Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-15, Page 4s
8. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
I Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000
I Reserve Fund, - 5,p00,000
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by
telegraph or letter.
COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and in foreign countries.
FOREIGN BUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States,
Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 113
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
Have Some of This.
It's the best dessert we know anything about.
The Dainty Dessert
will delight all who use it.
Easily Prepared -Simply add boiling water, cool
and serve. No cooking, no flavoring, no' sweetening to
add. No trouble, no further expense. Ge -t a package
from your grocer to day, and prove what we say is true.
One package makes enough dessert for the whole family.
Highest Award. Gold Medals at St. Louis,
Portland and Jamestown Expositions.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
11 you value your health avoid
cheap ilnitatiollls. JELL-O costs a
little IIIiltore, but
etee lbuocute,
u4.i V.0 d Cibncu, Props.
THURSDAY, Oct. Ili, loos
Sir Wilfrid Lauder is fighting at the
!set it+• All tee britcyes over wh!.h
he o..cc• mere:eel ;. v:c.ory have long
since Leen burned behind hint. Free
trade •• aeoot:% honest adtnlnietratlan,
eenete reform. AbeleGutt of surpluses.
cleat, elcctlons ; these have all gone
down. dei;og tee retreat, and wails the
last br•esien, ween brought to bay. he
Ilourtw.ed the battle nee of a servile
tn. t, ,.J 1.., hto.vs : t deavci-ed sit it.'
toted Lceeve: tl.c_ last remnant o: I;basal
pone_ rc..peet for minority rights.
Now he le engaged In throwing up the
feeLle entrenchments of "rule' null d--
livcry" ••a Jlinistcr of Labor," '•Cam-
palgt. of slander," and ''give nee an-
other term," from which he will be
driven with the loss of hie reputation,
amid the ruins of tee Liberal patty.
Nu n;1C t•,,.n survey the campaign with-
out ! _ling t;tat Sir Wilfrid has i.o: been
ntakieg good. and that things are going
atr..; 'y te favor of tme Conservatives.
The liberal leaders seem only tunxlou
for office for what they can get out
Of it.
There le Jeatification .n Mr. Borden's
pit.:_,._ that atter victory them will
come restitution.
See that John Shcrrltt goes to Ottawa
after the 26th. The constituency could
have no better representative.
Don't forget that there la an election
on the 26th, and it is Inc duty of all
good citlzens to remember that it is
time for a change.
Ti. t,,,,1.:ri. ;t Star uho•a•s a good tl,•k-
et, end we endorse it. -
For Premier -R. L. Borden.
For West Huron -E. N. Lewis,
For East Huron. -Dr. Chisholm.
For South Huron -John Shcrrltt.
It is pretty dlffrcult to imagine that
C. Edwards, proprietor of tit', Ctl-
g� • " Cee _)i c..:, c,tu,d consider him-
self libelled by anything Dan efcrellll-
cuddy could say. although Dan.. who
was for;netly a newspaper matt in Ood-
etich, has a pretty sharp tongue.
It ' . - ••. ., .ether reason wny Mr.
R. L. Horden should be the next prem-
ier of this country, suf.tclent is found
!tt the fact that his election means a
Leet( ,;h lnveatigation of the methods
by wntt•h penniless men were enabled to
become millionalree by dealing with the
country, and his promise that if these
men hare been looting tete country theft
they °hall return dollar for dollar. -\tit.
ellen Advocate.
Ti:r list of the Premiers since Confed-
eratio.t comprises ; Str John \tet do t.ld,
appointed July 1867 ; Hon. Alet+uid-
er Mackenzie. Nov. 1, 18/3, Sir John
Macdonald, Oct. 17th, 1878; Sir J. J.
C. Abbot, June 16, 1891; Sir J. S. D.
Thompson, Dec. b, 1892 • Sir Mackenzie
Howell, Dec. 12, 191)4; Sir Charles Tup-
per, Ian. 15, 1 kite; Sir Wilfrid Leetrier,
July 11. 1896.
"Those Liberal Records sou:td go to
nte•' Is the heading Le a p!cture In the
windows about town. A Canadian farm-
er labelled "Johnny Canuck" is listen-
ing with pleased face to the. strains
ot a gramophone. We think further ex-
planation should be given. Those Lib-
eral Records sound good, do they.
W,.oae records. The pl. two dotes not
1e11. Doea Emerson's Record sound
good. Or Is it Itynlan'e Record saunas
good. Or Stratton's, or Sir Freder-
ick. the military glury of the Liberal
• patty or whose record Is 11 sounds good
Let the Liberal party tell. -Elector.
F ullarton.-lt is our painful du. y to
record the death of Mis. Georg. itt:t-
lett. which o.curred un Oct. 4•.1. ll.t.
sides her husband and two ehlldr.e 1. elle
leaves a father and mother and a +•:al
broilers and sisters t.► mourn her lois.
tnre proof that Lydia F.. Pink -
ha si s I rgt•tttfrlcCompound rurey
%ir!. women.
Mis.: )1. IL Morin, 33:. t)ntctr'io SL,
M..:ttrta.I, Writes to Mrs. I'inkham:
•• 1 was in very poor health and doc-
tored for months. receiving very little
tx•/n•tit. I had loot all ambition, wars
nervous, and eubjec't to dizzy spells and
painful periodw each month.
" A friend suggested Lydia F Pink -
ham's Vegetal.lc ('otnpc.nnd as the i
proper medicine for the. 1 pr.x•ured a ,
Lottie of this remedy and began tak-
ing, and beton' it was finished, I felt
so much hatter that 1 continued its use
and gave it a thorough test. Leith the
rcanit t am to -day well and a much
healthier girl than I was three years
ago. 1 have no more painful periods,
dixnnees or nervous trnuldca."
For thirty years 1.pli,t E. Pink -
haul': Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard reedy for female ilia
%nil has positively cured thousandsttft
women who have been tmailed with
Ilisplat'ements, inflanllnation, nllrnrt
tion. flhmid tumors, irregularities
ilrri...fie pains, harkivhe, that bear
izig.do\vn feeling, tileney,indiges
t 1•' n,.l i zti nets or nervous prost rat her
Why ti(►n't yon try it ?
Mr.. Pinkfiant invites all sip)
women to write her for ads ice
She has guided thousands 1,
health. Addrrse, Latin, Masa.
An Address.
If UiiON.
Gentlemen, -On the 2.nd of January
last you did me the honor of electing me
as your reprcacetative to the Dominion
Parliament, for white I return you my
sincere and heartfelt thanks. As Par-
Jia,nert has been dlasolved a:;J aao;her
election will be Mid on Monday, O._to-
ber 26th, 1 ant again a candidate for
your suffrages. As 1 have only been
permitted to have part of one smile!'
I think In justice to the constituter!),
as well as to my self, it :s only fair to
ask a renewal of your confide;we for
at least a full term. This I now ask
at your hands,and should you see fit to
thus favor me, I proteose you that no
effort will be spared on my part to ad-
vance the best Interests of my constit-
uents and the welfare of our growing
and prosperous country.
Before the close of the campaign I
hope to have the privilege of meeting
with many of you personally and of
discussing with you the great public
Issues which are now so earnestly en-
gaging the attention of the people of
this country.
Again soliciting your suffrages and
support, I am,
Your obedient servant,
M. Y. !fcLEAet,
Liberal Candldate for South Huron.
f: ries•!tttay
\i.-. and Mrs. Couch and Miss Iva Ste-
waidson of Parkhill vlaited at Tno..
Stewardeon's ort Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs.
Slathers and caldron of Dentieid vis-
ited the latter's blister, Mrs. W T. Ur -
ens. on Saturday and Sunday. -Mrs. T
Stewardeoi visited Mra. W. J. Wilson
on Monday. -A number from here took
tit the World's Fair concert at West
McGillivray on Friday last. -James
Brophy called on friends at Grand Bend
on Monday. -W. H. Cooper and tenuly
moved out to Centralia last Tnuraday.
He has engaged to work for C. O'Brien
for a year. They have been agreeable
reighbors and w.11 be missed In this
vicinity. -The annual harvest Home and
Thank Offering Dinner of Grace church
held last Wednesday was a decided sue'
cess. Revd. Carriers of Grand Bead, W
Godwin of Parkhill acid T. A. Steed -
111311 of Corbett addressed the large aud-
ience in the hall atter supper. Tnc
music by the Parkhill Orchestra and the
singing by Mtge itoget s and Mr. E.
Humphries was excellent and was heart
ily e.icured. Proceeds Se5.-Mr. Alex.
Itotson who has been oat near Craig
during the summer cams home on Sat-
urdsy:-Robs. Carruthers arrived home
tt om the Went on iaturday.-Thomas
Isaac la sporting a new .buggy. -Mise
Mabel Foster Is laid up with an at'ack
o: appendicitis Her n►aoy friends hope
for a speedy recovery. -Miss 'Lelia
English called on alias Ester McPher-
son on Monday evening. -Miss Myrtle
Wickert is visltitig friends in l'arkhil.
-Mrs. J. Iiedgee and Mra. .i. M1:nobe
erts of Parkhill viskel Sire. A. M. Wil-
son last week. -Toe 'Roelof, League pur-
poses holding a social evening In the
basement of the church un Friday ev',;
Oct. 16th. -Mrs. A. M. Wilson attend-
ed the Sunday School Convention heed
in Crediton on F r 1 ty.
HI ley
Taking up routs is the order of tie
day. -Janus Uruatifuot has bought a
new range from J. & C. MvDonn''ll of
Hensel'. Jim. Is going to kccp warns
ties winter. -Joh, Bolton is sporting
.a new buggy tnls fall. lle is bound to
keep up to date. -Miss Tillie Sinirn t,s
has returned from Lite West attar u
two months' visit wi:'a her b rrhir
wt shy. In r'inuure.--'Lies Jessie F'er-
;u:en is visiting her stunt. Mrs. Geo.
tlotair.c.-:.ir. (lordue Bolton le hiving
the interiur of lila kitchen plastered. -
Wm. Tower's s.le or. Wednesday was
a dccidcd suctea.. tinct Mr. Thomas
Cameron wclldtd the hammer to per.
fection.-Mrs. \Vestey Simmons •3f Ed-
more. Man., is visiting her mother-inl.iw
Mrs. Jonas Simmons. -W. N. Glenn of
the Jersey Stock Vann has era..ted a
alio. and his sten were busy f1111r.g
,. , Friday. -Me. anti Mrs. N. 13. 'for-
. of H.ttpurl:ay were visiting with
ids in. this vi,••:'Ity during last we -'k.
c has bou; .; a weep rare h In the
e. et and lot, I-4 go: l f ot. attaint in
\Lett h.
fenny' lar.
Mise Mci.can .t 1 • i'; w of 1)tk) a,
and formerly of U.., wr.o visited
a !it. Tho,. Cain •. I.tdt scek, nave
gene ,o vials rib 1. In Seafortn.-Mr,
and Nits. John Etre., : of Walto.t visited
at their old hon;. .)w orcuplcd by
their son, Lawrence• during tate past
week. -Friends of Mrs. 11 Ituielle of
Ti. once Read arc pleased to s'e her
able to be out ag,ti,t.-Tits new et.tranrc
which Is being built to Bethany cnurch
•v.11 add greatly to the appearance as
well as the co,svcnienee of the church.
Retort of Shipka School for Sept^in-
.-V. Laura Ilarlton ; IV.. \li:ottle
Krelnet 52:., Arthur Finkbcinet 12;.
r O'Itou.Ke 269; 111, Hatter I tidi.-
•r 1036 ; i11. Jr.. Susie Keogh
-. Viol.' t as&rp 766, Ge:iia i+alt.• ..in
:7:1. Pearl Wing 72:1, Ethel Linen 030
Mabel Clark 594, Effie Robinson 537.
Mervin Picketing 17a. Alice Geiser 489
James O'Rourke .155; Sr. 11. Russel
Bay. harm 469. while Brophy •112.
Maggie I'faff 272. Sr. 11.. Andrew Keogh
4112, Vera Et,.kbe.net 402. Emla Flnk-
bei;ter 426, F.tl Wcbb 421. Maggtt
(lower 12S . 1't. 11.. Wesley nayitaatn
829. Ivan Sharp 224. Hattie Lo-hiter
215. Irene Schroeder 203, Nelson Arm
aeons 159. George Clark 119 ; iL,
i)ell.i Iles:erd 27.1, Martha Baynitam
237. Lucaa WI ig 177. hubeit Liuch
143. Luell t Scitroede: 139 . 1't. :.. Os-
car Pfaff 199. Lu IL. Fo,ubeitJr 156,
Eldie Ilayr.ha,. tat. Elgle Wenn 12`+.
itime Paltering 119. Do:ia Ar,nat:Dreg
06. Clifford Pickering 64. John Li. -•h
77 : i.,Eti est Lochner 14X, LIoyJ (ialwer
:11. Phoebe Scatoeder 120, 74ola 11 th.
•1.1:1 1117, Otto Pfaff to;, May .trot•
s::onf It1r), Mlcivtn Plckeeing 72. 5)1.
rester Lynch :0. Lloyd Itrop:ty 19.
.1 M. ltob. 1 1 eon. Tia::i^r.
y [tkntiENsllIKE, U.tsHwuuU, CoN\EY-
1'i. KNUI k teed., Wille, Mortes •e. and all
Legal lhnvu.e t. carefully and promptly prepared.
Charge. m,xlerate.
Mir. 1lcrr:tan Etat is all smiles these
days, a little baby boy having coma to
grace his home 0,1 Wednesday, the 701.
Congratutattott ..-Mra. uco. Ediehoffer
underwent an operation at the moepleil
1.1 Loudon ou Saturday for some head
trouble, the teda,t of a bad cold see -
there. -The !Bases Tama.' are
this week moving into Mrs. Rothereeal'e
dwelltiig nest to the scaoo:, wItere they
will be pleased to meet all their old
customers and as alley new ones as
ntay wish to give them a trial. -A num-
ber from this place attended the Suite
day School ComvuUloa held at Credi-
ton on Friday, and all speak highly of
the proceedings. -Tic auction sale of
Mrs. Wlnkenweder'a .tousehoid effects
on Saturday afternoon was largely at.
tended and good prices were realized.
Mr. E. Bossembcrry wended the hair.-
,ter. -Mit. John Lippert of near Khiva
has putrhased the house and lot of the
late Charles Willett ile will not move
into the village until spring. -Mr. and
Mrs. Sttalt.t who nave bent spending
their honeymoon with their friends In
Dashwood left on Thursday for their
home in Ch1c.tzu.-Mt;ss Minnie Flnke
bciner spent a Lew days with friends
at C►edlton during the week. -Mr. Ci tr-
ence Kellermanh has been on the sick
list for a few days. -Mr. Louis Icahn
still contieues very poorly. -Mr.
Mrs. Daniel Schaefer, who have
visiting friends -near 13reslau for
time, have again returned to their
Miss Sarah Batten of Zi -it visited
her sister, Mrs. Thomas Morley, Sun-
day.- W.13rooks and wife are all smiles
these days-itsa girl -mother and child
doing well. -Mrs. J. V.Millson and Mrs.
A. Dinsmore visited at the borne of
their neice, Mr,. Dein Lewis, of 13rins-
ley, Tuesday. -Mr. and Mrs. David
Johnston of McIntyre visited at Mr.
Wm. Gunning's Sunday. -Mrs. Dins-
more and daughter Maggie, who have
been on an extended visit with rela-
tives here during the summer, left on
Thitrsday to visit the forrner's brother,
Rev. W. E. /Willson, of Kingsville. -
A meeting of the Congregation was
held on Thursday evening, and it was
agreed upon to celebrate Thanksgiv-
ing by an Anniversary on Sunday and
a Fowl Supper on Monday. it is ex-
pected that the Itev. F. Langford. of
Ernbro, will he the preacher on Sun-
day, and the Committee in charge are
sparing no effort to make the program
on Monday the Lest ever listened to in
these parts. -A goodly number frorn
around here attended the Special Ser-
vices on Sunday at Woodhatn and the
Supper on Tuesday. -The sad news of
the untimely death of Dr. Ferguson
in Toronto came ay a shock to !natty
here, as the Dr. had, while practising
in Kirkton, made warm friends in
many houses atou►td here.
1McGillivrayWhile doctoring a sick colt rt . tIy,
fent. Nicnuls. near Corbett. met with a
,t.,l:tful acttdct,t, ti.e toll sudd.ole kick-
::. Linc and breaking his are; -While
chasing Tom Glendinning at \t in. Glen-
dinititg'e tntbahhig Ernie Peat son suet
with an ac;locnt Buil rendered him
unconscious for a couple of hoots, but
ho le now better. note were running
full speed and on going tlrtrought he
gate Tom. to gait time slammed the
gate behind hits. Tile top rail 01 the
gate caught young Pearson un theehln
and he was throw,, viulently to the
gtout,d. Tile shock almost dislocated
his neck.
Eat What You Like.
The first thing to do 111 the case: of
indigestion or etontac:t weakness is to
strengthen the muscular waits of the
stomach and intestines, so that they
will care for the faod that la eaten.
In no other way can title be doac as
well as by taking a Ml-o-na table: be-
fore each mea:. This restores strength
to the stomach muscles and stimulates
the pouring out of gastric juices, theft
the food digeeta readily, and you begin
to get the full benefit of what you eat.
Use Mi-o-na whenever you have sick
headache, heartburn„ bad taste in the
mouth, coated tongue, spots bof-ore the
eyes, sleeplessness and the many other
symptoms that are the direct result of
indigestion .
W. S. Cole gives with every 50c. hos
of Mi-o-na a guarantee to refund tl,c•
money unless the remedy cures.
mi.. may Ann Sinipson is visiting
[rieitaa ire I3tdduiph.-Young Nell who
hats been via'ting friends int Thedtord
returned home lust week. -Mr. and Mrs.
Corsaunt of London culled on friends
here for a few days last week. -Alex.
Smith the Liberal candidate in the cotn-
nig election pall our burg a Llying vle-
Ir on Friday. -The malty frleads of Mr.
Win. Dixon of con. 4, will be sorry to
hear of lila severe i,Il,caa. He has been
I11 for a long time but en 9'rieay he
tuck at cl;aige for the worse, and the
doctor has little hope of his resevery,
-Quite a number from here attended
the fair at West McGtlilvray on Friday.
W. Maguire carred oft the red tieket
for the best general purpose team. -N.
Miller of Saskatoon was the guest of
Jas. Nell for a few days. -Mr. Lockr
hart of the Soo la visiting at W. J.
Yodgtns.-Mr. and Mrs. \tint. Murry
ajcnt Sunday with Mir. and Mrs. John
Course), Blddulph.-Joni Gilmour is
erecting a new punt driver. -Quito a
number of the ladles around here at-
tended the Institute meeting at Mrs. E.
ilodglns, Clandeboye.
.1. A. Stewart's delivery boy is sport-
ing .t brand new delivery wagoe, ntut-
utactut•cd by Ed. Treble.
Our Stock o1 New Fall -Goods
New DressGoods inall the lead-
an Millinery Opening
ing cloths and shades,, at close pri•
130iand seour Mantles•
Tuesday & wedoesday
for Ladies and Children.
New Furs in ruff.+, 8101es, muffs..
collarettes, &c. They are Beauties
and at prices to suit all.
New Flannellettes,N'rapperettes,
Wool Blankets, Flannelette Blank-
ets. at close prices.
New Hosiery, Caps, Mitts, (loves
and Underwear -all kinds and siz-
Men's and Boys' Ready-to-wear
Suits at Bargain Prices. Ordered
Suits ct Specialty. Il.' sure and see
our New Tweeds and 1Vorsteds In
the New Shades. Our prices are
A full line of Hardware at close
A large stock of Crockery and
Fancy China just to hand.
Our (r'rorery Department is full
of New and Fresh Goods.
Sept.29th & 30111.
Our Millinery Department is 'in -
der the management of MISS
DUNN, OF LONDON, a lady of
wide experience in the millinery
I It is with pleasure that we ex-
t tend this invitation to all the ladies
1 interested in artistic headgear.
j Our millinery department is full
Iof all the latest and newest styles
and designs in this line. The whole
panorama of Fall Fashions are re-
pvealed in our Millinery Section.
Colne to our Opening and enjoy
!the inspection of this season's dis-
play of most beautiful and cont -
i plate showing of Fall Millinery.
SHOESA large and well assorted stock of i►11 BOOTS
the leading styles and makes, at pricers
lower than ever. if you want a pair of gond Boots or Shoes, give its a call.
. A lot of odds end ends will he cleared regardless of cost. ...... ...
Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce.
Corner Stole,
In New PremiBes
Boots & Shoes
WE HAVE A Special Line of
Patent Shoes which are
going fast. Come in and
see them. Styles and prices are right. They will snit you.
A full line of other shoes that are suitable for any wear. you
will be pleased with them,
1 GROCERIESO nit t.R()C;E1;1ES ARE ordered
often and kept fresh and new
all the time. We is -ill be
pleased to see you try them. Breakfast Foods, Can
Goods, Pickles, Syrups, Etc. An excellent line of
Confectionery, also,
Bit"i''I'EI .1 Y 1) 1:,;(4S. We
will i)IV you the Highest
Market Price in trade for
Butter and Eggs. Bring them in.
Wilson Bros., - Exeter
One door north of ittttik of (.t'nitn(me.
General regret was felt here last week
on hearing of the untimely death of
Dr. A. K. Ferguson of Toronto, alta•
tot•nretly well keown here, he having
prettified inedicine in this nelgnoorhood
for several yea:e. The doctor was rid-
ing his bicyclo to Toronto, and In at -
tett -teeing to erose the street In front of
a street car. and was struck by the car
and almost rut 1n two. He did not lose
consciousness, but died shortly after .r-
ing placed In the annbuiant e. He exO,t-
et•ated th °motorman and condue:or. by
saying that tae accident was apparently
Sia own fault. Ile was 45 yearanr age
and left a widow and two children.
The retains wen taken to .lvoeb.tsk
near Stratford, the old h:►me 01 the de-
ceased, where his mother resides, for
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
The great Uterine Tonic, and
only sero elreetual Monthly
Regulator on which women San
depend. t -old in three degrees
of strength -No. 1. 1 ; Ao.
ledegreee lrunger 13; No.
for specie tees, per bor.
Hold 1)y. a irugt sta. or seat
prepaid on Tea. ppt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address�TMee
COOLME01t1NECO..TQlOttTO.ONT. 1Jvrrncr1911'irid oy
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated is:i5
Capital - $3,374,000
Rest Fund - - $3,374,000
lids ti.i !benches in (''.nada, and Agents and (`orrespondenls in all the
Principal ('hies in the World.
at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current tate.
at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DrcKsos & CAiILiNG, Solicitor,. N. D. IlUliLUN, Manager,
ot always easy
to know .just what to buy
in the line of
Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware.
You very often need a hint
as to what is most suitable
to buy for your friends or
' Our Stock Furnishes the Hints -- '
It reveals in a minute more
appropriate presents than any
one could sit at home and
recall in a whole day.
an i we promise to make their
choo''ing easy and their choice
Exeter, Ont.