HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-10-01, Page 6MAR DOCTORS FAILED'''('rtnasti ratio bilk Snappish C[31 b`} t r. 0 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Restore a Despondent Sufferer to Health. "Although it is now some years since I found it necessary to take med'cine of any kind, 1 attribute my present good health entirely to lir. Williams' Pink Pills." Thus «l iter Mr. \Vin. Ferguson, St. John West, N. B. Mr. Ferguson continues :—"For years I was a suf- ferer from chronic bronchitis and general debility. I had always been delicate, but as I grew elder 1 seemed to grow weaker, and at the approach of autumn I commenced t , cough and had to retrain in the house all winter. With the coming of summer I always got a little bet- ter, only to be laid low again when the fine weather was over. During nit last and most severe attack my cough became more diLtressing and I raised considerable phlegm, while at night I would be bathed in a cc Id, clammy sweat. The doctor's medicine relieved my cough a little during the day time, but there was no other improvement as I had no appetite, the night sweats continu- ed and I was growing weaker. 1 changed doctors three different times. but with no improvement. Then I began to take cod liver oil, but my stomach had grown so weak that it refused to retain it. It was at this time when I was trying to reconcile myself to my fate that a pamphlet relating cures wrought by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was left at my door. Although my fuends thought ire in a decline, end although I was feeling hope - ss myself, I decided to try the Pills. After using several boxes, though I still continued to cough, I felt better in other respects, and my appetite was gradually return- ing. I was not only surprised, but pleased to find this improvement, and I gladly continued their use. By the time I had taken ten boxes the night sweats and the cough had entirely disappeared, and I was feeling quite vigorous. I took two more boxes, and felt that there was no necessity to continue the treat- ment as I was in better health than I had ever been before. When I completed the twelfth box I weigh- ed myself and found that I had gained 32 pounds. As I said be- fore it is some years since my cure was effected, and I have not had a cough in any season since, and have always enjoyed the best of health. I believe, therefore. that't is entirely due to the agency of 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills that I am alive and well to -day, and I trust that others will benefit by my personal experience." You can get these pills from your medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $12.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine ('o., I1roc'kville, Ont. 1.3 nature with the means of with- ; ' Iail,liug attack or of iutlictiig re- taliative injury upon an antagonist • of any standing in the mammalian kingdom. Escape, and that in the quickest way possible, is its only thought when threatened by dan- ger. In the soft tides of the St. Law - LADIES .laird y'ai °"'t 'w- oody. 1oa B4s0. t'Ax� +CO o Ve I) NT L TLA. po •Mat !in Q bineall Tor etc He. or druggists sell .t .. or'EQostpiId for 1�CS trona Dr. T. A. Slocum, I tad. til am Avenue, Torcoto. MENTALLY SOUND. rence the fiercer cetacean is for The proud beauty eyed hila with some reason, if not unknown. at scorn. least only a visitor at rare inter- "What:" she exclaimed, "Do you vats. Even the almost uhijuitous think I would marry a dried up, shark is an absentee or but poorly insignificant, 'comely little man like represented by his scavenging rela- you i You must be crazy" tive, the dog -fish. In a realm so "No, Miss Pinkie,' he said, look - peaceful and fruitful the porpoises •ng around for his hat ; "my mind forget thstir terrors and in the con- is all right, but you havo consinc- fidenee begotten by numbers will td me that it's in the wrong body." hunt their prey to the very shore. In the shallow waters where the set- 'E'— tiers have set nets to entrap the 'THE CALL OF THE WILD." herring these freebooters will de- There is not another place on the your the schools of meshed fish andcontinent of America to compare then in mere wanton attack and with the "Highlands of Ontario" rend the nets. _ for deer and moose hunting. This But whether gorging or gambol- part of Cascada still forms a portion ling these white scourges arc rarely of that small remnant of the world's of; guard. Their sense of hearing pristine wilderness --not yet the is remarkably acute. When, as is i abode of man and his mighty civil - not infrequent, the waters are whit- ization. ened by vast numbers of these in- Northern Ontario with its rich re- vaders and the air is loud with the' ources is regarded as the richest noise of their splasirings and un-1deer and moose country in the musical gruntings at a faint sound' world. in the distance their tumbling forms Moose season in the Moose coun- beconre rigid in an insant as they try opens October 16th for 31 days. Deer season in the Deer country opens November 1st for 15 days. These sections of Ontario are the places to hunt and valuable infor- mation as to how and when to get there and all particulars can be had free by addressing J. D. McDonald, D.P.A., Grand Trunk Railway System, Union Station, Toronto. listen in eager attention. Then as the sound becomes more distinct they are away precipitately in un- dignified haste. THEIR FIERCEST ASSAILANT is the black fish of the Gulf, some- times known as the black dolphin, the black porpoise or the gladiator. These dark skinned warriors are in- ferior to the porpoise in size, being generally under ten feet in length. They are compact, muscular, swift in action and born fighters. As they rise to breathe you see only the deep lustrous black of their back and loins, bt:t a near view will disclose, like the sheathing of a yacht, a breast platin, as of burn- ished copper. The eyes • r the white mammal are small and uverh:ing ; those of their black foe are large and, accentuated by a circle almost phosphorescent, have an appear- ance both startling and baneful. They rarely ascend the St. Law- rence west of Pointe des Monts •n large numbers, though a scouting party may occasionally be seen, and when they do arrive in force it ;s as a rule in a heavy easterly blow, They are easily known by the ab- normal height of their dorsal fin, visible when the black warrior ris- es to breathe before a nearer ap- proach reveals the polished, sinu- ous back. Mark well those high, thin edged fins, for they are even as Toledo blades, ground for bat- tle, to do duty at once as lance or sabre' These sable swordsmen arc the terror of the porpoises. A DUEL TO THE DEATH between single representatives of of these maniinalian tribes is not FIGHT OF SEA MONSTERS an unusual occurrence. It is in - great fur The drnmvaria ofked an ttackiintbatt l- for upon a host of enemies is one rarely witnessed, and once seen SEA 1 I;HIER OF PORPOISES BY never to be forgotten. Such a scene FII:R(•E Bi..t('KFISH. was recently described to the writ- er by the captain of one of the river steamers running to the Labrador coast. Terrible Scene Witnessed by the This captain declares that pre - Captain of a St. Lawrence cautions are generaly taken by the River float. attacking party so to round up the fr a as to be able to attack them in Saguenay- River tourists seldom a location favorable for their me - fail to observe off the mouth of the thods, such, for instance, as certain river—white and glistening — the, partly closed in bays. Into such broad, bright backs of big schools, places the porpoises are steadily of porpoises. Frequenters of the i forced until in shallow water and a vr.rious salmon rivers flowing into confined area they are brought to 4 TALES OF TAILS. Members of the cat family seldom actually wag their tails. In this they differ from dogs, who wag PILES CURED AT HOME their tails to show delight. As eats this. can ptArc the they is, howeveno r, used By New Absorption iiethud, ful as a sort of vent for superfluous nervous energy. Watch a eat stalking a bird. The tip of the ani- If you suffer from bleed- mal's tail is never still; it, is always Ing, itching, blind or protruding curling and uncurling. If we could Piles, send me your address, and see it, it would be the same when I will tell you how to cure your - a lion stalks a man. Animals of self at home by the absorption the cat tribe which climb have an- treatment ; and will also send some other use for their tails. They use of this home treatment free for these appendages as balancing- trial, with references from your poles. When a cat walks along the own locality if requested. Immedi- top of a fence, its tail serves the ate relief and permanent cure as - same purpose as the long poles ear-' cured. Send no money, but tell ried by tight -rope walkers. It is other4 of this offer.. Write to -day shifted here and there to preserve t•► Mrs. M. hummers. Box 103 the balance of the animal. Windsor, Ont. IRE:.tl. LOST col.D NINES. t Early Miners Were a Wonderfully Secretive Lot. No more amazing story of buried treasure has been made public in these latter years than that cabled from Lisbon recently concerning the re -discovery of a lust gold mine io Southern Angola. It had been worked, it would ap- pear, by Portuguese hooks, who had apparently all been massacred, for their skeletons were found scat- tered about the galleries. Mingled with the bones were numbers of gold bars, valued at over *500,000. There is nothing inherently im- probable in this, for Angola was the first portion of Africa (leaving cut the Mediterranean littoral) to be settled by white men, and gold is known to have been exported thence during the latter part of the sixteenth century and the early years of the seventeenth, when the supply suddenly ceased. 'These early gold miners were a wonderfully secretive lot, so that, when they died, their knowledge usually perished with them. It seems probable now that the Zim- babwe trines were thus lost to the world for the better part of five hundred years. These are situated, of course, on the opposite side of the Continent, but in approximately the same la- titude. They were rediscovered 'n 1868 by Adam Renders, an ivory trader, who brought away seven sacks hill of the precious metal. Other adventurers, too, visited the ancient galleries, some of whom were even more fortunate; while Mr. R. N. Hall, who made a syste- matic excavation of the whole site sonic five or nix years back, found gold ingots "strewn broadcast on the lower levels as thickly as nails on the floor of a carpenter's shop." Tested by Time.—In his justly - celebrated Pills Dr. Parmelee has given to the world one of the most unique medicines offered to the public in late years. Prepared to meet the want for a pill which could be taken without nausea and that would purge without pain, it has met all requirements in that direction, and it is in general use not only because of these two qua- lities, but because it is known to possess alterative and curative powers which place it in the front rank of medicines. Often a woman stands in front of a mirror and makes a bluff at ad- justing •her hat when in reality she is making sure her front hair is pinned on properly. Rese-colored spots -On -the bodies of ehndrea ere eometime, mistaken for measles. The trouble may he n.eeola, a heal disease of the Alai Promptly cured with w'eaver's Cerate. Wife—"I've invited one of my old beaux to dinner. Do you mind 1" Husband—"Mind : heavens, no! I always lova to associate with file lower St. Lawrence and the gulf bay, with a dark line of black fish lucky people." are familiar with the same sight, in the offing still pressing steadily— writes a Quebec correspondent. on in serried ranks. Have you tried Hollow•ny's Corn At almost any time when the fish As at a given signal or word of Cure? It has no equal for roues, - are running into the rivers frotn, command the charge is made at ing these troublesome exeresences t he sen, t he white backs of intim-Inst, swift and compact, and into erable porpoises may be seen off the the writhing bodies of their viefi►ns its many have testified who havo estuary patiently fishing in the tl.ose terrible fins are plunged till,trled it. tic eper water of the entrance. Slug- the waters are red to the very Kish as they may seem in their 1ne- aLore. For two long hours such al He —"The astrologer deseribeu thods, the nimblest salmon that combat, witnessed by the captain i you exactly, and said thav 1 should comes their way will fall a victim above referred to, continued to,,rarmy you. She— you to their inexorable jaws. As for rage. I think it was a waste of money to the young armlets. St• filing from 4' consult him 1" Ne --"Why' 1" She I 1 could have told you the same their nursery to the unknown sen. It is a Liver Pill.—Many of the' thing myself if you had asked me on their first voyage, it is impos- ailments that loan has to contend riffle to estimate the hordes of them with trace their origin in a dis'rd-I Use the safe. pleasant and effec- that furnish food for the porpoises. erect liver, which is a delicate or- tual worm killer, Mother Graves' :\ peat in all waters inhabited by gan, peculiarly susceptible to thelform i:xterniinator : nothing el oice food fishes and having an disturbances that come from irre- equals it. Procure a bottle and take average market value of onlyabmlt: glilar habits or lack of care in eat- it home. en, no system has so far been in- ing and drinking. This accounts s entcd to capture porpoises in suf- i fer the great marry liver regulators "May I wnke the baby, mamma 7" ft lent numbers to make the attempt now pressed on the attention of asked five-year-old Johnny. "Why, r, mnnernti`e sufferers. Of these there is none what do you want to wake her for 1" The search for a suitable fond superior to Parmelee's Vegetable asked the mother. "I want to see supply is probr-hly not the only Pills. Their operation though if she can cry loud enough to drown reason why they leave the sen for gentle is effective, and the most de- the noise of my new drum," re - a good part of the year, by entering 4,the St. prow rence they are free for pleats can use them. plied the small investigator. a time from BEYOND EXI'ECT:\TIONS, Rivers' nose was swollen to twice it? natural size, and his face was ornamented with various strips of court plaster arranged without the slightest regard to symmetry of de- sign. "Hello, old chap !" exclaimed Brooks ; "what has happened to you!" "Do you recall the fact that the last time you saw Inc I was leek - Black Watch - ing for the infernal scrmndrel the stole my umbrella 1" "1'es,l, "Well: 1 found him. Brooks ; 1 found him HEREDITARY FOES. This means much, for great as the . On a Tag on a Plug of L2lad'. Chewing Tobacco S'305 for Quality. Russia suffers from famine on an average esery ten or twelve years. T U FATHER WAS JOYFUL. "What did father say when you asked him for me' 1" "He didn't say anything. He fell on my neck and wept." Through indiscretion in eating green fruit in summer many chil- dren become subject- to cholera morbus caused by irritating acids that act violently on the lining of the intestines. Pains and danger - our purgings ensue and the delicate system of the child suffers under the drain. In such cases the saf- est and surest medicine is 1)r. J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial. It will check the inflammation and save the child's life. 4. Evidence of Positive Supremacy g There ar3 forty-six manufacturers of sewilt machines in America. Q How many can you name P How many did you ever hear of? (,j One name comes to the mind of every woman immediately — the Singer — and there's a very good reason. J The Singer makes and sells as many raga. chines in a year as all the other forty-five manufacturers combined (j The Singer Sewing Machine is known as the best sewing machine in every country on the glob::. There is a Singer store in every city of the world. Why? Si Because, when you buy a Singer you do not buy simply so much wood and steel— you buy the latest result of the longest and best experience. Scald only by Singer Sewing Machine Company TORONTO MONTREAL N'INNIP.IO 612 Man:,ing Chambers 633 Beard el Trade aids 304 Main Strut PANGORheutmatiam, Paln, Etc. Lyman, So CENTS, ALL DRUOOI5TS. OR THE: PANGO COMd Mot 1 COMPANY, - TORONTO. NM'ssale- Lyman arse.Co., ?Natlenal Drug 00., London.ma "' Kno i Ota I Clark :ion, Toronto A. J. PATTISON 6c CO., 33, 35, 37 SCOTT ST., TORONTO. The Cobalt Silver Dividend paying mines at present prices pay from 7 per cent. to 35 per cent. per annum and arc in our opinion a good speculative investment : Crown Reserve, City of Cobalt, Coniagas, La Rose, Nipissing, Temiscaming and Tretheway are popular stocks and should increase in price. CORRESPONDENCE SGLI•ITED, COBALT HAS MADE GOOD The Mild Climate of Virginia Its sheer ore prodnellon for 100% offers splendid pp,,.rtnnitles for stock raising, will attretale user 112.000.000 fruit gr 'wing, dairying and general farming. U L it I G A Winters aro short. Climate oalthtul. Ping fmod and selling below 111 talus but Increasing a value earl, year. scan Canadians are pules laOlrglnia. write for information to q A new Cobalt proposition which Involves the U. W. KOINI 1t, development of 43 acres of mining property ideally Commissioner of Aeerieultur� located in the recognized mineral cone, only two Biehmuer Fa. blocks removed from the Orrat NipissIng, Right of Way and La Rose. (let in at the bottom. This is where the money is made. We are offering a limited amount of Ulric!' at 0 cents per share. SI .CO par. no personal liability, month,'nstelment plan of 2 cents per share par Wife—"I have about made up my mind, John, that when I married 9.only a few wu „ diems into Te we Novae Storainylle pands:,ed C ownour you I married a foul. Husband— Reserve from 20 to E0 cer,:s per share. To _ay, That reminds nie of a remark you 'Iemiskamir. is ea erly bought at 88, Nova Scotia made just before we were married. pro ll'ard gown `keserre at 1.77. Figure these You remember that you said it. q We are in-esting our own money InUlrica. Coma would be hard to find two people market letter. Sera to map and ask for regular more alike tlinn you and I." STEWART Lk LOCKWOOD It will ae noticed in the Singer nroar.ns Sewing Machine Company's ndcer- 18 ,ldplatda St. E. TORONTO At, n,D, rr Standard .Clor4 arid Mining 1.20limps tisemcnt that there are three aa- - - dresses at the bottom of the an- FARM FOR SALE10" soros Imprnved rouncement. Any one writing will land in h:a.t (twil- lamsbury; (rani* barn and outbuildings. 9 ro.,m- please address them at the nearest ed frame lum,e on stone cellar, well watored and Clic of the three places to 1118 post nicely .itnate I. For particulars apoly flus is, OfT1Ce. holland Landing. "Oh, I am awfully ashamed or IRRIGATED FARM myself," said Edith Jones tr, her ieeac, ., 1 mile from t.•wn and station, for *ale with er,.ps, slnr•k mvhin,t, etc one -thin) crash. dearest girl chum. "When Henry Apply Y. eatomer, ()olden, British cotumbia. proposed to me last night, 1 intend- to say, sudden but I quite WANTEV lost rnv head, and exclaimed, 'At a last :"/ Overworked Persons, either mentally m physically, .h ,uld try " Ferroim,•• the w rid Nnowne,l nerve and blood tonic sat they will %sickly recover strength and health. Anxious Old Lady (on river steamer)—"I say, my good man. 'K this boat going up or down?" Surly Deckhand—"Well, she's a leaky old tub, muin, so I shouldn't wonder if she was going down ; then, again, her b'ilers ain't none too good, so she might go up!" In Fields Far Off.—Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is known in Austra- lia, South and Central America as well as in Canada and the United Slates, and its consumption in- creases each year. it has made its own way, and all that needs to be done is to keep its name before the public. Everyone knows that it is to be had at any store, for all mer- chants keep it. 1118 DEBUT. The Housemaid — "There'll be grand doin's over at Mrs. ('ash. lrv's nixt wake. Her eldest daugh- tc-r's cumin' out," The Cook—"faith, that remoinds me. Casey's son ought to be cono ir' out soon. He's been in over ISSUE NO. 39- 09. • scar." Local Agent well introduced at Grocers and Butchers. Good side line, high commission. Apply box 81 P. O. Waterloo, Ont. he 1 fliano 18 CANADA'S BEST AND NI USED THE WORLD OVER Bell Crgans aro also world tamed fiend f•'r rile Catalog No. 71 to 1ht; Bell PIOuooiA Ofoun Co., lid,, GU IMn, 0(U If Every Farmer Knew how mit. h money he endld wave by esh,y a IPatrlr-nks-Morse J irk of a11- trades na,ollur Kn. pn* t , saw w....1 l,arup water, grind feed, &o., we w ndd not be able t'supply the dere.lod Cut this ad. out and send to us today, and we will rend you our free catalogue. WANTED. Ladies to do plain and light sew- ing at home, whole or spare time; good pay. work sent any distance. charges paid. Bend stamp for full particulars, National Manufactur- ing anufactur- ing Co., Montreal. WOULD BE STA PILING. "Sammy," said hiz mean uncle. 'how would you feel if I were to give you a pennyl" "I think," replied Sammy, "that I should feel a little faint at first. but I'd try and get over it." Little Jimmie—"Please, mum- mie, can we have your hat to play at Red Indians wiv nowt" Addre', It s Cana/Ian ralrbeata Cs., Limited. to -onto, Dire Muntre►1, 1,11nnrp.g. Vatic. urer. QUEEN CITY WATER WHITE IL Gives Perfect SALL Puhlirity makes a product noted, !OE quality brings fame. "Salads". 'rte italik, tYEQYWHERE, is both noted and famops,