Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-29, Page 4exetei: glbuoi.i to Crelllton
-".:.ndOrs 4 Croeca, Props.
THURSDAY, Oet. 29, 1908
The Result.
Sir Wilfred Lauder gets another lease
of peas& with a gvod majority. al-
though somewhat reduced, lie knows
there Is a cleaning up to be done h,
some of the dcpartmet:ta and it la to be
hoped that he sets about 1t. Why any
pieilfer should allow some of his cab-
inet ministers to Bide -atop as they have
done !s a mystery. With a renewal of
the con;.idence of the mottle ue can de -
nano up. L doubiedly utu:u
06 late t ....oI , 1a eat,. to the personality
Of Sir Wilfred and 'hc ten years of uni-
versal prosperity. It certalnle cannot
have been the administrative ability of
the Cab.tiet, or the purity of the Cabinet
Ministers. Now the Prcn►ter has an ex-
cellent opportunity to straighten things
Out. and get rid of those who are a dta-
credit to him and Ws government and
this !e ccefider,tl) .pt, ted of Min.
The cot:::'.ry reeds c•tpital for Inc da•
developwcl,t of its latent resources and
the labor through which this eapltal
may be turned to capital account. It
need., hvaba-,dhnen for , le vacant fields
men e,J .'111 :twine Du umineral wealth
avail.tic, and railways to carry that
which. Is produced to market. But, above
everything else, Canada needs a devcl-
opement on the part of individual ctt-
izente of a full realizations of all the
duties which go with citizenship. At
this to included not only tete duty owing
to the family, but the duty to tiro manic'
pality, the Province and the Dominion
se well. There is Involved in it dilgeace
in business, and the demand that each
clr:ac• ellalt • ••p ` ii crit fairly well
tuto.,nee ::8 the rut affairs of his
.township, 1'ruvhuial and Domtirio,, Qo✓-
veLtinclats, to the end ti;a: :a stay, 'Khan
Called upon, cast an ihteillgent vote oft
on :affairs Lottne:ctcd with each.
Tht gtcatest danger menacing this
roar,': y it, Couud 1;1 the existence of an
'greet ant and c ore upt clement In the
circ Ic rate o;, the one hand, and a erlb
ptuative lnuttterehce to public duty by
those who are fairly well Inform-
ed upon, the other. 1f every intelligent
citizen could be male to realize .hat he
1s ►eally a part of t:.e government. and
to fully appr Elate tli. '..,; which goes
w•tl thr.t. a ptivI1c.e, there •Hauii to
much greater wisdom shown in the con-
duct of public affairs than Is the 1•aee
at the rrene•,1 *snit!.
Laurier will be let fir,isa ;us work.
Two out of three In Huron is not so
—St.phen did not do as well for Sherrill
an ctpected.
The Torten roust be proud of Toran-
to—five straight.
l'oiter's big Metcase In majority is an
effective answer to the charges of "un-
old rivals, Caboruu and Exeter.
had another close finish, Usborne win-
ning. slving 123 to Exeter's 121 Conger -
vat Wt. majority.
The Toronto Star announces that P.ar-
lieta.,.t will meet Jail. Ut'n and th ti '•1I.
MtItltyro of South Pettit will be Speak -
•or of tn, new house.
Easter people were g,ad to hear ;hat
Milvatn Martin. so:, ul Itev. Martin. wua
n v:1'1,01 for the Liberals in Ite;.oa
nl't qua:. t'.ey do L.P. all believe hie
cuuae is a rood onq.
Hon. George Foster has had his see-
ond welt issued 11, connectlua with the
campaign just concluded. In this he
claims $10l,0U11 damages from The
Globe Publishing Company for idea by
defendant company ronccrnleg 1.1n in
The Globe of trio 21st of October.
North Middlesex Returns
The (:unseat in Not th Middlesex was
condneted very quietly, both candidat-
es t•esoruhg to the au,vass rather than
to publio meetings. The fight tvue free
from personalities, both the candidates
being young leen and highly esteemed
in the whin,, tiding where they are
well known. The Lilemids eppe.►r to
have been better organized. and got
out their vote more satisfactorily than
did the Conservatives, otherwise the
difference in the voting would have
been less ni,rked. The result, with
one poll to hear from, is as follow,:
i)oyle. Smith.
Adelaide 32
13iddnljth 151
frIc(iillivr,ty, incomplete 31
Lucan 88
Park hill 41
Aliso Craig ... . .... 22
East Willititus iM)
Nest Williams 21
Total 291 377
Majority ter Smith, SI!
Thr rain on Saturday has helped the
ploughing considerably.—Fred Eller-
ington is doing a t itshing business
with the threshing machine in the vi-
cinity of Lumley.—J. A1. Glenn and J.
W. Stewart have ,tlithed from the
West.—Hiss Mand t)11 keen of Sea-
ft•t r h is visiting her aunt. Mrs. James
Bro.tifont.—There will he preaching
in the Methodist Church at ('hisel•
horst next. Sunday evening at 7
cl k. - Q.aite it nntut•er ttf the young
people attended the concert un Car mel
('Murch, Hens all. on Itiday et ening
nn,! 1eport a good time.—John Vance
an.1 George A. Glenn drove to Mitchell
on Thirts.lay, the 2111h, to attend (',pt.
W. Th-one+m's sale. --Miss Edith
fir:xht of S.'iforth spent Stt.uday.
and Monday with M1w Anhie• Horton !
—The %Mases Giles of Mii-koktt tire vie•'
itint wit ,heir Otto•;,,, 31i•s Tillie'
Situ non•.--MonJas w es a I,n•y dray
for i r• f mite•rs.- -Miss I•; !t,a 11 ori is
',pen "nq a c..'tl.l•• of wr. . lc. with her
aunt sirs. 1'. 1tckown. •t Seaf..rill. --
Mr. ,arid Mrs. Fr t k Keck man have
retur 1 fronn 11. 1 „nt and otl;er ..1
points on their tvc.l,iliog tout.
ells* Glavin of Maguire is Icarnlnd
d,csuut..klud at '.Ilse Clara 3•'ahner•
Miss Stork of Ilespler visaed Mr. a
Niro. George Illrtz i a few days the
week.—August Kuhn of the Bank
Commerce, Chatham, spent last Sund
under the parental root.—Miss E
Beaver and her slater, Mrs. (Dr.) Or
of Centralia are visiting Mr. and M
Harry Dyer of Detroit.—Cleorge Bedt
of Sarnia was In town on Monday.—A
net Habit has had a cement walk t•
structed from the street to his dwellii
—Arthur Zwicker visited friends
Dashwood Sunday.—August Hill Intel
constructing an ice house on the
upon which the slaughter house is n
situated. The old one on the Mai,, at.
et the butchers!,op .'as bacn torn down.
It was one of the oldest buildings In
town and was unfit for further use.—
Mr. and Mrs. Swcitzer of New Hamburgvisited relatives In our amidst t he past
week.—Miss Melinda Trick, who attended
the funeral of her auto, Mrs. Flnkbeln
last week, returned to Stratford on Sat-
urday, where she has a splendid posit-
ion as stenographer.—Wm. Hill has been
cutting n lot of wood for our citizens
with his engine tea past week. It's a
lot easter than the old "sweater."—Mrs.
Mathew N. Winer of Fort William Is via
Iting Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Winer, Sr.—
Mr. and Mrs. Ell Lawson and Thomas
Lawson, who have been in Alberta for
several nnohtha vteiting friends, return-
ed home last Friday. -Well, the elect-
ion 1s over. Sorry to say Mr. Shert•itt
didn't get the coveted position. Now
since the smoke ;nal cleared away the
the Q. T. 1'. will surely be constructed
in the near future.—Albert Wolf of Mt.
Forest, Mich., is visiting his father,
brothers and sisters for a fcw days.—
Some time ago our bcwiera got together
and decided that they would have
tournament among themselves. The fo
lowing shows the standing to dal
u., Miss Edythe llawl-straw is spending
.i.- a few days with her mother bete.—
nitMr. McDougal, who has been acting
past as principal in the High School here
of since the summer holidays, leaves
ay next week to resume bis studies.
lla Nothing definite is yet known as to
in, who will be his successor. -Miss Dot
rs. Carlisle is visiting ber sister, Mrs. But -
era ler, London. - Miss Nell Murray has
ug- returned from a visit in London Town-
00- ship. -Miss Olive O'Neil of London
tg. township is the guest of Miss Gertrude
in Patrick.—We notice Charlie McMahon
ids on the street again, having quickly re -
lot covered from an attack of typhoid
ow fever.—Election day was too Much for
Charlie. -Rev. J. Stevenson has re-
turned from the West and we are
pleased to say much improved In
health. --flies Geddes of Loudon is th
guest of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Ranting
-Jesse Forman is home from Toronto
again, -Mr. and Mrs. Weir of St.
ter Johns spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Crawley. -Mrs. J. Lockhart, who ha
been spending the past month with
friends in Lucan and vicinity has re
turned to her hove in Pickford.—The
.vork of drilling for gas on the farm o
Mrs. Morain about a wile from town
has again been renewed. When hav-
ing drilled to a depth of eight hundred
feet the drill was lost and for some
days the work was at a standstill, -
Mrs. Byers has returned to ber home
in Mitchell after a few days visit with
her daughter, Mrs. Ferguson. -Miss
Bettie Essery was in town on Friday.
-Miss Kathleen Fox is visiting her
uncle In London. -We are pleased to
report a slight chane for better in the
case of little Ruby Isaac of St. Marys.
Ruby is the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. A. Isaac, formerly of this place.
For nearly a week she has been suffer-
ing with appendicitis and little hope
of her recovery was giyen.-David
Jamieson of Galt called on friends in
town last week. -Misses Denholm and
o Lee spent Sunday in Clandeboye the
guests of Miss Edytb Simpson. -John
1 Sproule of Niagara is visiting his par-
ents here. -Mrs. Weir of London spent
Sunday with Mrs. C. Sproule.
The first column is Wins, second Loss-
es, third Games to play.
Dr. McCue & C Kuhn 3 3
E Mahon & F Young 42
8 Brown & 0 Morlock 2 3
C Bluett & C Zwicker 3 2
H Eilber M.P.P. &H0Clark 3 1
H F Eilber & D Sweitzer 1 1
W James & Herb Eilber 0 4
Tract Society, preached in Methodist
Ceerahh last Sunday evening, when
be delivered a fine discourse to young
men. He left Monday to continue his
labors, selling Bibles ani good litera-
ture in the northern part of the coun-
Mr, Wanulsy, a Colporteur of the
Leper Canada Tract Satiety, preached a
very impressive sermon at Erica church
on Sunday last. --Russ Skinner and wife
of Wlncheleea visited at Sant. Skinner's
Sunday.—Mr. and Mt ft. Nat. Ogden of
Whalen slant Sunday at It. Coates'—
Byron Hicks of Centralia visited Eden
friends Sunday.—A number from here at-
tended the League Convention at Ellnt-
ville Wednesday.—Mr. Swan Waited at
his home in Fullartor. peer Sunday.
McGillivray Accidents
s On Tuesday of last week while
threshing clover on the farm of Jos.
Ritchie, 7th con., Mr. Henry Steeper,
a well known resident of McGillivray,
f met with an accident which caused
bis death. Attached to Mr. Steeper's
separator there is a small wheel which
runs a saw to cut wood for the engine.
It was this part of the machinery
which caused the accident for while
attempting to throw on the small belt
to start the saw, the right arm of the
deceased was caught and before the
engine could be shut down he had
been whirled around several times.
The arm was pulled oft at the elbow
but the victim was spared the agony
of this as his skull was fractured by
striking the large wheel, producing in-
stant unconsciousness. Mr. Steeper
passed away in about three hours with-
out regaining consciousness. He issur-
vived by his wife, two sons, one mar-
ried and one at home, and one daugh-
ter, Mrs. Woodburn, besides several
brothers and sisters.
While working a corn busking
machine on his Lather's farm at Strath -
burn, near Glencoe, Tuesday, Dougall
McCallum had his left arm so badly
lacerated by getting it caught in the
machine that it was necessary to am-
putate it. He was removed to Vic-
toria Hospital for treatment. The un-
lucky youth was feeding the machine
at the time of the accident and while:
in the act of releasing an ear which
had lodged in the machinery be got
his fingers caught and before the en-
gine could be stopped his entire arnt
had been drawn in above the elbow.
Su fay u,a uaturt of the trophy has not
been decided upoa but it will probably be
.t valuable one and a useful one. It Is
expected that the membership of the
Bowling club will be increased in the
opting. Extensive hnproeements will be
ntedc• to the grounds and a club house
erected. It Is- a fascinating game, suit-
able for old and young. and one in
which all players can enjoy themselves.
Miss Mae Wilson spent a couple of
days with ber friend, Miss Lena
Laughlin, Parkhill. -Miss Mabel Fos-
ter visited her cousin, Miss Etta Daley,
of Parkhill, for a few days last week. -
Mr. D. Goodman of Michigan, after an
absence of twenty-nine years, is visit-
ing his sister, Mrs. John Sherritt, and
other friends in Greenway.—Mr. Jas.
Foster, of Belleville College. visited
over Sunday at his home here.—Mr.
and \It's. V m. Coopet and family vis-
iteti in this vicinity on Election
Day.—Boston Methodist •Church in-
tend holding Anniversary and Thank -
Offering Services on Sunday, Nov. 8th.
Further notice next week.—Mr. Robb.
English has disposed of his colt and
calf to Mr. John Foster for a hand-
some figure.
After the Memorial Service of the
late Mir Knight Henry Steeper, the
members of Union Tent, No. 48, K. O.
T. M., marched to the Ic,dge room and
held a short meeting. Many kind
words were spoken and the following
motion was made by Sir Knights U.
11. Wilson and %V. J. Prance, that the
Record Keeper send a letter of condol-
ence to Mrs. Steeper and funnily, and
that a copy of it be Fent to the press.
We, the officers and members of the
Knights of the Macc,thees of Union
Tent. No. -18, Greenway, wish to con-
vey to you our sympathy in this very
sudden and sad bereavement.
Got) bets seen fit in His wise Provi-
dence to call a beloved husband, affect-
ionate father and grandfather, and a
worthy, honored Sir Knight.
The community feel they have lost
an accommodating neighbor, who was
always ready fur tiny tact of kindness.
Ile assured, dear friends, you have
our sympathy and prayers. We Cont.
mend you to the loving care of our
Heavenly Father, who has promised
to be it husband to the widow and
father unto the fatherless, and tans
said: " My grace shall be srfil Tient."
We feel that this is a warning to each
and all of us.
Signed on behalf of the above named
Society, Jails lruott•N. ('.urn ,
A. M. WiisoN, R. K.
Exeter Council
The Council met in tit• Town (Tall.
Absent Councillor Knight. The min-
utes of the meeting held on the 2nd
were read and approved.
Mr. Jas. Snell waited on the ('outicil
regards the drain along Carling St.
under construction and ask that the
RAMP be continued as far south ns his
lot.-- Granted.
The hill of Golden & McCullough Co.
Ltd., Galt, was read and payment de-
The foliowing accounts were read
and ordered to he paid: —WVm. Gilles-
pie, freight an,: cartage 83 87: Queen
('sty Oil Co., Toronto, gasoline $7.01,
less for lib's. returned $0 25-- i.(5); )(r1,
Davis, lumber $10.87. labor $1.75, burn•
her at the cetnetery $11.15; James
,Murray & bion sec. =14.08 leas $5 for
wood --$0.444; Advocate Printing Co.,
printing to Oct. 1-t. $11.01: for labor,
Sid. Sanders $8 75, Alf. Bedford $1.50,
Gen. Atkinson $3. Silas Handford
$1.75, Tho.. Brock $1 25, Jae. Weears
$2 50: W..1. Bissett, Meals for tramps
laic; anlounring in all to $1111.!12. Pass-
ed on motion of A. E. Fake-- W. J.
He to man. --Carried.
Adjournment W. Johns.
.Josttpn Slt'.tot, Clerk.
01.—Edward Dinatey. the oldest
of Clinton; and o ie Of the ear:-
, 4, iers in tturot County died Oct.
.:itt. h. ills (.ltd year. When but q111I'•
young man he moved here. and con -
u• ted a wagon shop. and later want
!Jr. (t,l• butt tar Lua-n'ss.
The Ladies Aid of Centralia Metho-
dist church, assisted by the ladies of
the congregation, purpose having a
chicken social on Tuesday eve, Nov.
3rd. beginning at 0:30 p.m. Mr. N. E.
Hicks of the Imperial Quartette, as-
sisted by the choir will furnish a good
programme. Addresses will he given
by several ministers. Rev. W.
Butt will take the chair as usual in his
good natured style. -Mrs. Thos. W.
Neil is spending a few days at the
home of her father on Waterloo St.,
Mr. H. H. Brown and his son Carroll
of Toronto are spending a few days at
the Methodist Parsonage of this place.
-Mrs. Thomas Neil spent a couple, of
days in London with herarents, Mr.
and h
urs. F. Lewis. -Lewis• -Mr. R. A. Walrus.
ley, Colporteur of the Upper Canada
WooL'8 Phosphodiae,
The (7ry. ]•',tptish Remedy.
Tones:Ind 0 .•r.itea the whole
nervous r n, makes new
Blood iu o' : '. urs Corea Nerv-
oes Debility, Dlrntal and Brain Worry, Des-
+nticnu'y, Sutu'tl JJ eakn•ss. I:missions. &perms
a•riorrMra,andE,rects of 4buseor Excesses.
-031 per box, six for re. Orlewill please six
:allows. euro. Sold by all ddrtiggiets or mailed in
plain pkg. on re-eelpt of.r1 '. New emelphkl
mailedfrce. Tho Wood Medicine Co.
(formerly 11.7.u! .'r) Toronto, Ont.
Our Stock of New Fall Goods
New Dress Goods in all the lead-
ing cloths and shades, at close pri-
Be sure and PPP our New Mantles
for Ladies end Children.
New Furs in ruffs, stoles, muffs,
collarettes, &c. They are Beauties
and et prier's to snit all.
New Flttnnellettes,Wrapperettes,
Wool Blankets, Flannelette Blank-
ets. at close prices.
New Hosiery, Cups, Mitts, Gloves
and Underwear -all kinds and siz-
Men's and Boys' Ready-to-wear
Suite at Bargain Prices. Ordered
Suits a Specialty. Ile sure and see
our New Tweeds and Worsteds in
the New Shades. Our prices are
A fall line of Hardware at close
A large stock of Crockery and
Fancy China just to hand.
Our Grocery Department is full
of New and Fresh (:cods.
Millinery Opening
Tuesday & wedoesday
Sept.29th & 30th.
Our Millinery Department is in.
der the management of MISS
DUNN, OF LONDON, a lady of
wide experience in the millinery
It is with pleasure that we ex-
tend this invitation to all the ladies
interested in artistic headgear.
Our millinery department is full
of all the latest and newest styles
and designs in this line. The whole
panorama of Fall Fashions are re-
vealed in our Millinery Section.
Come to our Opening and enjoy
the inspection of this season's dis-
play of most beautiful and com-
plete showing of Fall Millinery.
SHOESA large and well assorted stock of all BOOTS
the leading styles and makes, at prices BOOTS
lower than ever. if t'ou want it p.iir of good Boots or Shoes, give us a call.
A lot of raids and ends will be cleared regardless of cost.
Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce.
Corner Store. - - - DASHWOOD
In New Premisee
Boots & Shoes I wE HAVE A Special Line of
Patent Shoes which are
going fast, Come in and
see them. Styles and prices are right. They will suit you.
A full line of other shoes that are suitable for any wear. You
will be pleased with them,
OUR (;RO(IERiES ARE ordered
often and kept fresh and new
all the time. We will be
pleased to sce you try them. Breakfast Foods, Can
Goods, Pickles, Syrups, Etc. An excellent line of
Confectionery, also.
ANTEDB IT•l.1•i:ut A\'I) l':(;r;-.
will pay yon the Highest
Market Price in trade for
Butter and 11:„*1„rs. Erin, thole in.
Wilson Bros., - Exeter
t )!,,. 11 .f !I' ii"i t11 t•f IN rel 1 ''.11111;' te•e,
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
{ Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
Reserve Fund, - $4000,006
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
live facility afforded to farmers d
others for the transaction of tkelr
banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection.
BANKING BY MAIL Accounts may beopened by mail, ad
monies deposited or win
thdrawn in
this way with equal facility. 115
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
The attenttort of fruit growers through -
our this county is urgently called to the
desirability of having a 'tree cexiiibit
of fruit grown in this county at the
Provincial Horticultural Exhibition op-
ening in Toronto on Monday. November
Jth. Liberal prizes are awarded for the
general competition, in which all fru:t
growers may enter, and a grant of $25
from the County Council has bean add-
ed to the Provincial prizeu in the county
competitions. County Clerk Lane is
aatlne as se:retary tor the committee
who are endeavoring to collect the ex-
hibit, and Ile will be glad to send eop-
lea of the prize list and all desired in-
formation to any one asking for sante,
Ml express charges to Qoderich and to
Toronto will be paid, so that exhibitors
are at little or no expense. By all means
let anyone having good fruit specimens
arrange to send them to Mr. Lane, eo
that our county may, as before, lead in
the displays at this splendid exhibition.
Exhibits must be at Ooderlch not later
than Nov. 2nd.
ORM Farquhar.
Messrs.' John Stewart and John
Glenn, Jr., who have been in the West
for some time returned home Satur-
�ioc„ •• s et, elT� •t erree stairsi' •ale' .�:• .•S•. •• '�.Ice
' 91.- 'sly to
'�• �-
wanesgroreee City
4.4"Colnes kortbasd
It Is Immensely Inportent that
you should get all the Information
•bout a college before you enroll
OS • student. Your succcsa de.
panda upoa yiur choice.
Du, Fres C.t.lo u• trolls •!I about
Methods ethods of 'fetching—shy we tum
Tut graduate. who ars always In de:nand.
t •sp!sins the Coma,.rctal and Short-
hand eo.rs.s1. detail- Shears the rah,.
elths 0.,,,.,,Edue.tor•,As,...•l.t;c• s
Drp!nn.a. And (Sts tug.. hand.• -..•e17
tilvstr.t•d boor w;11 be sent to you FREE
by morn of mail 11 you will Just send
u• your 1s,c..nd •ddr•s..
Stud., . vlmilt•J .n, Gm..
Special Orso,rg Septer..b.r .nd J.ncary
Tbs serest Cir
8uslness ■ad Shorth• Col!eae
1.05008, OXT•
pew. wesbnd_ - t. _J. w, We•terw
t91ncipsl vk..Mndps
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated 1855
Capital -
Rest Fund -
- $3,3 74,000
Has 05 Branches in ('.,nada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at all Brandies. !laciest allowed at highest current tate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
Dicesos & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. I1UI{DON, Manager,
ot always easy
to know just what to buy
in the line of
1 Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware.
You very often need a hint
as to what is most suitable
to buy for your friends or
very often need hint
as to is most suitable
to buy for your friends or
yoursel f.
�— Our Stock Furnishes the Hints --+
-� Our Stock furnishes Hints -'
It reveals in a minute more
It in a minute more
appropriate presents than any
one could sit at home lul(1
recall in a whole day.
an 1 we promise to make their
elp)o-ing easy and theirchoioe
Exeter, Ont.