HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-09-10, Page 4learn of your contemplated departure
i� i te) tiUal'l1te, from among us, after bell► numbered
as our closest friends and neighbors
S 1'i.,y a. during your part life. Your removal
is a distinct loss and one that will be
TB I' ItSDA Y, Se111. 1 4), 190 bard to fill, and pray that in your new
home you will be bountifully blessed
by the Giver of all good,
The Jfeformers of 'nth Huron will
hula a eon ventian in Hensel!, on Sept.
Lith for the purpose f ing a ran -
did ate tor the Dominion House. It is
expected W. 11. (',tett. chief Liberal
whip, high (itittmi •, \1. 1'.. of Guelph
anti °there iiIl address tits• meeting.
it is a foregone conclusion that M. Y.
McLean, the present member will be
the choice.
Government detectives are scouring the
Province for Infractions of the L1.iunr
License Act. Kingston, Owen Sound,
1ian:11ton. Guelph, Stratford, London,
and Goderich :,ave lately e'en visited
with prosecutions tollu.ving and result-
ing In heavy penalties. As the third
offence within two years means the
cam citation of the 1`. -cense and a fine of
fi a nwu to four hundred dollars
liquor dealt rs would du wellt o be care-
ful and • keep hotel." 1f they do this
they will be free front law and as safe
as the ' King 1n IIs castle."
Central. I
Mr. \W 11. Butt, Jr., who ,gas bean in
D( U•oit for sone weeks is .e. tin oriel •r
the parental rout. -Jou:, liepburn and
daughter, Aggle, are visiting frlends In
Toronto. -Miss Graham of Sntallnlan and
itgram's. Lo:,dou, spent Labor I)ay at
the Methodist parsonage.-\\-nl. Tay-
lor's hoist' was struck by a locomotive
on Tuesday 'nothing a;ld killed. it will
be quite a loss to 'Ibily. ' \tr. .J. \W.
Dora" th. who taught school at Eden un-
til recently. has been engaged as te.te;,er
er at Morningside, Alberta, and reports
himself as ting well pleased wit:- the
work and the country. -Mr. and Sirs,
Sam Davis are visiting friends at Wat-
ford. -The League meeting was conduct-
ed by Miser Esther Mitchell and Mrs.
(Dr.) Orme on Tutwday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Nevin of London were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. McCoy
over Sunday.
Our babel•all boys took the train to
Clinton Labor Day and there pi tycd a
double: header with the teats of that "own
The moaning gang resulted 1t favor of
Cent: aIla, 9-4, and the afternoon game
In favor of Clinton, tJ-2. We are elorry
that Mil!. Mitchell got hurt by having
his hand spilt between the two middle
fingers when catching a ball. it will
Ineonveli1iac him for some time.
!rimed -\1r. Thomas Willis was the
vk•tint of an unfortunate accident at the
early hour of 5.43 a.m. on Wednesday
of last week. Ile was sitting with his
toot of the ledge by the engine In his
butter factory, wafting for the flat
churning to be done, when his foot slip-
ped, and the crank araeft atruek it, tear-
ing off a part of the boot and so injur-
ing lite nage to,. ut Its r.; I. fit, that
the bone to nearly t first Joint was
smashed into many ptcccs and had to be
rcmov, d. The second toe was also bad-
ly bruised. Mr. Whits waited for about
two hours for Vie route of Dr. Orme.
who wan In the country, and tern was
tweed to ,(rive to Frceter to obtain med-
ical attendance. it will be sometime [a-
fore he will have the use of the foot.
and he may always be slightly latae.
The Chicken-ple Social given herr
under the autpk(s of L',o Met'rodltt
clutch. on Monday evening was attend -
el with excellent success. The rhur.11
was filled to the utmost capacity, people
being present from all the nelghbor)rg
villages. The good Hangs p.ovlded for
the o;rasion were served from 7.11,1 to
' U o'clock, after wider a choice program
was retalcs ed. Interesting addrosaea
were delivered by Rev. Fair and Sir.
Burgess. The singing by the Credito:(
choly was highly pleasing white the el-
ocutionary selections by Mtiss itobinsn a
of Klrktun were admirably rend vett.
The proc'reds amounted to abort 311t. -
Mr. and Niro. 11crt ao Kyle retur•r.d
from Toronto Fair Friday.-Mcsers.
John, I'(al 1, .lo ,n, Thom es and ' J
Hera are attending thy Toronto Fair
this week. -M r. Sol. Jacques, •t nnr-
pat,iet1 by his sister. Mrs. Gen: •;
of Recto-. and Mr. and Mrs. ilobt. Tay-
lor, is attending the Toronto Fate this
w1 k. after whlc;l they will visit in the
Res' f.r t couple of weeks. -Sir. and
Mrs. near) learn returned Monday
tette" a few days' visit At (Irani Bend
-Miss.Mary Taylor of Exeter Is visit -
Ing friends here. -Mr. Jon Towle . who
stet with an accident while litr•.whhtg to
couple of weeks ago, we are sorry to
!tate Is not improving as rapidly as his
Mends would desire.-:\ r,c w bridge is
being ete(ted over Hcrn's Creek. a tcalt
:Wile west of here, La' aid one Raving
been badly damaged by a tractio.r en-
gine passing over It.
Several from the village and viclnity
,t tended the social at Zion on Monday
evening and report a good time• -It Is
rumored Kobe tre.tuently that wedding
belle wIa he ringing Itt our el:iuity t
the near future. -The beet ring held a
meeting on Saturday evening last and
decided to go on for another to wecka.
-Mr. and Mrs. Clt,. Mlnere of London
spent a new days lite guests of Mr.
and Mrs. S. Joins and \Ir. 301111 din-
ers. -The C. O. C. F have their new
hall completed. and held their drat
meeting thelrin on Friday evening last
-The Township otftetals have had the
Tow: ship Hall repainted and ehlngler.
and the walls and ceiling c.tlsomined.
whits adds very much to the appear -
an r of the tall. -ter. Deo. Pullyplat.-c of
St. gnat ys had the contract.
Pit s•. nia.lo'; -The Ilona. of Mr. Red
Mrs. itiehard Runlet wag t',c scene: of
a p)•-asant surprise on Monday eve.11•14.
Sept 7th. when relatives and friend. -n
the :wmtt(t of thirty repotted to
tto.ile on a pleasant tnllsloi, t;•e a -
lo:t bring the eve of their departure trona
this ncightueho0c1 to meld.• in itT ter.
whither they are this week moving. T
kindly host and hottest :Ltd b'^rl 1 • e
renhie :e of Hats townlshlp. and tale
gat1 2.ng .vldelcced tete esteem in which
they arc held by presenting them with
I. t.:ful oak abate An 1 Whir. qa. ,1!-
1 a rucuptuout .upper and :a
p 0.; t.1111 lit games, music. err.• trade up
,)e1 enjoyable evening. Th., add- +4
i t i9 !eJlOwS.-
Kinrville. S i t. ith. 12l'
To \iR..'..9 Mem Mellen!) 11t•NTFI(
Dever Friet.doe--
it is with regret that we
Not only will you be missed as'.
neighbors and friends. but in your
work in connection with the Church
and Sunday School, in which you
have always taken a deep interest.
You and your Cutely have ever been
true friends of the glorious cause and
were ever ready to sacrifice self to
promote its welfare. We are, how-
ever. pleased that you are not con-
templating a removal to a distant
point, but to where we may oftimes
meet and enjoy your hospitality, of
which you are both gifted.
Although we will be separated more
than in the past, we know that your
thoughts will often revert to the old
home and many fond associations of
the past.
To express a slight token of the ap-
preciation of your association with us
during these long years, and not wish-
ing you to go away, even for so short
a distance, we desire you to accept
this present, which we hope may be
enjoyed by you for many years to
Signed on behalf of your neighbors
and friends,
Last Monday was Labor Day. The
majority of our young people spent the
day out of town. The Council haus
their regular business meeting in the
after -noon. Gottlob Brown was re-
appointed Tax Collector and soon his
smiling face will appear and ask you
to contribute your portion of the
"white man's burden." -August Kuhn,
who has been connected with (he Sov-
ereign Bank since it opened here and
later with the Bank of Commerce, has
received notice to go to the branch in
Chatham and will fill the teller's posi-
tion in the bank. Ho will leave here
probably on Thursday. August is a
bright fellow and his future looms up
bright in the profession he has adopt-
ed. -Our school closed fur Labor Day.
The teachers spent their holidays at
their homes. The Misses Dunlop and
Polley in Goderich and Mies Hartleib
in Dashwood. -Herb. Eilber is spend-
ing a few days in Detroit witb his
cousins. -The Misses Salome and Em-
ma Tietuan of Dashwood visited Miss
Clara Heist of Crediton East for a few
days the past week. -Arthur Keller-
tnann again occupied theulpit in the
Evangelical church last Sunday and
delivered excellent sermons. Next
Sunday evening a special song service
will be given, during which special
music will be rendered by the choir
and Male Chorus. -Miss Mary Bert-
rand is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Israel
Smith of Hamilton this week. -Art.
Zwicker was in London last Friday. -
Some of our sports attended the races
in Zurich on Labor Day.
Last Friday the sports from the vill-
age of Zurich descended upon this vill-
age with their Band. It looked like a
Victoria Day Celebration. After the
Band rendered several stirring selec-
tiong. the crowd went to the Recrea-
tion Grounds, where the visitors faced
our stars in a game of base -ball but
they were defeated by a score of 11-9.
The bowlers were here alto and were
defeated by 2, made up as follows:
Zurich Crediton
\Vilhanls Kuhn
Dichert Brown
Lamont Eilber Hy.
(tau, skip :':ll Mahon, skip 21
Hess Morlock
(else Sweitzet
Zeller James
Sipple, skip 21 Either 11. F. akip U))
Dashwood boys were here and play-
ed our boys several setts of Tennis,
winning out as follows:
Siebert -Miller vs Brown-Eilber. 4-6: 1-6.
Siebert -Kellerman vs Brown- Either,
Final sett, Siebert -•Kellerman vs
iirown lather, (I(►,
1VKbttxb -Th if7lle of Mre. Wnl,
Atkinson itt St. M s, was the scene
of a very pretty wedding on Wednes-
day, when her daughter, Grace M.,
was united in marriage to t'rhan
Essery of Lethbridge, Alta. Promptly
at teen, while the sweet strains of the
wedding march was played by Miss
Hohy Essery of Crediton, the groom
entered the drawing -roost and took
his place under tin arch of palms and
potted plants with mirror bark ground
wreathed with slintax and ferns, to
await the bride, who was given away
by her mother. The ceremony was
solemnized by itev. Mr. McCanns of
St. Marys in the presence of only the
inutediate relatives of the contracting
pettiest. The couple were unattended.
The bride wits gowned in white point
d'esprit over taffeta silk. After hearty
e.ngratnlations had been extended.
the guests repaired to the dining -
room where a sumptuous dinner was
served. The tables were tastily decor-
ated with .ntilex, carnations and sweet
pens. ihr array of beautiful and cost-
ly presents testified to the esteem in
which Mr, and Mrs. Essery are held.
After the rustmnary showers of dow-
ers and tire the couple took their ale-
`erture lot the wedding trip to Port
ilnrnn 'tral points up the lakes, the
bl idt' travelling in gray cloth with lint
(o match.
The weather still elm tinnes very dry
and the Hurt tronhlesome. Arnong
the visitors' here on Labor 1)av were
\Ir, hull \lis. \\-es. Hodgins of Sr.
'l'hnnta'; Mr. Pullman and wife, 3.
1'ntnin,ihanl and tear. bliss ina amt
Mould Bice, of London; reeve Bi.,
f D,•tloit - -lin, ('alter of London
.pert n few clays with bit inoltir h't'
I. -t week.- 11i -s Lt,'ii0 Patton anti
Mrs. A. E. ll'slgins have gone to Tor.
onto to take in the Exhibition. -Mer-
11 het. tied y. eft er spending a couple
,,f weeks wit h his ft ienJt bet e. ti;.s re-
tt t rd to his home it Georgetown. --
iR••t•. 11,e aid. of iw•nton, preached in
et, .lar..es ('hereh Send:ty, Rev. :'ar•
I. -le being in London. --Miss Robinson
1i'lle, Aunt,Mrs. `
. 1.0 115 Oe'
feere Simpson bit returned
"tn,• aft' r spending the summer with
, r 1),•1)01 1n Muskoka.- \Ve ere
, -pled to beer that Mr. Win. ('un•
„hetu .s sontett•hat unproved ;n
.• Miss \1i -a l':tta hti returned to
11 trait :tf'' t •P••ttl:ng a co)')!' (-I
weeks with her parents here. -G. W.
Amy spent Sunday and Monday with
his sister, Mrs. Trevet hick, of Brine -
ley. -Quite a number of our voung
men attended the ball game in Lucan
Labor Day, played by the Irish Nine
and the Gray Steads of Lob ).
v[, If It1toKESsItiltE. DAslIN•OOD, CONVEY-
LLs KNCEtt. steeds, wells, Mortgages and al
Legal Documents carefully and promptly prepared.
Charges moderate.
\londaY being Labor Day was very
quiet tit the village, utast of the people
going to other places of amusement. -Mr.
D. (toss has moved with his fancily and
household effects to Arkona. wlare he
'res second more lucrative e.rtploynt• tet
-Mr Arthur Kellerman preached at
Crediton on Sunday last. Ile will (cave
I,I afew days to 1'esunI1 !eta studi, a :11
Naperville College. -\l r. Poll] Schroe-
der and sister left Monday for Fort
‘Wayne, Ind. -Air. Rudolph Eiftt1 is at
present eta wing acquaintances ;a the
village. Ile is pastor of the Luther Ian
eongregatlioi at Tavistock. -Severn front
here attended the Children Day serekes
at Zurich on Sunday. -Messrs. D. W.
Shore and \V. Miller are attending the
Exhibition at Toronto this week. -The
Misses Tiernan are spending some time
with friends at Crediton. -Mr. and Mrs.
U. Se tit oeder spent Sunday with friends
at Thedford.
Another Source)
.\ number from hero 'attended toe races
at '!.u)•trh Labor Day. -Mr. II. T. Dun-
lop, manager of the Farmers Bank of
Canada, was last week given -barge of
the Inuceficld Uralic:, of tae bank, to
addition to the brand herr. Ile will
spend three days of sac:a week at each
br;u:ch.-Archie Itutledge of London
spent Labor Day at his hone here.
miss Dunn of Thorndale arigveti here
Tuesday and has taken coarse of Mee -
Silex Bertha Sutherby 18 home on her
:wilds ;oh -Messrs. .1 Wog la and Har-
vey Squires attended service at Cet-
:ralitt Sunday. -Mrs. Dan. IlodSron
,,pen' last vrtek at Toronto and Niagara
eat ts.-\tier Bcasle Morley and J.
W. Ight rend, red a duct at the pray, r
u. tL,g Sunday evening. Next Sunday
id to be a en.srlonary Inceting.-Our pas -
.ora paid a visit arout,d :tore 'rtture-
1,y,-w'od has been iccclved from out'
boys who went Nest that wank is scarce
,'.d nten p,eutttul.-Mr. and ttra. .lohtt
lluu•Iinsun, spent Friday in Stratford
-Mrs. J. Wright spent her holidays with
Nita. I'aeslnure In Stratford. -Mrs. \.
Gunning !taunted haute Saturday from
let r aunt's at Paisley.
(Maple Grove)
W. H. Hodgins of West McGillivray
spent Sunday evening with A. E. Kil-
mere.-D. Edwards and wife spent
Sunday with friends at Kirkton.-
Most of the farmers in this viciuity
are through sowing wheat. -A. W.
Neil and wife of London spent Sunday
and Monday with his parents on the
2nd. -P. Bice spent Sunday with his
parents on the 2nd. -Miss A. Lewis of
Denfield spent Sunday with friends on
the 4th con. -Messrs. Gilbert & Can-
ning are doing a rushing business in
threshing this season. -W. McGuire
spent Sunday with friends in London
Mrs. F. Sheller and Master Norton
of Buffalo are visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. McPherson. -Miss Eva
Eggert left on Thursday for Detroit,
she was accompanied by her brother
Ervin, who will spend a few days with
friends there. -Miss Nellie Hotson left
for London on Wednesday. -Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Foster and Mr. and Mrs.
ars. Tiernan 3 Edtghoffet's millinery do- Nelson Hayter are attending Toronto
pertinent. -A. ti. \Wett:r, has returned Fair.-Mre.'tV. J. Wilson and Mrs. E.
f:0111 a pleasant visit with friends and Stinson spent 1'fonday afternoon at
I elatives in Berlin and Waterloo.-Wm.,
Ed. McPbersone.-Miss Mae Nilson
Sehrorder of St. Marys spent Sunday' returned home on Monday after a
lid Monday the guest of his parents, pleasant month's visit with friends in
\Ir. and Mrs. Gco. Selo ocder.-Jacob Thorndale and London. -Mrs. Robert
Schroeder of Guelph paid a flying visit! English is visiting her sister, Mrs. A.
0 friends to the v),..tgc on Thuredayd$taa thereon the 19tb.-W. T. Ulene
Jake is on his way to visit his mother, attended a meeting of the House of
who resides near Detroit, prior to his Refuge Committee in Strathroy last
leaving for Montt cal, where has se."ur- week. -The Women's Institute will
ed a good position with at dry -goods meet at Mrs. H. Wickert's. Jr., on
firm. -The Planing Mill Co. L't'd, has Tuesday, Sept. teeth, at 2 o'clock.
their ttew factory moved and almost Everybody welcome. -Fresh Pork and
roofed and will be running in a tee.. Balogna Sausage for sale at W. J.
weeks. -Two of our bowling rinks went Wilson's.
to Zurich on Labor Day. We have not
heard the sem e.-liermau Zimmer 15
',pending a couple of weeks at Toronto,
Buffalo and other polnta. Herman must
nave great attraction In Uncle San:'s do-
The final game for the trophies don -
Ly the prt alder t of the bow,;ng
club, Sir. Burdon, is to be played off 011
-:u green this Thursday afternaon at
3. 16 o'clock.
Dress Goods in all the leading Shades and Cloths in Venetians, Broad-
cloths, Satin -finished Cloths, Fancy Stripes, Plain, Etc., AT CLOSE PRICES
We handle the Celebrated D. & A. Corset.
New Mantles and Jackets
We rre sole agents for the
Celebrai.ed Puritan Brand Ladies' and Children's
Mantles and Jackets
For style and quality and excellent fitters, there is none to empties them.
We have them in loose -fitting, also semi -fitting. All the latest. Be sure to
call and see them before snaking your purchases.
New Flannelette,., Wrapperettes, Flannelette Blankets,
Wool Blankets, Sheetings, &c., &c.
New Hosiery, New Caps, New Mitts, NevtGloves, New Underwear,
of all kinds and sizes.
Men's anti Boy -' R.:uly-tt,-\\'ant• Suits at Bargain Prices.
Be sure and see our stock of New Fall Tweeds and Worsteds in the new shades.
SHOES -% large and well assorted stock of all SHOES
the leading styles and make's, at prices
lower than ever. If you want a pair of good Boots or Shoes, give us a call.
A lot of odds and ends will be cleared regardless of cost.
Gents' Furnishing
The biggest Bargains ever offered, as we wish to lower our stock in this
department. Also Bargains in our Made -to -Order Tweeds and Worsteds
if in need of a suit be sure and see whet we can do for you before you pur-
chase. Collars, Socks, Braces, Ties, Hate, Caps and Underwear.
See the NEW KNiTI'ED TIE, the very latest, in all shades
STRAW HATS, :g cts. SHiIRTS, 50 cts.
:1 PAIR SOCKS, 25 cts.
Cut Nails (slightly rusted) all lengths, 2c per lb.
1 only "Favorite" Churn
1 " " Peerless " Washer l at Bargain Prices.
1 " "Leader" Washer I
1 " Ilannto'k, t egular $2.511, for $2.00,
Long handle Shovels, aOc. " D" handle Spades, slightly rusted, laic
Mad iroue. regular $1.25, for $1.(I(), (art of 3 irons, 1 stand and 1 handle)
Window Screens, clearing at 20c each.
A full line Scoep Shovels and Grain Rig..if you are in need of any Fencing, Ideal Woven Wire the ''est Fencing
he sure and buy the trade.
We are the agents for the
All kinds of faints, Oils, Varnishes, Machine Oil, Cylinder 0i1. and Sep-
arator Oil on hand. We handle the
Celebrated Sherwin- Williams Prepared. Paints.
They go the f ut) '.t and wear the longest because THEY ARE BEST.
CHiNA, ('IZO('KEItY and GLASSWARE DEP1'. is full with it large range
of Dinner Setts, Toilet Sett., Lemonade Set ts, Farley China. Fancy Glass-
ware. Our prices are as low AS the lowest.
A large stock of ,all kinds of School Supplies for School Opening
Grocery Department
Ti full of new and ftv.h goods. \\'e pay special +tltehtion to this
department. Our pores are t ight.
i Iles. (i00.1 GI eel) 'ren, el lie 2 lbs. i1,•st fir' en (*effete 25, rte.
Seed, d It iisin-, In • I). " •' Roast IZi) ('•.fire, 2.1e
Kra: n it inky, .i•• pkg. " pkg. Ammonia Powder :)c
Salmon, IIIc tin. 1',lir null Peas, :i rats for 2.i„
A fall .:ripply of I'ieklin►( Spice., (',rte \• taste r, 'r•t' it Mnstntd Seett,
Celery Seed, Ginger Root, ('hillier. ll' •.. fir. All sizes "CrnWtl" Fruit Jere ill
stock. Flint .Lar ltul,)ers, e• anti foe d, z.
We handle the.
Celebrated Red Rose, Salads. & Blue Ribbon Teas
in Ib. and 1 lb. packages. In Green, 111.(ek and Mixed. Try a package.
Highest Prices Paid for Farm Produce.
('all ane( Examine our Goods and Pi ices and be convinced that we 1)O
Corner Store, -
B. a. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
1 Paid-up Capital, $10
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States a> nglapi
cls and under 3 cents
Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents
" $10 " " $30 10 cents
N $30 .1 a $50 13 cents
These Orders are payable at par at every office of,, ClurIered BitrtkjR
(Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in thi United States.Nit
are nego'iable at $4.90 to the 4, sterling in Great Britain and Ireland.
They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with safet
at .mall cost, and may be obtained without delay.
Exeter Branch -G. %V. Harrison, Manager, Branch also at Crediton
Your savings are the safeguard
of your future, You want to
place them where there is no
chance whatever of losing them.
You can do that by depositing
them with this Company, or by
taking out a Debenture for $100
or more, for one or more years.
By law no depositor or debenture
bolder can lose one dollar of
principal or interest while any
assets remain to cover his
investment. The assets of this
Company exceed $11,000,000, N
that there is no chance of len.
In fact there is no financial in-
stitution in Canada which can
offer you more absolute certainty
of safety.
Correspondence will be gladly
entered into with those interested
In banking by mail.
Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont.
Seaforth: John Weberhas disposed
of his barbering business to Jae. Pen -
der. Mr. Weber intends taking a holi-
day in Toronto and Michigan before
going into business. He is a steady
young man and a good barber.
Clinton: Sunday evening last death
claimed one of Clinton's pioneers, in
the person of Mrs. Samuel Cook. De-
ceased has been afflicted with paraly-
sis for upwards of six years. and con-
fined to the bed for praetically the
whole of the time.
Wood's Phosphodiim,
The Great L'n(IIL4A Remedy.
Tones and I n v ii;orates the whole
nervous • n, makes new
Blood intl•l i eine Cures Nero- ,
"ua Debility. Mental an,/ Bra a Worry, Ilea-
•wlntfrnr•y, Serual Weakn'aa, Erniaaioaa. $per•
+torrh,ret, and F, Bets of Abuse or Erceasea,
•rice it per box. sister $S. One will please six
.will cure. Bold by all druggiets or tnafle4 in
plain pkg. on receipt of bice. Hew pumpAlet•
mailed free. TB* Wood Medicine Co.
(formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont
Attend The Best I
Is recognized as the LARGEST, IIEST arid MOST
SUCCESSFUL prncticai training school in west.
ern Ontario.
Cosseserclal, Short.
hard. Telegraphic
our graduates secure good ponitinr:s and forge
to the frontwrite for our free e.ta'OeUe, you
will find it interesting. 1'u .STter at ahs
The Molsons Bank
Incorporated invite
Rest Fund
Has 63 Branches in Canada, and Agents and ('orreepondents in all the
Principal Cities in the World.
at all Rranehes. interest allowed at highest current tate.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON sit CARLiNO, Solicitors.
N. D. HURDON, Manager,
Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, Toilet
Sets, Etc., Etc.,
We have undoubtedly the finest line34f
goods that have ever been shown in this
district. We can suit you in quality and
price every time.
Wedding Presents
Weddings occur at all seasons, but the big
season is now approaching. We are ready
for it with the finest rings & best presents.
Call and Examine Early
Exeter, Ont.