Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-12, Page 8VII WIIP^Orlir :::. W. W. Taman was in Blyth on EXETER MARKETS. .C.1`•giving as CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY E , LOCAL DOINGS. Mrs. Irwin Armstrong spent�rhanks• giving in Paris. Wheat 90 ,kcal ls ellesilisalleallssaseasalkei Mrs. Thos. Hawkins holidayed inBarley 48 62 Fail & WinterTime for a change -put on your Chatham this week. Oats 8 SS warm clothes. Mr. A. E. licxlgert arrived home Peas R. Lew. Long, who is confined to from the Nest on Monday. Potatoes, per bag tl:i 7b +4-'r•i-4.1••1-i•'f-•{-t•fr•t•4•t•t•t••F•k•ik++rr l�.innipeq hospital with fever, is jai' Mrs. Hastings and Miss Lulu were Hay, per ton 7 60 8 00 • covin nicely.in London over the holiday. Flour, per cwt., family 2 75 proving M. James Sweet spent the holiday Flour, low grade per cw 1 40 1 15 Suiting8 Clinton Council has ranted a with her sons in Kincardine. Butter `ll 'Howling alley" license for $50 a year T. E. Handford left for the West Eggs 21 Over Coatings for three beds or less. Inst week with a rpt of horses. Urged apples 5 The Mock Trial Friday, Nov. 13th, Mr. Geo. Mantle returned last week pp 5 tip in James st, church will be interesting, from Sarnia, where he spent several Shorts perLivehogsper cwt 23 00 Pantings� ton taigas and instructive. Don't miss it weeks. Bran per ton � 00 and Vestings The Main street Methodist church Wm. Berry and %Valter Maguire anniversary will be held next Sunday, leave Monday for England to spend Rev. McCamus of St. Marys will the winter. \\ , J. Carling returned from Muskoka in :ill the latest preach. Mr. Andrew Boyd after a visit here Mtocday. T'•c party had poor luck in The Advocate will be mailed to any returned to his home in Cornwall last their hunt tor deer. shades & patterns address in Canada until January 1st, Thursday. at reasonable prices 1910, for one dollar. Tell your neigh- Mr. and Mrs. Hichard Welsh return- Hors about it. Elim�'311© 4. ed last week from the West where DEATH of M. ANDREWS.-Anoth- "}' Another bank teller has gone wrong they spent seve er of our oldest and much respected Mrs. A. I3owey andd cchithildren visited -D. Cameron McCatlurn of the Home former's mother, Mrs. Singular, in residents passed away on Friday last Bank, 'Toronto, is short 131Y,(100, owing Port llama during the week. ill the person of Mrs. Eliza Andrews, }, SEE to stock speculation. , �, t childrenrelict of the late Samuel Andrews, at Mee. James ri anti 5 t + The evaporator has been closed for returned to Duluth last Thursday Sue age of 71 years, months and 28 the season. The out put was not large after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. L. days' This fine old lady, who has the N®w Fashion Plates this year and was all taken by wagon Hardy. been residing with her daughter, lire. to Parkhill for shipment. Among those who attended the wed- Joshua Johns, had been enjoying her for the present seasonusual health until about two weeks MDr. W. S. Millyard, son of Rev. R. ding of Miss Carling was Mr. and Mrs. previous to her death, when she Suf- i �r�,r` part and of Goderieh, leaves the first Jones of Tamworth and Mr. and Mrs. [eyed a stroke of paralysis, and al - part of next month for London, Eng -R. Elliott and family of Norwich' showed signs of recovery a r land, to take a special course in the Mrs. 11. Dilling, who has been visit- thoughoushe days before her death, her r �� TAMAN London hospitals. ing at St.cMarys for the past two P gave away and she grnd- r KERR WON. -In a challenge shoot -weeks, ucconrpanied by her daughter ct constitution tlk until the sad messenger • • gand son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Milk, y ► ins match at live birds at Khiva on came. The deceased \vasa native of yhandily has returned. •Merchant Tailor, Roy Fred Kerr won from Miss Anna Smith, accompanied by England, coming to this country ninny , Hog Luck, a professional shooter, Mrs. Lidington and little daughter years ago, and those who knew her so ► Exeter,- Ontario formerly of Pt. Edward. Kerr got 10 g g well will long remember her as a 1 to Luck's 8, but the latter not being Grace of Detroit, spent a few days friend, -loving, tender and has, She satisfied a second match was shot during the week with her paronts. Mr. is survived by three sons, -Joseph, 1 schen Kerr again won, 10-7. The Exe- and Mrs. S. Smith, London Roma George and Henry, all of whom reside / ter Gun Club has two members at South' in the West, -ani Urs. Johns, with ► Business Locals -- Read Them least, Fred Kerr and John Triebner, Mi. 11. Dilling, who has been in the whom she The funeral took who need not be afraid to go up West for the past three months, arriv {,lho to the died. The funeral Cemetery on �1en's line' tnt,hrinn,rl,le' tut,le rtl'ear• against the best -even the profession - operating homer on Monday. He has been Monday. operating a threshing outfit for Wil- Biq stock, little !+rices -quality ;martin- els. leant Bros., Huronville, Sask. He re - teed. Stewart's. Temperance bay in Exeter. Rev. B. Sunday rnav aptly be described as ports the crops favorable in that part � 'rlirAF'F'iFlgrilr and had a good season's threshing. Marriage Licenses issued at the -Ad- F. Spence, secretary of the Dominion Messrs. Stephen and Fred Hogarth l 50 i dandy new >� vocate otlice. Alliance and Mr. H. ' V. Irwin, K. C.. have returned from an extended tour Popular 11$6.50 buys 0 ttinch< t>n;i of Toronto, wete here in the interestsof our Western provinces and reportTrceee! 1'oat r%:rl,i,! asci., .l tr,•+rrcn.of the temperance movement, with aan exceedingly interesting and enjoy- view to entering on a Local Option able trip, though the former states Dr. Ovens Coming. campaign in town next year. Mr. freely that he saw nothing to induce Dr. Ovens. London, Eye and Ear Spence spoke in the Presbyterian him to remove a growing family from 4 Eve, Ear and Nose treated. Burgeon, will be at the Commercial church in the morning and in the the comforts and advantages which a Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, Nov. `21st. Mai-st. Methodist church in the even- !tome near the town of Exeter afiorels Are you aware that 75 per Glasses properly fitted and diseases of ing, and Mr. Irwin in the James st. educationally and in many other re- cent, of the flour used in Toronto Hours Methodist church in the evening, spectreis blended hour. 0 a.m. too p.m. and both addressed an audience Mace -Carling. GENTS, you'll to delighted with th< eeltiety ohe eftthne Iworkall tas it the est beings car- A very pretty wedding took place in No wonder that style ruttl saltie o! ready-to-acttr esters and rieci on in European countries, and Exeter on Wednesday, Nov, Ilth, at overcoats at Stewart's. in United States and Canada was giv• the home of the late Isaac Carling, STAR R FLOUR Furs Repaired or Remodelled. en, and assay statistics regarding the hislthird-The daughtter, Floreeoce, wasunit- Mr. unit /7 11 M. B.\LK\yILL, advancement of Local Option quoted, rd in the holy bonds of mattiulony to 1: t} Andrew St., as well as an earnest plea mads: for Mt•. William D. Mace of NVinnipeg. at is in demand as it is made. from assistance in the cause of temperance, Exeter. by prayer, work and money. Mr. laugh noon. The bride, most the best Western wheat and the becoming- ly attired in her travelling suit of best Ontario, mixed half and 4 FINEST st,ocl,• of chinaware we lore Spence is a fiery, earnest, enthusiastic navy blue broad cloth and carrying a half. It is second to none for �I seen i at Stzuett's. Their 1)ittn, r and speaker, while Mr. Irwin is slower, ar white tray er hook,entered the draw- bread staking. if you are not 11 gu al trai and logical, showing hie ing room inn the arm of her brother, using R. give it a trial and be draw - Toilet Sets are dandy rerluF• legal training. Subscriptions wertr The Advocate will be sent to any taken at the churches in aid of the lit, Isaac R. Carling, to the strains of convinced. Mendelsohu's wedding march played address in Canada to Jan. 1st, 1910, Alliance. by Miss Pauline Elliot of Norwich, a -_ - for $1.00. Thanksgiving Visitors in town:- niece of the bride. The ceremony .was SPECIAL -10 per cent. off all fur- Harry Huston, John Crooks, Dan performed by Rev. Walter D. Collins HARVEY BROSa Una coats nt Stewart's, this offer qnr,.! Prior, Mrs. W. Ross and daughter of of Trivitt Memorial church, under an Clinton; Geo. Bawden, John Salter, arch of chrysanthemums and Ameri' EXETER ONTARIO for 30 days only, bit!! yurck, Alf. Salter and son, Richard Bissett, John Bissett, Will Knight, Miss Hazel can beauty teiel in the presence of Key feraoa• g the immediiate relatives of the contract - On Main street. a steel key. Owner Dignan. 'ferry Graham, Garnet Iley- ing parties. During the signing of the >����►��'����'� can have same by calling at this office wood, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Snell and register Miss Nina Carling sant; in and paying for this notice. daughter Neva, Miss Minnie Sanders' beautiful voice, "Beloved, it is Morn.' Scrap Iran Misses Dell and Sophia Weary, Fred liter the ceremony the }tussis pro• , The Mock Trial by the James street Yenhale, « ill+ace.Fisher, ll r. and Mrs. ceeded to the s utcious dinin room League will be a novel feature. No Ed. Stewart and son, Mr. and Mrs. J. which was nlostl profusely de orated Brass, Copper one bluetit! miss it. C. Inwood and child, 11. 1. Glanville of with pink and \t'ltite chrysanthennuns Boarders wanted. I London; lir. and Mrs. Jatnes Collinq- and bridal loses, where at dainty wed• Rubber, Etc., J A couple hoarders wanted, apply to wood and children, Miss Tillie Balk.ding breakfast was served. With the Mrs. Harness, Main street. will of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Mellott. best wishes and congratulations of �_ _ Allen Myei s, of St. Thomas; Dyer their many friends, Mr. and Mrs. Hurdon of Buffalo; Mrs. Livingstone Mace left on the evening train fur a Thanksgiving Day on Monday is a and child of Milverton; Herb. Gregory tour on the Continent. The groom's novelty in Canada, but is undouh;e.fly of Mitchell; Miss Lulu Dempsey of gift to the pride was :a sunburst of a success, :as it give; visitors a ch lute Toronto; Earl Spackman of Alvinston; eat is and 01111•(11 -1-, While the bride 10 spend Sunday as well. The ch-ingo Miss Ethel Sweet, St. Marys; Hobert presented each of her nieces with was made front Thursday to Monday Kellend, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Perkins. handsome pearl brooches. The gre- at the request if contuu•rcial travellers. Mt'. and Mrs. Wm. Batman, Miss Ethel sent, were numerous and costly in. who said the holiday on Thursday Piper. London: Miss llettie Willis, chiding cut glass, china and silver. 'Zags, 50c per hundred. broke up the week. Monday was a Denfield: (.'lyes, Mason, Forest; Miss _ - -_� ___ sort of double celebration, it being the gdna Mr(':illnnt, Visa Cameron' Chas. Shooters report full bags of equirreis sixty-seventh anniversary of King McCallum of 'Toronto; (100. Willis and hand rabbits on \tond:►y, one party get - Edward's birt inlay. wile, Miss Maud Taylor and the Misses tSit squirrels. 7 rabbits and three Southcott, London; Mrs. McTavish of a.00ne.ins Shakespeare; Case Howard, Miss Fol. Mr. and Mrs. John Jarrott, of Exete. T.•‘ isE THE MST AND ACT NOW. lick of St. Thomas. smith. left Thurnday morning for Win - Don't fail to attend the Mock Trial sleetsand other pointe in the West, to , h series of abort stories is about Friday evening in James st. church. spend a sew weeks, ►,ctorc leaving for •ion•:S S 1 Tile Family herald and Adults 1oc., Children 10c. Seattle, Wash., whey, they will spend e. ; Star of Montreal that are said the winter with their daughters. t • ,e• best •ver offered to newspapet Hicks* Forecasts For November. The many Mends bete of Me. David ,t 1tenplcte stony will appear A Regular Storm Period begins on Miner of Spokane Masi,.. wilt Islare cant ,•-eek. f .• series alone Is wort', the Lith and extends to the lath, Ire- with regret that be :net with an unfor- MAIN ST., EXETER. more tl,.t,t t .e whole year's subsrriP(, ing central on the 15th. The Moon is tunate accident a few days ago by fall- ttoit pr: e. •, , dollar, aid when one at last quarter on the 15th and in peri• flag down stalls, sustaining a severe and thinks of an t.e other good things that gee on the !fish. Falling barometer, paieral shaking up, as well as breaking Y appear 1„ t:,..' ;teat weekly he Cap change to wanner, sotitherly winds two albs. ill• Is. however, improving.he Christmas coney.., readily u.utcte .:::d why the pubtits'urs and autumnal rains will pass over the but It will be some wicks beton': ne will so c,,roustty uset e present subs : • ' countty from west to east oh and be around asap,. 10 It new .-ally ,old give them a + a touching the lith, 18th and lith. There is an excellent agrlcuiturai pa= to enter the t.,ousands of new appll- 'There will be but little for reaction to err that la of more titan usual Inter.. -al Edison Phonograph cations In De•ember and January. It aiiti•storm conditionsbetwee'n this and to the (.scaler w:.o wants to know the Is Bate to say that no person remittingthe on -coming storm period. Possibly practical and not the theoretical side a dollar for t .e -ramlly !Jerald a'ndchange to cooler may b•eak in Atrouf of 1.1s business. To such of our readers We kty S...t ='r 1903 will rcgfet 11• the lids and 18th. A Iteactionery we could suggest that when you renew Any farmer Nlaticularly who is no: a Storni Period is central on the 19th, your subscription to The Advocate you re: r;l ui,:' reader is 'ss'uK something he. slip and :31st. The Moon crosses the order Tire Weekly Sun, the price of the u'. afford to, celestial equator, veering southward' two Is but $1,so. You will stud 11 worth --- --- on the 19th. Change to touch writ titer,the money.4.-• r r+++++++4 --t i+4.4.4"! -M" falling barometer and autumnal thim- 3 der stormy tt•ilI appear about the 19th, o d Weather and ran their c The eastward ho f the •1 :filth and . '1st. The rntluence of the jseeninching Venila ,listnrbanet'. ass HotWater Bottles ,+, a seen in the Not•e•mher storm diagrauu, (limn g j will he Mt at this reactiona►y period, ��sri the period coaling in with high tem- pstal1ue, and ttinding up with change The :autumn is now non I to much colder and spurts of early l snow itt northern parts of the country. us and Winter will I The probabilities of severe and danger - soon be here. ons gales over all the northern lake 1 regions are decidedly strong at this Sal and all tate November periods, especial- t nd ty from the 15th tto the etul of the I ►ionllh 1 We tate prepared to pay T. RAWKINS & SON. Jobbers and Dealers in `. Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc. We make a Specialty of Eave- troughing, Roofing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be con- vinced that it is the cheapest spot in town. Hardare stock is Cop1ete CASH 40c a hundred and upwards, according 111 quality, for Scrap iron, Old Rubber Roots and Shoes, 5c per Ib Horse flair, l(0c. Copper and Brass 8c - sane. - We Have for Sale a large quantity of IRON PIPE suitetble for FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING ��it O230(D�oll)1D3*,7"200 WAS* IS IP $ Parlor Suites Parlor Tables ��' Kaes eau Easy Chairs Odd Chairs stantly a 11 Music Cabinets Couches stock a full n line of furniture, Sideboards Hall Racks and it pays to Buffets Kitchen Cabinets fu r n is h your Dining Room Tables S home from our Dining Chairs Istock • • ' and all Bedroom Furnitute OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT IS COMPLETE. (3 33.3 *20102333-233+2tL9'J VCrCCCCCCeeeet.erCCCt4}CQ4Ci0CCCC Fence Posts M. Jackson & Son goes Luther if put into an GET READY [Mur• { :ne + Fall or Win- $ ter Suit or an $ Overcoat .. . We a wars lump a geex1 line of material amt our n %\r and M1l i. guaranteed w. JOHNS SjCto11.1nt tailor • Exeter 1+444444444-14++4+++++444 N i{i:AL:rt.{-- a eontfor't .111(1 Iuxtiry, N SI('KNESS-- a necessity. nil{ new best hot water bottles with cloth inset lost seams A perfect fitting etoppt-rn insure satisfaction that you cennotget from the ordinary. Flom the Western Canadian of Mani - tea. Man.. we !Op the following regard - tug tht• death of a former Exetcrlte.- ' Albert Edward F'anson died at its'1•)me in the Kingsley dtettict 0 •. 11 t:.. atter an Illness of a year or more. due to Se ninon r ataxia. The remains were In- -ed in Manitou cemetery. The late Mr son was 16 years of ago. Ile was !torn in Exeter. Ont.. and entlgrated to Manitoba about 1" years ago, settling Et Kingsley• where its . onti'tu ,usly re- • d wits t it exeeptio,a of a year in u;tpeg with t` a hop of r.eovering health. Ile harts -d ales Jennie Ant: Shewttlt who survives. Two hrot'.crr Norman of Msn;tuu. a•tti Ilay of :\ber- elhy. 9,iak.. and a sister. \Ire. Dr. Prescriptiotl itrnggi•t 11,rrisoa of Dearest. alas nut sive." The Hoad,pilit• t- 1,,; Si k i' • ,'o `;u111,1i, s, ••t tt.y trte.•ds of dtt eas:d in Ex EXETER. (►N TA 121(1. • to hear of his demise. Every One Guaranteed NO\V is the time to buy --our $ripply is the hugest in town -- and the a st11 anent complete. HE LOW PIti('ES will surprise you- money back if not all right. all our rabbet goods are solei the slime way. See North Window . S. Cale, Phm.B, farther beeau,e the phonograph goes farther. suers ttith it more plesenre for more people for a Inner time than any gift rnu could se - le. t. ete•t. NF:\i:N )tOIF.l. - - $t6.8O UP. Get one far father or mother, son er daughter. - either will appreciate it. TILE NEW .MF;i OI. i:F.e oltl'-. Ake: (IREAT ASK TO II1:.tt T1IF:)t. SEE NE w CARDS THE PERFI'.ME 4&GOSMF1ICS Alk 1.:,:cm THE PURITY ►Datil slie 'Ir 'or ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE )Inst modern and popular )lu,i• netts R, hoed in Western Ontario. Widely eaperieta ed, (roadly nlw•ated. aympalhet h•, attenlia e staff. The synonym of sueveett. Graduates eminently n„',ssful. The %try eseen•e of mod<rr., living husints. systems. Stenography, Telegraphy and Commercial Courses. Preparatory course frr those whose e'a.-atlnn has been rein le.t eA. Mail courses. in any mh)tets, for three who 4lett to ,Rudy at home. In.bai•tual instruction. Enter Inc day. Write for handsome of tai niftae OE ( SI'Or•rf►N • Patel'''.“. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 arm House Furnishings and inter Wearables for colaNeamer The Cold Snap Has Made Us Think of what is cooling for the next few months. You must be prepared for the railing cold heather and cannot do better than come to us for Your Winter Comforts. Our stock 1vas never in better shape to sup- ply you, Nice Warm Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves & Mitts, Flannelette and Lovely Wool Blank- ets, Bed Comforts, Furs, Coats, and all other Necessary Goods to keep out the Cold. Beautiful Wool Blankets 'I.11AT \VILi, KEEP VOL' SNUG AND WARM !!! THEY are 1111 PURE. WOOL, or wool with cotton chain. Nice, soft, fluffy blankets, bought from the hest trills in Canada. They are good, large, heavy blankets. with Blue or Pink Borders. Prices $3 $31 c4 8.1 $3 $G $7 141'lllilCllette Blankets of the 111,1 q('Ai.i'I'1 White or (trey Sizes 11.1 and 1'_-4 Ladies' Bed Comforts Underwear The nice, tvnrn1 kind that hook and feel warm. Made of Hire, Floral Cloths and filled Il+ave you been at our Un- with Good Batting. derwe:ar Counters this Fall . 3 � if you have root know some. $2 to thing of our variety -RET• - - - TER T11A) glades 1 . - and Toques, Gloves & Mitts weights ant glades to sates all tastes. A full assortment of .l}•slur•s f„r'S.w• to Sete, FLEECED :and FINEW(►(i1. in Black, Blies Red or White. in ('ream, White, Grey, Black and Natural Wool Underwear. Ringwood, Cashmere, Suede Gloves, in :all the New ('plot s, Vests & I)rawers, 25c to 50c Long or Shor t Kid Gloves, $1.O0 & E.$1....) Si.Isl to 82.25 Tight -Fitting i Another Small Coat for $12.50 Coat at $10.00 For genuine style these $12 50 ('oats compare favor- ably with any at MOO else- where. ilraided on shoulder and down front and bark. with Velvet Collar. Serpi-fitted style, with Vel- vet Collar. Matetial Kersey ('loth. Satre perfect tailoring and smart fit that is a feature of every coat we sell. Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats A mom.: iMI'USIN(: f)1t•4I'LAl- (IF 'r1Ii i E F•AVGi{ITE VIN• TER GAIt.11:N'ry than tthat was shown last winter is what we have prepared. Styles are more handsome, quality is higher, while Values surpass all other seasons. Do not mesa seeing the good ones n•e are offering you. A Good Coat for $45, and better ones for 550, 860, $65 POULTRYa ('llICKEN 7c per lb, alive; 9c per lb dressed. HENS rye per lb. alive. GEESE -8c trade. ' TU"RKEYS --Alive, [fit cash. 9c trade; Dressed 9c cash, 11c trade. DUCKS -7E. Ih. alive; 1►c per lb, dressed. All poultry mint be dry picked and picked clean. No cash paid for poultry. No thin poultry taken at any price. JONES & CLARK Flc;,hilt:trto!.; for the celebrated «'.1: Sanford ('lf)think f I 41. 9'