Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-12, Page 1SI to JAN. '10 NOW IN THE TIME. to subscribe for the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low CIubhRates TWENTY1fIRST YEAR. der tibot EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOV EMBER 12. 1908. le Wedding Invitations In New eat Types On Best Papers The Finest `Val k And Itivht fries.. The Advocate Office,' Exeter SANDERS & (RFECE The Old Reliable You Should See Our New Underwear The Stanfield Make -washable-no finer for Ladies. Children and Gents—ranging in price from— Ladies,' 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, and $1.75 Children's, Beautiful Goods and Prices that Suit: Gents,' 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and $1,50 FURS FURS FURS In the ds we carry a is; .. Al range. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ WE wish to call your at- tention to our New Lines of Dress Goods, Clothing, Millinery, Footwear, &C. The duality of these goods speak for themselves. The prices talk econ- omy. Give us an opportunity to show them. Highest Price Paid for POU LT R Y, dead or alive, Highest price paid for produce—Futter 21c. Eggs 21c. Highest Prices Paid for Dried Apples, present quotation 5c lb. CARLING BROS. dieatherbloom Skirts for wear and comfort beat all others!!! We sell them. Also;, swell line of Satin Skirts in the latest style from $1.00 up. SNELL & ROWE Phone No. 22 erofessl•■al Cards. DR. 0. T. ROULSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST Member of the R. 0. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor •,.deaf. of Toronto University. O11110E: Over Dickson k Carling's Law Ottb e, In De. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. Da. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. Honor graduate of Torooto Uolverietr. DENTIST, emu extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Odes oTer Olsdman k Stanbury's office, Main Street tsstet. Medical DR. T. P. McLACOIiLIN Has resumed practice after spending a year (Col. lege) at British and Continental Hospitals. General wattle. with special attention to Eye, (with refrac- tion) Ear, Nose and Throat. Office: Dashwood, Ont. t Legal. DICEBON k CARLINO, BARRISTERS, BOLICI• ton, Notaries, Conveyan^en, Commissioners /OKcltots for Motions Bank, etc. SOtey to Loss at lowest rates of Interest. Offices, Main street, Eseter, 1. a. Oaatere, B.A., L. H. Dreams _ONEY TO LOAN. We have a large amount of private funds to loan a farm and tillage properties at low rates of Inter est. OI.ADMAN k STANBCRY, Barrister, SoHcitors.M.ln st., Exeter On B. 8._Oit.I.UPg, ExICT)cn. ILIIsed Auctioneer. Sale, attended 111 ail parts. Satisfaction gnash. teed or no pay. Terms reasonable. All orders left at Advocate Office will be promptly attended to William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal Incorporate.! Society Of YnsIclans, England; Organist of Trhftt Memorial Obereb,Eteter. Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory 01 Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont, J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. F.ALE AGENTS WANTC'1).-136 per week or 400 per cent. profit. .U1 sam- ples. stationery, and art catalogu.'s tree We want one p(rmane.it agent In this locality for the largest picture and !re • house to America. Experience un- - cssa77. We Instruct you how to n' ou'r goods a:;4 furnish Vie capttai. you want a permanent, honorable. a • ptofttat•lc position, write us to -day : partt''uLers. catalogue and samples. (-'rank w. Williams Company. 1: t t W. Taylor St., Chicago. 111. L� CAIRNS, VETERINARY SURGEON. .1 • — • Successor to Da. Rnts&T, Special Attention to Dentistry. Night calls left at the home of Mr. Peter Barden Main street, (opp. Truitt Memorial Church), will be promptly attended to. EXETER, • ONTARIO. Office -Dr. Ramsay's old stand, corner of Main and North streets, (opp. 1'yoi, Blacksmith Shop). Your patronage solicited. Valuable Farin Property for Sale There is being offered for sale that valuable farm property, consisting of east half of lot 7. lots s and 9 and south halt of lot 1•,. con. 4. Colborne, containing 200acres, on whilt there is erected a good brick house, large bank barn frame stable and shed, and other conveniences. This property is well suited for general farming and gassing, and ai11 be sold in part or enblock, to suit purchaser. Easy terms of payment. For particulars apply to "THOS. CAMERON. Auctioneer, Farquhar, Ont. MARTIN BROS., Prop. STRAYED HEIFER. There strayed from the premises of the undersign• edLot 2, Con. 2, SS$.hen, a two-year-old heifer, color red, weight sut 830, small horns. Any per- son giv Mg Information leading to her recovery will be liberally- rewarded.-BYRON E. HICKS, Centra- lia P. O. Teacher Wanted. For S. S. Nlo. 4, Stephen, state salary, qualitIation and e operierico. Duties to commence the beginning of new )es.rLae. JOHN O. WEIN. Crediton P.O. Roosters for Sale. 1 have a few nice Co•kril Plymouth Rocks for sale. Speak quick. T. it. CARLING. House and Lot for Sale Horse Thief Arrested. � Shooting Match Maurice Shaw, a French boy who has been staying in and around Exeter for some months, was arrested in Lon- don on Monday on a charge of steal- ing a horse from W. T. Colwell's barn at Centralia on Nov. 2nd. The horse was valued at $170. On the following Wednesday the thief sold it for $100 to Wm. Anderson of London Tp., who paid $1 down. promising to meet Shaw in London and pay the balance. On Monday Shaw procured a horse and rig from W. G. Bissett, stating that he was going to Lucan, and drove to London, where he was arrested, and on being Riven a hearing before Squire McAvoy was remanded for trial to the 10th. It is supposed that Shaw in- tended to sell the Bissett horse as well but his arrest prevented it, and the beast was kept in the city for Mr. Bis- sett who went for it Tuesday. Lumley Miss Annie Nilson of near Zurich was the guest of her aunt, airs. John Glenn over Thanksgiving. -The Misses Fair - hall of Bala, 31uskulta, wno were vlstt- hng 'heir cousin. Miss Tillie •Sin.a•on t, for tiee past few weeks, rteturned home on Tuesday. -The Mietsce Dickson of Seaforth were here for the first of the week with relatives. -Quite a number at- tended the hot supper at Chiselhurst oat Tuesday evening. The proceeds a mounted to $104. --alias Maud Glenn has returned tenni a four months' visit to the middle west and the Pacific coast -The farmers here a re busy plowing. The dry weather in the fore part of the treason Throws them late with tall Work. -Miss M. Carrol of Seaforth was here for Thanksgiving the guest of her aunt Mrs. John Glenn. -Geo. Ilobkirk, jun.. his purchased a new driver from Mr. M^Laren of Hibbert. George believes in keeping abreast with the times. There hu been placed in the undersigned's hands for sale, a brick house, nearly new, 1' , Korey, high containing rooms besides rm.mcr kitchen an•{ woodshed. s good cellar underneath the house. a good well of water near door, also good drive house and stable on the lot. 'The lot contains 3-5 aeras of land in good Kate of cultivation on which are a good number M first clops feat bearing trees. The property is well fenced and everything in first class shape. This Is a very desirable property. nicely sit- uated. suitable for a retired farmer, or any person wanting a nice tMy)ome. Satisfactory reason gir en for selling and will be ,old for tar less than coot. Foy terms and particulars apply to R. 8. PHILLIPS. Auctioneer, Exeter. Ont. Tai Notice lain to at the TOWN HAIL each Friday and on Dec. 12. 14 and 15. from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.. for the c:1• tion 0 taxes W. J. SISSETT. Collector GiRLS BOYS GIVEN THIS MEANS TOD- Panting encs, cameras. fraiche•. mov- ing recture machine. rifle.. tea .eta. i,what!x.gest in5ma.hints. c tos.k..so. erware.e. ld hr.,itrets rings ardInnbcaar J,:! premiums given a.. ay f..r err 1) S. HAP 1tl'1111!'R. c. 'r .- ' ATLAS Runner( CO. (t. f' 17S 1 (ti•• Clearing Auction Sale —OF— VALUABLE FARM STOCK. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by Public Auction at the METROPOLITAN HOTEL, EXETER ON SATURDAY, NOV. 21, 1908, at 1 o'clock sharp. the following valuable erol.ert;, v!r. Horses -1 four-year-old driving mare, by Racola; 1 three-year-old colt, by Rontus; 1 two-year-old Per.heron colt. Cattle -5 cows. supposed to be in calf; i yearling heifer; 5 yearling steers; 5 two-year-old steers; 1 three-year-old steer; I two-year-old thoroughbred bull. Sheep -4 )amts, 2 urea. Positively all the above stock will be sold as the Proprietor has rented his pasture farms• TERMS -19 month: credit :leen on furnishing vpproved Joint notes. 5 per cent. c8 for • ash. B. S. PHILLIPS, JOHN FORD, Auctioneer. Proprietor. Executors' Sale OF VALUABLE FARM The Executors of the Estate of the late JOHN MIA RP, deceased, will offer for sale by Pub. lic Auction --On— WEDNESDAY, NOV. 25th, 1008 At 2 o'clock shard., on the premises That valuable farm, containing 1(0 acres more or less, being Lot 4, Con. 17, Stephen Township. Upon the premises there is* dwelling house, large barn 40x70. upon stone foundation, small orchard. At the some time and place there will be offered for sate 1 mare, 1 cow, etc., etc. TERMS AND PARTICULARS made known on day of sale, or by application to OEOROE SHERRIT? C,reuton JOHN SIMEKRITT (' 11. WILSON, KENNETii GOODMAN, Auctioneer. Solicitor for Estate. fated at Parkhill this 8th day of November, 190'3 Auction Sale Of Farm Stock and Implements. The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auction on LOT 27, CON. 1, USBORNE --nS— The only attraction for Thanitsgiv- ing Day int Exeter was the shooting match on the Gun Club Grounds, giv- en by R. W. !Nutley in connection with the Mansion House. A large number of spectators were present, but the number of shooters was not large. although soave good scores were made, J. Triebner and W. E. Sanders making 10 straight and Fred Kerr and J. 'Triebner making two 0's each, and I? each on a miss -and -out, when the birds were all gone. J. Triebner made the high average, getting 50 out of 03. Event No. 5 was for targets, the others being for live birds; Not. 6 and 7 were miss -find -out; and No. 4, for the sup- per. The supper event was won by J. rriebner's side against F. Kerr's side, 34.32. The sides were J. Triebner, F. Triebner, T. Routclifl, C. Dinney, N. D. Hurdon, J. Bissett; and F. Kerr, S, Webb, Dr• Sweet, D. Cook, R. Dinney, W. E. Sanders. The following is the score by events: - Events 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Birds 10 10 10 10 10 F Kerr 8- 0 4 7 0 3 8 S Webb 7 5 3 6 3 0 N D Hurdon 3 2 3 3 J Bissett 7 6 S J Triebner 10 8 8 0 0 4 8 F Teichner 0 5 0 T Dinney 0 J Wood 4 W E Sanders 10 8 :3 '2 3 Dr. Sweet 5 D Cook 3 R Dinney 3 T Routcliff 5 C Dinney 3 O Stanlake 1 FRIDAY, NOV. 13T0, 1008, at one o'clock p.m.. sharp. The following valuable property: HORSES -1 heavy dnught colt, coming 2 years old; CATTLE- 3 cows in calf. 3 year-old steers, 4 Sear• old heifers, 8 8pring caves, I M PLEM ENT$- (tinder, mower, seed drill, manure spreaier, hay rake, land roller, ecuffler fanning mill, turnip sower, gravel box, wagon lox. stock rack. hay rack. wagon, buggy, root polper plough, set of diamond harrows. bag truck, Knits cradle, grind•stonee, barrel churn, grain bags, quantity sap pails, sugar kettle, Msgnet cream separator, set of single harness, set plow harneas. riding saddle, water trough, etoting, forks, shovels and other arta• cies too numerous to mention. A quantity of Ilay for cash. Positively no reserve as the proprietor has sold his (arm. TERMS -fly and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit given on furnishing approved Joint notes. 5 per cent. per annum off for cash on credit amounts. 13. S. PHILLIPS, P. McTAGGART, Auctloseer. Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and implements, and Household Effects. Exeter School Report. Centralia r 1 T11ANK8(1I1 INtr DAY V ISITORS.- Rev. W. H. Butt with his son in De- troit; Mr. and Mrs. W. Spencer, of Stratford, with Mrs. Anderson here.— Miss Gladys Essery, of Alma College, St. Thomas, at her howe here. -Mr. Ww. Oke and niece, Marjory, in Mit- cbelL—Miss S. Swann, our teacher, with her patents at Fullerton. -Rev. G. J. Yelland, of Adelaide, with our Pastor and family at the Parsonage. - Mr. Frank Boyle, of Exeter, with his mother here. -Miss Allie Wilson with London friends. — Miss Laura Butt rendered excellent solos and readings, which were well appreciated by a crowded house at Londesboro Monday evening.- Mies Lily Elliott, of London spent Thanksgiving under the parent- al roof, -Chao. Clark, editor of the "Comber Herald," visited at the Meth- odist Parsonage last Thursday. -On account of the ansence of the Pastor, Rey. Kestle, of Exeter, occupied the pulpit in the morning and the evening service was taken _by the Epworth League, who rendered a fine song service. -An excellent chicken supper was held here Tuesday evening of last week. A splendid program, consisting of speeches by Revs. Robert Hicks, G. J. Kerr, E A. Fear and W. H. Butt, our Pastor, beautiful solos by Miss Vera Essery and Mr. N. E. Hicks. a grand duet dv Misses Butt and Neil, and lovely choruses by the Choir. Gardiner, Clearwater, Man. ; Mrs. (leo. Monteith and Airs. Robert Kydd of Us - 'orate ; airs. Chas. Isaac, Regina. The funeral takes place to the Exeter cent. etcry today (Ftiday,) Lied In lite Wagon. -This community was deeply ahoc•iced at the sad news of the sudden death of Mr. Alex. Turnbull, who passed away under extremely sal circumstances on Tuesday last. The dee ceased had left honte In the mornln-; in his usual health with a horse at.3 i:ghl wagon for Exeter where he had gone to hwite a sieau pu;vitaso of resumer and other articles, 'fhls he had done and was on his way home, but when aro* ceeding East on the Thames Itoad he was noticed by Dr. Ifyndman of Exeter and others sluing in the rig with his head down as if sleeping. Later he was noticed to fall out of the rig and on clos- er examination it was discovered that he was cold in death, and was eviit-- ently dead when the doctor passed hint. Ileart trouble is the supposed rause _of death. The body was removed to his home and the shock was a severe one to his wife and family and many friends In the neighborhood. Mr. Turnbull was a native of Usbornc and a son of the late David Turnbull. He had rea-'nee/ the age of :.0 ycars,10 months, 2: Gays. The deceased leaves to mourn his sud- den taking off, a wife (formerly Miss liackncy)and a family of six sons and two daughters, who will have the pro- found sympathy of the whole community The funeral will take place to -morrow (11iday) to the Exeter cemetery. For the month of October. H. S. Department. Form III -K Collins 77 (honors); I Marchand 71. L Heywood 71. 13 Mar- tin 71, E Willis 71, I Rowe 71, J Mc- Mahon 70, A L Martin 68. T Sanders 68, J Oestreicher 07, L Snell 01, L San- ders 1x3, L Hodgert 62, K Stewart 00, W Birney 60. No. on roll 30, daily average 26.71. W. B. Weidenhammer, Print. Form II. -W Monteith 74, 0 Kestle '73, J Graseick 7I, V Sweet. 68, 11 Trieb- ner 68, N Amy 67, C Dunsford 67, G Ford 65, L Hern 00. No. on roll 22, daily average 20.1.4. S L Gregory, Teacher, Cutnt't li al- Sr. -G ,Bissett 81. F Beaver ,a (honors); 0 Wood 71, E Wood 67. Jr. -13 Boyle 81, F Hunter 77, H Pope 75 (honors); L Handford 61. Form L-A Bissett 84, W Weismill- er 70, C Copeland 78, G Hooper 78, W Stewart 70, I. M Frayne 75, M Elson 74, E Southcott 72, H Sweet 72, 0 Wood 71, G Dearing 71, 0 Atkinson 69, L Grieve 60, R Knight 68, B Hog- garth 66, L Rivers 65, 13 Atkinson 04, E Howey 61. L Rowe 63, G Passmore 62, I. Boyle 62, L Stacey 01, W Siilery 61, 0 I'ickard 60. C Harvey 60, H Han- lon ctrl. No. on roll 43, daily average 41. A. M. Johnston. Teacher. I'. S. Department. Sr. IV. -It Bissett 82, E Brickwood 75 (honors); 1' Dearing 73, C Heywood 72, M Barrows 65. Jr. IV—R wood 80, I Rivets 80, M Carling 81, L Snell 83, M Acheson 79, L Treble 79, J Sel- don 78, A Beverley 70, I Hardy 75 (honors); W Heideman 74, G Bissett 73, F McPherson 72, R Balkwill 60, V Rowe 65, N Jones 61, E Brock 03, No. on roil 33, average 30. C. Vosper, Teacher. Sr. I11.—L Harvey 95, I Sweet KJ, E Balkwill 81, M Jones 80, L Taylor 79, 0 Hodgert 70, It Rowe 70 (honors); E Harvey 71, ti Snell 73, M Blatchford 73, 0 Anderson 66, L Kastle 65. S Hec- tor (31, T Fear 00. Jr. i IL -W Man- son 79, 13 Hodgert 78. L Marchand 77, M Senior 77, M Case 70, L Redden 75, F Howe 75 (honors); E Horney 73, 1} Rivers 73, E Day 69, E noway 60, I, 13 Handford 60, M Heywood 05, A Bell 115, 0 Macdonald 63, J Brickwood 61. No. on roll 47, average 43. Elsie A McCallum. Teacher. 81'.lt.--M Hicks 89, A Mack 82, H Parsons 82, F Wood 82, i Delve 81, E Davis 78, F Bowey '77, M Meldon 77, P Jackson 77 (honors); M Huston 73, .1 Russel 71, J Ferguson 69, I. iiastings 61. Jr. 1i.--M(Badman 0K3, L%nelle530, 13 Homey KS, (1 Fitton 81, 0 Wells 70. A Carter 77, 0 Ford 76, M Vincent 78 (honors): D Holden 74, D White 74, E Dinney 72, A Johns 72. No, on roll 37, average 31. II. M. Kinsman, Teacher. Jr. 1i. - M ikay 74, E Johns 71, R Marshal) 73, M Pickard 62, .1 Ilurdon 50. Jr. Pt. ii. --M Patterson, (1 Car- ling M Kydd, J Norswortby, 11 Boyle, P Collingwood, W Itendle, V Marshall. No. on roll 11, average :38. F. W. Iloward, Teacher. The undersigned Auctioneer has been !nitro ted to sell by Public Auction, at Lot 2.2, South Boundary, Hay. Mile East of D,t'liwood TUESDAY, NOVEMBEit 17th, 1908. at 12 o'cla k sharp, the following valuable property, HORSES -1 aged marc, supported to be in foal to Non Parole; 1 mare 10 yeah old. in foal to Albion III: 1 mare years old, in foal to Albion 111; 1 two•year old gelding; 2 sucking colt.. ( ATTLL-3 cows in calf to thoroughbred bull, 3 farrow cows; 1 3 -yr -old steer; 1 steer and 2 heifers, 2-yrold; :steers and 4 hetfen I -yr -old; 7 spring cal - les. SHEEP -5 Tourer ewes. HENS-SOyoune hen'. IMI'i.EMEhTs-McCormick binder and mower; Noxon drill and cultivator:sharp hay rake: two fur- row gang plow, walking plow, Set diamond harrow. fanning mill, rt wake, cutting tax,rind stone, wheel barrow, sugar kettle. root pulper. lumber waggon. 1-revated carriage. hay rack, pair bot-deif�M, set douhle bane's, doyen grain hags. forks spade% shovels, ehains, and a number of other voided attk• les, too numerous to mention. Also a quantity of Ilousehel 1 Furniture. Pc.itively no reserve as the proprietor has rented his farm. TERMS-- t and under. cash: over that amount 12 months' credit given on furnishing approved Joint notes. 4 per sent off 1.4 cash on credit amount.. 13. 8. PHILLIPS, JOHN SNELi., Auctioneer. Proprietor. tVecidine',-The home of air. and Mra. Geo. Haynham, Centralia, was the scene o: a very pleasing event un .Vednaday Nov. 11 th, it being the marriage of 1 hair 5ou,,gcet daughter, Minnie at., to air. C.►ae. 31. Mltche)1, a prosperous young farmer of that vicinity. Promptly at =.;t(. p. m. the bridal couple wino unattended, entered the parlor to the sttalne of the wedding rnarcit ably ren- dered by Mies Freeda Baker, and took their place in front of a bank of flow- ers, beneath an arch of red, white and blue, with the customary wedding bell suspended from the centre of the arc,,. rhe bride was gowned in a dainty dress of white silk eollenue, trimmed with rib- ber., and bridal veil of silk chiffon, and caught up with orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of white chrysanthemums and was giver. away by her father. Immediately atter the ceremony, which was performed by the Rev. W. H. Butt, to tnc presence of 30 invited guests, congratulations were showered upon the young couple, after which all repaired to the (kilning room, where a dainty wedding lunch was ser- ved. After all had done justice to Inc Inner man, the conipany returned to the pztIlii', wher•t the% enjei eel a rare, muss - fecal treat, and vlaved 111. gltts t,!•. h were both costly and numerous, show- ing the high esteem 111 wLich the young couple are held. Among the many pres- ents was a handsome: ,tug-iwro !hand- led carving set, the gift of the Centralia baseball club, of winlcn tt.c groom Is a member. The groom's gift to the bride was a handsome sable ruff. The young couple left that evening on the 5.15 trait on a short honeymoon trip. The bride wore a travelling suit of navy blue chevron serge with hat to match. On their return tete will reside on the groom's flue farm On the town line be- tween McGillivray and Stephen. The best wishes of a host of friends is ex- tended to the young couple. Sr. Pt. ii. -A Taylor 94, It Cornish 93, I) Knight 77 (honors); 1i Hector 72, V Welsh 72, M Mussell 70, M Hardy 00, F Fanson 08. Mid. Pt. iL—L Walker 81, M Walker 78 (honors); \V Jacobi 71, M Morlock 73, I Eaeterbrook 72, W Davis 72, W }fainess 71. Jr. Pt. 1}. --0 Harness 82, C Mallot 78, A Cornish 7K, M Bedford 75(honors); V Sweet 71, 1. Dearing 68, G Kelly 07, 0 Morley 62, W Brown 00. No. on roll 37. average attendance 35. Mildred Martin, teacher. s The following is the report of S. 8. No. 4. t:ebornte.-Sr. 1V.-1ledlcy MaY. 13. Davis. T. Coates, C. May. A. Stein` ner, Annie McCurdy, \%. Walker. Sr. 1111. -Lena Coates. A. hunter. Veda Balding. V. Coates. Jr. 111.-T. Skinner. M. May. Fred aVcl•ber. S. McCurdy. Jr. 11.-G. Hunter, 7. 1'Inrombe. V. lifeks. R. Thompson. 11. hunter. It, Wcbher, Carrie Thompson. Pt. 11 -11. Coates. C Davis. af' Thompson. Sr. Pt. L -Vice -a Hicks. M. Skinner, A. Harding. Jr. Pt. 1.-I',cre:a Carl. w. ♦frc•uidy. E. Thomp- son. Spelling honor Ito11-1l. May and C. Mey. hatold Swann, Teacher. TIM HIP'S 'Wild Pioneer Passes Away.-Attother of Iluron's worthy pioneers has been called from this life, Mr. John Allison hav- ing died on Tuesday evening last at' the great age of @1 years, 4 months, Mr. Allison had not been well for some time, a general breaking up of the sys- tem having attacked him about tour months ago when he was compelled to take his btd, and from that time hat, been gradually weakening until death snapped the vital cord. Mr. Allison was horn In gayrehlre, Scotland, and came to this country when but two or three :•cars of age, first settling In Cobourg. From there he moved to Pickering and .(bout 55 years ago came to this district where he settled on the farm on whf_!, he died. Ile was lndustrlous, shrewd :tad careful, al;d possessed in a con- siderable degree the qualities which al- most Invariably bring success 1 n this life. ht was a member of the Presby- terian church and In politics a eau, Reformer. 11esides his aged partner t.• leaves a grown up family of nine -four sons and five daughters -John of Cs - borne ; Andrew and David of Rotvland, SSG: William of Regina, flask. ; Mrs. Fr.:.r. 1Iantilto n. of Iliblx•r1 : Mrs. Wm. BIRTHS Schnell. -On the Gosheta Ltne, Hay, on Oct. 31st, to Mr. and airs. David Sch- nell, re daughter. Truenuier,-Un the Goshen Lite. flay, on Nov. :., to air. and Mrs. D. Truenuter, a 808. JOHNS -In Elinlville, on Nov. loth, to Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Jobos, a son. CLARK -At Grand Bend, on:Nov. 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, a son. HILL -In Tu -onto, on Nov. 5, to Mr, and Mee. Fred Hill, a son. MARRIAGES. MITCHBLL-BAYNIIAM-At Centralia, Nov. 11, Charles M. Mitchell to Min- nie M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynbani, both of Centralia. MACE-CatiLINO-In Exeter, on Nov. 11, William Dennis Mace of Tor- onto to Miss Florence, daughter of the late Isaac Carling, of Exeter. DEATHS DKc3I3toNn-In Chicago, on Nov. Otb, William Drummond, in his 38th year. TtURNttrt.l.-In Usborne, on Nov. 10th. Alex, Turnbull, aged 50 yenta, 10 months and 27 days. ALLISON -In Usborne. on Nov. 10th, John Allison, aged 81 years, 4 mos. Andrew --Ln Ellmvilic, on Friduy, Nov. lith, Eliza Andrew, relict of Cie late Samuel Andrew, aged 74 years, 5 months, 28 days. Whitely. -In Clinton on Oct. 3i). Cath- arine Whttely of Tuckersmith, aged 511 Thomas. -In Clinton, Nov. tat, Martha Crich. relict of the late Thos. Thomas„ aged 87 years. He's going to quit the old way. The Old Way to Cure a Cold -- The New Way Take Howey's Cure -a -Cold Capsules -Ma nlfacthted nnly by W. S.NOWEI,Phm.B, Chemist and Optician I'hone 5O Give Us The Signal when you are in need of any of these goods r We handle only the BEST ()wen Sound Portland Cement. Samson Brandi Paroid ltnofing, 1 and 2 ply Raised Track Barn Door hanger- $1.10 to $$1.2.i pet Fiat Track Barn 1)001 Hangers OOc to f%c per Parlor Door H 'risers (single and double doors) (:lass, all sizes in et... Lock Sets, ant. copper, 550c to $3.'t) Wood Heaters, $1.50 to 1115.36 Baseburner*, 520.00 to $10.00 ('nal Heater', 810.00 to $22.00 Stove Pipes, Elbow,', Stove Boards, (i:bland h Souvenir Ranges 8 rant..n s► SEAMAN'S HARDWARE b STOVE STORE