HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-10, Page 8T. HA'KINS 81 SON.
Jobbers and Dealers in
Shelf and General Hardware,
Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Seeds,Etc.
We make a Specialty of Eave-
troughing, Roofing and
Plumbing in all
its branches.
Call and
be con-
vinc ed
that it is the cheapest spot in town.
Hardware stock is Complete
Summer 1
Summer Trade
is ever increasing
We have the
Gerd : and do the
Work that must
brine' us the Trade
r . ;\". TAMAN
Me..,hant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Mains; Locals -- Read Them
House Wanted.
\V+trttea to rent, an up-to-date dwell-
ing, not bilge. Apply at this office.
Stewart shows the wettest lot til nein
Dress Goods that lee (tare seen, The
new ehirron stripes are certainly rich.
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate otllet'.
Lovely Eider h imona cloth at LUe ts..r
yard. Stewart's.
EzctcrCane i:, Factory Wants Hands.
21) hands :+anted to peel Tomatoes.
Apply :it (' ening Factory.
li mt ;4%,i 11 N, 1„• dressy Scanty wen.
Stewart is slum -lily all the new shapes.
For Sale.
5+1 Pure -Bred White Wyandotte
Pull''ts.— i. Paw'ELL, Exeter.
Ye* Stewart is again leading the jack-
et leucin s. 7'ltcir tailor made New
Fi,rl• 1..,,('j ji'ting coats are perfect beau-
Fars Repaired or Remodelled.
Those wishing furs repaired
'modelled bring them in t
,n„nth in
Andrew St„
Oh Glory i, a clever comic song, but
Nam i• :.• :- the greatest ('old and
Cu.') rb Remedy. Get it at Tho Pur-
Mt, -r, N. D. Hurdon, A. ;G. Dyer,
their sons, ituti Mr. James Jeckell re-
turned Tuesday from their fishin ex•
,edition south of (hand Bend, and re -
ort good weather, fine sport, and a
- catch of about 00 pike of a medium
Mrs. ttodgcrt need.
On S'mel.ty, Sept. lith, the death took
plats. mf I•:aza Foster, relict of the late
Archibald lfodgert, aged 71 yr:u•s, 11
months. Deceased had always enjoy-
ed the hest of health until about at year
:ego when she underwent an operation
for ;a raneer.111•. growth, but owing to
her advanced age the operation was
not it success. serving only to stay the
disease for time. During the past
seven mans h, .he has been confined to
her room, the end coining gradually
but surely to relieve her sutTei ing.
Mrs. Hodge! 1 was horn in Lanark
County, Ont ti ice, and was the te• mar-
ried, walla►; with her late husband to
the town—hip of 1-sborne, where by
tient of later gy and perseverance they
In ale to 11,1,14' for' thennselves. Nearly
1nta.:w y'..is ;:go they retired to Exe-
ter. where Mr. Nodgert died in Aug•
ust of Ii015. The late Mrs. Nodgert
w•as n elltIO'.I I'll t member of the \leth-
odi.t church and well beloved by all
who knew be•r. She leaves to mourn
her deny -e five daughters anti four
sans Mr-. 1)'Yid ili'hatds, \ir-. \\'11).
Bray, Mrs. Jeehn Bell, \Irs. John Dun -
cin, \fi-s \I try .1 nn, Alexander, And-
rew, A'thiltd,1 :anti William. The
f nneral took place from her late resi-
dence, Has on street, to the Exeter
c'utetery en Tuesday at 2:31p. m.
'4+41-4-+, F++++• ++++++i ++++4
* unable
mIIE Ii1G HUSH. i leer Summer 4J
a '
++,. t. 1•.•t;at) already.
t I'T
+ • HR MI: wtRP..
Iter Go.sls are
the Best.
Fit and Finish
t:u tranteed.
•'r.:a..nt 1..11 ar - t, etcr
1. 1 •' a44•4•.1•4-I•fff+++4f++++4+T ' hent.
;��w�Ir��WI" PresbytarrofHuron.
The Presbytery of Huron met in Ex- I CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY
sten on Tuesday last, There was the
usual routine business. M. Y. Mc-
Lean, M. P., of Seafortb, was present
and spoke on behalf of the Augmenta-
tion Fund of the church, urging great-
er liberality. Itev. W. M. Martin's
resignation of the pastoral charge of
Exeter and Chiselhurst was accepted,
but owing to a guest tnade by the
congregations it was agreed that Mr.
Martin remain till the first Sunday in
February. Mr. Martin has been in
Exeter twenty-five years. The Pres-
bytery will meet in Egwondville on
Nov, 10th. The Presbytery was en-
tertained to dinner and tea in the base-
ment of the church by the Ladies' Aid
Ricks' Foresests For September.
A Reactionary Stortn Period is cen-
tral on the 10th, 11th and 12th, having
full Moon on the IOth, between its per-
igee on the Otb, and its passage over
the8th olthe 1 equator on the uth. The No More Tender Feet!
8th to the 15th is at the annual crisis
of magnetic antagonism between the
Earth and Sun, and the chances are
tunny that the disturbances of the pre-
ceding period will last into, and reach
their final culmination during this re-
actionary period. Within a period of
about five days, taking the 10th as the
central day, it will be most natural
that many equinoctial storms and seis-
mic perturbations should occur. Be-
hind these storms, beginning in the
far north-west, say about the lith,
look for rapid and very decided
changes to high barometer, boreal
gales and much cooler weather. This
change will spread eastward and
southward during the llth to 15th,
breaking up heated conditions, with
probable frost in many localities north-
ward. A regular storm period covers
the 15th to 19th, with Moon at last
dquarter on the 17th, and at extreme
eclination north on the 18th. The
crisis of this period will fall on the
17th, 18th and Toth. This period, of
course, is near the centre of Earth's
autumnal equinox, and any one who
has done his own watching and study-
ing for any number of years, does not
need to be informed that dangerous
equinoctial storms are liable to appear
at this storm period. Such, indeed,
is the case at any storm period from
the middle of August into October.
ail iro0'61317tTi)' eieveve
Mr. A. E. Pym is again ill of the old
Mr. Jas. Tom will celebrate his 88th
birthday on Saturday.
Mr. C. Hackney shipped a carload
horses to Sarnia, Friday last.
Mr. Geo. Hawkins, Sr., of London
Road North is in very poor health and
compelled to keep his bed.
Mr. T. E. Handford shipped a car
horses to Port Arthur. Friday. They
were accompanied by Mr. P. Coleman.
Mr. E. 1I. Fish has been appointed
sexton of the Trivitt Memorial church,
his duties having commenced last
Thr• Exeter baseball club intends go-
ing to tylncttelsca to play a game on
ttoi:day everting next. The rig will ttavc
here at 4 p.m.
A Swiss has taken the trouble to
count the steps he took during a year.
He found the number to be 0,770,000,
which gives 25,740 steps a day.
Alice, the young daughter of Mr. L.
D. Vincent, who has been in poor
health for seyeral weeks, is still quite
ill, confined to her bed and under the
doctor's care.
Tho Canadian Bank of Commerce
has offered a Silver Medal for the best
two-year-old filly or gelding entered
itt the heavy draught class at the corn-
ing Exeter Fair.
The Canning factory started on their
tomato pack Friday last. The crop
has very much unproved the past
couple of weeks and there is every
promise of an abundant yield on the
The beech and butternut trees are
carrying a great crop of nuts this sea-
son. This calls up the old saying that
plenty of nuts means a long and hard
winter coming. But these old sayings
don't always come true.
Mr, and Mr. Fred Ilawkshaw were
in Toronto this week consulting a
specialist regarding their little son,
one leg of whom has not developed as
it should have. Amputation was
thought necessary and the limb below
the knee was removed.
Mr. I. R. Catling ha3 had his pre-
mises very much improved and beauti-
fied by a liberal coat of paint to the
house, stable, fences, etc. He will
pay out upwards of $300 for the w prk,
Mr. Carling does not seem to
have a superabundance of taste for
matters matrimonial he seems to poss-
ess the right kind of taste for keeping
his premises in the Al class.
A woman, scantily dressed, barefoot-
ed, and :apparently demented, passed
south on the 2nd concession of Stephen
on Saturday morning. Mr. W. D.
Sanders noticed her condition and im-
mediately reported to Constable W
Bissett. 'Together the
sonic dist
..s. took her
,urn and brought her
..s ter. She claimed to he Mrs. Al-
ton of Boughton, and was apparently
well educated. In communicating
with the authorities of the London
Asylum it was found she had escaped
from there the previous Thursday and
Mr. Ilissett took her as fat 118 bleat'
Crossing where an attendant met theta
and she was that evening again placed
in the asylum. How she carne to wan-
der this far in such a condition is i►
1) . 1'. Cowan of London. formerly .e(
l:xrtnr, while driving in that city on
\londay, was struck by a tercet a
The rl; was knocked over and the doc-
'ev thrown, bcnr:.th it. and diaggcd _o
t before tete horse was captured. T•.c:
cupant was Severely injured but (1
s pccaed to recover.
The borne of Mr. and Sire. Samuel
?ntith, London )load, South, was the
enc- of a pretty and joyous event o
tt•edrlesd:._ et last week, the o•rasion
1: Trig the marriage of their second
daughter. Miss Emma Jane, to Mr. Wm.
1. Aitken of Toronto. The ceremony
wax performed by the Hey. W. 1f. (putt
of Centralia In the presence of about
4:xty guexts. The bride was attire•) In
betu'Ifu1 errant dress and was as-
41atrd by her stater. Miss 11i.tnche, Win
wore n ,trees of similar goods. Thr
.;room was supported h; ills brother, Mr.
1 ten. A ltkenof Toronto. .tt the ronrlus-
osa of the ceremony all at down to :t
bountiful repast, after which the hap-
,: couple were -driven to Lucan, wh^re
'hey took the three o'clock train for
heir future Monte In Toronto. amid the
'test wishes of a host of friends. The
bride rt c r lvcd many handsome and us'.
rul presents, thus testifying to the en -
.1 Nil In which she Is held by her many
.'r lends. The Advocate joins In wi,a1.-
tg the young couple teat wlahes for
•uelr future happlp,esn and prosp'ri1y,
Mr. (:forge Itowell(fe who sold rile
faint brat spring to his brother, Ilyanr
,tends having .t sale of his stork and
effects on Sept. 23rd, after which he
.v111 Inv to i.ondal 10 restdr.
Satchel Purse Lost.
On the lake Road. likely between
the Cemetery and Francistown, a
lady's satchel pause, containing a gold
ring, $6.001 in fills and some change.
Finder will he suitably rewarded by
leaving surae at
Main St., Exeter, (bit.
Holiday Visitors Is Exeter.
Mrs. Cooper, John Ili -sett and wife,
(leo. Willis and wife. Alf. Bowie, Jas.
Bissett, 'Adolphus Evans and wife,
Fred l'enhale, Thomas Welsh, Mark
Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Voting (nee
Edith Beet 1..1. C. Inwood, of London;
1)r. Ramsay. Rev. anti Mrs. Perkins
of Ingersoll:.1. It. Knell and wife, Case
Howard of St. Thomas; \1r. and Mrs.
McTavish lnee Jean Taylor) of Shake -
George F.ecrett Married
A tinier hat interesting event took
place at the home of the bride's par-
ents, Mr. ,end Mrs. Thomas Lister.
I3r.antf 'tJ, on Wednesday, Sept. 2nd,
when their daughter, Ma,s Mary E.
Lister. became the bride of Mr. George
kacret1 of Gladstone, Man., and son
of the late George Kaere 11 of Exeter.
The ceremony was Pt (1 tip.'iI at 2:31)
o'clock in the presence of only the
1111itu'Ji tie ielatives, by Bev. W. C.
('astseli, )'....ter of Colborne yttent
'•hurth. Aft.•r a wedding dinner Mr.
Intl \Ir=. E ter, tt left for Toronto for v
few day', routing to Exeter ori Fridley
evening. They iriten 1 leaving shot tly
for (:I el -tot„• wh• to they will make
their tot lit r twilit'. Th.•ti .t wishes •ef
their that w Wends :ate t xtendrd (0
%Vheat 8ll
Barley 48
Oats 35
Peas 75
Potatoes, per bag 05
Hay, per ton 7 50
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cw 11 35
Dried apples
Livehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
8 00
1 40
0 30
2<3 00
20 00
Ho More Corns!
No More Warts !
•iaia la14daa6•4iaO,Aa4daABatd
Charles Dyer of Siuicoe is visiting
Mr. Fred Brooks
visiting here.
Miss Blanche Sheere spent the holi-
day in London.
Miss May Thomas returned to Lon-
don Wednesday.
Dyer llin don has returned to BuiT-
aloto sow'
Mrs. Lainwie of Detroit visited her
mother. Mrs. Tait, this week,
Mr. Chris. Luker is holidaying at
Toronto and Thousand Islands.
Mr. W. Johns and Miss ;1lcAnch are
attending Toronto Fair this week.
Misses Nina, Winnie and Martha
Carling spent the holiday in Toronto.
Miss Lyda Quante has gone to For-
est ns milliner and Miss 011ie to Moor -
\trs. C. Crier of Detroit spent the I101-
..1 •: with het' father, Mr. Join Ilawk-
Mr. Alf. Grigg, who has been visit-
ing at his home here, left Friday for
Mr. Herb. Morrell has returned from
Windsor, where he spent some
Miss Florence Trueinner of Detroit,
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. 11. Sweet,
and other relatives.
Mrs. G. Axford of'i'albotvillereturn-
ed home Tuesday after a visit with
her aunt, Mrs. J. Sparkman.
Miss Lily Bi-etett of i.ondon, who
has been visiting at Itippen, is now
spendint, a few days in town.
Mrs. \\'un. Ilawkshaw and daughter,
Miss Jean, arrived horse Saturday
from at trip to Brandon, Man.
Mrs. Pager, who has been visiting
her parents it) ('l ntletoye for several
days, returned home last week.
Mt s. J. C. Gould and tw'O daughters
of London visited 31r, nod Mrs, Ricin.
Gould over the holiday.
\It. Coughlin, inspector of weights
and measures, was in town on ofll•ia!
ditty the latter part of last week.
S. Martin, 13. Brick wood and son
Eat I, 1'. B,tw•de,t, Jatues and Alfred
\fatter are attending 'Toronto Fair.
Mr. Geo. i1. Powell, who recently
purchased a 1711 -:erre celery farm near
Thedford, was here part of the week.
Master Glenn FlintofT has returned
to St rat bud, after spending the sum-
mer holidays with his sister, Mts. J.
C. Snell.
?11rs. Gen. ilawkins and Miss Hazel
Browning are visiting their brother,
1)1'. Will. Browning in Caledonia.
31 inn.
311.-. Thomas blooper and t .vo daugh-
ters of Krnora, visited during the
week with Mr. and Nits. Who. Hooper,
Huron street.
Mrs. T. 11. McCallum and daughter,
Miss Elsie, arrived home Saturday
evening from an extended trip to
3) itikll ('oluupbia.
Mr. F. \V. Farticomhof London w•:(s
ti town Friday 11st, surveying for the
own and also getting the level for the
new Bowling wounds.
Mrs. Susie Egan 1'turned Monday
from a pleasant merith's visit with
relatives and friends in Detroit, New
Baltimore and Port Heron.
Mrs. E. If. Spackman and daughters.
Misses Freda, Gertrude and Marjorie,
have returned home to i3)enheim after
at visit here and at (:rand Bend.
Mr. E. H. Sparkman of iilenheini
was herr over San lay with his pat-
ents, 31r. and Mrs. .1. Sp;iekrnnn. Ile
with 11. Spackman is now visiting
Fred `onthcott itt the Bend.
Mr. Nelson Prior, who has been vis-
iting his parents here for the past few
weeks. left Thursday morning foi
Winnipeg, it routpanied by his sister,
Miss Cora, who will visit in that city
1 for n few weeks.
Mr.. (len. i.t-ne, accompanied by
her d,tnght.r. Sirs. (leo. Wint'ri,t
tori,. rind VI.ar f -cons, M:ast,•rs (lee,
\V1 ,11 (et tom and 1Vesh•v Cartier, of
London,, call, 11 on relatives and
firadsher, I.tst week, on their way
home foot) Or Bend, tth.te they
1etejnyed a pleasant noting for a few
we'kn. The forme! 's Raster, Mrs.
Smith. and little nephew, NI,tster Mer -
Iv) t; Itussel:, of L•emlon 11•ead Smith.
.1 NO spent n fees WWI! int clays at the
lakeside with them.
of Itidgetown is
For the speedy removal of
corns, bunions and warts.
— 25c a box. —
Guaranteed—Money Refunded.
W. S. Cale, Phm.B
Dispensing a Speciality.
sore, tired, aching feet.
Messrs. W. A. and J. A. Gregory of
North Battleford, Sask., and G. E.
Gregory of Regina, Sask., are here
owing to the Illness of their father,
\Ir. Thomas Gregory, who remains in
a very low condition.
Rev. Ernest Grigg, who has been
visiting relatives here for several
months, left last week for Liverpool
and from them' will return to Bunnell.
India, where he will resume his duties
in the missionary field, assisted by
Mrs, Grigg.
IsJnJ&twNs111 1
with leading business houses
await our graduates.
Loose Leaf Ledger
and all modern ottice methods
tthi1 ensure meta adv.,, e•
Gregg Shorthand
taught by the only teacher in
Ontario who attended the
Author's School.
THRPP COCRSP,S — Stenazraphy,
Commercial, Telegraphy.
Enter any day. Write for particulars.
Geo. Spntton, Principal.
is often troubled with headaches
caused by the strain on his eyes.
We ran relieve the strain and
if you are such a one, conte and
let us fit yon with n pair of glasses
aiter a thorough examination,
which costs you nothing.
W. S. Howey, Phm, B.
Chemist and Optician.
Success in Baking
is assured by
it Exeter Star Flour
"STAR" Flour nett, 1ai1ii to vise the
highest uti•fa^tltm when uncal With r proper
conditions. It• uniform ggality make• it
Iii the thorn ttc.ue ,,1 the he'nie, in wht,•h TIII
ir li ENT is seen'• ieted and demanded.
We solicit your grist-
ing patronage, `tar loll'
is used in our gristincr
EXETER tiNr.11:1()
.e l,t elfin era i d'../'. r1 rf .f
WE keep con-
stantly* in
stock a full
line of furniture,
and it pays to
fu r n is h your
home from our
stock • • • •
Parlor Suites Parlor Tables
Easy Chairs Odd Chairs
Music Cabinets Couches
Sideboards Hall Racks
Buffets Kitchen Cabinets
Dining Room Tables
Dining Chairs
and all Bedroom Furnitute
Q}Gef}fiQC1Ql�Q}Q��,-QQ'��?Cr�-C}G�rirrC P,rC'rr.'i�
020-3114:4-033C000Ca'ootrammoec }rievocceoSr eceic@aesRgins
mid Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
Autumn Tidings 1
AUTUMN is putting on her golden tinge now and
that means business will soon be booming with
the New Fall Goods. Everything here is in
full swing for the big rush. New Dress Goods. Suit-
ing•. Separate Skirts, h'tlr-Lined ('oats. Furs, Millinery
and in fact ever,' article for your comfort,
Our Milliners Are Here,
Redly to take your orders for your
Early Fall Hat.
They are beautiful.
Become your face,
A lovely combination.
The new Ready-to-wear flats are very new and swell for the early
Lilt wear and are found here in abundance. Every lady should look
after her Millinery early and give the Milliners a chance to fix you up
real swell.
Colored Dress Goods
We at e showing it vet y extensive range of
The New Cohn e d Dress Goods
for this season.
Stripes ate tety- new and come in Green, drown. i31ue and Red.
The cloths ,are very fine, wit h a beautiful finish. Plain Cloths ere very
popular in the setae shade :i, the Stripes and our stork comprises
The Pick of the Dress Goods Trade.
Black Dress Goods
;nil do not purpose falling behind
this season.
int Voiles, Taffeta ('loth. Chiffon, Broadcloth, Panama, English
Worsteds and Merges,
We cannot be beat for Quantity and Quality !!!
Du not fail to sir oar Large Suck of Blacks.
Fur -Lined Coats, Fur Coats & Furs
You will be serprised t his year to see our large stock
of For -Lined ('oats, For ('oats and Fnrn... .. ......
There is nothing left out in this line.
We have them all- - and all the very best!
Wof e sant you to .1e than, 118e very we at ry pr rd of our large
show nig. and think yon will be the sante, to ACP the large
selection the give yon to choose from.
POULTRY: Chicks tOc, Docks 80, ildlis 6c
4;t"f1t1:1rta 1 - for the (e('Ietar:tt(d Al'. 11 Sanford ('l(ithiI g