Exeter Advocate, 1908-10-08, Page 51 t This Week We Are Showing 2 six -octave and 1 five - octave second-hand or- gans, cheap for CASH nit TIME. In New Pianos we have some very fine instruments. Sewing Machines in all the leading makes and styles. - -- -- Our Prices and Terms are of the most liberal kind. -- -- Stationery in all the newest styles at away down prices. We will be pleased to show you our goods. S. MARTIN &SON Exeter's Leading Musical Emporium. They are noted for the quality of their goods. (Utter a'uoi tte EXETER - - ONTARIO $1.00 if paid In &drama. $I.IOayear Unot •o paid. Tel Salted States S.tlacribers$1.1110 5 s Y•sr Strictly Is Alvaaco. SANDERS & CREECH. Publishers. Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonle, and galy a.atu elfoctual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. fold In three degrees of strength -No. 1. 1 ; No. 2. 10 degree* stronger 3; No. 3. for E`,ectal cases, per box. Sold L all dr eta. or sent prepaid on roar pt of prlee. Fro* pamphlet. Add ee:s Tu 000EEY10I0INIQ0„TOIONTO.OMT. (formerlylVindso A SMALL Package of JeII-O makes enough dessert for a LARGE family. At all grocers • ••1.� •..� ��--��!e� b.".•:::•!.••••• �mei �.�•..r.� ... �.• .�..•e �•• •. •�•�� .. • �• . • :a ••... .fie e•a-•• •'��e.• . •j •• i •• 1;, aJ - • DON'T GO TO BUSINESS COLLEGE UNTIL YOU'VE READ/MIS CATAL0g0 2 as .• F•r*el City Lou.. Con... 44 hortja ad . "-Darer. FREE BOOK It is immens•Iy Important that you ahcu!d gat all the leformat)on aLout a cofags before you enroll as a student. Your •neem•• de. ponds upon your choice. Our 1.11. all slows ear Method. .f T...hi,,s --•{,y w ttva out graduate, who are always Ia tleasad. It **pletna 11.. Cnr.amef.l and Sinn. hind eour.w in date:!. Shoos the rains of the Buena." Educator's A.soatatines Diploma. Ant this Inge. hudsoni.I illustrates' book .111 b...at to roe TREE by /.turn of moil d you will le.t .sed ea yoe, nee* sad addz.ea Students admitted any Una Special Opening T•pt.mber and Jeanary Tb• Ferris, City Bsela•ss mad Sbertbaa4 Cellose LONDON. ONTARIO 3. W. wt Wil. W. Westervelt. jr, • 1 BLOOD DISEASES CURED Drs. K. & K. Established 20 Years. :t''NO NAMES USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT He was surprised at how the sores healed- "1 Lou,: vo:.r New Mereae THEATRENT for a ,serious blood disease with which I had Leen Inflicted for twelve y,atr•. 1 had cousu'ted ascore of physician.; taken all kinds of blood n1.tlirine. vatted lint Springs and other mineral water re•otts, but onl • got tem - awry) relief. They would help me for a • time. but after discontinuing the meati- 1 tl a a- cines the symptoms would t r ak out ►\ tf H:sin-ntnnlng sones. Llot••hes. rheum• nti•• pains. looseness of the hair. swellings a: the glands. i a ins of the handsw•niinF, mreoRE TREATMENT itchiness of the skin. dye ,eptte stomach. A.' CR TatATMINT etc. 1 had given up in despair when a friend advised me to consult you. as you had cured hint of a similar disease 8 years ago I h td no holo•, tut took 1,:aa•tvice. in three weeks' time the sores a -tnmeneed to heal up and I bee. -am • oncourngo.l. 1 continued the NEw METIL,D TREATMENT for fnt.r monthsand at t h -end f +:tat time ever • symptom lied disapp-are.l. 1 was cured t veer. ago and no signs of rr ,h•wa.e ranee. sly 1,0)'. three years 01.1. Is sound and healthy. 1 certainly can rare, .., ! yam- treatment pith all my heart. Von eau refer Huy pe .won t" me prh':tlei) o . 3.,.. • tillst • :nu.nial as you a hal'•V I1. $. Wetrevt'=TRVOUS DEDILITY. VARICOCELE.STRICTIJRE. ViTALWEAKNFSS, DLCOI.. 'r. and PRIVATE Di , URINARY. BLADDER and KIDNEY c..mplaint. of Men and .. omen READER)cowl a vioth,u' Have you lost hope, Are you Intending to DowrylTas )our blood been doeat-welt Have yon any w•enkne,c' urur NI ,r alt:nr'- , ,:... r,,. r a in cure you. \t hca i' has done for others It w 111 do for yon. Consultation Fr -e. No matter mho has tree.,.! you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. .' rat •ua' bt. UNb1 Free •I i:.• t :oaten .'lo,dtore" .Illustrated,on Plass.• .,,f Nen. NO NAMES USED WiTHODUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everything confidential, Question last and cost ul Horne "/ reatm.nt FREE. DRS. KENNEDY& KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. _/. Three Great Features Of the "Hecla"Furnace t.5, 2i Fused Joints snake the "Hecla" permanently tR ht aril �.utitary. The heated air is fresh a:: 1 pure, l)te;.111-e no gas, dint or smoke can get into Lae airchai:rl,l'r. Sleel•Rlbbed Firepel has steel instead of cast iron flanges. 97 of the -e steel flanges are fused to the out- side of the firepot giving it three tlitl:'s as much radiating surfa:e as any other style. In a three years' test the steel ribbed pmt showed a saving of fuel of over 11%. Triangular Bar Grate enables you to clear any part of the fire of ashes. There are f'r,r grates. Each can iv shaken separately. It gets all the ashes out saves coal - and means a clean fire. Mate by the raker, a fam•we -Peerless I•eu,n...:!ar Raugee. comp In tel 1•t to .h•,sir r•n m11 the new feature. • 1 the ,y • 71e a.-- OS HUGH SPACKMAN, - EXETER ierma:. -V lfazelwood, watt:mel-; on. R i f Roup.. , T Johnston : musk- I mclo!.. Mist, McCallum. Wm. Hannon; It Robinson. Ii N 8:silt ; mam- moth Immotl, squash,, F' Johnston : table squash \V \\'letr,,ai, : white or yellow onions, J Dunbar, W F•letcLer; red onions. W. \Visemar , Dawson Bros.; col. vegetab- les, W \1'ia(m.tt.. J Taylor; vegetablemarrow, \V Wiseman .. apeciai. it Hors. HORTICULTURAL I'itODUGTS .Apples-Graven'stein, W Sperling,Nar. them Spots, \V Sinclair. M Rre:hour; Dlenhcint Pippins, NI McNight, Rat- cliffe Bros. ; !'allow Water. Ratcliffe Bros., S Doupc ; Tatman Swett, RatcliffeBros., Niles K Doupe : Baldwins, M. Drethour, 8 Doupe ; .no•xe,N' Sparlhng, A Doupe; R 1 Greening., Vann Hazel- wood, G Bentley , King of Tompkins, \V Sinclair, Malden'. Plush, M Brethour: Margin. M Drethour; Alexanders • J Kirk 11 Rose ; Golden Musset., '/' Near, D. Balfour Ben Davis, Ratcliffe Bros.. J Kelland; Rlbsot, pippins, 13 Balfour, II lfazelwood; Colverts, 1). Balfour. R. Doupe . Sweet pear, W C Swelizer. M. Brcthour; Duchear of Oldenburg. R Doupe, Ratcliffe Bros : Cayuga lied Streak, M Drethour•, II Ross ; red crab apples, A Sitter, A Doupc; yellow crab apples. Dawson altos., b Doup>_ . fall pears, M Brethour, Jiro. E Hannan ; winter rears, Mrs, Itatntan, M Brcthour; ,peaches, Mrs. R Fletcher ; white grapes Mrs. Wickwire: blue grapes. It Robin- son 5 Doupe. LADIES' WORK Courttrrpane, crochetted, Miss E A Sa- ler, Miss .1 Robinson • counterpane, knitted. Sass Robinaor pal:Io A • e aunt Mre Marham, M Brelnour; crazy qu:1' patchwork, Mre. Hanham• R Doupe ; lad- ies' underclothing, Mlea Robinson, Mrs. Hanham; applique work, M Broth aur, Mrs. Wickwire; atrasene work, M Dre- thour, Mrs Wickwire : Roman embroil ery. Mrs. Ilanham, Mrs. Wickwire: Venetian embroldery, Mre. Hanham. A Brethour; Dattenburg late, airs. Wick- wire, Mrs. Fitton ; slippers, Mrs. Ilan - ham, Mies Brook : sofa pillow. Mrs. F. Wickwire ; 13 W F Beavers ; ;Holds' dress, Mrs. Fitton, Mrs. Wickwire ; rag carpet. M Bretnour, A Duffield ; Tea osy, M Drethour, Mise Gllflllan ; table centrepiece and tray cloth, Mrs. Fitton, Mies Jarnlceon ; dinner mats, Miss E A Shier, Mies Brook ; piano scarf. M. Brethour, Miss Jamiesoir ; pillow sham, Miss Jamieson, Miss McCallum; Afghan wool, Mre. Hanham. Mrs. "Leaman : Afghan cotton, MI.. Rubinson. MIs. Mc- Callum; Afghan patchwork. Meas Shirr Mre. Hanham; Drcedea work, Mrs. )1 Hanham, Mies Janileson; drawn Work Nina McCallum, . Hanham: knit - lace in cotton, Mrs. Ilanham, Miss Mc Callum; col. ladles' work. Miss Mc - Night. Mrs. Wilton ; col. uovclttes,Mise McCallum, Mrs. Wickwire ; bead work, J Kelland, Mrs. Wickwire; rag omit. M Brethour, Miss Robinson ; gloves, flee K Doupe, Mies Robinsoninson ; stockings, Mise Robinson, Mrs. /Lanham ; socks, Niles Jamieson ; mitts, Mre. Fitton, Mrs Hanham ; darning an stockings', SI Mc - Night, Miss Saler; mending taro pat- ches. Miss McCallum, :Mss Shier : tab- le doylies), airs. Wickwire, Miss Brook ; toilet mate, Mise McCallum, Mre. Wick- wire ; crochet In wool, Miss Brook. Mre. Wlckwlre ; pincurh;o.t, NI McNight, It C Fancy ; machine sewing, Mrs. Hanham, D W F Beavers ; piain sewing. 13 W F Beavers. Mass Robinson ; buttonholes, M Brook• Miss . McNlght ; handkorchelts, Mrs. Hanham. Mrs. Fitton ; handker- chlet case, Mre. Wickwire, Mee Brook: netting, Mrs. Ilauhate, Miss McCallum shirt waist, Mre. Wlckwlre, Mre. Ilea- _ _ man ; darning on net. Mrs. Hanham. M Drethour ; working shirt, M Beetle.our, Mina Robinson ; Specials, Ideal ltoa Icon, Mine Jamieson ; table eentreplace Mahon work, D Beavers , rase of rakes R. Rose. Mrs. N. Douro, Maggie Dreyer, Judges FLOWERS AND PLANTS Col. house planta, N Fletcher, Miss Robinson ; geraniums. Cacti, Miss Rob 108011. N Fletcher; Nettles, Wes Hob - !neon ; rare plants, N Fletcher, A Duf- field ; col. flowers. N Fletcher ; bou- quet cut flowers. ,\ Duttleld, N I•'letch- er: foliage plants, 14 Fletcher. Miss Robinson. FINE ARTS Col. stuffed birds and animals, W. Brown. N Fletcher; crayon or ptHtel, Jas. Jamieson. Alex. Jamieson ; •:ol. of photos. J Senior, Mrs. Iteaman : photo graphs. J Senior; pencil drawing, A. Jamieson, J Jamieson : painting glees, II C Facey. Mrs. \Wickwire; painting in oil. figure. Jas. Jamieson, Mrs. F. Wickwire : painting I:r ell. landscape. Mre. Wickwire; painting on china. Mre: Wickwire, A Balfour ; pen and Ink sket- ch. R Fletcher, W. Fletcher; pyro- graphy. Mrs. Glitlllau, Mrs. penman : water color, landscape Mrs. Giltilian. Mre. Wickwire ; spec iai picture, 5 Ford. MISCELLANEOUS Cooper work, T Elliott ; col. pickles. 'W \\'letnta:a Miss Itobineon: canned peaches. bels• Robinson. Miss McCaI. tum: canned plums. Miss Robinson. it Crago; canned corral's'', iI Crago, St Brethour, Canned pears, 11 Crago, M Brcthour; canned cherries. Miss Rob- inson.Miss Mks : car ned gooeebcrrhs• M Brethcur, Miss Itobbins; canned rasp betties, It Crago; canned strawberriesMIs. Robinson, A Robbins - canned to- matoes, .1 Urquhart, It Doupc : co: post- age stamps. A Duffield • single harness and team harness. F' .\ Taylor; home- made bread. RN Shier, Mise Jamieson : honey. section and extracted, G Bentley. Jelly. E A Shier, J Crquhart : maple sugar. 11 Doupe. Mies h Doupc; maple syrup. A Doupe, H S Sweltzer ; of ht'r variety of canned fruit. Miss Shier. et Brcthour. SOME PECiALS M111cr'e foals ot Uncle John. George Spearin 1 .t 2, 3 It Eppctt, it S McCul- lough ; Cart & realty for carriage or roadster, nen Wlison ; Royal Household bread, Mise Si Jdn.leaJtl: Da,.k of Cont Pearl of Savoy, W. Hanna ; 'kettle of imerce for single carriage turnout, .\ 13 Hebron. J. Hodge : Empire State. Ilia- �Cre•Ighton : Harvey Ilroa., for Star flour clwood Bros.: Green Mountain. Wm. Mark. G Bentley : emigrants, A Shur ; eollertlon and three varieties. 0 Ben'. 1Iry ; Swecdleh turnips. Arthur Doupe. 11 E Sweltzer; other variety. John Itodg^_ R !toss : cucumbers. G Roadhouse ; NI. carrots. R N Shier, A Saler ; garden car- rots. J Taylor. A Shirr : Iona red mar - gel wurzel. T Near, A Doupe; inlermara tate mange! wurzel. J Taylor, J Una:- tart : sugar mangcl. I! E Sweltzer. T. Near ; long blood beats. T Sperling. W Wiseman : turnip beets, A Shier, Rat- . title Bros. ; white cabbbage, W Wise- man. A Shier ; red cabbage, \%timing. stead rabb;,s:e. W \\ human : tomsto.'r, 11 F3 .Sweltzer, alias E K Shier; cauls. (levier, W .Visemar,: white turnips, a epcelal. F' Johnston: telcre. Ilat_•Ilffe ' Bros.. R Rubinson ; laag r:tron. W C vwe 1Ucr. Wave' 11; 0+. ' rou ,d r t: c ort, itetcliffe Tiros., W Sperling: pwnp.rf' . Dads of Dizziness \y \W COME TO MANY EXETER PEOPLE There are days of drzal:. -9.. spells of drowsu1ese, headache. sidcache, back- ache. Sometimes rheumatic pain tater w1 >- ary trouble. You aro plainly told that the kidneys are slck. Booth's Kidney 1'i11r cure all Kidney Ills. Mr. Thos. Brock of Huron street, Es, eter, Ont., says ; "Dooth's Kidney P11) have given another morc relief that' all the other remedies she had previously tried. Si.e had suffixed constantly with a weakness and tenderness across her back and at times she could scar- cely stoop over and straighten herself up, headaches and dizziness were fre- quent and spots would appear before her eyes. Nothing ever gave her relief until she procured Booth's Kidney Pills at Cole's Pharmacy and commenced treatment. She soon began to feel bet- ter and stronger in every way. the back ache had gone and likewise the head- ache and 'spells of dizzines.. 1 can con- clentlously recommend Booth's Kidney. fills as 1 know them to be a remedy of exceptional merit." Sold by Dealers. Price 50 cents, The It. T. Booth Co., Ltd., Fort Erie, Ont., Sole Canadian Agents. (Kirkton Fair Continued) &Son 1 and 2; bull calf, W. Mack. Polled Argue, -Cow, J. N. Hazelwood Hazelwood Dros. Holstein -Cow, 11. .1. Dinemote ; hull calf, H A Dinsmore; calf under 17 mos. J N Iiazelwood. Grade Cattle -Cow, Jas Moore, Atkin- son Bros.; 2 year heifer, W Stephen- son, J Robinson ; 1 year, F Ifamilton, J N Hazelwood ; calf, A E Soler, J N Hazelwood ; steer calf, J. N. Hazelwood 1& 2; 2 year steer. 13 Crozier 1& 2; 1. year steer, Jas Moore, J N H•ase/- wood; fat cow or heifer, Jas Robinson, Atkinson Bros.; fat etecr, 11 Dawson. Keith Lee, Judge. SHEEP. Oxford Downs -Ram and James Mountain 1 & 2. Leicesters-Ram, J Roy ; ram lamb, & ewe, 3 classes, Jas. IRoy 1 & 2. Shropshire Downs -Ram 1 year, Wm Hoy ; ram Iamb and ewe, 3 classes, W Hoy 1 & 2. Lincoln. -Aged ram, G Penhale, II A Dinsmsre ; ram 1 year, G Penhale ;rani Iamb and ewe 3 classes, G Penhale 1. 2. Grade -Ewe, G Penhale, J Mountain ehcarling ewe and ewe Iamb, las. Roy: fat sheep, J. Roy. G. Penhale. W H Currelley, Judge. PIGS. Yorkshire -Aged boar, W Spatting, G Burgin ; sow, It Birch, W Sperling : '08 boar, R Birch ; 1903 sow, R Birch, W Sperling. Berkshire -Aged boar, Doulgts & Son W Sparling ; sow, Dawson Bros ; 1908 boar and sow, Dawson Bror. 1 & 2. Tamworth -A11 classes, 13 Douglas & Son 1 & 2. POULTRY Wyandottcs, W It McLaren 1 & 2 lalrg &bans, W It IdrLarer: ; Minorcas, W R McLaren \Y Snarling • wh. Ply. Rooks, \V R McLaren ; bar:cd Plymouth rocks N' It McLaren, A Reith ; wh. crested bk. I'olands, G Bentley 1 & 2 ; dark Math - Inas, W R McLaren 1 & 2 ; light brat:- mae, W R McLaren, N Pletcher ; Orphio- tons, G Jamieson, W R McLaren ; black Spanish, W It McLaren ; lloudans, Mrs. all others, $100 Reward 3100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has beenable to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. dells Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a cnnstitt4ional disease requires a couslitu• tional treatment. HaII's Catarrh Cure is taken in• banally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building tip the constitution and assist- ing nature In doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CiIENEY sit CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, ;S rents. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Ilanham. sties McCallum: gala:-. A Reith W 11 McLaren ; turkeys, Douglas and son ; geese and ducks, Dougl to & Son t & 2 : rabbits, W it McLaren ; guhmea fowl. \V J i'ynn, Jas Roy : white leg - horns. Douglas & Son : brown legit arils, \V R McLaren. A Duffield ; Rhode Fel reds and andalusinas, E Sweltzer 1 & 2. Chicks of 1908-Wyandottes, W it NL. Laren 1 & 2 : w!,. Plymouth i•ocks, \\ It McLaren, G Bentley ; barred Plymouth rocks, W 11 11t -Laren, G f3enlley ; white Icghorns, Douglas & Son 1 & 2 ; brawn leghorns, \V 11 etc Laren, S' Mack : Or- phingeons, T Jamieson 1 & 2 ; special, black leghorne, .\ Sweltzer. Jos. Senior, Judge. NI A NUFACTURES .1 ND IMPLEMENTS Tor buggy. cpea hucgy, rubber tire, Portland cutter, D. NI(arty & Ron Single piano box cutter, W. Brown: farm !wagon, Ttuentan Roadhouse: iron beam plow. Iron harrows, O'Brien Bros.. gang plow. O'Brien Broe. 1 and 2: turr';r cutter, O'Brien Bros. GRAiN AND SEEDS Fall wheat, M. I3reihour, John Hodge; fall wheat red, ai. Brethour. J. Hadar': 6-rowcd barley, `t. Brcthour; large oats St. itrnthout ; common oats, 3. li'ilg•'. J. N. ifazelwood: large peas. M. Breth- our : small pea.. J. stodge Si. Dr. t our , timothy seed, ai. Drethour, J. N. Hazelwood ; white beans, A. E. Shier, W. Wiseman: corn, G. Heatley, W. manna; 'sweet corn. A. Slifer, ft. Roes; email tge corn, ira Marshall, R. Doupe. GARDEN VEGETABLE* itural New Yorke-, R. Rose J. Itodtt.': bread. G Spearlu. SPEED 2.2" trot ot pace. 11111Y D., Wm. 81... ens. I tic : Cleopatra, 8. Collins, 2nd : and Grey Bird. Wm. Lincs, 3rd. In straight heats. 3.00 trot or pare. Roadntaster, Thos. Murdock. 1 sl ; The Jap, \Vm. Kuntz. 2nd Maggie 11.. 0 ilroderick. 3rd . Eva. it. Birch. 4th; won In three /,eats. High Jumping horses. Stanley Gr.'en and Bert Ross, equal. Fed. ifo-per, :L Lady driver. Miss Carlin. Mins Morgan Ladies' hitcnL,g aryl driv;ng !mt. test. Miss Clara Stewart. Miss Thiel. 107, yards opc n r tree J Ledeon, W. Nethercott, B,. Ilyde. Two -third mile open, N' Nethercott, 13 Hyde. Public School contpetI'ion In parading. drill and chorus. Salem School Bret, Kirkton &hoof sec., rd. (LONDON) India Pale Ale Prejudiced and unscrupulous vendors may suggest others. bet compare it aay way you will- purity. freedom from acidity. palatableness-I,abatt's Ale is surpass. ed by none. equalled by few -at about half the price of best imported brands Hensall E. Ronnie has Miss Sinclair presid- ing in his millinery rooms, and J. Weismiller has Miss Porter engaged with him. -The father of Mr. J. Weis - miller died at Tavistock on Monday of last week. -Miss Essy McTaggart, daughter of Nelson McTaggart, was recently married to Frank Ilyckman of Chiselhurst. They will reside in Chiselhurst.-Messrs. Lucbman and Ellis have returned to the Soo. -Roy Geiger is learning the drug business with Dr. Maedi'trmid - Mr. Nicholson of Blyth died lasb week. His brother- in-law, A. Johnston attended the fun- eral, -Misses Margaret and Addle Bell are visiting in Edunonton.-Fred 'low - aid has gone to Crediton to take a pos- ition in the grist mill. -Mrs. McLean has been taken to Guelph Santarium owing to nervous trouble. -Lee. Charlesworth has returned from Pe- trolea where he sold his livery h►Isi- ness.-Hurd. McPherson of Salmon City, Idaho, spent a week with his parents here. -Mrs. Hall, after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Y ungbltlt, has returned to Pittsburg.-Jobn'ten & Martin is the name of a new butcher firm in town. The Shine that Won't Come 011 No Matter -How Hot the Fire - "Black Knight" Stove Polish won't burn off nor turn red. It stands the hottest fire and stays a bright, shiny black. Easy to put on, and just a few rubs brings a brilliant polish. You should see for yourself how good "Black Knight" really is If your dealer does not handle it, send us his name and loc. for full sized can. s TEE V. If. DALLET ell. UWTEP, • W111TO5, Dat. Zit fi111"GE' The Reci1e-pe "Ladies, here's my recipe for Apple Custard Pit:: - 'Two eggs, four or five apples, grated, a little nutmeg; sweetened to taste; one-half pint of new milk or cream; pour into pastry' -then .....„1„4, i.:.77/ „e.,4,12 ��ir ewe 1...... toil e Oven The Result "Four- pies- that -don't -last- long." Four pies and pans of bread can be baked In a "Pandora" oven at one time. McClary's 23 London, Toronto. Montreal. Winn -peg, Vancouver, St. J.'hn, N.iI , Ilam.:tun, T. Hawkins & Son, Agents. !_asap 1 eLii i i e biggest sc!!cr c r t,n •••-• !:re in l�'C8, ar 1 un- et:ah(cdly tr:c succcrs of the ditestil,:e. 64 to the pound. Lcu mi • Co mistalte %..!/ n yuJ Luy Lea, icer