HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1915-12-09, Page 5December 9t11, r915
The largest variety we
have ever shown ready
for Christmas buyers.
,We have many differ-
ent imported lines to
show you in popular
priced goods.
We want the pleasure
of having you call and
see our fancy novelties.
• Call and get one of
our i q i b Calendars.
Mail Orders Promptly Filled Phone 70
Delineator and Lutterick Pattern:, For Sale
r�1'011V1WWd 65v'0.'°Z'Qb'tbitv'g1i:.41,7B.'®/r'`i1,‘.611.11.43,1;,4kolit
1:01%%F vk;r;c,1.4 ° `fit 's.i > Br
Capital Authorized $6,000,000
'Capital Pald up • • $3,000.000
'aurplue $3,760,000
Security.? or Uncertainty? Every
man can feel a sense of safety for
his family, if he will make small
regular savings.
Open a Bank Account in our Savings De-
C. P. SMITH Managzr.
1 1 unip r crop _ of piePtsu; \r; of
by the farmer who owns a Ford.
di wn t1:e barrier of dis;tance, for
e itirc family. Novtof uer the he
going to buy th•tt Ford?
j); nht ,5 1'Cape.i
lie lee; brol.:en
hiin '.'li at'1.1 his
;tre:n't you
The Ford Runr,bout is $4 ie; the „ et $7.e1 tie! d+. P
$890: the Town car $780 Alt 1'' es art' . ,, I'•• d,
Ontario. All ear • • ... p'etely ' q `pp. d ine'udl.g • !rt•-
tric headlights. t' T •,n sal • • ; A. M. C aw t•rd.
Dealer, Wingham, t rio.
The Annual meeting of the share-
holders and patrons of the Biuevale
Cheese and Butter Company, Limited,
will be held in the Foresters' Hall,.
Bluevale, on Thursday, December 234
1915, at 1.30 o'clock, p.m. for the elec-
tion of a 33oard of Directors and the
transaction of any other business that
may come before the meeting.
By order
84-2 S. PAUL, Secretary
Strayed from my premises on or
about Oct. 28th. a red two-year-old
stag. Any person knowing of its
whereabouts, kindly communicate with
John Goy, phone 004 r 3 on North
Huron. 82 3
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned up to,December 10th, 1915,
for the erection of a horse shed at the
Anglican Church, Wingham. For
particulars as to plans and specifications,
apply to C. P. Smith, Secretary, or
Robt. Johnston, W. J. Vanstone, T. K.
Powell, David Holmes, T. R. Bennett,
I have for gale at my premises, lot
26, con. 10, West Wawanosh, a number
of prize-winning Shorthorn Cows, in
calf and with calves at foot, dlso a
number of Shorthorn Heifers, under
one year, one year old and two year
old. Let me hear from you if you
want some good stock.
All the Household Goods and Effects
of the late Crombie Dallas, deceased,
including beds; bedding, carpets,
linoleums, furniture, cook stove, dishes,
a quantity of canned fruit and pickles,
and other effects will be offered for
sale without reserve on the premises.
(Lot 9 on east side of Centre Street,
Wingham,) on
Saturday, • the llth Day of December,
instant, commencing at 2 o'clock, p. m.
Dated this 1st December, 1915.
Solicitor for Executors.
I.i4eJ Accident
Successor to J. 6. Stewart
Fire, Life, Accident
and Health
P. O. Box 366
'Phone 198
Apple Buttor
for Sale
We have always on hand a
good supply of apple butter
which we sell at 6 cents per lb.
Shipped in 15, 30 and 60 1b.
tubs, at a kw rate of freight,
to any part of the Dominion.
Guaranteed first-class in every
respect. Orders promptly at-
tended to.
erkiev 86 SOH
'Phone 84
Sox 62
There passed away in Vancouver at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Daniel
McFarlen, Nov. 18th, Robert Watson,
an old pioneer of Culross in the 85th
year of his age. •
John Robertson, of Harriston, for
many year Counsellor and Reeve and
for a time Warden of the county, died
yesterday after a week's illness. Mr.
Robertson was for twenty-five years
publisher of the Harriston Tribune.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Lunney,
Collingwood, Ont., announce the en•
gagement of their only daughter. Vera
Maud, to Mr. Joshua Henry Johnston,
of Goderich, Ont. The marriage will
take place the latter part of this
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis returned to
Goderich on Monday from Calgary,
where they have been spending the fall
and Goderich people will regret to know
that they have decided to make Cal-
gary their future home, intending to
move there in January.
There passed away in. Victoria, 13. C.
Mr. John Oliver, for twenty years in
Customs Service in that port. Mr.
Oliver will be well remembered by
many readers. He kept a general
store, was married, and all 'their child-
ren were born in Teeswater.
Harry Tucker, of Lucknow, has en-
listed for overseas service with the un-
iversity boys at Toronto. Mr. Tucker
will train at Montreal. He will be
- At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sims
of 13lyth, Nov, 24th, a pretty wedding
was quietly solemnized when Mies Ella
Graham, of Deueefield, sister of Mra.
Sims, became the bride of Janries A.
Broadfoot, of Tuckersmith township.
The bride wore a lovely dress of white
silk crepe de chene and carried a bou-
quet of bridal roses and maiden hair
fern. The groom's gift to the bride
was a sunburst of diamonds. The cere-
mony was performed by the Rev. W.
D, Turner.
West Wawanosh lost one of its es-
teemed residents on Tuesday, of last
week, when death called away Richard
11. Anderson, for many years a resident
of the 9th con, Deceased who was
62 years of age, had been ailing since
last May, and: for the past month had
been confined to his bed. As he had
been gradually sinking almost all the
while, his death was not unexpected.
He leaves to mourn, three daughters,
his mother, now about 83, four brothers
and two sisters. His wife predeceased
him in April of 1904. The daughters
are: Beatrice, of the High School staff
at Wingham; Edna E., at home, but
until recently a teacher at Clifford;
lliargaret A., teacher at Carlyle. The
brothers are: William T. and Charles,
in South Africa; Alexander, and James,
who lived with the the deceased on the
old home. Sisters are; Mrs. Rev,
Robert Barbour, of Meaford; Mrs.
Dawson, Toronto.
greatly missed, as all who knew him --
thought highly of him. The young
men's Bible class of which lie was a
member, presented him with a wrist
Word was received at Paisley of the
of the death of William H. Bain, at
Gravenhurst, where be had been under
treatmentfor some months. Mr. Bain
was the eldest son of Mrs. Bain and the
late Dr, James Bain of Paisley.. He was
born 29 years ago, but for some years
had been residing in Detroit. He is
survived by his mother. three sisters
and one brother.
A pretty wedding took place Wednes-
day evening last, at the home of the
bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs Robert
Bone, Exeter, when their second daugh-
ter, Ida May. wen united in marriage to
T. M. Dinney of tha same town. Rev.
Mr. McAllister performed the • core-
mony. The bride was gowned in em-
broidered voile, and carried.•a bouquet
of chrysanthemums.
Mrs. Crossfield spent their honeymoon
at Montreal and Abbotsford, Quebec;
the gloom's parental home.
The tenth annual meeting of the
Walton Beef Ring was held at the home
of John Bennett, Tuesday, November
12th, when all present settled their
accounts with each other. 11,570
pounds of choice beef was divided to'
the patrons throughout the season, at,
average of 455 pounds, John Bell will
continue as butcher for the ring next
seeson, killing and dividing into 32
shares. $2 75 is charged when two
persons take one share, 30 cents Is
added for dividing in half shares.
A change has taken place in connec-
tion with the management of the Gode-
rich office of the Bell Telephone Co.
Mr. Geo. Porter, who bas been the
manager practically ever since the tell
Company opened•bueiness i•n Goderich,
and under whose capable supervision
the business has grown to its present
dimensions, is retiring, the
Company recognizing his long -continued
and efficient services by granting a re-
tiring allowance. The office here will
be in charge of Mr. Ray ilumball, of
Clinton, who was formerly connected
with the staff here and is well known in
A happy event took place Wednesday
morning last,- in St: John's Church,
Brus sels, when Chas. Crossfield, man-
age of the Baeker Poultry Farm, and
Miss Lily Payne, both of Brussels,
married. Rev. R. E. Page was
the officiating clergyman. Mr. and
Tom Marks and his clever compapy,
headed by The Scotch Laddies in Kilts
will appear in the Town Hall, Wingham,
Thursday, December '16th, .presenting
The Romantic and Patriotic comedy
drama the' "Man from Canada" with
refined vaudeville between acts, making
a continuous performance. Special
prices for this date only 25 and 35 cents.
Seats on sale at McKibbon's drug store.
Kilties Parade afternoon 'and evening.
The date of opening Parliament, it is
understood, has been fixed for Wednes-
day, January 12th.
W. W. Hewitt caught selling liquor
to a 59th Battalion soldier, was sent to
jail for three months in default of a
fine of $300.
It took two pages of the Kelowna,
B. O., Record to advertise all the lands
in that town that are up for sale for
arrears of taxes.
Stratford City Council unanimously
carried the first and second readings of
the local option by-law, opponents
declaring they did so only under com-
pulsion of the mandamus.
Flosses are always more plentiful and
cheaper at this season than in the
Spring. If extra animals are needed
buy them in the Fall. Their wintering
will be at small expense on the farm.
Canada's revenue is booming, accord-
ing to official statements. During
November the revenue totaled $17,-
072,456, which is $7,576,820 greater
than the same month last year. During
the first eight months the revenue has
totaled $104,730,000, while during the
same period last year the revenue was
Two Stores. Win gharn.
Record: Breaking Values in
p y, T ¢. '�7 p 'yam �j 1t
Rev .i, the ]1st o4 Remarkab1ei C:tlrgi3irts
5 dont) pairs Corsets, regular 75c, sale
Women's Coverall Apons, with Dustcap, bargain
6 dozen Fancy Tea Aprons, our price
15 pieces wide Hair Ribbon for sale
25 dozen 'Women's Vests and Drawers, cut price
15 pieces yard -wide Flannelette, bargain ,
3 dozen Fancy White Waists, value up to $2,00, for
10 dozen heavy ribbed Worsted Hose, sale
SO yards Black Pailette Silk, yard wide, bargain
5 pairs Cream Curtains, Net, yard wide, bargain
Ladies' new Sweater Coats, cut price •
Girls' Heavy Knitted Gloves, special ...
Ladies' House Dresses, good washers, sale........ ,
Ladies' Dongola Boots, bargain at. '82.00, $2.50,
Girls' strong wearing Boots, bargain at. 81.50, $1.75,
Special prices in Muffs, bargain at
r3, 50, $4.00,
Bargains in Ladies' Underwear, prices...... 50c, 7•3c,
Cut prices in Dress Goods, at 45c, 50c, (,0c, 75c,
5 dozen pairs Corsets, dollar value, bargain
$ 2.00
81. 00
3 dozen Underskirts, value up to 81.50, sale 98e
1 dozen Underskirts, Jersey top, bargain. '11 25
Warm Wool knitted Skirts, sale r1 50
Lot 1— 7 Tailored Suits, cut price
Lot 2-- 9
41 , /1 i
Lot 3--- 8i1 f1 t1 64
10 Ladies' Coats, to clear at.
at .11 " 11
7 11 1/ ft
9 44 ,/
;1 .0
fi 5.05
7. 75
A large range of Girls' and Children's Winter
are $2,95, ;13.25, $4.00, 64.50, $5.Q0, .R.6.00 and
Coats, cut prices
NOTICE TO MAIL ORDER CI;STOi[ERS.--- Renienlber we Pnatcli
values with mail order city catalogues. Goods are here for your
nave STOOr% ,1rA EtnuTS
• Toronto, Dec. 6—Union Stock Yards
—Receipts for today: 240 ears: 4,400
cattle, 137 calves, 2,414 hogs, 1,1'17
sheep and lambs. •
There was a heavy run of medium
quality and rough cattle in the market
to -day, over 4,000 head offerieg. Trade
was decidedly slow at the opening, hut
became fairly active later. Several
choice loads of heavy cattle sold firm
from $7.73 to $8,25, and good butcher
steady to firm at $7 to $7.50: The
general average of prices for medium
and rough half -fat cattle would be from
1Oc to 15e lower.
Choice light ewes and black -;aced
lambs were strong and about 25e high-
er. Heavy sheep and lambs no higher
than last week.
Hogs were apparently weak, with
quotations 25c lower, and the market
inactive at that Prospects look lower;
I�'xport .. s OO $ l3 ;,;P,
Butcher cattle choice 7 00 7 50
do medium. „ .. P; 25 6 30
Butcher cows choice... +, 75 1 25
do medium ... . . .. :P col:: 5 75
do common .........4 50 4 75
do bulls . ,..... 1> ih.l 6 50'
i seders .. 40 r, 50 j
Stockers . ... ... 1; '1U e 'SS I
do' medium ............5 75 6 01 1(
do light.,.. . 5 P'0 5 50
Canners and cutter's . . (' 75 4 501
Milkers, choice ... r0 C0 110 001
Springers . .. .. ... CO 0083 1;01
Common and int:di:.m., ., 4) 1111 f1i 001
Lambs .... . , 0.) 7 '?;i E
Light ewes .. . _ . 3 25 7 Ott
do bucks . .. ... .. 00 C 50 1
Hogs fact and watered '•i 25
do f.o.b.. h 00
Calves .. . ........... 9 120 10 011;
WrNOti 1,51 :da.air h:'1" itt.i"P►tt'rN
Wingham, Nov. 17, 1015
blear per 100 lbs .. , . .- s.3 to J "U
Fall wheat 80 to 92
$la's ... .1 ,3 to 0 :le
Barley 'r 40 to 0 ala
Peas ......1 GO to 1 651
Butter dairy ..,0 25 to 0 2II;
Egg's per Ploz .... 0 35 to 0 :'O
Wood per cord 2 25 to 2 55I
Hay per ton 14 00 to 15 1'0
Flogs ' ......8 75 to 9 15
Dried Apples, per lb
lleam, per bushel.. ........3 011 to 3 a9 ,
(Made in Canada)
We have a compete range of fancy boxes
of Stationery. Filled with highest e„ Tr::drs
of r.tc•ck and artistically boxed. l'ri:'.
irtian 25C til?,
4.441 u,r,1
sod Booki"' t
Svc our arc st' c:: :1t reasonable pl•icr.s.
Priv:';r. greeting e-;r.Js ,It $Loo per dozen
incl up.
L_';-? have all the !at 'tet Pi (1.,ri,'i',? i,; Post
n.wnwm,•.ttv,e..,0.: +• }.
a rh
eN„ t ttl •Novels
ii :P� 4 N• v.V i
:]11 the leading. ?1 :t;in,',:1:1Pl \t:,vspaptrs
on sal-. ,\ 1:11':;•'" :•,l >el: P;i ;;U;:U i>; S. Sr. S.
'-".IOV:'iS at tl',c: popular pries 1111 and 15c.
..,,...,....., ....:-w,...,....
�Imes S
OPPOSITE QUEEN'S ii; ,.. ghl' 11APil,:tN r►