HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-17, Page 8Fall & Winter + Suitings O yr • r Coatings Pantingsi and Vestings + iii all the latest + -11,edes & patterns } at reasonable prices + SEE the New Fashion Plates for the present season V. NV. TAMAN Merchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario Business Locals -- Read Them w LOCAL DOINGS. 4 J4EW I ray aessessiBrit sir et Stewart ahnirs the steeliest lot of new Dress (foods that we hare seen. The new eleirron stripes are certainly rich. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate office. Lovely hider Kimona cloth at 20cts. ,r yard. Stewart's. Exeter Carolina Factory Wants Hands. gal handy wanted to peel Tomatoes. Apply at C tuning Factory. King still Hats for dressy young men. Steuart iv sho ring all the new shapes. Boy wanted. To work Stn the farm, good situation. Apply at this office. Yes Steuart is again leading the jack- et business. Their tailor made New York body luting coats are perfect beau- ties. Furs Repaired or Remodelled. Those wishing furs repaired or re- modelled bring thew in this month in order to seem a reduced prices. M. BALKWILL, Andrew St., Exeter. The Canadian Bauk of Commerce has offered ,a Silver Medal for the best two-year•old filly or gelding entered in the heavy draught class at the com- ing Exeter Fair. Or. Ovens Coming. Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear Surgeon, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, Sept. 20th. Glasses properly fitted and diseases of Eye, Ear and Nose treated. Hours 0 a.m. to 5 p.m Sstceol Purse Lost. On the Lake Road, likely between the Cemetery and Francistown, a lady's satchel purse, containing a gold ring, $0.00 in bills and some change. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at DR. KINSMAN'S OFFICE, Main St., Exeter, Ont. "TAKE MK OCT TO THE BALL(4AMli" is a good song. but "ENJWVatth FOOT BASH" has'etn all beat. 25e at Tut.: I'uniTS•. The Jlolsons Bank, Exeter, has do. nated to the Exeter Agricultural So- ciety at coming fair a special prize of $3.00, for the best walking, agricultur- al or genertrl purpose team. Distance: Once around the track. Lost. Short gray lady's coat, between Ex• eter and Devon, on Tuesday, Sept. 13th. Kindly return to this office. Why nut compete for our special for the hest loaf of bread baked from " STAR " flour. See prize list. \Vtteat wanted at the mill.—ILrnvl:v Biros. Dr. it. ulston desires to announce to the public that he will be absent from his dental parlors on Thursday. Friday tu;d Saturday of next week, 121th, 2t,'h an.d2Otbi. Hear the Hewer Quartette and the Wonderful Boy Sopranos, Fair Night. next. " inn numerous to mention," as the sale bill says. are those who are sight- seeing at London Fair this week. a. Z lv) Tii F; 1110 RUSH for Sumpter )\ + •a. a ORDERED CLOTHING } + 1)-14 begin already. ar e ea +++++++++ suitable Summer Ooods..1 + Take + ' Ot'R %state (t•ir Goods are * the Best. + S:yle. Fit :and Finish Guaranteed. Ver. JOHNS Merchant Tailor - Eteter r44444-1444-1-14+44444+44-14 Division Court will be held in the Town Hall this Thursday, commencing at 0.30 o'clock. Mrs. Wm. Dunsford very pleasantly entertained a number of her Exeter friends on Thursday night last to an ice cream social. An Ex -Senator of the United States led a mob 'that lynched a negro in Tennessee and afterwards said he was proud of it. Tastes differ. Mr. W. D. Sanders of the 2nd of Stephen lost a valuable work horse last week through its stomach burst- ing as a result of au over feed of grass, The four year old mare, heavy draught, to be offered for sale at Mr. Geo. Rowcliffe s sale on the 23rd is a fine itnported beast and the person who secures it will get a good one. On the 14th of August seyeral cases of galvanized iron were packed in England for T. Hawkins & Son and the same were received uu Sept. 8th by freight. Even the carrying of freight is not so very slow. The Dominion Government has is- sued a warrant for the arrest of Dun. can M. Stewart, former General Man- ager for the Sovereign Bank, on a charge of issuing false returns. Mr. Stewart has apparently left the coun- try. Exeter residents have been breath- ing smoke saturated air during the past week, corning it is sail from the swamp fires to the west. Some people claim that much of the smoke comes from across the lake where large for- ests are burning in Michigan. Mr. John Gillespie, the bus driver, who has been doing duty for so many years, appears this week with a thoroughly repaired, repainted and redecorated bus, and a brand new set of harness on his horses. He is justly proud of the improved appearance of the outfit. Ditches and canals seem to be the great feature at the time of approach- ing elections. Not to he out done by the governnient the Exeter Council has had several men cleaning, deepen- ing and widening the ditch through the Carling property, and a good job is being done. Mr. Andrew Campbell of Thames Road, through Thos. Cameron last week sold his 150 acre farm known as the Harvey farm, in the township of Ushorne, to Mr. Peter M. Moir of the saute township, the price being 810,500, while Mr. Jas. Etherington has pur- chased the hundred acre farm owned by Mr. Moir on the 4th Concession op- posite the farm on which Mr. Ether- ing lives, the consideration being $5,5410. Mrs. (Dr.) • Sweet enterained her father and mother on Saturday last, the occasion being the celebration of Mr. Totn's birthday, he having reached the good old age of 88 years. A num- ber• of friends were present to enjoy the happy occasion. A delicious re- past was served, many presents given and a pleasant time spent. Mr. and Mrs. Tom have long been respected residents of this place, and the Advo- cate joins heartily with their many friends in wishing then happiness and many returns of the day for many years to come in the bosom of their family. Good lives, devoted to help- ing others, are always well rewarded. According to a report which appear- ed in the Free Press of Thursday last it Is almost an assured fact that Exeter will have a radial railway running through 1t In the near future. Tne Item In part says , 'Time line will run from Stratford to Exeter, IIensall, St. Joseph and the shores of Lake Huron. Tne fin- ancial ct,d of this project ; e satticd and the promoters, headed by Mr. 1t,.•0, the multimillionaire. of New York, will cause a commencement to be made al- most immediately; In fact, Engineer J. Lewis Thomas,of thls city, has been re- tained as englnecr and he has nlrerly pegged out a section of the road ready for the contractors, and when tnter- vicwcd last night b, a reporter was busy on the plans of the road." Concert Fair Night. The hewer Concert Company will give their excellent concert in the Opera House, Exeter, on Fair Night, Sept. 22nd. The Company consists of Quartette, Comedian, and two re- msarknble Boy Sopranos, who are cer- tainly little wonders. \Vn►. Brown will preside at the piano. Admission 25c. Reserved seats :35c. Plan of hall at Cole's Drug Store. Tennis Four Liman tennis players, Me>srs. Fox, Lang, Foreman and Smith drove alp on Saturday and played doubles and singles with the Exeter lio ' . giv- ing our boys quite a good trimming. in the doubles Fox and Lang defeated Senior and Graham 63, (1.3; Foreman and Smith tied Alger and Palmer 0.3, 5-7, unfinished. in the singles iaang beat Graham 01. 0.1; Fox beat Senior 6-4, 1.0, ti O; and Foreman heat Palmer 0.2, (1.3. A return game is expected shortly. Hicks' Forecast+ For September. A iteactionary Storni Period runs from the 22nd to the 'lath. This per- iod will tint come to its full culmina- tion before the time of New Moon on the 25th. Low barometer and threat- ening weather will appear perhaps with storms, before that date, but the temperature will keep up, and storm conditions will intensify until after the' Lith. Indeed, the Moon being on the celestial equator on the 20th, sev- ere electrical storms on and touching that date may bridge the interval and cause a continuance of storm condi• tions into the last period of the month. The lath is the centre of another seis- mic period of about five days. Barn Horned to Stephen. The Karn of Mr. John 1'enhale of the townshipp of Ste then. bake Road, took fire on \\•'ednes( ay afternoon of last 4 week and before anything could be done the whole building was envelop- ♦ ed in flames. The threshers were threshing out the contents of the bath and it is au paved the fire originated by a spark from the engine. The whole contents of the Imalt..ng were burned and it wag with difnanity they saved the machine. Being nearly a new barn the lois to Mr. l'enhale will be considerable. The building and con- tents were insured in the (lay Sloths! for itionn hot Mr. 1'enhele will only rt aalize >Itaillt, which will not neat 1y eserer the loss. Mies Rhoda Chowan is confined to her room owing to illness. Miss Seldon of Ingersoll is learning millinery at Jones & Clark's J. G. Stanhury captured 1st in the professional and 1st in the amateur Gladiolas Flowers at London Fair. Miss Duston of Howtnanville has ac- cepted a position as milliner with Miss Morlo-k, commencing her duties last week. Mr. Burgess, of the Elimville Cir- cuit, preached in Main St. Church Sunday, ltev. Fear taking the Anni- versary Service at Sunshine. Miss Jessie Fleming of Kincardine, formerly milliner with J. A. Stewart, Exeter, was on Sept. 8th married to Mr. Neil McDonald of Kincardine, . Mr. Geo. Jeffery of the Thames ltd., who has been suffering from a severe attack of quinsy, followed by the for- mation of an internal abscess, is still quite ill, but bis friends will be pleased to learn that he is Improving. The Exeter Gan Club has received a beautiful picture of a "setter" from the Du Pout Powder Company as s trophy to be shot for by the club. The picture represents Lady's Count Glad- stone and is surrounded by a fine oak frame. The continued dry weather of the past few weeks is fast drying up the pastures and all fruits aro suffering more or less from its effects. The farmers are now at a standstill as far as working the land is concerned and should it continue many of the wells will go dry. Wilbur Jones, who appeared before Magistrates Kay and Farmer Monday morning on a charge of theft from the Main street church contribution plate on August Otb, was handed over to Mr. Mitchell of the Children's Aid So- ciety of this county by the tnagistrates, the boy belong been found guilty of the charge. Mr. Mitchell was present at the trial and in consultation with the lard's guardian, Crown Attorney Seager and the magistrates this was considered the best thing to be done. Within the last few years considerable petty thieving by small boys has been done and we hope this will be a lesson to them. Millinery Opening. Miss Morlock will hold her Millinery Opening Saturday, Monday and Tues- day, Sept. 10th, 21st and 22nd. An inspection cordially invited. Fine Peaches. We acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of a basket of fine peaches from Mr. W. 11. Trott. of Beatnsville, our former, much esteemed, towns- man. We have heard that Mr. Trott grows nothing but the finest grade of fruit, and now we can vouch for it. Our basket was of a most luscious and delicious variety. Yuni ! Yurn 1! Yurn!!! Should any person wish to procure a few baskets of this fine fruit, they can do so by calling on Mr. W. Johns. tailor. Palatally Injured. Mr. Willis Powell met with a very unpleasant experience at the station on 'Monday evening last. He went to meet the six o'clock train to deliver a parcel, and having to go through the train to find the person the train mov- ed off. Thinking it would atop at the tank to take on water Mr. Powell was in no rush to wet, off, but the train did not stop for water consequently it was going at a pretty high speed when it reached the tank and Mr. Powell not wishing to continue further jump- ed off and in so doing was thrown vio- lently to the ground and sustained painful injuries to his face as well as a severe shaking up. EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY L. H. Dickson was in Toronto last week. Miss Nina Carling returned from Toronto on Tuesday. Miss Nellie Ramsay is visiting rola• tives and friends in Blyth. Miss Aggie Hunter of Toronto is holidaying at her home here. Miss Alger spent part of the week with her brother, W. H., here. Miss Rose Sutton of Detroit is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Ann Sutton. Miss Pearl Kitson of St. Thomas has returned home after a visit here. Mrs. Alex. Forsyth and daughter, of Sin►coe, arc guests of Mrs. Geo. Mc - Lend. Mr. and Mrs. Wr). Coultis and son, Chester, visited in St. Marys over Sun- day. Willie Armstrong is spending a few days in London and Chatham this week. Mr. Fowell, with MI•a. Fowell and Miss Lille Johns, left in the auto Tues- day for Detroit. Mr. anti Miss Fowell arrived home Sunday from a tour through the pro- vince in the auto. Mr. G. W. Harrison, manager of the Bank of Commerce, is holidaying in London and \ew York. .Miss Bertha Finkbeiner and Miss Ettie Feltner of Crediton are the guests of \liss Gladys Dearing, Wee. Snell left Wednesday on his return to Chicago. His mother ac- companied hire as far as St. Thomas. Mr. Sam'I Snmthcott, whowasspend- ing a few days at Grand I3end, called on friends in town Wednesday while on his way hone to Landon. Jii•s. Levi \Val ►er of London and Mrs. Shaddock of Detroit visited their father, Mr. Stephen Etherington of ('sborne. on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Snell are in Strat- ford this week attending the wedding of the latter's sister, Miss Mabel Flint - off. to Mr. John Welsh of Hensell. Mrs. John Willis of Maelette. Mich., who was attending the funeral of Miss Case at Seafnrth, called on old friends in town the latter part of the week. Messrs. J. W. and Stephen Hogarth left Tuesday morning for Stratheona, Alta., where the former has accepted a position as teacher, while the latter will visit for a time. Mr. Thos. Sweet and son, WVillian►, together with the latter's wife and little daughter, Vera, are visiting rela- tives and friends in Landon this week and attending the Fair. Mrs Wellington Johns, Miss Effie Treble ,and Miss Annie McAnsh attend- ed the wedding of Mr. Ed. Crocker in Toronto last week. Mise Treble is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. il.'¢t r ('rocker, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. (leo. Eicrett, who have been spending a short honeymoon here, left Monday evening for Brant- ford to spend a few days prier to lenv• ing for the West. where they will make their future hone and settle down to the st'rner realities of life. %Vheat Barley Oats Peas Potatoes, per bag Hay, per ton Flour, per cwt., family Flour, low grade per cw Butter Eggs Dried apples Livehogs, per cwt Shorts per ton Bran per ton 85 87 48 50 35 40 75 82 tis 75 800 leo 120 10 0 50 2000 7 50 1 40 aCk—ACVC ? Backache is one of the chief symptoms of the congested con- ditinne of the kidneys Exter- nal applications may relieve, -- what is needed is a remedy that will remove the cause of the trouble. Dix Buchu & Juniper Kidney Pills are a prompt and certain cure for all ordinary kidney and bladder troubles. Sold under a guarantee. If they fail to give entire satisfaction, the money will be refunded. 25c and 5Oc a box. W. S. Cole, Phm.B EXETER, ONTARIO. Dispensing a Speciality. Use FOOT EASE for sore, tired, aching feet. • Mr. Rich. Seldon of Ingersoll visited here over Sunday. Mrs. Salter returned last week from as visit in Toronto and Port Hope. Mr. Wm. Mace of Toronto visited in town over Sunday. Mr. Mitchell of the Goderich Star paid the Advocate a fraternal call Monday. Mrs. John Dinney and daughter Reta, of Oshawa aro visiting relatives and friends here. Mr. Fred Brock, after a two weeks' visit with friends here. returned to Ridgetown Tuesday. Miss Jennie Delhridge, milliner, has accepted a position in Walkerton and left for that place Monday. Mrs. W. D. Yeo, returned home Monday evening. after spending two weeks with friends at: Toronto, ('ort Hope and Trenton, and taking a boat trip to the Islands. Combining busi- ness with pleasure. The EDISON PHONOGRAPH IF you should spend all your spare cash in going to theatres, you could not buy as much entertain- ment as with is small part of that money invested in the Edison Phono- gaaph and Edison Records. With these your pleasure will be lasting. Phonographs $10.50 up. Records •lOe. ris sat As or Sale t+y 49...at THE PURITY Watch window. Can. Ex p.Bldg.j xPNf.,3iiy ay, 'Ur IliraliMrin' SITUATIONS ... with leading bu.iness hone.. ow:1it our graduates. Loose Leaf Ledger and all modern office metho.ts whi.h ensure rapid wham t• meat. Gregg Shorthand taught by the only teacher In Ontario w ho attended the Author's School. THREE COliR8R8 - Stenography, Commercial, Telegraphy. Enter any day. write for particulars. F*Lt'TEl M PROM SEPT. 1st. CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE (leo. Spotton, Prin'ipal. A NEAR-SIGHTM/ MAN is often troubled with headaches caused by the strain on his eyes. We can relieve the strain and (TBE TiHF: i11:1DA('HES, if yon are such a one. conte and let ua fit you with n pan of gla.ses niter a thorough examination, which costs you nothing. W. S Howey, Phm. B. chemist and Optician. EX. ETEll T. HAWKINS & SON. Jobbers and Dealers in Shelf and General Hardware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc. We make a Specialty of Eave- troughing, Roofing and Plumbing in all its branches. Call and be con- vinced that it is the cheapest spot in town. (Hardware stock is Complete FURNITURE and UNDERTAKING tl}i11/kf! les'etV'1/4 IVE keep con- stantly in stock a full 3 line of furniture, and it pays to furnish your home from our stock GitaMOMMOOMOMCMOMM Parlor Suites Parlor Tables Easy Chairs Odd Chairs Music Cabinets Couches Sideboards Hall Racks Buffets Kitchen Cabinets Dining Room Tables Dining Chairs �+ and all Bedroom Furnitute 33 ce-ccocczvcccec-ccr.cccoccccccmccE OUR UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT 18 COMPLETE. OPOO MOMOiD• MOMOMOMOZZMO 00 flCCC•CCCCCCCCCC.^tC C CCCC <l fOCCC ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONF. NO. 32 0000*00-2-30-000000000,„ Autumn Tidings 74 ,: FROM OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT w-::° AUTUMN is putting on her golden tinge now and that means business will soon be booming with the New Fall Goods. Everything here is in full swing for the big rush. New Dress Goods, Suit- ings, Separate Skirts, Fur -Lined Coats, Fui•s, Millinery and in fact every article for your con_ Our Milliners Are Here, Resuly to lake your orders for your Early Fall Hat. They are beautiful. Become your face. A lovely combination. The new Ready-to•wear Hats are very new and swell for the early fall wear and are found here in abundance. Every lady should look after her Millinery pally and give the Milliners a chance to fix you up teal swell. Colored Dress Goods We are showing a very extensive range of The New Colored Dress Goode for this season. Stripes are very new anti come in Green, Brown, Blue and (ted. The cloths are very fine, with a beautiful finish. Plain Cloths are very popular in the same shade as the Stripes and our stock comprises The Pick of the Dress Goods Trade, PANAMA CIIiFFON VENETIAN BROADCLOTH ENGLiSii WORSTEDS and SEIWEM ARE REAL NEW!!! Black Dress Goods WE ARE FAMOUS FOR OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS and do not purpose falling behind • this season. in Voiles, Taffeta Cloth, Chiffon, Broadcloth. Panama, English Worsteds and Merges, ` We cannot be beat for Quantity and Quality !!! Do not fail to see our Large Stock of Blacks. Fur -Lined Coats, Fur Coats & Furs You will be surprised this year to see our large stock of Fur•i.ined Coats, Fur Coate and Furs There is nothing left out in this line We have them all—and all the Yery best! n �� a want you to see them, as ice ate very proud tour targe showing, and think you will be the same, to see the large selection we give you to choose from. POULTRY a Chicken, Rc per lb. alive; l0c pper. Ib. dressed. For plump chicken under 'l; ihs. each, lOc per It,. alive. liens, (lc per Ib. alive. Duck., 7c lb. alive; 0a per lh. dressed. All poultry must be dry picked and picked clean. No cash paid for poultry. No thin poultry taken at any price. JONES & CLARK Headquarters for the celebrat((1 W. E. Sanford Clothing ( 1 t - J