Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-15, Page 7STUBBORN INDIGESTION Ono Who liar Sugered for Tears Curia by 1.r. Williams' Piuk Lida. property. According to the will! left by the father the property was'. t , remain in the possession of the stepmother until the three boys could find their own another and sister. Prof. de I.an:ortole the rightful I:.ir, began the campaign of adver tieing bo has continued ell and on fui the past thirty years. The symptoms of stomach trouble.In July of this year he received 1.1 vary. . ue victims have a raven- tdings of his mother and sister. ons apps Lie, while others loathe, The letter told him that, on the nee the sight of food. Often there is a tiler's side, he was heir to over $:.,- fecling as of weight on the chest, 500.000worth of property, and had a full feeling in the throat. With been for thirty-six years, his grand others there is an intense pain and father having died prior to the feeling of nausea after eating. • teeath of his father, an event of i t .ntetinles gas presses on the heart; which he had been ignorant. Taus and leads the sufferer to think he; letter shows that Prof. de Lamorton gas heart disease. Sick headache i t = worth to -day about $5,030,000. is another frequent and distressing TW() BROTHERS IN CANADA. symptom. His father and mother were di Mr. Alex. McKay, McLellan's Mountain, N. S., says :--"Fur years torted because of differences exist - 1 was u great sufferer from intdi- ing between their fautilies caused gt stem, which was gradually grow- by the French -English war. There • ing worse and worse, and it would 1 were members of both families, be impossible for me to tell how. generals in the opposing armies. ! touch suffering I endured. At dif- Relatives of the father served tun- feront times I had treatment from der Napoleon Bonaparte, while three good doctors, but it did nut kindred of the mother were getter- ; help nae in the least. Then I began als under Wellington. The father' trying all sorts of advertised medi- kept the three sons in darkness cines, and took ten packages of one with respect to the English side of medicine specially intended for the house. It now develops that. dyspepsia, but with no better re- prof. de Lamortun's mother and _.ti+. ts. 1 had practically curve to sister have been advertising for him regard myself as incurable, and to fit• thirty years without success. i Leel that I would be a continuous His two brothers are in Canada, • and have been notified of the find- ing of mother arid sister, and soon, in England there will be a reunion of the Lamortons, the sons and bro- mind to give thein a trial. 1 had thers journeying from America for reed nearly live boxes before they began to help me, but I do not won - tier at this as tray' case was so bad. 3 used in all a dozen boxes of the pills, and they cured me complete- )) I can now eat anything we raise on the farm for plan to eat and have no longer the pains and (1I nfort i had endured for years. It is several veers since I was sufferer, when one dray 1 read in a newspaper of the cure of indiges- ti.•n through the, use of ))r. Wil- liams' fink Pills and I made up my this purpose. The boys in Canada, now prosperous business men, will receive equal amounts when all do- cuments have beta adjusted pro- perly. "PINT OF GRIEIF, PLEASE." A lady, complaining to her milk- man of the quality of milk he sold cured, and I have never felt a symp- her, received the following mum, explana- tout of indigestion since. I yi wetion : they don't get known in this locality and you arce "You sec, r ouite at liberty to use what I say in the hope that it will benefit some other :sufferer." All medicine dealers sell Dr. Wil- liams' Pink fills or you can get them by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brocks ille, Ont. VAST EUROPEAN ESTATE 1:1;11t1'it 01"111 1t:.tRS II 1s BEEN 1t1:11'.1itl)1:1). 1'i uf. 0. 0. de I.anlorten 1185 Re. -,i celled 11 rd That Ile is Heir if $3,0110,000. Se\eral times a millionaire (l rough inheritance, and for the past thirty years ignorant of the whereabouts of his mother and sis- ter, for whom he has advertised continually in leading European publications, not certain even that the n:e•t her and sister were in the land of the living, Prof. O. 11. de Lamortun, an inventor, of 'Pampa, !Florida, is soon t+, come into sessin of a vast European estate, • and is again to know the full mean - enough grass feed this tilne o year. Why, them cows of thine are just as sorry about it as I am. I often see 'em cryin'—reg'lnr cryin', mum —because they feel as how their milk don't do 'em credit. Don't you believe it, 'Mont" "Oh, yes, I believe it," respond- ed the customer ; "but I wish, in fu- ture, you'd see that they don't drop their tears into our can "' liome EmployIIIent for ladies' LiCHT, EASY, PLEASANT. Such as any lady can do and en- joy. Any lady who v. ishcs, and ' sees this advertisement may, if she' Farmer writes soon, secure this opportun- ity to be independent, earning a good living in a very easy manner. Work any lady can do. For ),articulars addre's yllt`. 11. SU 1131E1t`i, t„„,‘ much money he could .lire by wing • than can have and a woman can • rattctnkn-1Norat,-n(.fll• Prudes ria,oline Kn. t ” • `Never !" cried his wife, Correspondence Department gine t.' naw wood. pinup water. grind feed, fie., nr,'• 1e Windsor, Qui, •we would not he able t. supply the demand. passionately. "Never! I deny it s cat this ani. out fret 'Dual to Ili tu•day, and wa t:'hat dU you meant" "A wife!" 1 will send you our free caWluyus Teacher—"Yes. Freddie, the tail ,Kamo of the comet is 3.000,000 utiles I, All 'ere AMERICA'S EX -CHAMPION WRESTLER SAYS: "After my great wrestling match with J. Mellor, of Stafeybridge, at the Crystal Palace, England, for the In- ternational Championship, I was covered with cuts and bruises. I ap- plied sty favorite helm, Zam-Auk, and in a marvelously short time the abrasions and cuts were healed and 1 was fit and well again. At enotLer time I had a piece of flesh aimcst torn completely off my assn above the elbow. I anticipated being un- able to do anything with the arm for a long time. To my delight, however, Zam-Bok cloned up the wound is two days. In three days it was covered with new chin, and a few days after, there was no trace of the injury. I recommend Zam-I3uk for cuts, bruises or skin injuries of any kind. Yours truly, HUGII LANNON. The above tantimony given by kir. Lannon wben visits:,. •rnronto ethuws the greet value of Zallr-nVk for injuries re- ceived in out -door .i.ort. Baseball, Football and Lacrosse Players ghoul alweye keep 'Lam -link handy. It prevents cute and injuries -Viking the wrong turn." It stops the pain and smarting. amt heals It is also en excellent embrocation. curing stiffness, .i.uled by Shaming. the Marathon R* I- ner; lladreli, the world's second greatest wreetter, etc. For all Injuries & Skin Diseases atatd Stores, or from the ZABs-DU1t 00•, TORONTO, for prlc.. 6 Boxes for $2.50. (C. F. Fulford. Limited) If Every Knew RUSSIAN 1ILLt4.J FIRES. .Attempt to Deal With the Evil in the Lund Old 11 -ay. The present is the season of vil- lielge conflagrations which annually try thousands of the peasants \• ouden houses, and besides ruining \thole communities involve no aniall lass of life, writer. the St. Peters - l. urg correspondent of the London Standard. Given the intense heat which ren- dcrs the wooden hovels inflammable a• tuuchwoi,d at the end of summer. :•.ad the inevitable .ustoni of every illage that the ablebodied of both sexes spend all the hours of daylight i• the fields gathering in the har- vest, it would seem that nothing can be done to put an end to this terrible sruurge. Children a;ul the helpless aged are locked up or Locked out, as the erase stay be, for the entire uay, and are left to shift for themselves. I f one hovel takes tire nothing can sate the whole village. The zenist- vos have been fighting for a gener- ation with this danger by the ra- tional method of assisting peasants , • roof their hovels with iron in- rtead of straw, establish fire bri- gades, et::., but the process is a stew one. Much amusement is being caused by an administrative attempt to deal with the evil in the good old way. The (Uo 'ernor of Poltava has issued a fiat that any peasant leav- ing children without supervision "►o fined £30 (which is thrice the average amount of annual tax- ation, collected with so touch diffi- culty from an impoverished class!) ('t• be imprisoned for three months. The "administrative order," is - s earl under- the provisions of mar- tial law, is typical of much that is i.eing done by incompetent provin- '•ial governors without the sanction and too frequently witness the knowledge of their central organs ,.f government. As is pointed out, if no fire occurs not one case in 10,- ent, of children being left alone at home will ever come to light, and i:1 any ease the harvest must be garnered, and can only be garnered 1 v every ablebodied man and wo- man working sixteen and eighteen Bears a day in the fields, which may be anything from one mile to tan miles away from their hones. ---4. - ---- "Man is Filled With Misery." — '1'his is not true of all men. The well, sound of lung, clear of eye, Alert and buoyant with health, are not miserable, whatever may be their social condition. To be well it to be happy, and we can all be well by getting and keeping our bodies in a healthful state. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil will help all to do this. "Well," remarked a gentleman, after a long argument on the ques- tion of ►nun's superiority over W O man, "at least there is one good, tweet, and perfevt thing which a It, will be noticed in the Singer I Sewing Machine Company's adver- lun -." Freddie -- "Great Scott!• tlSement that there are three ad- Thcrc woultit't be much fun tying dresses at the bottom of the an- e tin can Un the end of that !" ; era Canadian Falrban.eCo., Umiterl, Toronto, oat I OtttleCnlent. Any one writing will jplease address thein at the nearest --- I c•ne of the three places to his post Sleeplessness. --When the nerves' - WANTED 1" `r"''"`r'p i UtIICO. IU in scone ands pmt of the words are unstrung and the whole body . t•eJes .nl ___ F } • rte t'rite•I Slates 11•..tller and sister. . raven up to wretchedness when the re sdnnte ur sco.t� vac! 0 1•• •Eoe.pe• le an trod, places snit kir. de Stt'1C-- �` }ly' (}(ill's you '1'ttll•ty'-RIX years ago his another mind is filled with gloom a11(1 dna- ! cerise., rn•!1 :re =414 caftan leOnA.i ; or u4r,r s'l Nr s,ercn rid errer.,e, fs per d.,. Shea�'r work invite Alm k irstflat to your reeep- •y naw pan ; no e,,.,ne..• ,r,tuu.N. ` Stylo---" 1 do not ra• for ,...•:..• stun a• Mrs. de NN. R. WARFER MED. CO., Legge', Oe$., Canoga. associate with such vulgar people. • "Vulgar!" "I should ray so. She end father were divorced in Lon- I anal forebodings, the result of de - dun The mother received the ens.rangement of the digestive organs, tody of the daughter of the union. sleeplessness comes to a(1(1 to the Ti, the father was entrusted the distress. If only the subject count )iarge of three sons. The sons > leer.. there would be oblivion fur went to Paris with the father, thea whle and temporary relief. Par - another remaining in London with tt.elee's Vegetable Pills will not her daughter. in the goy French • nly- induce sleep, hut will net so • apital the sorts were placers ei col I.eneficinlly that the subjeet will 1. we, all receiving a thorough col_ cake refreshed and restored to Itap- l.•giate training. Tineas. — SAILED FOR AUSTRALIA. "Riches, my friend,– said the Then the oldest son, Prof. O. H plutocrat. "do not bring happi- de La►norton, now Of Tampa. went ncsa." "Maybe nut. said the So- lo Perth. .%ustralia, with his fa- eialist. "hut it must he a heap of ther'n brother. in those days only unci` be 1 ahlet t. drank like tate let hatmoney tey chap that hautl't got any.'' tailing vessels were employed on fhe, run to Australia. The trip took three months. While in Perth Prof. ('e 1.amorton received word of the (el at h of his father, leaving him 1 cir to an estate in Paris valued at liter f+:,000,0O0. Immediately he feu ate richt in regarding eryipelaa as a dance r.u•,II-e,'e. Annolnt the •‘• it, king akin ,.fab \error's ()erste: And take Wearer's Syrup Internally. A elan is always willing to C -c1 fess faults that he thinks he hasn't. There is nothing equal to Mother Craves' Worm Exterminator for destroying worths. No article of its kind Inas given such satisfaction. Misery loves company, but it's tough on the company. Very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaint s, who might have been saved if proper remedies had been used. If attacked do not delay in Letting a bottle of Dr. J. 1). Kel- :,,gg's Dysentery Cordial, the medi- cine that never fails to effect a cure. Those who have used it say Photographer --"Y.11 aro all right i. acts promptly, and thoroughly returned to France. and there re row, except, your cxl.r�ssiun. Please subdues the pain and disease. c(i',ed $1(111,000 cash in French 1, .,k pleasant." Jay Green --"Hang money and possession of part of I can't : 1'n► bow-legged, The Hostess—"Come!'te' I want you the property. this ens several( ,t man. l an ant trying to hold my knees to- to meet the intrepid explorer who gether sirs It w:'n't show. 11'hen 1 scorning his own life, made the re - smile i furgit all about any knees, cent brave dash for the I'ole." The an' when I pay attention to my' Guest—Thanks ! I've just been ceope(i up in a corner with his wife and I want to any at once, I don't I.'latne him." years after the divorce of his fa- ther and mother. STEP. iI 11'1i VIZ ON SCENE. Then e • another link in the knees I furgit to smile." eteitttut life .•hl1111 of 1he de I,An►or---- 1'1'�TTIFIFII, ton family. Two years after the di torte the father had harried. this c illy a short time before his death. 1hi Kate the hoes a stepmother, hi took 1' .4Ye'Slon of the home 10Ca The latest SUS: cess. I -he big black plug chewing tobacco. 2:G!‘ Mr. Yonnghnshand--Don't you understand bon- to do it. darling 1 ' Mrs. 1'ounghllsband--"Yes, I un- derstand all right ; but it says, 'first clean your chicken.' and i don't know whether to use toilet or scouring soap. The 1 'ngth of the day and the night at any time of the year may 1. easily Ascertained by doubling tiro time of the sun's setting for the length of the day, and doubling the time of its rising for that of the night. Wise is the man w- ho is able to say nothing at the right time. Some wrinen are self-made and st.0 a are remodeled by a dreasniak- Ols. iSSUE O. 11 -01. wears conintunplacc, horse -grown tenth that neter cost her a cent." The Flagging Energies Revived. -- Constant application to business is a tax upon the energies, and if t1 ere be not rclnxation, lassitude and depression are sure to inter vd•ne. 'These comes from stomachic troubles. The want of exercise hinge on nervous irregularities, and the stomach ceases to asairni- late feud properly. In this eftndi- tlon 1'arnielee's Vegetable fills will 1 e found a recuperative of rare power, restoring the organs to healthful action, dispelling depres- sion, and reviving the flagging en- ergies. fiolidays are more pleasant in contemplation than in fact. People with peppery tempers are r.ot the salt of the earth. Weak ane steky People envy Omni In r'•bu.i M•.slth No heel 1•• stay,t-k when by the use n1 the hs.( foni,r, '• Yerr..t m,"ino can get rich bl rod and renewed strength told ttgor A NATURAL RESULT. "My friends," said a temperance lecturer, lowering his voice to an impressive whisper, "if alt the pub - In -houses were at the bottom of the sea, ulna would he the result 1" And the answer came, "!inns of people would get drowned.'' Holloway's Corn Cure is the me- dicine to remove all kinds of corns and warts, and only costs the small ruin of twenty-five cents. MORi; THAN ONE. An impecunious doctor was wait- ed upon at his home by a stranger to whom, thinking the visit "pro- fessional," he offered a chair. "Thank you,: wan the reply ; 'but. pardon mc. my instructions re to take the lot unless you pay the debt and costs." 6. The Maniy Uses of a Good Sewing Machine Q There is practically no limit to the variety of work that can be done with a Singer Sewing Machine. Whether for the finest embroidery, the plainest home sewing or the Most elaborate tailoring, the Singer is equally efficient. C Every woman takes pride in having thc8o things, but if they be her own handiwork, the satisfaction is complete, because her own personality is reflected in every seam. EJ The woman who uses a Singer may have everything in needlework she can dcsire— ehc is better dressed at much less cost; her children arc clothed according to her own taste and ideas; she has attractive table linen, and an unending supply of dainty underwear. J Moreover, she is free from the worry end delay which niways conics with the use of a "cheap" machine. Sold only by Sinlier Sewing Machine Company TORONTO MONTREAL NIVNIPEO 312 Manning' Chambers 533 Board of Trade B;da $04 Main Street PANGO For Neuralgia, Headache, Rheumatism, Pain, Etc. so CENTS, ALL U!2U(1(11STS, OR THE PANGO COMPANY, Y, TORONTO. Mho'oeats--Lyman Bros. a Co., Toronto and Montreal ; Lyman, Knox .h Clarkson, Toronto ; national Drug: Co, London. A. J. PATTISON & CO., 33, 35, 37 SCOTT ST., TORONTO. The Cobalt Silver Dividend paying mines at present prices pay from 7 per cent. to 35 per cent. per annum and are in our opinion a good speculative investment : Crown Reserve, City of Cobalt, Coniagas, La Lose, Nipissing, Temiseaming and Trctheway are populist stocks and should increase in price. CORRESPONL NCti SOLI:ITEt). Douglas Miniri, Co., Limited Pro:l..ent, C. S. Czov:Fkt, Toronto Authorized la;vital, - - $ eo.Oro WE ARE OFFERING 11 0900 SHAPES OF DOUGLAS MINING COtiPAHi• STOCK AT SO CEt.T3 PER SHARI. we str••:"t>y tee mmend the pu.cha-e of this stork as etn lnto.tment. The Douglas kilning company have large quantitie, of tsiurb.0 ore, hl,;h in g.,id, psored up ready for mining et their property Ili the!turgewr Lake (told tie;ds. This 14 a splendid opportunity to insure steady high returns on a etu.ttl outlay of atpital. tt•atte f..r application forms or further parU' ciliary lar E DWarren&Co. 4 Colborne Street, Toronto, Ontar,o• Special Circular 11'e have prepared a special circular denting with the se- curities of the following conn panics Canadian Pacific Railway, Illinois Traction, Latlrentide ('aper, Lake of the Woods, Mackay Companies, Mexican Light k Power, Montreal Steel Works, M;intreal Power, Jlio de Janeiro, Tornut-1 Railway, Twin ('ity, Winnipeg Electric Railway. Halts for 8peolal O'roular No. 1! MCCUAiG BROS. & CO. Members Montreal Stock r,(hhrg, 157 Lt• James St.. Li.iutrd:tl ' ! 11 trouble you fur another dose, please," said nn experienced boarder, passing his tea -cup. "But this is your fourth :" remonstrated his landlady. "I know," w•us the reply. "Ms (lector has a.l. ised me t•e drink plait;; of warn e:tter:" Only the choicest selected hill - grown tea leaves are u'cd in "Sa lads" Tea. Kiting it a delicate fra grance and delicious flavor. COBALT HAS MADE GOOD 1•a oilver etre orudnrtion for IMO, will naireyiate carer *12,11n11.Ner1 ULIt ICA Q A new Cobalt proposition whic:i involves thus , development of 43 acres of mining property Ideals - located in lha recounized mineral zcne. only tw.:• I blocks remase4 from the (Peet Nipissing. Righ' of Way and La Rcse. Litt in at the bottom. 'itis, Is where the money is made. Q We are offering a limited amount of theca e.. 40 cads per sLate, 81.00 per. no txrsenal liabilite. on an instalment plan of 2 cents per share p0: month. Q Only a few weeks ago we fairly pus::e4 o• ' clients two Temiskerri^g, Nora Scolia and Crows. • Reserve from 20 to 30 cents per share. To�-da Temisknming is eagerly bought at 88, Nova Seot{a, at Se, and Grown Relines at 1.77. Figure these. profits. ` Q We are investing our own money 1n Ulrlea. Corr and go along. Seed for map and ask for reguke marku letter. S•1'EWART Pt, I.00KW'OO: e hku1►1:kS 18 Adelaide St. t:. TOkONT• ;,f, v,:-, r: .5(on4c'J •tine 1. and 1(lrta01-r..anc The Mild Climate of VIrgini•-• offer. Aplend1,1 opportunities for stock ranting, fruit ge•wDig, dairying and sa'''cral Coming,. winter. are 'hart. (Timate. Irr.t'thhJ. L.'I1 good and •ening below It. value but Increentss• ro talo• et.lr +e.ar. Slimy.•ana.11ans aro iOlc; is Ytrglnla w••te tar Information to U. w tool'svit t;u:,.l \,-.•t.v, ,dAg rlcultura ntchmuntl, T Vh¢ /piano 113611 Organs Biro also world tamed is CANADA'S BEST AMO 13 USED THE WORLD OVER Send f.•r Fres eal:.l»g Yn. ;.t to PC!1 Ploro ore O�Car Co., III., Guelch, QUEEN CITY WATER WHITE Gives Perfect Light. ww.w•�a••�o F(:R SALT [3Y DEALERS EVERYWHERE, •-wee temewmete wow -•