, or by application to OEOROF.,S1IER1t1TT Executors JOIIN s11F:Ritirr i C 11. WIL80N, KENNFTiI GOODMAN, Auctioneer. Solicitor for Estate. Dated at Parkhill this nth day of November, 19A - TMS MEANS TOE -Printing tres., •. moat, w.,tch(s. mov- is -c r.'. • n-,..t..,re, Mks. tea ss.:. f.a.t.1!t.set, :iog(tpr_rice*, • • • •aarcr :dl...e,. rta ..• 1r -emit me :p f r ;0A) t'':RAP Irl 1101b Ir. i-• d foe catal..gue. AILA1 RUDDER CO. P O. i': 1-t eesden On JOSEPH SENIOR, Clerk. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Miss L,f1ira Gregory is visiting Woodstock, Mrs, Wnl, Drive is quite ill and con - and Miss A►ny Johns is spending a week in Toronto. Mr. Geo. Cudmore and Mrs. \Nut. Cudiu ..i attended the funeral of their brother-in-law, \Vm. Copp, in Seaforth on Sunday. "You are it" if you don't arta your- self with Howey's "Cure -a -Cold Cap- sules" for the first cold that comes is sur to catch you. Mr. and Mrs. Fret Luxton of Eden returned house last week from an ex- tended trip in the West, where they visited their children. They are well pleased with t' -at part. of Canada, but, we believe, would prefer to live in Old Ontario. \Nord has leen rc.•a'ived here from Crystal City, Man., ► hat Mervyn Red- den, son of Mr. %Vm. Iledden, who left here a few years ago for that place, was last tve,•k tnk:'n to the Brandon Hospital where he underwent a surgi- cal operation for appendicitis. The little fellow at last accounts was doing nicely. The Gillis Company is making rapid progress in the erection of their Saw and Stave Mill, north of the Canning Factory. The building, which is 70 feet long and about 30 feet wide, is completed with the exception of the shingling of the roof, and the placing of the boiler and engine is now occu- pying their attention. There is ample room for this industry in Exeter and this Company is welcomed to town. Phasic :I Culture Class. Young then and boys wishing to join Sergt.-Major Hector's Physical Culture Class for three months, will leave their manes at the Advocate Off- ice. Terrns:-Young men, $2.00 for course; boys, $1.00. Course to com- mence Monday, Dec. 7th. Took First Prize. A short time ago Mrs. Lynch of Washington sent an order to Miss Minnie Wynn of town for a Large cen- tre piece of lace drawn work and em- broidered in white chrysanthemum. The piece was made up in the most ar- tistic style and torwarded to Mrs. Lynch, who was so Hutch taken up with its beauty, design and the most excellent handiwork that she had it exhibited at the Dayton (Ohio) Fair, which, by the way, is one of the large - est Hairs in the state, where it. was awat(led first prize. This award re- flects much credit on the maker and speaks well for the handiwork of one of our Canadian ladies, who is to be congratulated on her artistic taste and needlework. Off for England. Mr. \\'illia►u Merry, who has just completed learning the shoe -making with A. Walter & Son, Mr. Walter Maguire, who has been eugaged paint- ing with C. Heywood & Son, and Mr. Ed. Pack, who has leen farming with Mr. Campbell, Farquhar, left this week for their old homes in England, to spend the winter. On Friday evert- ing, :Messrs. Berry and Magnin., who have been valued members of the Triv- itt Memorial Choir, were given a fare- well social evening ill the school room, when Mr. Merry hits presented with a suit case and Nil-. Maguire with a pair of gold coif links, in recognition of their faithful and valued set vices in the Choir. Rev. 1). W. Collins made the presentations and wished them God speed, assuring them of a heat ty wel :ome to Exeter should they return. The young men made suitable replies. expressive of their appteriation of the kindness extended to them during their stay in Exeter. A program of speeches and music was rendered a contest excited keen competition and gave much instruction, and a dainty! lunch was served by the ladies of the church. in Fishing For Dollars Are you satisfied with the catch? Aro you using the beat bait ? Classified Want Ade in this paper bring results. Wiuehelsea Mrs. F. Walker of Crediton spent last week with Mrs. W. W. Kerr. - Mrs. Kerr and daughter Evelyn of Cr(•dituu visited with W. W. Kerr on Saturday. -A pleasant evening was spent at Thomas Cowar'd's Friday, in honor of the visit of William Bell of Chicago, an old time resident. Semses DEATH -This community was shocked o S t hear on Saturday last of the death that evening of is highly respected resident, Abigail Stacey, be- loved wife of Mr. nab'. Godbolt. Mrs. Godbolt was apparently as well as usual at noon bat shortly •.fter her husband went to his work at the creamery she took a dizzy spell follow- ed by vomiting of blood, and became unconscious before her husband arriv- ed, remaining so until the end which came about seven o'clock, paralysis is supposed to be the cause of her death. Deceased was born its Brockville in ISGO, and with the fancily moved to Lumley when a child. She and Mr. Godbolt were married about 2.3 years ago, and lived until four years ago at Sunshine, when they moved to Win- chelsea. She is survived by the hus- band and two daughters, Lulu and Rhea. Three sister:, Mrs. Sinton Mill- er of Cromarty, Mrs. Alex. Camra of Sunshine, and one in C`hiesgo with three brothers, two in Ilensall and one in Chicago, also survive. The funeral Tuesday to Kirkton was very largely attended. The casket bore many beautiful floral tributes which testify to the esteem of the departed. The deepest sympathy is felt for the bereav- ed fancily. MARRIAGES. Dt'S.rnnn--BE.tI OM - In Toronto. on Nov. lltb, Nettie, only daughter of Mr. and Mr::. T. 13,-acot:., ;.. J•:a.ea Dunsford, all of Clinton. JlI1N1TON-Norr-At Hewat.i, S ask„ on Nov. 4, Mr. 3. E. Johnston of lleward, to Miss P. V. Nott, daugh- ter of Mr. Geo. Nott, Clinton. \VALh'ER-ItAnirl-In Dash►v:., d, on Nov. 18. Melinda ('atherin:;, tl.:ugh- ter of Mr. anti Mrs. Henry P•et•'r to Mr. Edmund \1'•l, ere, all • f Ilnsh- wood. \VIE-sON--LawsoN - -In Stephen, at the home of the bride's parents, Con. 0, on Nov. IS, Lillie, dan„hter .f 11r, and Mrs, Geo. Lawson, to Thomas J. Wilson of Exeter. M('PIIAII.-LENOtt'Ay-At St. Peter's church, Drysdale, Nov. 12, 11r. Mc- Phail of • Saginaw, :Mich., to !Hiss Sarah Lenoway, daughter of Mrs. Christopher Ducharme, of Drysdale. DEATHS Core -In London, on Nov. 12, \Villiam Copp of Seaforth, aged 77 years. 0u551N(:11.131-Lt Clandeboyt • Nov. 12, \Villiam Cunningham, aged 70 years. Gounot.t'-In Usborne, on Nov. 14, Abigail Stacey, wife of Chas. God - bolt, aged 48 years, 3 months. BERI(v--In Ingersoll, on Nov. 11, Mrs. W. J. Berry, mother of Mrs. R. G. Seldon of Exeter, aged 63 .r -ars. MoNTEITH -In Clinton, on Nov. 7. Elizabeth 11CMordie, relict of the late Alex. Monteith, aged 77 years. BIRTHS faxTorr.-At Lucan, on Nev. 17th. Margaret Lintott, aged 83. Funeral HouuINS-At Saintsbury, on Nov. 10, to Mooresville, Nov. 10th. to Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Hodgins, a ' out -mi. -10 Parkhill, Nov. 8li,, itoeets daughter. Iturns in hie 90th year. ATTENTION!!! XMAS IS NEAR ! Edison Phonographs, $16.50 up Edison Records, 40c Amberol Records, 65c To hear theta is a pleasure. To own one is a joy. We would be glad to sell yon one for Xmas. Drop in and talk it over.=:s While in, look over our FANCY SOAPS, PERFUMES, COSMET- ICS, and LOVELY POST CARDS. 011I4 XMAS GOODS are arriving. Can. Exp. Bldg. THE PURITY J. Willis Powell ONCE TOM'S CABIB r. MAGNIFJ('R;NT PRODUCTION A PACK OF SIBERIAN BLOODHOUNDS ! TWO BANDS! A GRAND STREET PARADE EVERY DAY AT NOON ! JUBILEE SINGERS AND DANCERS FROM THE SiLMIY SOUTH t.',VA AND HER PITT PONV I MARKS ANI: HIS TUNNY DONKUN OUR FUNNY TOPSV 1 SHETLAND PONIES 1 UNL:I_L TOM AND HIS ()X C:ARYr. TI-II1 0121(31NAL.. 1 .O(3 t AUIN t Opera House, Exeter, Friday, Nov. 20 Plan of Hall at Cole's Drug Sten. Give Us The Signal when you are in need of any of these goods We handle only the BEST Osten Sound Portland Cement Samson Brand) I'aroid Hoofing, 1 and 2 ply Raised Track Barn Door Henget s $1.00 to $$1.L; per Flat 7 rack Barn Door Hanger s 00 to Doc per Parlor Door Hangers (single and double doors) Glass. all ease, Mock Lock Sets, ant. copper, 50c to $3.00 Wood Heaters, $1.11) to $5.50 Basehurnere, $20.(M) to $16.00 C'nal Heaters, 81.1.00 to $22.00 Stave Pipes, Ell ews, Stove Boards, flatland & Souvenir Ranges Scranton ('nal N@ASIAN'S IIARDARE & STOYE STORE •