Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-05, Page 5This Week We Are Showing 2 six -octave and 1 five - octave second-hand or• gans, cheap for CASH OR TIME. In New Pianos weave some very fine instruments, Sewing Machines in all the leading makes and styles. Our Prices and Terms are of the most liberal kind. Stationery in all the newest styles at away down prices. \Ve will be pleased to show you our goods. 8. MARTIN&SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are noted for the quality of their goats. exetet' Abuo tete EXETER - - ONTARIO $1.00 if paid la advance, whina year if sot so paid. Te USItN States SsbecrIMrs�I.$O t�r a Yesr Strictly if Asysrce• SANDERS a CREECH, Publishers. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. A Tho great Uterine Tonic. and only bate effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three deereea of ttrc ugth-No. 1, $1; No. 2. 10 degrees stronger ' • No. 3. for s social c� esseusi per box. Hold by all d it , or sent prepaid on us pt of price. Free pamphlet. Address : Tr COOSIIEDIDINICs..ToI011TO.OsT. (joreurly W;ndaw� Shipka Peter McKenzie ham returned from the West. -John A. Breen has also r_'tui li- ed from the West. -Din Walker of (';are Mich.. formerly of tale place, Is vis;t- int; friends in this e-inity. K r K ton There died In St. Marys on Monday. Oct. 26th. Harriet Davis, rell-t of the late Nicholas White, in her 70th year. Deceased Is mother of Messrs. Joseph and Gill White ot St. Marys, and Oliver White of Ilamlota, Man,• formerly o' St. Marys. The funeral took place of Friday. October 30th, interment being held in Kirkton cemetery. The woman who bit Dr. Chisholm with the stone at Wingbatn on the night of the election must be a warns politician. BLOOD DISEASES Guaranteed Cured or No Pay. If you ever had any contracted or hereditary blood disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison has been removed from the system. You may have had some disease years ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you. Some poison still lurks in your system. Can you afford to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury or mineral drugs used indiscriminately -they may ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe specific remedies that will positively cure all blood diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad effects on the system. Our New Method Treat- ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen out hair will grow in, and swollen glands will re- turn to a normal condition, and the patient will s feel and look like a different person. All cases 1_,.asar sanssas'ssui4 we accept for treatment are guaranteed a com- plete cure if instructions are followed. Reader if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctor; tvho have no reputation or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been estahlit:ed over 20 )ears. WE CURE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and Secret Diseases. Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. If unable to oast write for a Question List for Home Treatment. DRs.KENNEDY& KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Bt Griswold Sts. All clsscs of people feel the desire for privacy fa c^nnection Cita their bank : c: tf it is kept in anther city one's friends or relatives learn nothing about it. They have no means of know irg unlcs; the depositor so desires. By depositing your money with this Company, or by taking a 1 0 debenture, you save more satis- factorily and successfully. There is no more sound financial institution in Canada in which to place your money. Interest on deposits is compounded quarterly and debentures are issued at 4 per ccnt. per annum half yearly. Write to this Company for particulars respecting banking by mail. Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont. Six in the Family IaniorIng for Dessert One Package .,/ELL—O Will Satisfy them all. Very Economical. Prepared instantly — Simply add boiling water and serve when cool. Sweetened Just Right. Flavored just Right. No Cooking. No Fussing. No Worry. 7 Choice Flavors, at all good grocers. New Illustrated Recipe Book, Free. TIL GitISII Pelt/ FOOD CO.. RRIDGUV'RG, (AMA Highest Award. Gold Medals at 5f. Louis. Portland and Jamestown Expositions. If you value your health avoid cheap imitations. JELL-O costs a little more, but - t l'' AP i� rli� V The back is the mainspring of woman's organism. It quickly calls attention to trouble by aching. It tells, with other symptoms, such as nervousness, headache, pains hi the loins, weight in the lower part of the body, that a woman's feminine organism needs immediate attention. i<n such eases the one sure remedy which speedily removes the cause, and restores the feminine organism to a healthy, normal condition is LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. J. A. Laliberte, of 34 Artil- lerie Street, Quebec, writes to Mrs. I'inkham : " For six years I have been doctoring for female weakness, heart and nerves, liver and kidney trouble, but in Lydia E. I'inkhatn's !Vegetable Compound I can safely say I have found a cure. " I was continually bothered with the most distressing backaches, headaches, and bearing down pains, and I kept growing more and more nervous. " Lvdia E. Pinkhatn's Vegetable Cotn- pouncl relieved me of all these distress- ing symptoms and made me a well woman. I would advise all suffering wvotncn, young or old, to use Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positivelyeured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing -down feeling, flatulency, indiges- tion,tliuziness,or nervous prostration. Farquhar. \Vm. Towers leaves this week to live with his daughter, Mrs. Carmichael of Hensall, while his daughter Lizzie, will visit with friends for a time.— Arch. McCurdy and family moved in- to their new hone recently vacated by Mr. Towers.—Mrs, Fletcher of Thanes Road, who has been confined to her room for two weeks or more, as a result of blood poisoning, contracted by coming in contact with poison ivv in the garden, is improving, although slowly.—Rev. McIntosh of Mitchell preached in the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening and in response to his appeal for Foreign Missions a col- lection amounting to $60 was taken. -- Rich. Crocker of Exeter has just com- pleted a line well for Mr. Cameron, the well being 40 ft. deep and Z2 ft. of wat- er. It is needless to say the old gentle- man is pleased with the result of his labor.• -The other day while working at a threshing at Ed. Stone's, James Ballantyne had the misfortune to lose $15 out of his pocket --a ten and a five dollar bill rolled up together,—and strange to say after some considerable time was spent in searching the money was found in the straw snow after evidently going through the machine, as Mr. Ballantyne was engaged in cut- ting bands. The money was not dam- aged beyond a slight tear in one of the hells. We presume Jim will be more careful of his money in future. VU\V IS iIEST TIME TO TAKE A well known authority on Rheumat- ism gives the following valuable though simple and harmless prescription which any one can easily prepare at home. 'Auld Extract Dandelion, ono -half ounce; Compound Kat Kon, one ounce ; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three owpces. Mix by shaking well Ir, a bottle, and eke a teaspoonful atter each meal and ct tx dtinic. 11,1.e l,cr, obtainedlirstates from(any1t:goodigredlpresrr!pntecatt sben pharmacy at small cost, and. being of vegctaoit retraction, are harmless to take. This pleasant mixture. If takes reg- ularly for a few days 1s said to over- come almost any case of Rheumatism. The pain and swelling, it any, diminish- es with each dose. until permanent re- iulte are obtained. and without injur- Ing the stomach. While there are many so-called Rheumatism remedies, patent emelt: o:es. etc., some of which do give relief. few really glvc pe,mancnt results end the above will, no doubt. be greatly appreciated by many sufferers herr at this thne. inquire at the drug stores of this neighborhood elicits the information ih :t these drugs are harmless and can be Sought separately, or the druggists here will unix the prescription for our read- ers If asked to. i'arkiiill.--A pretty wedding took place M St. Thomas when Mies Margaret it. Snaith was united it Ntarr:age to itcv. Est! A. I'ou,ter. of Seymour Lake. Mich., ,on of D. Poulter, Parkhill. ' Mitchell—Tl,e marriage took parr In I Goderlch on Oct. 26th of Leo. \Vhlt•y, G. T. 11. brakesman of this place. and '•kiss Florence Virginia McDonald of Goderlch. They will reside In Goderi' h ppen.-Wm. Butts or the 2nd con. TuesersntiU,, while picking apples. from a tree and so severely Injured ::..1t he waa U:aoasctous for some hour.' r tough 1,0 bones were broken Mr. Butts +t as laid up for severe; days. Heiueall W. McLaren and W. Dougall have returned bonne from the Weet--Emily Aline, the infant child of Duncan Mc- Martin, passed away on Wednesday, October 2let, aged ll month The in- terment took place in Brussels ceme- tery.—Mrs. Cantelon of Clinton is here the guest of her son David.—Miss Laura \Veisman of Kirkton is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson. —A carryall load of Methodists drove from here to Eliunville Wednesday to attend an Epworth League and Sun- day School convention.—The rural telephone line from Dublin has come within a short distance of Chiselhurst, and now the people of that section are anxious to have the line extended t the last named place .nd then on t Hensall. This would give connectio with quite ,t stretch of country.—Liu Cameron tripped over a rope on ele tion night and fell hurting his fac considerably.—It is reported that M House has disposed of his harness bu iness to Mr. Donaldson of Clinton an has purchased a business in Brussel —Nelson Sutberby has moved into th house vacated by Mr. Yuill. Zurich Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Kalbfleisch of Detroit are visiting their parents in town.—D. S. Faust attended the "For- ward Movement" convention at Berlin last week.-- A. Brisson has rented S. Rannie's fart" near St. Joseph for a term of years.—Miss Olive \Veselob left for London on Wednesday, where she has procured a good position.— Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kaercher of the Bronson Line will leave for New Dun- dee and will take up their residence there, with their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Toruan.—Mrs. Peter Ben- der took seriously ill un Thursday fore- noon best but her many friends wilt he pleased to hear that she is improving. —Mr. and Mrs. R. Schwartzentruber of the Bronson Line, left on a short visit with friends at New Hamburg.— The annual election of officers of the W.C.T.C. was held on Oct. 2Sth, at the home of Mrs. D. Koehler, which resulted as follows: Pres., Miss Ethel Williams; Vice -Pres., Mrs. C. Hey - rock; Cor-Sce., Mrs. Merrier; Rec.-Sec,, Mrs. Gischler; Assistant, Mrs. Koehler; Treas., Miss Ella Rannie; Organist, Miss Lizzie Rannie. Departments of work, Evangelistic, Mrs. P. Bender; Press, Miss Ethel Williams; Purity and Mother meetings. Mrs. Heyrock; Lumbermen, Mrs. Williams; Parlor meetings, Mrs. Fritz. DEATit--Samuel Erratt, a respected young farmer of Stanley township, died ou Tuesday, following an opera- tion for appendicitis. The deceased was a son of the late Isaac Erratt, and, owing to his quiet and kindly manner, was highly esteemed as a neighbor and friend. He had reached the age of about 38 years. His widow, who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Robin- son, sustewillined- feel keenly the loss ebe has 0 0 n b c - e r. 5- d s. e How's ThisP We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cane of Catarrh that cannot be cured by hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CIIENEY & Co., Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Witorxo, Ktaxas it ]Isavur, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di* rectly on the blood and niucom surfaces of the st-.teen. Testimonials sent free. i'rke Tv. per bot- tle. Sold by all (Druggists, Take Hall's Faruily I'ills for constipation. Lineal) Jas. Ross is moving into his new re- sidence which he erected this summer on the site where the old Trinity church used to stand.—Mr. Crawley of Alice St. is tuoying into the house on Main St. lately vacated by Mr. Ross. —Wm. Lundy of Pt. Austin spent a few days last week renewing old ac- quaintances in and around Lucan.— We regret to say that John Murdy of town is at present quite ill, but we hope for it speedy recovery.—Mrs. Gar- butt who has been ill, is able to be out again.—Mr. Carrol of Biddulph is busy with his men moving the church sheds. —Mrs. Wm. Kentspent Monday in St. Marys. --Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mur- dy of London spent Sunday under the parental roof.—Mrs. \Vm. Culbert of Fairgrove is visiting old friends around town.—Mrs. Wm Rollins spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Ilogg of London.—Wellington Rollins is on the sick list.—Unfortun- ately the high School Board have been unable to obtain a principal and the place is at preeent vacant owing to Mr. McDougal's departure on Friday. --The Methodist congregation will hold a tea meeting here on Wednes- day evening. We hope for fine weath• er and a large crowd.—Work is rapid- ly progressingin connection with the completion of the new Anglican church and yet it is thought the opening will not take place till Christmas time. -- Rev. Kerr preached to the members of the Loyal Orange i1odge, Birldnlph, on Sunday morning. One Bad Mistake i5 FREQUENTLY '1 NDE !;1 THE WISEST OF IIENSALL 1'E0l'LE it's a serious mistake to neglect back- ache. Backache is the first symptom of kidney Ills. Fatal complications may follow, Ifooth's Kidney rills act quick- ly to overt env.: kidney i;ls, do not de- lay until too late: It may mean dlsbctes, nrlght's Disease. Bead what a Hensall rertdcnt says. - Mr. Wm. Ilildtbrand of N. E. part of low)). Iltusail. Ont., "i have not mut- tered with backache since using Dowel's Kidney Pills which i obtained at 1Irmphitl'e Pharmacy, and prior to that i had frequently been unable to stoop 0: straighten up with severe grinding pains that would catcl, me across the small of the back and In the region of the kidneys. Tate urine_ was highly col - area and contained a quantity of brink dust sediment. This was particularly no ttcatle whenever 1 mould take told. i had used other remedies before try- ing Hoot! 's KIdiir rills but found little relit f. r beiltve Booth's Kidney Mit to be an excellent kidney regulet- or ni,d will gledly recommend them." Sold by dealers. Price 9Oe. The R. T. Rooth Co., Limited , Fort line, Ont. Sole Canadian Agents. Seaforth-A very prettj wedding took place at tete home of Mrs. Robert Bris- tow, Egniondvllle, at noon on Wednes- day, when her daughter, Lillian May, was "tarried to Mr, Samuel Rohner. of Bayfield. The ceremony was perform- ed by Rev. J M:Ntil of Hayfield, In the presence of the irnnicdiate relatives and friends of the bride and groom. Cllntoa.-A very unusual event took place at the home 01 M:. and Mrs. \Vm. Fisher of the Moron Itoad, when Mr. and Mrr. flutts, partite ot Mrs. Flatter, cel- ebrated the fiftieth anntvcraary of their wedding day. About sixty guests gath- ered on this occasion from Exeter, Cen- tralia, Ileneall, Bayfield, Auburn and ---- — ' ...a.. De!atiilar to do :.goer lc• the wort:'y couple. Mr. u!,d Mrs. )Jutts are to the enjoyment of good health and tam trey may celebrate their diamond jub:l'c Is the wish of their nunnious friends. Ilay-\VllItaut Tinley. o.ie of tete old- est settlers in Ray township, diel re. cently. at the age of 73 y.-arr. Ucceae- ed was ot a quiet id reaerecd 4:epuY- tlon. The funeral took pliee to Exeter cemetery. Mr. Tlnrey leaves besides his wife. four daughters and three sons. Mrr Writ. Blackwell ot llay Township; Mrs. Wm. Colclough, Varna ; Mrs. C „s. O' - Mien. Frobisher, Sask.: Mies Phoebe Tinney at hoiltt , Joan of Flay lowoaitip and Robert and Mathew on toe home- stead. 't! • .,rr Kidneys Cured or Money Back Them is no risk in buying GIN PILLS. — kj�retl They are su!tt un a positive guarantee ietar-.�pt1 •` that they w i11 cure all Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Rheumatism and Sciatica, fain in the Back, etc. If, after taking 6 boxes, you can honestly ray that Gin Fills have nut cored you, take the empty boxes to your dealer and ho will refund the atone)'. That eh,.••v. Low certain we aro that Gin Pills will cure yon. 50c. a box ; 6 for $2.50. Sent ou receipt of price if your dealer can't supply you. bari,�pleouree DEPT. A.—ILATIOl1A1 DRUG & CHEM. CO. LIMITED ; try mention this TORONTO 107 Brad f'r' '' CO.. fro ,,.r. Winn: •...1. c�\ •-r II 12 If you want your stoves to look as if they had been cleaned every hour, rub them occasionally with "Black Knight" Stove Polish. It gives the shine that lasts, no matter how hot the fire. It shines qq kty, too -just a few rubs. Noy get such a big can for the money that' "Black Knight" is easily the cheapest you can t up. kited your dealer's name and lec for full sized can if you can't get "Black Knight" nearby. TM T. R WM CO. LLMTTLD IIIItR•TOO, est The children's delight is your enjoyment. Perrin's Toy Biscuits bring both. Try them. 12 Varieties. Rdec1v-c-E The Recipe "Ladies, here's my recipe for Apple Custard Pie :- 'Two eggs, four or five apples, grated, a little nutmeg; sweetened to taste; one-half pint of new milk or cream ; pour into pastry'—then " 'PANDORA' OF COURSE." The Result "four— pies— that—don't—last—Ion=" Four pies and pans of bread can be baked In a "Pandora" oven at one time. McCIary's 28 London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St j't - N Il , Ila rdr, Calgary. T. Hawkins & Son, Agents.