Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-12, Page 4Loge on both occaalons. Ne was atm-
(g,3ktl'tex 2lavlorate, ioeed oar the Ktrkton circuit 11 years
13a,l.lera e= Creech, Props.
?HURADAY, Nov. 12, 1908
Headed by Sir Richard Cartwright the
Senators at Ottawa are appealing against
the city's assessment of their salaries
tear income tax. Senators are a luxury
th Canada and they get t'ie money and
certainly should be able to pay.
It is strange, but nevertheleai true,
That although The Advocate aeaast for
are.. ,ase,'.._ 1 a .py of the offic-
tal retua.a for the South Huron for the
last week's lase, they were never re-
ceived. Why, we cannot tell but it is pat
sing ptrange that the other papers of the
tiding were given toe returns.
We are Informed by one of the prin-
cipal workers In the interest of Temper-
enee in Exeter that there la no preba-
bility whatever of t council being ask-
ed to submit Local Option to the rate-
payers this year. Statements to the
contrary eminate from headquarters In
Toronto. Our Informant stales that one
gear from now we will probably be ask-
ed to vote on the question.
Huston, F„Ilick and Howard of Exe
ter. Tea from 6 to 8. Admission 25c•
ago and was tee founder or the League. children 15e.
He 1s now supciannuated. On Monday
night a tot fowl *upper was served The
ladle* of Kirkto , have a good reputation McGillivray
:or getthsg up hot [owl suppers and on The Hamilton Bridge Cu. are con- i
this pieou racysupper
eclipsed ev rything feting the iron work on the new
of the pest. After all re- ridge 7th con. The bridge won't be
paired to Aberdeen Hall where a plat-
The trustees of S. S. No. :t, Usborne,
have decided to secure a new teacher
tor their school for nett year. Tule is
a fine section and the teacher obtaitee
Ing this school will get a good one. Ap-
plicants can secure necessary informa-
tion at The Advocate office.
Mr. Wm. Hanson, who has disposed
of his farts to his son, and is about to
retire from the farm and make his fut-
ure home in ]Michell, held an auction
sale of hie stock and effects on Friday.
It was one o1 the beet sales held In the
district. over 42000 being realized.
While unhitching hie driver Saturday
evening Mr. Alex. Fraser of the Thames
(toad was kicked In the face by the beast
The feeee ot the blow rendered him un -
cones -noes for some time, and knocking
out r:evcr.tl sf his tecta. A doctor was
im,.,.,i...se,y tailed and the patient is do -
Ing as wen as can be expected -1V Merry
and W. Maguire vleited at .1 Shute's
previous to going to tee Old Country for
the w inter.—Harvey Perkins and Mies
Laura elenrtna of Eilmvitle were guests
of tee' Mist ..n S'tutc Sunday.—A liar:tar-
do coy working with Mr. Fred Johnston
when corning from the barn Saturday
way attacked by Mr Johnston'* big dog
HL+ wrens were badly mangled and conn
slderable flesh was torn off. itis cries
were heard by Mrs. Johnston. who suc-
ceeded In beating the brute off
The wounds have been Attended to and
the boy Is doing well. The dog has since
beet. killed.—John Baker and wife of
British Columbia. after spending .a few
days with J. Shute, drove to Exeter
Monday to leave for the Ole ('.'-t nay,
I'resentatlon.—The gathering in Aber-
deen Hall on Wednesday night last was
an event of more than usual interest
ane wee one mfnglel Nita pleasure end re
gret : pleasure in having met to do hon-
or to a most worthy and esteemed roan
and wife, and regret that those. who were
to he thus honored for their many good
qua Sacs were soon to be separated from
those who had met to honor them, prior
to their leaving for Los Angle, Cal.
Dr. and Mrs. Carr have been residents
of Ktrkton for over 10 years, and during
that time have been identified with ev-
ery movement tending to promote the
welfare of the village, and the uplift-
ing of mankind Generally in the commun-
ity, thus endearing themselves to a
host of friends. who will deeply regret
trete departutc. Whet. It was Paln•sl
that they 'acre about to remove frpm
among us it was resolved by their
(ramie t',t' teey should not be permitted
to depart without some token of apprec-
torni meeting was held and the crowd
was so great that sesame could not get
In and some that did gain adntittanl-e h
crawled through the windows. Address- B g J o (il 19 42
es were delivered by Revds. Golug. Fier, fl t'd ' Hansa 10 1104
Itarey and Button. The musical part
was furnished by the St. Marys Quart- p y
ette and an eloquttonist from the earn.• d h d 47
place gave several readings in fairly 47
good style. The proceeds amounted to 17
$1tI.5. d 30
open for traffic for seine time yet.—
Mist+ Maud Dorman of London is visit-
ing her home, 7th con.—Rev. and Mrs.
Bice are visitin his parents, 8t con.
Hev. ice is not wellat present.—Jas.
McCaffery is confined to his bedandis
not expected to recover.—Miss Adah
Saunders fell on Saturday eveningand
dislocate the wrist of her right hand.
—John McKenzie of the Townline,
Charles Holland of Lieury and James
Patching of Brinsley returns from
the \Fest last week,
At the town hall, Ailsa Craig, on
Thursday, November 12th. et 10 a. m.,
Police Magistrate Smith will hold an
investigation as to the cause of fire
which destroyed the barn of John
Seale on the lth con. McGillivray, on
the 17th of September last.
(Maple Grove)
tion lata for Isla week)
Alt.ert Simpson and wife attended the
wedding of ,1rt',ur Elliott on Wed•tes,-
day.—John Simpson and eons have their
season's threshlt.g tlalost finished.—Mr.
Fred Nell has purchased another fine
ling. He 1s one of the good ones.—Win.
Simpson disposed of a heavy horse the
other day to Couraey & Reid for a hand-
some figure.—The recent snow did con-
siderable good to the land.—Mtee Laura
Robinson of Ailsa Craig spent Sunday
with friends on the 2nd.—The farmers
in tt,:e vicinity are through with t:t3Ir
at.' iotr'e threshing.—Mrs. Fred Simpson
Is o:: tee etch llot. We wish her a week
menet y.—Win. Kllntere has bean tali up
w:''- 1lo..d poisoni'ig.
Official Returns.
The official count in the South Hu-
ron election took place before Return-
ing Officer Alex. Mustard, at BI flee -
Held. The official return* give M. Y.
McLean, Liberal. a majority of 154.
The following are the figures by polls:
McLean Maj. Sherritt Maj,
49 54 —
51 9 42
32 3 —
28 — 29 1
- 82 47
39 31 —
Seaforth No.1 103
1l 91
Tuckerswith 13 7051
2 01
4 71
5 69
Mr. and Mrs. Esti Heywood and Gar-
net Heywood of Exeter were the
guests of Mr. andMra.,Eli LawsonSun-
day also Mrs. Harry Parsons and Miss
Maud Davis of Exeter were visitors
at Mrs. Lawson's on Tuesday.
Thanksgiving I)ay passed off quietly.
Quite a number of our boys were out
of town visiting friends. August
Kuhn of the Bank of Commerce, Chat-
ham, and Garnet Baker of Owen
Sound spent the day here in the vill-
age.—Inspector John E. Torn. inspect-
ed our Public School last Friday and
needless to say, found everything is
the best of running order. --Rev. John
Finkbeiner, who has been visiting his
parents here the past two weeks, re-
turned to his home in Johnstown,
Penna., on Tuesday.—Mrs. Mistele and
son of Detroit, Mich., visited Mr. and
Mrs. John Wind for a few days the
past week.—Miss Polley and Miss Dun-
lop spent their holidays at the home
in Goderich.—Newton Clark of Shipka
has bought the building, formerly used
as a flaz•mill and has men at work
tearing it down. He intends moving
it to his farm near Shipka and will
convert it into a barn. This building
is one of our land marks. The vacant
lots would make an ideal site for the
new 0. P. R. station. Winter is com-
ing on and no doubt, the railroad will
become an interesting topic.—Miss
Weganast of London and Miss Siebert
of Dashwood spent last Sunday in
town the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l
Brown.—Mrs. Henry Smith of Detroit
was in town on Sunday renewing ac-
quaintances.—On Monday evening, the
Ladies Aid of the Evangelical church
gave a very interesting Thanksgiving
program in the church. All heartily
enjoyed the very interesting numbers
on the program,
SaooTiso MATCH—Last Thursday,
Bert Clark. proprietor of the Royal
Hotel. held a shooting match, which
was well attended. Shooters from
Sarnia, Clinton, Heneall, Shipka and
Exeter were in attendance. Owing to
the darkness coming on, the blue rock
events were called off. The following
is the score of the several events for
Events 1 2 3
Live Birds 10 10 10
Roy Luck 7
John Triehner 9 7
Ezra Brenner 4
Fred Kerr 5 8 0
Frank Triebner 5
Bert Clark 7 8 7
J. E. Cantelon 7 8
W. E. Sanders 8 9
Wm. Yearley 5
John Hirtzel 3
Mr. and Mrs. Beavers spent Thanks.
giving in Brantford.—Geo. Greenwood
visited at Oro. Bell's part of last week.
John Mitchell and son James of %Ving.
ham called on friends on the boundary
last week. They were looking around
for a farm to rent.—Eddie Pack has
completed his term with Arthur
latloa manifesting their wortworthfilet-
Campbell and we understand he in -
ens. Mr. liubt. Berry was aee1;•t r l t - tends going to England e•uun.—Joseph
the chr.lr, wan explained the ctrl t of Vance has purchased a farm near Lis•
towel! the one on w hie) aIle'. Vance
the gatht:Ing. atter which Mfr. Carr was lived in childhood, tieing the old Stee-
presehted with a beautiful gold watC't
and a gold-hea•ltd cane and Mee. Carr a etlant► .winghomeon the fondrm
John is doing
auk umbrella. Ttte Doctor. on be ,tt: o' til'' plowing on form now, having
of himself and wife, Heade an exceeding K'rn• there last week with his team.
17 touching reply. following w ace were +�
appropriate addresses by a nu•nber of Clandeboye,
the Mende, all speaking effeteevHy or Th.abksgifing Day passed oft very
the loss sustained In the removal of two'eluietly here.—Among the visitors that
such vvu,'I,y i ltIzei.e. Tee Do••tor 1e sue
viceded 1. .•,- by Ur. Joac of Maddu •, who
con14 a l,ig'.ly r'-ub,tnrndttl a: a la wet.
router 1 , our !Must.
TL. :. • 11 +' A:•1 of Klrkto:. t cid !nelr
a:tnu:at fowl *upper on Monday !sot.
Sermons were preached on Sued.iy both
Morning and evening by tee Ree. 1l. Ifut-
ton of Lo „lou. The congrs'gatlaim were
Horse Blaukets,
Men's Mitts,
Harness, Etc.
The w. ter 1s near and you will
he In ,.,.td of horse blankets. meter
or prot'abl) sornethIng else i . o,s-
line. We have evctything t!: at is
kept In a well -regulated Ilareres
Call and See
Our Blankets. Mitts and GloveA.'ee
best venue you hive ever seen. A
line of (fatness and Supplies that
t :►.mot be beaten.
Don'c be Deceived
sly people w'.,o tell you teat you 'an
do as well deewh'r N. We have the
goods and It will rep.ty you t o In-
spect them.
F. W. Clark
Maness Maker, ('111-:111TIIN
spent their holiday here were E. Pull-
man and wife. Mien Delle Marlton and
Mr. and and Mrs. Detente, of London;
Mr. and Mrs. Gould and daughter,
,Miss Lela, of Exeter.—A number from
here attended the fowl dinner in Lu-
cas Monday evening, held iu Holy
Tt Snit y Chureh. All report having a
geed tithe.—S. S. Jones, of London,
called on ft iends on Saturday ie,st.-
1r. and We. S. Eseery were the guests
of ala.. F. Brown last Friday.—Mrs.
Jones and .Miss Chown were in Lin-
don Wednesday. --We are sorry to
Lear all. Wnr. Cunt.ingharm is • ••t t•
IutY :at present. Itis d,sligltter. 31t...
Pager, of Exeter, is here musing hits.
--Mr. Maurice Bolder spent Thanks.
giving Day et his home in Exeter. —
The fine weather is giving the ferment
a chance to get their fall ploughing
done, a9 they did not get much done
owing to the long dry spell earlier in
the season. —A shooting match was
held on the premie, s of Henry Neil.
E91i Hodson and Alvin Cunningharn
retried away nig prize. -11r. (',.se,
station agent, spent it couple of days
1n Poi Huron beet week. --Guy Row-
ley, of Centralia, is learning operating
bere with Mr. :;ase.
f ---
Miss Vera Coward is holidaying in
London.—W. G. Medd and family
spent the holidays with '1r. Medd's
father at Kinhnrn.—W. %V. Kerr end
wife visited at Crediton.—Willisuu
Bell of Chicago is the guest of his si.s•
ter, firs. T. Oowsrd.—A number from
here attended the fowl suppers at
Whelan and Kit kton on Monday even•
ing. —The beef ring meeting will h.•
h Id in %Vinchel-e!t on F rid:iy evening,
the 131h. and at Elimville on Saturday
peening, the ltl•h. A full Attendance
i. r,gne.ted At both meeting!.
The anniversary end tel meeting of
Bet hesde 3fethrsli't church will he
h Id on Stolidity And Nonday. Nov. 15
•r,d 10 Rev. V. 11. Hint a ill pre -etch
!ninil it ,alter noon at 2:30. }le.f,le• : he
r.•,t a s lkic,• sr'•grern will be Kit un
Monday evening, when Revs. Mutt of
tit retie. Catlin* Aad Merl in of Ego.
ter. Ariel flurge•s of Kiimville will give
:111511.-+w .. Solos by Mi •ae> Matt in,
. ENCER. Deed., Wins, Mortgages and alt
Legal Documents carefully and promptly prepared.
Charges moderate. Issuer of Marriage Licenses
Last week Mr. Jos. Willett of Con.th,
Stephen, purchased a fine thoroughbred
shorthorn bull from henry Reynolds of
Hay,—On Monday evening of lust week
the young people of this community gat-
hered at the home of the Misses Tien,an
and gave them a "kitchen shower."—
A good shower of rain would den a deal
of good to a great number.—Mrs. John
Graybell and son Wilbur spent the hol-
idays with friends at Bad Axe, Mich.
—E. Nadlger left Saturday motning to
at -end a few days with his dieter set
Caatttam.—Geo. Wambold of lltyttt. vis-
ited at hie home hese Monday. rettfeee
ling Tuesday.—R. T. Dunlop left San
urday to visit under the parental roof
at Springfield.—John Snell will hold an
auction sale of hie farm stock and im-
plements Tuesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Sin -
not of Loidor visited their blends in
town over the holtdays.—E. M. Broken -
shire was In Crediton Sunday.—Mr.and
Mre. Oestrelcher have returned from
Berlin whets they attended the Forward
Movement convention.—Mise Lena Wag-
ner of Lisboa is vletting lier sister Mrs.
Rev. L. K. Eldt.—The Evangelical Sun-
day School intends holding a X:11113
entcrtalmment again this year as usual
and last Sunday appointed the Pro-
gram Committee as toliowe.—G Oes-
trt•1rt,er, Ileo. L. K. EWt, Mies M. Oes-
trckher, Mies Nora Seibert, :.liss Ida
Goetz and Mies Trasa Miller. — They
have already got down to work and we
may expect the program this year to
excel anything heretofore held.—Mrs.
Schaab of Clifford ie visiting her sister
Mrs. 1%'m. Eaters.—Next Sunday even-
ing Rev. T. C. Merkel will preach to tie
Evangelical church. He will also so!Iclt
eld for the nllaslo'1 cause.—Mies Addie
Roeder, who has been ill, te, we are
el id to know. Improving :Steely.—MIea
Lily Ehlers, who umdetwent an opera -
lien fast week, Is not doing as well as
her friends would like. We hope she
may get along alright.—Arthur Trauei-
ser spent a few days at hie home to the
Goshen Line. Ile has a good position
to book-keeper with a large wholesale
house at Toronto.—Mr. N,tuechwanger.
vno has for many years made his home
with nls daughter, M: a. J. Zeller, lied
on Wednesday ot last week. Ile hal
(Malted a good age and has ti is been
in an almost helpless condition tor
some time. The funeral on Friday was
largely attended. intetnlent taking place
In the Bronson Lint cemetery. it v.
Thune pastor of tiee Lutheran chute h of-
ficiated.—We are potty to hear of tis,
continued Ilhtese of little Th:lda Mele-
e(' and trust that s:ie rimy soot re over.
A 72
Stanley 1 55
2 00
3 27
4 14
5 71
1 125
2 102
3 03
4 75
1 'Si
2 32
3 32
4 48
1 44
2 48
3 115
4 00
5 47
6 49
7 29
Stephen 19
5 57
0 46
7 55
8 10
9 50
1 48
2 511
3 37
4 BO
31 —
29 —
100 73
52 38
45 —
56 —
78 15
Ota 41
59 27
�u 30
71 2s
34 —
'23 92 -
45 15 —
10 31 -
52 3
4 25 —
43 19 -
— 61 32
- 46 30
4 55 --
1 00 —
28 28 —
- 74 28
I1 44 —
— 65 49
— 102 54
— 09 10
- 105 e8
9 60 —
275 79
91 —
394 218
227 —
365 144
137 —454 144
395 —
213 —
2586 607 2432 453
There were 11 ballots spoiled or re-
jected as follows: No. I, McKillop, 1;
No. 5, Tuckerstnitb, 2; No. 1, Stephen,
2; No. 3, Hay, 5; No. 4. Hay, 1. There
were 281 fewer votes polled than at
tbe election last January. Mr. Mc-
Leau had 91 fewer, and Mr. Sherritt
111 rs. John Tales and sister, Miss
B •rtha Suthurby, of London, and Mr.
Harry Sutherby, of Thorndalt', visited
their mother fot the Thanksgiving
Dap.—Miss Ethel and Newton Milison
also Orville Howclifte, visited at the
Millson home hers'.—Mrs. Ernest Par-
kinson of Ilryanston. visited her
mother on Monday. -31r. and Mrs.
David Parkinson and son. Allan, of St.
Marys, and Mr. and Mrs. Mecindou
and daughters. Annie and Ethel, of
Lon Ion. were guests at Mr. Albert
Gunning's for Thanksgiving. — Mr.
end 31u ...1. Millson attended the
family gathering given by his brother,
Itev. %V. E. Millson, at Kingsville.--
ANNIVSitsAlLY.—To say that the an-
niversary- services just held here in the
Methodist Church were the hest ever
attended around here is not overesti-
mating it. The Rev. Fred Langford,
of i•:mbro, was greeted by large con•
gregatione at both services and the
able manner in which the speaker un-
folded the Scriptures hide fair to show
that he will hold a high position
asnon our able pulpit orators in the
near future. The offerings were very
pleasing on Sunday. The fowl supper
on Monday was also largely attended
and enjoyed to the utmost by all pres-
ent. The programme was exceedingly
good. the renditions by Hiss Hart, of
Hensxll, the speeches by the 3linists•rs,
together with the unsurpassed singing
of the Male Quartette. of Stratford,
put the crowning feature to the entire
proceedings. The receipts neared $150.
or dock ol New Fall Gods
Ne.v Drees G„oda In all the lead- Milli
ing cloths and shades, et close pri-
Be got e and see one New Mantles
for L lilies and Children.
Nese Furs in r•uf•, e'nleo. rnnak
collsretti-.. fie. They ere Ileeutu.”
and etpr,res to suit nil.
New FI 11iiell•t tee, Wrapl„•re les,
Wont (Blankets. Flannelette 11'atik• Oor Millinery Department is 'rn•
els. at close prices. der the nsan+geruent .•f MISS
New Hu.i. rv, ('•p+, \litre. Gloves DUN`, OF LONDON. A lady is!
and Underwear—all kinds and •iz- wide experience in the millinery
es. Inset nese.
.Men's and B./ye' Reedy•to•wear it is with pleasure that we ex -
Suits at 11argain Prices. Ordered tend this in. ant ion to ell the ladies
Suits a Specialty. il.' sure rind %PP interested in AEIietie headgear.
our New Tweeds end Worsteds in
the New 5Ih• else. Our prices are
A tall line of iintdware at close
nary Opening
Tuesday & wehesday
Sept.29th 30th.
Os►r rnillinery depertmeet is full
of all the lateen and pit"W.••t fity!,.
and Benign• in 1hi• line. The whole
pe 'toren, a of F',11 Fre+hinng are rile
vented in our illi nett' Section.
A large etnek r,f ('rockery ansl (•one,. to o,n Op..nbr,g ,and acini
Fancy Chinn just to hand. Ili.• nl-peetion of phie i.eeeon's die
Our 1;reve'y Depettnl,•nt is dill oI .y .'f fleet bee nt.rfnl and corn•
of New and Fresh (1 iiHla. ot.o.- -homing of F411 Millinery.
SHOES A lei geend well nst.•d -fork ,.f all
the leetaint( .tyle„ a"'! in k••-. .1 le tee.
(ower than ere.. if vno wast s pair•.•f K.•.,•, 11 ...ten, tt to.• Kies
A lot of od le and ends aill li • el•'sred voted •• of cost.
COME EARi.Y ANI) GRT Till, iI t,lt(lAINS !!
,r. ,1 .11.
Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce.
Corner Store,
1 ).\-1iWOOD
B. E. WALKER, President
ALI X. LAIRD, General Marsager
4 Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,060
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by
telegraph or letter.
COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries.
FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States,
Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. ill+
Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
W. Baxter left Saturday for Cosh-
octon, Ohio. where he will remain for'
some time.—J. Hanna, tbe local store-
keeper hats made an assignment for �
the benefit of his creditors.
Zion School report (S. S. No, 7, Us I
borne) for October. Total number of
rnarks to be obtained 2O. IV—Ern-
est Penrice. Sr. IV—Walter Stephen ,
136. Jr. IV—Olive Batten 139, Sr.
III—Warren Brock 192, Mabel Ling -
and 177, Ida Penrice 133. Jr. III—
Wellington Brock 201, Carrie Stephen
170, Willie Penrice 100. Sr. II—Alvin
Pym 210. Pt. II—Ewart Pym 200,
Margaret E. Penrice 200, Edith Herne
195, Elva Horne 190. Pt, 1—Garfleld
Brock 180.—M. Alice Dougall, Teacher.
Mrs. John Andrew 1a quite 111 and un-
able to attend to her household duties.
—The church authorities have had the
financial statement printed and It shows
a good condition of affairs.—While Mr.
John Andrew was taking a cow he had
purchased Iton►e from Jamtes Mill's last
week the snlinat tell and broke her ne.k.
She was Immediately killed.
Miss Harrison of Clinton was the
guest of Miss McAlvin last week.—
Fred Coxon left Monday for Buffalo,
where he will be for some time.—Jos.
Grant of Sarnia is home for a few
days visiting his parents.—Mrs. Thos.
Weetwan of Milverton returned home
on Monday after spending a few weeks
with friends in the village and in Lon-
don.—The Mason lodge of our village,
which was organized a short time ago
was dedicated on Monday. A number
attended from Seaforth, St. Marys and
Hamilton.—Telfer Bros. have started
cutting straw and coru also wood cut-
ting. Farmers should give them a
eall as early as possible.
Mies Nora M. Brown, who is attend-
ing Stratford College, is spending her
Thanksgiving vacation with her par-
ents. Her friends 1nisi associates gave
her a pleasant surprise by gathering
et her home Friday evening.
-se- --
A widower who was married it ...il-
ly for the third time and whose bride
had been married once b!fore, wrote
across the bottom of the wedding invit-
atlons.—'L'e sure and come as this is
n0 a•'lateur performance."
McGillivray Council. •
Council met in the Town Hall, McGil-
livery, on Nov. 2nd. All the members
present. Minutes ot the last meeting ap-
proved. Accounts to the amount of *2,-
754.15 were fasacd on motion of (netts
and Murdy. Morgan—Murdy—That the
reeve be and Is hereby instructed to take
proceedings under The Ditches and Wat-
er Courses Act to have the water �o�p-
posite Leta 15 and 16, Con, U, oen
to a proper outlet.—Carried. The conn
cit then adjourned to n►cct In. the Town -
Hall or. Monday Nov. 30 at 1 o'clock.
J. D. Drummond, Clerk.
The ealvatlon Army otfic al all over
O,stario arc fssuhtg a warning la alt 911-
t1o)ed mem, especially that,: wl.unn the
Army brought from Kitts pe, through
their Immigration system, to stay w the
rural distracts this winter. They predict
a woeful shortage of work In tete cities.
and desire the men to make bargains
with the farmers to stay ail winter at -
any living wage.
Clinton.— n Oct. 30th Niles Catharine
Whitely passed from life to death atter
a painful illness with cancer. She was
a daughter of the late Wm. Whitely of
Tuckeramlth ,and was 55 years of age.
Years ago 511e taught school but Hineso
forced her to give up tier position.
Clinton—One of the pioneer settlers of
Huron ptosed away Nov, 1, In the reraon
of Mrs. Thomas, relict of the late Tho`.
Thomas. She had been a resident k
Clinton for a good many years, but had
been In declining health for some time
though never very 111 until the last few
weeks. Born in Nottingham. Eng.. she
came to Canada In 1837 with the other
members of her (sonny, the Cliches, set-
tling In Tuckersmith. She was three
times married, the late Thoma,* Tl:omss
having predeceased her 26 years.
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