HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-17, Page 115c to JAN. '09
subscribe for the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or else
take advantage of our
Low Club Rates
The Old Reliable
School has started again and the
Boys and Girls will need Clothing,
Vhoes, &c.
Does your boy need a New Suit?
u Shoes?
" Knee Pants?
a New Hat ?
Anything in Wearing Apparel ?
If he does, it will pay you to bring hint to us.
We are headquarters for GOOD WEARING duds for boys—the kind
that will stand the hard skuftIng any strong, healthy boy will subject them to
—Me kind that you will not have to buy often.
Does your girl need a New Dress ?
) he a " Shoes ?
u u u Hosiery ?
u u u a New Hat ?
Anything in Wearing Apparel?
If she does, it will pay you to bring her to us.
" 0
We have the kind of dresses, shoes, hosiery, hats, Rea, a robust girl
needs—the kind that wears well and ALWAYS lasts well—if you bring your
boys and girls here for their "duds" you can keep them well clothed,
Highest Price Paid for POULTRY, (lead or alive.
Highest price paid for produce—Butter 20c. Eggs 19c.
Step into the store one door north of the post -office
and see our new stock of
Dress Goods
Boots and Shoes
r•► 4) and all
Staple & Fanoy Dry Goods
Ring up phone So. 22 and have your Groceries
delivered on short notice—the best fresh
Groceries always in stock.
Prefewsleaal Cards.
DR. 0. Y. ROUL8TON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.
Member of the R. 0. D. 8. of Ontario and donor
graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: Over Dickson & Carling's Law Office, In I
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
�DR. A. R. KINSMAN, 1.. D. 8., D. D. 8.•
Uonor graduate of Toronto t niverlstr.
tomb extracted without any pain, or any had effects
Ode. ever Oladman k Stanbury's office, Ilain street
Iles resumed practice after spending a year (Col.
lege) at British amt Continental Ilospttats. General
practice with erecial attention to Eye. (with refrac•
tion) Ear, Nose and Throat.
Oflh•e: Dashwood. Ont.
( Legal.
ton. Notaries, (bneeyancen, Commissioner"
Solicitor. for Molsons Bank, etc.
Mou.y to Loss at lowest rates of Interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter,
1. S. Oaaaa., B A., L, O. Damson
We have a Ierge amount of private funds to loan
• farm and village properties at low rates of toter
Barrister*,,88olklton,Matn st., Exeter On
Llcsuseil Auctioneer.
8alre attended In all parte. Satisfaction gnann•
teed or no pay. Tem» reasonable. All orders left
at Advocate Office will be promptly attended to
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Royal incorporated gaiety of
Yinslrlan,, England: Organist of Tri, rib memorial
QOrch,F.seter. Piano, Organ, harmony and Theory
Of Mosic, Terms on application. Exeter, Oat,
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company, niso Fire Insurance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -St., Exeter.
House For Sale.
in the Village of Exeter, situated on 9lmooe street.
a frame dwelling. 2 stories, kitchen and woodshed,
stable. good well, one fifth acre of land. All in good
condition. Will be sold res.onable. Apply at this
Cottage to Rent.
A frame cottage. in good repair, ami
at reasonable rental. Apply At thio
I. e
Special Attention to Dentistry.
Night call, left at the home of Nr. Peter Bowden
Main street, (opp. Trit itt Memorial Church), will be
promptly attended to.
Omer -Dr. Ramsay's old stand, corner of Main and
North streets, (opp. Pyrn s Blacksmith Shop).
Your patronage solicited.
House to Rent in Elimville
The undersigned is offering to rent his frame
dwelling in Elim,111e, with 1.5 acre of land. Hard
and soft water and Si number of fruit trees nn the
premise,. For particulars apply to JOSHUA JOHNS,
or the undersigned.
House and Land for Sale.
Th undersigned
e i s offering for sale his honee and
land on Huron Street East. The house is of frame
and i, In good repair. The land consist, of 4't acres
In good rondition. Good nater -hard and soft.
Good stable. Some good fntlt trees, etc. Posses•
*ion given now or in the fall. Apply at the home
of Abrsham tearing, Jr., Simeoe street.
Toes., suay.d co.:- the pnmieuof th, undersign•
ed, lot 5, con. 4 Biddulph, on or about Jaly 2nd, a
t eo•year•old heifer. Owner ran have same by pro..
ins prcpperty and paying ex penees.
''entralia, P.O.
Auction Sale
Of Farts Stork and inlplenients and
Honse and Lot.
The undersigned Auctioneer hes been instructed
to sell lay Public Auction on
Lot iS, N. 13. Stephen Tp.,
at 1 o'clock sharp,
the following valuable property, vit.
HOR.'F2- A 'pen of heavy draft mares. 1 sup
posed to le in foal; 1 heavy draft rolt, 2 years old
clef; 11111y. and 1 general purpose horse.
CATTI.E -3 mitre cows, all supposed to be in ralf;
3 three -year -41d ween, 2 two-year-old steers ar.d 1
two-year-old heifer, 3 yearling Steen and a calf.
POt'i.TRT--AMut dot Brown Leghorn hen,,
IMPLE tiENTS-Binder, in goad working order;
mower, end drill. 2 -furrow w a king plow, Bingle
fnnow plow, 2 wagons. top buggy, open buggy, fan.
ning mill, set bobsleigh cutter disc harrow; set of
Diamond harrows, mi6a {fettle, cutter,
rake, 2 setts of
double harness, set of single harnessa number of
sap tail.. ,piles and tuba, a number of cattle chains,
2 spinning wheels, forks. shovels, .pale,, 2 setts of
whiffle -trees, ne•k•yokes. grain legs, barley fork.
rain cradle, ,path,, set of orates, cook stove. heat-
ing stove. glass cupboard, lounge, an Enfield rifle,
a number of potato bushel Were, and other articles
too numerous to mention.
REAL ESTATE - Also there will be offered for sale
at the same time aol plact, a house and lot, The
house ienf brick, to gond repair 9 rooms, a good
cellar. a good kitchen and wood -shed. Then is al-
to oa the premises a goad, frame stable. The lot
comt,riees a half sore of goof land. containing a
nastier r.f apple. plum, cherry and pear tree,, grape
elan and other small fruits, also. All in a good
.tate of growth. The property adjoins 9arepta
Poet Otfi. e.
TERvs -S' sad ander, -ash:over that amount 11
month. credit Riven no tarnishing approved Joint
notes. 4( per rent 041 tar ,ash on credit amount,.
Term. -treat estate made knovan on day of sale.
TI' FROWN, 10 1t1.RT GRAY.
f Seaforth, Auctioneer. Proprietoe.
In Nen vot TyJ•e-s
On I3est rapFer s
The Fim .t `York
And Riehl Prices
The Advocate Office, Exeter
Clearing Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements
The nuder,i,ned Auctioneer has toren instructed to
sell by public auction ou
TUESDAY, SEPT. 2Sirii, 11)08,
at one o'clock p.m., slurp.
The following valuable property:
11OASES-1 driving horse, rising 6 Weare old; 1
draught mare, (suppo e 1 to be in foal to Sot inr oar);
1 i(eldln", 2 year. out (got h,• 1 ern anger); 1 fill',
1 year ofd, (got by Loso Ilowsrsos); 1 gelding.
1 year old, (got by Loan Sumo).
CATTLE --1 row, (supposed to be in calf); 1 far.
row cow. 1 steer 2 years old, 3 steers 1 year old,
3 heifers 1 year old, 2 calves.
IMPLEMENTS -I Deering binder, 1 3lasse3••llarris
mower, 1 hay rake, 1 seed drill, 1 disc barrow, 1 set
diamond harrows (nearly new), 1 lumber wagon,
2 ploughs. 1 root puller, 1 scutfler (new), 1 fanning
mill, 1 hay rack, 1 set pea guards, 1mir bob-eleighs,
1 cutter, 1 top buggy, 1 rubber -tire bnggy (new this
summer), 2 setts of double harness, 2 setts of single
harness, 1 acre of roots, 1 churn, 1 cook stove,
1 heating stove, 60 sap pails, forks, shovels, hoes,
whifife•trees, neck•yokes, and other articles too
numerous to mention.
TERMS -$3 and under, cash; oyer that amount 12
months' credit given on furnishing approved joint
notes. 5 per cent. oft for cash mu credit amounts.
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
Wedding Bells.
Mr. Ed. L. Crocker of Toronto, a Former
Employee of the Advocate,torms
a Life Partnership.
A very pretty wedding was solemn-
ized at the residence of Vr. ltd. Wit-
ter, East Toronto, on Wednesday
afternoon. Sept. Otb, when Miss Lily
M. Matthews, daughter of Mrs. Peter
Matthews of Brougham, was united in
marriage to Mr. Edwin L. Crocker of
Toronto, Youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Crocker of this place. The
ceremony who perforwed by the ltev.
Thos. Ratcliffe in the presence of sixty
invited guests. The bride was charm-
ingly attired in white silk, and carried
a boquet of bridal roses and ferns.
Her travelling gown was navy blue
cloth, with picture hat. The bride was
escorted to the altar by her uncle, Mr.
Randall C. Matthews of Shipka, to the
strains of "Mendelssohn's Wedding
Match," played by Mr. Ed. J. Eacrett
of Exeter. Guests were present from
Pickering, Brougham, Shipka, Exeter,
Toronto and other places. Mr. and
Mrs. Crocker left Toronto on Wednes-
day evening for Buffalo. From there
they went to Philadelpia and Atlantic
City, where they are enjoying a two -
weeks' honeymoon. On their return
to Toronto, tbey will reside at 128
Christie Street. The numerous hand-
some wedding presents testify to the
esteem in tvbich the bride is held by
her Many friends. The Advocate joins
in wishing the newly wedded couple
long life and happiness.
Of Real Estate, Farts Stock and Im-
On Lot 2, Con. 7, Usborne
At 12 o'clock sharp
STOCK --4 heavy draught mares, 6, 5, 4, 3 years
old, all bred to Siberian; 1 brood mare, 4 years old,
by Lord llowatson; 11.rood mare, 13 years old, bred
byOregor; 1 gelding 3 -yr -old, 1 general purposesuck•
er; . cows supposed to be in call; 1 thorobred cow,
calf at loot:4 steers 2 -yr -old -,2 heifers, 3 -year-old; 5
steers 1-yr•old; 4 heifers, 1.yr-old; Scalves; 2 brood
sows 2 yr old; 1 thorohred Yorkshire hoe, 6 shoats; 0
weeks 01,1;12 sheep.
IMPLEMENTS -Lumber wagon and box, pair of
tru••ks, stock rack. Frost ,t Woed binder,mowerand
pea -harvester; Masser Harris hay loader nearly
new; ew;
Maxwell rake and ul er•cutting lax with carriers,
hay rack, 9 single plows, Cockstrutt--2-lurrsw-pins e-
Maxw'ell disc harrow, 2 set Diamond harrows, land
roller, seed 401), fanning mill, pair bob•slelghs, cut-
ter, gravel box, pair of 2,000 itos. scales, attachment
for weighing stock; pair of counter stales. 240 lbs.;
3 top buggies. 2 nearly new; road cart, circular saw
and frame, man saw. Melotte cream separator,
Chatham 240 egg incubator and brooder, C phrus
brooder, 100 White Leghorn hens, turning lathe, set
of chisels and emery. Daisy Churn No. 3, wood cook
stove, glass cupboard, 2 sets of double harness, set
of single bonen. long ladder, whittle trees, reek•
yokes, grinding•stone, cattle chains, and otaer arti-
cles too numerous to mention.
REAL ESTATE --There will also be offered for sale
at the same time andlace, that 50 acres of land. be-
ing Lot 1, (W J), adjoining the above farm. The
farm is now all seeded down. Sale terms to suit
TEit\IS- .t and under cash; over that amount 12
months credit given on furnishing approved joint
notes, 5 per cent. per annum on for cash on credit
No reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm.
Auctioneer. Proprietor.
in the matter of the estate of John
Sharp, bite of the Township of Step -
ben, In the County of Huron, Yoe -
man, deceased.
Notice ie hereby given pursuant to the Statute in
that behalf, that all persons haring claima against
the estate of the saki John Sharp, who died on or
about the third day of August, A. D., 19.1!t, are re-
quested, on or before the
3nn DAY OF OCTOBER, A. D., 1008
to send by lost or to deliver to the undersigned Soli'
citor for the Executon of the said deeeased, their
Christian and Surnames, addresses and description,
and the full particulars of their claims respectively,
{properly verified, and the securities, (if any), held
by them, and that after the day last aforesaid the ex.
ecutors will proceed to(list ribute the assets of said de-
ceased among the parties entitled thereto. haying
regard only to those claims of which not ice shall have
been given as above required, and that the eai l Ex-
ecutors sill not be liable for the said meets. or
any part thereof, to any person or persons or whore
claims notice shall not have been received by him at
the time of such distribution.
George Sherritt and John Sherrill, Executors.
1)atel at Parkhill, this 20d day of September, 1903
Solicitor for Executors, Pat khill.
Farm for Sale or Rent.
Thr undtr.igned is offering for sale or rent the re
tate cf the late James l'robyn, consisting of 175
acres, and situated on the 20th and 21st concessions
of the Township of Stephen, two miles from Grand
(lend. The land Is In first-class condition, well
drained and been well cultivated. flood brick
house. large bank boon with pow•ermlll. (food water,
good orchard on eu'h (dace. seven acres hardwood
Convenient to school and church. For
teens and particulars app'). to
Centralia tt. 0.
I'LE\IENTS, on Lot l8, Con. 8,
Stephen, ori Tuesday, Sept. 21011, '08,
at 1 o'clock sharp, by the undersign-
ed auctioneer.
Horses Draught mare, 6 years old. (,u ed
to 1.e In los ); draught mare. , years obi. driving
mare, 6 years old, (gond Pim); aged working horse;
heavy colt, rising 3, (sired by College Chum) heavy
colt, rising 2, (sired by Prior's hero); draught filly,
rising 2, (sired b oattley (told); driving colt, 3
year. old this fall.
Cattle -6 cows, (supposed to be in rale, one due
to calve the latter end ofi this month1;6 two.year-old
steers,3 two-year-old heifer., 3 one -year-old h,lters.
4last Fall .fires, 4 Spring calves, :, calves, three
months old; thoroughbred Shorthorn bull, 16
month old.
f3h.ip-6 breeding ewes.
pigs -2 brood co..w(to farrow in October).
l.pplegerets Frost .t Wood hay loader, nearly
new; Norton seed drill, nearly new; Maesey•Harrl
cultivator, land roller, set Diamond harrows, nearly
new; 2 single pimp, gang plow, pair 12 . wt weigh
scales, wagon and lox, open buggy, Portland cotter,
pea harvester, sulky rake, 'waffler, ladder, fanning
mill, Empire ercam separator, root pnlper, wheel-
barrow; hay Cork, slings. ropes. pulley. and 2 cars;
25 cedar poete. acre of manifolds, 2 seta of double
team harness, set of single harrier,; ditching scoop,
new; ditching s ads, new; sugar kettle, a number of
cow • hain,, and a great many other, articles too
numerous to mention.
Real Estate -11 not previousl sold, the above
farm, containingion scree, all clear and In good
roltiration, will be offered kr rule at the same time
and place. Then ie on the property a good two-
story Melt cottage. 29129, nearly new. with a good
frame kitchen; tool bank barn with cement Hoon;
goal drive shed; good hog pen with cement gloom;
two good email otrhands, good wind mill and tanks,
good water, well fenced. well under -drained. 1
miles from Crediton, pit miles from Exeter and •,
mile from *rhool,
Cksttels All sums of 35.0o and under. rash;
over that amount 12 month credit will be glean on
fumishint approve.l Joint note.. 1.p+er cent. Mf for
cash en crhbt amounts emit Eeta1.- in per
rent nn day of sate. Mlanre in oro••Itr,, without in-
mterest. Full po eewinn given in 30 days. rot
further partioulsrs apply to the proprietor.
Arthur ('oxwnrth, Proprietor.
i',d. 13ossenberry, Auctioneer.
Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 15th, was
the occasion of a very pretty wedding
at the home of Mr. ,+rid Mrs. Joseph
Hawkins, Elim• ille, ss hen their young-
est daughter, Evelyn 'u.ey, was united
in marriagw tn. Mr.
'fhe'knot was tied by an Elimville
"Old Boy" in the person of Rev. Robt.
Hicks, now of Crediton. Promptly at
half past four to the strains of the
wedding march played by the bride's
sister, Mrs. George Hunter, the bride,
who was given away by her father,
took her place beside the groom under
an evergreen arch banked with flowers
and ferns, on the lawn. She -wore a
lovely gown of Marquisette over Peau
de Cygue trituuled with satin and lace
and carried a shower boquet of cream
roses. She was attended by the
groom's sister, Miss Linda Hunter, at-
tired in ivory voile finished with rib-
bon and carrying pink roses, while Mr.
Milton Clark: supported the groom.
As the register was being signed Miss
Hattie Hunter sang the beautiful solo
"O Love Divine." After congratula-
tions theuests, numbering one hun-
dred and fifty, repaired to the spacious
dining room where a bounteous din-
ner was served. The evening was
spent in music, games. etc. The gifts
were both numerous and costly show-
ing the high esteem in which the pop-
ular young couple are held. The
groom's gift to the bride was a hand-
some oak rocker, to the bridesmaid a
ring set with rubies and pearls, to the
best man gold cuff links. The happy
couple left amid peltings of flowers
and rice for the gloom's fine home just
south of Elimville. The bride's going
away dress was of blue broad cloth
with hat to match. Guests were pre-
sent from Toronto, London, Seaforth,
Ilensall, Exeter, Kirkton, Centralia
and other places.
Mrs. Ccorgc lIa•skl,te ut1 Silas Irazel
Drowning, who have been visiting in
Caledonia, Minn., returned home Tues-
day, accompanied by Mr. Earl Drown-
From the St. Loule Daily Glob`-D•'tn-
ocrat of Sept. 10th we clip the foll•)w-
Ing regarding a daughter of a former
well-known Usborne resident,—'One of
the prettiest of the early fall weddings
was that of Mise Anna Agnes Glbdon
daughter of G. G. Gibson, and Walter
W. Cavanagh, last nlgnt at the Home of
the bride's parents. Dr. Helen Franr^e
Gibson of Redbank, N. J., a slater of the
bride, was bridesmaid, and Charine A.
Backer was best man. Rev. Dr. 11. 11.
Gregg, pastor of the Compton and Wash-
ington Ave. Prcbbytetlan church, per-
formed the ceremony. The couple stood
under a bower of golden rod and aspar-
agus ferns. The parlor was festooned
with white clematis. Tnc wedding.
which took place at 7 o'clock, was priv-
ate. Afterward a large reception was
held, to which about 150 Invitations had
been Issued. The bride was married In
a lace gown which had been purchased
by her grandmother at the first world'.
fair In Paris.
Auction Sale
Of Farm Stock and implements.
The undersigned Auctioneer has been Instructed IA
sell by Public Auction, on
Lot 0, Con. 3, Stephen
At 1 o'clock sharp,
the following valuable property, lir.
i1ORSES-1 aged hone, 1 horse 13 year, old, 1
aged marc (supposed to he in foal to Percherow), 1.
year-old filly (bp Wilder Lee), 1 sucking colt (got by
Lord Ilowstaon).
CATTLE -7 cows (supposed to 1.e with calf), 1 far•
row row. 2 two-year-old @teen, 2 1 .year-old Steen, 2
1•vear-old heifers, 7 calves.
IMPLEMENTS -1 tread power and belt, cutting
box and grinder, fanning mill, brick yard cart and
harne '. scales r t eqn lbs ), a wagon, I Democrat, 1
sulky, 1 buggy, 2 hay racks, 1 mower, 1 hay rake 1
1 eultis'tor, 1 peel drrlll (nearly news, 1 land roller.
1 reaper, 1 sulky plough. 1 walking plongh, harrows,
1 dips harrow. 2 Profilers, 1 grin stone, 1 work
benrh,1 root ;wiper. 1 gravel box, 3 hidden/1,1 wheel-
barrow, 2 seta of harness (1 single), 2 erow•han. 1
sugar kettle, 1 cradle. 1 rythe, row chains, forks,
shovels, chain,, 30 rows o mangles, 42 rods long; N)
row, of turnips. 42 rods long; 3 colonies of bees, hie
hires, sap buckets and epilee. 2 harms. rream sep or-
ator, "National";,agar •ret plough, sugar beet cub
tirator, number of cedar poste, steel stone•boat, corn
shelter, water trough, 1 tank. 1 honey extrsctor, 3•
piece bedroom wake, 1 bureau, anal other article, too
numerous to mention.
People coming from a distance will be served din•
net and s000mmodation.
TFRSfs t5 and under, rash; over that amount 14
months' credit !then on furnishing tippet's ed Joint
notes. 4 per rentoff tor '445 nn credit amounts,
Aa tioneer. Proprietor.
A team of Exeter ball players drove
to Sunshine Monday afternoon and
played a four innings gatne of baseball
with the Winchelsea boys, Exeter win-
ning 8.5. Players:—Exeter: G. Manns,
P. Fleming, T. Boyle, W,Heaman, F.
Boyle, M. Hoskins, R. N. Creech, B.
Martin, H. Rendle; Winchelsea: H,
Berry, A. Francis, G. Godbolt, M.
Clark, T. Rttllantyne, H. Hodgson. S.
Duncan, C. Gowan, B. Coward; 1.'m-
pire, Thos. Bell. The game was called
at the end of the fourth owing to dark-
ness. Not hits but rough ground was
accountable for the score, as both pit-
chers did good work. The visitors
were treated to an excellent tea at the
hands of the ladies of the church who
were holding a Harvest Home Festival
that evening. A teturn game will be
played here Friday, Sept. 18 at 4:30 p.
w. Everybody come out and see the
The interest of the bowlers last week
centred in the final game for the tree
phies presented by Mr. N. D. Hurdon,
the president of the club). Early in
the summer the club players were div-
ided into rinks for the purpose of com-
peting for the prize's. Rink after rink
went under until only W. W. Tainan's
rink and W. Blatchford's rink were
left and the finals were played between
these rinks on 'Thursday afternoon,
with the result in favor of Taman's
quartette, 18-10, and they have been
busy ever ranee telling how it was
done and exhibiting the trophies,
which are in the form of one of the
first coined coppers in the Canadian
Mint attached to a chain and ribbon,
tht.-@ formi '- pocket or watch fob.
Tanlan's rink started out 51.i'o11g find
at the eleventh end stood 14-5. Their
opponents cable up well howeyer,
making four in the twelfth and four in
the fifteenth, and finished strong, be-
ing only two points behind at the 18th
W T Acheson W R Alger
B Martin J W Broderick
I R Carling E L`hristie
W Taman sk. 18 W Blatchford sk. 10
Taman 121003130-120110020-18
Blatch. 000120002004004102-16
Fall Fairs.
Ailsa Craig, Sept. 24-25
Blyth, Sept. 29-30
Mitchell, Sept. 15-16
Exeter, Sept. 21-22
Parkhill, Sept. 29-30
St. Marys, Sept, 23-2f
Seafortb, Sept. 17-19
Thedford, Oct. 6-7
Kirkton, Oct. 1-2
Zurich, Sept. 2.3-21
Reform Convention.
The Reformers of South Huron met
in the Opera Howe, Henatell, on T:'es-
day afternoon in convention for the
purpose of selectinga candidate to con-
test the riding at the approaching
Dominion Election. As was expected
the unanimous nhoire fell to M. V Mc-
Lean, who wart the seat iu the bye -
election in Jant;ar; last.
The meeting was well attended by
delegates and others from all Harts of
the riding. Henry Smith, the presid-
ent of the association, occupied the
chair. The meeting was addressed by
the candidate and the Chief Liberal
Whip, W. S. Calvert of West Middle-
sex, both of whom in excellent ad-
dresses discussed the political issues of
the day.
An informal dance was given in 111c-
Donell's Hall on Friday evening, .t 1v,
Brown presiding at the piano.
HALL—At Blake, on Sept. 7th, to Mi.
and Mrs. Hall, a son.
CALDWELI. -- 1n Ilensall, on Sept. ISth,
to Mr. and :,irb. Juan l)aidweti, Jr.,
e son.
MossnAU —At the Bronson Line. Hay.
on Sept, 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. A.
Mosseau, it daughter.
Sampson. -Lt Stephen, on Sept. 5th
Myrtle Estella Sampson, daughter Of
Walter Sampson, aged Q months.
ltceder—ln tiC(lilllvray, on Sept. ;tit
to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Reeder, a daugh-
GilIert—In McGillivray, on Sept. Oth,
to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Gilbert, a son.
WELSH—FelNTUFF—In Stratford, on
Sept. 10th, Miss Mabcll H. Flintofl'.
... � Mr. John Welsh of Hensel!.
HtrNTElt_ At the home of
the bride's parents, ... i ! Mrs.
Jos. Hawkins, Eliinville, on Se
15th, Evelyn May Hawkins to \ il-
bur I. Hunter, all of Usborne.
CO1tLESS—COLI,)u1foL'N— in Iiibbert,
on Sept. 4th, at the home of the
bride's mother, Permillia A„ daugh-
ter of Mrs. Margaret Colquhoun, to
Morton T. Corless of Sudbury.
Finney.—McKenzle.—In Stanley on Sept.
1st, at the home of the bride's par,
elite, by the Rev, Mr. Davidson of Var-
na, Jennie, youngest daughter of
Robert McKenzie, to Mr. Finney of
EvsnKT'r—In hfitcbell, on Sept. 8t3,
Mrs. Mary Jickling Everett, aged 80,
Ilot.T%MANN—In Crediton. on Sept. 13,
George Holtzman!), aged 85 years, 0
months and 7 days.
Johnston.—At itl.,ke on Sept. 5th, Jas.
Johnston, aged 90 years.
The Nevem Store
e -
Boots &Shoes E HAVE A Special Line of
Patent Shoes which are
going fast, Come in and
see them. Styles and prices are right. They will suit you.
A full line of other shoes that are suitable for any wear. You
will be pleased with then,
often and kept fresh and new
all the time. We will be
pleased to see you try them. Breakfast Foods, Can
Goods, Pickles, Syrups, Etc. An excellent line of
Confectionery, also.
I3utter and Eggs.
will pay you the Highest
Market Price in trade for
Bring them in.
T. J. Wilson
Two doors north of Post Office
ulcii'ihls Sept. 21 and 221'08
- ('011 arc cordial! y
invited to examine our Stoves and Ranges r('I(ilc
in, for the 131G F4IR,—or any other time when
11/11100000 7010Y)1•'RMO11ODt►1JD^►'Jy^. .^r k70)00O40ti
Garland, Souvenir and National Ranges
for quality, economy and price.
OTrcCrcori cccN4Ii41NaSSCO4CCCCcCct4gCtr.c c<NCC
Samson Portland Cement
A large stock on band— TH E BEST f"r tc:,lk , u.,11s, silos, dfc
Shut Guns from $s,00 to $20.00
Rifles - 1.00 4 50
Revel VcrS - ,1,50 '• 5.00
Ammunition for Guns. Rifles and Revolvers.
P.S. - Agency for Dairyman's Cleaner & Cleanser.