HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-10, Page 5(Slater advocate
"1.00 tf paid to advance.
�I.IIW a yaar if not so paid.
Itrrae Tel'altedStates Subic ribersgl•t{0
s Year Strictly is Advance.
SANDERS • CREECII, Publishers.
Baby Carriages
or Go -Carts
and let the Baby grow.
Large and Beautiful.
The price is not large and
the terms are easy.
2 6 octave Organs cheap.
2 Pianos, slightly used, at a
Great Reduction.
Sewing Machines, Bicycles,
Children's Wagons, at prices
that will make you smile.
Fine Stationery.
The Bell Telephone Com-
pany of Canada
is about to publish a new issue of the
Official Telephone Directory
District of Western Ontario
including EXETER.
Orders for new connections, changes
of firm names, changes of street ad-
dresses, or for duplicate entries should
be handed in AT ONCE TO
Local Manager.
Zurich Heilman
Monday beinga legal holiday all Str. and Sate. Gutdua nu;tuu and Sir.
N business ,latrleets eloped.- Mise carnaod r.dSvl:;trre. Jolts,wcd:tnesdny, 13o:ton
atlwereendii:t ng Pis lit
wedding of their cousin, Mud Vict'it14
Stewart. -Mr. and Mrs. Franklin 11.31-
ton were to Toronto this week. -Sirs. J.
Farquhar has bought Mr. J. C. woods'
terns one utile east of Ilensall for her
son Roy, and he is busy putting In fall
wheat. -John Mitchell spent a few days
at the fair this week.. -Quite a r.unbcr
spent Labor Day in Zurich.-Jalne.
Inoadfoot had his driver on the iten-
v.tli track one night and site trotted a
:rile hi 2.40, so Jim don't need to take
evttybody's dust, -The farmers in this
vicinity- have their fall wheat mostly
sown. a,.d threshing 1s the order of
the day. -Mss Edna liorton has re-
turned from Seatorth.-Tire onion crop
:.as been harvested and by all a_count'
is an average oto. --Aids Jennie Ilor-
/on has returned to London to resume
her duties as vest maker In one of the
big establishments of that city. -Sirs,
Win.. :tinier took charge of the services
in the Methodist church at Chiselhurst
on Sunday last and delivered a very hr
:cresting uddreSs.-Sirs. N. II. Morton
and Mrs. Thomas Dickson of Seatorth
were litre attending the funeral of the
late George Wren.
Flora Klopp
t and her three brothers,
Hubert, Leonard and Lambert left for
their home at. Stratford ou Monday,
after spending the surumer holidays
with their brother Oscar. -P. Lamont
shipped a car of sheep and lambs to
Toronto last week. Ile also shipped
three caIb of export cattle it few weeks
ago, to London. Glasgow and Liver-
pool. -Mr. Prceter's dwelling is ready
for the roof and when completed will
be the finest house in town. -E. O.
Weber of Berlin gave an address in
the Evangelical church last Sunday
morning and evening. -Fred Demuth,
who has been rather weak for some
weeks, is not recovering his strength
as rapidly as his friends would like to
see. -Henry Kalbileisch had a rather
severe illness, but he is reported to be
better. -Miss Vercy Witwer is in De-
troit, where she expects to remain for
a while. -Mr. and Mre. Edward Seim
are entertaining the former's two sis-
ters from New Hamburg. -Miss Mollie
Worm of Chicago is visiting relatives
here for a few weeks. -Mrs. Fred
Kilgus of Louisville, Kentucky, is vis-
iting her brother-in-law, Jac. Haberer
and family of the Blind Line. -Tall-
man \Vurtu has accepted a position
with J. Preeter as head clerk in the
dry goods department. -John Decher
has sold his well -matched team of
drivers, that were great prize winners
at the fairs, to John Whalen of Port
Arthur, for the snug soul of $185. He
also sold a 3 -year-old to the same man
making $e00 for the three. -Children's
Day and Harvest Houle festival was
held in the Evangelical church last
Sunday. A choice program was ren-
DsATII-Mrs. Deters, who is well
and favorably known here died at the
home of her son Fred, near Hensall on
Aug. 3Ist, having reached the age of
about 85 years. The funeral took place
on Tuesday afternoon. the interment
taking place in the Lutheran Ceme-
tery. She leaves, besides the above
named son. two other sons, Henry and
Edward and a large number of other
relatives and friends throughout the
This sign is permanently attached
to the front of the main building of
the Lydia H. Pinkham Medicine
Co' in rany, Lynn, Mass.
What Does This Sign Mean :'
It means that public inspection of
the Laboratory and methods of doing
business is honestly desired. It ineat is
that there is nothing about the bus-
iness which is not "open and above-
It means that a permanent invita-
tion is extended to anyone to conte
and verify any and all statements
made in the advertisements of Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
L4 it a purely vegetable compound
made from roots and kerbs— with-
out drugs ?
Colne and See.
Do the women of America continu-
ally use as much of it as we are told ?
Colne and See.
Was there ever such a person as
Lydia E. Pinkham, and is there any
Mrs. Pinkhan now to whom sick
woman are asked to write?
Come and See.
L9 the vast private correspondence
with sick women oonducted by
women only and are the letters kept
strictly confidential?
Come and See.
Have they really got letters from
over one million, one hundred
thousand women correspondents?
Come and See.
Rave they proof that Lydia E
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ha,
cured thousands of these women ?
Come and See.
This advertisement is only 1r ,
doubters. The great army of worm
who know from their own persona
experience that no medicine in th•
world equals Lydia E. Pinkhant' •
Vegetable Compound for female ii --
will still o on using and beim, ben
eflted by it; but the poor doubtin-
suffering woman must, for her OW1
sake,be taught confidence furshe al s:
might just as well regain her heals:
Guaranteed Cured or No Pay.
If you ever had
any are uior l the virus
blood disease, youneversafe
or poison has been removed from the system.
You may have had some disease years ago, but
now and thea some symptom alarms you. Some
prison still lurks in your system. Can you afford
to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear-
ing as the poison multiplies? Beware of mercury
or mineral drugs used indiscriminately -they may
ruin the system. Twenty years experience in the
treatment of these diseases enables us to prescribe
specific remedies that will positively cure all blood
diseases of the worst character, leaving no bad
affects on the system. Our New Method Treat-
ment will purify and enrich the blood, heal up
all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen
out hair will grow in, and swollen glands will re-
turn to a normal ' ondition, and the patient will
feel and look like a different person. All cases
we accept for treatment are guaranteed a com-
plete cure if instructions are followed.
Reader if in doubt as to your Condition, you can consult us FREE
OF CHARGE. Beware of incompetent doctors who have no reputation
or reliability. Drs. K. & K. have been established over 20 years.
WE CURE Nervous Debility. Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and
Secret Diseases. Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free.
If unable to eon write for a Question List for Homo Treatment.
Cor. Michigan t Griswold Sts. Detroit, Mich.
Who are going from house to house in this cite giving
away beautifully illustrated leaflets containing several
choice Recipes for delicious desserts and explaining
The Dainty Dessert
•,‘ hi: h c,tn be prel'•lt, tl ftnr the table instantly. Sim -
add 1,tailing water. et,r,l atiti st'rvc. A
age (makes enough dessert
Sold be all grocers.
A perfect substitute for gelatine.
Highest Awards, Gold Medals at SI. Louis. Portland and
Jamestown Expositions.
It you vl!ue your health avoid cheap imitations.
JE'.L-0 costs a little more, but
a at.Y i,`{et!tf°srIK:r r i[t< ese't-:%
a t.‘riro.
small pack -
tor a large
There is more Catarrh in thissection of the coun
ty than all other diseases put together, and until
the last few years was supposed to be incurable For
agreat many years doctors pronounced it a local dis-
ease and prescribed local remedies, and be constant-
ly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to be •
constitutional disease and therefore requires consti-
tutional treatment. hill. Catarrh Cure, manufac-
tured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the
only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken
internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful.
it acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any
case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testi-
Address: F. J. CIIENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio.
gold by Druggists, 75 cents,
Take hall's family pills for constipation.
Ernest Abbott of the 2nd, Biddulpb,
bas moved into the village and will
conduct a dray business, having pur-
chased the outfit of A. Isaac. -G. L.
McDougall of Toronto is the tempor-
ary Principal of the high school. His
services are available for two months
only. In the meantime the board will
endeavor to engage a permanent man.
Mise McMillen of London, as one of
the assistants, fills the vacancy of Miss
Carter of Guelph, who has gond to Es-
sex. -Miss Violet Carter bas returned
to Toronto to resume her position at
Fairweather's.-Miss Nellie Hodgins
of Woodstock is visiting in the village
and township. -The Caledonia Apple
Evaporating Company have taken
over Ward's Evaporator, and aro pre-
paring tor a season's trig business.
Iiirkto:t Fah- will be held on Tnur's-
1ty and Frids:-. 0:1. 1st and 2r.d, 110;9
Literal prices in all classes and big at-
..tctione. speed contests, 2.23 Trot or
Pace, :1-tuinute trot or fact, Iiiglt Jump-
ing for hot sets. Foot races, Lady drivers
dryer medal valu,d at 810.00, offered
by ilartk of Commerce, Exeter, for the
:test Single Carriage turnout. Public
School Competition -procession, (II ill
And p.itr:otic souse. Admission 25 cts.
ldren 10 etre., carriages 23 cts. For
prize (lets and other Information write
the secretary, AMOS DOI'PE, Kirkton.
Seaforth: An ultra fashionable
wedding took glare at ten o'clock on
Wednesday morning at St. James'
Catholic church, the occasion being
the marriage of Miss Marie Louise
Kidd, daughter of Thomas Kidd, one
of Seat ti's est residents, to Peter
Edwart eq n of Guelph.
A "Pact
. r nlppl
;1 ren to
td Il
dna t these "pacifiers'•
• 1 no 1t Is dYarovar(d that the alarm-
: l•ic t.' of th:• growth of adenoids
,•..t enlarged 1'units is directly due• to
se aupposediy harmiens "pa(lflars."
S physician w: a ;':,s given mors tt t:t
n:ty years of ills lite to work among
c'i l irert In hoapltal, dispensary and in
o Ivate work .an,uug toe poor and
we,+Ithy. dee larce lnat about ether -tent. s
of the canes of enlargement of the ton -
a ls, arid 'he tr.-sense of adenoids can
b' directly traced to the use of :he "par-
' : and uta medical profeenlon. el-
,, ,. to a uaii. has Indorsed this nils•
411(1 ■t.atemen'. The constant
a ,.• of the "paelfircr'• causes thr
r;' palate of the r .Ild to res: a3 tins?
posterior wall of t le_mouthco.int-
.:ly and ttas constant friction tends
n pir-rturr 1,rlt.t;ioa end coh{;e9tion.
The "pacifier" f,a. now been sbaoluttiy
. .;:shed in c tlidren's hospitals. The
ry 1s .a it important one. stmt
in no question t at these "pact fl.
are urive:s-atlY us'.1. whiff,' It is
1 , ' Ira that the Inereasing nt ed of op-
- iota upon children for adenoids rood
111 gee tot s;Is teas mystified tee.
y.'riarts and p.aret's.
a i)
e. So th
e Sens enc
a black or white ruh-
t a .sole Its It. it Is
"keep 111111 yui_1'
nine tenths of the
Cook's Cotton Root Compound'
The g'• •: Uterine Tonle. an
only • etre. ilia' Month!
Inc,;.'. to•rwhi.hrvotur•ncr,
del. r : -...1 in three drgrt•
J . q of err, r'rth--'o. 1. tl : 5'. -
N.,. -t 10 to -gra .. a stronger : N". ,,
• for piss ,,t1
ia•tial cases. per bar.
7 Polon n all dot ebt or nen,
{j rrpnhl no rcce pt of price. i
Frac. p,am 'hlert. Addre<+: 711 1
.s Mtoter.ICo..To1rortio,dst. gfoe"oe 1w endsori
E. McMorran of Detroit is visiting
at R. Bonthron's.-Mise Stephenson
of Tilberry is the guest of Miss Hagan.
-Miss Mary Hagan is home from Ing-
ersoll for two weeks holidays. -Mr.
Gill, who resides with his daughter,
Mrs. T. Hudson, has been seriously ill.
-Mrs. Manns has returned from Exe-
ter, after spending a week with her
son, Gordon. -Ed. Dignan moved in-
to town last week. -Hal. White and
Wes. Yungblut started to school in
Clinton last week. -Nicol Shirray of
Saskatoon visited his mother and sis-
ter here. -John Wren of Toronto and
Rev. D. Wren of Maidstone came home
to attend the funeral of their father,
the late Geo, Wren. -Mrs. Smalla•
combe, Sr., and Mrs. W. Chapman
left last week for a visit with relatives
in Paris and Brantford, also to attend
the wedding of Charles Westaway
and Miss Groob of the latter place. -
Will Bonthron, wife and child, who
have been visiting the parents of the
former, James Bonthron and wife for
some weeks, returned to Grand Forks,
B. C. -At her home Petrolea, Miss
Bruce. who was head milliner at the
Old Established for three seasons, was
united in marriage with Percy Lang-
ford of Kenora, Man.
DIIATII-On August 29th, George
Wren died suddenly at his residence,
corner of Nelson and North Richmond
streets. Though the deceased had
been ailing for nearly two years and
at times death seemed near yet he
rallied again and of late appeared to
be improving. His death was caused
by heart failure. George Wren was
one of the most genial and pleasant of
men and everybody liked him. He
was an earnest devoted christian and
has been a member of the Methodist
church for years. Born in Pennsyl-
vania he moved to Nova Scotia where
he engage" in coal mining. Ile after-
wards moved to Huron County and
settled on the farm now occupied by
his son. He left for California, where
he put in three years, afterwards re-
turning to Canada and resumed farm-
ing. A few years ago he and his fam-
ily inoved to Hensall. His wife pre-
deceased him about four years. The
funeral took place on Tuesday to Mc-
Taggart's cemetery. The departed
was in his 72nd year and leaves three
sons, George on the farm, John a
teacher in a Toronto Collegiate and
Rev. David a minister in the London
Conference, and a daughter Miss An-
nie at the home.
Stephen -Invitations are out for the
wedding of Mr, John Middleton, Jr., of
(Inch rich Township, and Stuns n-'rtha
11. ytrr. d.wght, r of Sir. T. Itayter of
-t phen. The dot, is Wednesday. the
16th Inst.
Catarrh Now Curable.
But never by Medicine swallowed,
Snuffs, Sprays or Douches.
Catarrh is not a blood disease and
that is why it cannot be cured by any
medicine taken into the stomach.
Catarrh is a gertn trouble contracted
from the germ -laden air you breathe
inward. These germs fasten themsel-
ves in the tissue and air cells of the
breathing organs, multiply by mill-
ions, cause sneezing, coughing, raising
of mucous, discharge from the nose,
tickling in the throat and other symp-
toms that can only be reached by the
dry air principal of Ilyotnei.
ft medicates the air you breathe
with the curative properties of the
Australian Eucalyptus Forests where
catarrh is unknown.
The reason you get relief in a min-
ute or two from Hyomei is because it
destroys every catarrhal germ in the
air you breathe, and its dry penetrat-
ing aroma will reach the innermost
recesses of the air passages, killing
rnillions of germs a minute. Their de-
struction means freedom for oppressed
respiratory organs. W. 8. Cole sells
Hyomei under a guarantee of satisfac-
tion or money back. Price. $1.00.
Undoubtedly the best :'•'coed on
the continent. Proved to be ,o by
analysis of four chemists, and by
awards of the world's great Exhi-
bitions, especially Chicano 1893,
where it received ninety-six points
out of a possible hundred, much
higher than any other furter in the
United States or Canada.
are just as good
for the Bladder
as they aro for the Kidneys. If there Is trouble in retaining urine-- if
you have to got up three or four times or oftener during the night- -- if the
trine is hot and scalding -Gin Pills will quiekly relieve the trouble.
They cure the kidneys and heal the irritated bladder. 50e. a box;
6 for 10.50. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price.
Su rtes F1•rrntriy
MAP ft try
mention this TORONTO 105 Bois 1/rruj Co..
SicGllitvray-It is with deep sorrow. Ire was a great sufferer for rnthy
months from heart trouble. 1le was a
consistent member of tl,e Methodist
ehurc:, for over forty years and always.
found ready to do the master's will.
He leaves to mourn lite loss, a wif•,,
two sons, three daughters. and three
step -daughters, two brothers and two
sisters. The funeral took place to.
Parkhill cemetery, the funeral services
being conducted by the Rev. M:'. Stead-
that we record- the death of an old, re-
spected to ttierof McGillivray, in the per-
son, of Mr. henry Wickert, who died at
his home, west of Greenway, on Aug.
24111, aged 73 years and one nnonth.
tea was twin In Germany and carte to
this country In 1839. Forty-five years
ago he moved to McGillivray and set-
tled on the farm on tl,e 27ttt concession
u., whieh he lived until death called Linn.
About Qualifying Yourself for •
Successful Career.
Te learn the folly of ea t'
Weft without a I%wi ops Mseatiast -
resd est Pre. Catalog.:
VII 4,dIsM. 1. Imam. ..J.ss/
ti.1tTM 5S tweet Osy Mildew G.11.dv
e..t.`"`<w.. elsaa t.r.� • - who
...tett.-'. Diploma!
J..1 wind veer sass
ea,l .stir.w - C.tet.g..
.d1 r.a.la y.s
Aar rums
Sept. ant
The Forest City
Bas111iess & Shorthand College
Lemke, O.lario.
J. W. West.r•.Il. J. W. R'e,t,n.'?. J:. C.A
Principal. Vk.•{,n,::pel
Western Fair
Greatest Live Stock Exhibition
of Western Ontario
Full Programme of Attractions twice daily. including Kemp's
Wild West Show. Best of Music. Fireworks Each Evening.
Colne and enjoy yourself at London's Popular Fair.
Prize t.i.t., Entry Forms and all information
leen on Arpli. anion
W. J. REID, President t:A. M HUNT, Secretary
London, Sept. 11-19
r(1 Tel
TEACHER—Johnnie, what docs this represent?
JO 11 N N I E—Perrin's School l3iscuits,
TEACIIER—What do you know about tlleln ?
JonNN1lz;—They are good to eat. Mother says they are the best biscuits
made for hungry boys and girls.
TEACHER—Correct, Johnnie, your Mother is right. I also use them
and find them exceedingly good.