HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-24, Page 9f'JEW Fall & Winter 1fluitings 0 ►.T t Coatings Pantingsu + and Vestings Iiii ill the latest * s') teles & patterns I at reasonable prices I. SEE 1 the New Fashion Plates for th:, present season ens asessOsssiesi . TAMAN M !cant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Busne-- Read Them IigrefigragaiMPIIFIIIIIIP".111,11Fil Will Wilson has engaged at theI Stewart SP., r4 the stud/est lot or ne.o• Press Goods that u•e hare seen, The new ehirrun .+ttip(s are certainly rich. Marriage t.icenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. �,.vcly J'.iarr Kimono cloth at 20cts, u yo n1. Ste u'•Ires. Exeter Goo ,.,,Factory Wants Hands. :'J) hinds '. ted to peel Tomatoes. Appiy at ('; ,ing Factory. K.)* (•1 ..1111 1 i 4t.: for dressy y,+ilny Ste,' 'imp all the )te'a' (lnrl.r. Boy Wanted. To work on the farm, good situation. Apply its , . . .ffiee. y'e•v greasier: it again leading the jack- et /ashram. ''heir tailor ulade Nen' }'.•r!� '•o,lr( r:. fitly coats are perfect beau- ties. Fury i(opai. c.: or Remodelled. These .0.-; -long furs repaired or re- uunl,llce! ! ti there in this month in order to Recut a reduced prices. M. B.%LKh•II.I., Andrew St., Exeter. Or. Ovens Coming. Dr. Ovens. London, Eye and Ear Suns -oil will he at the Commercial H t .1. 1•:s. t. , on Satin day, Sept.:2[Sth. Glliassee pr o,:eFly fitted and diseases of Eve, E,t' .t Nose treated. Hours 1) .u.to.13.III. .111.: OUT TO TJI>•: BA I,L G.t 4l h" is :+ Vol 41 song. but "EN,urvslH I: s' ' :" 'Ms 'en! all beat. 2.-s• at THh: Pt'iIIrv. Lost it gr.ty- lady's coat, between Ex - Met. awl Devon, on Tuesday, Sept. 15:h. Kendly return to this office. Nut+ Lost Exeter and C'e ntralin, two wee vets. Finder will confer n f..v I r 1• .v'ing same at this office. - -� Q M:k.. Fureca,tt For September. A regular (dorm pctlod begins no the. f:tr. .ret (xtendds to October '_n•I ban'; et,.t1r1 on the 29t1.. .t the nloatit gaga out low barometer t: l general storm ronditiona will h : transit from west to ease lty tl , .le and 30 w:dc .utas of cloudlrncee and rain will d^'+.lop, bringing in n gen- eral cape: of autumnal r,iln and h'i,u1. llom u on Election Oct. 26. 1' • (' last week decided that (► 1..e.,•i ;MS hoeld be the date of the 1'. e e . 1 1 . ' ,'ns. with noruinatiens one• : .•r•, Oct. 111th, which hid tie, nus.) r n chosen as Thanksgiv. ir,g ,ea. T. •• clay for giving thanks his n. w n n ehanped hp Nnretrtla'r 11, ural 1'. in. '1 i.pes tint one thankful feature t. e• '•'• the tetnov&I from office of the go. i • .pent that has been ++':[.t- ing bet 1 „I, r lauds. needlessly spend- ing Virg- -.e ..+ of money and coudon• ing g:aah 1 cotrnption. it is time for a 41-4-4-1 . ; , e.1 -++,If T a uitabe i Summer 9. Goods.. T11 tis.,r Mu1310mm.r H1'SH ORDERED CLOTHING # + ++ b begun already. 1'o('R Mt: as( WE I FT TAKR ()or Goetils are the ile9t. Sty'•'. Fit And Finish (iiunrante.d. • ,JOHNS ▪ , Exeter I T 1.44.4-4.4 LOCAL DOINGS Commercial as Clerk. aillaillIaAllkAs alkali Rev. Wen. Gudwin of Parkhill, a former pastor, will preach in the Main street chinch next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cornish of Woodham will move to Exeter next spring, they having sold their farm at Woodham. Mr. Burke, tonsorial artist with Mr - Ed. Willis, put his knee out of joint last week while fishing. He is recover- ing nicely. Messrs. Crossley and Hunter, the evangelists, will commence several weeks' services in James street church on Nov. 2Oth Monday, Nov. Oth, has been pro- claimed Thanksgiving Day, instead of Oct. 19th, as previously announced. Monday is chosen at the request of the commercial men. EXETER MARKETS. Mrs. Henry Ittimohr, sr.. Exeter CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY • North, is ill with slight hope of recov- ery. Mr. Jas. Ford of Stephen, who has been seriously ill the past week, is im- proving. Miss Mary Mack has accepted a pos- Ition with a real estate office in Toron- to as stenographer. The Exeter Public School will hold their annual Field Day Sports this year on Oct. 9th. No admission fee. The Itev. D. W. Collins is to preach Harvest Thanksgiving Sermons, Morn- ing and evening, in St. Paul's Church, liensall, on Sunday next, 27th Sep- tember. Mr. Thos. Dearing, who was taken down suddenly ill several days ago, has sufficiently recovered as to be able to be nut around again, although he is yet indisposed. At the Fair grounds on Tuesday Mr. Weidenhatnmer, the principal afternoon a lively mix-up took place in which a couple: of horses ran away and threatened serious resting. alias- es Ethel Brickwood and Vine Cookson were accupants of one of the rigs and were both thrown out and sustained sprained arms. Little Boy Drowned liughie, the little sixteen-tuonths old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robbins, who live in Geo. Ford's house, on Lake Road, west of the track, was drowned about 11 o'clock Wednesday morning by falling off the bridge into the creek. The body was found a few minutes after the accident, but life was extinct. Ile was the only child. The sympathy of the community is extended the be- reaved parents. Death of Mrs. Tait. Mrs. E. Christie received word Wed- nesday noon of the death in Detroit of her mother, \irs. Tait, who went there to visit her daughter. Mrs. Laramie, only last week. A few days ago word was received of her illness. but her de- mise was quite unexpected. Deceased was ar, aged lady rind her history is closely connected with that of Exeter for many years. As we are unable to obtain a full record of her life at this late hour, particulars will he given next week. of the school, is becoming settled on William street. in the house formerly owned by Mr. Ed. Howard, his wife and three children having arrived. Rev. Going preached a strong and eloquent sermon on temperance Sun- day night from the subject "Am I my brother's keepe► He claimed that Temperance ranks next to Salvation, and that we have a moral and legal right to persuade others against the drink evil. Sunday next is the Sabbath school rally day at the James street church, when Rev. Walter Millson is to take charge of the services. The children will attend in a body in the morning. A mass meeting will be held in the afternoon when Mr. Millson and the principal of Exeter school, Mr. Weid- enhanlmer, will speak. Saturday Nicht announces the mar- riage of Miss Pansy J. Mason, B. A., daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Mason of Toronto, to Mr. S. Lorne Fear, mechanical engineer of Dunbar and Sullivan Dredging Co., of Buffalo, and son of Hev. and Mrs. E. A. Fear of Exeter. The marriage took place on Wednesday of this week. Some minor cases were disposed of at the Division Court sittings on Thursday last. In a claim for wages Thos. Biggs, plaintiff, won against Richard Colbert, defendant, and did also Thed. Jones against John Blatch- ford. Mrs. Nelson Magee succeeded in establishing a claim for board against Henry Stanley and got judg- ment. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I'.;nhale narrowly escaped serious injury on Wednesday morning last. Mrs. Penhale had driven out to town and while on her way home she went to drive across the crossing south of the Commercial House, when the horse stumbled and fell, and in the excite- ment the child fell from its mother's arms between the wheels unto the hard pavement. Luckily, however, the little tot escaped with only a small cut on the lin. A nice little shower of rain on Fri- day evening, while doing no particu• lar good, except to lay the dust, was welcome. indeed, breaking, as it did, the longest period of drought known here for many years -four weeks and one day. Everything was so far ad- vanced, however, that the dry spell did not do a great deal of harm, except perhaps to hasten the ripening of fruit and vegetables rather too much, to unduly reduce the supply of water, and to make travelling on the high- ways and living along the highways very uncomfortable because of the durst, which rose in clouds with every gust of wind or passing vehicle. Brooch Lost. Between Exeter North and Mr. Thos. Kestle's. Stephen, a gold brooch. Finder will kindly leave same at this office. Died in Michigan. Mrs. Wm. Dearing received the and news Tuesday night last of the death of her son in-law, Mr. Ilenry Prowse, who died near Marlette, Mich.. that evening, after a lingering illness of several months' duration from anae- mia. Mr. Prowse was a native of L's - borne, having been born near Wood - hang, and left these parts for Marlette about fifteen years ago, where he has resided ever since. ,ir. Prowse mar- ried Miss Susie Dearing, daughter of the late Wal. Dearing, and, besides the sorrowing widow, he leaves to mourn his death two sons and two daughters. Ile was aged 45 years. Miss Charlotte Dearing and Mrs. JAS. Stanlake, sisters, left Wednesday morning to attend the funeral. The Advneate extends the sympathy of many friends to the bereaved family. Death of John Herbert Mr. John Herbert, by several years the ol.lest resident in Exeter, answer- ed the great roll call on Sunday night I Setrt. 17th. aged 75 years. last aboilt 12 o'clock, at the great age I airs. John ilinney and daughter, of 97 years. Being possessed of a re- Ret a returned to their home in Oshawa markable hardy and robust constitu- c'n Wednesday. They were acrnm- tion the deceased retained 1119 vitality parried by Miss Dutra i 44rnbrook, who and faculties almost to the las:, being wislt frvisit their fur+ 0111eee �time. Snell) of confined to his bed only a short time, Chicago art here Mondayto visit the infirmities of old age hying the R cense of his death. Mr. Herbert was her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Snell a native 01 England, being horn in for two months. Mrs. Chas. Iacrett Cumberland tri the year iSI I, and of Sarnia is also the guest of Mr. and carne to ('artad+t with his parents Mrs. Snell. when only six years of age, first set- Mrs. It. N. Sheet :44)113 itt le 11 tiightvr fling in the t•'wn of Whitby. Here Myrlc, of Clinton, and Mrs. Stuart they remained for about ten years, McCallum and little son, John Alen, after which they moved to near Brant- of London, visited with the children's ford and later to Townsend township, gran Idparets. nad Smith. Mr.andMrs. J. Sweet. in the County of Norfolk. Being of Mrs. John Willis• who was "led industrious turn of mind and being Fl,sscssed of great strength and energy here owing to the few of Miss ('•is' fi t bemired acre farm, which who hna Riney he"; visitin R ith h into n t the g beet farms in the county. selling his �f�arl•,$) Mich.- ie,nete3 to per home in farts he moved to near• Ingersoll \ri l .1. Knight, aft3'. a month where he remained for six years. Ile spent F. his night. itt'r at York - borne. then moved to the township of 1's• 1 borne. this being in the Tear 1M53, and ton, returned honey Friday, much iu►- settled on 1,''t (1, Fon. t;, where he re- Proved in health. Mr. Knight likes rosined for 2.1 years. From forborne' the west and reports the Exeter "old he gloved into the iul•oiningtownship. boys":ts er.jnviog the hest of tie tit h, 13ieldelph, where he lived for several p•1rticul,arly Messrs. Fred Knight, years, after which he retired to Exeter rlerh. Elliot awl William Ilyliiimite, and has continuously resided here who form a trio of big, healthy And ever shire, proving himself to be A happy fellows. worthy citizen, a kind neighbor an 1 -- — tr true friend. In politic!' he was a aus1 ('talg—O.1 th' 1eSt'1 a pretty wee- st:auleh Conservative and was an 1111- 'I;;,g vi.te celebrated : + [.o:dotp. when herent of the English church. He i9 NeiIIP, nn1 daughter of J. A. Calhoun s'irriyed by an aged widow, one non of Allen Craig, was married to Gto:de 'end three daughters --Jag. Herbert, Stanley Kelly of the same place. llicldu!ph: Mrs. Daniel Hicks. l *borne; tllanshard-Jo' i, Ct,siur•s. while pre.. Mrs. ,los. Simpson and Mrs. Hobt. lug hay at Alert. Creighton's. hal a fork I. R. Cat ling was in London Mon- day. Miss Edith Gidley, of Myth, visited here this week. Miss McLean of Grafton, Dakota, is visiting Mrs. D. McInnis. Mrs. Etherington of Brown City is visiting relatives in Ushorne. Mrs. Billings arrived home last week from an extended visit in Boston. Miss Pearl Bissett has returned home, after a three months visit in Olin ton. Mr. A..1. It. Duncan of Ilillsburgh is holidaying with his parents in Us - borne. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Piper of Mitch- ell, are visiting the forruer's mother, Mrs. Grace Piper, Ann Street. Mr. J. H. Hvndrnan, who has been at. Victoria Hospital, London, for treatment, returned last week. Mrs. S. Bertrand and daughter', Madelaine, of Crediton, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Kuntz. Mrs. E. Tomlinson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bissett and daughter, of London, visited here this week. L. 11. Dickson was in Goderich Tues- day, es counsel for By,t►n itowclifie, in his suit against John Sawyer, of Us - borne. Miss Etta Harding left on Saturday for a two months' visit for the good of her health in fort Stanley :end St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. E. Baker, of Wing - ham, are visiting the latter's sister, Mrs. John Sanders, of the 3rd con. of Stephen. Mr. and Mts. Wm. Hooper left Tuesday for Farmers' Valley, Penn., where they will visit for a couple of weeks. Dr'. and Mrs. Holliston left. Wednes- day afternoon for Milverton where they will visit relatives for the balance of the week. Mr. Rich. Greenwood of Toronto, who has been visiting friends in and around town, left Tuesday for M itehell to visit his brother. Rev. and Mrs. l'e.tr and son, Thorn- ton, and Mr. and Airs. W. 8. Howey, attended the wedding of Lorne Fear in Toronto Wednesday. Mrs. Ed. Graham and daughter. Miss Maude, of (iodt'tich, spent a few days this week with the forvuer's daughter, Mrs. Lindenfelt. Mr. Rohe. Stonehouse of 13elgrave arrived here last week and intends snaking his future hotne with tris daughter, Mts. ('has. }lirney. Mr. and Mrs. John Hunter and Mr. S. hunter were in Brooklin, Ont.. last week, attending the funeral of Mr. John Ormiston, their cousin, who died e took nil A }Illr l of , eA r , sone wee s ago, an e ckaree 1111(1 (01(34' it ' o n e n Reiland, Landon. Tne finite al took f ln. a to the Exeter ce l:etery iVeelnes e'ay. tun into his noes. !Alf an Inei from his tight eye. Tile fork was In ane:e, •r's Wheat Barley Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton Flour, per cwt,, family Flour, low grade per cw Butter Es Dried apples Livehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton 88 50 55 30 37 SU 88 65 75 S00 200 1 4520 10 5 N 75 25 00 20 00 7 50 1 40 Back—Ache? Backache is one of the chief symptoms of the congested con- ditions of the kidney:. Exter- nal applications may relieve, - what is needed is a remedy that will remove the cause of the trouble. Dix Buchu & Juniper Kidney Pills are a prompt and certain cure for all ordinary kidney and bladder troubles. Sold under a guarantee. If they fail to give entire satisfaction, the Money will be refunded. `Sic and 50c a box. W. S. Cole, PhmB EXETER, ONTAIRIO. Dispensing a Speciality. Use FOOT EASE for sore, tired, aching feet. Laurier Demonstration As we go to press to -day (Wednes- day) the Laurier Demonstration is in progress at Clinton where several thousand (people have congregated to hear Sir Wilfrid, the gifted premier, Hon. Mr. Graham, Minister of Rail- ways, M. Y. McLean, Liberal candid - rate for South Huron, Robt. Mulles for 'Vest Huron, and A. Hislop for East Huron. Sir Wilfrid will be pre- sented with an address from the three Hurons, read by J. 0. Stanbury. A procession will be held, marshalled by a number of the :tied battalion officers and attended by five or six bands. Conservatives and Liberals are alike doing honor to the premier. A large number from Exeter and vicinity are in attendance. The EDISON PHONOGRAPH IF you should spend all your spare cash in going to theatres, yen could not buy as much entertain- ment as with a small part of that money invested in the Edison Phono• glu►ph and Edison Records. With these your pleasure will be lasting. Phonographs $111.50 up. Records 40c. rdikaliak ''or sato by ALAS Al THE PURITY Watch Window. C,an,Exp.Bldg.j 'Vr VI IP 11, 11111W 101 161r SITUATIONS... with leading bn-incsa hnu.ea await our.zraduatea. Loose Leaf Ledger and all males, nttice 184(5041 whis It (nr,.r4' rapid a,1%am e. nient. Gregg Shorthand tang6t Ly the teacher in Ontario whn attended the Author's School. THREE COURSES - Stenography, Commercial. Telegraphy. Enter any day. Write for particulars. PA1.1. TERM FROM SEPT lot. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Oen. 9prrtton, Pun ictal. A NEAR-sI(:11TEi) MAN is often tr.,nl,le•d with hendArhya caused 1)V the strain on his eyes. We ran rehe've the strain end (THE TRI; II1'.A1►.\('11ES. If yon Are 4441:1) A one, Polite An1 b't ups fit Soo with A pan of glataes rafter a thorough ex+rnin:ation, which costs you no!hing. . S. llowey, Phm. B Chemist and Optician. hand at the time. 1;x I•;'ri{It 8 T. HAWKINS & SOk Jobbers and Dealers in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc. We make a Specialty of Eave- troughing, Roofing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be con- vinced that it is the cheapest spot in town. Harkarc stock is FURNITURE and UNDERTAKINC aliz.*e• o WE keep con- stantly in stock a full line of furniture, and it pays to fu r n is h your Dining Room Tables 11111111691/S2.0251,1151,11 Parlor Suites Parlor Tables Easy Chairs Odd Chairs Music Cabinets Couches Sideboards Hall Racks Buffets Kitchen Cabinets home from our Dining Chairs 1 stock. i� and all Bedroom Furniture t .22222 22.2 p'�2,2M1. C-0C-GeerC411C•C4"-DSrCC-CC-4=SrQletr GC-Cr4°•ll�el'� OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT 18 COMPLETE. 629 212,23 t,302•2-^r3(DrS2243-)va'T6CCCCOCC-CC-CO?r QCOCQeaIRNetCU / ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 000 >>:)040C 0000004E Autumn Tiding s tr.c FROM OUR DRY 800D8 DEPARTMENT ell AUTUMN is putting on her golden tinge now and that means business will soon be booming with the New Fall Goods. Everything here is in full swing for the big rush. New }Dress Goods. Snit- ings. Separate Skirts, Fur -Lined (-'oats. Furs, Millinery and in fact every article for your comfort, Our Milliners Are Here, Ready to take your orders for your Early Fall Hat. They are beautiful. Become your face. A lovely combination. The new Roady•to•wear Hats are very new and swell for the earl} fall wear and are found hero in abundance. Every lady should Look after her Millinery early and give the Milliners a chance to fix you up real swell. Colored Dress Goods We are showing a very extensive range of The New ('oder( el 1)ress Goods for this season. St►ipe•s are very new and tern. in Green, shown, Blue and lied. The cloths are very fine. with :a beautiful finish. Plain ('laths are very popular in the same shade its the Stripes and our stock comprises The Pick of the Dress Goods Trade. 1'A NA M. ('131F1'ON VI;N1':TiAN (BROADCLOTH ENGLISH WOIRSTEi)S and SERGES ARE REAL NEW!!! Black Dress Goods WI.: Aiti': I'AMO1-S F011 OCR BLACK DitESS GOODS and do not perpose failing behind this season. in Voiles, Tafietl Cloth, ('hifton, Broadcloth, Panama, Eng ish Worsteds and Serges, We cannot be beat for Quantity and Quality !!! Do not fail to Rey our Large Stock of Blacks. Fur -Lined Coats, Fur Coats & Furs Yon will he r irprised this year to see our large stock ed Fur -tined ('opts, Fur ('oats and Furs There is nothing left out in this line. We have them all- and all the very best! We wont yea to see thein, As we ate very proud of our large showing, nod think yon will be the same, to see the Targe selection we give you to choose from. POULTRY a Chicken. 5" per Ih. alive; 10e per Ib, drest►ed. a Hens,, fie per Ib. alive. Decks, 7c Ib. olive; 9c per Ib. dressed. All po.iltry must be dry picked ate) picked clean. No eash p for poult ry. No thin poultry taken at any price. JONES & CLARK , r'0I' for the celebrated «'.E Sanford Clothing - - 12- ..-4150-1516-41110-10-4110-450-450-ieb-m410-41110.-4110.-• 4104. 1 1 1 1