HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-24, Page 115c to JAN. '09
subecrihe for the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or else
take- advantage of our
Low Club Rates
In Newest Types
On Beet Palters
The Finoet Work
And Biala Pricer
The Advocate Office,•.Exeter
The Old Reliable
School has started again and the
Boys and Girls will need Clothing,
Shoes, &c.
Does your boy need a New Suit?
he " " Shoes?
tt Anything in Wearing Apparel ?
It he does, it will pay you to bring him to us.
?We are headquarters for GOOD WEARING duds for boys—the kind
that will stand the hard skufling any strong, healthy boy will subject them to
—the kind that you will not have to buy often.
Does your girl need a New Dress ?
t. Pi ie " " Shoes ?
u u u Knee Pants?
14 u
" 44 k
Hosiery ?
a New Hat ?
Anything in Wearing Apparel?
If she does, it will pay you to bring her to us.
We have the kind of dresses, shoes, hosiery, bats, Arc., a robust girl
needs -the kind that wears well and ALWAYS lasts well -if you bring your
boys and girls here for their "duds" you can keep them well clothed.
Highest Price Paid for POULTRY, dead or alive.
Highest price paid for produce—Butter 20c. Eggs 19c.
Step into the store one door north of the post -office
and see our new stock of
Dress Goods
Boots and Shoes
and all
Staple & Fancy Dry Goods
Ring up phone No. 22 and have your Groceries
delivered on short notice—the best fresh
Groceries always in stock.
Pratessl•.al Cards.
Ds. O.8'. ROULBTON, I,. D. 8., D. D. 8.
Mesab•r of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and honor
graduate of Toronto Colsersits.
OTTICIt: O'er Dickson & ('arling's I.aw Office, In
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
�DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 8..
Honor graduate of Toronto Univeristy.
heft eitra"ted without any pain, or any bas effects
Ogee over Madman & Stanbury's office, Main street
flu resumed practice after spending a year tCol-
lege) at British and Continental Hospitals. General
ractice with special attention to Eye, (with letter -
Nose and Throat.
Oflb e: Dashwood, Ont.
Ion/ Ar.
tors, Notarise, Cons eyancers, Commissioners
Solicitors for Motions Bank, etc.
Mosey to Loaf at lowest rates of Interest.
(imam, Main street, Exeter,
1. a, (haulm, B.L. L. 11. Matson
Mossy TO IRAN.
We bare a large amount of pri, ate funds to loan
e farm a^•1 village properties at low rates of Inter
Barri.tere,4-•eitors,M►in et.. Exeter On
Licensed Auctioneer.
les attended In all parts. Satisfaction guaran•
WC ore° pay Terms reasonable. All omen left
at Advocate OMtce will be promptly attended to.
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Royal 1nrorparsted Society of
iustcians, England; Organist of Trtrltt Memorial
burc2.Rseter. Piano, Organ, ii-rmons and Theory
f Musle. Terms on application. Exeter, Ont,
Agent ('.,nfederation Life As3nranee
Company, also Fire inattrance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
\Iain•St., Exeter.
House For Sale.
in the Village of Exeter, situated on Aimee. et met,
a fame dwelling, 2 stories, kitchen and wnodehed,
*table. good well, one fifth acre of land All In road
con1itioe. Will be sold reasonable. Apply at this
Cottage to Rent.
A frame cottage, in good repair. and
at reeeonahle rental. Apply at this
Successor to Da. RAMSAY,
epees/ Attention to Dentistry.
Night calls left at the home of Mr. Peter Bowden
Lain street, (opp. TrI2ltt Memorial Church), will be
promptly attended to.
Office -Dr. Ramsay's old stand, corner of Main and
North streets, (opp. Pym'e Blacksmith Shop).
Your patronage solicited.
House to Rent in Elimville
The undersigned is offering to rent Ala frame
dwelling in Elimt ille, with 1.6 acre of land. Hard
and soft water and a number M fruit treys nn the
premise.. ForlurticularsypplytoJoelll'A JOHNS,
or the undersigned,
House and Land for Sale.
The undersigned is offering for sale hie house and
land on ih,ron Street East. The house 1s of frame
and Is In good repair. The land eonsiets of Ott MIPs
In good condition. (feral water hard end soft.
Good stable. Some gnat hull trees, etc. Poises -
cion glen now or In the fall. Apply at the hone
of Abraham iearing, Jr., 8imroe Street.
-- WM. 8. BAKER.
There strayed onto the premieeeof the undersign•
ed, lot keen. 2, Itiddulph, nn or about July 2n41, a
two-year-old heifer. Owner can have same by pro..
Ing property amt paying expenses.
Centralia, 1'. 0.
Auction Sale
Of Farts Stock and Implements and
House and Lot,
The undersigned Auctioneer has been instructed
to sell by Publlr Auction on
Lot 18, N. B. Stephen Tp.,
at 1 o'elock sharp,
the folinw ins valuable property, .11.
UOR8E8-A span of hear) draft mares, 1 sup
posed to be In foal; 1 heat) draft colt, 2 years old
cld; 1 iffy. and 1 general purpose horse.
CATTLE --3 milch eows, all supposed to be in calf;
3 three•yearo14 •teen, 2 tw o•year•old steers and 1
two-y3•ear•old heifer, 3 yearling steers and a calf.
POULTRY- Ahnut 144 Brown Leghorn hens,
IMPLEMENTS- (tinder, in gond working order;
mower, seed drill. 2 -furrow a king plow. rin;tle
furrow plow, 2 wagons, top boggy, open buggy, tan•
ning mill, set bob•eleighs cotter, disc harrow; set of
Diamond harrows, sugar kettle, hay rake, 2 setts of
double beetle's, set of single harness, a number of
sap pall*, .piles and tutee, a number of rattle chains,
2 spinning wheels, forks, shovels, spade,, 2 setts of
whtMle trees, neck•sokn, grain tag., banes fn►k,
gain cradle, ,natbe, set M scales, rook etc .e. heat•
ing stove. glass cupheard, lounge, an Enfield rifle,
a number of potato hu.hel buses, and other articles
ton numerous to mention.
REA(. EstT.ITF -- Alen there will he offered fur sale
at the same time an.l place, a house and lot, The
house teed hrirk, In ova repair, 9 rooms, a good
cellar. a good kitchen and woodshed. There le *l-
eo 00 the premt.es a goad, frame stable. The lot
comprises a half acre of gond land, cnntainieg a
number of apple, plum, cherry and pear trees. grspe
cines and other email fruits, also. All In A ,(art
Kate of growth. The property adjoins Sarspta
Past (Mire.
TERMS _PS and under, , ash; o,er tl-t•
menthe ore.tit given or. furnishing a; p- , 1
note+. 41 per eent off for rash on credit ati..,
Terms M real estate made known en ills (t s.'.
of Seafortb, Auctioneer, Proprietor.
Borden at London
Mr. R. L. Bolden, leader of the Lib-
eral -Conservatives in the (louse of
Commons, spore in the Princess Rink.
London, Tuesday night to several
thousand people. and in a masterly
address laid bare the government rec-
ord. With him were Premier Roblin
of Manitoba, Attorney -General Bow-
ser of British Columbia, and Hon. W.
J. Hanna, provincial secretary of Ont-
ario. A large number from this vicin-
ity attended the tweeting.
Valuable Farm Property for Sale
There is being offered for sale that valuslle farm
property, consisting of east half of lot 7. Iota a and 0
and south hall of lot lu, con. 4, Usborne, ttiutaiuin-
200 acres, on which there is erected a good brick
house, lanae bank barn, frame stable and shed, and
other consenie,.ces. 'file property is well suited
for general forming and grazing, and will be Bold in
part or enblock, to sult purchaser If not sold pri-
vately on or before Oct. 1st, it will be offered for
sale by public auction on the premises on Oct. 16th.
Easy terms for payment. For particulars apply to
Clearing Auction Sale
Farm Stuck and Implements -
The undersigi tad Auctioneer has been Instructed to
sell by public auction on
SATURDAY, OCT. 3itD, 1908,
at one o'clock pan., sharp.
The following valuable property:
HORSES -General purpose horse, 7 years old;
brood mare, 6 years old. supposed to be in foal; hea-
vy horse, 5 years old; spun of matched drivers, 3
years old; ally. 2years old, bred by Lord llowataon;
ally, 2 years old, brei by )Lilo; filly, 2 years old.
bred by „lap; filly, 1 year old; gelding, 1 year old;
good work horse. 10 years old; heavy sucking colt.
CATTLE -5 cows, (supposed to be in calf); 1 far-
row cow; 6 steers 2 years old, 2 steers 1 year old.
2 heifers I year old, 6 Spring calves.
PIGS -Thoroughbred Berkshire sow; thorough-
bred Yorkshire hog; 6 pies, 5 months old; 8 pig•, 5
weeks old,
SHEEP -10 breeding ewee.
IMPLEMENTS Binder, mower, rake, seal drill,
cultivator, plough, gang plow, harrow, roller, heavy
wagon, buggy, cutter, tab -sleighs, fanning mill,
wheelbarrow, set scales, set of douole harness, 2 sets
of single harness, hay rack, cream separator, Daisy
churn, root pulper, ladder, cook stove, organ, whit•
flu -trees, forks, shovels, grain Lags, and other arti-
cles too numerous to mention.
TERMS -R5 and under, rash; oyer that amount 12
months' credit given on furnishing approved Joint
notes. 3 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts.
Positively No Rcscrvc-
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
The undersigned Auctioneer hu been instructed to
sell by Public Auction, on
Lot 0, Con. 3, Stephen
At 1 o'clock sharp,
the following valuable property, viz.
HORSES -4 aged horse, 1 horse 13 years old, 1
aged mare (supposed to be in foal to Perrheron), 1-
Loear -old ally (by Wilder Lee), 1 sucking colt (got by
rd Ilowateon).
CATTLE -7 cows (supposed to be with calf), 1 far-
row cow, 2 two-year•old steers, 2 1-yearold ,teen, 2
(•year-old heifers, 7 calves,
ierhesMENTti--1 tread tower and belt, cutting
tax and grinder, fanning mill, brick yard cart and
harness, scales 12,t!e lbs.), a wagon, 1 Democrat, 1
sulky, 1 buggy-, 2 hay raeks,1 mower. 1 hay rake 1
1 cultivator, 1 seed drill (nearly new). 1 land roller,
1 reaper, 1 sulky plough. 1 walking plough, harrow.,
i disc harrow, 2 scoffers, 1 grind -atone, 1 work
tench,1 root pulpae, 1 gravel Loa, 3 ladders, 1 wheel-
barrow, 2 sets of harness (1 single), 2 crow -bars, I
sugar kettle 1 cradle, 1 scythe, row ehatne, forks,
shovels, chains. 30 rows of mangles, 4! rods long; 40
rows of turnips. 42 rale long; 3 colonies of bees, bre
hives, sap buckets and a riles, 2 barrels, Crean, leper•
ator, "National"; sugar beet plough, sugar beet rub
tiratnr, number of cedar posts, steel etone•boat, corn
shelter, water trough, 1 tank, 1 honey extractor, 3•
piece bedroom suite, 1 bureau, and other articles too
numerous to nsention.
People coming from a distance will be served din•
ner and areommodation.
TERMS -j5 and under. cash; over that amount 14
months' eredit given on furnishing approved Joint
notes. 4 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts,
Auctioneer. I'ropri. torr.
Farm for Sale or Rent.
The undersigned Is offering for sale or rent the es-
tate of the late James Cronin, consisting of 176
acres, and situated on the 20th and 21st roncenlons
of the Township of Stephen, two miles fron, Grand
(tend. The land is in 'Irate -lass condition, well
drained and (nen well cultivated. (rood brick
house, large hank been with powerrnill. (load water,
good orchard on ea. h pia( e, seven acres hardwood
bush. Cnn.enienl to school and church. For
term. and particulars appy to
Centralia t'. O.
i'LEM E,NTS, on Lot 18, COs. 8,
Stephen. on Tuesday, Sept. 29th. '08,
at 1 o'clock sharp, by the undersign -
et) auctioneer.
Morriss Draught mare, It yea" old, (supposed
to t r In
foal; draught mare, 7 years old; driving
mare, 5 years old, (g00,1 size); aged working hone;
heavy colt, rising 3, (sired by College Chum) : heavy
colt, rising 2, (sired le prior's Hero); draught fllly,
rising 2, (sired by Oartley Gold); driving colt, 3
)eau old this fall.
Cattle 6 cows, istq.I'oeed to be In calf, one due
to cal.. the latter end of this month); 6 two -year -o1.1
steers, 9 two-year-old heifers, :i one -year-old h Fifers,
4 Int Fall rales, 4 Spring cairns, 2 eaters, three
months old; thoroughbred Shorthorn bull. 16
months old.
Sheep -6 breeding ewes.
Pias -2 brood sows, (to farrow in (Rtober).
lappleaseata--Frost .1 Wood has loader, nearly
new; Notion seed drill, nearly nes; Massey-Ilarris
cultivator, land roller. set iiamond harrows, near)
new; 2 tingle plows, gang plow. pair 12 cwt. weigh
scales, wagon and box. open buggy, Portland cutter,
pea harvester, sulky rite, "truffle', ladder, fanning
mill. Emppire cream separator, root teepee wheel.
barrow; ha) fork, sling,. ropes. pulleys and 2 can:
25 cedar posts, acre of manrok1., 2 setts of double
team harness, set of single harness: ditching scoop
new; ditching trade, ne; sugar kettle, a number of
cow chain., and d a great many other articles too
numerous to mention.
Real Estate -if not preciously sold. the stove
farm. containing 100 acres, all clear and in gnat
cultivation, will i. offered for sale at the same time
and plats. Then is on the property a good two-
story brick cottage, 29x20, nearly new, with a good
frame kitchen; iron] bank ham with eement Moen;
g..•1 .Irl. a seed; gnn.l hog pen with cement Monti;
two good ,mall orrhants, gwai wind mill and tanks,
gnat water, well fenced, well ander-.lnlne.l, 3
1 mile" from Crediton, 31 miles from Exeter and is
Imile (rntr, a hoot,
C6ala '.0 Humof $•. and a.
neer thattteam"unt 12 msonths ren)edit will benderg.i'nrasoh;n
furnishing epprmred Joint notes. Orr cent. off for
.. - , •, Reel Estate - iii per
,: . ,:. a in asday e, without in.
- • ;'--; i. .•.•. pp gi.en in 20 dins. Fnr
t.,r:t,e r Fart'. glare apply- to the prcpti.t..t.
Arthur ('.p`( worth, I'roprietor,
t y, Auctioneer.
The Exeter Fair.
Son ; Bremen geese, \\'. Carter . any ot-
her variety geese, J Battler; pr. Pekin
ducks, Douglas & Son; Rouen ducks, 'dr-
ic-- 1 Laren & Pierce ; light and dark Ilra-
Gootl weather -hot and dusty but
dry -a full list of exhibits in all the
branches, a big crowd, and plenty of
side attractions combined to make the
fair of 1908 a success. As is usual the
number of horses was very large both
in heavy and light classes. and the
fudges had their work cut out, but the
best of satisfaction seemed to have
been given. The vegetables were pro-
bably never better, while the fruit,
were of excellent variety and better
could not have b'en desired, Some
excellent -exhibits were shown in the
palace, among them the displays of
Messrs. Hawkins & Son, J.A. Stewart,
\Vitt. Stewart's Mason & Risch piano,
S. Martin & Son, and W. J. Beaman
were excellent. The attendance was
hardly as large as last year, although
the gate receipts were over $550 and
the total receipts over $1000. The
speeding events were very attractive,
MO good races being run as follows: -
2,10 Class
Little Mack, J Merrier owner 1 1 1
Bes�ia II, H G Hodgins 2 2 2
Rottdmaster Jr T Murdock 3 3 i
Gray Bird, W J Lince 4 4 d
Green Horses
Sadie Mitchell, Jaynes Beattie 1 1 1
Nancy Hanks, Win. Brock 2 2 2
Sammy, Nelson Watson 3 3 3
Gus Appleby. Gus Morrissey 4 dr.
The day's entertainTuent wound up
with an excellent concert given by
Ilewer's Quartette and Concert Co. of
London. which was largely attended.
The prize winners are as follows -
Heavy Draugnt.--Brood mare, it. 'Wks
P. Rowciiffc; foal. John Campbell, P.
Rowcliffo ; 3 -year old, 1t. Birch. Wm.
Oke: 2 -year-old, W. Dover, Jas. Dear-
ing; 1 -year• -old, P. Rowcllffe, Geo. Moir;
teats, G. C. Robbins, Hagen Bros.
Agrieultural,--L`rood mare, it, 1317c.i,
J. Campbell; foal, W. Pepper, R. Hicks;
3 -year-old, Wm. Oke, Wes Johns ; 2 -
year -old. R. Birch, L. H. Wilted ; 1 -
year -old, John Calnpbell, C. Canon: tears
A. Creighton, It. Saddler; Dank of Com-
merce special. 1t. Birch ; Molsons Bank
special, J. Decker, sr.
General Purposc.-1 rood mare John
Moir ; foal, R. Hicks, M. Gould : 3-yr.-
-yr:ofd, Wm. Moody, 3. Decker ; year-old
J. J. Colwill, J. Decker, Jr. ; one -year-
old, S. Sararue, J. Moir ; team, henry
Nccb, Wes Maguire,
Carriage. -Brood marc, A. Elcoat ; foal
A. Elcoat ; 3 -year-old, A. 11. Cretglttan,
A. Etherington ; 2 -year old, 11. Josses,
D. Schnell ; year-old, D. Schnell , pair,
Chas. Welker, A. !leader ; single, John
Walker. It. Boeeenberry.
Roadster's. -Brood marc, J. Decker,
Thos. Sherrill; foal, J. Decker, A. Wil-
lett; 3 -year-old, A. 13. Creighton, W.
McLean ; 2 -year-old, A. Nadlger, W.
Hey; 1 -year-old, B. M. Francis ; pale,
John Farmer, W. J. Dale ; Single, W. R.
Elliott, P. Failed(' ; saddle horse, Wi
It. Elliott, P. Hanlon ; Lady driver, W.
Robbins, J. Creighton.
Ilackncys.-3-year-old, Simon Bunter;
year-old, F. Wickw're; foal, W. Bow-
den ; M 1'. McLean special, W. 1t. EII'-
ott, J. Creighton.
ilotcrt Wilson, Judge.
Shorthorn. -Cow, lt. smith, 1 and 2;
2 -year-old heifer, 11. Snt'th 1 and 2 ;
l -year-old heifer, II. Sm th, Wes Jolene ;
heifer calf, 11. Sur th, H, Crich; but,.
calf, If. Smith, 1f. Cr'cn ; herd, if.
Smith 1 and 2,
Grades, -Cow, T. H. Shapton, T. Rus-
sell ; 2 -year-old heifer, T. If. Sitapton ;
1 -year-old heifer, T. II. Shapton ; hal-
er calf, George Moir.
Jersey. -Cow, I. Armstrong, itev.
Fear; 2 -year-old heifer, T. Brock, Jr.,
T. Pt ler ; t-yeat -old heifer, T. Dro.:k,
sr., T. ilrock, Jr.; heifer calf, 1. Arm-
strong, T. Brock, er.; bulicalt, T. Bro.k
Butchers' Cattle. -1 -year-old steer, T.
If. Shapton 1 and 2 ; fat row, 11. Smith
Steer calf, 11. Smith, A. Alcott
W. J. Thompson, Judge.
Southdown.. -Aged ram, shelling rata,
McIntosh Bros.; ram iamb, ewe, Mel t-
tosh Bros, 1 and 2 , ehcrlhig ewe, ewe
Iamb. McIntosh Bros.
Shropshiredowns.-Aged rain, And.
Duncan ; ram lamb, ewe, shelling ewe,
ewe Iamb, Andrew Duncan 1 and 2.
Lincolns. -Aged rani. G. I'''nhale 1 and
2 ; shorting ram, G. Pt shale, T. 1t. Shap -
ton ; Ram lamb, 0. Penhale 1 air! 2 ;
ewe, G. Penhale, T. H. Shapton ; e:t. r -
ling ewe, (3. Penhale 1 and 2 ; ewe lamb
G. Penhale, T. 11. Shapton.
Leicester. -Aged ram, A. Al 'oft ;
ehearling ram, it. (tell ; ram lamb, ,k Al-
cott 1 and 2 ; ewe. 11. Bell 1 and
ehearling ewe, ewe lamb, it. Dell 1 and
2 ; Special, Dorset, Sans. Cudntore.
Frank Ilicke, Judge.
Yorkshire. -Boar, sow, sow 1 year, R.
131tch : sow 1908, 3t. Birch 1 and 2.
Berkshire. -Aged boar, Snowden Bros;
boar 19(8, Dawson ilros., Snowden
Bros. ; sow Snowden Bros., Dawson
Bros, sow 1 -year, Snowden Bros. • sow,
1908, Dawson Bros 1 & 2.
Tamworth -Aged boar. Douglas and
Son ; boar, one year, ditto 1 & 2 ; boar,
1908, Snowden bros., Duug)aa & Son
now, two years. Douglas & San, Snow-
den brae ; sow one yr., Daw,,Jn Bros
sow 1908, Douglas and Son. Dawson
And. Hicks. 0 E flicks, Judges.
Hold. Pen. Homburgs, Houdans, Wh.
Cr L'Ik. rebinds. \t'ni Carter ; OrphLig.
tons, A. Bissett, McLaren & Pierce ; 0,
Poland*, C Prouty , Wh. Leghorn s, 1).
Douglas & Son, A petits , Br. Leghorn.
Mctaren & Pierce; Br. Leghorn., rose
comb. Mrs. E. ifeywood ; Wh. Leghorn
tose comb. W. Carter ; Andulusians, J
Rattler. T Brock Jr ; 111. Spanish, Wm.
Carter; S. L. Wyandottre, Esti Hey-
wood, J Battler; Wh. Wyandotte*. \(
Laren & Pierce. A Berth ; O. Wyaiiee.
tie. E. lleywood ; Buff '.V yandottce. F.
Heywood 1 & 2 ; 131. W yandot'es, \' -
Lai cn & fierce; Part. WyandotteII. I'.
ilcyweed ; Rcd caps. J. Battler. W. J.
Howden ; Bronze turkeys. W J (Bowden,
J Battler , 'ruloose geese. Douglas sad
barna,. McLaren & Pierce • liar. Ply.
Rocks, A Reit), A. Bissett; \Vh. Ply.
rocks, McLaren & Pierce, Snowden Bros
Part. Cochin., W Carter; Lang shma,
J Battler ; 131. lir. Red Gahms, A MOB ;
any var. bantams, \V Carter, A ltelth ;
811. Sp. llan►burgs, Gol. Sp. l[ansbur,pa,
811. I'en. and 111. llamburgs, W Carter
other var, duck'', '1' Brock at, J (Sat-
tler; col. plgeona, \Y, J Reid, W Carter ;
Belgian Rabbits, Harvey Bros, McLar-
en & fierce; other var. tabbits, Joseph
Senior, It Sander, ; Guinea Plg, J Cot-
tle, Guinea fowl, 1t Sander., \V Carter,
Birds Bred In 19t S.-Iloulatta, Wm.
Catter; orphhngtomia, W. Garter golden
polands, C. Prouty 1 and 2 ; white leg -
horns, Douglas & son ; brown legh'rns,
McLaren & Pierce 1 and brown leg -
horns, rose comb, C. l'routy ; white leg -
horns rose comb, W. Carter ; black leg -
horns, J. Battler ; buff leghorns, Alta.
E. Heywood, Anduluelans, J. Datil( re
T. Brock, jr. ; black swinish, W. Carter
McLaren & Pierce ; black minoreas, Mc-
Laren & Pierce, A. Reith ; silver lace
wyandottes, E. Heywood 1 and 2;
white wyandottes, And. Hlck., E. 11.y -
wood; golden wyandottes. E. Heywood
buff wyandottes, E. Hee Hood 1 and ;
pat trldge wyandottes, McLaren and
Pierce; red caps, J. Battler, W. J. Bow-
den ; bronze turkeys, W. J. Bowden 1
and 2 ; toulouee geese, Douglas and
Son ; Bremen geese, W. Carter ; PAW
ducks, Douglas Sc Some A. flicks ; Rou-
en ducks, McLaren & Pierce, W. Cart,.;
light brahamas, McLaren Si Pierce, A.
ltelth : buff rocks, J. Murray ; colored
dorktns, W. Carter ; any variety game,
McLaren & Pierce; brown red ban-
tams, T. Brock, Jr., A. (lodger: ; duck -
wing bantams, W. Carter; any variety
bantams, W. Carter, A. Relit) ; silver
spangled homburgs, W. Carter, Mra. E.
Heywood ; golden spangled homburgs,
W. Carter; black hamburg's, W. Carter;
any variety ducks, W. J. Bowden 1 and
2 ; guinea fowl, W. Carter.
W. E. Hogarth, Judge.
Fall wheat white, and red, any variety
erring wheat,. 0 -rowed barley, 2 -rowed
barley. large oats, common oats, 11 ick
oats. timothy eeed, Ai, Rrethour;ll')nc,
Ilarvey Bros. 1 and 2; white beans. It.
Sanders, G. Hogarth ; clover see,!, A.
Hooper; grata In ear, 11. Neeb,-11. Mete -
our ; ensilage corn, ---, T. flrock,jr. ;
.pelts, large peas, small peas, At. 13ezte-
Wm. Harding, judge.
Variety winter apples, If. Crich C.
Stanlake ; variety fall apples, Jas.
Sweet, E. Reader; winter apples P. Wal-
ker. le. Trtebner; fall apples, W. Chce-
ncy, E. Reader; grceuinga, 11, Crich, G.
McLeod ; Northern spy, W. Fisher, E.
Reader ; Roxboro rueeets, It, Yellow, R.
Sanders ; Spitzenburge, W. Chesney, I1.
Chrich ; Daldwlms, I1. Crich, W. Ches-
ney ; Westfield seek -no -further, C. ilea-
der, R. Yellow; Snow apples, W. Fisher,
W. Chesney ; Gravenstein., M. Gould,
C. Stanlake ; fall pippins, A. Reader,
A. Alcott ; Colverts, G. McLeod, AI. Salt-
er ; King Tomkins, F. Trtebner, D.
Hough ; Alezaedcrs, Ie. Triebner, Wm,
Fisher ; Canadian Red, A. Reader, 31.
Salter : Ilibaton pippins, W. Chesney,
Notthcott ; Wagner'', Mrs. lleyw•)od,
0. Smale ; Grimes O. Pippins, F. Trleh-
ner, Mrs. Trtebner ; Maidens Blush. C.
Stanlake, E. Reader; Golden itussets,
Jas. Sweet, R. Yellow ; Ben Davis, H.
Crich, F. Yellow : Ontario, H. Cri, h,
Mrs. Trtebner; Wealthy, Mrs. J. lley-
WOod, F. Trtebner ; Duchess of Olden-
burg, A. Alcott, Mrs. Trtebner ;Dlen-
helnt Pippins, J. Moir, A. alcPherson.
Variety of Winter pears, A. Mcl'n^t-
son ; Flemish Beauty, A. Alcott, J. 1)c!-
chcrt, jr. ; Duchene of Anjoultne, J. 0111,
0. McLeod ; Bell Lucrative, T. Brock. Jr.
A. S. Doavett ; Sheldon, T. Brock, er.,
II Armstrong; East Ilourre, A Deavitt:
Louie Bonnie do Jeremy, T Brock jr ; T
j)rock sr; Bur au do Anjou, A Bies'
D McLeod ; 13artic:t, 11 Crich, Mra J.
Ifeywood ; Washington, A Alcott, T
Brock jr ; Duanes purple, J A Stewart,
T Brock jr; Lombard.. Mre Sweet. A
Alcott; Grand Duke, Roes Taylor Co;
Rein Claude, A Alcott, Grapes-Alooree
early. Itev, Martin ; Niagara, Mre \Vhite
A Alcott; Concord, T Steele, A M'Pl.cr-
son ; Delaware. l'r•ior, I logarth ;itoge.
15, Dyer Ilurdon; Rogers No 19, M -e.
McPherson, C Stanlake ; Rogers No •1
G McLeod, Itev. Martin ; Rogers No 9,
Airs. McPherson, T Smale; Roger. No.
22, Bev. Martin ; Peaches -Early Craw-
ford. Weekes Bros.; any variety. Mrs.
McPherson, Weekes Tiros. ; t 01. canted
fruit, J Deschert sr, Mre, McPherson ;
honey in comb, and l.oney in jar, A Mr -
Pherson, Mre. McPherson; home made
wines, Mise Ferguson ; bottled pickles,
Mrs. Mcd'l.ersois, J Reichert jr : ran -
tied vegetable's, Mrs. Mel leeraott, J. Det -
chert er; Special Man Apple amid crab
apple. Mrs D 1'.t: .arch , \t'al!,iw,a, r, C
Sraulake, R S Lang, Judge.
, Domestic cloth, \Vat. CI esney ; Moak -
eta, W. C)cency ; horse blanket, Miss
Brcthour, W. Chesney ; woollen yarn,
J. .2. Stewart ; 1)onteatlr retie t w trp,
Miss Brcthour, W. Chesney; Sewing
machine, S. Martin & Son 1 and 2 ; Or-
gan. S. Martin & Son ; Stuffed birds,
A. Mcl'herrom , Fi,it: „ail, Fritter S,ti. Co.
Darrel salt, hoses.. Salt Co. ; ut:.:c .,00da
tailors' goods, m:111ac y, groceries,
boots and .hoes, tweeds, flannels, lad-
ies' boot., gents' boot,, J. A. Stewart
Blankets, J. A. Stewart 1 & 2 , Cured
ham, N. Tont, T. Prior ; cured meats.
T Prior; tin work and copperware, N'
J ]Scanlan; Bakers' bread, \V Statham.
E A Follick ; cakes, Mrs, Slcphersott ;
hand made boot or shoe, J A Stewart ;
llarvey's special for bread, Adan) C ase,
\I Brcthour ; Special robes or tugs, Mrs
Mutuoe 1 & 2, JI Houton, W Harding,
wheelbarrow, home-made plow, Jahr. a
Murray 1 and 2.
Potatoes -Pearl of Savoy, T Brock,
Jr; bushel Empire State, T Brock, Jr.,
Hogarth; red Elephant, J Deiatert,
Sr., .1 Deiehert, Jr; winter cabuage,
Mrs McPherson, A Deavitt; blood
beets, M Rrethour, G Anderson; Globe
beets, C St:Intake, T, Smale; sugar
beets. R Yellow, C Birney; long man -
gold,, C Bir'ntty, J Deichert, Sr; globe
nmangolds, 0 Sander., W 11 Passtnore;
intermediates, C Sanders; early horn
carrots, A Deavitt, Rev. Martin; Nan-
tes carrots, A Deavitt, T Smale; red
carrots, 0 Anderson, J Cottle; field
carrots, E Reader, 0 Sanders, sweet
(Oontinned on Page 5) •
Fall Fairs.
Ailsa Craig, Sept. 24-25
Blytb, Sept. 29-30
Parkhill, Sept, 29-30
Thedford, Oct. 0-7
Kirkton, Oct. 1-2
J W Doyle in N. Middlesex
Al1sa Craig, Sept. 18.-J. W. Doyle,
of Lucan, was the choice of the Liberal
Conecrvatives of North Ailddleacx at the
convention held here to -day. There was,
a 'splendid attendance of delegate, and
the meeting was characterized by a fine
spirit of enthusiasm. C. C. Ilodglns,
fotyierly Ai, P. 1'. occupied tt.e c Lair
and the meeting was addresased :,y J.
E. Armstrong, the well-known rural de-
livery advocate, and a number of other
gentlemen. The following were nomin-
ated -Jame, Doyle, Mc31111vray. Itoht,
flutchisolt, McGillivray ; J. Ii. L., ugh -
ton, Parkhill; Dr. Lang, Granton; W.
H. Bartram, Parkhill ; John Sherrltt,
South Huron ; G. A. Stanley, Laaan ; J.
Drummond, n)m nd, .\
ScGllllvray. All retired
lit favor of Mr. Doyle.
Fol.l.beIc-In Iletsall, on Sept. 10th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rollick, n e ' ngh.
Copeland -Berry -1n Plan shard on tho
loth, by Rev. Itacey, Levin. Alberta
Berry to It W Copeland, Woodham.
Murray -Baird -in St. Marys nti Sept.
15111, Mies Delta Bated to Dr. W. 0.
Mut ray of Herkimer, N. Y.
Joynt-Shiclds-M Egmondvdlle, Sept,
10th, Andrew P, Joynt to Mrs. Francis
M. Shields, boon of !Scaforth,
White -Combs -At Edmondvlife, on the
10th, Ralph It. White of TuvIcerentith
to Janet D. Combs of McKillop.
Sept. 10, John Middleton of Goder-
ich Tp. to Miss Bertha, daughter of
Mre. Martha Hayter, Greenway.
TAIT—in Detroit, on Wednesday,
Sept. 2lnd, Mrs. Tait.
RoitniNs- In Exeter, on Sept. 23rd,
Hu hie, son of Richard Robbing,
aged 16 months.
SINS -En Crediton. on Sept. 18th,
Charles, infant son of 11r, and Mrs.
Job Sims, aged 2 year,,
Barr -in Clinton on Sept. lath. Samuel
Darr, aged 00 years.
Oakes -In Ooderlch Tp. on Sept. loth
Mrs. Henry Oakes, aged 47 years.
1113RnicnT--in Exeter, on Sept. 20,
John Herbert, aged 97 years.
11/030041D -,3-93)41,130-20-2)21110)9123;',33)';333),D,3 4�
Garland, Souvenir and National Ranges
for quality, economy and price.
CO CC CO 0411141104HPIHNHIOCC44COGOCC011cort'
Samson Portland Cement
A large etoc k on hand - • THE BEST -for walks, walls, tilos, Arc
Shot Guns from $8.00 to 820.00
'titles - 1.00 " 4.50
Revolvers " 3.50 5.00
Ammunition for funs. Rifles and Revolvers.
P.S.---Agency for Dairyman's Cleaner &. Clem.: C. .