Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-05, Page 7LIKE 'I'l1ORNS
IN THE rum'
Ira the Sh tl'p Twin,l:s and 'ra-
tu i s of ithaum,atisl---D .
P'illiah ' Pink His a
Certain Curl.
Itappeuing in the Emerald Isle of
Interest to Irish-
71ir• tet robes and the tortures of Tho sea and inland fisheries of
rheumatism are not duo to cold, Ireland for too lust year show de -
damp weather as so many people chiles, .Athabasca Landing, Alta., Oct.
imagine. Itheuruotisnt comes from Miss Mary l3eirne recently died 26 (Special).—That Kidney Disease,
poisonous acid in the blood. The at Lisheeu, County Roscommon, neglected in its earlier stages, leads
pains may be started by cold wea- aged 10. years. to the most terrible suueving, if
Cher, damp weather or by keen A farm containing about 65 Irish not death itself, and that the one
winds. There is only one way to acres, in Italllbtowu, Co. Wexford, sure cure for it in all stages is
cure rheumatism. It must be treat- was sold for 4tJ,2o0. 1)odd's Kidney Pil,a, is the experi-
ee through the blood. All the lini- Thomas Reilly, of Newry, in poor Inco of Mr. James E. Brant, a
Inents and rubbing, and so-called circumstances, is claimant for an former residing near here.
electrical treatment in the world estate of 45300,003. Mr. Brant contracted Kidney Dis- good.
will not cure rheumatism. The acid bast year's 1,400 entries for Old- ease, when a young man, from a The most singular thing about a
that causes the disease must he castle Show (Co. Meath) went up strain, and like hosts of others, man of genius is his estimate of
driven out of the blood and the by over 300 this year. neglected it expecting it to go, himself.
blood enriched and purified. It is Coleman Sullivan and John Me- away itself. l Dreams of golden streets will not
because Dr. Williams' Pink Pills lit, were drowned in the wreck of But it kept gradually growing pass in place of deeds of the Bilden
make new, red blood that they have a trading boat on Galway Bay. worse. till after thirty years of in rule.
cured thousands of cases of rheu- The keel blocks of the biggest creasing suffering the climax came, 1 Religion is moral trigonometry
matism after all other treatment liner ever built, the Olympic, of the untl he found himself so crippled worked nut on a base line touching
had failed. As a proof of what Dr. White Star line, were laid in Bel- that at times he could not turn in two worlds.
Williams' Pink Pills will do oven fast. t.ed, and for two weeks at a timeNo man van ever be great who
in the most severe eases of rheurna- Mrs. Pilkington, an aged woman, it was impossible for lith to rise is not willing that many should
tism, the case of Mr. David Car- who lived alone at Railway road, from a chair without putting his think little of him.
rol, a well known furniture dealer Darwin, hanged her dog and then lurids on his knees. 'The more a liar gains in self con
.11,"' of Piston, N. S., may be cited. Mr. herself. Ile could not button his clothes. fidenco the greater his losses in
Carroll says:—"I have been a most Castlerea Guardians have decid- He was troubled with Lumbago, Public confidence.
sever sufferer from rheumatism, ea to substitute Irish cured bacon Gravel and Backache, and tried He who runs away from all sor-
and in the hope that sonic other for the American product for the medicines for each and all of them row is ultimately drowned in the
poor sufferer niay find relief from inmates' dietary. without getting relief, till good slough of despond.
my experience I gladly write you Belturbet Urban Council has luck turned hire to Dodd's Kidney You will find nothing of the di -
of the benefit I have received from awarded the contract for installing Pills. vine if you refuse to obey the voice
1)r. Williams' Pink Pills. The an electric light plant in the town l Dodd's Kidney Pills start3d at of everyday duty.
trouble settled in ray shoulders and to an English firm. the cause of his troubles and cured Folks who sit up nights worry -
down my sides and at tinges I was Mr. Alexander Torney, a Model his Kidneys. With cured Kidneys ing over their crowns are asleep in
quite unable to raise my arm. 1 school teacher of Belfast, died from his other troubles speedily disap- the clay when crowns are earned.
was attended by a doctor, but as , injuries received by being knocked reared, and to -day he is a well Every one knows the color of the
did not appear to be getting any down by a runaway horse. pian. sermon that conies when a blue
better I sent for a so-called el4e- Not within living memory has the If you cure your Kidneys with preac:ier takes up a yellow subject.
tris !telt for which I paid $10.00. It rainfall in North-west Ireland been Dodd's Kidney Pills you will never If an honest man is the noblest
did not do me any good and then 1 to heavy and incessant as during have Lumbago, Rheumatism, Heart work of God, it is easy to under -
tried another remedy, but without the early part of September. Disease, Dropsy or Bright's Dis- stand how some have lost their
any better results. A friend asked An invitation has been extended ease. faith in the existence of the C'rea
ins to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, to Lord Pirrie to return to Belfast ----- i--- --- tor.
and I got three boxes, by the time Corporation and take an active part—'
TOLD "CHUCK „ —4 — --
I had used them all 1 found the ie the public life of the city. 101.11 DUKE TO CIll'('K IT.
stiffness and pain less severe, and The Local Government Board A MAGISTRATE INVESTIGATES
I got another half dozen boxes. have sanctioned the proposed wat- Indian Mutiny Veteran Gave -1d- ZAM_I3UK.
When 1 had taken these every erworks for Westport, and have vice Regarding Arany.
synipto►n of the trouble had disap- granted a loan of 842,500 to carry The Duke of Connaught is telling
j peartd and in the two years that out the scheme. an amusing of Ilia recent
have since passed I have had no re- Mrs. Crowe, who died recently in of amusinjosPecg story Egypt. cent visit
turn of the trouble. I believe there her 99th year, was probably the was in Cairo be went for a serge
is no other medicine equal to 1)r. last surviving child of a member of
Williams' Pink Pills for curing this the old Irish Parliament, \Villiain ene morning, and on his way back
iuost painful trouble, and I have Hoare Hume. to his quarters he came face to face
recommended the Pills to others1 The Russian sailing vessel Orient, with an old Englishman wearing
who have been benefitted by theirwith a cargo of salt for Limerick, the ribbon of the Indian Mutiny on
ttse." from Gloucester, became a total
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills not only l wreck at Ballydavid Head, outside
cure rheutnatism, but all the other Snierwick Harbor. Six of the crew
diseases due to poor watrty blood, were drowned.
Poch as anaemia, indigestion, nem- Messrs. Harland & Wolff have se-
ous disorders, neuralgia, St. Vitus' cured an order from the Belgian
dance, paralysis, and the ailments Red Star Line, which is Dna of the
with international combine companies,
of girlhood and womanhood,
C' -w their head chest backaches, side fora 15,000 ton liner for the Ant -
aches and Cendant miseries. Only werp-New York service.
the genuin Pills can do this and
you should see that the full name,
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People," is on the wrapper around
leach box. hold by all medicine
dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box
or six boxes for $2.50 from The 1)r.
Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
DID FOR tlll►1
7 hen He Used Dodd's Kidney Pills
and Revalue a %%ell Man Illy
Experience a Lesson for You.
Self-denial is self-discovery.
Love does nut stop at the boun-
daries a liking.
It's easy to get tangled up is
truth's castoff clothe.
He has no force with men who
l:as no faith in thein.
People who are true blue never
suffer much from the blues.
Your use of .eisure throws a light
on the whole; of your life.
Self -realization comes through
service ;or social redemption.
Whether life shall be desert de-
pends on the springs in your heart.
When a man brags of iris square
dealing look out for his sharp edges.
Proving the crookedness of other
lives will not straighten your own.
There's one unfailing cure for the
blues; brighten some other life.
This world is always godforsaken
to those who have fursaki ii the
Novel and Fascinating Sight in
Franco -British Exhibition.
One of the most novel and fas-
cinating eights among all the fas-
cinations of the Franco -British Ex-
hibition in London is the soap bub-
ble fountain in the British Hall of
'rutile and Chemical Industries.
The fountain consists of a double
basin surmounted by a graceful
figure, concealed under the base is
ar electric motor, air blast and
pump; the first drives the two lat-
ter, which force soapy water
through a pipe connected with t;7 Any person who drinks 95e tea
different outlets, each elle of which a and once tastes 30e "Salada" will
emits thousands and thousands of I see that it is not only finer in fla-
bubbles, which in over -changing. ‘„r, but that as one pound makes
hues fall tike a kaleidoscopic cos- many more cups, it is economical
rade round the baso. tr• use.
In the daytime it is a marvellous
eight, but at night. when innumer-
1(Lle electric lights beneath the
bubbles are turned on, it is the
most dazzling scene possible, and,
borrowing the expression from the
"Arabian Nights," ono might most
aptly speak of it as the ''fountain
of a thousand jewels." so sparkling
se radiant is the effect.
A fire occurred recently at Des-
mond's Carriers' yard at Cork. The
flames were so fierce that 18 of the
horses stabled on the premises were
burned alive, and two had to be
shot to end their sufferings.
In the Autumn Rheumatism is so
general that all our readers so suf-
fering will he glad to hear that a
letter addressed to The I)r. Wil-
liams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
Ont., will be to their advantage.
V rite to -day.
It's a waste of time to tell a man
1'e is a liar ; if he is, be knows it.
ATI u u LA NT to the stomach. thereby
aiding digestion. As a tonic for
patients recoteriog from fevers and all
diseases lowering the vitality. It Is
a,tnoul a rival. At all drug and ges-
etal *tors&
Every time you get your own way
you snake an enemy.
Hardly any
t,. Lows how
ratan is clever ennugh
important he isn't.
Says It is a Wonderful healer and
Does More Than Is (Tainted
For It.
No household remedy in existence
has won such glowing tributes from
people in high places as has Zarn-
Buk. Mr. Roger F. Perry, Justice
of the Peace for British Columbia,
tested this famous balm, and this
his breast. The Duke stopped and is what ho says of it:
spoke to the man about the niili- "The Pavilion,
tory service forsome little timo. (goldfields, B. C.
Presently the man said, not know- "To the Zam-Buk Co.,
ing, of course, to whom lie was "Gentlemen,—After a very fair
speaking, "Are you in the array trial I have proved 'Lam-Buk emin-
yl,urself, then, sir 1" The Duke ently satisfactory. In my case it
smiled, and admitted that he was. eared a skin rash of five years
"Getting on all right t" was the standing which no doctor had been
next question. Whe Duke smiled able to do any good for.
again, and said that he had not, "I would certainly encourage any
very much to grumble at on the person to keep Zam-Buk in their
whole, though perhaps he was not home. It truly does even more than
doing quite so well as be could you claim for it. For my own part
wish. "No, and you never will, 1 would not now be without it in
my boy," was the surprising retort the house. Yours very truly,
of the veteran. "What you want' (Signed) "Roger F. Perry,
in the army to -day is either brains
or a tremendous amount of influ-
ence behind you. You take my tip,
cid chap, and chuck at.:"
Prevent Disorder.—At the first
t'ymptonrs of internal disorder, Par- cera, eruptions, of s, edema, and makes women strong, plump and rohnst. Just IOnd RIO your address,
n:elee'e Vegetable Pills should be chafing sores, ete. All druggists and the free ten days' treatment is yours, also rhe hook. Write to -day. as yot, may
resorted to immediately. Two or and stores sell at 50 cents a box, not see this olTer again. Address: MRO. M. SUM AEU, Box 103, Windsor, Ont.
three of these salutary pellets, tak-, or from the Zam•Buk Co., Toronto,
cn before going to bed, followed by
doses of one or two pills for two or
three nights in succession, will
serve as a preventive of attacks of
dyspepsia and all the discomforts
which follow in the train of that
fell disorder. The means arc simple
when the way is known.
The report of a cannon has been
heard oter 140 miles away.
PLICASP: Al?AR IW M1R11 that what
is7 called • skin disease moo be but a
Wavers oCer'st .Dies blood. In
should be .u;,plemanted with Weaver's
f3yrup, takes daily.
10. The Difference Between Poor and Good Cabinet Worh
( It is a fact not generally known that very
few sewing machine manufacturers pro-
duce their own cabinet work. This is a
distinct industry in itself.
CI The Singer Company owns and operates
the largest and best equipped factory in
the world, exclusively devoted to the
rroduction cf the highest grade sewing
machine cabinet work.
(J Only the finest woods procurable are used.
To insure the proper selection of these
woods, a corps of expert wood rangers is
employed, whose duty it is to purchase
individual trees, the grain and growth of
which entitle them to use in Singer cabinet
CI This is Avhy Singer cabinet work, besides
being the most durable, is also the most
beautiful,—the Singer process brings out all
the richness and natural beauty of the wood.
said only by
Syn tclr Sewini rWnchfne Connnny
312 Manntn; Chambers 613 Saar et Trade tray -00 Mean atrt.et
33-35, SCO'T'T ST., TORONTO,
Stock Brokers and Financial Agents
COBA T T and other stocks bought and sold on
tlL 1 commission. Correspondence invit-
ed. Orders may be wired at our expense.
I am a woman.
I know a woman's sufferings.
i have tound a cure.
I will marl. Iree of charge, my home treat.
went with full instructions to any sufferer front
women's ailments. I %%;int to tell all women
about the cure --you, my reader, for yourself,
our daughter, your mother, or your sister. I
want to tell you how to cure yourself at home,
*•ithoui the help ova doctor. Men cannot un-
derstand w. men's sufferings. What we women
know from experience, we know better than
any doctor- I know that my home treatment
is a sate and sure cure for all female weak-
nesses peculiar to our sex.
I want to send you a complete to days'
treatment entirely tree to prove to you that you
can cure yourself al home, easily, quickly and
surely. Rememaei coat it will cost you nothing to give the treatment a complete trial;
and if you should wish to continne, it wilt cost you only about is cents a week, or
les% than two cents a day. it will not inter ere with your work or occupation. just
send me your name and address, tell me how you suffer, if you wish, and 1 will send
you the Treatment for your case, en irely free, in plain wrapper. by return mail. I
will also send you free of cost my book—"WOMAN'S OW4 MEDICAL ADvISEe," with
explanatory illustrations showing why women suffer, and how they can easily cure
"Justice of the Peace for B. C. themselves at home. Every woman should have it, and learn to think for herself.
Zam-Buk titters from ordinary Then when the doctor says--" You must have an operation," yen can decide
salves and embrocations, for while yourself.
ur ,all,oldoryoung.f To Mot Mothave hers Daugured ters, themselves with
explain haute simple home
these mostly contain animal oils treatment which speedily and effectually cures Painful on.] Irregular 51enslnlation
and fats, Zam-Buk is purely herbal. in young Ladies. Plompneee and health always result from its use.
ste, sores, ul- Wherever you live 1 can refer you toladies of )'our own locality who know and
It soothes and heals e
'I will gladly tell any sufferer that this Nemo Treatment +rally cures all woman's dill -
The strength of a woman lies in
the display of her weakness.
It will be noticed in the Singer
if your children are troubled with Sewing Machine Company's adver-
worms, give thein Mother Graves' (isernent that there are three ad-
Worni Exterminator; safe, sure dresses at the bottom of the an -
and effectual. Try it. and mark the eounceinent. Any one writing will
improvement in your child.
— --�— — ('tuba for men hate added much
.After a roan gets through with a to the comforts of home.
please address them at the nearest
ene of the three places to his post
lawsuit, no matter whether he wins ill fitting hoots anti shoes cause :1 STRAIGHT TIP.
or lures, he is apt to wish he had
-ed the case. corns. Holloway's Porn Cure is Jfistress---"I don't want you to
have so much 1,1inpitny. You have
more callers in a day than I have
in a week."
Domestic—.'Well. mum, perhaps
if you'd try (4) be a little more
Mistress •-- "Bridget. it always agreeable, you'd have as many
seems to me that the crankiest Mends as I have."
mistresses get the best cooks."
Cook - '• Ali, go on wid yer blar-
net• :
nmp�n�l the article to use. (Set a bottle at
—+ --"' once anti cure your soros.
"I am satisfied that Baby's Own KNh,1\ .
Tablets are indispcnsible to moth -
i rs." says Mrs. Abraham Boucher,
nerre%IIIc Mills. Qne., and she
adds: - ••Bef„re using the Tablets
my baby was cross. peevish and not
thriving well ; but the Tablets have
worked a great (-house and my lit-
tle one is well and happy.” This is
the verdict of all mothers who have
ltsed these Tablets. And better
still, mothers have the guarantee of
a government analyst that Baby's
'turn Tablets are absolutely safe --
:hat they contain not WIC particle
,•f opiate or poisonous soothing
:off. Sohl by .11 medicine dealers
• l by mad at Y3 cents n box from
The 1)t. Williams Medicine Co.,
MRtickeille, (Jae,
.1 commercial traveller was brag-
p:ng about the magnitude of the
firm he represented. `•1 suppose
our house is a pretty lig estab-
lirhment 1" said the customer.
"Big? You can't have any idea of
its dimensions. Last week we took
an inventory} of the employes, and
f,•uud out for the first time that
thteo cashiers and four bookkeepers
were missing. T;Iat Q'iii Rive you
sotne idea of the magnitude of out
able for
flavor. The big black
plug chewing tobacco.
for price, 8 boxes for $2.50. Ted—"Why is that roan laugh- A woman judges the vaiae of a
+ ingl" Ned—"Because he buugnt letter by the length of the posts
A camel can carry three times as a horse cheap." "And what's the script.
Isav-y a load as a horse is capable other chuckling over 1" "He sold
of d,riu the horse." One Peet ls Seiler thaw Tea Me•rseys.—
g Ask Dr. Borges% dupe. tloopital for lnssne. Mow
{rest. ler hes opiates of Tbs 11 a i.- !Huth.%
Plaster. Turd rolls $I, also Ilse. tla1.
If a woman would reform her hus-
band she should begin by selecting
his tailor.
Coed Housekeeper Wanted
In comfortable home in Toron-
to ; trust be thoroughly clean and
systematic tthouther work, and un-
derstand gond plain cooking. Small
family; good wages. House maid
kept. Address, stating experience
and give references, Mrs. Wilson, 5
Dale Avenue, Rosedale, Toronto.
The Beefeaters, the King's body-
guard on State occasions. consist of
a captain, six other officers, and
140 yeomen.
It is an Officer of the Law of
Health.—When called in to attend
a disturbance it searches out .•ie
hiding -place of pain, and like a
guardian of the peace, lays hands
upon it and says, "i arrest you.'
Resistance is useless, as the law of
health imposes a sentence of per-
petual banishment on pain, and
Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil was ori-
ginated to enforce that sentence.
When a man is worl.ing fur wages
hir wife likes to speak of their M-
et -me.
Do Not Delay.—When, through W ARP'. ALI, FAMILIAR with the
deep, Soares hart, trimly rolled
debilitated digestive organs, poison ravr-yard (441511 ' aTakc Allen's Lung
Nalsatn, a remedy for ulmunar 1100' ARE YOU SICK ? A�* t •r parlirnlsw
finds its way into the Hood, the Y 1' y Abut m natural
tit highly t • o:amen,le,l taco ,n L41 1
prime consideration is to get the •artier stages of Consumption. remedie. cure , t.. 0. •,7 .•we h1 rears et•
pY.•:tenre In Nern:,n., 1 4,,'.. J and ('*nada TFe
poison otit as rapidly and as thor T.,eCl.b (t,en:i 1f 11.,11., 19 kenton street,
(•ugly as possible. Delay may mean
Wayward lT ,bbs I used to bel Il.ru,r oat*
disaster. Pnrnelee's Vegetable
a mi5kntan, lady ; atter that I west
fills will be found a most valuable a sailrlr.'' Mrs. handout—"Quite' B As " ®C,� S S
and effective medicine to assail the a diffcry ace of locations." \\+1:•
intruder with. They never fail. ward Itencte —"Oh, 1 don't kn,,N rat s''1 FUR MSNU/ACTUR[R! ;Isis go at once to the seat of the On nay' first voyage 1 was at l l,, +..earl nr 1n l a , e, &ut ',:env l ,i" Np'-- al
par.•, 1„le i••:a tt rate 11: rAt�l,•�
trouble and work a permanent curt. pumps !test of the time.”RAW FURS find GEN SCNt3
e rite f a 1,r„. .
Regarded as one of the most po-
tent compounds ever introduced
with which to combat all summer
complaints and inllantation of the
hi;wels, Dr. J. 1). Kellogg's Dysen-
tery Cordial has won for itself a re-
putation that no other cordial for
the purpose can aspire to. For
young and old suffering from these
complaints it is the hest medicine
that can be procured.
The village carpenter hail given
F I generously of his services and
found advice towards rebuilding
the school that when it Was com-
pleted the villagers agreed that be
should be asked to speak after the
luncheon which was to follow the
opening service. The clay and the
carpenter's speech come.
"Ladies and gentlemen, dear
friends.” he began, his brown face
very red indeed, "I am a great deal
better fitted for the scaffold than
for public speaking." Then he rea-
lized what he had said, and ,at
down amid roars of laughter.
Fortunate is the pian a ith a pull
—providing he doesn't pull the
wrong way.
'f N c
D. 11. BA11I OD & El. 7` 51n; 11. 1111, Torente
kut)Rs IT PArs TO
1:e1,1 1r •.a• r•`•
Ate: •rr.e N•
rt c B:'11 PION) & Nall CO.. Ud.. GUI i i, d;tl
twin er ri,( Pianos, rill Oreara ars
1 s S 1 1; NO. 44- Ott Aa:1H IM ► rya►'ranee