Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-22, Page 6THE TORTURES IW MERRY OLD ENGLAND OF NERVOUSNESS The Sufferer Fee1a That Orales Relief Comes Insanity Will Follow, There is no torture more int„ l- lerable than nervousness. A nerv- Rcigus S^promo in the Coats ous person is in a state :,f e,,natant wercial World. irritation by day and s.eeplessness One clan in six in the British Is) night. Tho sufferer starts at Kat} is a total abstainer. every noise, is shaky and depressed. Steriliir cl toothpicks in sealed en - Often although in a completely ex telupt , aro now supplied at Lon- haustod state is unable to sit or 1•r con restaurants. still or trouble of this kind abs eOxford is the greatest University lutely the hest thing in the world in the world. It has twenty-one is Dr. William,' Pink Pills. The colleges and five halls. y nerves are jaded and jangled be Tho shipyards of Great Britain, cause they are being starved bal working together, could turn roor watery blood. Dr. Williams'out a large steamship daily. Pink Pills make new rich blood It was a reformed highwayman, which feeds and soothes the irritat Stanley, who first suggested work- ed nerves. There is absolutely no houses fur the poor (1646). doubt about this; thousands can Britain brows 36,500,000 barrels of testify of the blood -making, nerve' Beer in a year, and drinks them all restoring qualities of these Pills, but the odd half million. among them is Mrs. Thar. Harpell, Thoo u ,tion of Middlesex has Wallace Bridge, N. 8., who says— increased from 792,314 to 1,059,634 "Seine years ago I took sick and since the last census was taken. the doctor pronounced the trouble The drapery trade has supplied nervous prostration. To describe more Lord Mayors of London than the tortures of it is impossible. God any, other business, the total being and myself only know what I en- 71. dured. The doctor gave me meds Mr. George Stuhley, J. P., of cine but it did not seem to help Inc. Carlton, Yorks, who died leaving Then ho ordered me away fora $1,490,000, began life as a boy in change, but I was afraid to go, as a woollen mill. 1 always seemed to fear some im- Mr. John Causton, who remem- pending calamity, and was afraid bered the celebration of the jubilee to spend the night alone, as I used of George III., has died at Norwich to think each night that I would die at the ago of 104. before morning. I tried different A wedding at Canterbury, for kinds of medicines but with no bet which about 40 people were present, ter results, and finally decided I mould go to my parents to see if the change would benefit me.. I went to their doctor but with no NEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHN BILL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occurrences In the Land That 9IP 5. JOHN HENDERSON WAS u AGA uOWo LIFE NOT WORTH LIVING A Few Bottles of Puuna SECOND LARGEST CITY. Bombay Holds Second Place in Brit- ish Empire. Probably not one porion in a lion dred knows which is the second largest city in the British Empire. if the question were put to a HUM' ler of people the majority would Most likely say Liverpool, Glasgow, or Manchester; but according to the i tati-tical Abstract of the lirit- i1h Empire for 1905 and 1906 the city that holds pride of place after Lon- don is Bombay. This town, though the birthplace of Itudyard Kipling, is chiefly known to the younger generation as (n curring in the refrain of a com- ic sung, but a year or two ago it suddenly surpassed Calcutta, which formerly held second place, and s ow has nearly a million inhabi- tants. Calcutta bas not increased so rap- idly, but is only twenty-seven then - :,and behind; Glasgow comes fourth with over a hundred thousand in- habitants fewer than Calcutta ; and then come Liverpool, Manchester end Birmingham, each place falling Gtie hundred thousand below that next above it. Madras comes eighth, and then the first of the co- lonial towns, Sydney and Mel- bourne, all of which have over half a million inhabitants. FOR THE SUPERSTITIOUS. To make tea too strong is a sign fte;toled me to Health ofIfnew youf make it too weak then you will lose friends. If you sing while snaking bread you will weep before it is eaten. To forget to put coffee in the cof- fee-pot is a sign of a corning gift. If a cork pops out of a bottle sud- denly, beware of au unknown en- emy. A quarrel is coming if you allow a cooking -stove to get red-hot on top. washing dishes, if you forgot an article, you will soon hear of a wedding. If a girl who is kneading dough clutches a lads face, he'll never grow is beard. When bread, cake, or pie will burn in spite of you, your lnisband or lover is angry with you. If, while opening a tin of fruit or anything similar, the juice should happen to spurt up in the opera- tor's face. it is a sign of some corn- 1 ing good. N.B.—And if you place too much WHITE ISLAND. weight in these omens, you aro -- simply looking for trouble. Always Enveloped In Clouds of _____,F Steam—Its Strange Lakes. THE GREY NUN3 & ZAM-BL'K White Island, New Zealand, de- rives its name from the clouds of Leading Institutions Use This Balm white steam in which it appears to Most of the leading institutions be continually enveloped. Its area throughout Canada have adopted _ is only 600 acres, and its height Zam-Bok as a standard preparation about 1150 feet above the sea level, without equal for akin diseases and HIS WISH FULhILLED. Tho Fr i •h penal ret a cut says the British Australian. injuries, burns, blood poison, etc., A German peddler rapped timid New ('ale( •ria has an r,rchestr In forin and color it is like a re- From the St. Patrick's Asylum, ly at the kitchen entrance. blrs, timid - made up entirely of convicts. posing camel, while its interior Ottawa, comes the following ap- I say, angry at being interrupted Death ('rimes to ML—But it sec with its gray, weather beacon, al- preeiation of its merits : most perpendicular cliffs,in her washing. flung open the door not come prematurely if prupe recalls "Gentlemen, ---In the orphanage and glowered at him. the Coliseum at home. Overhang- department of the Asylum, we have "llid ez wish to see me' ' rbc Precautions are taken. "An ounc in the southern landingtaco found Zam-Buk very good for heal- 3' of prevention is worth a pound l; P demanded in threatening tones. tore," and to have prevention a stands a column of rock closely re- inR cuts, sores, and ,tin injuries The peddler backed off nice sembling a sentinel, which has been generally, and shall continue to use rtes. peddler if I he assured band and allow a disease to woo dedicated to the memoryof Capt. it for such. Yours sincerely, P ,i. will is wickedness. 1)r. Thi -rias her with an apologetic grin, "I got j:i lectric Oil not only alloys pain Cook. Tho water of the island is (Signr'd) (r<IIF.Y NUNS.'' e, of a palegreen hue, and anythingWhen a mother rubs on to the de- my vish; than you._ when applied externally, but�wi prevent lung troubles resu.ein dipped into it becomes of a red licato skin of children a salvo to PimplesAway. from colds ar.d coughs. Try it a PP TheyDrive A brick color. Thelain fumes of sulphur heal some cut, brass,, burn, trop- f:tcovered with pimples is tin- are always plainly perceptible. tion or skin disease, she needs to sightly. It tells u g t_ 1'� c""% Inrcd. be as careful as if she were ivin f internal irre t On a fine moonlight night awon-, g g hu i+. i, which should long since derful sight is afforded to any one the child an internal remedy. Zamn- have liven corrected. The liver and A woman c..cs that all men roar who will sit in an open boat in ono Ruk is pure—free from all animal the kl,ieeys are not performing 1'c' equal, but rune are ain r. of the lakes of the island. Cover- fat and all mineral matter, soil may their functions in the healthy way alter w./ties Peseta hvt•a r.co..rr in an area of fiftyacres is an im- be applied even to the skin of young g they should, and these pimples are nestih by the a....1 •' F.rwein,' It is the 6e and se nding forth hissing and snorting babies. to let you know that the blood pro- (iU. I r,1ia i�. Itt°th.n o f«t s shoe `t* and sending volumes of peso- ma,,srikin heals sores, cures ringeczs- tests. Parme}ec's Vegetable Pills ill ___ ,nous steam, while all chances of skin eruptions, ulcers, ring- will drive them all Vege and will Leaf tea•., 1!inq-tn:nka wet ogress appear to be denied by the worm, its.h, barber's rash, blond leave the skin dear and clean. i in haw:, ill the time of Caesar steep, silent and gloomy cliffs. Poisoning, had leg, salt rheum, ab- Try them, and there will he another 'i��` rasions, abseesses, cuts, burns, t eI► scalds, and all skin injuries and dis- witness to their escellruce. oases. Of all stores and druggists The Hon. Sydney Holland, chair Tho never failing medicine, Hol- at. t,0 cents, or from Zam-Buk Co., die - limey's Corn Cure, removes all Toronto, for price. 3 boxes for $1.2f, marl of the London Hospital, re- -.... e chair - roe 1ro•+I •r .I.rr,u,� .ad {r,srat futolq Cantly stated that (luring twelve wlnNrs are ••►oil r mats •elthtnl. ten kinds of corns, warts, ate. ; even 0110 `_ ,�, _�� teed .•d .., Les bele; rte ..,+,o, Lot Secretes months he llad written s(, iii 11 • •aiu• ,...,,,..*,g r :. ,a. - trent r'au.di.ne .n Ilei most difficult to remove cannot 000 letters, which meant 119 miles 1 "Titoism tc r•to ter tul•,nnatloa to withstand this wonderful remedy.Since the popularity of motoring,U. W. Lulxrle h( tli alllnkln and drinkinghave cots „f Agri, alto g of continuous writing.Richmond. h decreased. Nearly forty-four per (ant• of the Ver tubercles OR Om milds of semfutis yea- (l,.ctors of Austria die of heart dis- t is pr .t,•ce the 1:bfenu• A{Naas tahs•t ispw. Attacks e+ cholera anti dysentery �c,•ars . t•..t.. u,.4 Ie time, e•,11 ss,. tks .bio (21150. come gnickly, there. seldom being trnm iaac-,Otho. A pl (n oil .rre.ted p it_& any warning of the visit. Remedial Cban'.the blood *Mb Weaver's trey Illti especially those dis- dis- Mother Graves Worm 1;xtcrmin- a(tiun must be taken just as quick -- -- failure of previous afar does not require the help of ly if the patient is to be spared 'rhe a'erage size of a man's hand invited to write for any purgative medicine to tom siert suffering and permanent in- i• frons 1 inch to 1;4 inches lunger my home treatment, Piece the cure. Give it a trial and jury to the lining mess pines of than that of a woman. .•c convinced. the bowels. The readiest prepare- — tion for the purpose is Dr. J. D. For inflammation of the, linea. The wise elan who has a good Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial it Among the many good (dualities (•pinion of himself keeps it to hien can be got at small cost at any drug which Parmelee's Vegetable fills silt. store or general dealer's, and it wihpossess, besides regulating the di - will afford relief before a (lector f t} eyes. The e,ctri,•h has been known to can be celled. travel ar. fast as a mile a minute. More thnn fifty ledgers are filled At an a!titude of 2,000 feet, the (gaily in keeping the accounts of the Alpine air i� free fr ,m microbes. Yank of England. Mrs. Jo}�n Henderson, 2 Over - dale Ave., Montreal, Can., writes: "I was much distressed with neu- ralgiahad to be postponed because the and was so run down that P P life was not worth living. I tried clergyman forgot. 1 a great many remedies, but all to Mr. Wm. Parrish Hoskins, a well, no effect. fetter results. My mother urged known manufacturer of Binning-� "I met a friend of mine, and toht Itam1 died in a first-class railway 1 her of my ailment. She advised me too to try Dr. Williams'Pink Pills carnage •at Willesden. '•, to try her remedy, Peruna. and got me a box, of course I did It is asserted on authority that' "Although I had no faith in Po - not expect a box would help me, the day of the London 'bus horse rvna, I took her advice, and a'n but I continued taking them and in is not yet over. There aro still pleased to state that the neuralgia about a month began to feel better. nearly 100,000 in the Metropolis. has entirely }oft mc, and have hem that on there was an improve- The late Mr. George Cooper, of gained so in health that I feel just ment in my condition every day, Ashton -on -Mersey, Chester, book- like my old self again. and in the course of about throe maker and owner of racehorses, left. "I am enjoying the best of healto. months I was again enjoying the estate valued at over $1,440,000. 1 Wo have on file many thousand great blessing of perfect health. I The death is announcel of I.iout. • testimonials like the above. We gained about twenty pounds in Gen. Little, C.B., who saw service can give our readers only a slight; v eight and my friends could hard- sn the Crimea, and took part in a . glimpse of the vast array of on ly believe I was the same person. gallant action on the North West sc.licited endorsements Dr. Hart, - gravebelieve I would have been in my frontier of India. grave long ago if it had not been Sir E. M. Shaw, for many years man is receiving. for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Captain of London Fire Brigade, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are good recently died, aged 73. Ho had one for any disease due to bad blood leg amputated ten years ago, and cr weak nerves. That is why they the other last December. euro such troubles as anaemia, in- Mr. T. W. Bouch, merchant and digestion, rheumatism, neuralgia, cotton broker of Birkdale, whose Pt. Vitus' dance, paralysis, and the estate is valued at $252,240, left ailments of girlhood and woman- $1500 each to ten charitable institu- hood. Sold by medicine dealers at tions in Liverpool and district. 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 ____.1.-- cr _-__ r__�— cr may be had by mail from Tho , I)r. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mlle, Ont. WILL CUBE ICUR BIBY ---4 A POUND OF MEAT. If your little ones are subject to "Didn't I toll ye to feed that cat colic, simple fevers, constipation, a pound of meat every day until ye ii -digestion, worms, or the other had her tett" demanded an Irish minor ailments of childhood, give shopkeeper, nodding toward a sick - medicine Baby's Own Tablets. This l•v, emaciated cat that was slinking medicine will give relief right through the store.'' away, making sound, refreshing "Ye did thot," replied his assist- sleep possible. Better still an oc- ant, "an' I've just been after feed- casional dose will keep little ones in' her a pound of meat this very well. Guaranteed to contain no ntinute." opiate or poisonous soothing stuff. "Faith an' I don't believe -c. Good for the new born baby or the Bring sna the scales." well grown child. Mrs. Ronald L. The poor cat was lifted into the Seafield, Palmer Rapids, Ont., scales. They balanced exactly one says:—"Baby's Own Tablets are pound the moat satisfactory medicine I "There!" exclaimed tho assist- have ever used, and I would not ant triumphantly. "Didn't 1 tell like to be without the Tablets in the ye she'd had her pound of meati" house."Sold by medicine dealers "'That's right," admittsd the or by mail at 25 cents a box from boss, scratching his head. "That's The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., yer pound of meat all right. But" Brockville, Ont. —suddenly looking up—"where is the cat 1" SYMPATHETIC. Muffttr-Hello, old chap! How are WILY WILLIE FELL. you feeling to -day? Before Willie started for Mrs. Weeks—Oh, I'm improving slow - Smith's house, where ho was invit ly—very slowly. ed to dinner, his mother gave him Mudie -That's good. I'm delight- some final advice: ed to hear it. "Above all things," cautioned his • • n•uther, "do drink tea from Ladies 1n Poor Health your saucer. Willie promised. When he got hack home his mother inquired hoiv be had enjoyed himself. Willie Everywhere, said he had enjoyed himself im- couraged by mcnscly. treatment are '1 hope you did everything the a free trinl of way 1 told you to,"said his mo- v.•ith interesting booklet, all post- paid in plain wrappers, with the "1'es'm, 1 did," answered Willie most reliable references and proofs sc•mewhat hcsitatinftl}. which will encourage the most dis- "And you did not drink your tea heartened. You can thus quickly from your saucer 1" satisfy yourself, without cost that Yes, mamma, 1 did, replied this treatment is what you long Willie, "hut Mrs. Smith drank her have sought. I will reply promptly tts from her saucer first." to all who write. Address. The Pamirs, sometimes called the MRS. N. SUMMERS. o "Rout of the World," consist of a Windsor. Ont. number of bleak plateaux and shal- low valleys situated about 13,000 feet above sea level. They lie to the n•,rth of India. 7. singer First Cost is the Whole Cost Q Of course you can buy a sewin nchino for less money than you would pay for a Singer — all the world knows that. But conside► this: When a Singer is bought and paid for, it is paid for—it Lasts a lifetime. 4j A cheap machine is never paid for. Every cent expended for repairs must be added to the original cost—it's an endless system of instalments. These instalments, added to the first cost of the machine, soon exp .teed the cost of a Singer, and after each successive repair (if you can get another part) the cheap machine grows more and more second-hand— one step nearer the junk heap. J The time lost, the trouble and the worry outweigh many times over the differcnca in the cost between the "cheap" inachMp and the Singer. 9 There are two kinds of machines—good and bad—and the good kind is the Singer. Sola oats by Singer Sewing Machine Company 1 ORONTO MONTREAL WINN:PEO 3t1 if metal; Chambers 113 Twist of Trait* Wig 1114 Mai Otrest PANGO For Nouraigia, Headacho, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. 50 CENTS, AL1. DRUIGISTS, OR THE PANGO COMPANY, - TORONTO. Wheloral.- Lyman Ores. a co,.Toren t• and Mo,trsal 1 ty+aaa, Kion & Clarkson, Toronto ; flatlonai Mus Co., Lsadow. A. J. PATTISON � CD. 33-35 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO, Stock Brokers and Financial Agents COBALT and other stocks bought and sold on commission. Correspondence invit- ed. Orders may be wired at our expense. The Mild Climate of Virgin! aft-. 'pivot d r•pp•,rt:lolti•s ler afoot rale' ?�hc Oen fano Get acquainted with Black Watch the big black plug chewing tobacco. A tremendous favorite everywhere, because of its richness and pleasing flavor. 4149 A tall man, impatiently pacing the platform of a wayside station, accosted a red-haired boy of about twelve. "S -s -say,'' he said, "d -d - do -you know ha -ha -how late this train is 1" The boy grinned, but made no reply. The man stuttered out something about red-headed kids in general and passed into the station. A stranger, overhearing the one-sided cernerration, asked the boy why he hadn't answered the lag ratan. "I) -d -d ye winter se Inc P g -get me fa -fa -face punched i" stammered the boy. "Th -h -at big r,•g-guv'd think I was mo-mosmock- iag him." The average cost of maintaining n prisoner in a British gaol is about £23 a year. T N U gestive organs. is their efficacy in reducing inflammation o the It has called forth many Tetters of recommendation from these who were afflicted with this remplaint and found a cure in the pills. They Affect the nerve centres and the it will he noticed in the Singer blood in a surprisingly active wa' Sewing Machine Company's ncdver- and the result is alntn•.t immediate isernent that there are three ail- ly been. dt eases at the bottom of the an- ` -- nouncement. Any one writing will Vellnwstnne, the (amens Amer please address them at the nearest t ne of the three places to his post once. QUITE :\ DIFFERENT `BATTER. is CAtfi.OA'$ BEST AND I! USED THE WORLD OVER Boll Organc an also world famtal —1 I •r r•ea ( .lal.l NJ -tt,. 111E Bd�i Plafi0WI 00 4., II.. Guei~til, Oa If Every can national park, is about 3,300 Farmer square miler in area. There are more than 1,500 thea Knew tres in Europe. --- Auntie (with whom little Willy is - Anor mn;h sena a• Metd ..•• br n.1n` :� shouse seldom lives longer than ; lalrh.nYe t/nrN 1 b or ail• rradee (1 ,.tine 1 taking dinner) --"And (biles your tIN t. sae e►^ pnrnp ester. *Hod feed. M mother allow yule to }lave two help• three years. we e► ata .el l»+rli 1, sapp:r the dere.wd est toe 11 oat aw•i reel to .+ t ,.447. sat • inga of pudding when you arc at — "Ill read r ••i oar fees catalGg.w home, Willy r' Willy (who has T esked for the aerond helping)—"Nn a11' >•.e.. auntie." Auntie—"Well, do you rIMI think she world like von to hare ado •e• two helpings here 1" .Willy (confi• The perse n who buys any°the; y drntly)—"Oh, she wouldn't are' tea always h„pas it will bo ' as'rtieo486410, a 5S ., Lintiv lsoossOlt tSuleTer IM « ISSUE O. 42—O9. This isn't her pudding, you know. ' gr'.•d•' as "Salads.”