HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-24, Page 5Supplement to The Exeter Advocate
Thursday, September '' Ith, 1908
The New Store
�Ql 1Jhoes I E HAVE A Special Tine of
Patent Shoes which are
going fust. Come in and
see thele. Styles and prices are right. 'l hey w ill suit you.
A full line of other shoes that are suitable for any wear. You
will be pleased with them.
often and kept fresh and new
alt the time. We will be
pleased to see you try them. Breakfast Foods, Can
Goods, Pickles, Syrups, Etc. An excellent line of
Confectionery, also.
will tiny yon the Highest
Market Price in trade for
flutter and Eggs. piing them in.
T. J. Wilson - Exeter
Two doors north of Post Office
The Farmers Bank of Canada
CA PITA til,l'ota,iPOO TOTAL ASSETS $1,500,000
38 Branches thronghnnt Canada.
Special Attention (liven to Forme) s' 13. ,:t s=.
Sale Notes Discounted. to. Collected :,t Lowest ('nl rt•r,t flatus.
Deposits of $1.06 and upwards r- ceiveti, Inte'r'est paid or
added to principal d times a year.
Your money it+ too salnal.b• to leave in the house where
burglars, thieved or fire may take it from you, or to invest to
risky speculations or with doubtful instilettiouv that so often in
the past have robbed luso of their hard earned wealth.
When sending stoney to any part of Canada or the world,
remember aur drafts and money orders are available here, and
gold at the lows+.tpossible rates. Ottr looney orders are payable
et par at any point in (lintels. turd principal points its the United
States and Orem Britain.
Owl Morro—('ourtenus Tit tient. No Red Tape.
P. T. DUNLOP, Manager.
1n t he matter of the estate of 3 obit
Sharp. bite of the Township of Step
hen, in the County of Huron, Yoe -
man, decrnsed.
Notb.f. is hereby given pwrsuant to the Statute In
that behalf, that all persons having .Maims against
the estate of the maid J. hn Shop, who diel wn or
about the thin) day of .tngust, A. D., 193'3, are re•
quested, on or before the
:;nn DAY OF OCTOIIEft, A. D., 1008
tonna by post or to deliver to the nnderrtgned Soli
Bitot for the Eveeittors of the t'a'd deecased. their
Christian and Surnames, addresses amt deseriptiona
and the (all i anti, Mars of their . tarts respectively,
lproperly 1enntd, and the aernrities, (if any), heli;
ay them, and that atter the day last aforesaid the ex•
ecut ors will pr..•wetd to distribute the ►ssetsuf said dr•
teased among the parties entitled thereto, having
regard only to those claims of which not ice shall hap e
tarn ¢wars. Incaret uind, anti that the said i:v.
crtitors will not be Mable for the said assets or
any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose
)aims notire shall not have been re,enevl by him at
the time of such distribution.
Devote Sherrltt and John Sherritt, Executors.
Dated at Parkhill, (his 2nd dal; of Aeptemter, lake
Solicitor for Executors. Parkhill.
Clearing Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements•
The undersigned Auetioneer has hien Instructed to
sell by pubti.• auetion on
LOT 1, GDS. 2, Mt:ult.IIVRita,
'IUESDAY, S1':l'T. 29'rn, 1908,
at one o'clock p.m., sharp,
The following valuable property:
IJOtt'):'—I driving horse, rising 6 years old; 1
draught mare, (supposed to be in foal to &dint oat);
1 gelding, 2years old,(got toy IAA D snAar); 1 Ally,
yearsvir old, (golbtot p I.oRD SHAKO. DWI Are/n%); 1 geldings
CATTLE-- 1 cow, (surtosed to he in calf); 1 far•
row cow. 1 steer 2 years old, 3 steers 1 year aid,
3 heifers 1 year old, 2 tilt es,
IMPLEMENTS -1 Meering binder,1 llassey•Ilarris
mower, I hay rake, 1 seed drill, 1 disc harrow, 1 set
diamond harrows (nearly new), 1 lumber wagon,
2 ploughs, 1 root puller, i s.•tdfer (new), 1 fanning
mill, 1 hay rack, 1 set `,ea guards, 1 pair ti .IIeighs,
1 cutter, a top buggy,1 rubu,er•tirt buggy (new this
summer), 2 setts of don •le harness, - setts of single
harness, 1 acre of roots, 1 churn, 1 rook ,tote,
1 heating store, 68 sap eats, forks, shovels, hoes.
whiMe•trees, neck•yukes, and other articles too
numerous to mention.
TERMS—TA and ender, cash; over that amount 12
months credit (liven on fnnai.hi:,g a(`pproved Joint
notes. 6 per rent. off for cash nn ' 10111 senounts.
Subscribe for The Advocate 1 Auctioneer. Proprietor.
The annual Sunday school tally will
be held on September 27th.—Oran-
ton trimmed !Motherwell in a game of
. ball Friday.—Cliff Braithwaite of B.C.
called on friends here.—A large num-
ber attended attended London Fair.—
Miss 1tetheriegton of Newberry is
visiting Mrs. \Veils.—Mies Stewart t of
Waterloo, is visiting Mts. Corui'h.
\VI2DDED—A very pretty wedding
took place in the Methodist church hit
h'gh noon on Saturday, when Miss Al.
Stanley, eldest daughter of W. D.
Stanley, Will, unitid in 1lutrringe to
Clarence Webb of Toronto. The cere-
mony was petti,ttiled by Rev. J. E.
Volutes of Sal ,:i,a, ao.sirted by Rev.
Wells and Rev. (', t ni h of (iranton.
The bride was gi t on away by her fath-
er and was tts-l-r rd by M t,s Jennie
Webb and iter sister, Miss Pearl Stan-
ley, acted as maid of honor, ss brier
Christopher Webb, jr., acted as best
01811. The wedding mare)] was play( d
by Miss J,. Holmes el Lontit.o. The
bride looked charming, attired in It ish
point lace, over white duchess 9 trip,
and car►•ied it shower bouquet of white
roses. Her travelling gown was a
navy bine. The bridesmaid and the
maid of honor wore w Mite Batiste,
over pink silk.
Ki rli:ton
miss Iliida Hoskins is visiting in Ex -
et \Votads of Eliitiville visited
Airs L,un'a Hewett for it tt'ty day s.—
John Nixon sprained tw ankle coon
hunting recently.— ells are proiti
dry in this neighborho .—The school
hoose is being repainted.—Amos
'helps. is busy preparing for the big
fair, Oct. 1 and 2. He is a hard work-
ing secretary.—The Ilarvest Houle by
Kirk ton Tent No. 105 was an enjoyable
.affair. The shipper and concert, were
utast enjoyable. J'roeeeds $60.-40x12*)
is to be the size of Adan) Doupe's new
Ifatrtleih's block is rapidly nearing
completion, and is one of the finest
s'ort's in the County.—Freddie De-
ltoids of Detroit. has arrived home to
visit his father, F. Delnutb.—Rev. W.
C. McLennan of Halifax formerly pas-
tor at Kippeu nod Ilillsgreen, called
on friends in those t'tt 0)118.— 1(1199 1(Ic•
Dougall, who 'las been in charge of J.
J. Mernt'r's millinery deptrt+nent, is
bark to town at the old stand.---Sitn-
day the 2(tth inst., St. P.'tet's Luther-
an church celebrated Harvest Thanks-
giving fest i vol. `i'he •ning service
was scudo test in Oertnnn and the
evening In English. —Miss Pearl Wirtz
is attending Alma Ladies' College at
St. Thotnas.--George, \Villinnl and
Henry Holtzman of AIildueuy called on
their brother, (1. 11.11i zwan, on Tues.
(l ty 00 their way to attend the funeral
of their uncle at Crediton.
Clinton: Marion Caroline, 2 -year-
old daughter of Lutne° Levis, died
here last week.
Clinton: Si,i it l Bat r, after several
Vent* illness, died here last week iit\
itis 61st year. He lived in Goderich
Tp. for many )•eat..
Clinton: Miss Evelyn Turner of
Clinton was netrried on the 111th at
Well wood, Alan., to Richard Wood. a
rancher. ,\liss'I'urner was a popular
teacher here.
Drysdale: Miss E. A. Horton, who
for the past year and a half has suc-
cessfully taught in the Drysdale pelt -
lie school has tendered her resignation
to take effect at Chtistmas.
lioderieh Tp.: On the 16th bilary
Amelia Proctor, wife of Henry Oakes,
aged 48, died of heart trtilde, after
only one week's illness. husband,
one eon and two daughters survive.
Seaforth: Last week saw two fires
in this town. The stables in connec-
tion with the Grip hotel, a )corse, two
pigs turd four buggies were destroyed.
the hotel caught several times but
was sac(d.