HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-17, Page 3ST. VITUS DANCE
A Severe Case CurEd by Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pi113.
St. Vitus' dance is a disease of
tho nerves brought on by a mor-
bid condition of the blood. It is
a common disease with children
end attacks females oftener than
males. gh, only cure lies in plen-
ty of pure blood, because good
blood is the life food of the nerves.
I)r. Williams' Pink Pills cure oven
the most severe forms of th's trou-
ble because they enrich the blood
supply, thus carrying the neces-
sary food to the nerves. In proof
of this we have the statement of
Mrs. Alex. Cameron, Summerside
F. E. I., who says:— "Some years
ago my daughter Lena, then g child
of ten years, became afflicted with
St. Vitus dance. At that time she
was attending school and the first
indication I had that something was
wrong, was that she appeared eas-
ily discouraged in her studies. Sho
was naturally a spirited child, not
given to tears, but she would cry
over what I thought should be easy
work for her. The disease progress-
ed so rapidly that in the course of a
few weeks she became unable to
held anything in her hands, and
• were obliged to take her out of
school. She became so afflicted that
she could not hold a cup to her lips
without suddenly losing hold of it.
I knew from the first by the symp-
toms that her ailment was St. Vitus
dance, and dispaired of seeing her
cured, as it was looked on as such
u hopeless ailment. Sho became
se bad that she could not hold her -
elf still for the space of ten sec-
nds. Her hands or feet were con-
tinually moving and last of all she
would contort her features so that
she was losing her natural oxpres- wife has her own suite of apart-
sion. At this stage I chanced on a menta, her own bathroom and gar -
paper containing a testimonial in den, and her own body of servants,
favor of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, male and female. The wives are
describing the cure of a little girl net called by their names. but are
afflicted as mine was. I hastened, a -{anguished as Kadin (or lady)
to get a couple of boxes -of the Pills, No. 1 and so on.
and by the time she had used them The title of Sultana is given only
I noticed a decided change for the to the mother, sister or daughter
better. and purchased a further
supply. By the time she had taken
seven boxes she was entirely
1 cured. Although she seemed thor-
oughly cured I was afraid the dis-
ease might return again, but it
never did, and she has since enjoy-
ed the best of health. I cannot
thank Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
enough for what they did for my
child, and I hope my experience
may he of benefit to someone elitist- the harem and exercises consider-
ed as my daughter was." abi influence in all court and many
1)r. Williams' Pink Pills are soli gcvernment mutters.
be all medicine dealers or may be
obtained by mail at 50 cents a box AN EASY MATTER.
or six boxes for $2.50 from The
I)r. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
Women There Ask Abolition of
Hares and the Veil.
In the recent rejoicings at the 1
pl uclamatiou of a constitution in
Turkey I:zany Turkish women took'
part, and fur the first time in his-
tory appeared iu public without
their veils.
They have appealed to the Young
Turk party to abolish the harem
system, and with it the compulsory
veiling of women. The word har-
em, says the Queen, is Arabic for
anything forbidden or not to be
touched and as against the rules
cf the Koran. Games of chance,
witchcraft and portrait making are
In practice the word is used by
Europeans to designate that por-
tion of a polygamist's house which
is devoted to the exclusive occu-
pancy of his wives and their attend-
ants. Thence it comes to refer to
the female portion of his household,
while the word may bo used by
Westerners to designate the system
::•i plurality of wives.
In Turkey the ,system has been
maintained not only as part of the
Moslem religion but as an integral
part of Mohammedan polity, of
which the Sultan is the chief spiri-
tual head. to whom all orthodox
Mussulnians look ep and to whom.
as the appointer of Sheikh-ul-Islam,
al! religious questions niay be fin-
ally referred
Whether the Sultans will follow
the lead of their subjects in this
matter is very doubtful. The harem
system is so interwoven with the
court life and government of a Mo-
hammedan ruler that it would take prising virtue in bringing
the re -
a strong man to break through the hectors' organs into subjection and
rule, even if he desired to do so. restoring them to normal action,
The etiquette of the harem of the in which condition only can they
Sultan of Turkey, like that of most perform their duties properly.
Moslem potentates, is very severe
and is strictly carried out. Each LOOKED LIKE IT.
LADIES Bend Your naive burl
address burl you will re-
cd ve • ice sem, ,le of
81 19t':? COlt1'9 U i'NNYROYAL
T A. A powerful but hal'tulees a elyetable
urodiciue roe sickness' peculiar to wou,an•
aqr.d all d,aeaaee *risibly therefrom. All
druggistseU at 2S, or postpaid tor pricy,
trr.w Dr. T. A. 8:ooutu, Limited. b aitw►
Avenue, Tor otos
FLY Nodad�-N
lying about
PADS when used ae
— BOLO sY —
1Oc. per packet, or 8 packets for 28c.
will last a whole season.
How Inhabitants of Hottest Place
on Earth Get Fresh Water.
Bahrein island, in the Persian
Gulf, is said to be the hottest place
on earth. It is usual there to find
the thermometer at 1.10 degrees
Fahrenheit. On the coast of this
island, where practically all of the
people live, there is no fresh water,
wbieh is needed above all things in
so seething a temperature.
And it is to be had from the bot-
tom of the sea. Here and there
scattered over the floor of the har-
1•or of Bahrein are springs of pure
flesh water. These waters well up
through the sand to mingle with the
salt water of the sea. It would seem
a difli: ult task to find threads of
fresh water amid the ocean's vol -
tune, but the thirsty- islanders are
thought to have found thein ages
;.go and to have passed on their
1.cation from generation to genera-
A diver equips himself with a
water bag made of skins. the mouth
If which is closed, and descends to
the bottom of the harbor at a point
A man who wanted to be known where ono of the springs issues.
for his taking ways must first learn Tho bag is carefully inverted over
to take advice and a joke. the current of fresh water as it
flews from the sand, the mouth is
opened. the skin is filled, then the
A Recognized Regulator. — To mouth is shut fast and the diver re-
ining the digestive organs into turns to the boat awaiting on the
symmetrical working is the aim of surface.
physicians when they find a patient One scientist gives it as his he -
suffering from stomach irregulars- lief that at some period in the sha-
ties, and for this purpose they can dowy past that which is now the
piescribe nothing better than Par- harbor's bottom was not touched by
melee's Vegetable Pills, which will the. sea. The springs were then on
lie found a pleasant medicine of sur- the shore and ready for the island-
ers' needs. Little by little the sea
encroached on the land. but the lo-
cation of the wonderful springs was
not forgotten. .
of a Sultan, consequently it is the, with spring and summer has the
Kadin who first gives whobirth to have
effect in weak stomachs of setting
heirtio the throne can hada up inflammation, resulting in dy-
lisk,s distinction. Should an oda- sentery and cholera morbus. The
ar thefemmotherle slave of the harem, abnormal condition will continue
},sterno the thnshe her lords if not attended to and will cause an
first reigning
son, thenEven bthen
the exhaustive drain on the system.
has littletSultana. being she The best available medicine is Dr.
has influence, this wield- �
ed alone by the Sultans mother, J. D. Kellogg's Dysentery Cordial.
the Sultana Valid.. who controls It clears the stomach and bowels of
irritants, counteracts the inflam-
mation and restores the organs to
healthy action.
Our idea of a hypocrite is a mar-
ried man who pretends to feel sor-
ry for a bachelor.
Wife (displaying a large lamp-
shade, recently purchased)—"Isn't
that perfectly lovely, dear ?"
Husband (severely)—"If you wear
that to church to -morrow, you'll
go alone. There is a limit to every-
thing, including hats."
The change of dietary that comes
STATE OW' 11 IttI'M 0.1DS.
Experiment's iteing Tried in Forty -
One Countries.
State ownership of railroads is
the subject of a report recently is-
sued by a British commission.
Forty-one countries are dealt with,
the number being divided into four
The first greuli contains the coun-
tries which own and work a part
or the whole of the railroad sys-
tem : India. Canada, New South
"How can you distinguish a truly
great man from an ordinary indi-
vidual?" queried the youth.
"By the things he does and by
what he doesn't say," replied the
sage of Sageville.
For Rheumatism anti all Kidney,
',icer, Bladder and Urinary
An eminent physician has used the fol.
lowing prescription in his practice for a
numher of years and found it very suc-
cessful in the treatment of kidney, liver,
Wales. Queensland, South Austra- bladder at d all urinary affections, arid is
lia. Tasmania, Victoria, Western unsurpassed for the cure of rheumatism,
Australia, New Zealand, Cape Col- driving the uric acid entirely from the
hn\'. Natal and the Transvaal and system. Ile claims that a very few doses
will relieve the most severe pains In the
Orange River ('olonies, Austria- beck arising from disordered kidneys and
Hungary, Belgium. Brazil, Bulger- impure blood.
in, Chile, Colonrhia, Costa Riea, The prescription k one ounce of sweet
Cuba, Denmark, France, the sari- spirits of nitre, one ounce of compound "So you committed this burglary
ons States of the German Empire, V'naoso and four ounces of syrup of rhu. g Y
Honduras, Italy, Japan, N orwny, b.trb,rnixed together and taken in dessert- quite unassisted—Too accomplices 7"
spoonful doses after meals and at bed- asked It judge. Not ops, m.y lord,
Portugal, Rumania. Russia, Servin. time in water. replied the prisoner. "It is a risky
Siam. Sv: eden, Switzerland and The ingredients are harmless and lora- thing to have a 'pal' in my profes-
Turkey. pensive and can be obtained at any re- cion• I can never be sure whe-
The second group is composed of liable drug store and mixed together at tllCr he 18 honest or not!"
the countries where the State, while
owning railroads, leases them to. '1'
private corporntions. These are, Sometimes a woman asks her hus-
Newfmindlnnd, Nicaragua and the band's advice so shell be in a posi-
Netherinnds. in Brazil and in Bul-' tion to take the opposite course.
garia the State works some of the
railroads it owns, but leases others. - =
In the third group are the coun-
ties where the State has given as-
sistance to roads which are in pri-
vate ownership: Denmark. France,
Greece, Luxemburg. Russia and Fresh from the gardens of the
Slain. In France, Greeee and finest tea -producing country in the
Frain concessions are given for world. Mold only in sealed lead
tl•ese reads for a certain numher packets, thus preservingits delici-
1 of years and at the end of that time
I they pnsa into the hands of the (''Is flavor and aroma.
State. in \orway some roads be- —
I long jointly tot the State and the QUIET ENOUGH NOW!
lc cal authorities. Not longago a farmer sued a cat -
The fourth group is scarcely a g
group. since it consists of only one tie -dealer for damages in the local
country. s is Guatemala. where county court.
t he rail road > which were built by "When I bought the bull," said
the State were turned over to pri- I complainant,he told Inc it was
rote ewncrship. Ttnly was at ere gentle and perfectly harmless — a
illetime an example of this conditi, :1. child could play with it, in (net.
but i� net at hrecr nt Half an hour after I got the e -
A girl takes advantage of a gol-
den opportunity when she bleaches
her hair.
Like a bad habit a .kin disease grows. scrota•
Ioui humor+ 0,7.011130,7.01113e,a and all eruptions may be
cured with We ever i Cerate, assisted internally
by weaver's Syrup. All Druggists.
The average weight of the human
heart is from 9 ounces to 11 ounces.
There are, it is estimated, some
3,000,006 caged birds in Europe.
It will be noticed in the Singer
Sewing Machine Company's adver-
tisement that there are three ad-
dresses at the bottom of the an-
nouncement. Any one writing will
please address then at the nearest
cne of the three places to his post
mal home m, a he disabled a couple of
........eseees - Imy farm hands, and then turned on
SECRET tiie•
"Perhaps the beast was excited
SKIN TROUBLES''.,' his strange surroundings." sug-
iiare Iraq on some part of your bo.ly a sore, Bested his honor. "Is he quiet
ar ctuptwo, or c,retnon, pttcb, which, hi 'den enough now 1"
rom the gaze of others. yet eburss you hour
and hours of pslr, grid Inconvenience! Well—yes ; but yon see---"
i1 r i. don•toverl(wk "II eomtortb fa••t that • •
tarn -link is dat;,y curing Just suer chroato
erasesrah,, remarked the defendant.t.
nsyonr.: t heats skin diceese., ulcers, "then my description was correct
1 festsNng tb .v rlblyw„rri and sores due to after all. I said if he did et ex -
load poison. %%rite Urn link Co. Toronto, !Zt
or free trial ho, sending le. .'amp. All stores cited At first he would quieten
Sol dr.:fiesta 1,0.1 et •a coma a ibex.
down '
!"Yes." responded plaintiff, grim-
ly, "but you didn't tell me I should
have to shoot the beggar to quieten
him down! That's what I had to
dol" T N U
Suffer no More.—There are thou-
sands who live miserable lives be-
cause dyspepsia dulls the faculties
and shadows existence with the
cloud of depression. One way to
dispel the vapors that beset the vic-
tims of this diporder is to order
them a course of Parmelee's Vege-
table fills, which are among the
Lest vegetable pills known, being
easy to take and are most efficaci-
ous in their action. A trial of them
will prove this.
"How do you account for the
fact," asked the doctor, "as shown
by actual investigation. that thirty-
two out of every hundred crimin-
als in the country are left -hand -
cd 1" "That's easily accounted
f, r," said the professor. "The
other sixty-eight are right Banded."
�' I 1
--7- .DODI)S '/,
itfid PILLS ��}
c��,q1\\ IS'
Rt;\.K I O N EY N -E co,
' 9 q G NT i o1' PA
44, �.` thnl�lbETESr,„ 8�
4, rti ( • • re
t M
}6rtonsrE, d •aI7
ISsI.'1' NO. 117-08.
Home Emplo)nient, for Ladies
ti -
2. Things You Don't See In a Sewing Machin
9 Don't judge any sewing machine just by
the way it looks.
Q Enamel paint and shiny varnish are good
things, but they don't make a machine
run well or last long.
4 Experience and judgment and intent corn'
bined with manufacturing facilities, are the
things you should consider before buying.
Q These points, combined with a rigid sys•
tem of inspection and tests, give a lasting
value to every Singer Sewing Machine.
Q You can't see them, but you learn them
in the easy, effective working of every,
part—and their value becomes more plaits
to you after years of service.
Q Every Singer is perfect when it leaves the'
factory—your daughter will say it's still
perfect when you have no more use for it.
Sold oats b,
Singer Sewing Machine Co>':.pany
312 Nanning Chambers 533 Board of Trade aids SC4 Ma!n tttrset
For Nouralgia, Headache,
Rheumatism, Pain, Etc.
5o CENTS, ALL U'ZtAililirs, OR
Such as any lady can do and en- TH g PA N G O COMPANY, - TORONTO.
joy. Any lady who wishes. and Itholcsals- Lyman Broe..8 no., Tor„,;' o and Ms strait ; Lyma,, K;u c & C!.ark.on,
sees this advertisement may. ;it Toronto ; National Orua Co London.
writes soon, secure this opportun-
ity to be independent, earning a , -
good living in a very easy manner.
Work any lady can do.
For particulars address
Correspondence I)epartnientLAS
Windsor, Ont.
"Is ho one of those men who suf- ! -
ter in silence 2" "No; he's mar -1
ried." I
We Advise the Purchase of 1
Time Has Tested It.—Time tests
all things, that which is worthy
lives; that, which is inimical to;
man's welfare perishes. Time has -
provcd 1)r. Thomas' Eelectric 011.1
From a few thousand bottles in the l
early days of its manufacture the'
demand has risen so that now the
production is running into the hun-
dreds of thousands of bottles. What
is so eagerly sought for must be' Stewart &
Send for Our Special Letter.
"Has my boy been a little de-
fender, and been kind to dumb ani-
mals to -day 1"
"Yes, grandma. I let your ca-
nary out of the cage and when my
Caught it, I set Towler
COOALT 8TOCavocets
Alernhr•r, ..f Standard
St,.ck e l >nninY
118 Adelaide 1.,
Throne Main 74,A
43 FArnasua
Nr:w Yonii ('li v.
Playfair, Martens & Co.
Slumbers Toronto N!.m► F'n hangs,
Canadian Northern Railway Building. - -
Toronto, Canada.
THF, "LA hEOF' B.1 YS"
Fw,;a! ..t:.,,,tir,n
A handsome brochure, artistical- STOCKS.
ly illustrated, has been issued b
W. base Just laced a nen map of the ('ohut
Y sflbinj itlstrlct, gisin; location aersa;. ship
the Grand Trunk passenger depart- mane and dda
ment, tellin tof the beauties of th0 CoPlos mall.dhidenM any a l,. , un r. sips ul 4.,c
g or mounted ones sur E1 op.
Lake of Bass district, in the
"highlands of Ontario." A new A. R. BICKERSTAFF & CO.,
feature of this district is the new Stocke. Bonet Debentures
hotel—the Wawa- - at Norway Point. and Real Estate.
Tho hotel itself has a page illustrrn- Cobalt and all Mining and MI Stooks of
tion reflecting the summer glories Canada and United States.
(f woodland and water, with a Orden executed w ilh pr,:m, tuess. Cortes. If
brood of seven wild geese soaring pnndence solicited.
skyward beyond the tower. The
111 to 627 Traders Bank emld,r;5, Torsnte, One
concise description embodies the JIiHNNY AND HIS PAINS.
story of a charming resort.
The very pretty duo tone photo Mrs. Caller — "Little Johnny
engravings show the beauties of the Jones is such a painstaking child."
r.ow fairy land far more effectively Mrs. Homer—"Indeed I"
than words can do. A copy can be Mrs. Caller—"Yes; he eats every
obtained free on application to J. green apple he gets his hands on."
D. McDonald, D. P. A., Toronto,
The Mild Climate of Virginia
otters splendid oppurtunitles fur at,•rk ral.l„g,
fruit growinz, dairying and general fairing.
Winters are short. Climate healthful. Land
a.m.!s«.and soiling below its value b,.t increas!n
In value earl, ) ear. Many Canadians are livlud
1s Virginia. Write fur int.,nuatlon to
cowtui.siouer of Agriculture.
Itichrn..n 1
A:1i1 13 U. f0
E?01 Organs aro
al�ow,rtd tamed
Send tor Pres t'aisl..g
N. 75 to
ire Boli Plano art Co., UO., G lei ti, o�ll
Don't think that because you
ride a hobby you are the only jockey
to the race.
Moreep Arron Needed in the blood of pale, nue
downput It theta At ailgetters.'at res and Drbest uggist&
Some men are not satisfied with
courting trouble ; they go ahead and
Thos Sabin of Eglington, says:
"1 have removed ten corns from my
feet with Holloway's Corn Cure."
Reader, go thou and do likewise.
Teacher—Now. children, the sub-
ject is the story of the Prodigal
Sen. ('an any one tell mo who was
glad when the prodigal returned ?
"The father," was the unanimous
"And who was sorry?" asked the
The Butler—What makes the mils -
sus in such a bad humor this morn-
ing f
The Maid--Semr• wr•man f•',I her
is secret last night, and she's ler-
gotten it.
Mother Graves' Worn Extermin-
ator has no equal for destroying
worms in children and adults. See
that you get the genuine when pur-
Chemist (just arrived)—"Much
business this morning?" New As-
sistant—"Oh, yes. sir. I've had a
busy morning of it. There's been
Rix old women in to look at the di-
rectory. I've obliged eight people
with postage stamps, besides chang-
ing a dollar."
Joseph McKenna, vanman, Ruth
(stolen road. Edinburgh. died front
glanders. caught from the horse; in
his employer's stables.
Chewing Tobacco
The big black phi?.
'r - --
how much mune) ire ooutd ease by usin11 ti
Tairhanks•Marse J•+ck-of.all• 1 rade. (las aloe I(n-
gin• 1•, saw IT,."d. p'amp eater. ,rind feed, ho.,
we w,add n .t be ab e t . ooppl) the dernurs.
cut this ad. out and 4on1 10 us today, and we
will send you uor tree catal..6ae.
The Canadlanealrbaa'ts Co., LlmIt,d, To -onto, OM
Montreal, wlnuipeg, Van, uver.
Gives Perfect
wss.aw�s.•r� r