Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-15, Page 115c to JAN. '09 NOW iS THE TIME to subbcribefor the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low C l u b, R ates TWEN YTYT FIRST YEAR. eter Wedding invitations In Neael,t Ty Iter On Hest Papers The Finest Work Anil Hight Pricer: The Advocate Office, Exeter EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1908. S.a4T1rNR Cv enrp,c$ The Old Reliable To Our Patrons and the Public : We take pleasure in inviting you to our inspection of Fin© Merchandise for Fall and Winter Season. An Unusual Showing of,-migur MILLINERY, Y, A careful examination is re- tJJu��e_sted, as we feel convinced tLat'} ou will be thoroughly satisfied as to the high class of these exhibits. Prices, too, are the good value. FlDRESS GOODS, FOOT-WVEAIR laid CLOTH I\rG,,,,,„wa' very low, when you take into consideration Carling Bros., The People's Store, where you get your money's worth and the right change back. Conte in and see us whether you buy or not. No trouble to show goods Highest Price Paid for POULTRY, dead or alive. Highest price paid for produce—l3utter 20c. Eggs 19c. Highest Prices Paid for Dried Apples, present quotation 5c lb. CARLING BROS. Big Tumble in Price ot Boots and Shoes In order to reduce our stock of Boots and Shoes we are going to offer our entire stock 3t-' at greatly reduced prices dur- ing the next two weeks. SNELL & ROWE Professional Cards. Da. O. F. BOULSTON, I.. D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST j' CAIRNS, \'ETEI1INARY SURGEON. • Sue. a ,or to Da. Reimer, Special Attention to Dentistry. Night calls left at the home of Mr. Peter Dawden Member of the R. O. D. S. of Ontario and Honor I Main street, (opp. Trivet Memorial Church), will be Graduate of Toronto University. i promptly attended to. O/F10E: Over Dickson t Carling's Law OM •e, In EXETER, • ONTARIO. Di. Anderwn's former Dental Parlors. .11311. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. B., D. D. 8.• Llano, graduate of Toronto Unlveriety. DENTIST, teeth e:trr.ted without any pain, or any bad effects Olgce of e Oladmaa & Stanbury's office, !fain street Rioter. Medical DR, T 1'. McLAUOlILIN blas resumed practice after spending a year (Cob lege) at British and Continental hospitals. General practice with epe,ial attention to Eye, (with refrac- tion) Ear, Nose and Throat. OMce: Duh wood, Ont. Legal. DICKSoN et CARLING, IIARRt9TERS, SOLiCi• ton. Notaries, Convey ,seers, Commissioners Solicitors for Motsons Bank, etc. Mosey to Loss at lowest sites or interest. Olflces, Man street, Exeter, 1. t. Maws, B.A., L. H. Dimas ONEY TO LOAN. lrlll We have large amount of private funds to loan s farm and village properties at low rates of Inter let. OLADM.tX & STANDURY, Barristers, 8oliciton,Maln 51., Euler On B. 8. PILLIP8, EXETER. Licensed Asctloeeer. Sales attended in all pans. Satisfaction guarsn• teed or no pay Terms reasonable. All oaten lett t Advocate Office will be promptly attended to. William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal Incorporated Society of Muelclans, England; Organist of Trivitt Memorial Chureh.Eveter. Plena, Organ, Harmony and Theory of Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont, J. SENIOR Agent Con federation Life Assurance Company. also Fire insurance in lead- ing (an,tdian and British ('ontpaniee. Main -St., Exeter. Take Notice Nuri •e is here • c e...en Una: I •till not be erepen MN/ for any debt or debts contracted by my wife. she having left my bed and board without lust cause ct provocative. JOB FLYNN. ilrinsh y. -Mr. and Mrs. W. Weill ((1- cbtated ,',c t:1il a: nivrreary of th i:• wedding e, Sept. 1,t. .\:,out fifty r{e .•+ were prevent for !;c d.:1 ler arts eve • . of Fanice anti amueemertle. .tarry h ea Mut plcecr.t• were received. once -Dr. Ranuay's old stand, corner of )lain and North streets, (opp. l'yni s Blacksmith Shop). Your patronage solicited. Farm for Sale or Rent. The undenignel is offering fcr sale or rent the es. tate of the late James Cronyn, consisting of 175 *tree. and situated on the 20th and 21st concessions of the Township of Stephen, two miles from Grand Rend. The land is In first-class condition, well drained and Leen well cultivated. flood brick house, large hank barn with powermill. (food water, good or. hard on each place, seven acres hardwood bush. Convenient to school and church. For terns end particulars app'y to MRS. ELLEN CRONYN Centralia IF. O. Valuable Farm Property for Sale and F tt in Stock and iinelements, H1' 1'UI3LIC AUCTION, on East half of Lot 0. Coo. 4, Usborne, on FIlir1AV, OCT. lith, 1908, at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp. hors,, -2 work horses; 2 seeking colt' (draft). Cattle -4 milch cows, due to calve in )larch and April:l0 steers and s heifers,two tears old; 1 steers and 4 heifers, 1 year okl; an6 calves. Sheep -A number of breeding ewes. Implements -Walking plow, root pulp's, Toronto Aermotor wind mill and tank, complete, etc. Real Estate -There s 111 also be offered for sale at the same time and place, that valuable farm pro rte, consisting of east half of lot 7, lots 9 and 9 and south half of lot 10, con. 4, Usborne, containing tot' &errs, nn which there is erected a good brick hove', large bank barnframe staple and shed, and other con. enienres. This property is well noted for general fuming and grazing, and will be sold In part or enbtock, to suit purchaser. Terms of Real Estate made known on day of see. Chattels- All sums of 95.(111 and under, rash; over that amount 12 months' credit will be given en fur. nishing approved Joint notes. ! per cent off for cash on credit amount'. MAHTIN HIlOB. Props of Real Estate 1. yr.i•;MON. " " Chattel', 1110S.1•1\II.eoN, AUCTIONEER, FtRgl'll.\k THE GREAT SCHOOL! CENTRAL Our put reeo,4 and our present grade of work stamps us as the great pea -tic& training srhonl .1 western rantaiio. We have three departments - Commercial, Shorthand, Telegraphic, nor graduate* are In demand as Business Col- lege tea, hen u well as nMl•-e a•shtanls Inds• vidna1 instruction. Enter NOW ! Large rata• term fret. Write for It. ELLIOTT it MeLACl1LAN, Principals. The School Sports, The annual epode ot the Exeter School held on Friday last woe favartel with the finest kind of weather. It was a beautiful ahs bright October day, and a large number of citizens carne out to see the children at their gasses. 'fie - field day is a grand thing as it brings patents, puplla and teachers together, as nothing else doea, awl is an educa- tion to all. In the mottling two earned set baane:- 'ball were played by the girls in go.id style, the senior Yellows under Ir:n• Farmer deteatieg the senior Blues ud- der Lily Shell, 3-2; and the junior Bluca defeating lite ;odor Yellows, 1-O. A game of footbai, was also played be- tween chosen tcanna of buys and result- ed 2-2. The afternoon eporte were head on the Agticultural Park, and the championship medals were wort thus. -Settlor boys, I1, Martin, 23 points ; Junior boys, Herb, Harlon. 14 points. The winners in de- tail were- 50 ere50 yards bey a under d. \V1;. o �n , E Wells, 11 Boyle; girls under 8 \1 Mo: -- lock, G Harvey, M !lardy. boys un•l.-r 12, C Wood, if Jolles, D Hall; glrla under 12, A bell, M Knott, M Achedan ; gills under 1:., Si Jewell. S Souihrett, S Ilatdy ; boys under 15, V S Ncet, C Wood. E Anderson ; boys over 15, B Martin. L llerh, U Butt ; junior boyo relay, 11 1lahlon, V Sweet, W McLean ; girls relay, S Southcutt, M Jewell, M Taylor ; senior Loys relay, 13 Martin, G Butt: girls orange walk, L Snell S. Southcutt, M Jewell. girls egg ra•:e, M Acheson, M Heywood, I Hardy ; uoys egg race, H Hanlon, E Southcutt, C Pickard; sack race, J Butt, 13 M'e•tir, E. Atdersot ; lady teachers race, Miss Howard, M18a Gregory ; trustees race McHEre. llustor.. Rowe, Martin; girl's blindfold race. U Kcstle; girls thraw- hng basketball, Miss Petty. Mian Hand- ford : girls ut costume, 11 Huston, \V Howard, U Iiodgert. Standing bloat' jump, Jr., 11 Hanlon, C Harvey. G Taylor ; sr., 13 Martin, L Hern ;;. Butt ; twining broad jump, V Sea, 1• 11 'Dabney. R Brandt ; ar„ 13 )t e ie 41, L Herta G Mutt ; ruining high jump, 11 Treibner, H. Hanlon, It Brandt ; er„ B Matti!), 0 Butt, L tient; leap frog race Jr.. Carling and Sweet, Southcutt and Harvey. Hanlon and Jones; she M trim and Hern, Butt and Butt, Carling and Sweet ; running hop -step -and -jump, }r., It Brandt, 14 Hanlon, V Sweet ; ,tr.; 13 Martlt, G Butt, L liens ; pole vaua, jr., 11 Trclbnct, t1 Taylor, C lI•t:vey ; at., H Triebner, C Copeland, (3 Taylor; mild Marathon, jr., H Caning• C Pick- ard, 11 Trieoter ; one and heli 11)110 Meralhon, hr., Ed. \V1111a, L Hern. A good crowd attended the coaxer and disc Ibution of prizes In the Opera ilcuse In the evening. Tile chair was occupied by the principal of the school, Ur. \Veldenhatuner, and a choice pro- gram was rendered, cotstathng of the chairman's addreae, Glee Cl'ib selections dlatributloe of prizes by trustees, ad - Orestes by Revs. Mattln and O3ing, instrumental by Irci:e Handford, duett by Misses Bleactt and Farnter, solo, by Beattie Martin, quartette of junior lroy a and girls, reading by Mies Howey, Ih- sti a rental duett by Misses Rowe and Martin. The day was ore long to be remember- ed by the children a.:d the older once who were pttvilcged to attend. Centralia The Misses Fox of Inman spent Fri• day of last week with their friend, Mrs. D. L. O'Brien. Another Hunt et Dead. -One after an- other the pioneer settlers of this com- munity are beteg removed from ou, mid- st by the cold hand of death until few arc left to tell those good old stur!.•e Incident to the early settler. Tole sees another old a,td farniltar chart,•ter laid to rest. In the person of Mr. Sam- uel McCoy, who paid natures debt on Sunday last, at the good old age of 95 Years. For some mouths Ms deceased has been lit rather feeble Health, but., previous to his last Illness was alw.Iys robust and enjoyed Inc very best of healtt. Mr. McCoy was a native of Ireland, beteg bort lit the County of Ty- rone and caste to Canada when about twelve years of age, in the year 1835, first settling In the township ot Dar- lington. Some years later he removed to Centralia. where tie has lived cot.tin- uously for 59 years. being highly re- spected as a friend and citizen. D•e:can- cd was tee eou,gcet and last of a fa:n- Ily of 11111e. Noted for hie sterling flu•e!- hles. honest of purpose and his many good traits. he had many warm friends who will team with regret of his (Ite- mise. He wee a consistent member of the StctliotI et tem( it and life-long Con- servative lin politics. ire le survived by a widow, one son and one daughter, all ot whom will have the sympathy of a large thele of friends. The fun^r.1l took pla :e to the Exeter cemetery on Tueedty and wan largely attended. the Rev. Butt officiating. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Valuahle Farm Stock and Implements. The undersigned Auctio,eerhaa been Instructed to sell by Public Auction on Lot 13, Con. I, Stephen Tp., On TUESDAY. OCT. 27th, 1008, at 1 o'clock sharp, the following %kivable property, vire. HORSES- 2 general purpose horses, aged 10 and 11 years; /Irking colt, •hire. bred by Lord Sharp. CATTLE -3 rows, supposed to be In calf; 6 steers and 1 heifer, 2 years okt; 3 yearling heifere, 5 Spring calves. Pi0S-- Sow and a serail pigs, 4 store hogs. POULTRY -45 hens. IMPLEMENT$--Me('ormtek tender, mower, pea. !annum., Mune tlarri• seed drill, Frail .2 Wood cultivator. wagon, ralr bobsleighs, top lager. Cockshutt 2.futrow plow, walking plow, pia per, gravel boa, roller. set we!gFh •raise. fanning mill, set Iron harrows. 2 set of double harness., turnips in {mond, a quantity of hay, fort,, whitSe•trees, and other at'irin+ t••n numerous to mention. TER)IS--t:• and under. emit, met that amount 12 months' credit ,r;ten on furnishing approvedoint note.. 5 per cent. oft for ca.), on credit amount*, EDOAit FANMON, Prnp- JOS. Your Vote and Influence Respectfully regiiested, John Sherritt, Libetal.Uonservatice Candidate CONaEltV PI VE MEETINGS Mi•. John Quci rift, the Conseil vatl,e candidate, 1tem y l:iib_r, M.1'.t'., Mr, :.icoege epuiton, and %lr. It. ... .t.Laet, wit ae'd,ess the !euO:o or Seut'i Ilur• on en the polltital Isms of t• -:o pree- ent campaign, :et the pi:Lees and on the deters following- Kl,kton, Thursday, OL tuber 15. Grand Bend, I•'rfday, October le. Exeter, Monday, October 19. Uayfteld. Tuesday, October 2r1. vet tee, \Vcdttc°day, O :ober 21. Dashwood. Thursday, October 22. McKillep, Friday, October 23. 'Lin ich, Saturday. October 24. Meetnlas all open '►t ti o'clock p.m. 'tr. Nt. Y. McLean is Invited to be. pre sent. Ladies arc cordially invited to the meetings. H. L. BOltines Canada's Next. Premier Why'Vote for John Sherritt? Stop lite 1.1110 deals It Is tiny: for a ch.t::ge. Give iiordu; a good working m.J)l its I .. like. . iturllt arc heeded at Ottawa --- Wilfrid Laurier a clien:o to the hangers-on. To g.'t lac': a little of a c !and inst. +•a+ eold for next to not.;i:.S Give Sir get rid of Crediton The following pupils obtained Mr per cent. or over of the nl;trks given during September. Honors 75 per cent. or ovcr.- Division 1 -Claes A-Nula Geiser. L. Silber, L. Flnkb elner ; Pt. I. Jr., R. Brown. V. Blit, L. Sambrook ; I't. 1. Sr., M. King, D. English. `al. I3er:erne( ; Pt. II. Jr.. E. Finkbciner, C. ilalst , Class 11. Jr.. L. Halal, 1e:. Geiser, K. Swett/. zrr, G. Lamport, JI. Nicholson, L. Dean, V. Kcstle. Average attendance 31. Miss llartlelb, Teacher Division i1. -Pt. it. Sr., R. Clark, V. Hoffman, L. Beaver ; Jr. 11., N. Sam- brook, E. Swciteet. L. Guenther; Sr. i1.. honors, C. Ocetrctcher, V. 11(11, pane. it, King, V. Geiser, I. Wolfe, E. W•-urth H. 1"Inkbeiner ; Jr. I I i., pass, E. HAW and V. Matz and Ii. Finkbelner equtl. \. Iicddcn, E. Treliz, L. Weiner and G. Guenthct attd M. Holtzman equal, ie. Smith and it, Englieh equal. Average attendance 31. Miss Polley, Teacher Dlvlelon 111.—Sr. 1i1., honors, O. Motz. P. Feltner, ie. 1111; ; pees, M. Clark, E. Klchde, E. Gainer and H. UruNn Awl It. Shenk equal, (3 Benedict ; Jr. iV.. hot.ore. L. Brown and 1. Brown equ.rl pass, F, H111, W. Heist. S1. Brown, 11. Hoitzrnann. If Heist; Sr. IV., honors, 1. llodgins. N. ,till. pass, L. Oestrel- cher, E. Bean. M. Wenzti, S. Finkbelner V. iloltzntann. Average attendance 18. Miss Dunlop. Teacher. Altted \Vcurlh le learning the sho•- n:aktng at 13. 13.oveiee.•-Gottfried Gann - lett for Blenheim last week, where I.a has etc used wok durl: g tee fall. Rev. L. It. Wagner, forne`'Iy presfd. leg Eider o: this dietti,1. anti :tow the Supt. of MIaeIo to In tee Hoithweat. with tie headquarters at Itegino. Sack.. o•xupied tt.e pulpit it, tee leva.t4rlical Shure Last Sunday oto::,ing and rvrn- ing. Rtv. \Vageet is a powerful'meek- er. and ills sermons beteg In the line ot Mission work it. tht Northwest were very interesting. .\bout t125 was sub- scribed by the ntennbera of 1.10 cotgieg- Treasurer. The executive will meet In the near future attd draft the constit- ution. lit the evening special atai.enis were eut:g by tlae choir and stale cher, atlon toward the 311asions of the Can- ada Conference. -Mrs. Madgalens Geiser and Miss Mary t:alser l: the returned to their hone after a pleasant visit with relatives At Detroit and Toledo. -Miss Emma 11111 is learning dress -staking with Mrs. Chas. ltoeeeler.-The majority of our brick and tile yards nave ended their season's work. This year has been one et the best 011 t',e rivet•, Tne dry weather helped a great deal in making •':^- seaaot;'a o::•'ltut eu:u a auneetao. So far but little brick has been sold. Tile 1e moving slowly. -Mies Ida Arm- strong of Sodom visited Miss Mary Pol- ley last Sunday. -Art. Zwtcker spent last Sunday it t a:ex mood with fri.:nde• -Mrs Michael l-'inkbeincr was taken i11 quite suddenly on Monday evening, and Is at present under the care of Dr. Mc- Cue.- We all trust tier condition Isn't serious. -Mrs. Geo. Mantle of Exeter spent a few days is town last week; the guest of Mt•a. McMurray and other trlends.-Mrs. Dr. Orme of Centralia was in the village on Tuesday. -Mrs. Mole Glanville and her 'brothel, Ed- mund %Veurtti, left for Napinka, Man., after vtaitl;,g their stouter, Mrs. heav- er, fele, for aev.•ra1 wcess. Last Tues- day eve itng about thirty friends of thch'11 gave them a, pleasant surprise at the (some of their another, and all us. Silas Clara Hetet saa,ti a L•:a .a- ful eolo, "Ile Ieadeth me." The special atnulversary services held in the Methodlat chock las: Sunday and Monday evening were: a eplendt'I suc- cess. The magnificent sunt of 3150 was laid on tho altar as a Thank Offering. This ie the larges'. the members of the church for ea -email years. Oi; Su.,ue; tee ..c:. r. ll - yard of tiler pfcacnrd LWU dpleadtu set• mous to 1::rge .t,• I!^acee. Ile 'mei- a eplendld lntpreeelon on all. and we were delighted with hie discourses. On Monday evening a special program war given. The church was crowded to the doors and all enjoyed the excellent ad- dresses given by neva. Baan of the E:ar:gellcal chute:., Butt of Centralia, Steedman of Curbed and V. a•: tales of Totten,. The ci:otr H.trg several an- thems well. Mina Mary Young sang a beautiful solo, -Come unto M;" and Rev. Steadman favored the ;ongrcga- (ion will. a well reudetcd [sore. little Mies Wallace of London gave a like' recitation. She was dresetd 1, the Scotch costume, w:,ie,t was quee ap- ptepriate for toe oecasiOtb .t:i tr.: 1r_;t- atlon referred to her Scone: Grandpa, whom 0110 euuldu't educate to apele tee had a pleasant time. Jtre. Glanville was English as sac- did. Rev. Hicks, the presented with a beautltul crenile table resident pastor, 11,0 thole and all those who 100k enc.: at, .1:1150 past In ut,ek- ing this An,letesary suit a auccras deceive to be congratulated upon their eel(:di•J achlevem.:ht. cloth and )B•. \Vcurto witL a very useful present. We wish them a rate and a pleasant journey. -We don't know If the base -ball fever has struck other towns as it teas effected ours. Some of our fans can't wait for the papers to see whetter Chicago or Detroit won in the world's aeries, but they will wire into London. It is surpri3ing to az2 how the boys lia.a become acquainted with the different players, tack good points and poor encs. Some stoney ;las bc..n put up but ir. each cane the bogs were very prudent and did pot place such large amounts as to jeopardize their bank accoutta,-Ed. elation of the Bank of Commerce ,petit last Sunday with his parents !n Nassagawcya.-Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Kerr of Winchcluea were in the village lest Su..day and Monday. the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Banes. -14. Eilbcr, M. 1'. d'. attended the dir- ectors' meeting of the Hay Ins. Co. in Zurich last Saturday.-Mlas Mianic Fink baker of Daehwood spent a few days in our midst this week, visiting Mr. and Mts. Fred W cuttn.--Silas Weaver of Zurich visited Mrs. John Sweitzer last Saturday. -ileo. E;Iter has been engag- ed as cook with tine dlt•:ning gang Jos, Laweol, has wonting for hint In Usborne Tp. Geo. rs a good cook. :laveig had considerable expctknee at the business this summer in the wilds of new Ontario -Last night, Wednesday, the choir of the Methodist church with their friends and Rev. and Mrs. !licks, met at the Lome of Mr. and Mrs. Josep•i \V3odall and enjoyed a ',catty fowl Supp.:. Tete supper is the result of a contest which took risco In the cr.oir some time ago. oiehr to stimulate the utter:et at the practice and attendance sides were chosen, with Mise Ella Beaver and Frank Taylor as captains, it being un- derstood that the side loosing would have to to furntatt a fowl supper. Miss Neavet'e side won and It was up to Frank and his associates to make good They ccitahtly did and all had a v'' enjoyable time. After ail had done jus- tice to the good things to eat a ,v!tel i program was given, at which Rev. Hl.-ko made a very acceptable chairman. The Sunday School Convention consis- ting of the Sunday school delegates of the different schools in Stephen :tett Clay townships stet in the Evang, 11 church last Friday. Terre sessions .' held, at which Mr. Jackson, the Pt . e- ctal secretary of the Sunday 5 Toronto, gave three very intercath:_ 1- dtcascr on Thr needs of organizt .• end the Adult j3lble Class Moveni Ila illustrated 11.E addreae with chat: s and through his concise and very plain language, showed tl:e benefits ani ad- vantages of co-operation of the sehol' cf the dirk:tout churches. Mrs. A. \V. Wilson of Greene/ay gave a ver) Inter- esting topic on "Home training and the Cradle holt" I'n the afternoon. ileus. Hicks of the Slethodlst church, Baan of the Evangelical c;;urch, Gisceler of Zur- ich. Eidt of Dashwood, and Butt of Centralia welt: present and by their ad- dresses added greatly to making these meetings such a success. It was final- ly decided by those in attendance that an orgahlcatlon take place of the seboole of there t No Townsilipe. qtr. J. II. 1loltzmann was appointed Pres. Ident and Thos. Trevethtck Sr I'ur months past 11 has been praphe- eled gest the tooling winter would see even I,atde:• ,late," Lean that of last win- ter•. Already this condition ot affairs is beginning to appear In the foellght. in the States evcrytning appears at a standstill. Hundred's of factories have closed, and others that usually employ four or five thouteand hands are now runnhlg with two or three hundred, A similar state of affair° is also exist- ing in Canada and already le showing itself In the smaller towns. Commer- cial travellers wl.o are eciiactors aa well slate that they have Inc greatest diffi- culty in making even small colle_tlons lhroub;hout the country. BIRTHS Rc•td.-Mount Carmel un Octe-5th, to Mr. and Mte. Wm. Reid, a dzughter. MARRIAOt;A Gratton.- Allan. -in Stephen, on Sept. 20th, by Rev. Cal•riere, Miss 3telvena Allan, of the 13. Line, to Mr. Curtla Gratton of Brewster. BicLI.-OouLU-At the home of the bride's mother, Con.:1, Hay, lty the Rev. Toll, Mr. William Hell to Miss Carolyn Gould, daughter of the late John Gould. DEATHS McCoy. -At Centralia, on October 11th Samuel McCoy, aged 85 years. COUGHS EARLY CROP Fill roughing has begun. WflITE PINE SYRUP it /Wit i!Wing to s•ll. I'rnJ,lr think ,to notch of it as ever. It certainly Is a Cood Remedy --FOR - Cotthgs, Colds, Hoarseness and Ordinary Throat Trouhtes 25 - Cents --a --- Bottle Bring it haok if v,nr don't like it. W. S. OEY, Phm.B. Chemist and Optician EXETER Phone to Exeter's Leading Hardware Store THE QUALI'ItV (;UUI)s 11 That Satisfied Smile is Well Worth While 11 Use a�-riall•- Garland, Souvenir or National steel range and you will always smile. $29.00 : to : $50.00. OWEN SOUND PORTLAND CEMENT Lanterns, Boards, Elbows Meat and Food Stove Mats, and -1 Choppers Pipes, Dampers OUR I'ItICES ARE 111.16. RIGHT ' HEAMAN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE sr SCRANTON COAL ---the nice, clean kind. ' A