Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-12, Page 71 1 Flames Started in Factory and Licked * Up Half the Businoas Section. A despatch from Pembroke says: rens assisted in the work cf chock - Over half the business section of, ing the fire and saving the gouda. Pembroke, including the beet busi- i On orders of tho Mayor, all the ho- ness blocks and two banks, the • tel barn were cloecd. Despite the iargeet manufacturing concerns, I fact that it was at an early hour two mills, and two hotels and sev- iu the morning there were no lives era' dwellings, were wiped out by I lost, and very few narrow escapes. fire which started at 4 o'clock en!From From ono of the houses which was \'edne:►day morning. Tho loss is+burned the body of a Mrs. Sulli- estimated at 500,000, and it_sur-! van, who died on Tuesday ni3ht, ance at $240,000 had to be carried to tl.e Town Hall The fire started in the National for safety. Manufacturing Company, a three- In tho Leland Hotel an Indian storey brick factory situated adjac- had to be called half a dozen times eat to the C. P. R. tracks. Ono before he got up, and before ho left supposed C.1t:se of the fire is sparks the building it was in a mass of from a passing engine. The top t flames. storey was first noticed to be in COMPLETELY GONE. [tames, but by the time the firemen arrived the factory was doomed. The following build,nga are com- Fronm there it spread to the Wright pletel, destroyed: National Menu - tannery, a frame building adjac- lecturing Co., Leland Hotel, eat, then to tho frame stables of Wrig',t's tannery, Brash's Hotel, v, the Leland Histol, and thence to Fraser's boot and shoe store, the hotel itself. and across the Briscoe',, restaurant, Kemp's gro- stroet to a Dumber of frame build- cery, Wallace Co.'s drugs, Winter's Tugs. A terrible wind was bloweig. dentistry, Harding's photograph sand the burning embers and sparks gallery, Mitchell's stationery, Mil- lirem carried a block to the renin ler's general store, Shepherd's but - street of the town, the fire break- cher shop, Pembroke Milling Co., ing out iu two distinct places. Sev- Pembroke Woollen Mills, Pom- mel business blocks were complete- broke Clothing Co., Standard of- ly destroyed, and the fire passed flee, Mackie (dentist), Bolt (jewel - southwards, licking up several fine ry), Dominion Express office, Roy- deellings. by one o'clock the firo al Bank, Quebec Bank, Bell Tele - in the hiisin.ss section was under phone office. Taylor's paint shop, control, and two hours later all publi3 library, Delahayo & Reeves' danger of the fire spreading in the law office, Beal Stone Works. Bea - residential section was removed. mish (furniture), Kenning, veterin- HOTEL AND 'TOWN HALL ary. SAVED. The Copeland House, the largest hotel in the town, is standing with burned buildings un both sides and its frame outbuildings all burned in the rear. The Town Hall and several other residences caught fire, but were saved. Business was completely suspend- ed all day, and all classes of 11.11'PENIN(.S 1ROM ALL OVER 111: Telegraphic itriefe Froin oat Our Own and Other Countries of Remit Events. CANADA. PEMBROKE SWEPT BY FIRE. COM%) NEWS ITEMSI TILE WORLD'S MARKETS REPORTS FR031 THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, (.rain, Cheese anti Other Dairy 1'1..:dor a at Home and Abroad. 13PEADSTUFFS. 111 r. John Carter died at Guelph Toronto, Nov. I0.—Flour—On- trout injuries received by being tario wheat 90 per cent. patents crushed in a gateway. quoted at $3.55 to 83.60 in buyers' 'Phe house of Mr. Michael Egan sacks uutsido for export, Manito- ef Chatham was wrecked by an ex- ba flour, first patents, $5.80 o1 plosion of natural gas. track, 'i'oronto; second patents, Mr. D'Arcy Scott, Mayor of CA- 85.30, and strong bakers', 85.10. tuna, has resigned and taken his Wheat—Manitohu wheat, $1.05% seat on the Railway Commission. fur No. 1 Northern, and at 81.02% From May 1st to the end of Oc- for No. 2 Northern, Georgian Bay tuber 80,663 has been collected in p°its. liquor license fines in the Tennis- Ontario Wheat—No. 2 white, f0 keeling district. to 90%c outside; No. 2 red Winter, Tho schooner Lorna Leone, ar-90 to 90%c, and No. 2 mixed, 90c riving at Halifax, reported the loss outside. of Captain Roberts, who was wash Oats—Ontario No. 2 white, 38 to ed overboard. 38%e outside, and ut 41c on track, Tho township of (leulph is taking Toronto; No. 2 Western Canada action against the city of Guelph on account of polluting the River Speed with sewage. The Railway Commission will al- Ie•w railways to handle grain at lake ports on Sunday, on condition that they accept the onus of show- ing the authorities that the work is necessary to prevent undue de- lay. THE NEW QIIEBEO BRIDGE The Government Will Take Over the Undertaking at Once. A despatch from Quebec says: Tho Quebec Bridge Company eel cease to exist on the first of De- cember next, when the Dominion Government will assume full charge of the construction of the bridge, as an integral part of the Trans- continental Railway. The director- ate of the Quebec Bridge Company have received of i. ia1 notice from the Department of Railways and Canals in keeping with the foro- gcing, and, according to the terms of the transfer, the Government will take over the company's assets and liabilities at the same time re- funding the shareholders and direo- t..rs of the Quebec Brideo Company the amount of their investment, etc. This means that the Quebec bridge will bo reconstructed under tho supervision of the Dominion Government, and the work of coa- struction commenced as soon as pessiblo after the engineers ontrus- tcd with the plans have finished their work, and the plans have, been properly approved. These► plans are being prepared to pro- vide much heavier metal in the su- perstructure than was used in the former structure. 52% to 64e; No. 3, 50 to 59c; No. 4, covering an arca of from 70 to 80 52% to 60.. acres, destroyed; property loss, oats quoted at 42c, (loderich. Minneapolis, Nov. 10—Wheat — $500,000. ltyo—No. 2 quoted at 77%c out- December, 31.01%; May, $1.03%; May 20, 1903, St. Ilyacinthe, Quo. side. cash No. 1 hard $1.05% to $1.05%; —400 houses, n boot and shoe lac- Barley—No. 2 barley quoted at No. 1 Northern, 81.01 to $1.013 ; tory and anumber of stores (30 50 to 57c, and No. 3 extra at 55 to No. 2 Northern, 31.0.2 to $1.02%; blocks in all) in the section known 55%c outside. No. 3 Northern, 98c to $1.01%. as "Lower Town,' destroyed; pro - Buckwheat -55 to 56c outside. Bran—$17.70 to $18. Flour—First, petty loss, $500,000. Peas—No. 2 quoted at 85 to 80c patents, 85.25 to 85.50; fecund pat- April 19-20, 1301, Toronto—Whole- outside. ents, 85 to 85.25; first clears, 83.90 sale warehouse district destroyed, Corn—No. 2 American yellow to 31.20; second clears, 82.90 to extending from Wellington street to nominal at 82%e on track, Toron- 83.10• Front street; property loss, $13,- GREAT BRITAIN. and No. 3 at 82c. —"— '1' 500,000. Bran—Cara are quoted at $IS to BIG FAZES IN DOMINION June 22, 1903, Three Rivers Que. The conference of cotton workers 819 in bulk outside. Shorts quot• —Conflagration in business and old - at Blanchester ended without a set- ed at *22 in bulk outside. er residential section; .property err tlement of the great strike being I P Y reached. loss, 82,000,000. William Redmond, the National- COUNTRY PRODUCE.SIXTT-TIIRI:F. YEARS OF GREAT August 1-3, 1908, Fernie, B. C.J. ist su and surrounding districts --Forest ggested in the House of Com- Poultry—Prices hold remarkably CONFLAGRATIONS. fire devastated Elk River valley dis- mons that the Kaiser be offered a firm, as thorn is a good demand P:.RTLY DESTROYED: seat in the British Cabinet. for it. trio fur an area eutending 30 miles in length by two to ten in width. Residences: Thos. Delahaye and ----- Chickens, dressed .. .... 10c to 11c List of Disasters Where the Loss Town of Fernie practically wiped Harr Irwin. Market block: John UNITED STATES. Fowl ..... 8c to 9c Y "" "" "" out and serious damage Bono to 1' Miller, wholesale provisions; President Eliot of Harvard Uni- Ducks .... .... .... lOcto110 11'85 fluff a Million Dollar,! out towns and to lumbering, r::il- Hardwood's jewelry store, Edwards versity has resigned. Gesso .... .... ..... ... 9c to IOc or More.mining ; p p Miller, Chief of Police of Turkeys .... .. . .... .. 12c to 14c road and industries proper - A. Harrison, photography and paint A. L. ty loss, $4,000,000. shops, Fairbanks, Alaska, was shot and Butter—Local wholesale prices May 28, 18.15, Quebec—Over 100 The stone bridge over the Musk- killed by n demented woman. are :— houses burnt and 20 lives lust; pro int River was badly broken and B. C. Whitney of Detroit, the Creamery, choice; pound 26c to 27c perty loss, $1,030,000.burnt. roprietor of several theatrical Dairy prints, choice .... 2 -le to 26c June 28, 1845, Quebec—],200 houses in Canada and the United Store, prints and tubs .. 22c to 230 Louses burnt and 40 lives lost ; pro- , -- States, had his skull fractured n Inferior .... .... .... .. 19c to 21e perty loss, $1,500,000. REPUBLICAN MAJORITY 45. !CHARITIES AND CORRECTION. an automobile accident near Cheese—Large, 13c to 13%c; April 7, 1849, Toronto—City Hall, t -- Brownatow•n, Ind. twins, 13%c to 14c. Si,. James Cathedral, and a number The revolting customs which pre - Standing of Partiesin the Next Conference 1 Will he Held In Toronto _— Eggs—New-laid. 26c to 30c; farm- of buildings destroyed; property vail among pilgrims to the Ganges, IT. Y. Congress. NOV. 25th and 261h. GENERAL. erseggs, 29c to 25c; cold storage, loss 8500,000. including promiscuous bathing by A despatch from Now York says: A despatch from Toronto says: China has grunted the Delia 22c to 23c. Juno 25, 1850, Montreal -100 hou- those who are well and those who 1 Beans -81.80 to $1.90 for primes ses burned; property loss, $500,000. are suffering from diseases of all Electiond districts iudicatesoni thnt theession- The House [drencoof meeting of Uharitic Canadian Correc-return ahontery and ordered him tt, and 81.90 to $'2 for hand-picked. July 8, 1852, Montreal — Nearly sorts and tho drinking of water al di Representatives in the 61st Con- tern at Toronto, ce and ay and The anti-Japanese riots in HongHoney-10c to Ile per pound for 1,200 houses burnt and 15,000 Deo- from the bathing places. make the gress will stead :--218 Republicans Thursday, November 25th and 26th, Kong have reached such proper-- Shaine(' and 82 to 82.75 per dozen Ile rendered homeless; property following item from the Indian Re- gress cs,ieti14, loss $5,006,000. Niew somewhat of a surprise. to 173 Democrats, giving a Repub- poetises to be one of the most iii- tions thni soidiees have been called Potatoes—Ontario 60c ; Delawares October 16,1860,Quebec-2,500 "The reputation of the water of Beau majority of 45. The gatherings ever held in nut to patrol the business streets. 75e to 80c per bag in car lots on houses,17 convents and churches in the Ganges among the Hindu mil- ' present terestingQ ,� House Blends 221 Republicans and, Canada. The pruf;rnmrne, which It is expected that the differentlions of India is known to ^ll t - - f/► Democrete, giving a Republi- has evidently been carefully pre- Gorman parties will unite to do- track here. St. Roche and St. Savour destroy -,And can majority of 57. The Republi-, pared, deals with all phases of maud that the power of the Ern- ed and 18,000 people rendered most of us were content to believe cans lost tw•e vac seats. While there' charitable work and corrective me- peror be limited somewhat after PROVISIONS. hr.meless; property loss 83,000,000, that in a but and thirsty land like were Republican , May 30, 187(1, Quebec -700 dwell- northern India such a magnificent p gains in sonic thuds in this country. The nine of the British fashion. Pork --,Short cut, 823 50 per bar- ings destroyed in St. Louis Ward river as the Ganges had many states, notably in Pennsylvania, the Executive is evidently to bring --.h rel ; mess, $19 to 819.50. and 5,000 claims to bo highly thought of,but these were offset by striking De-, together as never before all en- W1:STERN 00.11. SHORTAGE. Lard—Tierces, 13%,c; tubs, 13%c; less; property loss,r$soo,000 Fenno g K tuucrntic victories in Indiana and gaged or interested in it would appear as it modern sci- 4; g public chaff- —__ ',elle, 13j4c' June 18, 1876,St. John's,Quebec K Nebraska. The latest returns ale; ties and rho administration of jus. Healers In Some. Towns Ila'.o Smoked and Dry Salted Meats— ent was corrin to the ata of unci car to increase instead of dimin-i —The business section of t.hc city eat tradition in maintaining a hoe to offenders. One of the pub Failed to Stock I'll. Long clear bacon, 12c to l2/c, (Richelieu and Champlain streets', special blessedness of the water of u,h Mr. Taft's sweeping victory. lie addresses at the Conference tons and cases; halos, large, 12%e destroyed; property loss, 82,500,- the Ganges. E. If. Hankin, in the Prole present indications he has will be delivered by J. A. Leonard, A despatch from Winnipeg says: to. 13c ; small, 141,;,c to 15c ; backs, OW. preface to the fifth edition of his ex- tarried d Missouri ssourriuby 8,e�,,rthus soad- Superintendent on f Prison Ohio rate from the whescry n f cal shortage ho and an conieS ► ,cal 175; to 18e ; shoulders, t0%c to llc; September 3, 1876, St. Hyacinthe, cellent pamphlet on 'The Cause and K R11 rolls, 11 to 11.c; breakfast bacon, Quebec -80 stores, three banks and Prevention of Cholera,' writes as to the Republican column. Mary-; Such important questions as the for cars which it is impossible to 15r to lGc; green meats, out of 500 other buildings) follows: JPland. too, has gone Taftward, al-: care of the consumptive, houses of aapply. Coal stocks at Fort. Wil- pickle, lc less than smoked. destroyed; pro- Since I originally though it is probable that an ufli- ; i efuge, hospital financing, our gaol linin and fort Arthur are ample for hefty lose, 81,2,0,000.cov wrote this tial count will he necessary to do- 'systems, euro of the feeble-minded, all requirements. and if the west- Junel Y0, 1877, St. John, N. B.— pamphlet I have discovered that the tcruiinr the result of the selloff„q Vt)NT1tt;At. DIAItKETS. The entire business section of the water of the Ganges and the ,Jumna t, juvenile delinquents, care of the ern centres are !short they alone 1 ca a hostile to the 1 ,w for the electoral ticket. Mr. Taft's tnebrinte, reuses of poverty, etc., are to blame, as they were repeat- Jluntren., Nov. f0—.1s far as in- )'+ extending over all area of (100 R th of the chel- t,rul►able veto in the electoral col- are to be diact,ssed. A delegation cells warned to st nk up before the cluiries for Manitoba spring wheat acres, destroyed; property loan, era microbe, not only owing le the absence cf food materials, but niso lege will he 327 against a possible from every county in Ontario ha:1 rush of the fall began. Now load• from foreign sources arc concern- 813,500,000. 351 for Bryan, Colorado being still been premised and everyone inter ing facilities at Fort William are al there is little to complain of, August 1, 1870, Ilamilto'i—Sever- owing to the actual presence of an in doubt. Eliminating Colorado, ested is invited to attend. entirely inadequate to meet the de_ but the price offered is so out of al largo warel es on John and antiseptic that has the power of de- stroying its five electoral votes, Bryan mends, and wholesale dealers are line that there is still little trade King streets destroyed, property stru;;inq this microbe. At present apparently has carried only enough ge__ _„ over four hundred cars behind in 1 e'v'entuating. These show an ad- h -ss, 8500,000. I can make no suggestion as t„ the States to give hint 151 votes in the their orders as a result. It mayt►►ace of from 1 4d to 3d. American June 8, 1881, Quebec -800 houses origin of this mysterious antisep- electoral college. Conceding Col -1'11111:1: 1%11.1.11) 1'I' FH l) el a G. be weeks before some of tho mit. •cern is in quiet demand at 7ec for burned and over 1,200 familieq rcu tic evade t.. Rrvnn, it is likely that Mr.i•lc dealers will be able to have Ngo. 2 mixed in car lots and 79c for tiered homeless, St. John's Ward; Tnft'a majority in the electoral col- Sirs. ifehe •t senit an,l sone Ran their orders filled, under condi. No. 2 yellow per bushel ex -store. l,ropert.y loss, 82,000,000. lege will be 171 hewn I►y 1',:eine. liens as at present. If there is any Buckwheat., Ole per bushel fer No. January 6, 1895, Toronto - The 1'iG11T WITH 11011IIERS. ---- t- s,ufterinq, which is improbable, the 2 afloat. Canadian western No. 4 Globe newspaper and other large ---- A despatch free, Guelph says : 1 cople will have only their !Heal white oats are selling at 45c to buildings destroyed; property loss, Two Bank Clerks at ?laricvilIe, K1:1"1:N MENh111.l:l)' Mrs. Robert Scott and two cions, 45!c, No. 3 at 41e, extra No. 1 8i00,�• Que.. Act liravel dealers to blame Anthracite pric- : y. Leonard and Murray, aged 11 and es are unchanged at 10.50 per ton, feed oats at • 4c and No. 1 feed at January 10, 1895, Toronto — {;gpin.ioa in a no on the 1:. T. 1 . 1'1 car., of ifullet, were instantly 43 c; Ontario No. 2 white nt 4•!, Large number of buildings destroy - The despatch from Montreal says: the figures which hna prevailed for The branch of the Eastern Town - in Rainy nisi r. !killed en Wednesda • morningen ' tel; property loss, $750,000. several scare ►est. t., 4t/,e, No. 3 at 43c to 43 c and 1 P Y 1c bushel, March 3,1895, ships Bank at Marievillo, Que., was 1 el�,patch from \\,nnil•.•g ray,:the Guelph and (velem!' Railroad, No. 4 at 41 /,c to 43c per Toronto—fiimp• p S. t ren ,ecu have he , killed at :11• - tee rrts i:'gs east e•f Auburn and -- •r ex -store. ton's buildings; property loss, entered by robbers on Tuesday eleven miles from (Ioderiele They•1 NE11' GRA IN ELEVATOR. Flour- �fanitoha spring wheat $ �� night, but they were beaten off. Lean': lamp, oil the Trnnscrntin-I R ental Railway, 19 nnide,s north of I were drit ing to school and were . - -- - patents. firsts at 86, second at 86.- October 17. 1897, Windsor, N.S.— The noise of their entry aroused limit'''. (int., by an exple,i,n of struck by it light rugine, rune he Striae4'ompany to Erect $300.000 Str• 50 ; w inter wheat patents. ?5 t., The greater portion of the town de- : two clerks sleeping in the rear of tlyuamite in it r .'k en'. The asci- I tip from Guelph Junction. The lure at Port Arthur.85.25: straight rollers, 84.50 to 3t.• effused, including a large nuiuber; the building. and hastily dressing, reed o ecc+.rred Lite on Tue.diy, andihorse e•caped. but the buggy was , despatch from Pert Arthur•60; doe in hags, 12.10 to sl1.10; of dwellings; property loss, $1,- they took up arms and entered the ',or beak. a►re of 11 buried in the `track, and all three occupants aays ::1 new cola ►any, to be known extras, 81.75 to $1.45 Manitoba 000,".1 room where the burglars were at 1 .1, , :. 't „in.• cl0aths in killed. A heavy snoest•u•m c•.ntri- ar the Thunder B:ay•Elevator Com- Bran --321 to 822; shorts, $25; On- September 11, inns, New West -I work. The miscreants fired at Luted t•, the occurrence• puny, has been organized :it Win- tario bran, 3:11.50 to X42 ; middlinss minster, B. C.—The business sec- I them, and an exehange of shots ---------------- nipeg and has signed en agreement $25 to $26; shorts, $81.50 to $25 lion of the town entirely dos.r.,yed;, f .flowed. A bullet razed the head with Port .lrthur for the erection per ten, ineluding bags; purr grain rioperty loss, $'2,(s>'),000. of one clerk, but his condition is hero of n new ('levator with a ca- mouille, *30 to 835; milled grades, December 20, lelfl4, hfuntnal — net serious. The bandit, then fled ( t.Acity of 1.,500,000 bushels, to cost $•l5 to 829 per tun. Belled oats 111ielesale w•arehouacs of (ireen•`witheut any booty being secured. 1 8500,000. The site is already pro -are steady at 83.40 per bag of 90 shields and McIntyre en Victoria: Thee are being pursued by Chief cured and work will (-eminence al pounds, and cornmeal is unchanged Square, former entirely destroyed, McC,Aekill of the Provincial pulite most immediately. The promoters at $4.10 to *1.30 per barrel. tatter badly damaged. besides other and his assistants. of the company aro W. McWilliams. ('hems—Westerns; gneted at 12%c adjoining buildings; property loss, Trouble in t he Balkans May he Expected 1 ) Piper. to 1.2s;c for white and 12' for cul- P"00.000. a "—'�' N. Bawlf, and C. B. 1+ er, who c April 26. 1900, Ottawa-Hull—Fire are theprincipal stockholders in ored. White easterns are quoted • pTHE COLORS OF EGGS. the Empre levator ('empany, at 12c t., 12;�c. Rutter —Finest broke out in Hull, destroying two - I in elle Spring, However. which has a plant At Fort William. creamery quoted at 26e to 26%c itn thirds of the town ; jumped across' Mr. A. R. Iforwood of the Lei - round lets, and 27c to 27%c to the river to Ottawa, destroying tester (England) Museum remarks grocers. Eggs --Selected, 25c to most of the property in the Chau- that tho colors of birds' eggs c•an l d••., a• •:, free' Viei.ns says: the annexation of Mania and Her. PARIS BOURSE DISTURBED, 25'4e; No. 1, 21c to 21%e, and No. diere lumber district ; 1,000 houses in a large number of eases be treced 2, 17'90 per dozen. were burnt besides mills and lac- to the necessity of "protective re• torics and many million feet of semblance." White eggs are timed- li mber. Seven lives were lost and ly laid by birds nesting in bole's in 15,000 people rendered homeless; trees, er in clerk ssihiatiom, I'ke property loss. 97.:>n0,000. on ls, woodpeckers and some, pige- January 23, 1900, Montreal -Tho ells. Most birds nesting on or near new ear a rage ,ul a enq, the ground lay eggs of an :,live - erected at a • est of $606,000, and groes or brown gr•und color. The a number el wholesale houses on e,rg; of grouse, ptarn,igsn, arta se Mt. Paul and fit. Peter streets dc. forth, resemble the heather an:ng?t seruyed; property loss, *2,500,000. whie•, they are kid. Those of the October i:a. 1901. Sydney, C. IL ringed plover. little tern and oy- -Over 60 buildings in the t.usiness sten,ateher resemble the sand and section of the town destroyed ; pro,.tingle of the hes •h. The lapwing's Forty less, 84x)0,000. eggs e1..sfly simalatr hart ,oil . r May t4, 1903, Ottawa —300 houses dried bents. The young ehi�'tts chew and many million feet of lumber. similar . prc•Iecti•, e • culor4. CHOLERA ANI) THE GANGES. Whitewashing the Reputation of the Sacred River. The (4etrrnruent has re.•.•ked a rego►►no er make any comment ONiaR to Gratify of Situation In mite from Russia proposing an in• thenen, And is Famed in an en- tirely non -committal manner. The Near East. tcrient IonAl ernferen: e, but fedi' consensus of epinien is. however, A despatch from Paris mess: The eating that the programme for this that Russia is determined too •c pPo- Bourse, despite the satisfaction u1cr. Ig will he Hutch vaguer than the annexation of Bosnia and Her- that pervades the public over the teal seteel in !..radon seine time tegeviia, and consequently there is result of the American election, see 11 suggests merely a dircue- censidrrehlc anxiety oyer Austria's was very much depressed on Wed• glee f the anrerati•m of Bosnia determination net to budge on this nesday, on account of a feeling that ao.l Ili'r'efr..' iia, the independence point. The military preparations the situation in Eastern Europe tel Ri•tg.erie. the oomnensahen to be have net been relaxed, but the (for- continues to be very grave. and a1 - paid 'iy the latter to Turkey. the I ernment is of the opinion that hos- so on account of the serious frie- r ale; of Metntenean, and Sorvia, tilitiea are most improbable this tier existing between France and the ..,clition of the capitulations Winter On the ether hand, if Germany over the fernier's arrest and foreign pest-utti.•-•. in Turkey. things cle net settle hefer• Spring at Cnsable nea of German desert - The 1 .i• (I.w: emit pr„ceit agnimt, truubl.• is likely to occur thou. ers hem the Fr ouch foreign lesion. 1'NITF.D STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, Nov. 10---Wheat—Spring steady; No. 1 carloads, store, $1. • 07% ; Winter firm. ('orn — Weak ; Board t Trade f 1 1' No. 3 yellow. 70%e; No. 1 yellow, 69'"9e ; No 3 corn. 67 to 69c. Oats —Steady : No. 2 white. 5I'. to 52c. Barley— Feed to malting. 61 to 70c. Milwaukee, Nov. 10—Wheat--No. 2 Northern, 111.06 to 81 otic;; No. i Northern. *1.03'.; to 81 rat; 11(. eemher, 907,e asked R3.• -- No 1. 75e. ('urn -December, 02 ',. asked. Barley --Standard, 414c; sample,