Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-05, Page 4The tea -meeting held In coenettlon with Berlin last week, returned to his home
exetet Abuotate9 the Methodist chuleh was a success; an here on Saturday, Mrs. Eidt and little
c•:k,y:.hle time was :eet.t. Toe Dirt Myrtle, however, remaining a few
.ltidorE d C- - a, Props.- choir furnlaned tae iwstr.—Will Col days lunger to visit among friends.
well carne Lcre Tuesday evening in the _
THURSDAY, \ov.tt�� 1008 ae.tl't•11 for a horse ho had stolonfrom T
his stable Monday :thee, and tetegra- datintBbur)'
plied to Beget Constable Hughes to be Thos. Qui:;;ott rias arrived home from
on the duo tout for t.,c tile[.—We are the West looking' hair and heatty.—Mr.
sorry to lose Mr. Alien and faintly, who and Mrs. Geo. Carter of Clandeboye vin -
are ntov1ng 10 tiahiaburg, Mist) l',ttuu lied at the home of F. J. Da,Vts lust
h.t ittg purchaald their property.—Miss week.—Sirs. Wm. Cutbert, who has 'hen
Jane Culeiingtiane le very sick at preen- visiting around here, Inas returned to
eat and is under the doctor's care. We tier donee In Michigan,—Mrs. Henry lia-
hope vile will soon be able to b_ around mllton of 13rinaley vlatted at 1•'. J. Dav-
age.in—Win. Kilmer is still suffering la' Sunday.—Mrs. Hugh Carrot who has
with blood pulaon iu rile minds. He :tas been confined to her bed tor some time,
Had it for the last three weeks.—Mrs. S. Is improving.—Sirs. Robt. Ben y and
Hudgins has returned from London af- son Robert of lilanahard visited at Mr.
ter visiting her daughter, alis. Deacon. Nassau Davis' on Sunday. Much sorrow
\its. Cat.tpbeli of \\'Ingnaro hag dote and rEe1tl 'was capreased in this coun-
t() spend the writer with her d.tulhter, triunity at the sad news ut the (teath of
Sirs. A. E. !lodging. Ruby, hie eight-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. .\rdagh Isaac of St. Marys,
she having p.isaed away in that town
t,redtton on Monday ttom the affects of an oper-
Mlss Evelyn liar has :stunned front ation for apptidicltia. The operation ap-
a pleasant visit in Kippat, the guest of pare,tly was successful and she gave
Sites Maggie Kllpatrrck.—Gus Williams promiae of recovery, out it wits willed
of Galt spent a few days here tLls week otherwise. Ituhy was a ptrticularly
Henry Etlber, M. 1'. i'., and Sam4c1 bright child and la 1. many little asso'1-
Sweitzer of Shipka left here last Wed- ;ilea both here and St. Slarye will learn
tiesday for l'arry Sound on their annual with deep sorrow of het death.
dee hunt. we whet them every succeas. .\ number from here attended the aer-
-The pulpit of the Evangelical church vice to Orangemen In Lucas Method!'it
was occupied by the ltev. Join h'inkbcln- church on Sunday.
er of Johnstown, Penna, last Sunday Accident.—While Bert Dubai was drly-
moruing and eveninj ltev. Finkbefuer Ino home with its tear„ the otaer day
ei•ent hie you( 1 1u this viirag.% and wo tie met w(L.t a very uttp►eaaaut expert -
are pleased to deo that he has become ence and an accident that might nave
a successful and earnest minister.—Bart proven fatal. It appears that a line got
Clare of the itoyal lintel is having a under one animal's tali, and when about
anooting match to -day. It Is expected to remove 1t the brute kicked viciously.
that quite a number of apottemen will one foot striking (tint in the face and
be in uttendancc.—Mrs. \Vinkeuweder of knocking out a tooth and loosening seg. -
Dashwood le visiting Mr. and Mrs. Aug- eral others, besid-s other wise Injuring
oat 1-1111, prior to her journey to Naper- Uta face, while the other foot struck hie
ville, 111., where dila intends to mold': breast. Ile was knocked with terrible
in future—We are pleased to state that force back into the wagon and was re:, -
Nies. Stahl, wino has beet. quite Ili, is dered unconscious for about 12 hours,
able to be around agalm.—\Vtlltatn Lewis' Fortunately his brother was along, who
Cleric ot the Dlvisio,. Court, is Rndispos- at once summoned medical aid, and Bert
ed and obliged to remain 111 the Rous•'.— Is now on a fair way to recovery.
Chas. Zwicker made several shipments
of clover and alaike seed thio week. Ho
is buying large quantities this' fall and
since he has installed the seed cleaning
apparatua and the gasoline engine he
can handle the seed rapltly.-11. F. Eit-
her sold two aermotor wind mills to Jac
ob Brown of Zurich last week.—An Audit
Bible Class has been organized by the
young nun of the Evangelical Sunday
School. The following are the officers;
Teacher, Samuel Brown ; Pres. Ira Drown
V h e -la es., Garnet Sweitzer ; Sec'y, Frank
Fitikbclner ; Treas.. Alpert Haler , Chair-
man of Membership Committee. Otto
Brown; Social Committee, Frazer Drown,
and Dc.oao•ial Committee, Sam') Brown
1".1e 2.outig met. are taking an active in -
treat in this new organization and they
are determined to slake it a success.—
George Holtzman built an up-to-date is
house for Ausust Bill this week.—Our
Srhool truatees nave had a flower bed
with; bulbs planted thin week. Jeorgc
Eliber did the work and we are sells -
Mei it will be a fine looking bed In the
ap:Ing.—On Monday °venter; the members
of the Epworte League of the Method-
ist church had a very Interesting debate
Tine toplc was, 'Resolved that Misaton-
ary work is more needed In the North
west than in C. ina and Japan." The
affirmative side was taken by Miss
Cnapnnau as leader at,d Miss Lulu Es -
eery and Mise Gletis 11111, while the;r'g-
ative was taken by�lmer 11. Gower as
leader and assisted by etre Chas. Zwie-
,cer and Mies Polley. !loth sides brought
out si•lendid points and the decision was
lett to the nteu(b_rs present, which re-
sulted In a vote being given to : he af-
firmative by a small ina;ot ity of votes.
Fire.—Last Sunday morning the houa
welt Its contents owned by John G. Wein
N.le deetro)ed b) fire. Mr. Wein lives 8
:miles north of the village. The building
was destroyed before any of the villag-
ers found It out. Tho fire had taken such
.t hold on the building that they found it
Impossible to save much of the contents.
it Is impossible lo state how tno fire
originated. but it is supposed thtt hot
ashes Is tete cause. Toe bottle and con-
tents were Mauled in the (lay les. Co.
'or $t?00, Mr. Wei,' is movingt ue dwel
Rig situated o,, his property on the Ex-
eter Side -road to tit^ alto occupied by
,.o• destroyed hulloing. Everybody Is
giving* a willing hard and it he expect-
ed that t is building will be in place the
I iter part of this week. Much sympathy
:e expressed fur Mr. Wean, as the lose
he has sustained is a hard one to rre
place, as all •the winter provisions had
b'en stored In the House.
Just here It would not he amiss to ask
the question wuethcr out fire engine and
hose ate la gooi working order. 'Rhin
tire -fighting apparatua has cost a lot
of money and If we should have a fire
ind It was tou:ld to be ou t of workln e
The Mloisoas Bank
It u' e d nut be imagined that the dis-
cussions upon financial sleeve during
the part ye..r :,ave been overdrawn be-
baure the. Molsone Rank earned IS1% per
cent. mete, its capital. There 1148 been
according to Me annual report presented
at Ise: Slonday'a nleetl'1g, 'a lively de-
mand (nt t; .i ,cv at fair rates," and the
■tea. , aeleent eeasau through
srhith t., "ve paaaetI Inas brousht ex-
ceptlota.l caution, .1 to (rain. Possibly
the ccuttlly will never know tne extent
of the obligations due to the bankers
who kept tneir heads in threatening
times, and despite the fears of the timid
or over -cautious, assisted their c'itelont-
era to retain then atandiug, and saved
the cc;.,ltry from pa ,. . That this pol-
icy or ' sae and values conservatism has
not cro', ;! • nnafortu .0 to the Lanka is
a proof of the discriminating Judgment
of b:..,I. , ..naaere, ..,d possibly aleo
of the underlying stability of Canadian
business )rouses. The Report draws
special attention to 'the small amount
of le rd eel's m -t w•Ith.•• wni is vont-
forte . t s reg..rda t6, past. ee..1 re.ta-
suring an to the future.
The riot Profits for tee year amount-
ed to ;,313,610 upon the paidup capi'.tl
of $3,874,000 as compared with $114,-
089 upon a capital of $3,360,17o last
year. The following table ot figures.
will , however. rpeak more cloqu'ntly
than i..uids of t',c comparative progress
of the Bank during the past few years
Cal -Mar. -aid up $ a,u(lu,nnu
Ree?eiee '''':'d :{,000,()011
Cir< ulat'n.r
Depozlts at Interest 16,800,023
Delos'ts (total) 20,391,399
Specie and Dominion Notes 2,1)21,376
Government Honda 376,209
lltut,lr.. R'way, etc., Bonds 2, 941,7:16
Cal; L0.,ns :1,470,3.5
Die ;t.;. 17.831,821
Ove. •'ur 'title 128.913
Net Profits • :199,271
Per re:tt. on Capital 13.3
Capital paid-up $ 3,874,n'r.I
Itcsotvc Fund 8,871,90')
Cireulat!oi, 2,1)42 103
Del urn's at ' .terest
Deposita (total) 24.o l o, 13.1
Specie and Dominion Notes 2.496,557
Co . "rale 1711,209
efu.: . lt' .oay, etc. 13ouda 2,140,535
Call Leans 2,821,213
Dlsrount a 22,868.916
Overdue 13ille 63.895
Net Profits 1112,6411
i'er Cent. 011 Capital 18.51)
- It will be noticed that the admirable
• pis:, of keeping up the reserves to a par
Value vete Vie Patti -up Capitol h..q been
maintuin(d, and as a further , ''.. 'ort
of the Interests of the Bank. $100,000
has beer, set aside out of the prot!te to
meet any quoted depreciation in value
sof bonds and stocks. in wh(c:t tee re-
servee arc invested. There r:t:t be no
doubt of the extreme prudence of Oils
artio,t. even •thouge it is pretty general-
ly ueciet•ttoud that Sutr.t depreciation In
the case of good papers Is mainly nom-
it:al sed not always 1,dicatiee of ten-
ure In earning ability. Dividends a-
mounting to 10 per cent. per minuet.
were paid, $49,318 were expended on
bank prentleee—last year's exptndttu •C
for thia purpose being $:31,232— and
there was the usual contribution of
$1o,ueut to the officers Fellation i"und.
Thou? payniente lett $99,990 to be
patd over to Profit and Loss This ac-
count now stands .11 $ l53,Otl1. The
I'tee'dcnt, Vice-presidtet and General-
Mar.:tgcr , zpresacd it as titter opinion
that profits would not be :18 lards
the current year, and In order to make
sure of equal dividends. it was wise
to he cautious now.
Claindcb . '',
Mr. Thomas Collins whu Is 1t is 95th
year. during the past Sonoma s'tingled
his wood seed. The shingles It • split
ftotn willow blocks with the ofd -tints
'frow•• and finished them on a "nurse"
with his draw knife. Mr. Collins Is an
Enellslunatt and was one of t't e;trst to -
llers In this section. Althouge hale and
Beatty he :'an Ills coffin bunt and re-
posing In his bedroom. It is no mod-
ern flimsy casket. but a solid f txture
of the h7et w.ilte oak, and has eight
handles. Ile believes in 'riritie t du -a-
Horse Blankets,
Men's Mitts,
Harness, Etc.
order, who is to blame. Fat 1Lett'r to
nave the matter Inv'sagalcd now than
have regrets and resolutions In abulid-
,::ec. when it Is too late.
LN 11ROKE\s111I:E, 1'.talW00n, CONVEY
. ENO•ER. the -l., wills, )1.'rtKages and all
Legal I)o:ume to earefully and promptly ppreared.
Charges moderate. laser of marriage LI'•enses
Miss Lily Ehlers, who has hien ill
for some tnue, underwent an opera-
tion at the handy of ilr. 1Vit.h,it•t of
London on Monday. - Jacob Keller
11181'1, win has been to the hospital alt
London (or the i,,.t tive weeks under
,(oink treatment for his Ing, 1:cn(e
home Friday evening. he being so far
reeoveted as to he able to get around
with the aid of crutches. -- E. M. lirok-
enshire spent `onilav with friends at
Zurich. -- Rev. T. C. Shekel. ('or, Mis-
sionary Secy of the Evangelical Asso-
The winter is near and you eel. ''ration, i. nnnoonced 10 prearh in 1111.
be in nerd of horse blame^!a. + I l'.vangelieel church of this place on
solidity, Nov. kith. He will also solir-
it funds In the intt•tra 01 tit• Missinn
C,eu+e.--Mr. and MBA. Ad11111 Birk and
son Leonard, spent Sunday in Landon
the guests of lir. and Mrs. Twichen
who were recently 11111 ro d in that
city. Mrs. Twiehen was 1 rmerle of
this place, being a sister of Mrs. flick.
-- Many of the sin tiler fir engaged in
scene Hallowe'en preeks Settirday
night. doing nothing howev'r of a
very serious nature. --Miss Itierling.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
liielling, ohs ilttitt'll in met Haw, on
l\tdnesday night to Mt. Ft id White
of Exeter. We xtend out emigrant
let ;ohs. ---Miss Edighe'tT••r of Blake is
she tiding a few days at the home ot
het brother George in this village. -
lli�. Lit
but ENI. i w lit, ha. been ill
of t lehoie! fiver is inter, ving nie sly,
n hi, h we hope may continue t she
fully Recoters.--Rev. I. I. Ei,lt, who
• AS in r.tteudsnte ,tt the Forward
'.°velment Convention in the city rf
or prol.abl) something else •
1110. We have everything that .M
kept in a well -regulated Ilarn' _ e
Call and See
our ltlankets. Mitts and Glovee.the
best value you have ever seen. A
line of Harness and Supplies that
annot be beater,.
Don't be Deceived
sly people who tell you tt.at you :'an
do as well elsewhere. We have the
goods and it will repay you t o in-
spect them.
F. W. Clark
Harness Maker,
('it Fi)ITON
Mr. Win. Lenham has moved on int
farm which tie recently rented,—Mr, C.
NB earthy, who went west In the auun-
mer, has returned ho(,i for the winter.
—Hallowe'en was celebrated by the. Ju-
vr:,llea in our burg and the smaller gate
suffered removal.—Mr. and Mrs. J, V.
MLlisoe were in Loudon haat weak at-
tending the great 0ilseionary meeting.—
Our choir is making special preparati..
for the anaivereary next Sunday, wit e
Rev. F. Langford of Embro will prey -•h
at 10,30 and 7 o'clock. The women are
also doing their beet preparing for the
fowl supper on Monday night. The pro-
gram will be of a high order. Mies
fleet, .elocutionist of Mensal!, gtnd the
Stratford city quartette will et11),. also
a number of militate! (al addressee will
be delivered, and other ploaehtg fea.-
uirs,—Thy heat of the election is over
and the weather is rather cool Just now.
—Philip Hern Is taking in large cowrie -i-
ntents of fowl to our town store.
— FOR —
Ale and Porter
Only medal for Ale in Canada.
(Too late for last week)
Mrs. Roland Jeckell left Tuesday for
Rossland. California, where she will
join her husba:ul, who left last spring
for that place. —Mr. and Mrs. John
Armitage of Lucan visited the latter's
brother, Win. Ogden, Sunday.—Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Gunning, Mr. and
Mrs. John Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron
Davis. who have been nn extended
trips through Manitoba and the North
%Vest, have returned home and are
much the Netter for their outing.—Mr.
and Mrs. Davis spent Sunday here the
guests of Mr. and Mts. Gen. Millson,—
Mrs. Tillfer and family have moved to
Granton. Wm. Denham has taken
possession of the farm.—Samuel Gun-
ning gave a birthday party in honor
of his father last Friday evening, who
is S.S years old.
Wood'N rhosphodia9,
The G,•, ,,' ; Remedy.
Tones m:.d• . ..rate rhotvholo
ncn,v:. necked now
lila,d in , • Cures A'crv-
nr,.a Debility. Mental n,:, /;,•,r.:, Worry, Des-
• •,dnu•i, Se.rurll Wet' lvr',.1, l:,,eis.vtona, Sper-
,,. torrhrt0, and I:Teets of Poise or Excesses.
. co ll per box. sixfor $5. Ono will please, six
Al cure. Sold by all drngeist+t or mailed in
,, aln pkg. on receipt ut ,ri..:. _Kw parnph of
mailed free. The Wood Medicine Co.
tformcrly Win.laor) Toronto, Ont.
Onr_Stock of New Fall Goods
New Dress Goods in all the lead-
ing cloths and shades, at close pri-
He sure and see Dor New Mantles ' m
for Irtdies rind Children.
\env Furs in rnlr,, s•nles, nnitrs,
colhuittso, &,•. 'They are Beauties
and at prides to alit All.
New Fla nnellet tes, lVrapperettes, '
Wool Blankets, Flannelette Illank•
ets. at close prices.
New Hosiery, Cap., Mitts, Gloves
and Underwear --all kinds and siz-
illinery Opening
uesday & wedaesday
Sept. 29th & 30th
Men's and Boys' heady -to -wear
Suits at Bargain ('rices. Ordered
Suits a Specialty. Ile sure and see
our New Tweeds and Worsteds in
the New Shades. Our prices are
A fall line of Hardware at clos-panorama of Fall Fashions ashios are re-
vented in our Millinery Section.
Our Millinery Department is 'le -
der the management of MiSS
DUNN, OF LONDON, it lady of
wide experience in the millinery
it is with pleasure that we ex-
tend this invitation to all the ladies
interested in artistic headgear.
Our millinery department is full
of 111l the latest and newest styles
and designs in this late. The whole
A Targe stock of (;rockery and ('orae to our ,Opening and enjoy
Fancy ('hi101 just to bund. the inspection of this season's dis•
Our Grocery Department is full play of most beautiful and coin -
of New ,and Fresh Goods. l plete showing of Fall Millinery.
SHOESA barge and well assorted stock of all BOOTS
the leading styles and makes, at prices
lower than ever. if you want a pair of gond Boots or Shoes, give ns it call.
...... . . A lot of mitis and ends will he cleared regardless of cost. ...... ...
Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce.
Corner Store,
Ia Now ].'remise
I Boots & Shoes
WE HAVE A Special Line of
Patent Shoes which are
going fast. Come in and
see them. Styles and prices are right. They will suit you.
A full line of other shoes that are suitable for any wear. You
will be pleased with them.
OUR tiRO(`ERiES ARE ordered
often an(1 kept fresh and new
all the time. We will be
pleased to see yon try them. Breakfast Foods, Can
Goods, Pickles, Syrups, Etc. An excellent line of
Confectionery, also.
Butter and Eggs.
BU's' l' ER A NI) EGGS. We
will pay you the Highest
Market Price in trade for
flt'in T them 11).
Wilson Bros.,
• Exeter
One door north of flank of ronin)( ice.
B. E. WALKER, President 'Paid up Capital, $10,000,Q
1 I
ALEX. LAIRD, (sacral ManagerI Reserve Fund, - 5,000,0
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
$5 and under 3 cents
Over $5 and not exceeding ;to 6 cents
" $:0 " " $30 10 cents
" $30 " " 850 15 cents
These Orders are payable at par at every office of a Chartered Bank in Cartage
(Yukon excepted), and at the principal barking points in the United States, They
are negotiable at ;4.90 t.: the L. sterling in Great Britain and Ireland.
They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety and
at small cost, and may be obtained without delay. 116
Exeter Branch—G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
THEN Decide on the Business College
We ask the privilege of sending you
our intensely •interesting, handsom'
illustrated FREE CATALOGUE. In
fact, you really owe it to yourself to get
a copy and read it thoroughly before you
tlelect the Business College to attend.
This Catalogue explains all about our
school, our faculty, our different courses.
Tells why we honestly believe our Col-
lege to be the best for you. After reading the book we will leave
you to iudge for yourself. Sending for a copy places you under no
obligat:.in. Just mail your name and address on a postcard.
Students adm;tted any time. Special openings September and January.
The Forest City Business and Shorthand College
`3•. WESTEP.VELT. J,.. C.A.. Vka-h'r ndp.t
The Farmers Bank of Canada
CAPITAL $1,oth),000 TOTAL ASSETS $1,510,0(k1
38 Branches throughout Canada.
Special Attention Given to Fantle' Business.
Sale Notes Discounted, or Collected at Lowest Current Rates.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards I•E•t•eived. interest paid or
added to principal 1 times :t year.
Your money is too valuable to leave in the house where
burglars, thieves or fire may take it from you, or to invest to
risky speculations or with doubtful institutions that so often in
the past have robbed then of their hard earned wealth.
lVhen sending money to any part of Canada or the wo(Id,
remember our drafts and money orders are available bete, and
sold at the lowest possible rates. Our money orders are payable
at par at any point in Canada and principal points in the United
States :and Great Britain.
Orit Morro—Courteous Treatment. No Red Tape.
H. T. DUNLOP, Manager.
The Molsons Bank
incorporated Itis.'
Capital - $3,374,000
Rest Fund - $3,374,000
Has fki Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at all Branches. interest allowed at highest current rale.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON tit CARLINO, Solicitors. 1. I). HCRI)UN, Manager,
of always easy
to know just what to buy
in the line of
Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware.
You very often need a hint
as to what is most suitable
to buy for your friends or
yoursel f.
-44■••-, Our Stock Furnishes the Hints --Nab-
It reveals in a minute more
appropriate presents than any
one could sit at home and
recall in a whole day.
an 1 we pron)i<e to make their
choosing east and their choice
Exeter, Ont.