HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-11-12, Page 3A CURE FOR This steam as generated and held RHEUMATISM (( ��t + c ter power stands ut a pressure of RHEUI`11ATISM `'00 pounds to the square inch. At this pressure a pound of steam oc- cupies about two cubic feet of bei- - let apace, which indi.ates 1.(,'0,000 c: hie feet of steam thruugh the en- �lle il'ulllJie Yields to the E.'c11, ginos every hour. Led Blood Dr. William' pills six hundred and twenty-four thousand pounds of water a minute rails dutually Kakot ji are t:ecest:ary to slake the thirst of the great boilers. This is 450,00,. Ask ftp doctor and he will tell' to, s of wafer in twenty fur hours, you Clu?rheuntatimm is rooted in! re 10o.60,,,000 gallons u day. The the blood; that nothing can cure it averag_ consumption of water in that d•,es not retch the blood. It the cities is thirty-five gallons a day ie sheer waste of money and time for each inhabitant, so that the Cc try to cure rheumatism with lini- ea eds of one of these passenger menta and lotions that only go skin ships is equal to the needs of a city deep. Yott .nn speedily cure rhea- Gf almost 3,003,030 population. matisin with Dr. Williams' Piuk In the furnaces twenty- pounds of Pills, which enrich the blood, drive iii are required to consume a cut the poisonous acid and loosen pound of coal. Thus twenty tons of the stiffened, aching joints. Among air must he driven through the the thousands of rheumatic suffer- grates of the furnaces every day. urs cured by Dr. Williams, Pink With the temperature at 100 de - is Mr. W. A. Taylor, Now- grecs, this means that 26,100,000 castle, N. 11., who says:—For a cubic feet of air enters the furnaces number of years I was a great suf.- every hour. A pipe ten feet square ferer from rheumatism which was supplying this amount of air would seated in toy shoulders and knee develop gale conditions with wind joints. I tried liniments and bliss ),lowing at fifty utiles an hour. tering, but with no effect. In fat the trouble was getting worse, i:ad my knee joints grew so stiff that they would snap if I stooped, and 1 could scarcely straighten up. Al- tc!;ethcr I was a terrible sufferer, "And nothing I did or took gave me any relief until 1 began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink )'ills. I took the Pills steadily for a couple df months and every vestige of the trouble disappeared. That was two years ago, and as I have had et return of the trouble I feel safe in assuming that the cure is per- manent." Nine -tenths of the common ail- ments that afflict humanity are due to had blood, and as I)r. Williams' Pink I'ills actually make new blood, GAME FOR SP.INISH KING. Alfonso Will Follow English Me- thods of Gatno ('reserving. It would seem that the King of Spain was much impressed by what he saw in England last shooting season in regard to English methods 1 f game preserving, and is desirous of turning his experience to gond account in his own country. "His private estate, known as the Casa de Campo," says the Field, "con- sists of two largo parks, one of be- tween 5,000 and 6,000 acres, and an - that is the reason they cure so ether said to he seventy miles in many different troubles, such as circumference, fenced in with a high anaemia, indigestion, rheumatism, wall. Pheasants do well there, and eczema, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, red -legged partridges are numer- paralysis and the ailments of girl- ous. With a view to increasing the hood and womanhood with all their !:umber of pheasants and improv - distressing headaches. haelcaeless ing the shooting generally, his Ma- im! irregularities. Sold by all me- jest' has commissioned an English dicing dealers or by mail at 50e a :Sportsman, W. W. Watts, to organ - box er six boxes for 82.50 from The ire (natters for the coming game 1)r. Williams' Medicine Co., hr,,,_k-, season and give the necessary in - silk, Ont. struetions to the head keepers. Mr. Watts has already taken with him to Spain 2,000 pheasants' eggs and a good supply of liens' eggs and live fowls, so that, if all goes well, the shooting next season will be a revelation to Spanish sportsmen, IRI'RN 1'1' ONE HUNDRED TO %S especially if the keepers are in- structed, as no doubt they will bo, to get rid of some of tho furred and feathered vermin, which are said to be numerous." BABY'S OWN TABLETS A BOON TO CHILDREN WHAT BIG ILINERS EAT OF COAL PER 1),IY. Stupen,lons Higures Concerning Ce;iI. Steam. Water and .lir C'unstimed. t•--iii'aielennent t the dimensions of the two great 1' ars, Lusitania and Mauretania,- h. s subsided. It 16 taken for granted that nothing is too great in size to float the Atlan- tic, and that the limitations of speed of the liner of the future A medicine that will keep babies and young children plump and Food natured, with a clear eye and rosy skin is a blessing not only to the little ones bus to mothers as well. Baby's Own Tablets is just „ easily may be that of the limited such n medicine. They cure all the stamp. railroad train. minor ailments of children and But in the period of interest in make thein eat well, sleep well and Signals of Danger.—Have you lost these two great sister ships some play well. They are used exclusive- your appetiteHave you a coated of the most startling of facts con• lv in thousands of homes when a t4'ngue 1 Have you an unpleasant ferning them were not accessible to child medicine is needed. Mrs. G. taste in the mouth! Does your the public. The stupendous figures Collins, Hirkella, Man., rays: —head ache and have you dizziness) concerning coal, steam. and water ''Baby's Own Tablets are the most If so, your stomach is out of order rrensumed by one of these leviathans satisfactory medicine I have ever 'triol you aced medicine. But you l r,ly recently are leaking out for used for ills of young children. do not like medicine. He that pre - the wonderment :,f the world. That They are as good as a doctor in the fors sickness to medicine must suf- Nneh giant vessels could be propel- home." Sold by medicine dealers led through the water at 25 tnilesf or by mail at 2bc a box from The :.t: hour and niers, day after day i)r. Williams' Medicine Co., hinted at an enormous consumer- Brockville, Ont. tion of coal. )fere are sonic of the concrete figures. STORY: 7,000 TONS FOR TRIP. 1 Zam-Buk Saved Odd Fellow's Finger "The only thing I can do now in to take the finger com- pletely off. It caliuot other - Wt',) be cured." So said one of the leading doctors of Tor- onto to Mr. W. C. Elwarde, P.D.C.AI-A.O.F., P.0 .M.I.O.O• F., the well-known Friendly .`society healer, of Peter Street, Toronto. Zr,ni- Pak proved otherwise. Mr. Edwards out finger badly and blood poisoning fullowed. Ho Hays: "Tho blued poisoning spread up my hand and arra and cause,) oto terrible aoonv. After two months treatment the doctor said there was no curo, and am putat on would have to take piaci, if 1 intended to rave the arra. My hand at that time was ell sac ellen up and discolored, and I had to carry it in a sling. I left that doctor and consulted another. After a few weeks' t reatment Lo also told me that operation would be necessary. That night I ba' hed the wound and put on some Zam-Buk. 1 got a little aloe:, fur the first time for many nights. In the morning the wound began to ble.4 ins:cad of the foul discharging a4 ic the past.OThis was a healthysign so I went on with the ' am -Bo. Well, to cut a long story short, in a few days 1 put away the sling and in a few weeks the finger was healed completely. To -day that finger is as sound as a hell and 'I owe it to Zam.)3uk. 1 spea.t over $20 in doctor's fees and yet Zam•Buk, at -ugh a trill;ng cost, saved mo from a.mputat'un." Z.•tin-fink cures eczema, ulcers, cold sores, chapped places, cute, burns, bruises and all skin injutics and diseases. Also cures pies. Ail drug- gists and stores Me a Lox. et- pest fr.o Zane -Bull Co., Toronto, fur price. IN Rl'SSI.1N PRISONS. Are Hotbeds of all Kinds of Disease — EspecialO Typhus. The prevailing conditions of the 1;esiuu prisons are described in u ..d article in "Free R.tssia." la the Ekaterinoslav province the , Isons have become hotbeds of all .,.ds of disease, and typhus has :'cad from them to the general n .1 nl rs •ection was made by a Again :\n iProved Once gain in the Cafe! of =1 .tuission of the prison of Mrs. Fred. Krieger. ►►ho Satfer- 1..,;lgansk, and the oflieiul report ed frons the 1Wurst Forms of .;.,Mused a horrible state of things. Kidney Disease. The Lougansk jail was built to con- . tale at the utmost 134 prisoners, Palmer Rapids, Ont., Nov. 2. i•.,t at the time of its inspection it )Special).—The thousands of Cana- dians who live in daily term: '. f those terrible forms of Kidney )Dis- ease known as Backache, Gravel and Rheumatism, will be deeply in- terested in the story of Mrs. Fred Krieger, of this place. "I was for years a great sufferer from Kidney Disease, Gravel, Kneu- matism and Backache," Mrs. Krie- ger states. "It all started th'•oueit i. cold, but I got so my head ' e:led. I was nervous, my limbs were heavy, I had a dragging sensation across my loins, and I was totally unfit to do anything. "Reading about wonderful co-ed; by Dodd's Kidney Pills led me to buy some. After using a few I fouu.i they were doing me good and this encouraged me to continuo their use. Eight boxes made me well. "I have been able to do my own work ever since and to -day I am completely cured. Dodd's Kidney Pills gave me health and I fe a new woman." If you keep your Kidneys strong and healthy you can never have Backache, Rheumatism or Gravel. Dodd's Kidney fills never fail to make the Kidneys strong and well. 114 - NICKTATIONT. "I said not what they said I said," He said, and saying, shook his head; "But what I say 1 say I say, And say I said my say this way." THROW AWAY ALL YOUR FEARS 11.1t'K.1('IIE. G11.1VEI, AND ltllcl M.1T1'11 ►'.1NIs1i BE- FORE, l)Ol)D'S KIDNEY 1'11.1,S. :►trtned 1'34, and it was ascertain - ,' co that at times the number rose t, over 420. The capacity of the solitary cells was calculated to hold air enough • for one person, although in each of these colts six unfortunates were crammed. Lr half of the general number of the "kameras" the win- e lows do not open at all, and there it no ventilation. In the greater number of these rooms some of the !prisoners nee so ill that the) can !not leave their "beds." There are neither beds nor sleeping berths •u the common cells; five to six per 1 sols have to sleep ou two mattress cr, thrown on the fluor. It has been stated officially that the prisoners' linun had not bee:, changed from Christmas till May i Tho hospital is overcrowded, yet :not all the patients have beds or any kind of bedding; some lie on the bare floor, others on iron bed- steads a ithout any protection from the iron bars. Medical treatment is supposed to • he given by a dot tor, who, however, receiving the magnificent salary of two guineas a month, leaves practi- cally the whole prison to the ten- der mercies of -a feldsher (an assist- ant of very inferior medical train- ing). MOTHERS! Give the Children a Chance. Spanking does not cure children of bed- wetting. There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Summers. Dorf 103. %%-incisor, Ont,, will send Tree to any mother her success!ul home treatment, with full instructions. Send no money, but write her to -day if your children trouh!et you in this way. Don't h`.aine the child, the chanes are it can't help it. Thi, treatment also enres adults and aged people troubled with urine difficulties by Jay or nights THE FIRST OF I'i s KIND. Philos (sagely shaking his head) —"There is nothing new under the sun." Justwed (with timid reluctance ave.you seen my baby 1" 1BIG MONEY for agents setting our toilet soars Lots inalclugtis ofaday. Write at once for full particulars to the SOAP SUPPLY C3.. Box 32T. Toronto Allitili -z:iLa WE ARE LOOKING For a representatite in your town to handle a new idea in publishing n magazine. 1f interested act all w•t ito for particulars. Supplement I'ub. Co.. 73 'York St., Toronto. GOOD ONES. "There are five reasons why I can't get married." "What are they 1" "A wife and four children." Disgusted Uncle ---"I stall leave my money to t)e poor and needy." Nogoud Nephow—"'Heaven bless you, uncle; I always said ) ou wouldn't leave the out." 1,000,00o RAW HJAS N'ANTEO SKINS Ilighe,t pricer paid. write for price list. Addles 8tiilaan Nrnthaw, asap Break. Annapalls co, ARE YOU SICK ? Alk tor particulars abort my natural reme,l:e,. til: re vitro i,1 a.]ry csxe. Y.1 year.' ex- ]] erien,-e In Germany, Eng!aud and ('anada. 'the tacolslor Chemical Welts, i Menton Street, Berlin, Ontario. E WANTED:: la e•er, l.cal:e _Y �1 L to t�aaa�ac an -�....�os the t ,•,:,t _beef to .0.e,t,3, :,.' ,..a. t+,k ua a!w.a.s. In an cca; c,.a.e peaces an dhstrtttute small .rt.e,,,uag enat:,r. cumn.t..on or tab t -s per ion•, .n.l e,pen-ea s1 per lar. Sready ,.cry IGa year ,,.'I.1 en•.r,!y nee I,.a; no *speck:nee sequirs4 Um. for 1 : -. as, WM. R. NA2\EQ mtD. co., Leaps, thL, Caasda. X11 PIANOS Do not let a cold settle on your lungs. Resort to Bickle's Anti - Consumptive Syrup at the first in- timation of irritation in the throat and prevent disease from lodging in ;e the pulmonary organs. Neglect.,) colds are the cause of untold suf fcring throughout the country, a'1 of which could have been prevented by the application of this simply but powerful medicine. The price, 25 cents, brings it within the reach of all. +nt"AL�i)li�i Ari aUu )— SOME ONE WILL FALL. II An excavation in the street may —� isrot bo a temptation, yet some per HE HELPED WITII THE LETTER The Must Popular fill.—The pill run will hurry along and fall righbeautiful the roost popular of all furors of t into it. Visitor—"That was a beautiful medicine, and of pills the most po- .— pular I had from your mother yes- lal' afO I a1'nielce 8 Vegetable A SKIN THAT otitis with swum% and it today, Tonunie." , Tommie—"YOB, but I had to help Pills because they do what It Is as- t;Tared with erupti.mmthat dwhar_entitintitr•I. � m. be made sm,..(5 end etibtl) rah Nerve , her with it." ac clod Uley can do, and are nut put •urate. slut thi. external remedy shuuid he user! Visitor—"help her with it?" forward on any fictitious claims to is c• a)unctiuu with wearer's Syrup. excellence. They are (•ompact and Tommie— Pca; I licked the portable, they are easily taken. \WASTE. they do not nauseate nor gripe, and It is a waste of (floc W worry they give relief in the most stub- about the future. Things will be born cases. __ all right a 'teethed years from now HAPPINESS. --as far as you aro cancerned. "Sonic folks' idea of happiness,'' is 4 a •• on e r --res: 1•.c. L said Uncle Eben, "is to hab so much money dat sley'd have t•1 work fob teen hours a day foil de res' o' der lives to keep 'count of it." fer, but under the curcurnstances --- (he wise pian would procure a box A SKr: T'IIA•i• nt•nvs with eutronet, and 1, of Parmelee's Vegetable fills and a -.cert' 1 w.th ernpti..n.lhatdi.rharje t tldn tl1'4! L''':7 t,, mole amnulh ta.l .iglrtlyy with wes,vr•+ speedily get himself in health, and Cerate. But lhi+ oxtenial reme,ly should t» w.4 strive to keep so. da a .tyutictloa with wearer's syrup. ARE CANADA'S BEST AN, rvESrroJY attOWE IT r.t's Te BUY THE LEST Sent for our Free Catalogue No. 73. Boll PlCOJ b OEpa1 Co., Iid.. GRA 01 Makers of Call Ptinos. Sell erases.nd Auteno:n P vier Planes. QUEEN CITY WATER WHITE Gives Perfect Light. :\ N APT It ET0I1T. lli the bonkers of one of theseTraveler- Say, bey, your corn looks kind of yellow. c�•sels 7,009 tons of coal are stored i Boy—Tea sir. That's the kind 1,.r 11..' Atlantic trip. This rne.'insl we planted. I" 115 coal cars of 100,000 powutai Ti voler—Looks as though you rapacity eaeli would be required to, will only hate a half crop. 1. .141 these bunkers to their capa-1 Bev—Don't expect any more. The (tv. This would require five ilvlti-! landlord gets the other half. iter locomotives and the crew of five' Traveler (after a minute's trains to deliver this one loading ea coal at the docks. rnur•h of this coal is burned .1 the average trip is known to only a few privileged persons. Bat it is know n that in round figures each vessel consumes 1,000 tons, or 2,- 100.000 pound•, of coal eat•h tw•enty- f, us hours. In each ship are tweii- 1.•five boilers, each with its yawn iiia firebox (underneath seething' f.lainly indicate character and did under forced draft. This means petition. In selecting your wife, that into each of these furnaces were you governed by her chin 1'' *0,000 pounds of coal lutist be fed epcutow—"No; but I have been 1 eery twenty-four hours—the ea ever since we married." l,acity, virtually, of the greatest coal carji .(ilwny eervic•e. thought) --tiny, there is not much t'.iffero'tee between you and a fool. Buy --No, sir. Only the fence. You can make richer. more fra- grant, more delicious tea if you use "Salada." One teaspoonful makes two cups. Steep five minutes. T)awson—"The facial features Each pout 1 of coal shoal(' de- telnp nine pounds of steam. This gives 1,see. h') pounds of steam which pa: se+ .'.ere• twenty-four hours throngs the ship's turbines. ellasnesse Black Watch Chewing Tobacco Rich and Sati4vin . The big black it!ti '. • t Mother Graves' Worm i.xtermin- ator has the largest sale of any similar preparation sold in Canada. It always gives satisfaction by re- storing health to the little folks. - SUICIDAL FLYING i•'ISH. 4' FOR SALE. BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE. Lt Japan, the bride's playthin✓s are burn' d, as part of the cern THEN SHE'LL TELL YOU. money, to signify that she has dont "Tell me," said the lovesick illi her childhood. yo youth, "what's the best way to find out what a woman thinks of you 1" Marry her '1" replied Peckham TAR JAPS did 11. They supplied the Menten. I►ronlptl)•. found in the "D i 1." %loath ,1 l a ter, which re• lie,ee instantly bacaacbe, hind who, nearatsta, rheumatism add sciatica. Your alleged funny stories will always get is laugh from the man who owes you money. trio Oil is without a peer. Well It is only neccsa(tr to rend the rubbed in, the skin absorbs it and testimonials to be cuntinced that t, affectyed dapIt permanently lies in Holloway's Corn Cure is unequalled the alfcctcd part. .its value mica in g for the removal of corns, warts, it magic rom heprbody, of !for that rte. It is a complete extinguisher. ! goo 1 ain qualityhit list prized. for that It Lays a Stilling hand on fain. —For pains in the points and limbs and for rheumatic pains, nuralg:a and lumbago, 1)r. Thomas' Eclee- "If anyone asks for me, Janies, I shall be back in ten minutes," said the principal. "Yes, sorr," replied the Irish office boy; "and how soon will y'ou be back if no one asks for you 1" THE BIRD OF TIME. Mrs. Wing—"I declare I'm get- ting quite gray and I used to have such lotcly raven hair." Mr. Wing—"Well, you can't ex- pect to hate raven hair and crow's )io tris APTRR MOSTtl a end Mfckit aaa feet at the sante tune." seem. to tear h le, In y..ar tbr..at. Are y -,u aware that ren a stutrb,.ru and long neglected cad 1) (diel Wath .(lien's Ifanj Italarm 1l;ougb aN Native trees are hsed as tele - ferry sotaster. graph leis, In parts of .las a. HINUOO WOMEN. The present awakening among the Ilinduu women is said to be largely The Indian Ocean is singularly de- due to tho men of India, who are toil of fish and bird life, but one anxious to have educated wives and night dozens of flying -fish flew on daughters. At ;,he last convocation board it vessel there. They were (.4 the Bombay unitcrsity two ilrah- attracted by the lantern on the min women took degrees. For the fore -mast, against which they dash. first time this year Hindoo women ed, and fell stunned to the deck. in were graduated from the Madras Appearance they are very like a university. At Malabar university, sand mullet. The wings resemble Srimati Amnia passed the langunge an extended dorsal fin. and open examination for the degree of A. and shut like a lady's fan. Not only 1t.. She is married and the mother are they edible; they are a dish for of a family. Some time ago she on epicure. took the fine arts examination. it - — — it said, at the express desire of her :1 girl hasn't tench use for a husband. She is a teacher in the young clan who carries his small local girls' college and en -editor of change in a pocketbook. the Baratta, a literary journal. TN U A. J. PATTISON CO. 33-35, SCOTT ST., TORONTO. Stock Brokers and Financial Actin is COBALT and other stocks bought and .-old oil conlini. si011. Corre&. !1lltnice invit- ed. Orders !nay he wired at our expense, .ttttt+ k ddidellidECIDAIILASICIMMITAII210ellrileatP177.1X11137; a t...4. T' '011:1i�'J'T_; .a MAN UFACTURERS IN1 ENDINOI TO 1.0.;All IN TORO\ j'O Vt'II !. Ideal Manufacturing 1'rt:m i ;`s IN TRUTH BUILDING Flat 3 2,000 to 10.000 Square Feet Each LOWEST RENTALS, IN_LUI)INtI Steam Power, Heat, Electric Light Fire Sprinkler :is stent, Lowt t 111o5t Central Lt.ation, 1 Large Freight Elevators. S. I'r1ink Wilson << Soni, 73 -SI .1(11.1:li;le St., 11.(,x1 tar PRINTERS II CAMPBELL P "SIVE!' CI 3F1 "i17 0 X tY'1: _: Ca INT asxjG int.)' bed, cost .:.i.?cs•), Lou Will bc Sold for $400 Cash In order to make room for larger and fa.:ter natatinca. It is in good runnint; orc:er, as it has just beset thoroughly overhauled by a competent) machinist. The Wilson Publishing Co., Limited, INst E NO. 45-08 73 Adelaide St. 'i-oruntoe