Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-12, Page 5This Week
We Are Showing
2 six -octave and 1 five -
octave second-hand or-
gans, cheap for
InrNew Pianos
we have some very fine instruments.
Sewing Machines
in all the leading makes and styles.
Our Prices and Terms
are of the most liberal kind.
in all the newest styles at
away down prices.
We will be pleased to show
you our goods.
Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium,
They are noted for the quality of their goods.
Q,seter grow at*
11.00 if paid to advance,
11.110 • yeast( sol so paid.
!. ValtM Itat.s t sb.crtbsr.$l•00
s Yssr Strictly 1■ altlrssc♦
SANDERS a CBELCH, Pubttshars.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The great Uterine Tonle, and
only rate effectual )Monthly
depend.lisSolin thhreeo wtyle
of etrengtb-No. 1,%13; No. 9.
10 decreer stronger 11 No.
Bold llpecial casartegs tso r sent
prepaid on reoe pt of price.
Free pamphlet. Adtdrers c :tit`
CooAr[MM111t3e.TOs0NTO.ONT. (/or eels Windier,
Our past record and our present grade of work
stamps to u the great practical training school
of Western Ontario.
We have three departments -
Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphic,
Our graduates are In demand u Business Col.
lege teacher§ as well ae office a,tsietants ludi
vIdualInstruction. Enter NOW 1 I,argecata•
rogue free. Write for ft.
Cheap Substitutes
when you ask tor
or you'll be
It is said on good authority that
ere are quite a number of people in
th Northwest now who do not hail
fro uron or Bruce.
Hairy Shot t, a T.
travcber had the rign
badly injured on \1midis
near Ailea Craig. lit a
ntrnne: the gun which 'dr
vying +, ,t off, the charge'
meld" of the Jsckct, near th
and, going upwards, rlppe
jacket to the Jaw, tearing o
the cheek and knocking out
No hones were broken.
on Contmertlhl
ide of !u3 jaw'
bile e!,Joting
is unknown
ort was car
Mt ing the
waist Itis
op"n 'i to
a part of
i•ne tooth.
Manufacturer and Retailer
We are the only a x: 1usite Fur 1louee in
Western Ontario, de, citing all our energies,
combined with practical esperlenee. to the
manufacturing of Pur Garments, and base
contdence thaf,we an ware our patrons
money and supply the beet goods in the
Send your address •rad receive
by retorts Mail oar Anneal Per
catalogue and Price List.
All information regarding prises cheer•
fully len en. )tail Orders promptly attend-
ed to.
Ross, 196 Dundas St., London, Ont.
Earns 4%
when inveat.,l in
Ifuron & Erie Debent-
ures. An absolutely
secure way to fn.tke
your savings earn a
higher rate of interest.
Each Detlentura issued for $100 and upwards.
You can arrange to have your stoney returner( at end
of from one to five years. Interest is pain half -yearly.
Our Free Booklett!.t all about our Debentures and
:.Ite they exca as as investment. !ask fcr i:.
Huron & Erie
Loan and Savings Co.
Tv�„ct• t'r,T, 1•'1
rs1, ,a f1�e'�•••,
About Quahfying Yourself for a
SUCC•t/sfUl Career.
T. learn the (ally.1 *toady 'Iodates
Isla” .ttb..t • t'btsdas..iswtira"—
resd .v ire.. Catalogs*:
slit hie is totem elle 'ti•raess .it..s
ties" t retest Qtr Beam* Calletr
Int the ky .otetetAe hews prefer1. C. 5 C. »d °stiletto.
m. r is et,lelrr Is I.te11
. sr Cew..erAalr ad e64 Trp...�1,r�
Cotes Tolle slap . G It, C. ..died. ei
te.t.o.u.. ern ..,.Aor: 5t,.w .J.. a
B.ti.t.. id•<.ta• Ad
e a -.1•11,,T,'11 Capto.e.
Jaw..n4 rtes MM
..d .df,•.. — C.tr,•p•
.ill roach pet
pr...; c r
Any T,..
Tbe Forest City
Witless & Sbortbsod College
L.de., Cheerio.
T. 1 •.e...a. .• x R e.t•r.•i, J.. C.A
PA.eipel vie.-P.sw.tp.l
Nunuan Freer of Wyoming Is visttligl
his mother, airs. James Fraser. -Mies
1'earl Simpson le visiting 1n Toronto
and Midland.-Uoraon Bloomfield and
wife of London spent the hol:dsy here.
- Andy Nell and wife vistted unier the
partntal roof. -etre. and Mins Montague
of lfyruz, spent the holiday here:, the
guest of Mr, and Mre. Goo. liloont(Icld.
-Tae r:op given In the efaccabee Hall
wan well attended. The music was ce-
ttllet,t.-Itubt. Clark is confined to the
Louse with a sore foot. --airs. Vied
Sintpeoi, 1s very iii at present. Speedy
recovery le hoped fur. -Mrs. W. J.
lfodgine ■petit the holiday 1r: 1't.lfuron.
Death of Wnl. Drutienond,-1: will be
tied hews to many to learn of the dcatn
of \Vnt .Drum:pori' of Chicago, former-
ly of title place. who died in that city
on Friday last 1n his eeth year, :Met-
ttera brief Illness. The deceased was well
and favorably known itt this section.
His renutlne were brought here fat hur-
lal, Interment taking place In Nell's ceme-
tery on Monday. llealdee a eotrawing
wife he le survived by one child and his
mother, two staters and four brothers,
who will havo the (sympathy of a large
circle o1 friends.
Miss M. Upshall of London epent the
holiday with her fele nd, Wes Zillah
English. -Miss Florence Nell spent her
Thanksgiving hotldays at her home In
Lucan.-Mian Zillah English VI rated her
aunt, Mrs. A. McIntosh, Moray. a part
of last week. -.Miss state! Mord spent
her holidays at her home near Parkclll.
- Frank Wilson of London spent a few
day with relatives in this vicinity. -
Mr and Mrs. Ed. McPherson spent The
Teankegiving with their daughter, Mrs.
11 Gillespie of Detrol,. -Selbourne Eng-
lish spent hl■ holidays with lila cousin
Itu Ise' McIntosh of Port }furor.. -Il
Neil and W. Stcwardeort of Mooresvll'e
vlh'ted at the latter's Home on SunduY.
- The thank offering novice held in
boston Meth. Church last Sunday w.ts
Well attended. Itty. Godwin o1 P:Irknbl
preached two veru acceptable .serniona
The music by the choir wan excellent.-
Mre Mary E. Wilson after an ab3^_nre
of three years at from lioston, M.,
on Friday to ,pend the winter with her
nephew W. J. Wilson.-Mre. Mathias
Jae knot-. and her daughter, Mre. Emery,
of Parkhill visaed at W, J. Wllson's
Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Couch and Miss
Iva of Parkhill Melted at Titos. Stew-
ardaoe'e oft Sunday.
Blyth. Nov. 41t. -A terrible a(-Ident
occurred at a C. E. R. crossing In 1-tul-
iett to'wt.ah!p. about three 111110,4 from
here tit. matrrirg. \yink \ire. Rob"rt
Scott and her two boys, one 12 and the
other 14 years of ago, were driving to
town, an engine acid tender running light
to Goderich caught their and killed Mrs.
Stott and one buy histantly. The other
lived a few minutes after being picked
up. The horse escaped. Tile awful tra-
gedy has plunged the entire dlstrlet In
gloom. It would appear that Mrs. Scott
' :1 eavotIng to get across ahead of
the locomotive, but only the horse clear-
ed the track when the clash carte.
11ere 1e a simple !ionic -made gusto^(
:ts given by .it, eminent aulttotlty 4.141
Kidney diseases, who stakes tic state-
ment that It will relieve almost any case
of Kidney trouble if taken before the
stage of !bights disease. Ile btates that
such syntptunte .ta lane back, pain in
the side, frequent desire to urlua'c, ce-
ps eially at night ; painful and discolored
estimator], are readily overcome. Isere is
the recelpe, try it ;
Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce;
Compound Syt up Sarsaparilla, three
ounces. Take a teaspoonful atter each
meal and .it bedtime.
A well-known druggist here In town
Is authotlty that (nese Ingredients are
all harmless and easily mined at home
by shaking well in a bottle. This mix-
ture has a peculiar healing and su..3t1►
Ing effect upo:i the entire Kidney rind
Urinary structure, and often overt omen
the worst form of Rheumatism In just a
little while. This mixture Is said to re-
move all blood disorders and cure the
Rheumatism by forcing the kidneys to
filter and strain front the blood and
systt:ni all uric arid and foul, decompose
ed waste matter, which cause these af-
fections. Try It If you aren't well. Save
the prescription.
Council met Nov. 1 : ell members pres-
ent. The [lark Cr. IJr. Horn. drain was
reported to be completed and the same
was taken over by the Council. Mr. C.
Blackwell was appointed inspector for
the R. C. 11. North drain, under pr'9 •
vision of the Drainage Act. .\!counts
were ordered to be paid amounting to
$721.83 Council will meet again on
\\'ednesday, Dec. 2. at 1 o'clock p. m.
1'. itcss, Sr., Clerk.
Ooderlch.-Ucorge Levy, the man who
was hurt so badly by being trampled
by, a cow on a farm near Uoderich,died
.tt the Uoderlc.n hospital last week. and
the rentrins were taken to Mitchell for
interment. Ile was about 60 years old.
Catarrh Suffer( re are Nothing }tut
Hawking, Spitting arid Blowing
Machines. Saya an Authority.
1s It poaelble that in t gess days when
cleanliness and sanitary reform Is being
preached in the churches, schools and
gatherings, that thousands of people will
continue to suffer from catarrh when
there Is an absolutely rertain remedy al-
ways on hand.
11yotnel (pronounced high-o-ntel is
Pleasant. medicated and atttis'•ptir air
Breathe it in and it. will cure catarrh.
It *111 stop foul breath, watery eyes,
and cruets itt the hose In a few days.
\Ire. H. W. \\'llao:t of Johnson St.,
Witllaeeburg, Ont., says : "Tee, we are
great friends to Iryotnel for the reutton
that Mr. Wilson has had catarrh for
several years altd tried several remedies
and doctors, but nothing has relieved
the trouble like' Ilyontd. ills trouble Is
from pains across the eyes and a burn-
ing or huskiness in 1,is throat Some-
times much difficulty In breathing, the
glands in his eyes attd nose swollen attd
the discaee made hitt literally e:ck ill
over. He cannot say enough in praise of
Hyonlel, and there 18 nothing that can
give better relief to catarrh than this
remedy, whieh we heartily recommend."
A complete }lyonlel outfit, consisting
of a strong hard rubber pocket inhaler
and a bottle of ilyonnel, costs only $1,
and extra bottles If afterwards needed
cost only One. each. W. S. Cole sells it
and guarantee■ it to do exactly as ad-
liyornel also cures Asinnta, Ilronchi-
tis, Coughs, Colds and Infant's Croup.
Joe Ellis ie spending a couple of
weeks deer hunting at the Soo.-Tbe
death occurred on Saturday of the lit-
tle child of N. Higgins of Ilrucefleld.
The child had been i11 for sometime. -
Mrs. Simmons, who has been here vis-
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel-
ville, for some weeks, has returned to
her home in Fihnore, Sask.-Mr. Don-
aldson, who purchased O. House's har-
ness business, has moved from Clinton
and is living in a portion of Miss Stur-
geon's residence. -George Scott has
leased the vacant store in the 13e11
Block and will move its early in the
week. -Mise Hemphill has taken a pos-
ition as stenographer at Cook's mill. --
G. F. Yungblut has disposed of bis
shoe business to Robert Drysdale, the
latter to take possession in December.
Mr. Yungblut has purchased a fine re-
sidence in Waterloo. Mre. Yungblut
and eon Wee., left last week for their
new house. Mr. Yungblut and daugh-
ter Lily, will follow in a few weeks. -
Dr. Ferguson has sold his property
and goodwill to Dr. Aikenhead of Lon-
don, who is an Honor Graduate of the
Western University, and since gradu-
ation bas spent a year Senior House
Surgeon in St. Joseph's hospital, and
during the past year has taken the
large practice of br. Tillman, L(tndon,
,who is absent in Europe. Dr. Fetgu•
son remains in Heneall until Xmas.
The anniversary sermons of 8t. An-
drews church, Kippen, were preached
on Sunday by Rev. D. T. McKerroll of
Lucknow, a rising young minister of
the Presbyterian church. He took the
morning and evening services, and
Hey. Sawers of Brucefield the after-
noon one. All were greatly enjoyed
by the large congregations present.
On Monday evening h tea such as Kip -
pen ladies are noted for was served in
the basement after which the intellect
was catered to in the auditorium of
the church which was crowded to its
utmost capacity.
Local option stands in Heneall, the
judge refusing to quash the by-law be-
cause of a technicality.
Mlo•na, that extraordinary arid per-
fect etomsrli tonic. will relieve dyspep-
sia In twenty-four hours.
1t w1)1 cure and le guaranteed by W.
N. Cole to the readers of the Advoc•.t's
`to cure the most pitiful cases of dyspep-
sia. If taken according to direction,.
MI -ora tablets not ottly cure dtspep-
Isla. but ali stcrtacit dleturbanecs. Rich
as vomiting of pregnancy. sea or car
sickness atter excessive indulgence.
Mi-o-na cures by strengthening and
Invigorating the flabby Mennen walls
and afar a course of )41•o-na treatment
constipation. It there Is any, will ("1.'r1 -
ly disappear.
Mrs. S. Kcast of Clarksburg, Ont., says
"A bad stomach trouble that had bottle
creel me for years, baffled attd pure d
skilled physicians. was nicely reit yeti
by my using Ml-o.na. My trouble war'
on account of food not digesting bee
fermenting 11. .ley eto,nach, forrat:.,3 a
sae that ,rave me untold suf'er:nt and
pail attd also Made me weak, n,rvoue.
irritable and uttab,c to rest. Sart ` ur-
ine; ''i,-o-n.t 1 ..•111 go to tied at night
and sleep and wake up In Inc morning,
refreshed. 1 canuot speak 100 highly of
Ml-o-na la a most et otOntleal treat-
ment. a large bo: Of tablets oily colts
50 cents at W. S. Cole's and the dls-
.*p le. nervous or otherwle., who do's
1 rr. sive them a trial is losing sea op/ 1
porttsnity to regain health."
India Pale Ale
Brewed from se-
le'ted holes, choice
barley malt and
cure spr:r;g water,
with the utmost
care. Bottled at
the brew et depots
to ensure proper
handling That is
%shy Lat'h'es A'e
is equal t.' the fin-
est, surlt,-sed by
none, 11 su,;h it
costs consumers only about hall as much as imported g
The barn on Mr. 11. liadour; a farm
at the 14(1, Coiteeselon, was burned
last week. -Mies Thompson, who has
been teaching the Aronson Line school
No. 4, is leaving at the end of 1.:e year
and tete trustees are looking for anew
teat her. -Geo. Kalbfleisch 1s visiting his
Lather, J. C. Kalbfleiech, and other rel-
atives. Ucorge is a resident of Spokk
axle, Wash., and (l11s le his first visit
to his old home in seven years. -Mr.
Meyer. father of Mr. Cnae. Meyer. of
1tl'ice. died at Guelph oa Sunda:. Ter-
•:cfuneral took place on Tuesday. The de-
ceased was Weil-it14otit 1,1 this vir'i'lity,
where lie had many friends who regret
hie demise.-Mre. Mauer and son Har-
old of Milwaukee, Wis., have returned
after a week's visit with Mr and Mre.
Ja+oh Gailntan.-trey. N. Smith of Tor-
a •c -
0 o occupied the pulpit 1 i he Lv n II
it p1 p P t b
cal t l,ure•li on Sw;day (ve•ning. Tu^ ecr-
vice was in the Interco? of the temper-
ance (ause.-John Decker, ern, has pur-
chased a two-year-old tion -Parole colt
front C:.as. Wolf of at for $1 50.
lie has now a well-mattd team sir.d by
this horse. -Dutch netts have neon coin-
ing in vet>' tepidly the past few weeks,
and it ie eapected that u: bast a ttu:lr
died tt.ousat.d pounds ,.ill be atoned
here over winter.
How's ThisP
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case
of Catarrh that minuet be cured by Hall's Catarrh
F. J. CHIENET t Co., Toledo, (1.
We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for
the last 15 years, and believe hits perfectly honorable
in all business transactions and financially able to
Barry out any obligations made t.y his firm
WaLoiao, Ktalas S !liana,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0
11all's Catarrh Care is taken Internally, a, ting di•
redly on the blood and mucous .urfaees of the
system. Teetimonialesent free. Price 75e. per bot-
tle. Sold by all Druggist*,
Take Hall's Family Pills tor censti, atlon.
You can see Gin pills curing your Kidneys
Gin Pills turn the urine BLUE. A few hours atter starting to take Gin
Pills for Kidney or Bladder Trouble, you will notice that the urine has
changed Dolor. You see foe yourself that Gin Pills have reached t be spot and
have started to care. It won't be many hours more until you FEEL that they
are doing yonood.
60e. a box; 6 for
$2.50. At all dea-
lers. It you can't
got them in yo
not ghbothood,
order direct.
Sample tree if you
mention this paper
r� i ei i �.
(s� ase s
Formerly made by The
Bole Drug Co., /wmipr9
is a revelation to housekeepers. Nothing
like it has ever been mule before.
I2 means less work, because it does not
get dull or brown, anti is so easily
It Ineatis Less wo;!., too, because ;.n,t a
few rubs Lr:ag a bright, brilliant ;.,dish
that always looks frea,l and clean.
It is cheapest, teeat:se you get a ! ager
can for the money
If your dealer does not handle t 1:1, k
Knight" send Ins came and 1 e for
(ell sra:-d can. 7A
Ilse F. F Dell f 1 etl. limited. RAW ei.n. 0aL
perriffs Ty Biscuits
frtoi\Nt Made for the little ones, but good for 4
the big ones too. They cannot fail to
please. Try them.
coni ver: k1
s>•�+<_, 12 Varieties.
34 Actual
"We -- Want - Them!"
" The biscuits which please us must be brown
and crisp and firm and dainty, with a well -raised,
evenly -bakery crust.
" Mother says such buns require a steel oven, scien-
tifically constructed, uniformly heated, perfectly ventilated
£T7 When you see a "Pandora" Range the sale Is made.
lew4.n. T.reete, Mtstttreal, Winnipeg. k.newver. $t Mee N a, ltatsllt.e. Calgary
T. Hawkins & Son, Agents.