Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-22, Page 81 L t4ECU VnirlUnierir LOCAL DOINGS. + AOLAL afk a& ALAI Fall & Winter t1 We Sidney Sanders is ill at her Suitings Over Coatings Pantingss + and Vestings iii all the latest T. shades & patterns + at reasonable prices I -+t' SEE the New Fashion Plates for the present season W. W. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Business Locals-- Read Them Stewart's millinery has that extra t ouch of style and taste that the ladies admire. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. .30.•. ribbed cotton hose slightlydam- aged. 2 pair for 25e. Stewart's. Be sure and not forget Friday ev'g, the 23rd inst., the night of the Shredded Wheat Banquet in Main St. Church, or you will regret it. Ad- mission only 25' and 15c. EYE E SIGIIT SPECIALIST—Miss J. .1. Allen, cyc sight specialist attd r,:: , - ory optician, will to at the Com:uc•r.i..1 Hold, Exeter, Saturday, October from 9 a. m. to 9 p. All Ladies' .Fur Lined Coats lo,.l, alike to some people, tut ladies of taste can always tell o Stewart coat. They are just a more stylish coat than the others. Mr. Thos. Cameron, Aticttoneer,will again commence his monthly sales, the first to take place early in Novem- ber. Any person having stock or other stuff to sell well are requested to leave their orders at this office. 'I'he ni,'est line o1 men's Underwear ire hare se, 11 is al Stewart's. Furs R.:psircd or Remodelled. M. attire -mi., Andrew St., Exeter. Stewart's tailor-made coats for ladies and girls are risking a great hit. 17,.•,/ are e.rtuinly stylish, MISS J J ALLAN, eye sight specialist and refractory optician. will be .tt t 1,, Commercial Hotel, Exeter, Saturday. Oc t. 4th. (lours. 9 a.ra. to tt p.•n. .111 ren'' grail calf boots for Men, it•,•- rren, Bays and girls, for erery day u,,r,• and tear. t',nl't be heat. Stewart's Dr. Oven% Coming. Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, Oct. 2Ith. Glace..', properly fitted and disea,es of Eve, i•:ar and Nose treated. Ho'Ir, i) a.m. to 5) p.m, -- The Calming ing fac y, having finish- ed the f,nnrleein:, has closed for the season. \l:. ,1..1. lt.,'lins is shaking handl with e1d f, lends in town this week, having tit it en lip from London. Ali. 1 .h i 11 11tkshaw, while win king itroilnil h', Ii.,' i the tither day, re. ceit•tl ,t Si.%ei.• kirk in the side, which resulted in a broken rib and a badly brnl-ed side. Me. 1'h"'.. t' t nleron did not sn 'ceed in -, lIi',g th • tlArtin propersy in the Town -hilt .'f I' -borne on the itith lost., alt h•. r,ab he .n •ceetled in getting some goo 1 rads f.'t p irts of it. Ile is again otfe. i -at( it for sale. See ad. in another CO! Mr. Frank Sperling of Toronto is visiting here. St. Marys pays 2(1 mills on the dollar taxes this year. Mrs. Thos. Bissett, sr., is visiting her daughter in Michigan. Mr. G. A. K. McLeod Is still confined to his room and is very low. Mr. Samuel Baskerville is very ill of appendicitis at his home here. Auction sales advertised on these p.iges mean big crowds ani Rood crowds. The Advocate will he sent to any address in Canada to Jan. 1st, 1010, for $1.00. Alex. Munn of Hay Tp. haspur- chased the farm of Mr. John Welsh of London Road North. Owing to the Presbyterian church anniversary no beta, ice SSSS held in the Main street church Sunday evening. The fine weather and the abumdaut crop of beechnuts has imide the gath- ering of the little nuts a favorate past - time, the ladies going out in bus loads. Andrew Carnegie is giving Mitchell $6000 for a public library. Several Exeter citizens think that this town should move toward securing a simi- liar gift. The Exeter Bargain Store is the spot for Cracking Big Bargains for two days, Thursday and Friday, 22nd and 23rd of October. All the Goods are now open and ready for sale. Kattling Big Bargains for two days, J. W. Broderick. The Indian Bead (Sask.) Vidette, time refers to a former Usborne young man: --"We are pleased to hear that J. C. Horton, cashier in the local branch of the Union Ilank. has been promoted to the position of account- ant In the same institution." Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Spackman of 217 Delaware avenue have issued in- vitations for the marriage of their only daughter, Hiss Stella Kathleen, to Mr. Elgin Graham Johnston, to take place in St. Paul's Methodist church, Tuesday, October 27th.—Toronto Globe. Rey. John Pickering of Toronto has been engaged to preach at the anni- versary services of the James street Methodist church, Exeter on Sunday, November 1st. The celebrated Madam Egbert of Detroit will assist in the singing. Special Thank Offerings will be taken. A young than named Phillips ap- plied to Magistrate Kay last week to sentence him to six months in the Central Prison. On Mr. Kay explain- ing that such a thing could not he done he departed on foot condemning the law that would not give him a term when he wanted it. Somewhat of a .surprise struck the people of Exeter last week when it was learned that Mr. Jesse Elston and Miss Mary Gidley had quietly been married two weeks previously, Sept. 30, at the Methodist parsonage. Hen - sell. Both are estimable people and the hest wishes of all their friends are extended to them. Word has been received here of an unfortunate accident that befell Mr. John Willis of Marlette, Mich., former- ly of Exeter. It appears he was en- gaged in clearing up a piece of land and in some planner had his leg brok- en. The accident will necessitate him laying oft duty for several weeks. A little son of Mr. Geo. Jeffery had at narrow escape last week. Ile was playing around a well being dug by Mr. Thos. Simile on the farm of Mr. Wee. Armstrong, when he fell in, fall- ing sixteen feet. Luckily lie struck slightly on Mr. Sonde who was at the bottom and broke the fall, and not in- juring either himself or Mr. Smnle but slightly. The excessive reins daring the oat harvest time seemed to he a little hard on the fernier, but the second crop of clover he has since cut has amply re- paid hint. One of the progressive farmets of Stephen, W. D. Sanders, President of the South Huron Farm- ers' institute, informs us that he cut at ton of hay to the act•e off (1 acres that had previously yielded :1.) bushels of barley to the acre. A Sarnia man found a gold watch the other clay, and failing to take steps to ascertain the loser, was ar- rested for stealing. it is generally known that the law recognizes as theft the keeping of found articles. it is as imperative for the person who finds to seek the loser, as it is for the loser to seek the article lost. The saf- est sway is to watch THE AU\•u(•.tTn "lost" and "found" columns. The coroner's jury in the 111itnico wreck brought in the following vet. - diet: "William Quinn tarns to his death on the night of Oct. let through the neglect of Switchmen McTaggart in not closing the switch before giving Whalen '4+p I f++++++++++1444+++++. the block to Parkdale, and that the Oscar Gilhett and family of near deceased engineer, William Quinn, did Lucan visited his sister, Airs. J. V. CON Weather not use proper precaution in watehing ,lfillann over Sunday. --Mr. and Mrs, for the open switches. And we would e Nielson were the guests of recommend that the Ora rid Trunk David Parkinson on Sunday. 1Vnt. Railway relieve the switehnlcn of all Denham, who formerly resided here, duties except operating the switches," has rented the form of Philip lfnw- om ng McTaggart has not yet been heard of. berry, lately occupied by Mrs. Tillfer. Presbyterian Anniversary. We welcome Wm. back among us The Alit own is now upon Very Large congregations attended again. -Rev. Fair will preach here es and Winter will ('avers Presbyterian church on Sunday next Mundey and also adminster the soon be here, last morning and evening the occasion sert•atnetlt.--Melville Hern and Lather being the anniversary set vices. The Ilowcliffe were here onSunday.- —Mrs. preacher was ltev. James Rollins, of J. Wright visited friends in L' ndon King street Presbyterian church, Lon• on Thursday. ---Thr Misses Edna Grin- ' 4" don. and he delivered excellent and ning, Lottie4,ittire and Lncv Gunning GET READY practical discourse.. The evening ser- are visiting friends in St. Marys this n.o 1 was from Matthew �i::1, "And week. •-•It is reported here that some tor the chills day. by weer.1111'Ymade light of it." The suhjeet of the farmers over on the tenth have dealt with the way the people received had grain and potatoes, and one farm - Mrs. Gardiner is visiting relatives at Farquhar. Mr, Harry Huston and lady friend of Clinton spent .Sunday in town. .Hiss Jean Murray is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. J. E. Jordan of Goderich. Mrs. J. Grieve of Seaforth visited het sister, Mrs. Geo. McLeod, over Sunday. Mrs. John Knott of Toronto is a guest at the home of her brother, Mr. Alex. Dow. Mrs. Chas, Lindenfelt and son Ed- ward are visiting in Goderich for a week or two. Mrs, Reg. Samuel of Highgate is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bawden. Mrs. Yager, after a few weeks' visit with her parents at Clandeboye, bas returned to her home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Humble of Sar- nia spent the week's end with Mrs. Huwbld s sister, Mrs. Esti Heywood. Mr. L. C. Fleming has been in town during the past week in the interests of the Y. M. C. A. of Huron Count Mrs. Wm. Treble and Miss Effie Treble were in London this week ow- ing to (ho illno's "f Mrs. Adolphe" Evans. Mr. Geo. Armstrong of London is here for a vacation, owing to his nerves becoming somewhat affected through constant work operating. Mrs. 1'. M. 1Vhite and son Cooper of Windsor, Mrs. Walker and the Misses Walker of Philadelphia visited at Mrs. John White's, sr., during the week. WONDERFUL VALUE. All Canadians are proud of the won- derful success of the Family Ilerald and Weekly Star of Montreal. Few homes in Canada will be found with- out it to -day and every home is the better for receiving it. It is a week- ly newspaper, family magazine and agricultural journal, all three in one, and each one worth what they ask for the whole combination. Our readers should all have their local paper. but no fatuity can well afford to be with- out "The Family herald and Weekly Star." It is simply Marvellous what a vast amount one gets for a dollar a year, "The Family Herald and 1Veekly Star" is looked upon as a clean family paper in eyery respect. Shipka J. D. Hannan has sold his general store to John Breen of McGillivray, who took possession this week. --Win. Schroeder has returned from the Northwest where he spent the sunm- mer.—A fancy wire fence has improv- ed the church premises.—Mrs. H. Wing has engaged Thos. McCann of Ilensall as clerk.—Archie Campbell has toyed to Parkhill to reside, Winchelsea Air. William Henn and hiss A. Earl, both of this neighborhood, were quiet- ly married at the Methodist Parsonage at Woodham on Wednesday last.— The farmers are busily engaged taking up roots and pronounce them a fair crop.—The Misses Hattie and Edna Follicle and Mr. Leroy Camila, of Exe- ter, were pleasant callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Kyle last week. Elitnville Mr. Walter Bern left on Satuiday for Godeaich, where tie expects to re side for some time.—Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higgins,of Exeter, spent Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hunter. --Miss Mary Bern, of Zion, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Johns.—The I;ptvot•th League and Sunday School Convention will be held at Eliuiville on Wed.. Oct. 28th. A good program is being prepared.— Quite a number from here attended the South Huron Nomination at Hen- sel! on Monday. Grand Beni Mr. John nave llc lost a v.tluabla horse S.,tutd.ty.—Mr. and MCA. Sn[tlt and \tlas Millis spent Saturd.ty at l't. Ft:•1I1ss.— \ir. e.nd Mrs. Il. ilanill(on of coir. I. Stephen spent Sunday here.—Mr. sial \Ir•s. Canning spent Sunday at Clan•1,- 1.cyc.—\[re. Truatt and cn(ldren left for their home in Port Stanley Friday. aft( w(,•k•s pleasant resit with rattl.•(s I.) 1(. Mr. and Mrs. Abner .pollard cele- brated their tin wedding on Monday night of last week. A pleasant time was spent by those present, all of whnnn Wish the host and hostess many more anniversaries of the occasion.— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allister have be- come residents of our tillage. Mrs. W. II, Oliver is spending two weeks in St. Marys.—Ai. enthusiastic meet- ing in the interest of John Mherritt was held here Friday last. Mr. Spot - ton of 1%ingha01, Air. Sheri-it1 and others spoke and pleased the audience very much. Mr. Sherritt'schances are good in this neighborhood.—W. B. Olivet -anti a gang of sten are working on the dock.- -Mr s. ('ronyn's sale last week was a decided euCCCSS, many trundleds of.dotlard being realized. '"g a the invitation to the marriage of the rr had the fruit taken out of hie cellar. king's yon. For this text he gate n 1Vhu can the thieves he that are pay - The Fall or Win' cert' interesting and practical talk on ing these nightly visits? --Thomas `Ior- "frit alit v." He' did not like to se't' dey's team of roadsters mode' good their ter Suit or an long 80(1 "x101110 fares, and their was a escape on Senn -thy morning, whip(' great difference between a light buoy- Tom was showing the tax 111440 that ant, happy heart, and A frivolous one. the i,Aurier Government had got the Overcoat . Litter was detrinrentsl to charac• taxes away up too high. Thotnee said ter building and would lead to dims• "whop," but instead there was a mar - very keep ■ CAM tone for if persisted in. The singing of the athon race in which the horses figured and our make ehoir, assiste,l by Mies Walker of very well. However they were stop. r.anteed.Ph''adelphiA who '~ung A beautiful fwd end no damage done.-- Mr. and solo, was a pleasant feature of the ser• Mrs. Arthur (funning were t•isitore at N S very c,r4pnhte ,.heir leader end singers —A had nt'ci,1Pnt oceirrre(l at Worel• vices. This chinch is ',leveed with a Albert Gunning'e on Sunday evening. and their tn.i-' i • ;tlw,tye a source of hent last week when Mrs, Jame• dills aster much plea- ire to the .'rngregations. wits milking a row. The cow kicked The Thank t)fferirg .Las a substantial her leg. The doctor says she will have e♦ *�♦♦♦ ne, to keep her bed for Ave or six weeks. EXETER MARKET=. CIIANGED EACH WEDNESDAY• 1 Wheat Barley Oats 88 48 52 35 3(1 Peas 80 85 Potatoes, per bag (15 75 Hay, per ton 750 800 Flour, per cwt., family 2 75 Flour, low grade per cw 1 40 1 45 Butter 20 Eggs 20 Dried apples u Liveho e Shorts per peron cwt25 00 00 Bran per ton 20 00 Mr. Art. Wood has returned to bis duties at Toronto. Miss Minnie Thompson and her sis- ter, Mrs. George E. McTaggart, were the guests of Exeter friends over Sun- day.—Clinton New Era. (free ><i Way Mr. aria M.s. J:liti 1t. \Vllso.1 wet. I• in ues,.+t000 Saturday.—\u'. and Mrs. It. English and Selbourne were in London Saturday.—'1i,,s Mate Eagleson urcr.' a few days the past week watt tier sister, \Irs. J. Pollock.—Mr. and Mrs. Itobt. MLLincht> and Maser Emery o1 Hutchinson passed through our burgh Friday last on their way to visit rel- atives in Stanley.—Miss Etta Daley of P.Okhlli Is visiting at \Ir. J. Foster's. —Mr. and airs. A. M. Wilson spent a few days with the letter's brother, Itcv. J. G. herr of Lutan. \chile away \its. Wilson gave 511 address at A. W. M. S. meeting at Clandctoyc on \Io;idey.--)Ir. and Mrs. K. Webb spent Monday after- noon at A. M. Wllso•r's.—Mrs. Jas. L. Foster and little Miss Laura, spent the past week at Jos. Foster'u.—L. 13. !Slath- ers came Moine from the West on Satu'- d.ty.—Mr•s. H. Wicket Is visiting rel.. - 1 Ives in Parkhill this week. STI Pleasant Memories An old resident of Exeter 40 (W. H. Trott) now residing in , the Niagara Peninsula, sends us back another order for STAR Flour and remarks: "If it is as good as the last, it will do." DID YOU SEE THE BREAD baked from our Star Flour at the Fair HARVEY BROS. EXETER ONTARIO Aca1laJliarekalla Aka& 1 1 1 Scrap Iron, }1lltc Brass, Copper, Rubber, Etc., We cue prepared to pay CASH 40e a hundred and upwards, according to quality, for Scrap iron, Old Rubber (loots and Shoes, 5c per 1b Horse Hair,.a' 4c. Copper and Brass 8c hags, 50c per hundred. We Have for Sale a large quantity of IRON PIPE suitable for Fence Posts M. Jackson & Son MAIN ST., EXETER. Good News for This Week ! EDiSON ANIIPOi, RF.CORDS play 4t1 minutes, /wing 4o seconds longer than any other record rade, and it costa you Come and hear them. Ask msee our Toilet Preparation., Perfumes and Iksutiful rost Cards. No trouble to .how goof.. Call nut sec. Sold only at 41 ), THE PURITY ;^RLP;, IFggI1FMFMFgI1FMFa SITUATIONS ... with levting /•,idoses house. await out gra•laates. Loose Leaf Ledger and ail modern office methnds which ensure rapid ovary e - melt. Gregg Shorthand Wight I v the only teacher in Ontario who attended the Manor', School. THREE COURSES — Stenogrsphy. Com ea Telegraphy. Enter any day. Write for partiettlsrs. FALL TF'4M PROM SEPT let. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Oen. !'potton. Prin, 11,11 T. HAWKINS & SON. Jobbers and Dealers in L _. Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc. We make a Specialty of Eave- troughing, Roofing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be con- vinced that it is the cheapest spot in town. Har4are stock is CoMMet FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING O�Ott9�Q -4"\ dry' t3Sra3+3r Ds(�(btDii OA Parlor Suites Parlor Tables � E keep con 2 Easy Chairs Odd Chairs stantly in stock a full P Music Cabinets Couches line of furniture, 43 Sideboards Hall Racks and it pays to furnish your home from our Istock • • • Buffets Kitchen Cabinets Dining Room Tables Dining Chairs and all Bedroom Furnitute Cig0 220011{1 Mt* f3td �rPriGiQ}QCSr3 }@ C-0Creetirririrrt3E'rGSrCC OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT 18 COMPLETE. tlf{IlliDtiii*Oi itl*200)-2 0Cie erteeteommmC-oCCOCAD mIHINCCCv ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 "Hcallicrbloom" ilderitirls Just to hand a lot of "Heatherbloom " Skirts— colors black, green, or brown. These goods look and rustle exactly like Taffeta Silk, give a great (10111 better wear and at about half the cost. If you want a nice light -weight skirt that looks end feels ,just the same as silk, just try one of our " Heatherblooms " $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 French Flannels 50c per yard in 1! ),, brown, green or 1.1aek, plain, lane) or polka .lots. They are flood aenietabte goo.ls for fall or wrote, comforts. A Smart Skirt for $4.75 This buys one of our mud] dress or walking skirts made from nolle, pyrans and serge, In the %cry newest designs. 50c Taffeta Silk We have a beautiful taffeta silk in all the b ,t enlors to sell for.'+►•. This Is a regular 71" silk and is a big snap. Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats s one of our choice rat -lined , oats with a gest-class shell and sable collar and rtveerre. We hare other line. from 115 to $75. Wool Delaines in rel, green, blue, grey or black, w itl. •ilk Or ►ncy dots It makes up a rery dainty .slat. hie i10 41" a yanl. A Neat Coat at $10 This is a r(e+ pr: a far r ',tinter resat and nowhere ail/ )n•.t 17 ,1 a better one than here. A root for any Isel3 50c Dress Goods i 1l81 per yerd buys a grind dress at this score ,n any ,01or ton may ( brass. satin Cloth. Venetian. I'm ams. Serge nr Tweeds are here In abundan'e. Neck Ruffs and Muffs Fur Sets are very m• -h the gr.. we have the Rs to mat- h the ruff. In all the best tint. sets 1144,115, $20, $0', fpr. POULTRY:Chicken, ansperSe Ib.per alive;lhalilOeve. per lb. dressed. He, . i)nrka, 71, 1h, alive•: fpr per Ili, dressed, All poultry must be dry picked and picked clean. No cash paid f"r poultry. No thin poultry taken at any price. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing a 1