HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-24, Page 6�zetetr buoi Rte l I - — N 131 O BUY O �><ETE� O TA .1.00 It paid W advance, 1.50 a year it not so pied. 1 Te limited States S.bacribers$I.50 a Year Strictly is Advance. SANDERS & CBEECU, Publishers. —OF OUR— Baby Carriages or Go -Carts aria let the Baby grow. -_-eP+. Large and Beautiful. The price is not. Targe and the terms are ea,y. 2 6 octave Organs cheap. 2 Pianos, slightly used, at a Great Reduction. Sewing Machines, Bicycles, Children's Wagons, at prices that will make you smile. Fine Stationery. S. MARTIN &SON Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The greet Uterine Tonle, and only e..fu effectual Monthly Regulates. nn which woe ten can depend. Sold in three degreee of atiength—Nu. 1, el ; No. 2. le degrees etrungcr Cif No. 3. for by ectal S # per box. bold by all drugg ..hs, or sent prepaid on receipt of pries. Free pamphlet. Addry �TNIe Cott MIDIMI c...TototlTo. OMT. Uuraterly II't.adai,$ l'oo(llltlm - — The !tonic. of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ber- ry, con. 4, Blaushard, was the Beene of a pretty wedding on Sept. 16th, when their daughter Levina Alberta, was un- ited in marriage to Mr. Hiram aa". Cope- land of Woodlaani. Promptly at 6 O',lo••k while Meridclesohn'a wedding tuar'h was being played by the bride's stater, Mies Ethel Derry, the br'dal party en- tered the patter and took their places under an arch of wntto bunt!ng and maldcntair fern. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Racey, of St. Paul's church of Klrkton. Tae bride was dressed In white naulle with val. trimmings and wore a veil. She was unattended except by iter Little slater. Mise Ila May Derry, as flower girl. lIer dress was pink organdy trimmed with lace and Insertion. Leap Year The biggest seller of any I;re in 1908, and un- qualifiedly the success of the )car. Dainty, delicious, digestible. 64 to the pound. You make no mistake when you buy Leap Year Biscuits. Nervous, Diseased Men DRS. K. (f_ K. ESTABLISHED 20 YEARS Consultation FREE. Question Blank for Home Treatment sent FREE. Reasonable Fees for Treatment A NERVOUS WRECK ROBUST MANHOOD Ws Guarantee to Curo all Curable Cases of Stricture, Varlcocel,, Mervoua Debility, Blood Poisons, Vital weaknesses, Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases, and all Disease:: Peculiar to Man and women. Uon't waste your t..ne ,u• i massy .n cheap, anger ons, experimental treatment. nowt Inerea•e at your own ,•,-t tour sufferer :s by bring cxpi rbncnh.I on with remedies which they claim to have just •...,•oven'() !tut come to us in coutldenp• w e writ treat you conscientiously, honestly arid skillfully, and restore you to health in the shortest ties - slide tltne with the tenet rued:eine. diseentrnrt and! extweisemeti.•nhte. Fneh cave is tnat.••t ns tho symptoms lud!eat''. Our New Method is original aril ha:.1.• 1 th.• test for twenty years DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor, Michigan Ave.. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Let us show you how easy it is to shake the "Hecla" Furnace The"liecla" has four grate bars. Each one can he shaken separ- ately. This means that you can shake down just the part of the fire where the ashes are, without disturbing the rest of the coals. With "Hecla" 'Triangular Grate liars, you can get rid of all the ashes—save coal—keep the tire bright and clean—and do away with sifting ashes, because no fresh coal or halt -burnt clinkers come down in the ashpan. We w.'uld he pleased to talk over the furnace question with you and show you, part by part, just why the " Hecla " Furnace is the best for you to buy Come in any time. Mere by The weaken e1 "Peerless ieal.e.l.r^ Rouges. 0$ HUGH SPACKMAN, - EXETER GOLD MEDAL FOR— Ale and Porter AWARDED JOHN LABATT AT ST. LOUIS EXHIBITION 1904. Only medal for Afs la Canada. 1 (Exeter Fair Continued) corn, G Anderson; Indian corn, C San• ders,T Brock jr; water melons; R San- ders, D hough; Carmen No. 1. A Bis- sett, G Hogartb; Rural New Yorkers, T Brock sr; G Hogartb; any variety potatoes, A Bissett, A Deavitt; new varieties, A Bissett, A DeaviLt; pump- kins, um • kine, It Sanders, D Hough; Squash, III Neeb, R Sanders; musk melons, D Hough, G Hogarth; Swede turnips, E A Follick, Ross Taylor; red onion,, E Haist. R Sanders; white or yellow on- ions, C Birney, R Sanders; Spanish onions, C Birney; tomatoes, Mrs J Heywood, Mre E Heywood; celery, J Cottle, G Anderson; citrons, C Stan - lake, R Sanders; parsnips, A Bissett, G Anderson; Hubbard squash. G And- erson, R Sanders; table squash, R San- ders; collection vegetables, G Ander- son, 1 and 2; Mammoth squash, (spec- ial) C Birney; variety tomatoes, (spec. ial)T Smale.—A Doupe, Judge. DAIRY PRODUCTS Butter—Five lbs., Wm Chesney, R. Kvdd; ten lbs, R Kydd, M Gould; rolls, R Kydd, Mre F Triebner; arranged plate, R Kydd. FINE ARTS Painting in oil, landscape, Dyer Hurdon, Mrs Munroe; figure, and fruit or flowers. F Wickwire, Miss Living- stone; water color, landscape, Mise Livingstone, Dyer Hurdon; figure, Miss Livingstone, Mrs J White; fruit or flowers, and Sepia, Mies Living- stone; Huron county scenery, J Senior; pyrography, J A Stewart, F Wick- wire; crayon or pastello, Mies Living- stone; pencil sketch, Miss Livingstone, D Hurdon; collection photographs. photographs and collection views, J Senior; pen and ink sketch, Miss Liv- ingstone. MISCELLANEOUS Coins and stamps, G Anderson 1 and 2; curiosities, Alex McPherson, Mrs McPherson; stuffed birds, (special), Alex McPherson, butterflies, (special). J Senior.—J W Browning and J J White, Judges. FLOWERS Folliage and geraniums. J Cottle novelty in putted plants. G floggarth, CCT FLOWERS Asters, Mrs E Heywood, J Cottle; dahlias, standard, J Cottle, A E Hod- gert; dahlins. J Cottle, (3 McLoed; gladiolus, J 0 Stanbury; petunias, sin- gle and double, phlox dr•onrnrondii, J Cottle; stocks, G McLeod; sweet peas, A E llod ert; verbenas, J Cottle; •Zin- nias, (i McLeod, J ('ottle; artangement for dinner table, .tis E Heywood; An- nuals. J Cottle; novelty in cut flowerr, Iles E Heywood, Mrs Munroe.—Dr. Sweet, Judge. LADIES' WORK Rag ;nit, hooked, Lizzie Johns, Mrs K Heywood; rag that, sewed, N Tom. Mrs I)r Sweet; wool socks, heavy, 0 Neeb, Mrs McPherson; wool socks, line, Mrs ,McPherson, H Neeb; fancy stockings, Miss E Ferguson; ladies' wool mite, N Tom, Mrs McPherson; men's wool mitts, Mrs llcPhetson, N Tom; men's wool gloves, N Tom; coun- terpane. knitted, N Toni, II Neeb; ronnterpane, crochet, J Deichert, Sr.; counterpane, tufted, (i Hot'garth, Ez- ra Halst; quilt, in silk, Miss Ferguson, N Tom; quilt, cotton, J 0 Stanbury. Mrs I'. IHeyrrood: quilt, cloth, Miss Brethour, N Tom; patchwork, with ravellings N Tom, F Wickwire; but- tonholes, �l Tom, Mabel Brook; darn• ing. Mrs .1 White, N Tom: pillow sham.. Miss A Carlisle. Mrs 8 Fitton; fancy hag. Mrs J White, M Brook; laundry bag, Miss Brethour, Miss Ferguson; pin cushion, Miss Living. stone, N Tom; whisk holder. Miss Brethour, M Brook; sofa pillow, washable, Miss Livingstone, Mrs E Hey wood; sofa pillow, mounted, Miss Livingstone, W J Heitman; piano drape. Miss Livingstone. Mise Breth- our; sideboard scarf, J Deichert, Jr.; toilet articles, Miss Livingstone, Mrs J White; novelty in fancy work. N Tont: child's drestt, Mrs Fitton. H Neel.; ladies' underclothing, hand• made, M Brook; Isdit•s' underclothing. machine made, Mrs Hastings: men s outing or night shit, Mrs Hastings. Miss Brethour; plain hand sewing. N Torn; fancy Afghans. J Sweet. Miss Ferguson; tea cnsy, N Toto, Miss Liv. ing.tc•ne; lunch cloth. white, Miss Livingstone, Mrs Fitton; lunch cloth, colors, Miss Livingstone, Mrs Sweet; ease or box for handkerchiefs, Miss Livingstone. Miss lirt'tho,rr. tutting. Mrs i)r Street: drawn thread work. fine, Mrs White. Miss C,trli.ie: Jaen a anvs•. Mrs Sweet, '.tad; fancy underwai.t, Mis J White. M Brook; tread work. 0 Staoleke, Mr; J White: netting. Miss Livingstone. T Prior; knitted or crochet underskirt, H Neeb, L Day: photo frame. Mies Liv• ingstone: nit,.lern cross stitch, Miss I.ivingstone, Mrs Sweet; fire screen, IF Wickwire; fancy apron, Mrs J ‘Vhite, Miss Carlisle; painting in oil, Mre J White, Miss Livingstone; cre- che., shawl or cape, Mrs Fitton, Miss Carlisle; crochet, table boats, M Brook, Mrs Fitton; slippers, crocheted, M Brook; crochet, fascinator, Mrs Sweet; crochet, bonnet, 11 Neeb, M Brook; crochet, lace, M Brook, H Neeb; Irish point crochet lace, Mrs White, M Brook; crochet work and fancy braid, M Brook, Miss Livingston,•; crochet, work in wool, M Brook, Lizzie Johne; knitting, shawl or cape, Mrs Fitton, Miss Carlisle; knitted lace or trimming cotton, Miss Ferguson, N Tom; slip- pers. knitted, Mrs White; Norwegian or Hardanger embroidery, F Wick- wire, embroidery. Wallachia, Mise Livingstone, Rev Martin; Ribbon em- broidery, Miss Livingstone, Miss Brethour; Mount Mellick work, Mies Livingstone: embroidery, Shadow, Misa Livingstone, F Wickwire; em- broidery, Eyelet, Miss Livingstone, 'T Prior, Applique embroidery, F Wick- wire, Miss Brethour; Roman or cut work, Miss Livingstone, F Wickwire; Coronation braid work, Miss Living- stone, Itev Martin; emb. shirt waist, F Wickwire, Rev Martin; emb parasol, Miss Carlisle; doylies, Mre Fitton, Mise Livingstone; emb table linen. M Brook; hand made handkerchiefs, M Brook; emb centrepiece in white, Miss Livingstone, Mrs Sweet; emb centre- piece in colors, Miss Livingstone; Car- rick -ma -cross work, Rev Martin; Bat- Leuburg lace, Mrs Fitton, Mise Living- stone; lace, Honiton, F Wickwire; lace, Brazilian or Tenerilfe, lace, Duchene, and Queen Ann darning, Miss Living- stone, 3 lets; work done by women ov- er 70, Mise White; newest col of ladies' work, Mise Livingstone; largest col of ladies' work, Mise Brethour; home made bread, 0 Sanders, Mise Breth- our; home made buns, J Deichert, Sr, Mise Ferguson. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Darned stockings, crochet work in wool, dressed doll, dolls' clothes, and pin cushion, D Hough; sofa cushion, specials, H Neeb, 5 Smith,—Mrs E Douglass, Judge. Kgnioadvllle—At the Manse Sept. 16, the double wedding occurred of Mrs. Francis M. Shields, and Miss Jennie Combs, daughter's of Mir.and Mrs. T. Combs. to A. P. Joynt of Seaforth and Ralph White of Tuckerstnith, respect- Ivel_v. Then is mire Catarrh in this section of the coun try than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local dis- ease and prescribed local remedies, and by constant- ly tailing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires coneti• tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh ('ure, manutac• turgid by F. J. Cheney .k Co., Toledo. Ohio, Is the only constitutional cure on the market, 1t is taken internally in doses from to drops to a teaspoonful. It aeta directly en the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it tails to cure. Rend for cireuiars and testi. monials. Address: F. J. CIIENEY dr CO., Toledo, Ohio. sell by Druggists, 75 cents, Take Hall's family pills for constipation. GODERICH EXIIIBITION The directorate say that their pro- gram for Sept. 22, 23, 24, 1008, will _Nitrify their (taintot "bigger and bet- ter than ever". increased purses for speed tests—open $225 ; 2.40 $80 ; tar- ntcrs' trot $50 ; three -yr -old $35. and a full program of free attractions—the Martiett twtne, White and Lamart, M. Samayoa, The Woinar,'s' Institute dem- onstrations, Lucknow Band of Fiore. glass blowing, spinning and weaving' moving pictures, aard battalion band, exhibits of all kinds of stock. What The Kidneys Do. WHAT BOOTII'S KIDNEY 1'iLLS ARE DOING FOR EV1•.TEIt, ONT. PEOPLE All the blood in t w body aaas'is thrcugh the kidneys every three ml;i- utes. Toe kidneys filter the blood. They work night and day to daily remove about 500 gratna of Impure mat- ter. 1f they fall some part of this im- pure matter ie left In the blood, bring - Ing on pain In the bacit. headache. diz- ziness, Irregular heart, hot, dry sk!tt, rheurnatis,n, gravel, dropsy, deport!,. In the urine. Booth's Kidney Pills 'nako the filtering right and overcome Kid- ney trouble. Hundreds of Ituron Coun- ty residents have found tt,le out. Mr. Wm. (larding, of Ahtli..w street., Exeter, Ont., says. "I had suffered for Years with a most annoying backache arid tenderness across the small of my back and sides. The urine was of a high color and contained a quant;!y of brick dust sedlment and was oft"nelve ly odorous and ec•aldiag in passing. Although i had tried several differ?lat remedies 1 could f'nd nothing that would benefit me, unt 1 on recommenda- tion of our druggist, Mr. Cole. f used Booth's Kidney fells. They quickly re- moved the inactivity of the kldncys, the urine cleared and niy hark strengthened I have felt much better generally since using itooth's Kidney Pelts and can cone seltnttouely recommend them. HURON COUNTY YMCA Thr County Committee. of the Y,rultg Men's Christian Associations of Huron County met at the office of the County Secretary, Clinton, on & pt. 1 rel. The members present were Mesar+. Blair and liodgens of (iuderlch, Stone- man of Iltneall. Chesney of Seaforth. Shelton of tvingliam. Scott and It'll of Clinton, together with the County Scrrctery. Mr. I'leming, and the Prov. lnefal Secretary of County Work. Mr. A. Cullens of Londnn. itetorts of standing committees were made. a:,d it was found that good nub• etaitial pro, les., of a basic character had been made. A form of constitution was ptesented and adopted. Mr. 1'lunl•ig reported on his visit to Silver Ray, New York. where he spent over two weeks ;at the YMCA Train- ing institute. taking some 60 lectures from leadlug Asaociatlun workers and Institute men. Ifs also la:d before th•,t County Committee plans In detail for the year's work. Orgai,►zation in several places will now follow es speedily as possible, and is IS expected that about eight plates will be organised during the ;ear. Ea' h place will have at the outset a ;lass for Bible Study. and later some liter- ary and social work. and puselblf some pGyakal activities. Heneall ltev. Bartlett of Staffs occupied the Methodist pulpit Sunday. Rev. S. Toll preached Missionary sermons on StafTa circuit,—The foundry has started n r- ations again and will soon have their full stat! at work again.—T. Hudson lost his fine driving pony. The animal got at some wheat which had ruts out of a crack at the twill, and ate so much that it died.- Hanson Petty, who left ' for a trip to the Old Country about three weeks ago, was taken so ill at Montreal that he had to return to Tor- onto and has since returned home.-- ! Miss Yuill, nurse, is home (tom Kiu- cardine, in which section she hos been !practising her profession for months. —The Bible Society Agent. itev. Bo- han will give an address in the Me'tho. dist church here on the t•c.•0 1 z of the '2lath. �i:_:4411ei 14Jt. c There is no rink in buying GIN PILLS. -r They are sold on a positive guarantee tt�.o1r_i 1. r� that they will cure all Kidney and Bladder Troubles, Rheumatism and Sciatica, Taut in tho Back, etc. If, after taking 6 boxes, you can horostly say that ,Gin PillE4 have not cm cd you, take the empty boxes to your dealer and ho will rotund the' money. That shows how certain we aro that Gin Pills will euro you. 50c. a box; 8 for $2.50. Beni on receipt of price if your dealer can't supply you. 5"wi o,f r" WT. A,, . --NATIONAL ORUC & CHEM. CO. UNITED f;'; y if y mention this Irian Kidneys Cured or Money Back RIM TORONTO for eee'.; co., FIRSTI READ OUR FR[[ CAIAUI6U[ 11 r THEN Decide sn the Business College We ask the privilege of sending you our intensely -interesting, handsomely - illustrated FREE CATALOGUE. in fact, you really owe it to yourself to get ��yl City a a Dopy and read it thoroughly before you t SNrih•° select the Business College to attend. is a e o;t„ts This Catalogue explains all about our school, our facuhy, our different courses. Tells why we Honestly believe our Col- lege to be the beet for you. After reading the book we will leave you to fudge for yourself. Sending for a copy places you under no obligation. Just mail your name and address on a postcard. Students admitted any time. Special openings September and January. The Forest City Business and Shorthand College Lo ltDo11. O1S AR10 JI WI WESTERVELT. Pereipal J. W. WEST RVELT, Jr, C /t VrorP,tseir.l ss► For Your SUNDAY DINNER JeII-O With Whipped Cream Ong package and a pint of !toiling water Makes Enough Dessert for a Large Family. FLAVORS: Lemon, Orange, Raspberry, Strawberry, Chocolate, Cherry, Peach. No trouble to prepare—simply add boiling water— cool and serve. Flavored just right. Sweetened just right. Perfect in every way. Cheaper and better than fruit, pies or pastry. CAUTION : Don't accept a substi- tute, or you will be disappointed. There's no other dessert just like JELL-O. Sold by all good grocers. Til C[NOSUR MIXT FOOD CO., ■RIDGDCR6, CANADA. Highest Award, Gold Medals at .St. Louis, Portland and Jamestown Expositions. A RANGE Train up a girl In the way she should hake, and when she Is married Ow will not depart from ha " Illy mother taught me how to hake, and told me why she always used a McClary Range. "Now i have a 'Pandora', and, as with mother, my troubles are few. After fire is started, 1 simply h r i n g thermometer to desired heat and leave the oven in charge of the baking. It's built for faithful service. " While housewives with other ranges are poking fire ;tnd changing dampers, 1 sit and read the ' Joy of Living' McCIary's sz tendon, lereete, MoMreaf, wtom,et, YMeesser, tt. TMs, tt,... Neratttes, CsI art. T. Hawkins & Son, Agents