Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-15, Page 87
Fall & Winter
Over Coatings
and Vestings
in all the latest
shades & patterns
at reasonable prices
the Now Fashion Plates
for the present season
Merchant Tailor,
Business Locals -- Read Them
Stewart's millinery has that extra
touch of style and taste that the ladies
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate office.
30e. ribbed cotton hose slightly ,lam -
aged. 2 pair fur 26c. Stewart's.
All Ladles' Fur Lined Coats luck
alike to some people, but ladies of taste
can always tell a Stewart coat. They
are just a more stylish coat than the
Boy leented.
To work on the farm, good situation.
Apply at this office.
The nicest line of ,hen's underwear u e
hare ,seen is at Stewart's.
Fars Repaired or Remodelled.
Andrew St.,
Stewart's tailor.made coats fur ladies
and girls are staking a great hit. They
are certainly stylish,
Astern of money in Exeter on Oct.
5th. Finder will be suitably rewarded
by leaving same at this office.
.lhren'e grain calf boots for Alen, Wo-
men, Boys and Girls, for erery day wear
and tear. Can't be beat. Stewart's.
MISS J J ALLAN, eye sight specialist
and refractory optician, will be at the
Contmerclal Hotel, Exeter, - Saturday.
Oct. 24th. flours, 9 a.rt. to 9 p.m.
Mr. John Crooks of Cllntcn was 1n
town Monday night.
Purity Prize Contest.
The prizes were awarded to the fol-
lowing Saturday night in the contest
at The Purity: Miss 1.. Cooper, Lon-
don; Luther Reynolds, Hay; W. Trieh-
ner, Roy Luxton, Exeter: Hector N.
'Taylor, Whalen; Jos. Farmer, Centra-
lia. The prizes were awarded to the
first six successful estimates on num-
ber of pill boxes contained in a jar in
the window. Miss Cooper made it ex-
actly -- int.
On 'Thursday afternoon two rinks of
Dashwood bowie's were here and
played games with the Exeter club.
with the following result:
D.t-nllwen(1l) Ie'r (i.\\iEs Ex FTI:1t
\I111.•r, skit.. l:f
J. I( Goetz
(;. Et••Ilermann
Sieh •r t
Beetled', skip, 11
Blatchford, skip. 1:)
Clark, skip, 15
_'ND (1.\StEss
(inet 1.
Titan 111
dill• . -k'1'. 11
J. I: 1.o. tz
ei Mei WI
�it,•oet 1
1111 tl.e'1•, -kip, 11
Collins, skip. 17
Dickson, skip, 12
The. .\ntunln is now upon
ns and Winter will
soon be here.
r the hill Miss by rerun•
+ ;ng a
Fall or Win-
ter Suit or an
Ovorcoat .. .
we a ways liter a gnat line
nl met -real a• ! •Ir make
atM st i9 a mir • sed.
sterc'tint Tailor - Exeter
alituaulaulis a0941144119.atk res
\Ils Lilies Jo:o,s Waal1•, 1.13:1d.)11ttiis
.r vk.
nit CQltatIveti'e C. i,milttee rooms are
open each ulgitt, south of the Central
%lr. W. J. Wilson has moved into A.
Cuttle's house on the corner of Ana and
Catling streets.
Mr. George Powell of Mill autct hal
purchased Mi. Tiros. &meet's cottage on
the sauce street. .
Mrs. It. H. Collins pleasantly enter-
t.,i:ted a number of trlenda on Tuesday
9ecing jtt her home.
1'nc Dettolt-C,.lcaeo ball games gave
the Feeler fans a never-ending topic of
c o:veraation this week.
A very eneoyable dance was indulged
in by the young people in McDenell's
1Lil on Monday night last.
itev. Keene occupied the Main street
euirit ou tianday 1i: too absence of Rev.
Feet-, who was at Atwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Azt will stove
into Mr. Jno. Taylor's house at the rear
of the planing mill this week.
Mr. M. Vincent le making preparations
to 01 en .t barber situp ie the small
building north of the Metrupolitan
Mrs. E. Williams gave a birthday
party to about fifty of her friends on
slides. Site reaci.ed her Both year on
:eat day,
The sermons by Rev. Peter Myers of
Florence in Janus street church on
Sunday were eagerie attended and much
The funeral of the late Arthur Snell
was held on F) Iday afternoon and was
largely atteodcd by fo.mer companions
and friends of tno fancily.
Seldom lir the history of Exeter, even
in the old day a when [nearly all the
grain was sold, has there been so much
grain marketed at this season at the
year, as Inas been marketed this fall.
It is largely due to the farmer being
unable to plow owing to the very dry,
The Liberals are Iroldieg a politleal
meeting In the Opera Hous:: on Friday,
the 10th, with the candidate and Hoe.
A. G. MacKay as speakers. The Con-
servatives meeting lit Exeter is on the
19th, Wlien the candidate, and Mr. II.
Eilber, Mr. Spotton of Wingham, aid Mr.
It. 13. McLean will speak.
Owing to the change It the date of
Thanksgiving Day to Nov. Oth, the op-
ening of the Horticultural Exhibition in
Toronto will take place at 7 p.tn. On
Monday, November 9th. Exhibtiora
will please take notice that ail exhibits
must be placed by title hour. The build
ing will be open for Exhibitors Saturday
afternoon and all of Monday.
Lorne McTaggart, the young than who
disappeared after the wreck tet Mnmlco,
has not since teen heard of. Lorne only
left Bennett a few days before the
wreck, and It is tlioug;.t tt,at, although
he may not be in any way guilty of neg-
ligence of duty, his first thought was
to flee from thc scene. It Is beli.l,cd
that he nad too touch to do, as Is so
often tee case with railway officials.
Mr. John Farmer is this week eroding
with his family to London where they
intend slaking their future :come. For
many years Mr. Farther was engaged
in the grocery and Iir,u.rr buelnesa here
and during that time made many warm
friends who will much regret that he
and his worthy family are leaving.
They will have the beat wisaes of all
for their future welfare in the Forest
Mr. W. Roes Alger, wlio has been with
the Bank of Commerce here for some
time. has been transferred to the Wind-
sor brance woke is uu excNiemt pro-
moi10:: and with it goes an increase of
salary. Ile left for Windsor Wednes-
day morning. During its year's st.ty
Exeter Ross, by a genial dispve;-
tion. became quite a favorite with all
cases of citizen's. Mr. Grah,un takes
step up to the position vacated by Mr.
x;eli !am success.
Hicks' Forecasts For October.
A reactionary storms period will ex-
press itself on the 1511) 10th and 1 7th.
On and touching these ddates look for
change to wetmcr. fulling barometer,
hang° ot wired directions with return
for certain of cloudiness and precipit-
ation. Tt.lck, r':itl:iucd cloudiness, re-
sulting In autumnal drizzle, windleg up
wit!: sleet in many sections. is the gen-
eral cutlook for this period. Hieing
batonnctcr, sharp :eultherly wi,ids, frost
.wad some (taming well stark the mu'
:u the 20th, over must parts ot the
ountry northward. A regular storm
period covers the 21st to the 25th. The
_2nd is the central date of this period,
hut It will reach beyond its normal lim-
its tecause of the moon's Coltj'1'iliail
with earth and bw, 011 the 25th. ily the
23rd. low barometer and autumnal thun-
der storms will be in rrogress from
west to cast, and these condltioes velli
cover wider areas and gain In Intensity
as they march across the country. 11.ir-
o:utIrk pressure will rise. the tenmper-
eture will fall to decidedly roll read -
ie gales will follow from
ings. and d 1
the northwest immediately In the wake
of these storms.
School Board Minutes.
()et. 12. 'lee -Meeting held in the
Town Hall at ti ). in.. with all mem-
ber) present. The following is the
older of business duly submitted and
approved:- Per ('hair -- Minutes of the
previous meeting. Martin Rowe --
flint the doors reiluired for the. library
be procured and placed under the di•
rection of the Repairs Committee.
Wood -Martin -That the payment to
Jtr. N. Huggard. of ilenseell. ns supply
for the Commercial Dept.. he the reg.
ober monthly payment to the teacher
111 charge. (iI,a(1nutn Wond - 'That
the fellow ing p iynlents he approved:
(ten. Mc Hendry el Co., science sup-
plie..:?t24.2'); J. Gr igg. library, $21.60;
`V. S. H.rwev, drug., $ti.t(.,. Martin-
Rowe- That the Repairs l',un. arrange
with the Janitor for the taking mit of
the larger stones in the trent approach
to the school. Martin Wood -That
11. Huston and F. \V. Madman he a
committee to enquire into the present
condition of the funds of the Board in
Oust with the (7orporation. to confer
with the Council as to the hest
arrangement for handling the same
duringtbeincotning year, and to report
the judgment of such conference for
decision at the next reg(tl(tr tneeting
of the Board. Rowe--idjoiirnment.-
J. (inion. Mec'y
Niles Maud Campbell has retur:ted
from a t,':1: to tee Nei C. Meat.
Mrs. (Dr.) Y. Cowan of London visit-
ed airs. Moncur last week.
Mr. Pete Coleina:t returned Saturd'ty
from a stay of some weeks in the
Mr. W. D. Clark.- took in tate Caicag0_
Detroit game of ball on Saturday In
Airci. Ch.1s Hglsden of Melbourne was
here attending the fuae.al of the late
Arthur Snell.
\ifs 5lorior' \I. .o t1•istort end '.11se
May Hawkins visited with frien•ee In
Zurich Suhd.ty.
Mr. and Mrs. T1,o0. Wark of Poplar
Hill are guests of the latter's fatner,
\Ir. Robert Frayne.
!Hugh McKay is visiting in Detroit
and Incidentally seeing the world ser-
ies of baseball games.
Mr. George E. Case of Toronto, after
spending a few days with friends here.,
returned home Tuesday.
Mr. N. D. Burdon is spenditie this
week at Port Franks enjoying hie fav-
orite pastime, shooting.
Mi. and Mrs. ff. Renwic.t of Poit llu!-
r' zre guests of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. !far-
rows at the Commercial.
Mrs. (Capt.) Robinson of Sarnia visit-
ed Mrs. Wm. 1lawden Monday. Mrs.
Bawdei returned to Sarnia with her.
Mrs. 1•" C. Kay and t•hlldren of Pueblo
who have been visiting at Mr. J. A. Stew-
art's lett Wednesday to visit in Bre_k-
Mts. James Wanless arid two daught-
ers of Duluth, Minn.. are guests at the
horse of Mr. and Mrs. L. Hardy for a
few weeks.
Mr. T. 13. Carling attended the funeral
in London on Monday of a relative of
the Carling family, Mr. John A. Balk -
will, who died on Saturday of hear'
Mrs. James Oke returned Monday to
Kingsville to ilve with iter eon, Thou.
Oke, atter a six months' stay here.
MIs. Acheson accompanied her as far
as London.
Mr. Stewart .1. McCallum of London
visited at Mr. Jae. Sweet's over Sunt.
Suncray. Airs. McCallum and son, who
visited here for two weeks, returned with
hint Monday.
"Mrs. W. W. Tait was an Ezeter vis-
itor this week, returning Tuesday eve-
ning. accompanied by Mr,. Gidley, who
is spending a few days with her nice,
Mrs. 11. Bee." -Parkhill Poet.
Mrs. N. McAvoy and Miss Annie San-
ders, after a thee( months' visit in dif-
ferent parts of flu west, returned home
Friday night. They were much pleased
with their outing, having visited many
old friends and fortner residents of Ex-
eter ; they also speak very highly of the
Mr. Waiter Ilutnpagc, proprietor of the
London: Ilousc, London, has been spend
ing a few days with his friend, Mr. 1.
R. Caring. Mr. fiuimpegc ranks among
the beat shute of Ontario, and having
two of Itis beat dogs with him. Mt
Carling and he spent the greater part
of the time In the woods with success.
Mr. Humpage is a wholeeouled gentle-
man, and during his short stay here he
made numerous warts frieuda.
Alien. eye sight specialist and refract-
ory optician, will Iw at the Commercial
Hotel, Exeter, Saturday, October 24th,
from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
Card of T"arks.-Mr. and Mrs Ell
Shell wish to express tf.eir very sincere
thanks to those who so kindly extend-
ed their sympathy and a helping hand
during the illness and subsequent death
of their son Arthur.
The department of Agriculture Is is-
suing a warning to apple shippers that
pink rot appears to be very prevalent
this year and hence the ehipplag of ap-
ples not perfectly free from grab. and
showing ally signs ot pink rot, is par-
ticulariy hazardous. Ma.:y carloads of
(tun were examined at the dock in Mon-
treal on Oct. 2nd by Dominion fruit in-
spectors and w•ue found practically
worthless as a resole of thc peat. The
shippers will lose heavily on the week's
The boys are contemplating organiz-
ing a Rugby football club in town.
Mr. ilurdon sent up four fine ducks
from Port Franks on Wednesday,
which shows that be is having success.
Mr. Wm. Hawkins, who has beer)
visiting his mother, Mrs. Martha ilaw.
kites for several weeks, left yesterlay
for his home in La Mars, Iowa.
Be sure and not forget Friday et•g.
the 2.1rd inst., the night of the
Shredded Wheat Banquet in Main St.
Church, or you will regret it. Ad-
mission only 25c and l,ic.
Mr. (leo. iiawkins, sr., London Road,
North, who has been in a low state of
health for several weeks from blood
poisoning, his many friends will he
pleased to hear is recovering.
Rev. J. C. McCracken of Hirr had
charge of the services in the Trivitt
Memorial church on Sunday in the ab-
sence. of Rev. Collins, who preached
Harvest Thanksgiving services in
Thos. Cameron, Auctioneer, will
again commence his monthly sales,
the first to take place early in Novem-
ber. Anv person having stock or
other stuff
tsell well are requested
to lave their orders at this office.
Lient.•('oI. W. Young, commanding
the :tied Regiment, Godetich, has re-
tired from the command of the regi•
meat, He will be succeeded by Major
A. Wilson, of Seaforth, who will be
promoted to the rank of lient.•colonel.
The \\'oru(•m's Institute met on 'Wed-
nesday last at the home of Mrs. A. C.
Hodgins. with an attendance of :ee
interesting paper were given by dif-
ferent members. -Mr. and Mrs. J.
Simpson, of Sarnia, visited friends
here last week. --Mrs. 1). ('nnninghatn
was in London at couple of days last
week.--- Mr. Sato Rowe and wife, of
Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. S. G.
',import. wife noel family. ---Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson ('ase have returned nom
their visit to Sarnia. - Quite n number
from here attended the hop at Moores.
'ills Tueselay night. -The W. M. 8.
Sewing Circle meets at the home of
\1r.. tIcrbe} Wednesday afternoon. -
1)r. W. A. J arae% is home front i1 tole-
ford.- -Miss
ale-ford.--\lis. Nellie Mef.eod has r.'tnrn-
ed to hoodoo, having been the Knelt
of Miss Lou 1lenne.sey for simple of
,'eek.. -Miss Clara L.•wi9 entertained
a few of her friends Mondry evening,
and they tripped the light f>,nt.istic
till the wee error' honrsrif the morning.
-A public meeting will be held in the
MetLolist. Church Sunday evening,
Barley 48
Oats 3:i
Peas t+�U
Potatoes, per bag (15
Hay, per ton 7 50
Flour, per cwt.. family
Flour, low grade per cw 1 40
Dried apples
Livehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
2 75
8 10
25 00
20 00
the 18th inst., in connection with the
Women's Missionary Society. Mrs.
A. M. Wilson, of Greenway, will give
an address. -Quite a number front
here attended the World's Fair at
West McGillivray last Friday. -Mrs
Yager of Exeter is visiting her father,
who is still confined to his bed. -The
'thanksgiving Services in St. James
Church were largely attended. The
Thank Uttering taken was $75,00. -
Miss Pauline Stanley, of Lucas, was
the guest of Mies Jean Brown ou Sun-
day. -Burly Hodgins has gone to Lon-
don, where he has accepted a position
with his sister, Mrs. Deacon. -The in-
fant son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Lewis was
interred in St. Janes' Cemetery last
week. We extend our deepest sym-
pathy to theta in their bereavement.
An old resident of Exeter 41
(\V. 11. Trott) now residing in 1
the Niagara Peninsula,
sends us back
DI another order
i for STAR Flour
and I•ennarks:
"( If it is as good as the
last, it will do."
baked from our Star Flour at
the Fair
J&41LASeAlkalla alkalkAlkana a& ilk andel
Scrap Iron, l
Brass, Copper,
Rubber, Etc., ,
We are prepared to pay
40c a hundred and upwards,
according to quality, for Scrap Iron,
Old Rubber Boots and Shoes, 5c per lb
Horse Hair, 20c. Copper and Brass Sc
Rags, 50c per hundred.
-- .-8 -
We Have for Sale
a large quantity of
suitable for
Fence Posts
M. Jackson & Son
Chapped Skin -Cold Sores
Enjoylne Medicinal Jelly
ores ,•hsppe1 skin, , )11 sore., and eruptions
like ,teller and
1 inside. Old sores bed sores t t
.alt rheum yield readily to Its use. 11: a Jar.
Sole e- 1e. a• Jai
1 '.1n
AT IV IF iig
with leading bashess houses
await aur �rsduate..
Loose Leaf Ledger
sad all modern office method.
'thie h ensure rapid advam-e-
Gregg Shorthand
taught by the only teacher in
Ontario who attended the
Author's Sc hoot.
T N R B ft GO U R S B S - stenography.
Coemerciai, Tetetcnphy.
Bnter any day. write for parti,-plan.
,. rrvr n•a1
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds, Etc.
We make a Specialty of Eave-
troughing, Roofing and
Plumbing in all
its branches.
Call and
be con-
that it is the cheapest spot in town.
Hardware stock is Complete
*VIM cc
jeeeek re%
WE keep con-
stantly in
stock a full
line of furniture,
and it pays to
furnish your
home from our
stock. .
0000 3,0*01,3?YS'.D•31tL3CP0
8 Parlor Suites Parlor Tables
Easy Chairs Odd Chairs
Music Cabinets Couches
Sideboards Hall Racks
Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining Room Tables
Dining Chairs
$� and all Bedroom Furnitute
004100,C1)00000•0400 00-20) 0• •dd'CCZC•GC•04r4'd'i@GCrVCCI fAKC0O!
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
Coats ...
Our Beaver Coats
for $10 to $12
are semi•titting or box
style. With silk hr aid
and velvet la imtening or
self -strapping. 'I'Ihey are
choice ( nets nod out va-
riety at those prices gives
you a fine selection.
Our Beaver Coats
for $15 to $18
are what se consider TIIE iIEST
are either Tight or ik,c•Pittinf and
beautifully trimmed with silk braid
and ,elret. A11 the leading colors
and the smartest styles shown in
all our costs.
NO. 32
I:\-er body
this season
We. too are
proud of oto•
great assort•
You get a
of style here
not shown else'
Nothing but
the Newest
and Smartest
Coats shown
Our New Dress Goods
Have you Seen about your New Fall Suit yet ?
it is a vet i111p,ttant It•m'stion now and the easiest, quickest and
hest way le (fo i•+ 10 call here and see oar Swell Range of New (heeds.
50c yard $1.00 yard
A choice line of Fancy Tweeds
in all the new shades, also a fine
line of Plain Cloths in Black,
Blue, Green and ilrown.
75c yard
Beyr some of our choice Fancy
Striped Suiting in llie, Green or
Brown -or a nice, plain Satin or
Venetian Cloth in any color you
may choose.
This is the popular price for a
Suit or Dress and our range is
large in Fancy Stripes, Fancy
Tweeds or Plain Cloths, in all the
leading colors and fabrics.
$1.25 yard
Something Extra for this price.
The ilest 111,, ks, 111urs, Green'
and Browns in Plain Cloths and
some lienal Swell Striped Effects.
Ladies' Fur -Lined Coats t -
\\'e 11119•.' a Vet large range of Ladies' For -Lined ('oats this 901(9 n.
No Lady, wanting a Coat, should mini seeing them!!!
We know we can please you, as we l ought so many that we got theta
at the right price to sell.
Every ('oat (innranteed, as we sell no poor furs.
The Very Best Rat -Lined Coats for
%Ve also carry a line lot of Men's Pur•Lined Boats
The very chokest of
Neck Rus, 11nRs. Stoles,
Costs and Caps.
A bis stock to choose from.
POULTRY • (thicken, s., per lb. alive: lOc tier lit. dressed.
Hens, ik' per lb. alive.
Doss., 7e. Ih. ;(1i9.•:'r` pr -r lit. dressed. .\ll poultry most he dry picked
and picked clean. Ne cash paid for pooh ry. No thin poultry taken
at any price.
H•'adgi;trtcr' t r the (('lci)r;ltfd «'. I; Siti fart ('lot h ng