Exeter Advocate, 1908-11-05, Page 1S I to JANI 'io
subscrihefor the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or else
take advantage of our
Low CIiibhRates
In Newest Types
On Best Pa{net e
The Finest `York
And Rittht Prices
The Advocate Office; Exeter
The Old Reliable
You Should See Our New Underwear
The Stanfield Make
—washable—no finer for Ladies, Children and Gents—ranging in price from—
Ladies,' 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, and $1.75
Children's, Beautiful Goods and Prices that Suit.
,,,,,,Gents,' 75c, $1.00, $1,25 and $1,50
WE wish to call your at-
tention to our
New Lines of Dress
Goods, Clothing,
Millinery, Footwear,
The quality of these goods speak for themselves. The prices talk econ-
omy. Give us an opportunity to show them.
4*4 1"r+++'k j„l,+,y„1`+"!r'1r+++ ir'1'1+
In the,.. 'ods we carry
a t l.!,-. did range.
+144+++++++++++++++ +++++
Highest Price Paid for POULTRY, dead or alive.
Highest price paid for produce—Butter 21c. Eggs 21c.
Highest Prices Paid for Dried Apples, present quotation 5c lb.
for wear and comfort
beat all others !!!
We sell them.
Also a swell line of Satin Skirts
in the latest style from $1.00 up.
Phone No. 22
Pr•feN1.111f11 Cards.
D` O. ROULBTOv, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.
Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor
graduate of Toronto Uutversity.
OFFICE:: Over Dickson B Carling's Law Otdi e, In
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
imiDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. D. 8..
donor graduate of Toronto Unlverlsty.
tooth extra tea without any pain, or any bad ante
Otpcs oser slat r.A0 & Stardom '• °trice, 11111, street
DR, T. P. Mel.AUO111.IN
Ifo resumed practice after sendingg a year (Col-
lege) at British and Continental Hospitals. General
pratt with special attention to Fye, (with refrac-
tion) •r, Noe. and Throat.
• omce: Dashwood, Ont.
ton, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioner,
Solicitors for Mohan, Bank, etc.
Mofey to Loan at lowest rates of Interest.
Oakes, Main street, Exeter.
1. E. C&ttrso, B.A.. L, H. Nestles
We have a large amount of private fends to leen
n fans and village properties at low rates of Inter
Barrister*iiclton,Main at.. zetet On
Llcsssed Asctlonter.
Atli!' es attended In alt parts. Satisfaction Kaaren -
Med or no pay. Terms reasonable. All orders left
at Advocate Office will be promptly attended to.
William Brown
Prof. Mploena of Royal inrorporsted Stalely of
Nesicians, F:niland; Organist of Trivltt Memorial
Obureh,Exetet. Piano, Omen, Harmony and Theory
Of Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont.
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company, also Fire Insurance in lead.
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -St., Exeter.
week or 400 per ce;:t. profit. All mann-
plce. atatloricry. and art catalogues fr'.
We want ot,e permanent .'agent 111 this
locallty for the largest pir!ure anJ frame
house In ,Unerica. Experience mince: -
mot y. We Instruct you flow 10 sell
our goods arnt furnish t!,e capital. it
you want it permanent, honorable, and
ptotltahle position. write us to -day far
particulars. tataloguc and sample's.
Frank W. Williams Company. 1214
W. Tsylor St., Chicago, 111.
Successor to Ds. RMMMAT,
Special Attention to Dentistry.
Night calls left at the home of Mr. Peter Bowden
Main street, (opp. Trtyitt Memorial Church), w ill be
promptly attended to.
Office -Dr. Ramsa_s-'s old stand,corner of Main and
North street, (opp. i'ym's Blacksmith Shop).
Your patronage solicited.
Valuable Farm Property for Sale
There is being offered for sale that tellable farm
property, consisting of east hal( of lot 7. lots a and 0
and south half of lot 10, con. 4, Ushorne, containing
200 acres, on which there is erected a good brick
house, large bank barn, frame stable and shed, and
other con.enlenres. This property is well suited
for general farming and grazing, and will be sold in
part orenblock, to suit purchaser.
Easy terms of payment. For partirulars apply to
TiIOS. CAMERON. Auctioneer,
Farquhar, Ont.
MARTIN ItROit, Prop.
Good (Iriser, 4 Years old, broken, for sale. Apply
Thcre strayed from the premises of the undersi n•
edLot 2, Con. 2, Stephen; a two-year-old heifer,
color red, weight shout sso. small horns. Any per-
son gluing intorniatlon leading to her recovery will
be liberally rewarded.-IIYRON F HiCKS, Coarse
11a P. O.
Teacher Wanted.
rot S. S. No. 4, state salary,•,utliflcation
and experience. Duties to commence the beginning
of new year iAA.
JOHN G. WEIN, Crediton P. O.
prise, c.,meraa, watches, mos,
ing picture machine. rifles. tea
set'. fonhalts. sewing machines,
ct,v k,.' l rcrw-art.gokt hracelets
eines and soot. ,uti;ulprcmiums
given away for 01.D SCRAP
l:t'Inn F H. Send for catalogue.
1' t,. 14.,( 1;5 London, Ont.
Our past record and our prevent getde of work
stamps uses the great ers-ti-al training N Heol
n1 Western Ontane
We have three departments -
Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphic,
1)trgraduate. are In demand a. I:uanee (-o1•
lege teachers as well as c.ffl a ari.tants Inds•
sideal in* mate? Enter !NOK! Largecata-
1n,rne free. Write P,r it
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to
sell by public auction on
FRIDAY. NOV. 13T11, 1908,
at one o'clock p.m., sharp,
The following valuable property:
HORSES -1 heavy draught colt, coming 2 years
OATTLE-3 cows in calf, 3 year-old steers, 4 year-
old heifers, 6 Spring es!.,...
I]IPLE`.:I:::T: der, mower, seed drill, manure
spreader. hay rake, land roller. &outlier, tanning
mill, turnip sower, gravel box, wagon box, stock
rack, hay rack, wagon, buggy, root pulper, plougb,
set of diamond harrows, bag trick, grain cradle,
grindstones, barrel churn, grain bags, quantity sap
pails, sugar kettle, Magnet cream separator. set
of single harness, set plow harness, riding saddle,
water trough, chains, forks, shovels and other arta
°les too numerous to mention.
A quantity of Hay for cash.
Positively no reserve as the proprietor has sold his
TER31S-¢5 and unser, cash; oyer that amoant 12
months' credit given on furnishing approved Joint
notes. 5 per cent. per annum off for cash on credit
Auctioneer. I'roprieto r.
Farrel Stock and Implements,
and Household Effects.
The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed to
sell by Public Auction, at
Lot 22, South Boundary, Hay,
} Mile East of Dashwood
at 12 o'clock sharp,
the following valuable property,
1IORSEs-1 aged marc, supposed to be in foal to
Non l'arole; 1 mare 10 years old, in foal to Albion 111;
l mare 5 years old, in foal to Albion 111; 1 two-year
old gelding; 2 sucking colts.
CATTLE -3 cows In calf to thoroughbred bull; 3
farrow cows; 13—yr—old steer; 1 steer and 3 heifers,
2 -yr -old; 2 steers and 4 heifers1•yr-old; ;spring cal.
SHEEP -5 young ewes. IIENS-60fount, hens.
IMPLEMENTS -McCormick binder and mower;
Noxon drill and cultivator; Sharp hay rake; two fur.
row gang plow, walking plow. set diamond harrows,
fanning mill, set scales. cutting box, grind stone,
wheel barrow, sugar kettle, root pulper. lumber
wagon, 3 -seated carriage, hay rack, pair hob -sleighs,
set double harness, dozen grain bags, forks spades,
shovels, chains, and a number of other useful artic•
tee, too numerous to mention.
Also a quantity of Ilousehol l Furniture.
Positively no reserve as the proprietor has rented
his farm.
TERMS -$3 and under, cash; over that amount 12
months' credit given on furnishing approved Joint
notes. 4 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts.
Auctioneer, Proprietor.
Clearing Auction Sale
Of Farts Stock and Iwplemeuts.
Mr. Tho.. Cameron has received instructions to sell
by public auction at
Riverside Farm
Lot 7, N. T. R. Usb orne
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 11th, 1008
At one o'clock sharp, the following,
HORSES -1 brood mare, 3 yrs. old. imparted, aired
by tartly Oold. In foal to Tom Carlyle, with foal at
foot, sired by King Thomas; 1 aged mare, registered,
11 years old, heavy draught; 1 marc 3 years old, elig-
ible for registration, heavy draught; 1 mare reg. 2
yrs. old, heavy draught; 1 gelding tyre. old, heavy
draught; 1 carriage filly, 3 yrs. old, well broken; 1
Fanners' driver 3 years old, well broken; 1 roadster,
2 yrs. o'd, sired by Golden Case.
CATTLE -1 registered cow, with calf at foot sired
by Gold Drop; 2 rows due to cave early in winter; 1
cow due to calve Feb. 1st; 1 cow due to calve March
20th; I cow supposed to cake May 15th;1 fat cow; 6
2-yr.•old steers; 3 1•yr.•oldsteers;13 2 -yr, -old heifers;
61 -yr -old heifers; 5 calves.
PIGS and POULTRY -1 sow , 9 store hogs, 23 hens
and 3,) pullet, 12 geese and 50 turkeys.
IMPLEMENTS-Masseyllarris Binder, Brantford
mower and clover seed table, 3Iavwell hay rake, seed
drill, cultivator, disc harrow, set Iron harrows,
es- se bobsleighs, 3 waggons buggy, caper, hp
grar'el box, set scales, 2,000110; fanfiing mill, 1
cinder, pulper; scufller, grindstone, 23 foot cedar
ladder, car for iron track, rope, pulleys, slings, and
hay fork, 2 set double harness. set single harness,
hoes, forks, shovel., chains and other articles too
numerous to mention; also a quantity of corn In alio
to he fed on premises with st raw; maw of clover hay;
a quantity of manifolds; quantity of split weal, cook
stove, Daisy churn.
No reserve as the proprietor has rented his faun.
TERMS -P:, and under, cash; over that amount 10
months credit given on furnishing approved Joint
notes, or discount of 6 per cent. per annum for cast
on credit amount.
Of Valuable
Iiouseaold Effects, Carriage '1'eat►1
and !lige.
The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed
to sell by Pattie Auction on the premi...,
Andrew Street, EXETER,
On SATURDAY, NOV, 7th, 1008,
at 1.30 o'clock sharp.
the following valuable property, vie
1 carriage team, 4 and 6 years. sisters, sired tS
Clear Grit; 1 double cutter, Gladstone; 1 single cut-
ter; 1 double carriage, rubber tire nearly new; 1
buggy, 1 set of double and lett of mingle harness, 1
English saddle and 1 side saddle, 2 goal robes nearly
new; 2 lap robe, 2 new flannel horse blankets, other
blankets, large oat bin and several small ones, wheel-
barrow. lawn mower. roller, grind stone and fixtures,
walnut hod stead, mattress and suite; 4 head steads.
with springs, mattress and bedroom suites, dome
Comfort range, almost new; rasolene stem e, erten-
ston table, gases cwl.hoant, small cupboard, washing
machine, night commode, marb a top table, bath
tub, counter scales, quantity of pictures and frames,
dishes, linoleums, and floor matting, and other artl•
cies too numerous to mention.
TEILIIS-t5 ani under. cash; oxer that amount 6
months' credit given on furnishing approved Joint
notes. 5eser cent. per annus, off for cash on credit
All must be sold as the proprietor is leasing town
JOHN GiLL, Auct.
Auction Sale
There w ill 1e offered for sale by Public Auction on
Tuesday, November 10, at. 1:30 p. m.
at the Town Hall, Clinton,
the- following undermentioned prepert) snbjeet to
a reserve bid, by Thomu Brown, Auctioneer,
W. Half of lint 11; Lots 12, 13, 11, 15,
10; i,. Half of Lot 17; on the Fifth Con•
cession of 11I'LLETT. containing (2410
acres more or less;
Also Parts of Lots 12. 13, 11, 15, 16,
in Fourth Concession of Hullett, con-
taining 21) acres, more or leas. This Ie a well known
treat of fiesta hiss pasture land. The drainage tax
nn this property is now completed. consequently the
taxes hereafter will be ordinary. tt will be offered
in one panel, hat if not so sold then in Iota.
Alen at the same time and place
Lot 35, First ('oncesslnn HIuron Road,
TGckersnwith, containing 100 acree,
more or less.
Terms of Sale—Ten per rent. of the
pporrhese money at the time of sale.
Balance in :N) days.
For further particulars apply to the
Clinton P 0
School Reports
The following is the report of S. S. No.
s, Ceborue, for the month of October,
V. -Honors, Myrtle Moodie 76, Pass.
Hazel Illesett, 72; Sr. 1V. -Elva Ford,
7:1, Rufus Kestle 70, Vera Moodie 68.
Jr. IV. -Emma Fisher 61. Jr. IL-
Maggle efoodte 65. Pt. 11. -Ferrol Hig-
gins 62, Thelma Ford 61. I't. I. -Gar -
don Perkins 7U, :\mold Ford 73, Chas.
Trout 51. Mies Robinson, Teacher
The following Is the report of S. S.
No. 11, Stephen, based on examination.
Parents are requested to see that Biel -
children attend regularly ;-V. Claes, Iva
Misery. Maxwell 13aynhatn, Mary Han-
lon, Adrian Coughlin. Sr. IV. Class,-
laes;Fred Easery, Elva Brooks, Luther Butt
Bessie Anderson, Fred Fairhali. Sr. IV.
-Stella Neil Marguerite Hanlon. Jr. I1I.
--4tabel Heitman, Rose Hanlon. Jr. II.
-Leonard Abbott, Lloyd Baytiham, Har-
ry Elston, •Della Drools a, Gerald Han-
lon, Eddie Alexander. Pt. 11.-1(azel Es-
sery Vera Davis, Lorne Hicks, Rex Jlilla
Flora Huxtable, Ruth Coughlin, Gor-
don Culbert, Albert Hackney. Irene Al-
exander. Jr. Pt. 1-Areele Hicks, Wil-
fred Huxtable, Ida Taylor, Dora Hack-
:tey. Clarence Culbert. No. on roll 616 ;
it -set -age attendance 30.
_ Annabel Swann, Teacher.
Report of Sltopka school for the month
of October. Nu. On roll 51 ; average 42.
Marks give comparltIve standing. V. -
Laura' Marlton. Jr. I .--Minnie Falk -
Winer 865, Dora O'Itouke 485. Sr. III
-:tattle Finkbehncr 103 t, Jr. J11. -Su -
ale Keough 1128, Violet Sharp 1111,
Ethel Lincli 1.) in, 31abel Clara& tl.i,l,
Effie Robinson 921', Pearl Wing 90a,
Alice Ganser 800, James O'[touka 7211,
Mcrelit Pickering 547, Bertha Uaynham
Sr. 11.-Itussell Uayrthatn 688, Maggie
Pfaff 423, \v illis Brophy 3711, Taonnaa
Mason 152. Jr. II -Vera Finkbalabr,
012, Andy Kco an as; u, teal Webb 572,
Emilia Flnkhcl;ur 541, Maggie Gower
3-12. St. i't. 11.-Iiren, Schroeder 827,
\Viceley I:aynL i:n :100. I lattiz Lochner
233, Ivan Sharp 211, Nctaon Armstrong
201, George J:. Pt. 11.1n
Luella fichro,:.• .a a:.
a:... -.a Uaynhun
'252, Della 1,- -nerd 242, Luella W1:tg
193, Hubert Lynch 79. Jr. Pt, I. -Oa -
car Pfaff 233, Eigie Webb 163, John
Ly heti 117, Luella Flnkbelner 116. Ed-
die Baynitam 110, Sadie Pickering 110,
Clifford Picketing 75, Dona Armstrong
49. Jr. Pt. I: -Phoebe Schroder 200,
Oslo Pfaff 154, Lloyd Galeer 139, Ern-
est Lochner 46, May Armstrong 11,7,
Melvin. Pickering 70, Lloyd Brophy 110,
Ffarolsla Brophy 24, Sylvester Lynch 2_.
J�ji, Robertson ,Teacher.
Following is the report of the stand-
ing of the pupils of S. S. No. 13, Hay,
for the month of October, names being
in order of merit : Jr. 1V .-tiorrace Pfaff
Sr. Ill. -Annie Greet„ Grant Hooper.
Se. 11 -Elena Stacey, Jessie Carrick.
Jr. 1I.--Clarlee liooper, Willie Hooper.
Pt. I1. -Alice Pfaff. Sr. l't. I. -Cora
Fond. Middle I't. 1 -Alma Daaring,
Maudle McDonald, Henry Green.
I. 11. Alntelrong, teacher
The report of rite result. of the exam-
inations ot S. S. No. 6, Stephen, for
the month of October are, as follows.
IV. Sr. -Chao. (lower, Jacob Querrin.
Chas. llegier. I\-. Jr. --Thos. Yearley,
Untold Gower, Emma Cunningham, Le
ona Flnkbelner, Maggie Hanover, Clara
Jacob, John Wilhelm, Ella Wilhelm, Jas
Mawhhnncy, Flossie Hartman. III. Sr.-
Itoy Rata, Lewis Johne, Roy Johns, Joe
flegier, III. Jr. -John Cunningham, F.
F 1y1111. 11. 5l. -\(Ilton Jacob, \V:Itltt
Heitman, Arthur Hanover, taladya Maw
1Jnncy. 11. Jr. -Peter :teeter, Trane Maw
hlnney, l't. 11. -Fred Cunnhlgham, Er•
vin Jacob, Edith Flynn. Pt. 1. Sr- Jno.
Hanover. Pt. I. Jr. -Bertha Hartman,
Edgar Mawhbuu y. The names above are
in order of merit. No. ort roll 35 : aver-
age. attendance 27. E. It. Krya, t, a. iu r.
The following is the report of the
examinations of S. S. No. 2, Ilay, for
the months of September and October.
iV Class—Greet Mawson 72, Stella
McMahon 65, Ben Case iii, Wilfrid
Northcott 11. 111 Class --Earl Camp•
bell 77, Ella Jones 61, Eddie Welsh IN►,
Ada Case 53, Amit Willard 82. Sr. 11.
—Pend 1Villard 50. .Jr. 11, --John
Murray- 71. Willie Smith 63, Ralph
Hawking 63, Edna Geddes 61.
Geo. Mawson, Teacher.
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 3, Stephen, for the month of Oct.
V Class—F. Triebner, A. Willis, 0
Sandet e. Sr. 1 V—W Shapton. E
Shapton. Jr. IV --.I Willis, C Par.
sons, A Willis, E Welsh, V Hogarth,
O I'reszcntor. Sr. Iii—E i3ox. Ir.11i
—M Willis, H Parsons. Sr. 11—L San-
ders, C Triehner, 0 Stanlake. Jr. 11.
C Parsons, L Sanders, T Willis, C
Dearing. Sr. Pt. i1. --M Triebner, V
Box, V i'reszcator, L Hill. Jr. Pt. iL
—I' Sanders, 0 Hamilton, C Hamil-
ton, C Sanders. Pt. i—A Shapton, E
Preszcator, R Parsons, T Stanlake. iWM. 1, TillEliNF:lt, Teacher. Give Us The Signa!
John Maher, a farmer of this town•
ship drove to London with a load of
hogs last week. slaving disposed of
them, report says, he proceeded to
"enjoy" himself. Abo,lt 10 o'clock be
started for home, but his rig was
struck by a street car near Potters -
burg, smashed into pieces and Maher
thrown ont. He was not badly hurt
however and after a night's Bleep
awoke to find he had been relieved of
the price of hie bogs, $ail, bad a bruis-
ed and scratched face, and was minus
a rig. Procuring another he proceed-
ed homeward.
Roosters for Sale.
1 hive a few nice COckril Plymouth Rocks for
sale. Speak quick. T. 11. CARLING.
Hon. Thos. Greenway Dead
Ottawa, Oct. 30.- lion. Thomas Green-
way, cr-pientler- of Manitoba, and one
of the members of the Dominion rail-
way conunlssioi,, died at the W1: dsor
Hotel this morning, aged 70 years. Mr.
Greenway has been In poor health for
a month past, and two days ago 'Ilia
condition was pronounced serious, al-
though death was 1101 expected ea soon.
Heart trouble was tha cause of death.
Hon Mr. Greenway was appointed one
of the three new members of the rails -
way eomnllsslo±n but els weeks aao, at -
ter a long career 111 public life. He
was born hi Cornwall, Eng., 111 1938.
and carte to Canada with Ole parents,
who settled In the Township of Stephen,
in Huron Cou;tty, where he was educated
in the public schools.
At the age of tllirtean he left home,
and, finding himaclf in London, Ontario
hecarne apprenticed to a Itarnessinalter,
remaining with ittm until tete completion
of the required ftvc years. Atter con-
tinuing in this line of work for a short
time he engaged in various mercantile
pursuits near Exeter and later he kept
a general store in Centralia.
He was reeve of the township for ten
years, and au unsuccessful candidate for
the representation of South Huron in the
House of Commons. He was finally el-
ected for South Ifuron at a bye -election
caused by the unseating of tie sitting
member, and sat in the I•fouse wont
1875-1878, when he declined re -nomin-
lie went west in the following year,
and began farming, but the. lure of pub-
lic life was too strong, at.d a year later
he was In 111e Provincial Legislature,
sitting for the riding of Mountain. ile
bee ame leader ot the Opposition in 1942.
prcrnier it: January, 1888, and was lead-
er of the Government 1111 January, 1001.
in 1904 he was elected to tae Iiouoe
of Commons for Liegar, but declined re-
nomination. owing to his appointment
on the railway cornntissloin. This pos-
ition he had scarcely entered upon be-
fore sickness overtook him
Ile was_ twice hurried, first to Miss
Annie Hicks who died in 1875, and later
in 1877 to Mtea Enuna Essery. The tat
ter and a number of grown-up children
survive, as well as two brothers, John
and William, and oar stater. Mrs. Rev.
Holmes. The late Mrs. 1M. Rollins was
a sister. The remains) were taken to
Crystal City, Man., tor lltternlanl.
Deceased was well kl,own In E c yr,
even of late veal a, bring a frcqu. • yl4-
itor In town.
.11111b -
James Street Anniversary.
The anniversary services of the
James street Methodist church were
held on Sunday and Were an unqunli-
fled success in every way. The attend-
ance in the morning was large, while
the church was filled to capacity in
the eveninpl, there being fully 1200
present. F inancially the result was
gratifying, over 82.10) being received.
A special feature was the singing of a
colored lady of Detroit, Mine. Egbert,
who delighted the large congregations
with well rendered solos. She has a
clear and full voice, every note being
well taken, while her enunciation was
perfect and pleasing, each word and
syllable being distinctly understood.
Madame Eghert certainly pleased
everybody. The preacher for the oc-
casion was Rev. John Pickering of
Toronto, and his discourses were most
entertaining and instructive. He is
possessed of an excellent voice and
pleasing manner, and is an adept at
word picturing, while his comparisons
and contracts, deductions and conch'.
cions are strong and yivi(1. Ile took
for his evening text the first verse of
the 12th chapter of Hebrews, "Where-
fore seeing we also are compassed
about with so great ft cloud of witness-,
es, let us lay aside every weight, and
the sin which doth so eat,ily beset us
and let us run with patience the race
that is set before us"; from which he
drew an interesting comparison of the
life of an earnest Christian to that of
a contestant in the Marathon race of
the ancient Greeks at the Olympic
sports; comporting the thousands of
witnesses in the sunburn to the thous-
ands of those who are in the spirit j
land, and showing that we should be
like the runner, lay aside all super-
flous weights or sins, in order to be I
successful in the effort to secure the !
eternal prize. Christians should not W
• Se H0ET,
expect to get to (leaven in a Pullman
CAC Or without an effort Any
Barrio council has orris red 300
t o; h a of the assessment roll to be print.
ed at a coat ot $165. Several ntunialp-
alittes have adopted the plan of pub-
lishing aeetaan1cit tulle for tit, purpose
of lettI' g everybody know how cash pro-
perty- is assessed. By this means ass-
essments are equalized by appeal, with
the result that the treasury Is enriched.
There may be a difference 01 opinion
amongst the votoru ot Canao t.oard-
ing political mattcre, but when It comes
to a question of a newspaper to buil
the Canadian people the vote is soli
for the Family herald and Weekly Star
of Montreal, It Is marvellous what pop-
ularity that paper enbys. L is well
deserved too, for it is beyond quos`tion
the best dollar's worth to be had. Ev-
ery home in Canada should re:enve
that great weekly when it can be had for
one dollar a year. In this section It
reaches almost every tome, and not one
of them would think of letting their sub-
scription expire. The family 11r; -,,W and
Weekly Star Is too good to miss even a
single copy.
Taft Elected
Tuesday was election day in, United
States and Wm. Taft, Republican,was
elected President over W. J. Bryan,
Democrat, by 298 out of 483 seats.
SItEENAN—At St. Joseph, on Oct,'3lst,
to Mr. and Mrs. A. Sreenan, a sop.
MASSE—At St. Joseph, on Oct. 18th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Maxim': Masse,
(twins) two Soils.
PATTEN—In :Moray, on Oct. 31st, to
Mr. and Mts. John Patten, a son.
Poptestonc-In Myth on Oct. 21st, 10
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Poplestone, former -
1y of Exeter, a daughter,
White -Berlina -a Grand Bead, on Nov.
4th, by the Rev. S. A. Carters, Mr. Fred
crick G, ,White, to Mies Matilda Beir-
ling, daughter of Mr. Andrew Ileirl-
It;g, Dashwood,
Twamley-\Vcstcott-•lar Wittiap•rg, on
on October 17th, at the home of the
bride's uncle, by Rev. Andrew Gor-
don, Mr. W. Twamley, of MacGregor,
Man., to Miss Annie Luella. (ENa) sec-
ond daughter cf airs \\ m. Westcott,
of Sealortn.
UIathcrs-Jantee-In 1'arkl:ill tat Oct.
28, Aylmer Ma there to Mise Catharine
Janice, daughter of Geo. Jamas.CLAR(-QUANCE- In Exeter, on Noy.
4111, at the hone of the bride's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Quance,
Miss Lille Mande Quance to Mr.
William Nelson Clark.
Ti uicy-In Hay Township, on 0.1 24,
William Maley. aged 7:1 years.
Rt•i+sl:t.t.—Ln Hay. on Oct. 30, Charles
Milton, son of Mt'. and Mrs. M. M.
Russell, aged 2 months, 16 days.
Hall roughing has I cl l! .
is beginning to sell. People
think as much of it as ever. it
Is a Cood Remedy
- - FOR---
Couhgs, Colds, Hoerscit s, and
Ordinary Throat Trolthlcw cents --25 — cents-- a -- Bottle
Tiring it 1 cock if you don't like it.
than a tanner can expect to gain the Chemist and Optician 1:\ 1. ('ER
prize easily. i'hone 51,
Cookrils for Sale.
A number of tboronghbed white Leghorn ('n k r
IIs for sale. Apply to
RUSSELL MAV, London Roo—at/oath.
A white hound (Beagle) with bla, k
,ioag bark. low set, answers to the
name of Carlo. Information that will
lead to his recovery, lett with August
11111, Crediton, or the undersigned, will
be thankfully received.
FI. Smith, Crediton East.
when you
are in need
of any of these
We handle only the BEST
Owen Sotirid Portland Cement
Samson Brand)
Pnroid Roofing, 1 and 2 ply
Raised Trask Barn Door clangers
$Erol to $$1.225 per
Flat '1rack Barn Door hangers
(24),e, to 9l)c per
Parlor Door Hangers
(single and double doors)
Glace, all sizes in sto k
Lock Sets, aut. copper, 50c to $3.00
Wood heaters. $1.511 to $5.50
Haseburners, $2600 to $l6.(10
Coat Heaters, $10.O0 to $2'2 00
Stove Pipes, EIhows, Stove Boards,
garland & Souvenir Ranges
Scranton ('nal