Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-15, Page 5This Week We Are Showing 2 six -octave and 1 five - octave second-hand or- gans, c)ieap for CASH oft TIME. In #pew Pianos we have some very tine instruments. Sewing Machines in all the leading makes and styles. Our Prices and Terms are of the most liberal kind. Stationery in all the newest styles at away down prices. \Ve will be pleased to show you our goods. Se MARTIN &SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are noted for the quality of their goods. Q zetet abtwtate EXEIER -_ - ONTARIO 51.00 if paid to advance, $t.110 a) ear it not so paid. Ts Uslted States Ssascritr.rs$1 a0 Ia• s Year Strictly la Advsac•. SANDERS k CREECH, Publishers. Winchelsea Mr. Garnet Murray and sister of Drysdale. visited at John Routley's last week. -Miss Anna E. Martin of Exeter was the guest of Miss Ella Robinson last week. -Mrs. Thomas Coward spent Saturday in London on business. --Mr. W. \V..Kerr and wife spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Crediton. -A number from here attended Anniversary Services held at \Voodltaun on Sunday. -- 5100 Reward 8100. The readers of this paper will be }leased to learn that there is at least oy a dreaded disease that science has beenable to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. 1iall's Catarrh Cure Is the only positive ure now known to tke medical fraternity. Catdrrh being a con,tituligial disease requires a constitu- tional treatment. hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Iu. ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the ersten, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist- ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so in wh faith in its curative powers that they offer one hundred Dollars for any case that It falls t0 cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75cents, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Where is there an individual who is ns capable to act as the executor of your will as this Coni- cally, which was organized and evelored especially for this pur- pose? This Company will carry:out:to the last letter the terms of your will. It will manage the estate efficiently and economisally, and avoid legal entanglements. It wiH not be tempted, as an individual might, to speculate with the funds held in trust. It is debarred by law from specu- lation. I b \\ This Company cannot die, get sick or take a holiday ---always ready to faithfully perform its trust. Charges are never greater, but usually less than the remuneration allowed individuals. Services of Family Solicitor always retained. Correspondence receives prompt and_careful consideration. Managed in connection with the Huron & Erie Loan and Savings Co. kr LONDON, ONTARIO. eaae DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY SUCCESSORS To D s. Kennedy & Kerdan NERVOUS DEBILITY SPECIAL NOTICE. C•. i::g t Dr. l:e-- e an being eecea, ed, Dr. J. D. Kennedy, • _ 11 D.rectcr, has associated with him Dr.KennedyJr. who has been with the firm for several years. so hereafter business w::1 con- ducted under the name of Das KENNEDY d KENNEDY flrousands of young and middle aged turn are annually swept ta pre:nature gr..ve through KAHI,Y INDISCRRTIUN8, ItX, E.jli5 AND I3I.000 I)Ii,IfASES. If you hare anyof tie f tllowiag symptoms consult us before it is too late. re you nous t.xi w- :..,and(,:....r:v, Si eek, tefore theeyes, with dark circles under then, weak back, f idnev s it r ita- blc. palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sedi- iment in urine, pimples on the face. eyes sunken. hollow cheeks careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful. lack energy and strength. tired mornings testiest' nights. change- able moods. weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains. hair loose. sore throat etc. BLOOD POISONS Blood Poisons are the moat { 1ev.ilent ao.l C, .t Serio,.. !�.ra.ea, They sap the very life .! •r.! ..1 the vt.tnn. ■nd nulew entirely eradicated from the sv-'.ro ruby affect the fat,tr^ t-eeration. Iteware of Mercury. 1t only suppresses the symi touts -UCH Nifty Ml;Th,)D cures them. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT alone call Cate you, and snakes uian .. ).,u. L'u,ter ,.. a -l.., ,,c the brain become, active• the blood punfied so that all pimples, 1•i itches, and ulcers disap'ear, the nerves become snort; as st-e t, so that tier. vousness, bashfulness and despondency vanish, the eve M comes bright the face full and clear. energy r•tutns to the tu.,ty, and the moral, pthysi.al, and vital sv.tetus ate inv,g- orated; all d-aine cense-nn mere vital waste fro -t the system. Pont let quacks and fakirs rcb you of pair hard earned dollars. We will our. you or n. pay. R EA I7 E R `'ttttlter who h s treated von• write fora;honest opinion Fire t CLa:ac. I.t)Ok9 )'kKR-'•The ('.olden Monitor" (illustrated) u•s' .,, List for Hans Treatment Sent on Request. Ds. KEiTiEDY&KENNEDY `Celt Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, - DETROIT, MICH. 'Media" Furnace Means Perfect beating without Gas, Dust or Smoke. The ''11 rola " Furnace is the only Furnace with Fused joints. These Joints are made by fusing the steel and cast iron Darts together at white heat making an indestructible joint. Fused joints are permanently airtight. Even after 20 years' use they \will not work loose or leak. They insure absolute freedom from dust, smoke and gas. The Steel -Ribbed Fire Pot used on the " I-Iecla" Furnace has three times as mulch radiating surface as any other style of fire pot. It will save fuel for you and give you more heat. It extracts from the fire, heat that would otherwise go up the chimney. Let es show you the i908 " Ilecla" and explain all the latest improvements in detail. Mode by tilts makers e1 'Teethe/1 ireatosular" Kasen. HUGH SPACHMAN, - EXETER IThe council of i..c rownsitip of Ste- phen convened in t:« Town Hall. Cred- Ito:. Stonday, Oct. 5th, 19Y. All mem- (kid )ent- htid present except Mr. Jacob Keller - 'WHIR, who was absent owing to illness. The minutes of the prevloua meeting were read and adopted. Weurth-Sand- ers-That it: reference to the complaint of John h:nkbelner and others re- °b- ull notions In cue Mud Creek Drain, the clerk be Iuatructtd to ori.. the EaKin- eer and lnapector appointed for the In- spection and care of drains, to notlty all persons at. default to repair their re- spective portions ap provided for in see- der. 18 of the Municipal drainage Act, and upon their tailing to do so, attar a reasonable length of tinge had been giv- en thein, then the laspector titian cavae the said drain to be properly repaired forthwith, as provided for under the said act. The bond of the Tax collector was laid on the table sad accepted. The following orders were passed. - Chester Prouty, gratuity, #25; Wilfrid Lafond and others, grading 4th side - road, #31.11; F. Trlebner, gravel con- tracts 2-3 E. S. It, 481.64 ; ditto. bal. of gravel account, 457.94; Chrlet'au Stade, coati r 6 E. S. It., $4.23. jt. O'Rourke, rep. culvert S. B. 50c.; Geo. Snell. cotu'r 1 E. S. R. #L35; John Klunnpp, :ons r E. S. 11. #3; John G. Wein, cotn'r E. S. R. 03.50; A. Morri- son, gravel ceatract, 5 let S. 11320.33 11. Davy, cern'r let S. It. #2.09; Jacob Quoin, gravel, 1.30 ; Ed. Fahner, grav- el contracts E. S. 11. #03.55; drawing cement 412 ; M Beaver and others rep. to Crediton Bridge $6(63; F. Trlebner gravel for tile, #6.50 G. K. Kienzle and othete, grading, #10.23. R. Handford 2 gravel contracts, 463.50; Sidney Davis com'r C. 11. 42.50 , F. :-fcKeever, con- tract and gravel 430. It. Hill, repairing of the bridges and of the cement culverts #26,20 ; Joe:. Brokenahire, Ole across road #2.43; Silas Brokenahire. conn'r, and rep. culvert $0.75; 11. J. Kuhn. tile and teaming #3.40; Thos. Hartnoll, for ditch on London ltd. $12. H. L. Kraft, gravel, $20.87; Ed. Brokenahire, B. of H. Inspector #15; Win. Rollins, gravel $t)8.56: Itobt. Stoke, rep. Hickey's D. $1.75; N. Pollard, ren. culvert, 41; J. Shatrow ditto $3.50 ; J. Devine, ditto 41; S. Masson, rap. bridge 42.25; J. S. Motz, nails, 1/c.; \Vm. Sanders, com'r E. S. R. #3; A. Hudgins Co, Ltd., gas, $14.8x; Jas. Flynn, covering two brga. #3. The council tnen adjouri ed to meet Monday, Dec. 7t11, at 1 p. nt. Henry at, Tp. Clerk Stephen Council School Reports The following- le the report ot C.riItat-' is in stool, based on examination. V. Class, Slaxweli Baynhaut, Mary Hanlon iva Essay. Adrian Coughlin. IV. Claes Fred Esecry, Luther Butt, Fred Fair - hall, Elva Prooks, Beagle Anderson. Sr. Ill. -Stella Neil, Margaret Hanlon. Jr. ill. -Mabel Heantatt, Inose Hanlon. Jr. I1, -Della Brooke, Ethel Culbert, harry Elston. Lloyd Ilaynhahr, Leonard Ab- bott, Gerald Hanlon. 1't. ii -!'era Davie Albert hackney. Sr. 1't. I. -hazel Es eery, Rex. Mills, Lorne Hicks, Flora Heritable. IRuth Coughlin, Gordon Cul- bert, Irene Alexander. Jr. Pt. I -Archie Hicks, Wilfrid Huxtable, Ida Taylor, Dora hackney, Clarence Culbert. Aver - Age attendance JO. A. Swann, teac-iv r.. The following as the correct report of the standing of ti.e pup,le of S. S. No. 4. Stephen, for the month of Septem- her. Nantes in order of merit. IV. -Wil- lie Schwartz, Lorne Morlock, Herbie Kraft, Alvin Cornish, .area Brokenahire Ono Brown, Mabel Coxworth, Gordon Cornish. Clinton Morlo,•k, Clarence Eit- her, Hairy Scltwattz. Jr. III. -Ila Eit- her, Emerson itoeszler, Edna ASny, La- vine Smith. Jr. I1. -Eddie Cornlell, Jos epi, Schwartz, Clinton. Morlotk, Joey Itrokthehire, Mervin Coxworth, Emerson %vt in. AnnieAubin. Sr. I't. 11. -Adeline \tutu, Clara Morlock. Carrie Schroeder, olive Cornish. Jr. Pt. 11. -Mary Wilds, !laze' Preszcator. Jr. Pt. I. -Stella Cornish, Melvin Nein, Elgin Eilber. M. C. Jennison, te.t:her. -- aws.--- aa Show Me- Proof. THAT i5 WHAT 11Yo\IEi \WILL 130 IN ALL FORMS OF CATAi11.II AND TROUBLES OF THE BItEATII- iNG ORGANS. It is not a qucstton of Ilyontet having . ured sonic one else but will it reagin our own particular case. It its Cold in the head. Catarrh, ilronchitis, I'neu- monle. Croup, or any affection of the breathing organs, W. S. Cole Bays yes, and will refund tato money it it Calls. No other pteparatton fur the sante pun• pose rel, successfully do 0.1s, Ixcauee trtc Hyonici system ut treatment Is dif- ferent from anything e lee. You simply breathe and inhale its medication In dry air form which des- ttoye the germ life that causes oppress- ed breathing, Nasal Catarrh, Throat Ir- ritation and Lung Troubles. It bri•tgs to these suffering organs the balsam laden ate they would get in the Pine and Eucalyptus forests. The air that stamps nut Bronchial troubles. The prince of entertainers Marsh ti P. wilder says,-ilyotiti is easy t o use, end swift to curt. It insutcs against roughs and colds. It gives you pure air and kills the germs of disease. it helps the voice. Il',ontel complete outfit. #1.110. The following is a correct report of 5. 8. No. 8, Stephen, for the mont'e of Set.tcmbet ; V. Class. --:A. Willis. F. Trlebner, G. Seeders. Sr. IV. -\V. Shap - ton. -Jr. iV.-C. Parsoae, J. Willis, A. E. Welsh, 0. Preezcator, V. Hogarth. E. Box. 1ll.-11. Parsons, M. Willis. Sr. 1l. -L. Sanders, C. Trlebner, U. Stan lake. Jr. 11.-C. Parsons. le. Sanders. T. Willis C. Dearing. Sr. I't. IL -M Trlebner, L. 11111, V. Preezcator, V. ilol Jr. l't. 11.- t'. Sanders. C. Hamilton, 0 Hamilton. C. Sanders. I't. i. -E. fres water. A. 4hapton, R. Parsons!, E. Stan - lake. No on roil 34, average at'ande aria 32. Parents are earnestly requ7st- ed to see that their children attend port - 11Y and regularly. Writ. L. Trlebner, Teaeacr Clinton -Tttc t•tar.ige•, took plate on Oct. 14111 of Leonard E. \Velr of Millet to Mies Enmta E. Rethweil a poru'.ir young lady of town. Varna. -Atter an illness of five weeks Mrs. Cook. wifs, of Mr. \Vlisr,m Conk. parsed away on 5atutdal October Mrs. Cook's maiden name was Coutes A'i:t Hugill and was born in l'eel Coun- ty 51) years ago Welders her hunLand Mrs. Conk leaves to mourn their loss tour children,. Henault Miss Flossie Foss who wrote at Tor- onto about three weeks ago on her sup- plenentery, 1 as received word that she has succeestutly tensed her matricul- ation. -\era. It. liontt.ron left en Tucs- day to visit in liar aie. -\lis, Ett.t Davie has returned to Toronto to continue her studies at Varsity. -John Hobktik came home trent the \\ cat last week. Ile his been laid up with a beating on hia hand. -Sunday spousal advices under the aue- picee of the County Y. Vit. C. A. w e held it: the duce hensall churches r That Nagging Pain Is canned by just one tiling - weak, strained, irritated kidneys. And there is just one way to stop 1t Gin Pills strengthen and heal the kidneys -neutralize the urine stop those scalding passages -and quickly relieve the pain in the back and limbs. Gin Yiils are also the recognized cure for Rheumatism and Sciatica. 30c. a box ; 6 for $2.50. At all dealers or Bent on receipt of price. sample free DEPT. A. -NATIONAL DRUG & CHEM. CO. LIMITED if you mention this ns; er. in the Back TORONTO 104 Formerly =ad by Bole Drug Co., Wirweipsg. ✓r5 tE /10101 \ 'ae es it MOMS w ■■■■'u If you want your stoves to took as if they had been cleaned every hour, rub them occasionally with "Black Knight" Stove Polish. It ves the shine that lasts, no matter how hot the.fire. It shines the, too --just a few robe. Von get such a big can for the money t "Black knight" is easily the cheapest you can buy. Bead your dealer's name and IOc for fall sized can. if you can't get "Black Knight" nearby. t' Tbs P. F VALLEY CO. Lip • - S+IITTTa1l.OM Zurich Louis Kalbfleisn has purchased his Lather's farm on the 16th con. -A. Leh - men and Miss Ida Ortweln left Friday for Bad Axe, Mich., on tt visit -Mr. and Mrs. John Zeller ot Langdon, N. Dak- ota, aro visiting relatives and friends in town. -David Scitoelllg of North Dak- ota Is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Schoellig.-James N. Sopha has purchased 44 aciea of land on the Sau- ble Line, adjoining his awn, from his father -inn -law, Oliver Corriveau.-Messrs. 11. Randall and John Zettel met with a serious accident en Mot'day of last. week, while painting on Mr. J. Preet- cr'e new house. They were about thirty' feet from the „round when one of the supports gave way aitd they both land- ed on the hard ground. Randall was unconscious for about halt an hour and received a nasty scalp wound, a frac- ture of the outer covering of the skull and some infernal injuriea. ZetteI was more fortunate, although his injuries consist of a fractured right arm, a eprdl;tdd Icg and bruised face. It Is a miracle that both escaped with their lives in este fall. At latest reports both were doing well. -Freddie Hess of Berlin is 111 at his home here. --Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Geiger have moved into the dwelling recently vacated by C. Schrag,f -Geo. Schoelllg intends selling Ide fdrif on the Goshen Line, and will with his wife make his future home lit Detroit. where three of his children reside. AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR Everyone needs something to create and maintain strength for the daily round of duties. There is nothing better than an :lie or Porter, the polity and merit of which has been attested by chemists, physicians and experts at the great exhtb- bitions. (ASK vow ' kigao9N) Wood's Phosphodiao, The Great F•.'.1.4 Remedy. Tones and inv ti' whole nervous slate .e makoa new Bloodies old w.- Cures Acro - nus Debility, Mental and lir t Worry, De 1- ; a lntry. Sexual ld?abs .:a, i-i•.cfonv, Sp. r- : rlorrhera, and F,Jeets ofd'.. • • or Exceaare. trice it per box, six forOne sill please, six will cure. Sold by all drt.uggists or inulol In plainkg. on readpt of price. .\. ,n p rrtphlet mailed free. The wood Msdlelno co. tfurmerl y li'irulsor► Toronto, Ont. FIRST, READ OUR FRE[ CAJAO6UE THEN Decide on the Bealnness College 11 1 �• •• We Gale the privilege of sending you our intensely -interesting„ handsomely - illustrated FREE CATALOGUE. In fact, you really owe it to yourself to get =�"«sat Ctq a copy and read it thoroughly before you t sad ► select the Business College to attend. s,tettsN'G This Catalogue explains all about our �.�.. school, our faculty, our different courses. Tells why we honestly believe our Col- lege to be the best (or you. After reading the book we will leave you to fudge for yourself. Sending for a copy places you under no obligation. Just mail your name and address on a postcard. Students admitted any time. Special openings September and January. The Forest City Business and Shorthand College LONDON. ONTARIOT, Jr., C.A., V JI WI WESTERVELT, Phe :vol x'. WESTERVELke•Pdn<ipd oerrin' iscuitS Your dealer will �• . supply you. if not, write direct to D. S. Petrel & Co.. Ltd. London, Carew Leap Year Biscuit. A unique line. Made only by ourselves. 64 to the lb. PANIP DRAR?GE **we Want - Them!" " The biscuits which please us must be brown and crisp and firm and dainty, with a well -raised, evenly -baked crust. " Mother says such buns require a steel oven, scien- tifically constructed, uniformly heated, perfectly ventilated -*PANDORA' OVEN EXACTLY." UT When you see a "Pandora" Range the sale Is made. MCClarys 21 Leman, Taraots, Msntrsat, WlnnlseL bsnesever, =L Mts. N s., fsetllteet. Calgary ET T. Hawkins & Son, Agents.