Exeter Advocate, 1908-09-17, Page 4t53i etex Abuocate,
4 ProF3.
TIWRSDAY, Sept. 17, 1008
Hon. Thomas Greenway is likely to
be ^I�•"rl ra the Dominion Railway
I3)rden, Whitney, Hazen, Roblin
ani :.IcBride speak from the sante
platform at Loudon 011 the 22nd; and
Laturir r and Graham are to be at Clin-
ton on the 23rd,
'Let Laurier finish hie work," as the
the Littera! slogan. At the past race it
would cost too muck and Caned, lova
n0: tcel Lie wasting 1.2r nr,aey, a:.y
more titan any private individual or bus-
Incaa man.
'We believe that Mr. Cant'o's scheme
to coenect Stratford and St. Joseph t,;:
an electric ra Tway will become a reality
There le no roan ,'n Canada that can put.
more et.ergy into a project than th a
same Cahr:n.-Zur ch Herald.
Hon, R. W. Scott, Secretary of State,
his retired owing to old ACP. Chas.
Alurl,;,; tri Ottawa has been appointed
in his stead. Once more has Laurier
gone out side of his Liberal mem hers
to pick a cabinet minister.
• •',ee 1l t!z, M. P. for North
Mtdd;e:,ex, and formerly for the saute
riding when part of Huron was in it
did not accept the nomination of the
Liberals on Friday, Alex. Smith of
McGillivray securing the convention.
It will be remembered that Mr. Ratz'
ran an f!lel,eadent four years ago
again: t the Liberal choice, Mr. Boston,
and woe out. In the House he gave a
straieia Liberal suppor t on all meas•
urea. 1pparer.tly Mr. Retz did not
feel sure of the support of either party
fr• h e:ec,'on arid so dropped out of
t111 running.
Exeter Council
The regular stetting of the Council
was hold 111 the Town Hall, on Friday,
Sept. •lth. Councillor Knight was ab-
sent. The minutes of the meetlege held
August 21st and alstwerc read acrd ap-
proved. A petition signed by L. McTag-
gart and A. Holland and other residents
of .ttr ':orth• end asking for two arc
lig' •. - tete L.tk, Road was presented.
Also a request an was cited by Coun-
cillor Beaman lior a light at the cor-
ner °prostte )toht. Frayne's residence.
Both of which were laid over for future
consideration. The contractors for
gravel having been ordered to dls.'on-
tlaue delivering addressed the Council.
The Council deferred action until they
pay a visit to the pit on Mr. Makin's
farm. The following accounts were read
and orders drawn for t:ayntent. T. Hart -
toll. galvanized iron treed to en'nc'et-
tons at drain. $2.1' : J. Creec!: ,Labor
$2: A. Redford a4.SN : It. Quante $7.63
Walter \Vicetcott, $11.35; Thed. Jones
$9.61); Ed. Coomber, ends.: Devil itue-
sell, 75c.; J. J. Kydd, $1.13 ; W. J. Bie-
sett• part eatery, $33: C. \V. Cross,
part salary cemetery. $211: To„ Queen
City o:i Cu., gasoline, $7.62 ; F. W.
Farncombe, surveying Carling creek •*13
Roes -Taylor Co.. supplier lumbar $17-
18; Exeter Electric Light Co.. etr(c•t
lIgtting, $111.17; Town Ball lighting
$3.00; John harness half year eatery
tell ringing, $_'0: T. White two weeks
street watering. $2e.,10 Rost. Treble.
taLor, $1.75. Amounting in all to
Stephen' Council
The Council of hoe Townsh'p of Ste-
phen convened 1:n t Town 1:a11. at
Creellort, cn Monday, the 7tc day of
September, at 1 p.m. All members pre-
sent. The minutea of the previous meet-
ing were toad and adopted. le ll r -
man -Sanders --That the clerk notify 0.
Preszeator to have the portion of the
`fad Creek Ura;u 011 h s farm repaired
forthwith, otherwise the triune!' would
call upon the engineer to put tie ervie,
In repalr.-Carried. Sanders-Yearlcy-
That Gottlob Brown be appointed col-
lector of taxes for the year 11109 and
that the roll be returt,able on Gee 1 'frit of
December next, and further t'•at the
roll be handed to hire as Soo 1 to be
files We bonds with the Clerk of the
Councillor \\'uerth moved as an antend-
rnent that the appointment of collet-.
or be laid over and that the Council risk
for applications for the position. -Loot.
The tollowing erde*S were pall :-
municipal Soild, supp►les and coerces
ie'.,litl: Thos. Oliver, rtp. bridge. Lon-
don l oad. 50c15. ; Sidney Davis. burial
expenses re. Nelson McGee, $13; Climax
Road '.I.0 bite Co., bal. of account it.
moulds. $172.7' : V. Taylor, rep. bridge
$G: Fv,•,-.tl•at cherei, Stringers.
A. Patton. gravel ro:itract. No. :3, N. II.
$13 . \Ycsley Jot e, cool. y. !; 4_,:,n ;
13. t'. Eilber, caretaker of lock-up s.:
Mel,. 'leaver, rep. Crediton hr,dgc. $I
John Keys, rep. Mud Creek britee. $l :
ify. Carruthers, gravel, $9.4o Tic.
ruthere, gravel 0. 11. $10.a6 . i) 1'. J.
Mt Cue, Insane examination. e-,.-
Morena. part payment of award dare,.
$21, ;Dr. McCue, Medical health officer,
010.30 ; 1t Cua:,ingham. rc p. hrt•igc C.
road. 3u, ts.
The Councll adjourned to meet ag.tln
la the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday
the ,',th of October at 1 p, ,n.
Henry Hilber, Tp. Clerk
McO111lvray Council.
Count it met pursuant to *dyne ement
in Town Hall, McGltllvrae. Sept. 7th,
All members present. Minutes of last
meeting read and slgnei. Mutely -Pore
-that the accounts as rc,►d be pal 1. -
Carrltd. Poore -Sturdy -that At drew
Grieve le re -appointed tat collector tee-
eethe west division and Nell NlcAlp!•te for
the east div.eloii, tor tine year tool, at
a salary of $45 each.-Carrled. Mor-
gan -films -that lty-law No. n: 1008,
levying the following rates for 10*:l5hlp
purposes 2 mills on the $ : for Cout,ty
2.74 ; general school tatel.t3S. ar.d the
atnouttte *equineby the trustees of the
Pubile andScparate schools as set forth
By-law. as read ,t first and wood
time. be now read a third time arid pae-
sed.-Carrlcd. . .e Council thea ad-
Journt'd to meet In the Town 1t t'1 on
on the first Monday in October. tt one
o'clock p. rn. 3. D. Drummond. Clark.
Veallesworth.-Stewart -M t'.t' reel -
dente of Mr. James Stewart T , k
smith. father of the bride, o ' 9,
by R•v. N. Shaw. Mr. turn. G. r tri ,-
a•o th f Verne 'lvill,. to \t 44 '•,
toria A. Stewart. •
school Board Mutates- Centralia
The tegnlar monthly session of the Mr. Andrew Butt left Monday for
Board was held in the Town Hall on Alpert College, Belleville, where he
Monday everting het with a full at- takes a special course in educational
tendance. The following is the order training. -Miss Vera E'sery returned
of business disposed of: -Per Chair Tuesday evening front Toronto, where
Minuted of previous meeting; per S. she has been spending a couple of
Martin and F. W. Madman that the weeks visiting relatives. -Rev. W. H.
report of the elixir advising the en- Butt lost a valuable Jersey cow on
gageutent of Mr. B. Huggarth and Friday evening, from over feeding.
Miss A. Martin as supplies in !looms You know the story about the reran
:land 5 be approved; pet: S. Martin and who accustomed his horse to Less feed
11. Boston that the following accounts each day. until, just when he thought
be accepted: S. Fanson, scrubbing $10; it could do without --it died, But just
C. Heywood, painting and repairs the other way with His Reverence.
$15.30; Underwood Type -wt iter acct. But it it had been a "butter" it would
in full $S; per It. N. Rowe and 11. E. have been different, as they take ev-
Huston on the report of the Principal erything that comes their way. Fod-
that the shelving, hooks and chairs re- der seems to be plentiful-Bf'TT-
quit'ed be placed by the Repairs Com.; "spare the feed and save their lives."
per S. Martin and H. N. Itowe that the -Frank Boyle is learning the barber
additions to the library and science business front otie of the Exeter ton -
supplies required he secured by the curial artists. -Mr. John Hepburn
Supplies Committee; per S. Martin and and daughter, Aggie, returned from
G. W. Gladutan that the defects in the Toronto on Saturday. -Large number
east side drainage be remedied by the are in attendance at the Western Fair
G. and S. Cum. also that the well clay London. -A new evaporator is being
be properly distributed tinder th6 erected by Messrs, T. Elston & Co.
saute direction; per S. Martin and H. Baskerville. It will be quite an ac -
Huston that the fee charges for admis- quisition to our village, We wish
slot to the Latin Class be $1 for the these enterprisingmen every success in
tern; per S. Martin and F. W. Glad- their new venture. -Rev. W. H. Butt
man that Dr. Malloy be the the Boards and Mr. Thos. Mitchell attended the
representative to the Public Library District Meeting at Ailsa Craig on
Board for the balance of the tent of Wednesday. -The brick house at pre -
Dr. Antos (removed): per F. %Vood ad- sent occupied by Mr. T. Coughlin was
journtnent.-J. Grigg, Secy. sold by auction on Monday for $520. -
Notes -The tollowing are taken from The financial report of the Methodist
the verbal report of the Principal re- Church has just been issued for the
ceived at this session. H. S. attend- past ecclesiastical year. It shows all
ance 87, supplies for Department 3 do- the departments of the church to be
Mg fairly well, processional Entrance in a prosperous state, ahead of former
introducel producing good results, years. The contributions have in the
preparations for regular tire drill being main been large and very creditable
made, H. S. Inspector favorable to the to the Congregation and the Pastor,
introduction of Senior Leaving work Rev. W. H. Butt.
should condition prove favorable. +-
-- - --- Whalen
A large number of our citizens are
attending the Western Fair, which is
being held in London this week. -Last
Friday our whole country was envelop-
ed in smoke, owing to the fires in the
neighborhood. What we want is rain,
and that in abundance. -Don't rorget
Friday, the 25th inst. The town Fath-
ers have declared this a Civic Holiday.
In the after -noon all places of business
will be closed. Arrangetnents are be-
ing made by the Committee to have a
bowling tournament and a fast game
of base -ball on for the day. Further
particulars will appear in a few days.
-Mrs. Claude Bluett and family are
visiting friends in Forest this week.-
F.arl Campbell of Fort NVillianl was in
the village last week renewing acquain-
tances. -Herb. Eilher has returned
home from Detroit after a brief visit
there with friends. -August Kuhn of
the Bank of Commerce left here last
Thursday morning for Chatham,
where he has been promoted to the
position as Teller. Before leaving his
friends met in the Doctor's office and
presented hits with a suit -case and
shaving sett ars a token of their regard
and respect for him as a chute. W.
H. James, Manager of the Bank here,
made the presentation in a few well
chosen words, to which Mr. Kuhn
made a suitable reply. August has
many friends here, who will always
have his welfare at. heart. We all
wish hitt every success. -Last Friday
our bowlers went to MountCarmel
and had a splendid time, winning out
by 1 point. Two games were played
with Dr.'McCue as skip for Crediton
and Fr. Forster as skip for Mt. Car-
mel. Tit,° uesult wits 21-23 anti 13-12.
-Miss Martha %Vind has returned
hnine front Milverton, where she has
been visiting relatives for a few weeks.
-Miss ida Ewald of Granton spent last
Sunday at beets with her parents. --
Mr. and Mr., Daniel Oestreicher are
visiting iel.ttites inTavistock. --Arthur
Ho;tzutatnu leaves Thur -day for Nttper-
vi11e, III., Where he will ,attend the
North-western ('allege for a number of
years, 11'e wish Art every success in
his stndit''..--Rt t. and Mrs, ;l1kks at-
tended the wedding of Nliss Hawkins
to Mr. Hnntet of Elinrvilleon Tuesday.
Last Sunday ev'g ,t song service vale
given in tie Evangelical church. .\ lar,ce
number were In attendance. Acthar
Ktllernranii of Dasatwuod occupied the
chair. Secial anthems were sung by the
choir and two ec:ccttons given by the
tele chorus. Special locution must be
given to the t.adles' quartette of 1)ish-
wood. Their selection was exec p'lo!utlly
good and reflected great credit upon our
neighboring burg for possessieg
talent. -Quite a number of our purple
lt.te rd going to Clinton c, it Wednesday
to hear Laurier.-:\ few of our ball play-
ers are gobng to assist the Ccntrell.t
team in playing tease -bail in that newt
in the afternoon.
The grim reaper has been busy 1;1 our
midst thle week. Two have then call^d
awayone a child and the other an ag-
ed man. eVe refer 10 the infant daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Tiellrr. who
died in Detroit 0,1 Monday morning atter
a very brief Illness. its remains were
brought here and Interred In the Evan-
gelical eenretery on Tuesday afternumn.
The Rev. L. K. Eldt of Dashwood con-
ducted the funeral servlet'.
Death -On Sunday evening just before
church. (leo. Boltzmann, er., died sud-
denly. Ile ate a hearty eupter tn.1
a tcw minutes afterwards breathed his
last. ilis death was calor and peaceful
and did not suites any talo. 12'
lived to the good age of 133 years. a •1
O otos. The tie -rafted tau many frit ;.l,,,
in the village. Doth 'young end o':'1
%ere glad to ha ve hint call you fr:ra'l,
ile had a kind and cheering wor 1 for
evclyooe, and his absence from our
etieette Nt;r be quite apparent. His
body was interred In the cemetery here
o.n \Vedncsdey. the Rev. J. O. Litt of
Stbringvllle otfitiating. Ire leaves to
mourn his toes four sons and two
daughters, besides a large number of
friends and relatives, The sympettty of
the entire community is extended to the
bereaved tarnllles In this their hoer of
trial and afflictioil.
(Iran(' itPll(i
Quite an lnlcree!:ng party Of plenl' k -
ere arrived here on Saturday and 1
must say they were a well-behaved crowd
After dinner the young lads maple- g -
ed the oldet men to a game of beechen.
It was played In goad style. t'vl•leeeed
by the I tdl(s' cheering. Tit' score we
Oanit as it might bring a blush to some.
Joe. the boy -umpire, did well. Let•r all
:n,Ioyed a lolly time on the lake shorn
Ana In the park. tt.,d we .cpect that the
drive• home way, a good one. We hear
that they were. (tam near Crcdltan. and
it:ey whispered that they would come
141i, to whi' . we 1, at t iii e.ty' • %V. 1-
c orale."
Miss Mu:worthy of Lakeside is the
guest of Miss Etta Carom. --Bruce
Medd of Kitson visited his brother
George over Sunday. -George Hep-
burn and Mies 1Velda Banes of Credi-
ten Sundaved at W. W. Kerr's.-Wm
Fletcher and wife of Exeter spent Sun-
day at D. (ilouldings.-Miss Della Tre-
ble of Exeter is the guest of Miss Flos-
sie Coward.
et r
The harvest Home Supper of Sun-
shine church Monday was largely at-
tended and the [Lensall choir rendered
0 very line program, while the tea was
an excellent one. The proceeds were
$80. For a report of the ball gauge
see first pave.
The Misses Maggie and Bertha
Quinton have rMurned home from it
few days visit in Toronto. -Miss Mais
and Miss Maggie Carter, who have
been visiting in McGillivray have re-
turned home. -Mr. Kedge, who bas
been confined to his bed for some time
with typhoid fever, is able to leave his
bed and is expected out around again
shortly. -The new steel bridge over
the Salable is completed.
-The Harvest Thanksgiving services
of St. Patrick's church was held on
Sunday last and was largely attended,
both morning and evening. Rev.Snell
of Thorndale had charge of the services
and both discourses were appropriate
and of a deep spiritual nature. The
church was deftly decorated with fruit
and flowers. The special music by the
choir contributed much towards
brightening the services. The contri-
butions were large and in keeping with
the occasion.
A number from here are attending Lon-
don Fair th1B week. -Mr, Frank Coat -a
The W. M. 0. head their ittcctlaa a. and wit( visited relatives in Isiddulp!:
Mrs. John llodgsoit's and a very large Sunday.-Nfilten Niltchell and Miss
.attendance and an interesting meeting
of Centralia visited Mies Clara
was enjoyed. -Mr. and Mee. McN'il of Luxton Sunday. -Mss t.tta Esecry la
near St. Marys were guests at Ntr. A. spending a few days with relatives at
Duffield's Sunday. -Mise Bessie Morley, Russeldale,-Niles Edith Gray spent
Ethel Millaon and Bertha SutI erby vie- Sunday at T. Dl'oeok'a,-Mrs. Sheere
and Mrs. Southcott of Exeter spent Sun-
day at It. Coates'. -Mie. Rich. Snell and
family visited her fattier, W. Caves, a
few days last week, -Mr. Ernie and Edna
Luxton are spending a few days Ie Lon-
don this week,
Mr. A. C. Moir, wife and daughter
of Latchfor.i, New Ontario, are visit-
ing for is month with John Moir. -Mr.
and Mrs. Golder of Fingal are visiting
the Tatter's mother, Mrs. Dew. -Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph Keddy are spending
the week at London Fair. -Miss Maud
Blatchford of Prospect Hill is visiting
her uncle, Rich. Blatchford.- Charles
Harvey and Robert Down attended
Toronto Fair last week.
odd at Niles ilessie's Birter, Mrs. Ern-
est Parkinson at Bryanston on Su slay
-Misses May and Itosenla Iluttson of
London are visiting at Mr. Win. Ogden's
-Next Sunday evening the W. M. 0. will
take charge of the evening service and
Mrs. Dinsmore of Bay City will addriys
the meeting ; also singing and other
missionary features. -The choir of our
church and other friends gathered at
the home of Albert Guottiug and par-
took of the good tlihigs provided by the
hostess, and the Misses Edna and
Blida, members of the choir.
Special offerings will be taken next
Sunday in the Elimville circuit for the
Fernie relief fund.
Dress Goods in all the leading Shades and Cloths in Venetians, Broad-
cloths, Satin -finished Clothe, Fancy Stripes, Plain, Etc., AT CLOSE PRICES
We handle the Celebrated D. & A. Corset.
New Mantles and Jackets
We rre sole agents for the
Celebrated Puritan Brand Ladies' and Children's
Mantles and Jackets
For style and quality and excellent fitters, thore is none to surpass them.
We have there in loose.fitting, also semi -fitting. All the latest. Be sure to
call and see them before snaking your purchases.
New Flannelettes. Wrapperettes, Flannelette Blankets,
Wool Blankets, Sheetings, &c., sic.
New Hosiery, New Caps, New Mitts, New Gloves, New Underwear,
of all kinds and sizes.
Men's and Boys' Ready -to -Wear Suits at Bargain Prices.
Be sure and see our stock of New Fall Tweeds and Worsteds in the new shades.
SHOES A large and well assorted stock of all SHOES
the leading styles and makes, at prices
lower than ever. If you want a pair of good Boots or Shoes. give us it call.
A lot of odds and ends will be cleared regardless of cost. ......
Gents' Furnishing
The biggest Bargains ever offered, as we wish to lower our stock in this
department. Also Bargains in our Made -to -Order Tweeds and Worsteds
if in need of a suit be sere and see what we can do for you before you pur-
chase. Collars, Socks, Braces, Ties, Hats, Caps and Underwear.
See the NEW KNITTED TIE, the very latest, in all shades.
STRAW iI:1 TS, :t cts. SHiitTS, NI cts.
3 PAIR SOCKS, 2.1 cta,
Cut Nails (slightly rusted) all lengths, 2c per Ib.
1 only "Favorite" Churn
1 " " Peerless" Washer - at Bargain Prices,
1 " " Leader " Washer
1 " Hxruunp:k, regular 82.30, for $2.i*),
e•Snde'v slightly. rusted, handle Shutt 1.s , .Thr. ' I)' handl Spi4(11.4. ght y r ted, , epi
Sand irone. regular $1.223, for $1.(*), (set of 3 irons, 1 stand and 1 handle)
R'indow Screens, clearing at 21)c each.
A full line Scoop Shovels and Grain Bilge.
if you are in need of any Fencing, Ideal Woven Wire the best Fencing
be sure and buy the made.
We are the agents for the same.
All kinds of Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Machine Oil, Cylinder Oil, and Sep-
arator Oil on hand. 1Ve handle the
Celebrated Sherwin-Williams Prepared:Paints.
They go the farthest and tye.tr the longest because THEY ARE BEST.
CHiNA. CROCKERY and GLASSWARE DEPT. Is full with a large range
of Dinner Setts, Toilet Setts. Lemonade Setts. Fancy China, Fancy Glass-
ware. Our prices are ns low MA the lowest.
A large stock of all kinds of School Supplies for School Opening
Grocery Department
is full of new and fresh goods. %'e pay special attention to this
department. Our prices ate right.
3 lbs. Good Green Ten, $1.110 2 lbs. Best Green Coffee, In eta.
Seeded !Witham, 1(le lh, " " Roast Rib ('offer, tic
Korn Kink', be pkg. " pkg. Ammonia Powder Sc
Salmon, ilk tin. ('urn and 1'eas, 3 caps for 25e
A full supply of Pickling Spices, furry Powder, Turtneric Mustard Seed,
Celery Seed, Ginger Root, Chillies, .kc.. Arc. All sizes "Crown" Fruit Jars in
stock. Fruit Jar Rubbers, 3,' and lot doz.
We handle the. . . .
Celebrated Red Rose, Salada & Blue Ribbon Teas
in } Ib. and 1 lb. packages. In Green, Black and Mixed. Try a package.
Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce.
('a11 and Examine our (foods and Prices and be convinced that we DO
Corner Store.
1. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
IPaid-up Capital, 810.000,000
Reserve Fund,- 5,000,00
DRAFTS AND MONEY ORDERS sold, and money transferred by
telegraph or letter.
COLLECTIONS made in all parts of Canada and is foreign countries.
FOREIGNBUSINESS. Cheques and drafts on the United States,
Great Britain and other foreign countries bought and sold. 113
Exeter Branch -G. W. Harrison, Manager. Branch also at Crediton
oney to Loan
on Mortgages of Real Estate at Current Rates
All Business Strictly Confidential
Liberal Terms of Repayment
Loans Completed Quickly
Expenses Moderate
Full information gladly given
Loan and Savings Co., London, Ont.
Kit kton Fair will be held on Ti.ure-
day and Friday, Oct. 1st and and, 1909
Liberal prizes to all classes and big at- I
reunions, speed coitests, 2.25 Trot or
Pace, 3 -minute trot or Pace, High jump -
leg for horses, Foot races, Lady drivers
Silver medal valued at $10.00, offered
by Bank of Commerce, Exeter, for the
Best Single Carriage turnout. Public
School Compt'tition-proceselon, drill
and patrlottc songs. Admisstott 23 as.
children 10 cts., carriages 25 eta. For
pi Ise lists and other Information. write
the secretary, AMO$ DOUPE, Klrkton.
Wood'8 Phos hodia ip
The Great I•:npli« Remedy,
Tonus and inviguratestaco whole
norvous .. -a. n, makes new
loodin old Vein% Carta /Verse
OUR Mbtlt yy,� Mental and Jirtein Worry, Drs-
oondeney, Stravtl If oaks -ss h',nidari0rte, Spry
-tatarrhaa, and ]reds of Abuse or Recesses.
rice$tper box. eta for S. One \cillpleaseail
will cure. Sold by all druggists or mailed In
plain pkg. on receipt of price. Aran pamphlet
mailed free. The Vfood MWielne Co.
(formerly Windsor) Tsvonto,Ontt.
ttend The Best !
is recognized as the LARGEST, ISEST slid MOST
SUCCE.S4FCL prnctical training school in West-
ern Ontario.
Commerclel, Short•
heed Telegraphic
our graduates secure goal positions and forge
to the front. Write for our fres estate -etre, you
will find it interesting. You may enter et any
The Molsons Bank �
Rest Fund
incorporated )8'53
$3,3 74,000
▪ $3,374,000
Has 03 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World,
at all Branches. interest allowed at highest current rate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HL'RDON, Manager,
OUR N1:1V ,TOCK of
Watches, Jewellerd, Silverware, Toilet
Sets, Etc., Etc.,
We have undoubtedly the finest 1inesb' of
goods that have ever been shown in this
district. We can suit you in quality and
price every time.
Wedding Presents
Weddings occur at all seasons, but the big
season is now approaching. We are ready
for it with the finest rings & best presents.
Call and Examine Earig
Exeter, Ont.